Brett Kavanaugh was a member of the "Tit and clit" society at Harvard. He was also a member of a frat that got banned for protesting "no means yes and yes means anal". Then there's Kavanaugh saying "What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep,".

1  2018-09-21 by hurtsdonut_

So my question is to people in this sub that will string up anyone they don't agree with as a pedophile, rapist, etc. Why should we just brush this off? Please explain. I think Kavanaugh should be discounted for multiple reasons besides this. The Republicans acting like this is some urgent thing is beyond laughable to me. As Merrick Garland sat there for around a year and Republicans refused to even bring him up for a vote. Shits fucked and I'm sick of Republicans fake whining.


I don't give a shit about kavanaugh. Hope he waits for months for this to resolve. But was that frat protest from the 80s or more recently?

Hope he waits for months for this to resolve.

That's what this is all about. Stalling until after midterms so Dems can resist. These people are an insult to my (our) intelligence.

Seriously? How about Merrick Garland?

How about him? He's not in the middle of a confirmation process to be SCOTUS.

How about Brett Kavanaugh? Dems have lost all credibility with me and I don't even want to get started on pink hat wearing, far left activist, college professors. These people have lost so much credibility with me that, to save time, I have to consider if the opposite of what they're saying is true first, then I consider if what they're actually saying is true.

Sounds like a shitty guy, but none of those things are illegal or really punishable even if proven true. I’m a firm believer in a no victim (person or property) no crime justice system.

None of this has any proof except that he was in that fraternity. Even the "facts" about that fraternity are conflating events that happened long after kavanaugh was gone.

So do you have any sources for this tit and clit, or this no means yes, and yes means anal" claim, or are you just making this shit up?

Sure do. I misspoke about Harvard it was actually Yale. I apologise.

In addition to DKE, Kavanaugh also belonged to Truth and Courage, one of Yale’s secret societies for seniors. Among some students, the all-male club, which was popular with athletes, was known by the nickname “Tit and Clit.”

Truth and Courage fizzled out of existence in the early 2010s. But since Kavanaugh’s graduation in 1987, DKE’s reputation for mistreating women at Yale has only grown. Yale banned DKE from campus for five years in 2011 after videos circulated of fraternity recruits chanting “no means yes, yes means anal” in front of the University’s Women’s Center.

Thanks. At least now I know he's not into little boys. At least it's not Skull and Bones.

You've been spamming plenty of posts trying to smear his accuser so I wonder what you think about this.

Already replied here dude. It's normal college stuff, nothing illegal or outrageous. I'm happy to know he's into women and not little boys, and I'm happy he's in the clits and tits secret society and not Skull and Bones.

The accuser has no credibility. She's doing it for the money and noteriety. She allegedly was held down and kissed, but was able to get away lol. She's such a damn liar, it's so apparent when she won't even testify under oath.

Well done. I'm glad that you expose yourself and your agenda so openly.

I had no agenda whatsoever in this and hardly have a shit about it, until I found out she works for a big pharma company who manufacturers an abortion drug. That's when I really started caring and making noise about it. When I heard Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh say it was always about abortion, I didn't believe them. Now after this has come out it all makes sense.

When I heard Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh


The accuser has no credibility. She's doing it for the money and noteriety. She allegedly was held down and kissed, but was able to get away lol

Well she has a PhD which is equavslent or higher than a JD, so to say no credibility is odd as she is more highly educated. I'm also confused by your last part, where does the lulz come from?

Amen !! 🙌🏻

Not Skull and Bones.

Way worse than that, he's part of the Cock and Balls.

If you don't know what that is you're a sheep and need to get woke maaannn.

Were they also banned in 87, when Kavanaugh was there?

I'm not particularly interested in him getting in, but that attack is bogus.

More gossip and innuendo.

The left mainly deals in character assassination now.

OMG, they had a flag made out of a bra and panties!! They must be serial rapists.

Funny how this article's "source" is clutching at pearls, claiming "shock" that a flag made of underwear was being walked around Yale... This is where people masturbate in coffins and undergo death/rebirth rituals. This is nonsense.

This is where we source our societies leaders - Harvard frat houses- spoiled and entitled fools. 🙄. Embarrassing for both him and us.

Yeah, like this is the first time that's happened.


Risky but ultimately disappointing click

Is there a source for this info?

This entire thing is just the Democrats last ditch attempt to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed. You know it. You'll never admit it, but you know it.

If they actually came up with claims that were falsifiable, then I'd actually respect the attempt. They release all brakes, not realising that what they are doing can be done to them as well. And as these claims are not falsifiable, there's no way to take this to court but there's also no way to defend against it.

Seems like a cool guy to me

I liked to bang chicks in college too. Has nothing with how good a judge a guy is or isn't.

Did you also try to rape them?

I remember one time an ugly chick I had no interest in kissed me and felt me up. I was traumatized. So I waited 35 years until she was about to get the promotion of a lifetime and called a press conference.

I don’t like the Supreme Court, trump or much about our government in general, but person should not be haunted forever by stupid stuff from college.

Do you have any dirt post Reagan?

I don't think it should be brushed of, neither do I think ANY person should be condemned without representation or justice. As much as I support the idea sexual assault needs to be challenged, without nuance and basic justice, it's nothing more than a kangaroo court, which is turning the issue into a parody of itself.

Incredible how fast the Democrats went from the party of sexual deviancy/liberation to Puritans once Trump got elected. They'll fight for your right to kill your mistake baby and walk around in public with your cock jiggling about. Anger about high schoolers and college frat hijinks but hushing up sexual abuse in Hollywood till 2017.

The Republicans aren't perfect but at least they don't control the national media, entertainment, sports, social media, schools, etc that pushes this hypocrisy in your face 24/7.

Incredible how fast the Republicans went from the party of "family values" to the party of sexual deviancy/liberation once Trump got elected.

That never happened. The social issues of the conservatives are largely the same today as they've always been. Trump hasn't changed any of that. If anything, HE moved more conservative to pander to the voter base.

The Democrats are led and voted for by people who have no hangups about sex pretending to care that they do.

That never happened.

Really? The POTUS is a liar, adulterer, sexual creep and cheater who fucks pornstars while his wife is pregnant and then pays them hush money and you are claiming that this is what Republicans always found acceptable?

The President isn't the Party. The ideology of the GOP hasn't changed. Trump changed his image to fit in with the party, not other way around. His personal life is the past. It's not like he's Bill Clinton getting sucked off in the Oval Office.

The President isn't the Party.

He's the party's candidate and they support him.

The voters didn't know about Stormy Daniels or Pussygate until after the nomination. Regardless of all that, Clinton was worse. And Trump never invaded any countries.

Whatabout Clinton

They know now and still support him.

Why would they support such a man if they are supposedly the Party of Family Values?

He was running against a women who let her husband cheat on her repeatedly, silenced his victims, and was disliked by even Democrats.

We support him now because him fucking porn stars 10 years ago is less concerning than a coup detat attempt to overturn an election. The attacks on Trump are an attack on the voters.

thanks for proving my point

What point? That a mans infidelities in the past aren't as relevant as a government plot to overturn an election?

Check themthread again. You have already forgotten what we're talking about.

You said the GOP was the party of sexual deviancy but failed to provide any examples of their supporting sexual deviancy in terms of policy or agendas.

This poster has a critical misunderstanding or blind spot concerning the concept of "consent."

Also lmao, Weinstein has been charged and is going to trial. Polanski can't return to the states. People tolerate Allen but they're turning on him. What do Republicans do with alleged pedophiles? Oh yeah, they run them for Senate.

Eh, there's still a big group out there, there's always been some shady and murky shit about the Polanski incident. It was clear since the girl put a book out (where she admits he went for anal was because she lied about being a virgin and wanting to save that for marriage) he was meant to be a fall guy to draw attention away from the rest of the party. (Potentially why the plea deal was suddenly thrown out) Sadly, it worked, and all the cops that could have shed light on the case or exposed others are long gone.

They also successfully cut from the public's eyes how Charlie Manson's crimes were a catalyst for dude's behaviour, and that the whole thing was a mistake in the first place.

Also: she's been his most long term and strident defender and been penpals since she learned to use a computer. Absolutely nothing is clear cut in that whole bizarre line of events. That entire area in LA is a cesspool. Gonna need a backhoe for all those skeletons.

What Men do as HS Students is disgusting, as are the things Women do in HS. For Girls, if they have been sexually abused early in life, they may take the alcohol/drug path which causes poor decisions sexually. For Boys, i don't know other than they were not taught to respect Girls thus Women in life, drink and we all know Alcohold makes you stupid. We know what goes on in Frat houses/ both sexes responsible for their behavior. So to go back to HS for this is assinine to me. It is so hypocritical ALL the Men on News, Politics are forcing this when i would be my last dollar they DID THE SAME EXACT THING!!!! Women included! Was or is it right? OF COURSE NOT. People need to learn to respect themselves and ea other to keep from doing these things.

So if girls party in high school its because what a man did to them, but if guys party in high school it's because they're scum?

Does this count as proof that he actually raped someone?