With each passing day I think the chance we're going to find out what really happened in Sunspot, New Mexico dwindles down. I believe we as a community can figure this out. Here's a massive list of places we can find the answer in. It's just too big for one person. Care to help me investigate?

1  2018-09-14 by Tha_Dude_Abidez























































Wait, you held HOPE that the media would deliver truth on the subject?

When will you learn!

I mean let's say.... someone controls the weather and they took this storm and made it even bigger on the east coast to keep the msm from not "having" to report on this? just a thought. throwing it our there. and i mean, that's if they control the weather..... shrug... haha

If anything they downgraded it, it was coming in hot at almost a cat 5 then all of a sudden it’s a cat 2

Right...........going slowly over close to 90 degree waters

I don't really buy into most of the outlandish weather control stuff...but I did find the miraculous almost over night drop in Florence's power strange.

Hurricanes are unpredictable, I'm not that surprised

So true man.

Project Blue Beam, here we come!

Wouldn't that be something!

Next 9/11 paradigm shifting event

I've got my lawn chair and popcorn, time for some stargazing!

It was an anthrax attack and more found at local pat office. Jilted lover and/or targeted attack on employee at observatory.

But why evacuate the entire town?

I looked on google earth, there is no real town there, it looks like all the houses would be employees of the facilities there.

Except the area wasn't quarantined and isn't even guarded.

It is odd that no one seems to be present.

Maybe someone threatened an attack unless the site was shutdown? Another nation that will be conducting a test likely to be noticed by this location hired a nut to call with some kind of threat?

Or maybe a regular old but called in a threat because god will be near the sun soon and it’s bad luck if someone isn’t looking at him?

No way! If this was an anthrax thing it would be all over the news. anything to pin that on anyone to get us into some war or showdown or cause doubt or be upset and build a wall or - no. we have to think of who benefits.

source for this?

Gotta read between the lines... this article mentions 'directed energy weapon'

Adding this link, thanks man!

Oh gosh here come the loons

We're all loons here.

Great collection of links. Those last 3 infographics are startling.

Thanks man! They are!

I just wanted to point out your third picture has postal services as one of the departments SWORM works with.

Other cams of sun observatories are down as well: https://youtu.be/Ys1o1d69lnQ

There isn't any way to prove they all went down at the same time... but yah, it is weird that all these other solar telescopes are down right now.

The guy in the video isn't correct about SOHO, though.

That message on the top of their screen says: "ANNOUNCEMENT: We are updating the code infrastructure that provides access to SOHO data, images and movies. We expect the work to take several weeks. In the meantime, you can access the SOHO Archive Catalog here and current solar data images here.

Which takes you here...


Added to my list noting that SOHO offers realtime images.

Adding this, thanks!

That 8chan video disc looks fake as fuck, but fun read

I think they recorded a secret space vehicle.

If they did, they could have gotten better views from other observatories or locations. There are a lot of options near the missle range.

Don't care enough.

I can’t find the video but I’m with the Secret Service whistleblower on w/ Clyde Lewis. Sunspot is part of the US weather control system. The system controlling facilities like Sunspot and HAARP were hacked by the Chinese and shutdown as a precaution. The whistleblower also said to ‘watch for miracles in Carolina’. Weather manipulation has slowed down the hurricane

Interesting because this hurricane was weird as fuck. I live in NC and grew up in NM. My folks live less than 30 minutes away from Sundown. That area is full of retired spooks from Raytheon to CIA and NASA.

Slowing down the hurricane wouldn’t be a miracle, as it’s slow speed / stall is what’s going to eventually cause the worst damage via flooding. The coast would have arguably fared better if the hurricane came through at full speed.

The coast would have arguably fared better if the hurricane came through at full speed.

Hurricane Andrew disagrees with you.

Hurricane Andrew was an entirely different scenario. It’s destruction was based upon it’s storm surge, wind speed and the fact that it impacted two locations - Florida and Louisiana.

The most destructive aspect of Florence is the rain content. The area would have fared better if Florence was moving faster because it then would have blown on through instead of sitting over the same spot and dumping 3+ feet of rain.

So, I’ll reiterate that Florence slowing / stalling was worse than if it had kept pace. If some kind of govt. intervention happened that caused Florence to stall, it wouldn’t have been a “miracle,” it would have been a malicious act intended to cause more destruction that would have otherwise happened.

At this point there is NO WAY we find out why. It will be really interesting to see what lie we are presented. It will have to try to cover all these facts: * Scientific observatory and lab closed for "security reasons" * People relocated * US post office closed * Site currently unsecured other than 10 feet of caution tape * Local law enforcement not notified or told to keep quiet

I'm having a hard time coming up with a lie that would tick all those boxes.

Or the truth for that matter. What connects all of these dots?

One or more of these were unnecessary, except to divert attention. This is obviously a major national security concern, and the public is watching, so they have to take steps to muddy things up a bit. Disinformation on something like this is guaranteed. By design, it's not supposed to make sense to you because you don't have a need to know.

I am curious... would really like to help out. The Griffith Park Observatory is still open - the telescope (weather permitting) will still be able to be used this evening here in LA. Why keep some still on and working and open to the public if they don't want us to see anything?

I'm with you and down to help.

Thank you so much for the info and helping with research! I appreciate it my friend!

Most of the observatories that were left alone had bad incoming weather, so those sites wouldn't be able to see anything up there. A few that were left alone and had good weather were controlled by the MIC, so if they see something, they won't report it to the public.

Surrounding residents and the post office were evacuated for the sole purpose of muddying the waters and diverting our attention so we couldn't figure out what the heck is going on.

Surrounding residents and the post office were evacuated for the sole purpose of muddying the waters and diverting our attention so we couldn't figure out what the heck is going on.

This is a great perspective!

The Griffith Observatory is basically an outdated relic. It’s a collection of old optical telescopes and instruments. The Sunspot facility is much more advanced and monitors various solar activity in a way that Griffith cannot. I doubt that whatever is going on (if it is something happening with the sun) would be observable at Griffith.

Thank you! I didn’t know that!! :)

I suspect if you really wanted to get to the bottom of it, you might need to actually use the observatory to look at the sun and record what is happening over the last week. It's a bit late for that now.

From this document

Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, NM: This facility includes the DST and associated infrastructure including office space, laboratory space, dining facilities, and housing. Funding for full operations of Sacramento Peak ramps down to the end of FY 2017 at which time NSO will cease operating the facility. A proposal from New Mexico State University (NMSU) to transition operations of the facility from NSO to an NMSU-led consortium was funded in FY 2016. NSF completed a divestment options study of NSO facilities on Sacramento Peak in Q3 of FY 2016. In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), NSF began preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in Q4 of FY 2016. The EIS is expected to be completed in FY 2018.

I don't know why they'd do it this way though. And people are still not able to get home.

Yeah, it’s kinda weird to transition a facility to a university via FBI takeover, evacuation, helicopters and secrecy. 🤷🏼‍♀️

a proper oldschool conspiracy. fuck yeah.

Check out some of my other threads on it. I try to keep my posts to oldschool conspiracy. Thanks man!

top post, thanks!

Much respect. Approximately how much time have you put into researching this?

Thanks man!

Investigation time (Googling, surfing the boards (alot of them), researching, etc) I'd say 50 hours.

Thats crazy looking!

I had to take a picture. Never seen anything like it. Some are saying its a fall streak hole but there isn't an actual hole. Its just round cloud. The fall streak show sky behind the cloud, whereas this isn't showing any sky. All cloud.

Both can happen. I live in this area as well and have seen the same thing several times throughout the years.

But that hole exposes the sky.

The picture I took and the clouds I saw did NOT expose the sky, just the clouds took on a perfect circular form.

Comms down?

That's a Fallstreak hole - surprisingly common: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallstreak_hole

Maybe! However the sky is showing in these fall streak holes given for examples.

In my picture, the sky is not visible through a hole in the clouds. The clouds are literally in the shape of a circle.

Yeah, thats definitely strange, maybe there is some weather phenomena at play, but I wouldnt be damned if it doesnt look like a huge cloaked saucer.

The only thing I can come up with is: The scientists saw something that freaked them out. A few of them talked. They were ALL “relocated” including the postal workers. Anyone seen much of our leaders in public lately? Stock up on canned goods, coffee, booze, cigarettes and ammo.

Has anyone seen out leaders or the elites?

If there's any validity to some of the more outlandish theories, this is definitely something to keep an eye on.

The fact that there's an X-Files DVD sitting right on top of the trash bin in what appears to be the main lab building (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AVdVBvSjcU ; 10-minute mark) is certainly eerie.

Just watched the video and it's an X-Files interactive game, Unrestricted Access. Looked for more info on the game and found the Wikipedia page has already been updated to add a Trivia section that mentions the YT video and the game in the trash. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_X-Files:_Unrestricted_Access From Wikipedia: The game uses text, videos and images to offer information on the series' overarching mythology, as well as on its characters and individual episodes of the programme. The X-Files "overarching mythology" also from Wikipedia: The overarching story, which spans events as early as the 1940s, is built around a government conspiracy to hide the truth about alien existence and their doomsday plan. Hmmmm... interesting. Trolling or a clue?

White Sands missile test range is right next to the site. The military is probably testing some kind of high energy weapon and can't have a civilian facility with systems designed to detect that kind of stuff right next to it.

come on man stop coming up with sensible theories its aliens stop ruining the fun lol

Nothing super secret happens at Holloman anymore. It’s a pretty transparent base. Nothing happens at Area 51 anymore either. Allegedly everything goes down at Dugway in Utah these days, however, I’d be more inclined to believe that the really secret stuff happens somewhere the public has yet to discover exists.

That’s the thing.......where could that be? Only a very few places left on earth that fits this criteria.

Antarctica, somewhere in remote northern Alaska, somewhere out at sea, somewhere underground, etc.

They got your mom out their testing nuclear dildos

Then why wouldn’t they close the observatory less than a mile away and all the other places that look out to the range?

so the fbi flies in on helicopters..?

In Men in Black II, the postal workers are all aliens. Just thought that was worth mentioning. Good movie.

A close family member of mine is a postal worker. Can confirm they ARE aliens.

In the first Men in Black aren’t all the aliens supposed to stay in Manhattan? Lol

Maybe they talked to people at the post office so the quarantined all of them into silence? What connections do a post office and solar research facility share? Have any other community members close to them been quarantined?

Maybe the mailman was delivering or picking up mail when 'the incident' occurred.

Or maybe they closed the post office because they don’t have any residents to serve right now, with them all being evacuated and all?

Look at you, using logic and all

there are no other community members. None of the houses had occupants and the only people in the area worked at the site which had very minimum traffic. The houses had been boarded up and locked down for well over a decade now which is why when all the people went up there to "find out what happened" they questioned how it was possible that every single house could be emptied out entirely in just a handful of days without hoards of trucks.

Any links to this?

Look. Aaron Rodgers - otherwise known as Wisconsin's most important attraction - is on the field hopefully not irreparably hurting himself.

If the Packers game is cancelled because that man is at risk, I'll know I'm free to loot and pillage. Until then I will assume I still have to work next week. :)

Dude, sports stars are only important as long as they can generate revenue. If the world is fucked, they won't be valuable.

Yeah exactly. Aaron Rogers being on the field this weekend may actually be a bad bad sign, distract you with Rogers while they hit you with planet twoXchromesome while you aren’t looking

Interesting.. a so called Darpa whistleblower says the weather modification computers were hacked at Sunspot, that's why the FBI are involved. He goes on to say it's not a real observation tower but instead used for weather modification and part of Operations HAMMER, SMACK and HAARP. At the end of the conversation he mentions the hurricane is going to have a surprise we're not expecting. https://youtu.be/SpIV5StN-xk

That video is unsettling if we actually have that type of ability. He says that the source has been right a few times.

Watch the hurricane between US and Africa on the MIMIC radar. It appears that some kind of frequency wave or something hits it and redirects it North. http://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/real-time/mimic-tpw/main.html5.php?&basin=global

That's crazy looking!

And it comes out of Antarctica

I just noticed on that radar California is getting hit nailed with something off the coast. No rain for them, they'll let it rain after the fires are done destroying everything.

Every time I've seen this, it always comes from Antarctica.

Huh. Anyone have an explanation for this?

I too would like to know

Same here, add that to the list of strange shit about Antarctica. I seen people discussing these energy waves, but this is the first time I clearly seen it affect a real world thing.

Its clear as day to me that something pushed the hurricane north into a colder front and it destabilized.

just simple glitches that happen every once in a while when the satellite data is sent/received. Charged particles induce errors in systems and so it pops up every little while.

Yeah and ufos are all just swamp gas and weather balloons

Just saying, I've seen a lot of videos about this recently where they show the anomalous "frequency wave" being directed at something and 9 times out of 10 it's coming from Antarctica. Just something to think about.

I personally think it's HAARP but they probably have a much more powerful array in Antarctica where it would be far more secretive and likely more powerful.

None of the videos I saw about it were directly related to the anomalous wave so I doubt I can find them, but I do know it was covered briefly in one of SecureTeam10's recent videos among others. Sorry for being unable to provide links but I'm being lazy today.

Wow that is crazy to see

Wow. It looks like there was also something done in the Southern Hemisphere. This is amazing. Is this for sure real?

It's real, however NOAA recommends using the edited version MIMIC 2 radar. It takes out all the "anomalies".

There's weird distortions all over the map all at different times. I'm very curious to know what is causing it. Whatever it is is not random, there is structure to it. The ones in the pacific look like some type of radio wave, it looks just like a wifi icon.

HAARP. classic HAARP in action.

damn .. northern hemisphere getting hammered.
Luckily I live in a place that all the celebs have settled

here's some more examples of that:

this one made the eyes of 2 hurricanes light up on the radar

another one

very strange

I hope it's a good surprise like wiping out our debt and filling our bank accounts.

Right? That would be great, but we all know it's never a good surprise. :(


Didn't the new hurricane just get downgraded to a cat 3? If it gets lower still I suppose we will be somewhat closer to an answer

Nice ground zero

He goes on to say it’s not a real observation tower but instead used for weather modification...

That is utter BS. I know because I have used that tower telescope. It is 100% genuine. I have climbed around the internal scaffolding and seen the mercury bearing with my own eyes. I have ridden the lift from the observing deck up to the coelostat at the top. I know personally the group that took over from NSO when they had to divest (in order to afford building DKIST in Hawaii).

I am just as baffled as anyone else — but Sunspot is the real deal: a genuine old-school solar observatory used by genuine scientists.

The thing that baffles me most is that Sunspot was closed but Apache Point (200 meters south) was not.

Apache point ?

Home of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey!

It's a night-side observatory located about 200 yards south of Sunspot.

Could it be possible that the tower has other nefarious uses besides just an observatory? Shady government operations normally have legitimate fronts. If obstructing the observations in the area was the intent of the FBI it's not logical to leave Apache open. Why the FBI? The hacking claim is reasonable for them to be involved. If it really involved space I would think other agencies would be involved like NASA Homeland Security or other "Men in Black" types. https://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2005/dec/HQ_05432_NASA_DHS_sign_MOU.html

You could, I suppose, fit a nefarious radio transmitter up there -- but you'd be better off using the internet jacks on the observing deck. It would be really hard to fit anything larger than an anemometer up there, and they already have one of those.

I was in r/space yesterday and they were talking about this when someone mentioned that the observatory has a great view of the White Sands testing area. I’m guessing it’s not something up with the observatory but what they are testing/about to test there.

They also said the sister Observatory (Apache I think) has the same view but is still in operation. It's so strange!

I didn’t see that mentioned, but honestly didn’t stay in there long, I just wanted to get an idea of what they were talking about over there

The testing area can be seen from a lot of other places. If its foreign espionage they're worried about, China and Russia have plenty of satellites up there taking pictures.

Adding to the list, thanks!!

Yea....watch this turn into a war with China over hacking our weapons. They’d need a good reason for the public to support something like that! I sure hope everyone’s smarter than that!

That last article was from this time in 2017, not 2018.

Oops, removing. Thanks man!

No problem, lots of good info otherwise!

Thanks man, I was getting overwhelmed with it all. Thought I'd try and pull in some help!

An important thing to do is pay attention to who worked there and the surrounding area, and see if any of them magically disappeared around this time or are declared dead.

If it was aliens or a cosmic event they wanted to keep a secret, they might've decided to get rid of everyone who knew about it from the observatory and surrounding area just in case they might've talked, but you can't make a bunch of people disappear without a trail.

I'm not saying it's aliens, but..............it's aliens.


please be aliens. please be aliens.

The guy that wondered around the site with his son yesterday and found the x files box, said something interesting in the video. He said... There is a computer at the facility that uses current data to guess what the sun is going to do in the future. I'm wondering if the computer projected something that caused this.

I caught the same comment and was wondering the same thing, it would make sense to shut it the fuck down if they knew some massive event was coming, they would want to limit the spread of panic. If it was bad enough, maybe give the elites first dibs on safe spots, if there are any.

Oprah, Bill Gates and The Weekend walk into a bunker . . .

In Mexico when the president Carlos Salinas had a very low approval from the people, the goverment invented the Chupacabras and nobody cares about the inflation crisis only to the attacks of El Chupacabras. I think is the same situation there.

Distractions are a useful political tool.

Fortunately compared to 1994 we have the Internet today. It is much more difficult to get away with that kind of political trickery, at least for those who are aware.

Are you kidding!? It is a million times easier with the internet.

Except if you look at the actual approval ratings, his approval isn't that low. Here of all places should know not to trust the MSM.

SOHO’s site was definitely down yesterday, I tried to check it a few times. Although I’m not sure if that was because of too much traffic.

If this really is something significant I hope there isn’t a coverup. The people deserve to know what’s happening in the universe; these facilities are funded by the people.

The people deserve to know what’s happening in the universe; these facilities are funded by the people.

You're exactly right!

In some reading I did on 8chan, a comment was posted 3 times, quoting the Beatles song lyrics to, "Here comes the Sun" the poster mentioned that the one mentioning that is known to speak in code, and has been right before. I'm a day or 2 behind now keeping up with the thread over there, so just this much here today = new leads. Thanks very much OP for your dedication!


also someone on 8chan posted this taken by a Russian observatory on the 9th-it's off the charts! measuring Schumann resonance.

You're welcome my friend!

Thanks for this! Can I add it to my other links?

Absolutely, Thanks so much again, to yourself as well!!

Did you just link 4chan as a research source?

I did and I stand by it. I wade through literal shit on 4chan just for the fact that you'll usually get some usable references. No one takes it seriously because it's 4chan but more often than not there some truth to it.

Oh god don't use that word

Agreed! And for this reason its one of the best kept "secrets" out there. It's a veneer of gore/porn and other garbage but there's nuggets of truth buried between all that. Just takes time and a feel for what you're looking for.

Thanks for speaking the truth my friend.

This might be random, but I figured I should ask. The post office near downtown Denver is shut down, with a notice of safety hazards being the reason, on Sept 7. Has anyone else seen shutdowns of usps in their area? It could be related or just a fluke. Just thought it's worth looking into.

Well, if we think there might be some major solar event about to happen, it's curious timing that FEMA has announced a nationwide test of the "Presidential Alert" system cell phones next Thursday.

FEMA to test 'Presidential Alert' system next week

Considering FEMA will have hurricane aftermath to deal with next Thursday, the timing seems a little inconvenient for them.

Not to mention we all know the governments history with “Drills”

I personally believe thats just part of Trumps plan to start sending his tweets direct to everyones phones

Jk, jk. You do have a good point there

I haven't seen anyone talk aboit this but Clyde Lewis had an excellent show on this. He had a caller that was very intriguing.


check this out, it looks like the same cloud covering the site since 2013 on google earth - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9fz4et/i_wanted_to_check_out_this_sunspot_observatory_on/

Haha in the middle of the Daily Mail artical there's another artical "BELIEVE IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES? YOU'RE PROBABLY A NARCISSIST, RESEARCHERS SAY", before it gets to the solarstorm theory (after the UFO theory).

"202 participants completed questionnaires on conspiracy beliefs, asking how strongly they agreed with specific statements, such as whether governments carried out acts of terrorism on their own soil.

Alongside this, they were asked to complete a narcissist scale and a self-esteem assessment.

The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers."

Mail always trying to make white women look bad too. I’ve heard that daily mail pays the most for racist videos and they don’t do much fact check

Ha what a rag.

Got to the party late. Do any of your links show cops/fbi/sheriff or military relative to this place & the closure? I hear everyone referencing the two helicopters and the fbi showing up, but did that happen on video? Or, is everyone just quoting someone?

Sorry if I missed it. Thanks for the good post and all the links.

I would imagine that there has to have been video of it from someone, it's not leaked yet though.

Been on this one for a few days. I'm going to head out to the site and see what I can find.



Vid I did


Awesome man, thanks for the links and be sure and let us know what you find! I'll check out your video when I have a couple hours free. Thanks man! The space Weather site that looks down.

Looks like deleted contents on the 13th. May not be relevant at all.

There's lots of deleted stuff everywhere in September.

Thank You for your incredible amount of work. This is very interesting. I just wanted to add a side note. On the east coast of South Florida, the spiny lobsters "crawled" on Sunday the 9th. A mystery, as people think this happens due to the magnetic field anomaly that happens twice a year. I think that was the day Sunspot was raided? Just funny coincidence...

Interesting! Thanks for this!


NASA is sending a satellite prob to the sun and it's going to be the closest ever to study and collect data.

So What if they were testing HARRP to make sure they could create a sunspot before the prob got too close and burnt up to a crisp?

Fyi I'm a believer of possible life beyond our own

That probe is still far from the sun, it’s still on route with a planned gravity assist from Venus in 2019 to take it to a closer to the sun.

Unless they have figured out some way to cheat physics, I don’t think it would be possible to create a sunspot. It would involve so much energy. Sunspots are often larger than earth. We’d have to figure out how to cool the sun’s surface.

Thanks for this!

So that object that goes past the sun and then back is pretty weird

I think it's been explained away as the moon. Something about the way this satellite's orbit is allows for the moon to pass it that way once a year in September. It freaked me out the first time I say it too.

The most likely answer is that someone at the Sunspot observatory was watching what goes on at White Sands...

Have you seen a list of cams that went down recently? I read a discussion on r/space that seemed to discover some of the downed cams had only moved urls and that others had been down for months or longer.

Not trying to shit on your comment or downplay the strangeness of this event. the added strangeness of other cams being disabled(it seems that at least some have been shutdown this lastweek) only makes the whole thing even more suspicious.

I’m just curious as o hat specific cams have gone down recently .

Or the truth for that matter. What connects all of these dots?

There isn't any way to prove they all went down at the same time... but yah, it is weird that all these other solar telescopes are down right now.

The guy in the video isn't correct about SOHO, though.

That message on the top of their screen says: "ANNOUNCEMENT: We are updating the code infrastructure that provides access to SOHO data, images and movies. We expect the work to take several weeks. In the meantime, you can access the SOHO Archive Catalog here and current solar data images here.

Which takes you here...


Adding this, thanks!

Thank you so much for the info and helping with research! I appreciate it my friend!

Adding to the list, thanks!!

No problem, lots of good info otherwise!

It doesn't surprise me considering that many politicians were selling America for profit to China.

The Griffith Observatory is basically an outdated relic. It’s a collection of old optical telescopes and instruments. The Sunspot facility is much more advanced and monitors various solar activity in a way that Griffith cannot. I doubt that whatever is going on (if it is something happening with the sun) would be observable at Griffith.

Right...........going slowly over close to 90 degree waters

Yea....watch this turn into a war with China over hacking our weapons. They’d need a good reason for the public to support something like that! I sure hope everyone’s smarter than that!

I don't really buy into most of the outlandish weather control stuff...but I did find the miraculous almost over night drop in Florence's power strange.

Apache point ?

Could it be possible that the tower has other nefarious uses besides just an observatory? Shady government operations normally have legitimate fronts. If obstructing the observations in the area was the intent of the FBI it's not logical to leave Apache open. Why the FBI? The hacking claim is reasonable for them to be involved. If it really involved space I would think other agencies would be involved like NASA Homeland Security or other "Men in Black" types. https://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2005/dec/HQ_05432_NASA_DHS_sign_MOU.html