More interesting information about the “white light” seen at death.

1  2018-09-15 by no1113

I’ve been listening to this recitation of a book I came across written by a person who is said to have communicated with one of the beings that were captures in the Roswell crash. I timestamped it in an area that talks about a soul trap of sorts that is said to exist in the universe, and that keeps us…well…trapped here in life after life on this planet - a prison planet where our memories are wiped and we keep ending up coming back over and over as a result.

Very interesting information, especially considering it’s yet another source where I’ve come across the idea that “the white light is good BAD” and you shouldn't go into it.

The term “IS-BEs”, by the way, refers to the soul or the intelligent energy that animates a physical body.


The white light is literally your blood pressure dropping to the point that your brain stops processing vision. If you are lucky enough to not actually die, it's quite a vivid thing. Unfortunately speaking from experience.

I've heard this Theory, and it interests me. It seems like there are some truths in it. Although I am currently agnostic on the subject.

So just say no to the white light and we can break the cycle?

Pretty much. That's the claim at least.

It would seem that this is far easier said than done. It's like saying to do "this" verses "that" while in the dream state, for example. I have a feeling our mental capacities might somehow be rather compromised immediately after discarding the physical body, and our mind/identity during this time might be more akin to how we are when we are asleep and dreaming - i.e not thinking consciously or very sharply, and likely very easy to manipulate. If this is true and we are very mentally compromised upon death, then it would seem easy to forget to not go into the white light - especially if the white light is somehow emotionally manipulating us into feeling great feelings of positivity and "love". At that point, we might just find ourselves almost involuntarily moving into the light.

"Ahhhh. It's so beautiful!" kind of thing...and zap. You're caught in the net. By the time you might figure out something might be awry, it'll be too late, and you're in...being mentally recycled into amnesia and then shot back out into another life and into a world that constantly tells you "you only have one life to live!", "this is it!", etc, etc...

repeat... :/

I agree which is why I believe that the development of our spirit body in this lifetime is so important. Develop the spirit body and harness it when the time matters.

Cannot agree more with that. How does one develop the spirit body, however? It seems at least a good portion of it has to do with cultivating a lucid mind while in the sleep/somnambulistic state - which OMG is so darn difficult, least it is for me now. Used to be a lot easier when I was a kid. LOT more difficult now as an adult, however.

I believe this is the knowledge that has either been destroyed or hidden. I believe secret societies have some of this knowledge.

I don't doubt this. It's unfortunate that we live in an age where so much of this knowledge is kept hidden.

I added more to my thoughts as well if any of that is of interest.

I agree w/what you said about the Kabballah.

My concern with these two things is that I believe it opens us up to whatever other realm/dimension/whatever and without more foreknowledge of what's ahead; it leaves us more open to "demonic possession" or whatever that may be.

This comment is good in that it touches upon some of the possible not-so-positive implications of not going into the white light. What happens if one manages to escape the white light but is then thrown into the wide open wilderness of the non-white light universe and might possibly face just as bad if not worse dangers out there? There might very well be even more harmful beings out there waiting.

I think I might be willing to take my chances out there though instead of getting sucked in to a menacing cycle of continuously forgetting who and what the heck I really am and what my soul/identity really is.

Regular meditation is the basic entry point. Lucid dreaming and OBEs are difficult with an untrained mind, I speak from experience.

Dammit. You're right. I work regularly at maintaining a meditative mindset during my waking, every day hours, but have heavily lapsed in terms of taking time out of every day to sit down and "officially" meditate for 10-30 minutes or more.

Same here, which is why I stopped purposefully attempting any lucid dream or OBE for the time being. I've noticed that lucid dreaming and OBEs can be downright frightening when my emotional state is unbalanced.

Spot on. The mind has to be very prepared and ready - or at least I feel that's definitely the case with me anyway. My mind has generally been a rather "scattered" one, so meditation has never been a super easy thing for me really.

The notion that you aren't meditating until your mind is quiet is one of the worst spiritual memes out there. It isn't about whether or not your mind is quiet, it is about whether or not you actually make the effort. If you sit down for even 10 minutes a day, and your mind is all noise but you keep bringing it back to concentration when you notice it breaks, that is success. Meditation is as easy or as hard as sitting down and doing it, not achieving some specific state. If you are judging how easy or hard something is, that is not meditation, it is sitting in judgment.

Your borderline/seemingly scathing commentary aside, that seems like decent advice, so that's good.

It was not intended to sound like I was criticizing you, unless your identity is wrapped up in your technique.

Imagine you're taking up woodworking and you've never really handled tools before. You wouldn't expect to make an intricate chess set the first day in the shop, right? Same thing applies to meditation. If you put in the time with a focus on practice instead of results, the results will come quick.

It was not intended to sound like I was criticizing you

Fair enough.

unless your identity is wrapped up in your technique.

Everyone’s is - to some extent or another - and anyone who tries to deny this simply does not understand how things really work.

Imagine you're taking up woodworking and you've never really handled tools before. You wouldn't expect to make an intricate chess set the first day in the shop, right? Same thing applies to meditation. If you put in the time with a focus on practice instead of results, the results will come quick.

I wouldn’t say the results will come “quick”. Depending upon one’s disposition and karmic weight, they might not come quickly in the least.

That said, it doesn’t matter if the results come quickly or not because practicing and doing the work does seem to be a very decent and recommended way to proceed.

ramana maharshi’s method of self inquiry. Master your thoughts master your mind. Become one with your true multidimensional self. Incredible the things you can do once the false fake ego is silenced.

I try to be pretty self-inquiring. That's for sure. I'm not pretending to say it's nearly enough, but I certainly make a definite effort in that area.

Just rehash of reincarnation cycle, seen in so many religions. just made new age with ET and shit.

in Buddhism it's called Samsara.

This seems an extremely shallow, attempt-at-marginalizing, "see no evil" response on your part - one that the ignorant respond with; those unwilling to look more deeply into a topic that may possibly hold some extremely deep and important lessons.

I don’t understand your response. You effectively described the same thing he leidogbei described: a near-endless cycle of reincarnation in which the individual determines their own fate according to their state of mind at the time of death. If the person is done living physical existences, they would no longer rejoin a physical world. If they’re not done, they go back into a physical body and continue their journey.

:> a near-endless cycle of reincarnation in which the individual determines their own fate according to their state of mind at the time of death.

Firstly, that does not in fact describe what I’m talking about since what I refer to does not assume that the individual can determine any of those things, as you do here.

Secondly, there are quantitative and qualitative assessments of responses. You are assessing from a purely quantitative perspective, which incorrectly ignores and disregards a full half of the equation.

The above user only made mention of some of the things you referred to in order to attempt to marginalize them, which is a wholly different thing altogether than anything I did, or to what a truly intelligent individual would do. They not only fail to understand the differences in their perspective verses what the OP text described, but they describe their p.o.v. in a manner designed to disregard the information entirely. As such, your attempt to parallel his and my response pretty significantly misses the mark, as they are not in any way even mildly similar.

OP's post is more in line with Gnosticism and archons.

As people who dwell in a conspiracy sub and talk about spiritual dynamics; have you ever considered the possibility that malevolent entities are spreading disinfo about the 'White Light' in order to deceive you into accepting it so that you will refuse to go into the light, and as a result get trapped in their webs instead.

Why don't you suspect about the falseness of this claim, which could very well be trying to make you fall into the very same darkness it tries to warn you about by villifying its nemesis, the benevolent 'White Light'?

have you ever considered the possibility that malevolent entities are spreading disinfo about the 'White Light' in order to deceive you into accepting it so that you will refuse to go into the light, and as a result get trapped in their webs instead.

Ha. That’s a great question really. Definitely. The thing about that, however, is that there’s definitely been a LOT more “pro white light” propaganda that’s been out than “anti white light” info by far. If certain malevolent entities were attempting to spread disinfo on the white light topic, you would think there’d be a much stronger push toward it and more people would be hearing about it, etc. Instead, this topic is actually not really talked about much. The “pro white light” side is the one that’s gotten pushed far more often throughout the times.

On a planet like this one - a planet of fibbery and chicanery and deceit where the lies are the things that have the most power and the loudest voice and the biggest propaganda push behind them, and it's often the truth that's the thing that's kept under the radar and never heard or talked about - it seems it’s the more obvious things that might hold the more dangerous information, not so much those topics that are more difficult to get to and discover; topics that aren’t pushed by the msm or talked about in the major outlets.

And the "anti-white light" side of the equation is the one that's ultimately not really talked about too much if at all.

It’s for these reasons that I think that the anti-white light idea might not be entirely without merit.

Why don't you suspect about the falseness of this claim, which could very well be trying to make you fall into the very same darkness it tries to warn you about by villifying its nemesis, the benevolent 'White Light'?

Hopefully in my above explanation, you’ve been able to see that I have indeed given that possibly a good enough level of thought.

They are playing for the late game. That's why they are slowpacing the spread of their disinfo. If they made it mainstream so early, humans would have rejected it like they did many others. They are cunning. They chose to spread it now because human population is peaking. Soon, they shall feast on our eternal essence because their unwilling agents, such as yourself, unknowingly played into their hands!

They are playing for the late game. That's why they are slowpacing the spread of their disinfo.

If that’s what they’re doing, then that late game might ensure they miss the boat entirely because, again, almost no one ever talks about the white light as being a trap verses those that promote it as being a “saving grace”.

If they made it mainstream so early, humans would have rejected it like they did many others.

Like what? What “others” have humans rejected as a result of it going mainstream too quickly? I don’t know of anything that fits that bill to be honest with you. Too many people, unfortunately, buy the crap that the mainstream feeds the masses hook, line, and sinker, so I don’t know if the masses would in fact reject a thing just because it hits the mainstream quickly.

I don’t pretend to know everything by far, but that theory doesn’t seem to hold up to my understanding of how things work in the world.

They chose to spread it now because human population is peaking.

That might very well be a possibility. I’m certainly not discounting it. However, and again, it doesn’t appear to me that they are “spreading” anything whatsoever as it relates to anti-white light ideas really. I’d give what you were saying more weight if the information against the white light were even marginally available as compared to the pro white light propaganda that is readily available. As it stands, the anti white light side is almost not even fractional in comparison.

That doesn’t seem like a “late game” move by a group trying to trick others.

Soon, they shall feast on our eternal essence because their unwilling agents, such as yourself, unknowingly played into their hands!

Seems to me at this point that you’re attempting to try to sound edgy more than actually make any real, concise sense. Part of the reason I say this is because if you weren’t trying to be “edgy”, you’re realize that since the soul is in fact eternal, it actually can’t be trapped. You’d realize and understand that anything functioning on a cosmic/universal/omni basis cannot be such without containing within itself everything else as well. Whenever you say “X is all there is” (which saying something is eternal is the equivalent of doing since eternality contains “all time ever”), that necessarily means that X must also contain everything else that exists as well. Otherwise X wouldn’t be “all there is” at all.

This counts for “our eternal essence” just as well - and since our eternal essence is eternal, that means it’s also necessarily everything else as well. That includes the very beings you purport are only attempting to trap us with “anti white light” propaganda.

If you weren’t trying to be an edge lord, you’d have realized this.

have you ever considered the possibility that malevolent entities are spreading disinfo about the 'White Light' in order to deceive you into accepting it so that you will refuse to go into the light

this argument can be used against any side in this conversation, since all arguments are based on unfalsifiable beliefs. never saw an argument here were i would disagree with all parts involved.

what ever you do, do NOT enter into any soul contracts ... doesnt matter if you see supposed family members/gods/pets just keep going .. you can figure everything out later ...

You know...that seems about right. That seems like that would be the way to go. That said, I simply keep wondering how aware or clear or compromised our minds are/will be while on the other side. Yes, I know that many talk about how much more clear things are on the other side than here, but it would seem that if one knew on that side some of the things that we're talking about here, it would be blatantly obvious that would shouldn't or wouldn't go into any soul contracts...and yet one hears and reads about the very thing happening so very often here.

Also, however, there's the possibility that some (many?) of us are already in soul contracts, so we don't have to worry about going into one in the future...because we're already in one now (yikes).

Complicated stuff, for sure...

its not as complicated as you think just say no and keep it moving and if they dont leave you alone tell them you have a soul contract tax for them tell them if they dont leave you get a quarter of their energy until they leave your presence

its not as complicated as you think 

What if you grew up in this physical life wanting nothing more than to find your love and to raise a family…and you actually did find that person, and everything was 100% perfect w/no qualifiers…and then you two had an absolutely angelically beautiful baby that you both loved more than life itself, and that baby was the brightest, smartest thing ever, and as it grew and your love for it grew even more, at the age of, say, maybe five years, it went out in the street…and bam. Got hit by a car and died.

And then the rest of both of your lives were pretty much completely obsessed with thinking about this child - whether you wanted to or not…and then both you got old, and then you died. The end.

And then after you died and you find yourself on the other side and you lived your Earth life and everything…you look toward the white light…and there’s your long lost baby…saying “Mommy!” or “Daddy!” in as irresistible and cute a manner as ever possible.

And all those emotions you thought you got through while alive completely rip open and you feel the love for this child about 1,000 times stronger now…

And they open their arms to you with an awesome smile on their face…

All you have to do is say “Na. Not going” right? and just turn around and not go toward your child.

Easy. Simple, right? Just don’t move toward your kid, right? Anybody can resist that, right? No big deal.

That or replace your baby with pretty much anything else: Your grandma, the husband or wife that you just couldn’t live without and that was perfect for you and that died right before you guys were about to have your first child, etc, etc, etc…

Basically find the thing that tugs your heart most…and manipulate that. Put that at the end of the white light waiting for you…beckoning you.

And on top of all that, what if you’re in a intellectually compromised mental while all this is happening? What if for the first spell after you cross over, your mind is still getting its bearings and is similar to how it is when we’re dreaming where you’re not really thinking too straight or logically? And it’s SUPER easy to not think too clearly through logical situations and you just basically go on almost all emotions?

I’m not super sure it’s really all that easy, to be honest with you.

it better be

It better be what? Easy? Seems to me that if it were easy to resist and not go into the white light - a light that might very well wipe you of your memory, etc - then the beings responsible for doing it wouldn't be very successful at accomplishing this end and manipulating people on Earth to continuously be recycled over and over.

So, it would seem to me that the answer is actually no. It actually wouldn't be easy in the least.

So I'm wondering what you mean by "it better be". Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you said and you don't mean it about things being easy.

Maybe explain further, if you wish.

i think most people dont expect that theyll try and be deceived so they dont see it coming .. i think some foreknowledge would make all the difference because if you know its coming it takes all the power away from it

i think most people dont expect that theyll try and be deceived so they dont see it coming

Yeah. Agreed enough on that end definitely.

i think some foreknowledge would make all the difference because if you know its coming it takes all the power away from it

I’d say that foreknowledge definitely helps at least. Not sure if that’s all that’s needed in order to not get trapped in the recycle web though (unfortunately).

was not this scientology?


it really seems like


Refreshing to see this brought up. I saw (was it you OP? I'm too exhausted to check again) mention of what could be on the other side, like malevolent entities or generally worse things waiting out there. Hadn't thought of it that way. The worst case scenario I've ran in my head so far is just eternal darkness and getting lost in it. However if "The Matrix" is confined within this "web", like alluded to in the Law of One material (not that I can fully trust that personally as good as it sounds, it would likely be part of the same ploy if reincarnation is a trap in itself right?) then it's kind of reassuring to think, IF you even have the intellectual faculties in your light body and you're just not some emotional moth buzzing towards the first hint of love, that all you'd really have to do is just bypass that web and you'd maybe be able to assess what's actually going on from the outside. Maybe there is no void, maybe that's a trick as well then.

I kind of have already made a plan to try to call "them" out if one even brings any sort memory from this plane to the astral realm after death. I guess what fucks with me there is that even if I ask for proof in that scenario, that it's not just a ruse and I'm making a difference they could just show me anything I want to see to keep reeling me in. The thought of leaving others behind effs with me as well. It's like I'd have to escape first, no matter what, and then assess everything from the outside of that matrix to see clearly.

I wonder what that light actually is. Hell maybe the moon IS actually a soul catcher and you're seeing the moon it it's light form, or rather what dwells inside it.

Jesus. Garh!

I saw (was it you OP? I'm too exhausted to check again) mention of what could be on the other side, like malevolent entities or generally worse things waiting out there.

Yep. I certainly mentioned that at least.

I kind of have already made a plan to try to call "them" out if one even brings any sort memory from this plane to the astral realm after death. Dead relative waiting or not (yeah, easy as pie right?). I guess what fucks with me there is that even if I ask for proof in that scenario, that it's not just a ruse and I'm making a difference they could just show me anything I want to see to keep reeling me in.

Ha. Yeah. You pretty much totally described some of the things I mention here.

Seems there are a lot of possible tricks that can be used.

All this makes me harken back to a lot of the reading I’ve done where it regards Eastern religions and philosophy, and the absolutely intense and obsessive focus on asceticism that much of it has.

Asceticism? I often thought “Why?”

Suddenly makes sense when you think about it from a post life, cosmic-trap perspective: The individual is trapped by their attachments and loves to people and places and things in the world. That’s what brings you back. That’s what causes you to go into the white light. It’s “the long lost child” you had that lovingly beckons you toward the light, calling you from inside of it.

If you’re an ascetic (a true ascetic inside and out, mind you, not just one that only renunciates on the outside, but inside is a writhing froth of desires), then it will be difficult for you to caught by the beckoning of the white light because it won’t tempt you with its desires.

This is as it pertains only to one life, however. The difficult thing is that we all have multiple lives, and multiple loves from those multiple lives…so what if nothing from this life temps you…but when you cross over (and at that point, have a wider perspective of all the lives you’ve lived) what if you get beckoned by your main “love of loves” that you’ve had over life after life after life? Damn. Then it becomes a bit more difficult to be the renunciate at that point, I imagine.

Yeah. Definite traps that exist - powerful emotional traps.

If it all runs on consent and cannot tamper with free will then I'd think one would be able to bypass whatever device or web that's confining us here.

Unless, as I said in the linked response that I posted above, you A) are in a bit of a compromised state upon immediately crossing over and are more prone to react to things emotionally rather than logically, and B) you get a projection of the BIGGEST love you’ve had from multiple lives (a person you might not have even seen in the life you immediately left, but that you had still been with in multiple lives before and that you immediately recognize upon crossing over), and they’re crying and and calling to you “Come on. Please. I love you.”

Yeah. That shit I imagine would be pretty difficult to just ignore and not go into the white, mind-wiping light for many individuals. Sheesh.

If proven that one can actually escape, THEN I'd consider returning to try and get others out, according to said plan.

Yeah, but if you escape, that just means you got out AT THAT POINT. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you wouldn’t get trapped again if you try to go back in. Sort of like a fly and a spider’s web. Not EVERY fly gets 100% caught in a spider’s web. Some escape. Let’s say you’re one of the ones that escaped. Does that somehow mean that you’ve “figured out” how to escape from spiders’ webs now? Na. I wouldn’t say so. I’d say that it just means that you were somehow able to get out THAT TIME. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to escape easily next time or from that point on.

In other words, just because you got out, it doesn’t mean that you’d be able to just come and go as you please from that point on. You might get stuck for another hundred lifetimes again if you go back in after finally getting out.

If paradise exists I'm i no hurry to get there atm.

I understand that concept. The way I feel about it, I feel that “everything is everything”. We live in a holographic multiverse, which means that God, The Great Mind, or whatever one wants to call It, is just manifesting Itself in many different ways that are called “existence”. What that means is that we are the savior and the executioner, the good and the bad, the everything, and this thing that we’re experiencing right now? Well, it’s just…

With that in mind, while I wouldn’t say I’m in no hurry to get there (this life can get pretty difficult sometimes), I will say that I know we all will get there eventually. :)

Might be that it's supposed to be right here even, but sometimes this whole 4D earth trope sounds like more wishful thinking and trickery

Speaking my language, man. I’m saying and I feel exactly the same thing. Definitely.

Good post. Thanks for responding.


I'm about to pass out over here, will have to look at provided links tomorrow, but this:

Yeah, but if you escape, that just means you got out AT THAT POINT. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you wouldn’t get trapped again if you try to go back in. Sort of like a fly and a spider’s web. Not EVERY fly gets 100% caught in a spider’s web. Some escape. Let’s say you’re one of the ones that escaped. Does that somehow mean that you’ve “figured out” how to escape from spiders’ webs now? Na. I wouldn’t say so. I’d say that it just means that you were somehow able to get out THAT TIME. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to escape easily next time or from that point on.

Oh yeah. I guess it would be the mere notion right there and then, that I escaped it and proved to my light body self that it's possible to do so. So I'd be going in again knowing the risks. I surely hope nothing is stuck, or in the same state eternally. A couple of decades, centuries, milleniums no sweat. There's enough time at least if everything is eternal.

Likewise. Ty.


I surely hope nothing is stuck, or in the same state eternally.

Seems to me the only thing that is is God (whatever tf that is). Everything else under the realm of The Great Being is in fact not eternal. Only The Great Being is eternal (whoever/whatever tf that is).

A couple of decades, centuries, milleniums, no sweat. There's enough time at least if everything is eternal.

Absolutely. Right on.

Rest well.


How convenient for me that you would post that when hours prior I had a realization that I now have to actually adopt (almost force) that kind of mindset upon myself in order to find any peace within myself, whereas I've been mostly toying with the idea until now.

I'm not about to insist on it being synchronicity, but hey why not.

I had a realization that I now have to actually adopt (almost force) that kind of mindset upon myself in order to find any peace within myself

Interesting that you say this because it hints at a big part of what the ultimate message is all about in the Hidden Hand text. I did a big write up on it here, but ultimately, the main point of it all, especially as it pertains to the point you’re making here, is that often it isn’t in the acquisition of things, material or otherwise, that real and true peace and balance is found, but in the ignoring of all the trappings in life; in the relinquishing of the hamster wheel of constant, incessant desiring; in a form of asceticism, as it were.

I'm not about to insist on it being synchronicity, but hey it could be.

Functioning on similar wavelengths perhaps. :)

What you've linked, it gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "detach from the womb." I don't what eastern spiritual teaching that is from, but I'm reminded of it. I had an overprotective mother and I dared less as a result when I was a child. This makes sense, alot to contemplate on now, huh. Some pieces coming together maybe. Will have to dig deeper.

Thanks for linking that. The Libra is supposedly of Venus, I might be on of the bastards, if these things are true, hah.

“detach from the womb." I don't [know] what eastern spiritual teaching that is from, but I'm reminded of it.

Hinduism. It stresses detachment from the trappings of attachment - both physical and otherwise.

alot to contemplate on now, huh.

Indeed. A lot to contemplate for me even still, and I came across that information over three years ago.

Some pieces coming together maybe. Will have to dig deeper.

I do not for a moment pretend to know all too much, but I am always here if you wish to masticate any intellectual/philosophical/spiritual/metaphysical concepts.

The Libra is supposedly of Venus. I might be one of the bastards if these things are true

Definitely ELI5 on that one, if you will. :)

Will do. Whatever amount you do know, maybe I'll be steered in the right direction regardless, judging thus so far.

I can only ELI5 that one as I've only looked superficially. I've wondered why in the Libra is "of Venus", regarding to horoscopes, astrology. Going to have to look more there as well to find anything of more substance.

What is "the Libra", however? Is that the time or constellation we happen to be in at the moment? I thought it was Aquarius. Although I know that horoscopic data, when gathered and assessed intelligently and critically, is quite valid indeed, I must admit that I'm quite lost where it regards understanding what the reference of "the Libra" means.

The Libra, I mean the zodiac sign. That would be the one with the scales, September 23-October 22.

Is that your sign?

Yeah, that would be mine.

Ah. Okay. Cool. :)

I believe this is the knowledge that has either been destroyed or hidden. I believe secret societies have some of this knowledge.

Regular meditation is the basic entry point. Lucid dreaming and OBEs are difficult with an untrained mind, I speak from experience.

ramana maharshi’s method of self inquiry. Master your thoughts master your mind. Become one with your true multidimensional self. Incredible the things you can do once the false fake ego is silenced.

its not as complicated as you think 

What if you grew up in this physical life wanting nothing more than to find your love and to raise a family…and you actually did find that person, and everything was 100% perfect w/no qualifiers…and then you two had an absolutely angelically beautiful baby that you both loved more than life itself, and that baby was the brightest, smartest thing ever, and as it grew and your love for it grew even more, at the age of, say, maybe five years, it went out in the street…and bam. Got hit by a car and died.

And then the rest of both of your lives were pretty much completely obsessed with thinking about this child - whether you wanted to or not…and then both you got old, and then you died. The end.

And then after you died and you find yourself on the other side and you lived your Earth life and everything…you look toward the white light…and there’s your long lost baby…saying “Mommy!” or “Daddy!” in as irresistible and cute a manner as ever possible.

And all those emotions you thought you got through while alive completely rip open and you feel the love for this child about 1,000 times stronger now…

And they open their arms to you with an awesome smile on their face…

All you have to do is say “Na. Not going” right? and just turn around and not go toward your child.

Easy. Simple, right? Just don’t move toward your kid, right? Anybody can resist that, right? No big deal.

That or replace your baby with pretty much anything else: Your grandma, the husband or wife that you just couldn’t live without and that was perfect for you and that died right before you guys were about to have your first child, etc, etc, etc…

Basically find the thing that tugs your heart most…and manipulate that. Put that at the end of the white light waiting for you…beckoning you.

And on top of all that, what if you’re in a intellectually compromised mental while all this is happening? What if for the first spell after you cross over, your mind is still getting its bearings and is similar to how it is when we’re dreaming where you’re not really thinking too straight or logically? And it’s SUPER easy to not think too clearly through logical situations and you just basically go on almost all emotions?

I’m not super sure it’s really all that easy, to be honest with you.

I'm about to pass out over here, will have to look at provided links tomorrow, but this:

Yeah, but if you escape, that just means you got out AT THAT POINT. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you wouldn’t get trapped again if you try to go back in. Sort of like a fly and a spider’s web. Not EVERY fly gets 100% caught in a spider’s web. Some escape. Let’s say you’re one of the ones that escaped. Does that somehow mean that you’ve “figured out” how to escape from spiders’ webs now? Na. I wouldn’t say so. I’d say that it just means that you were somehow able to get out THAT TIME. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to escape easily next time or from that point on.

Oh yeah. I guess it would be the mere notion right there and then, that I escaped it and proved to my light body self that it's possible to do so. So I'd be going in again knowing the risks. I surely hope nothing is stuck, or in the same state eternally. A couple of decades, centuries, milleniums no sweat. There's enough time at least if everything is eternal.

Likewise. Ty.



How convenient for me that you would post that when hours prior I had a realization that I now have to actually adopt (almost force) that kind of mindset upon myself in order to find any peace within myself, whereas I've been mostly toying with the idea until now.

I'm not about to insist on it being synchronicity, but hey why not.