How to Kill a Sub for Dummies

1  2018-09-15 by Raven9nine9

1) Go to sub.

2) Post hate speech and advocate violence.

3) Using different account report sub for hate speech and violence.

4) Move on to next sub in the banout list and repeat.


Don't forget to archive your comment before reporting it!

I'm hoping that the Mods will deal with it first.

Except the admins only enforce their rules selectively, so that will only work in subs that are engaging in wrongthink.

kind of like the mods here...

Just throwing shit and seeing what will stick.

You forgot the very first step:

1) Realize your life is so worthless, you figure the best way to make it seem better by shitting on others.

Apart from that, you're on the right track.

Yes that is most definitely the first step.

Yeah, and a final step would be to wack off while bitterly crying.

I'm impressed. You must know someone.

You mean just like after a Saturday night out?

I'll make this sub better by shitting on you. Stop making this sub shit you piece of shit

People that get their news and instructions on how to think from failed comedians have long completed #1

Do it

Unless its a leftist sub, like latestagecapitalism, fullcommunism, etc. Then they can advocate violence all they want and never be touched. Imagine that.

Fucking idiot

they are also the ones committing the violence, and have the justice systems blessing

this is so baseless i don't even know where to start. is there any evidence for this ridiculous blanket statement?


The only evidence is hurt feelings.

I can't imagine being partisan in any form.

Maybe one day your imagination will get there.

I was partisan when I was young and dumb.

It's really not. Antifa, the leftist terrorist organization, is routinely let off without any charges. Look up bike lock guy.

Awesome formula, and you're spot on. I'm going to try it with r/politics. r/aww is next.

2.5 members of sub report post, mod deletes it and bans the rule breakers. (Guess that what happens when members and mods support violence)

alternatively post pyramid and ancient alien shite.

So how is this sub still here?

Using different account report sub for hate speech and violence

Do you know “the FireEye Software” Reddit is using?

It is not that easy as you think.

I know I over simplified it, my intention was to point out how terms of service can be used as a weapon.

anyone can do this to any sub they dont like.