Is the Earth hollow?
1 2018-09-18 by RareNest
I've been studying this extensively for about 14 years, and I haven't found enough evidence too prove it, but i'm pretty sure that Earth does not have a mantle, or a core, it is just the crust.
1 2018-09-18 by RareNest
I've been studying this extensively for about 14 years, and I haven't found enough evidence too prove it, but i'm pretty sure that Earth does not have a mantle, or a core, it is just the crust.
1 The_Humble_Neckbeard 2018-09-18
The short answer? No. The long answer? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
1 RareNest 2018-09-18
1 AutoModerator 2018-09-18
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1 RareNest 2018-09-18
1 mazer_rack_em 2018-09-18
why is that something you're pretty sure of?
1 RareNest 2018-09-18
1 JackNVodka 2018-09-18
14 years of research and not one supporting statement. Cool.
1 Cyrus2112 2018-09-18
1 RareNest 2018-09-18
Mfw you fell for it
1 ChainedNmaimed 2018-09-18
My biggest question is if the core of the earth is solid iron, why does it not melt while being surrounded my molten hot magma. A new theory was proposed in 2017/16 dealing with the shape of molecules being different at the center of the earth? ok? but again just a theory.
1 [deleted] 2018-09-18
1 ChainedNmaimed 2018-09-18
This is what i read. but i noticed something really strange with your comment.
a few hours ago my message box turned orange, i checked it-nothing there. Came to this thread to see if it was a deleted comment-nothing there. Been to this thread twice since then to see if any interesting conversations were going on and still your comment was not there, until just now 1 minute ago.
1 TheMadRocker 2018-09-18
That is weird. Are you using a pc or the app? I don't use the app, but I have heard people bitch about it.
1 the-99th-monkey 2018-09-18
Seems like we there would be a sonic way to detect. I also don’t think meteor impacts would have a cone in the middle of it was.
1 leidogbei 2018-09-18
1 RONIN2044 2018-09-18
Nope, it’s flat!!
1 erin136 2018-09-18
1 toneii 2018-09-18
It could still be flat and be hollow. It could be shaped like a hollow tin cookie box.
1 showcdp 2018-09-18
Yup. /r/notaglobe
1 whenipeeithurts 2018-09-18
Yep flat but there are chambers under as well (nothing good down there)
1 RobertAntonWilson 2018-09-18
Do you want it to be hollow?
1 RingosBeardNumber9 2018-09-18
no one knows what is past as far as they can drill. All the illustrations of the earth's layers we learned in school are unproven hypotheses.
Maybe. Who knows?
1 Machinevartin 2018-09-18
Have you tried knocking?
1 whenipeeithurts 2018-09-18
Flat, motionless, and with a bottomless pit.
1 TheUnmashedPotato 2018-09-18
If you have a spherically symmetrical shell that's hollow inside, the interior will have zero apparent gravity. If you were trying to stand on the interior, the parts near you would pull on you strongest, but there is so much more on the far side that's pulling at you that the forces cancel. Nothing could walk on the interior, as they'd all simply float around.