If you were an alien, why would you visit earth?

1  2018-09-16 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

I saw this researching and it brought the question to mind:

The only reason for aliens to come here would be to eat us. Think about it, their technology and life extension has given them time to become highly eccentric at best and downright psychopathic at worst. Aliens could easily lab grow our meat, but would rather harvest the real deal free range humans from Earth. They will slice us up alive like sushi, then use technology to keep our heads alive on the dinner plate as garnishment so we can watch them devour our bodies, before finally cracking open our skulls and getting our brains scooped out in tea spoon sized portions.


Just a conspiracy shower thought.

Bens over OP, this won't hurt


maybe they collect information on alien planets

To discover unknown species, look for resources, see if I can find any useful technology, food

Dammit Spock.

easy pickings

They hate water though!

Because of OPP !!! Son.

I'm down with OPP.

Yeah you know me!!!

Not really a fan of Mitchio Kaku( this is definitely a incorrect spelling) but I liked one thing he said. He said why would an alien race so much more advanced than us that they can travel the stars, come here when there are infinite other places to go? It would be like walking 1000 miles out o to the desert just to look at an anthill.

This is the real truth.

Unless they have some kind of investment in us. Maybe they're the "Missing Link"? I don't know. I hope it's something like that.

Yeah, I really want ancient aliens to be true. That would be so badass.

Wouldn't it be awesome!

It would be like walking 1000 miles out into the desert just to look at an anthill.

And watching enough documentary shows, as well as what is on sites like YouTube, there are people that do exactly that. Not common (even with 6+ billion), but it happens.

Except that there are people who do study ant hills, ant populations, social hierarchies and things like that. I think it’s a pessimistic approach to assume that humans have nothing to offer the universe. If not technologically or scientifically we have an interesting culture of art and music that surely any intelligent being would be able understand.

What if life is rarer than we think? What if they've been looking for life for thousands and thousands of years? Then finally they found us.

For our natural ressources. If you know there is a gold chest in the middle of the desert, you will try real hard to find it.

For the same reason we go to Africa on safaris. Can watch them on tv from home, but we travel far too see them up close. They come here to watch Americans do American things from up close.

They come here to watch Americans do American things from up close.

This worries me.

Imagine how much it worries them!

Because earthlings set off nukes. No matter how advanced your species is a nuke can ruin your day - and maybe your whole planet.

Now this is a reply where there's evidence.

but its not lol


"No matter how advanced your species is a nuke can ruin your day" - Prove it

Those human titties are the best!

Oddly for the food... and i dont mean eating people

To boldly go where no Zorg has gone before.

Earthling poontang

To laugh at the sheeple.

Gold heist!

Honestly I attribute it to something like the zoo. Millions of people go to zoos every year for the simple fact of visiting animals that you typically don’t see every day. Assuming aliens are of some super higher intelligence, it isn’t too far fetched that they might come here to visit a simple colony of beings which are much less intelligent then they are, not unlike people going to a zoo. The major difference being that we aren’t “caged” and the aliens don’t want to be seen.

Personally I’m not sure we’ve been visited by aliens but this is my rationalization of the situation. But it has to be statistically impossible that we are the only planet in the universe with living beings. It just seems impossible with how expansive the universe is.

I'm so glad you brought up probability and statistics. It is statistically impossible.

To me, to ponder why the Earth exists is to ponder why the Universe exists. Sooo many people have claimed to be or originate from other star systems...Wayne Herschel is pretty interesting in that regard, research-wise.

But I think human consciousness may be linked directly to "heavenly bodies", and perhaps we have a home away from home, so to speak, but it could be different from person to person. The universe COULD even be Earth-centric that way, which would be precisely why aliens would want to visit Earth.

Perhaps Earth in that regard is like Midgard in Norse mythology.

If they're capable of interstellar travel, then we're "caged" by chemical rockets and Earth's gravity well. I think, if anything, that's why communication is limited and the secretive behavior of encounters. (If any truth to them.) We're not a threat as long as we're stuck here, and the less we can figure out about how to get out of our "cage" the better.

If aliens were an obvious known, and not just something on the edge of mythos, I'd think scientists would be trying as hard as hell to figure out how they do it. And that'd set the countdown at a much higher tempo than what it already is.

Zoo seems likely, but we're quarantined in a way because of that.

Easy, I wouldn't. As a member of race capable of interstellar travel, this lifeform would be a curiosity at best.

This is a sound decision.

The only reasons as to why an Alien would visit Earth that I can come up with is

1: Star Trek Intergalactic Federation and we're inline to join (not at all likely)

2: They created us and are checking up on their creation (possible but not really)

3: Space Zoo (IF they are indeed visiting this is the most likely outcome in my opinion)

I dont believe any alien species that would be visiting Earth to be doing it for Hollywood reasons i.e. enslavement, food, resources, extinction, or any of that other stuff. If an alien has the technology to fly across the universe they would then have the technology to not need slave labor. Food, what is the likelihood of a species from somewhere else in the infinite cosmos being able to eat and developing a taste for humans when there would just as likely be infinite planets with readier available food sources? Resources, with planets being found everyday made entirely of limited resources on Earth why would they waste their time on the scraps of Earth? Finally Extinction, just what would be the purpose and the holdup, they are already unimaginably superior to humans in every capacity what would be the point, it would be like us wiping out every ant on Earth, just cause.

Potentially for rare metals. Gold is supposed to be about as rare in the greater universe as it is here on earth for example. We could be a potential mining colony.

I’ve always thought that if aliens were responsible for us being here then maybe we are a tool of some sort. Maybe aliens planted us here to mine for precious metals, kind of a set it and forget it type of biological instrument.

To see total eclipses. Their planets don't have them.

Isn’t it weird that Earth is the only planet that has total eclipses where the sun and moon are the same size in the sky 🤔🤔

I would come here to fuck the Earth women, to frustrate and dominate the Earth men on their measly 24 hour schedule, to eat their food. And to compare humans to others. But thats like if I was a Tyler Durden alien. Thats my alien self's alter ego.


If I was one and had the technology to come, I'd stay the fuck away from Earth. That would be like being a nuclear weapon scientist trying to visit North Korea.

Because they're actually time traveling humans from the far future who are acting as archeologists.

Why did the Europeans colonize the West. Hint it wasn't to eat native Americans.

to set up a control system that the idiot earthlings would direct all of their energy towards, then harvest that negative/positive energy. similar to jim carrey as the riddler. aliens, if they exist, are not working for our benefit.

For groceries..

Just for a laugh, humans are known across the cosmos for their unique sense of humor.

Muh monoatomic gold

There must be some use for the transparent material we call "water".

Stanton Friedman gives some plausuble reasons

Thanks for the link man!

Same reason we visit the zoo; to watch the monkeys screech, masturbate, and throw their feces around.

There is the possiblity that they want the planet. Habitable planets may be rare. What if humans are considered an invasive species that is not in line with their goals...?

Bc human nature its fascinating, now its shit tho

While the evidence for UFO phenomenon is incontrovertible, there is little evidence that proves they are piloted by extraterrestrials.

In his classic Messengers of Deception, noted UFO researcher Jacques Vallee calculated that in one 20 year period, there were 3,000,000 visitations worldwide.

This is not indicative of a craft crossing the vast distances of space, not for science, not for war.

The phenomenon is inherently deceptive and is in complete control of our knowledge of it - whatever it is, it will reveal itself only when it decides - though I imagine that the world overcoming the taboo against studying them would help to speed that along.

For those curious, the "disclosure" process started about a year ago... Let me know if you'd like to know more.

For a conspiracy forum, there is very little discussion about what is obviously a massive conspiracy unfolding involving the Pentagon, a billionaire, Hal Puthoff and fucking Tom Delonge.

Dammit Spock.