Why doesn't Trump just reopen the 9/11 investigation to get fire under Muellers ass? He said he would do it but has instead hired a lot of the people in bush's team that handled it.

1  2018-09-21 by showmeurboobsplznthx

This seems the obvious thing to do if Mueller is a crock, he could easily reopen the 911 investigation, find Mueller had obstructed justice and fire him...


Why doesn't the American public stop everything until their government demonstrates a moment of transparent accountability?

Degrees of comfort?

Basic comprehension?

The ability to articulate ones thoughts in a well ordered fashion?




you handle inspires me.

We're far too busy fighting each other.

And feeding and clothing ourselves.

No we're not, you're wrong!

fighting intensifies

Imagine that. Everyone stopping their jobs and schools and everything in between marching to the White House and demanding our rights and freedom back. Etc They would literally shit there pants.

"clean up isle 6"

and 7,

and 8...

Never mind, RUN!

What are you talking about?

Exactly. No excuses for this.

It sucks that Trump supporters don't challenge it and believe q saying it's coming... It's not going to happen even though Trump promised all Americans he would do it. I'd like to see us all, regardless of party preference, to ask this from him in good faith. Is he really a maverick, or just another face for the rulers. I'd be less critical of the poor being butt fucked if we got this.

We're basically just waiting to see the real evidence like everyone else.

Yes, we are convinced that Q and POTUS are working together.

Many are convinced that they are working in our interests, but the core of this group will turn on Q and Trump on a dime if we have good reason to believe that isn't the case. We aren't zealous blind followers, and I encourage everyone here to question everything.

Contrary to your claim that Trump supporters don't challenge and just believe, we came to the conclusion that Q is legit by endlessly scrutinizing his posts and researching what they had to say.

So far, we have good reason to believe that something explosive will be contained within the 20 pg FISA declassification. If that isn't the case, then Q will be more or less dead, and I doubt Trump will win another election. I'm not really sure what will happen, and I am weary that this whole thing will backfire. But Q has been an incredible source for the last 10 months for anyone who was willing to pay attention.

Q is honestly just getting trump peeps to sleep on the Sept 28 Palestine peace buy out. When Obama did JCPOA and made American firms that illegally seized Iran's money because a few bad men, it was blasted and so controversial. Now Trump is hiding the Israel sell out. Shows you who trumps daddy is and a lot of Trump supporters hate Israel's leadership but have been quiet because they trust trump. If this was Obama, it would be nutssss

just getting trump peeps to sleep on the Sept 28 Palestine peace buy out.

And the outcome would somehow be different otherwise?

If they weren't "sleeping", would people be out in the streets protesting?

Q isn't to get them to "sleep", its to get them to fight for Trump when his presidency is legitimately threatened by the Mueller probe. The right is the side with all the guns, remember?

Trump is going to use the 9/11 information just as it looks like hes going to be outed for the treasonous fraud that he is and he will use that to take complete control and then the NWO plan will be put into full motion. Trump is the little horn from the book of Daniel









Mueller aside. He got elected for this. I don’t care what the polls say, people are pissed off about constantly being lied too and lied to about 9/11 and everything that came after that.

Honest question, as im not in the Trump club. Did people really vote for him based on the fact that they thought he would open an investigation into 9/21?

9/21? A lot probably did. A lot probably voted for him because they know 9/11 was a lie also.

Like a lot of old people know 9/11 and the events that followed were based on lies. Maybe that’s why Q.

You’ve got a better chance of Wall Street handing out $ to bums... NOT gonna happen...

I'm sure so many people in government were involved in it that if he made that move they would suicide him real quick.

I think he has bigger irons in the fire right now. Look at Russia and Iran and Turkey China and their stupid war games.. then the hurricanes here and the people randomly dying from the deep state here... FEMA trying to correct them... along with .. border.. in due time. Pray for our President. May God put his hand on this nation and the Good people.

You can do more than one thing at a time.

It’s all a facade. Trump is a puppet, just the same as every other president. He serves the obvious purpose of sowing division and tensions.

They wouldn’t have let him become president if this was on his agenda.

JFK would like a word with you.

“And over here we have the Lincoln convertible that JFK rode in Mr President”.

Yup. Useful idiot. The only problem is that he might not get reelected- but hes much better alive for four years than taken out. No motive in my estimation to pull a jfk.

I think he might use it to take over but only expose certain people and groups, not Israel's. Trump knew about 9/11 before it happened.

The first non-puppet president I have seen in my lifetime

Because he is likely and rightfully afraid for his family who he clearly cherishes above everything.

Makes us wonder about all of his other decisions

😂 how many times has he been divorced and or cheated on his wives?

I'm talking about the kids.

And where was Trump when Barron was a newborn? Oh that’s right, paying to bang a porn star. Real family man in the White House.

It's better than homosexual Obama and trans Michael.

So your moral system says two people who seemingly love each other and are faithful is less preferable than a serial adulterer and literal illegal immigrant (can’t work on a tourist visa) because you’d prefer to picture one couple in your head more because of how their parts match up. Good to know!

You talking about Barry who snorted cocaine off a homosexual prostitute then stuck him like a pig?

-citation needed

Larry Sinclair.


If you believe everything everybody says, there is no end to what you can be wrong about.

What does paying a porn star have to do with loving his children? The gymnastics you people do to viciously cut down people over politics shows how petty you are. Maybe you will have kids someday when you get bored with your waifu pillow.

Yep. Most people with newborn children at home are off spending money to have sex with women who aren’t their childrens’ mother(s) instead of spending time with or caring for the child.

Are you serious? I honestly don’t care who he stuck his dick into or when but you can’t claim he’s a devoted/caring/whatever word you want to use family man given the clear evidence to the contrary.

What's the point of a new 9/11 investigation?

If he does it and the new investigation concludes that the first investigation got it right, the people who don't believe the first investigation aren't going to believe this one either.

If he does it and the new investigation concludes that the first investigation was wrong and the CIA or mossad or someone else did it, all the people who believe the first investigation won't believe this one.

And then there are the people who hate Trump and won't believe anything he says or does simply because it's Trump.

A new 9/11 investigation would be pointless. People made up their minds long ago, and nothing is going to change them.

Trump said his mission, as the political outsider, was to upend “the establishment”. Whether that’s the Intelligence Community, political elite, Mainstream news, didn’t matter to him; no one was safe, or so he said.

Reopening the investigation would be perhaps his opportunity to blow the lid on everything, or at least present the public with the right questions. Did everyone think that “the establishment” (which both R’s and D’s have bemoaned for decades as a political buzzword) would be disrupted quietly? Was Trump suggesting that he could infiltrate and shut it down by his lonesome? Americans plead for revolution, but no one seems to be willing to stop talking bullshit and take a swing. If there were more political factions, i think civil war would likely break out. However, that doesn’t benefit Trump or anyone that may be pulling the strings (not yet, at least), or else he’d be keeping his promises, right?

Let Trump release the Pentagon videos.

People cannot argue with hard evidence though. So if there is something that's been swept under the rug that gets brought into the light, it could be an entirely different story.

Also, dumb people have been conditioned to believe the official 9/11 narrative. They can be conditioned in the other direction if need be. Sheep are easily led.

Trump just formed a new alliance with Saudi Arabia....

...or don’t you guys ever read news?


How do you know it wasn't the 9/11 perpetrators who suffered in the Saudi "coup"? Pretty sure Bander Bush, the guy who's wife was paying hijackers, was one of the ones who was strung up for "questioning".

Didn't the Trump administration just say they would go after the ICC if they ever tried Americans for war crimes?

theres only one reason somebody would bring 9/11 traitors into govt.

Because DT plays for the same team as the rest of them. He’s not the antidote.

He clearly doesn't play for the same team as the people who have spent 3 straight years trying to destroy him. Their obsession with Trump is akin to that of the European monarchies trying to bring down Napoleon for 15 years.

Trump might be an elite but he's in a different club than the ones who have run this country post-WW2.

Trump clearly doesn't play for the same team as the people who have spent 4 straight years trying to destroy him using every tool at their disposal. Their obsession with Trump is akin to that of the European monarchies trying to bring down Napoleon for 15 years.

Replace the name "Trump" in your comment with "Bill Clinton." Your comment is MORE factual with "Bill Clinton" because Trump hasn't been in office for "4 years" as you claim. Not to mention, actual impeachment.

Remind me when every government agency and Clinton's own party was involved in a government coup to remove him from office? Clinton lied under oath and nothing happened to him or his wife for the next 20 years. They gained MORE power and wealth in Washington.

The Obama administration was trying to take Trump out since 2016 and their media allies before that in 2015.

its not an "obsession with trump" when hes the current president affecting peoples lives daily and in the middle of a very obvious scandal

Bullshit. They've been trying to take down Trump before he was President using the full force of government agencies to do it, to no avail. You are engaged in a coup because you were humiliated in an election.

im not american and i was anyone-but-hillary, "why not give trump a chance, maybe he wont be like the rest". to top it off, the only US news i had ever watched regularly was fox, but that was years ago.

i certainly have a more objective view of things than you

You aren't objective if you can't understand that the scandal you speak of was created by his opponents. How can you be 'anyone but Hillary' yet take the side of those who have been proven to be working on her behalf.

I barely supported Trump going into election. My support for him blossomed when it was clear they were engaged in a soft coup detat to remove him starting with the bogus recounts and electoral college scheme. This is a coup against the voters as much as it is against Trump on Hillary Clinton's behalf.

You aren't objective if you can't understand that the scandal you speak of was created by his opponents

thats something thats down to opinion and i am judging the issue from a more objective stance than you.

his opponents didnt create the trump tower meeting

the trump tower meeting isnt "fake news". its admitted that they attended the meeting with the intent of obtaining damaging info against hillary.

the aussie diplomat informed the fbi? that popadopolous had said russians had given them dirt on hillary.

trump said they were going to release damaging info on hillary days before the tt meeting.

its glaringly obvious they made a deal. the russians released that info and in return they got ???

and last, but not least, trumps actions show no hint of caring about the people. hes blatantly and obviously using the presidency to enrich himself and the establishment

Yes, they did play a role in the Trump Tower meeting trying to entrap Trump. Nothing he did there was illegal and no worse than Hillary Clinton paying a British spy to produce intel to use to justify an investigation into Trump.

What politicians show you that they 'care about the people'? That is a ridiculous demand. Regardless, Trump has avoided more wars, clamped down on illegal immigration, lowered everyone's taxes, and promoted job growth in this country. Things are better now than they were under Obama or Bush.

colluding with a foreign government to influence an election is illegal though.

republicans initiated the the steel investigation and its a private firm. it had no influence on the russia investigation.

the tax breaks will not be noticed by the average person and they have since been offset by the tarifs in the trade "war". the rich will make extra millions. the deficit has increased substantially and the economy will pay for that in the future.

"social" services have been gutted to pay for the war on immigration.

what wars has he avoided? hes increased americas pro israel stance. jumped in bed with the saudis.

its not difficult to show he cares for the people. keep taxes for the richest the same. send adequate support when natural disasters occur. increase funds for education, improve healthcare.

i actually fell for his "drain the swamp" line and it was a big part of why i was saying maybe he deserves a chance. "he cant be worse than hillary". what did he go and do.....appointed criminals and establishment people to every position.

He didn't collude. He talked to an activist/lobbyist not a foreign agent like Hillary Clinton openly did.

The Steele Dossier was paid by Hillary Clinton's campaign and was used as a source to spy on Trump. This is the height of government corruption using the FBI to attack political opponents.

The tax breaks are seen on every paycheck and will be seen when filing this April. Every parent will get more money. Businesses are hiring and increasing wages. The only people who aren't profiting are basement dwelling bums without jobs, families, or ambition.

You aren't objective. You are another foreigner claiming to be neutral who regurgitates 100% Democrat talking points. You aren't fooling me.

so they pretended to be enthusiastic about the meeting despite having no intention of going through with anything?

He went to chelea clintons wedding and was good friends with jeffery epstein. Hes dropped more bombs in the middle east than obama and put us troops in syria. Hes definitely on their team

Because Trump is Israel's sockpuppet.

They've set a tentative date of Sept 28 for Israel's offer that'll lead to annexing the west bank. No body in America is talking about it, but it's literally how Hitler got Poland. Offer a shit deal. When the opposition balks at such a shit deal, you invade and act like you offered peace and were met with hostility...

Do you have any more information on this?

25 years ago on September 28 2000, the initiated a failed plan. The Kushner deal was set for the anniversary. You can search it. As of this week it looks highly unlikely to happen then, but that was the plan.

I honestly doubt that's where this is headed. That would be too conspicuous.

Messianic jews in the Likudniks and through Chabad-Lubavitch have it pushed In hopes to bring about the Jewish messiah. It's crazy to search kushners Chabad connection and how it connects to putin and Netanyahu. If you research Chabad more, they are jewish pagan mystic group connecting wicca, mythraism, and other pagan philosophy.


Maybe this is movie #3



I agree with your sentiment, but I can also see how, if you were going up against a powerful global cabal, you would have trouble wresting control back from every bureaucracy.

When you look back in history, situations like this can bubble for years and then explode with activity, but we are stuck in a short term feedback loop mindset. That being said, you are right to point out that he should re-open the 9/11 investigation.

because trump. like all presidents before him, doesnt have any real say so

Trump is a literal 245lb bag of shit. With a toadstool.

245lb is pretty generous

The real conspiracy.

Because he's a ZOG puppet.

I honestly think there are people in the Pentagon that know the truth about 9/11 but feel full public disclosure will cause to much chaos and isn't worth I pursuing.

This is one of the reasons i said Trump isnt the real aweakening, maybe he's part of the "fake alien invasion" maybe HE is the fake alien invasion.

Because I firmly believe Trump will bring the TRUTH to light. Why would you openly broadcast that you're going to reveal the truth behind 9/11?

The answer is you don't, you keep it a fucking secret

But he said it on t gf e campaign trail several times.

Yea but that is interpreted as a vote swinging action.

The easy answer is "Trump doesn't really care about x" where "x" is whatever thing he's promised to look into/fix/get rid of/etc. I personally don't believe he's a puppet, he just says whatever thing he needs to do to look good in the moment, but has once that moment's gone he's off onto the next thing.

Because trump is a con man. For being an "outsider" he sure knows how to act like a shady politician.

well... Guiliani would be in jail along with the rest of them...

he probably doesn't want that.

Yep. Most people with newborn children at home are off spending money to have sex with women who aren’t their childrens’ mother(s) instead of spending time with or caring for the child.

Are you serious? I honestly don’t care who he stuck his dick into or when but you can’t claim he’s a devoted/caring/whatever word you want to use family man given the clear evidence to the contrary.

so they pretended to be enthusiastic about the meeting despite having no intention of going through with anything?