Pat Tillman Whistleblower Assassination

1  2018-09-14 by T3Baron

Pat Tillman, a pro American football star, Army Ranger and subsequent casualty of the aftermath of 9-11, was shot and killed by "friendly fire" while on duty April 22nd 2004.

Two weeks before his end of service he spoke to a journalist in the field about his future in the Army. The journalist recorded everything on tape.

Journalist: Pat you're down to your tour, you're getting outa here pretty soon.

Pat: Yeah Im getting out in two weeks and I'm going back to the states.

Journalist: Are you going to stay in the Army?

Pat: No, when I get out I'm going to be the biggest whistleblower America has ever seen.

Pat had set up a meeting with outspoken governmental corruption social critic and author Noam Chomsky, soon after his return to the states. Pat kept a diary that was just loaded with damning accounts of corruption. There is no doubt he was going to share his notes with Chomsky.

Pat never got to visit with Chomsky, he was assassinated a few days after his interview in the field with three .223 bullets to the forehead by an unknown soldier.

The official story was that Pat was killed by enemy fire in the mountains of Afghanistan. Only thing is, there was no firefight that day.

As the lie unraveled the military adjusted the story a few weeks later claiming it was a case of mistaken identity and he was shot by one of our own from about 40 yards away.

Still, there was no firefight that day. How can this be explained?

Pat Tillman's mother Mary told witnesses the rounds were placed within the diameter of a US quarter into his forehead.

An autopsy revealed that the three bullets were tightly placed and that he was shot with a .223 round, possibly an M16, from 10 yards away. The coroner reported, "The medical evidence did not match up with the scenario as described".

The original story claimed 40 to 50 yards away. Still, at either length, how does an American soldier not recognize one of his own. As I said, there was no firefight that day. There were no stress factors involved.

Pat was shot in broad daylight from 10 yards away.  

A public report describes how members of Tillman's unit burned his body armor and uniform in an apparent attempt to hide the fact that he was killed by friendly fire. His notebook, in which Tillman had recorded some of his thoughts on Afghanistan, was also burned. This  blatant violation of protocol had to have been called for by a senior officer.

In the words of Professor Michael I. Niman; "As both wars droned on, Tillman, the picture perfect recruiting poster boy, evolved into somewhat of a wild card. With a Chomsky meeting on the horizon, there existed a very real possibility that Tillman might go public with his anti-war anti-Bush (corruption) stance in the weeks leading up to the 2004 presidential election, dealing a fatal blow to the very foundation of the Bush administration's propaganda pyramid. That day, however, never came. On April 22nd, 2004, Tillman was killed on patrol in Afghanistan by three American bullets to the head".

Only after a FOIA request of the DoD's report did we get the following information confirmed;

  1. There has never been evidence of enemy fire found on the scene, and no members of Tillman's group had been hit by enemy fire.

  2. The three-star general who withheld details of Tillman's death from his parents for a number of months told investigators approximately 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn't recall details of his actions.

  3. Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments.

  4. Army doctors told the investigators that Tillman's wounds suggested murder because "the medical evidence did not match-up with the scenario as described."

What did Pat know?

At this juncture one can only speculate what was hiding in Pats journal. Only those soldiers who burned the notes will ever know for sure. However, taking into consideration the area he was stationed, I can draw one conclusion for sure.

Afghanistan is known as the heroin capitol of the world. This is where the largest acreage of poppy grows globally. This area is known to be controlled by the CIA and protected by US military personnel.

Soldiers like Pat Tillman who have never dreamed of being involved in illicit governmental corruption, then being forced to comply, would obviously have harsh feelings including that of blowing the lid off corruption to the American people.

Think of the 10's of thousands of soldiers that have gone thru there and witnessed what PT did. Acres and acres of poppy fields for the production of heroin which would be exported around the globe and end up in the hands of children only to produce addicts and ultimately the de-evolution of mankind.

Today heroin addiction is at it's peak and there's no sign of falling.

According to the CDC: "Between 2002 and 2013, the rate of heroin-related overdose deaths nearly quadrupled. Some of the greatest increases occurred in demographic groups with historically low rates of heroin use: women, the privately insured, and people with higher incomes".

The reason why this statistic is so compelling is because this is the exact timeframe the US Inc occupied Afghanistan under the pretense of "the war on terror", as a result of the 9-11 attack on NY City, USA.

The international drug trade is the biggest money making business in the world, next to the Catholic church. Just ask the Clinton's and the Bush family. This goes back decades. Remember Lt Col. Oliver North? Drug dealer! General Colin Powell? Drug Dealer! US Inc President George H. W. Bush? South American Cocaine Drug Lord Kingpin. Thanks for the CRACK! Later, keeping it in the family, US Inc President George W. Bush? Afghan Drug Lord Kingpin.

The list goes on and on like a never ending story. Every US Inc Presidential leader has known and facilitated in this endeavor.

It would not be out of line to suspect that Pat Tillman had the goods on the Bush regime and it's involvement in the heroin trade.

The following groups and personnel are complicit in the ordering and cover-up of Pat Tillman's assassination. Here are their names and faces. Notice the West Point graduates.

British Special Air Service


US Army General Richard A. Cody West point 1972

US Army General John Philip Abizaid West Point 1973

John covered up the story for as long as he could.

US Army General Martin Edward Dempsy West point 1974

U.S. General David Howell Petraeus West Point 1974

US Army General Stanley Allen McChrystal West Point 1976

Stan fictitiously detailed the account of Tillman's death. He included the phrase "in the line of devastating enemy fire," in his testimony.

Lt. Gen. Philip R. Kensinger Jr West Point 1970

Here's some insight into his direct involvement.

Gina Haresy who now works at the VA, signed his death certificate just five hours after his death and promoted Tillman from specialist to corporal. He also received the Silver Star and Purple Heart medals.

Six investigations and several congressional hearings later, while some of the Rangers involved were reprimanded and bumped back to the regular Army, no one was ultimately held responsible.

Under the 'special instructions' section of a standard Army form, Tillman had scrawled in block letters: "I do not want the military having any direct involvement in my funeral."

Pat Tillman was famous, he had the mic in his hand and he had access to the world stage.

Pat Tillman had a message that could change everything.

The peril with all whistle-blowers, as the truth starts to surface and becomes clear, the voice runs a high risk of getting extinguished.

One more thing, about the journalist who last interviewed Pat in the field. This guy must have said something to somebody about that which Pat had disclosed to him. Had he kept his mouth shut, Pat may still be alive. Or, least had lived to meet with Chomsky and tell his story. It's probably for good reason we can't ID him.

Believe nothing, believe everything.

Baron- T3


"when I get out I'm going to be the biggest whistleblower America has ever seen"

I'd argue that he was deeply suicidal to have voiced this anywhere.

Is there a source for the quote at the beginning?

Retired Lt Col. Air Force pilot turned whistle-blower Field McConnell.


It was a live conversation I was involved in. No link.

I just fixed it. My apologies for leaving that out.


Ya, I'd love to hear his voice on tape saying that he was gonna be a whistleblower.

This is the conspiracy equivalent to the movie troupe when a retiring cop says "I'm 3 days from retirement". Next scene, killed.

We need to apply another movie trope if we are ever in this situation. "If anything happens to me, my notes will be e-mailed to every major newspaper across the country."

This will be incorporated into my scripts.

Turkey, Bravo.

"I'm 3 days from retirement"

Ends up with three bullet holes in his forehead

I hate to be that guy but..... you do understand what link sources are suppose to be right? Almost none of your links provide any support to anything you’re saying, they all just go to wikipedia pages about the individual mentioned, or the front page of that organizations website.....

See if you can tell the difference here

“A man finds a 140 year old photo of Nicholas Cage proving he’s a vampire”


“A man finds a 140 year old photo of Nicholas Cage proving he’s a vampire”

See how one proves I’m not just making things up and the other isn’t useful? I’m not trying to pick on you. This was a well written post with some very bold claims, so sharing your research helps everyone else get on the same page.

I've never seen a more entitled group than the ones who appeared on this sub right after the 2016 election. Demanding to see sources, saying that if they aren't provided the direct links, then the info is "useless." Go do your own fucking research. You just spent ten minutes demanding links when you could have just typed into google and found tons and tons and tons of sources. Demanding sources doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like youre trying to discredit discussions on a conspiracy board. Which is the opposite of smart. Do your own fucking research and then come back here and use that research to help the discussion.

I didn’t demand anything and it’s not a sense of “entitlement”, here on planet earth its common practice for the person making a statement or claim to provide some sort of support to base it off of.

you can’t write what ever you want in a paper and hope the professor just believes you..... A president doesn’t just say “everything is great” they brag about the positive numbers from the sources which they are making that claim off of.... if I told my boss I could change the structure of the company to be more efficient and profitable, telling him “I’m just telling you what I know will work, if you want to know how I know it will work, go do the research yourself” probably would not fly.....

Providing actual research/support to a claim is a basic aspect of a civilized society today. I for one do not have time to go on these wild goose chases trying to find out what exactly an OP was reading prior to making a post. It could be the most interesting theory in the world, but if they don’t care enough to share their research with the audience, they can’t expect the audience to care enough to go find it.

...... lastly it’s crazy how aggressive users like you can be about people asking for sources or research, that is like pro-cult mentality shit right there.... “how dare you question what you are being told!!” I don’t know what your definition of sheepish is but mine would include “a tendency to blindly believe things”....

downvoted & blocked

Ha! Well good talk friend, you have a great day!

he provided links and sources. you disregarded them. that makes it pretty clear your agenda is to discredit anything he might provide to back his claim. if you want more info go do your own research. buddy doesn't owe you anything more. it's pretty easy to Google something all by yourself if you were actually interested in finding out if this is legitimate or not.

In case you missed OP’s response to my initial comment I’ll go ahead and fill you in

Mouth2005, good call. I just edited it to include the source on two claims.

I didn’t disregard anything, OP’s initial post wasn’t sourced well, I brought it up and gave an example to show OP what I was talking about..... and they made some adjustments.... it’s funny how the one person I was directly talking to didn’t take it as offensively as people who just want to chime in.......

And I have no agenda, nor would I attempt to discredit anything he provides. which I never even attacked the credibility of what he did provide I just said that Wikipedia profile pages and link to the homepages of various websites don’t support the claims in his post, and that providing links to his sources/research would make a much stronger argument.... if you go back to my initial comment I gave a pretty good example of this......

Its crazy to me that there is a subset of users here of all places that act like encouraging users to provide their sources/research is the end of the earth.....

fair enough.

Mouth2005, good call. I just edited it to include the source on two claims.

I want you to see their faces.

If you read all the links, you'll get the info you want.

I got some of this info from a discussion with another whistle-blower, retired Lt Col Air Force pilot Field McConnell.

Other than that everything is supported by FOIA reports, eyewitness testimony, coroner, other related articles and legal documentation of which is all linked.

Can you provide any links regarding the autopsy? Anything on the 3 .223 rounds to the forehead?

Even if Pat Tillman was planning to blow the whistle... the question would be what he could have known that would have made him "the biggest whistle blower". Not much tbh, and this is where this whole conspiracy falls apart.

The lesson here is to never, ever, announce that you know something that should be said. Tillman should have kept quiet until his meeting with Chomsky. I'm definitely NOT saying it was his fault he was murdered, but, never let on that you plan to talk.

Exactly. His higher ups saw this as treason and killed him for it.

It's all corrupt AF over there anyway with the Heroin, Military Industrial Complex charging tax payers x10-x100 for gas, food, vehicles ammo, etc. Big pharma links, Mossad Isis links, etc

What do you mean by big pharma and Mossad Isis links?

Big pharma heroin connection, Isis is funded by Mossad and Feds

Very interesting, OP. Commenting to say thanks and so I can come back and dig into the links you provided.

Damn. This is serious. Why are we just hearing of this?

Because our media is owned by the opposition. They would never publish anything contrary to the government story.

Think about it.

JFK, MLK, 9-11, global warming, medicine, vaccination, chemtrails, ufos, etc.

It's all a sham.

This is all true he was the Bush Cheney poster boy for their fake war on terror they loved when he quit the NFL to enlist in the army after 9/11 he was America's Hero then he learned it was all bullshit and they could not allow him to come home and tell the world how fake it all was. They screwed up his murder they were in a hurry they could have made it look like real enemy fire from the Taliban but they were so arrogant they made it obvious. Tragic that the military covered this up and never prosecuted anyone but it would have gone right to the top to Rumsfeld and Cheney they had to be the ones to give the order to kill Pat and he was killed.

I've heard a lot about the Afghanistan occupation being used by the CIA for heroin production/distribution. Is there any evidence of it out there? Not saying I doubt it, I know they've done it in the past I'm just wondering.

In case you missed OP’s response to my initial comment I’ll go ahead and fill you in

Mouth2005, good call. I just edited it to include the source on two claims.

I didn’t disregard anything, OP’s initial post wasn’t sourced well, I brought it up and gave an example to show OP what I was talking about..... and they made some adjustments.... it’s funny how the one person I was directly talking to didn’t take it as offensively as people who just want to chime in.......

And I have no agenda, nor would I attempt to discredit anything he provides. which I never even attacked the credibility of what he did provide I just said that Wikipedia profile pages and link to the homepages of various websites don’t support the claims in his post, and that providing links to his sources/research would make a much stronger argument.... if you go back to my initial comment I gave a pretty good example of this......

Its crazy to me that there is a subset of users here of all places that act like encouraging users to provide their sources/research is the end of the earth.....

Can you provide any links regarding the autopsy? Anything on the 3 .223 rounds to the forehead?