FYI: Shills are currently upvoting whatever they think will make r/conspiracy look like a pro-Trump sub

1  2018-09-18 by DontJoinTheMilitary


That's a conspiracy theory. ;)

OP is a shill working with a BIG player... I have the evidence just not willing to compromise my source. Here's a 10 minute YouTube video instead.

Does the video use a text to speech voice? :)

Can't stand them.

In their defense, it seems to be a big day for them. So not suprising, we have a wide arrange of view point represented here.

Also, the millions of subscribers have spread out. Some are here now, still smarting from the takedown.


Ok, hundreds of thousands.

GA had 70k+ when it was shut down, which included tons of gawkers and bots.

After the "Kek Trek" to Voat, both GA-inheritor subs combined had 7k subscribed (assuming zero overlap).

So hundreds of thousands of Patriots, but Reddit fiendishly conspired to hide their subscriptions, and then only a few percent were willing to register on a new platform?

Sounds about right.

Hint: They're not real. Their a Cambridge Analytica type OP. It's a great business model apparently.

IM me and tell me more, would love to hear this your perspective on it.

Feel free to check my comment history, no need for IM's.

Fair enough.

looks at username

How about you look in a fucking mirror before you slander people that happen to disagree with you.

Don't bother, you're dealing with a person who has no ability to take accountability for themselves.


Make asses great again? I agree. These big booties thots are very unattractive.

Thot police?

That hoe over there doesn't police my thoughts.

Nah, those who lean to the right tend to be attracted to conspiracy theories as they have an innate paranoia regarding the government and large, concentrations of power.

The left tends to be paranoid of corporations and that influence on us as capitalists.

Neither is wrong. Point is that it explains the larger concentration of pro right leaning posts on a conspiracy page. The right's point of view is largely more interesting because of the motivations and implications.

The left's point of view is slightly less interesting because the only influence, in general, is money.

Obviously there are exceptions, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

I'd wager there are simply more right leaning conspiracy theorists.

The left tends to be paranoid of corporations and that influence on us as capitalists.

Let's talk about that influence "on us as capitalists" you mentioned. Do you think it's acceptable for these benevolent corporations, you seem so willingly to defend, should be able to buy and pay for "marketing" OP's directed at the American public through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit?

Let's say I had a soft drink that I had that I wanted to promote. If I paid these socials to advertise a contest giving away $100,000 dollars for a winner who posted the best selfie with my product, then paid them again to "organically" place all my other newly millions of relevant product photos all over the web advertising for me. I imagine I could sell millions of dollars of my soda across the world. Capitalism.

Take this business model and apply it to, I don't know, let's say Judge Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination process. This is still pure free market capitalism and you would support it, right?

I also said, "Neither point is wrong."

You're right. We have sold our privacy. In ignorance. You're sort of proving my point u/WeAreTheResistance... These are all examples of money influencing our world.

That said, personally, I think the free market is an answer to a lot of what you're mentioning. Yes.

Look up Brave Browser. It's a free market solution to the privacy problems you bring up. There will always be innovation, and that innovation will replace monopolies.

Elections are still free market capitalism. Yes.

So whoever has the most money now influences who we vote for? That's fair game to you? Is it really free market capitalism or more of a check mate cutthroat crony capitalism?

Money is free speech

Oh I get it now. Whoever has the most of it, is who gets free speech, that's is what you're saying.

I'm confused though, If someone is paying for that speech at a corporate level, how is it free again?

Free speech is free speech.

Ahh I see. So anything anti-trump is legit but anything pro-trump is paid for.

Shills? The Q forums were banned. This is their refuge.

No, they aren't. They downvote counterpropaganda debunking the CIA's nonsense about Russia collusion, and pretty much anything else favorable to Trump.

That's the way it looks to me on many subs. We have all shared in a grand delusion. We were asleep. Some are awake, while others still slumber.

They don't like being woken up so they keep hitting the snooze button. (Downvotes)

I will gladly take a ban for this. I sincerely hope you kill yourself.

I am suprised that they aren't posting calls for violence.

Removed. Rule 12.

The left tends to be paranoid of corporations and that influence on us as capitalists.

Let's talk about that influence "on us as capitalists" you mentioned. Do you think it's acceptable for these benevolent corporations, you seem so willingly to defend, should be able to buy and pay for "marketing" OP's directed at the American public through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit?

Let's say I had a soft drink that I had that I wanted to promote. If I paid these socials to advertise a contest giving away $100,000 dollars for a winner who posted the best selfie with my product, then paid them again to "organically" place all my other newly millions of relevant product photos all over the web advertising for me. I imagine I could sell millions of dollars of my soda across the world. Capitalism.

Take this business model and apply it to, I don't know, let's say Judge Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination process. This is still pure free market capitalism and you would support it, right?
