There's an agenda to convince you that this sub is 100% compromised in hopes that you'll leave it permanently.

1  2018-09-21 by special_feech

Usually it's reinforced with rhetoric like,


"This place is turning into r/politics!', or


"Does anybody else know of any other conspiracy subs? This one is just full of news". And conveniently, somebody below suggests a sub (usually one with 1/16th the subscribers as this one) and it gets massively upvoted.


Look, I'm not an expert of conspiracies, but the fewer intelligent, skeptical long term r/con users are here, the easier it's going to be for the "powers that be" of this forum to take over and turn it into the right-wing echo chamber they've been trying to do for the last 2 years now.


The idea is to stand your ground and make it as hard as possible for them. No other conspiracy sub has this many subscribers, and Voat has become absolute cancer as of lately, with white supremacy and hate speech up the wazoo. Stick around, remain vigilant, be aware of whatever agenda the PTB of this sub are pushing.


Nice try shill

Great argument.

I think (hope) that was a joke.

Of course it was


Thanks for the post, let's all rally to beat divide and conquer.

Much Love and Peace!

You're welcome. Looks like the usual attack techniques on my character below in this thread.


"You're an anti-Trump shill!"

"This post is partisan!"


It's like they're conveniently avoiding the fact that I want to maintain the non-partisan appeal of this sub, and that criticizing the current administration in power doesn't makes you a paid shill.

right-wing echo chamber

Perhaps employing strictly partisan rhetoric isn't a very credible way of trying to convince others that you want to maintain non-partisan appeal here

This is why the L/R paradigm works so well, bringing attention to a bias on one side, and people assume you're for the other side.


It's an observation that has evidence to back it up. The behavior of the mods in particular, and their blatant conservative bias (there was a coup a few months ago that drove out the neutral mods). There's a post on the front page right now that looks like it was brigaded to the top, defending "censorship" at T_D. Theres a stickied post about the GA ban, and there will be a round table about Q probably sometime today also stickied to the top.



This is why the L/R paradigm works so well, bringing attention to a bias on one side, and people assume you're for the other side.

I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment here, but I hope that you're not assuming that I've assumed anything about for what "side" you are.

I was simply stating that by employing such rhetoric your post is inherently embroiled in the right-left paradigm you decry.

It's an observation that has evidence to back it up. The behavior of the mods in particular, and their blatant conservative bias (there was a coup a few months ago that drove out the neutral mods). There's a post on the front page right now that looks like it was brigaded to the top, defending "censorship" at T_D. Theres a stickied post about the GA ban, and there will be a round table about Q probably sometime today also stickied to the top.

This isn't evidence that you have presented, and my interpretation of some of what you cite here is quite different from yours.

Go to, which seems to be another common hangout for conspiracy related folks. Try 4chan as well. What do you see? Rejection of the left/right paradigm, or a blatant hardcore rabid support for conservative ideology, the current administration, and usually a bunch of hate speech, white supremacy, intolerance, etc. That's not to say there aren't a lot of organic users who reflect that stuff, but the paid infiltrators have already largely succeeded at taking over those communities and portraying them in that fashion.

Yes, obviously there are other people on the internet behaving in a rabidly partisan fashion. I'm sure paid infiltrators are largely responsible for steering the discussion these directions that are nonproductive, but real people do unwillingly (or sometimes willingly) exacerbate this problem. It's a sad state to see, but control over your our behavior is ultimately the only control we has to change this.

You claim to be non-partisan, but the more you talk, the more you reveal that you're lying, worst of all to yourself.

Try to post something about Clinton during daylight hours. It won't go well at all.

I've never seen a left-leaning, anti-Trump post be downvoted to hell

Sounds like you're discouraging people to visit voat.

Is that the only thing you gathered from this post? I disagree with your statement.

OP doesn't.

Lol, go check out Voat for yourself folks. Bask in all the blatant racism, jew hate and white supremacy and see for yourself that it's not a place you want to be.

Would you say, that it's 'compromised'?


Well, it sure would be convenient if r/conspiracy was banned, and they only place we had to flee to, was Voat, which has been prepped and maintained as a forum that welcomes and encourages hate speech, racism, white supremacy, ect.


All things that they are conveniently trying to portray conspiracy theorists as.

only place we had to flee to, was Voat

Sorry, there's many other places. Why do you have to "flee"?

and turn it into the right-wing echo chamber

And in 2 hours we'll have a post stating that it's turning into a left wing echo chamber. And that user's profile will be as pro Trump as yours is blindingly anti Trump.

You are part of the very game that you're complaining about.

Welcoming T_D and Q refugees here is kinda what I'm referencing, along with the mods' blatant Trump support.


Criticizing the president on a conspiracy forum doesn't make you "anti Trump", it makes you skeptical of the current administration in power.

Welcoming T_D and Q refugees here is kinda what I'm referencing, along with the mods' blatant Trump support.

I agree, there has definitely been an influx of people in the last few days. But partisan ideology sticks out like a sore thumb, left or right. Once you recognise it, you can ignore it.

It only becomes an echo chamber if you listen to the echoes, otherwise they drift off into the distance as echoes should.

Criticizing the president on a conspiracy forum doesn't make you "anti Trump", it makes you skeptical of the current administration in power.

Just my opinion but when i looked at your profile (given your OP I wanted to see your general posting patterns), it appears quite partisan.

If I'm wrong I apologise but that's how it appears.

>Just my opinion but when i looked at your profile (given your OP I wanted to see your general posting patterns), it appears quite partisan.

If I'm wrong I apologise but that's how it appears.


Like I said, I think you're confusing criticism of the Q campaign as a potential psyop, and skepticism of the current administration with political favoritism or being partisan. I have never cheered on the other side or promoted them in anyway. If the other side was in power, I'd be criticizing them instead.


After going back, I edited the comment to be more fair to you.

I appreciate it.

Partisan: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person

especially : one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance

I've never seen a left-leaning, anti-Trump post be downvoted to hell

Welcoming T_D and Q refugees here is kinda what I'm referencing, along with the mods' blatant Trump support.

Citation needed on all three of those claims (welcoming T_D and Q refugees and blatant trump support).

What would those do that are attempting to take control of the narrative of a sub? They would say the other side is the one's really trying to take control of the sub.

This sub's real problems started with CRT during the elections. And since then it has been the shareblue operation which specifically calls for controlling all of social media. It is literally in their hand book.

So we look at r/politics. It is a controlled echo chamber. They were successful in their endeavors there.

This sub is different. It has been harder for them because people on this sub research and can use logical debate making it harder for the narrative parrots to get traction.

No other conspiracy sub has this many subscribers, and Voat has become absolute cancer as of lately, with white supremacy and hate speech up the wazoo.

LOL Some people just have never seen free speech before. They don't know what it is. At voat using the N-word is considered a litmus test to whether free speech exists or not.

Your part of the problem.

r/conspiracy was never meant to be partisan. Both parties have conspiracies about them and they should all get play here on this sub.

If you want a leftwing sub go to r/the_muller and r/politics and the thousands of other political subreddits

If you want a rightwing sub go to r/t_d


was never meant to be partisan.

Because both sides are controlled by the same people. Trust me, I think we need to maintain a non partisan appeal here. Unfortunately, anti-government groups seem to lean slightly right. I think the paid infiltrators think, "Since they already lean right, lets sort of merge this culture with the alt-right concepts of intolerance and hate speech, that way the general population will think they're even more nuts than before".




I think we need to maintain a non partisan appeal

Then creates an obviously partisan post. Your concern is duly noted.

if you say anything against Hillary you get painted as a Trump lunatic. If you say anything against the Trump, you'll get a wave of upvotes and RaRa'ing from accounts.

I say theres a left-leaning brigade more than a right one. I've never seen an anti-Trump post that has been downvoted, but I've seen plenty pro-Trump/pro-right ones.

As a Jew who prefers to call out anti-Semitism where I see it rather than cower, I realized long ago I wasn't really welcome here or in any of the conspiracy-related subs. I think the Israeli government is garbage but I don't think supporting some form of Zionism inherently makes someone a fascist colonial pig. It's not automatically anti-Semitic to criticize Israel, but railing against Zionism, and only Zionism (no one gives half a shit about Muslims in China or Myanmar for example), day in and day out, in highly inflammatory terms, makes me suspicious. Not to mention posts along the lines of "it's not anti-Semitic to say Zionist Jews control the media and are responsible for everything bad. It's just coincidental that the vast majority of people I say are trying to destroy society are Jewish, but I don't care that they're Jewish". It's cool though, I can do research instead of trying to argue with anti-Semitism.

I realized long ago I wasn't really welcome here or in any of the conspiracy-related subs.

That's not true. You're welcome to be here. At the same time, people have the right to criticize your religious beliefs.

An amazingly succinct misrepresentation of that OP's comments and concerns.

oh shut up. You arent the victim that you think you are.

Zionism is bad. And anyone is free to critique your religion.

"no you shut up"



I agree with you. I think there's a real antisemitism out there that people catch onto but also that it could be intelligence manipulation to taint the conspiracy world (particularly 911) with an irrational antisemitism.

I think it seems like there is a constituency of Zionists that were part of the superclass of people that pulled off 911 and launched the war on terror (and run the banks), the Vatican has also played a significant role in global affairs, and many of the perpetrators of the Operation Gladio were associated with Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta. The Saudis are also part of the US - GB - NATO - Israel axis.

I too like to call out antisemitism when I see it.

Zionism is the most prominent antisemitic ideology alive today. You cannot be a philosemite and a Zionist at the same time as the two are historically and utterly contradictory.

are you Jewish?

I totally understand your position, but please be aware that to a lot of Jews, this sounds like "gentile-splaining" what Zionism and anti-Semitism actually are, as though many of us don't think about these concepts every single day. I know I do. I don't mean that you don't have the right to an opinion, I'm just referring to the emotions your post evoked for me.

Full disclosure: I am Israeli, and my beliefs have swung between post-Zionism and progressive Zionism, before settling on the latter. One idea I can support is some kind of Israel-Palestine confederation with soft borders, perhaps in a scenario where there are technically two self-governing states that are legally bound together, or another idea might be a single state comprised of numerous cantons with a great deal of self-governance (similar to what the Arabs proposed in 1947 when rejecting the division of Mandatory Palestine into two states). I happen to think Jews have a right to self-determination as a nation and that a single Palestinian-majority state would entail violence against Jews, including massacres and deportations. Israel has certainly become a country where racism and xenophobia have run rampant and racist fascists control the government and are slowly instituting apartheid, but I still see merit in the idea that Jews should have a state.

Maybe it would be helpful to put on the front page a list of conspiracy topics that people aren’t allowed to talk about? List them one by one with a link to snopes saying they’ve been debunked. That way we won’t waste time on unsuitable conspiracies and this sub can really take off.

Sarcasm is like a second language to me, but I still don't get why you're bringing this up.

Well if you don’t want a right wing echo chamber, that potentially rules out anything to do with Q, uranium one, Benghazi, Obama’s mysterious inability to negotiate peace with North Korea or defeat Isis, the kids that vanished after crossing the Mexican border, Obama’s lack of action over the MS13 gang, Seth Rich, the Clinton foundation, kuru.... The list goes on and I haven’t even mentioned the guy who set up all the servers for the Democrats who tried to leave the country, nor the infamous laptop with the ‘insurance’ folder.

I’ll do you one better. I think a bigger problem is the amount of people in a conspiracy sub who have no idea how many or which conspiracies have been proven. There is a huge list of them on the sidebar:

I wouldn’t have a problem with a list of the debunked ones as long as the person writing it doesn’t have an agenda. For instance, they can say this specific disinformation-like conspiracy theory is debunked, but fail to point out that this other very similar one is not. That’s basically a straw man argument that I see all the time, so the list could easily be written in a very misleading way.

I've posted here for years under various names and chose to take an extended break for awhile while just lurking. Which ends today. I was here throughout the 2016 election and before. This subreddit is and remains one of my fav subreddits and oftentimes I find more real news here than on news dedicated subreddits.

This subreddit has changed. Some claim it is right leaning while others claim it is left leaning but anyone paying attention for an extended period can see many political sides are represented here, from Trump supporters to Bernie supporters to even socialists, like myself. That's why I love this place.

Stay strong guys and gals, and if you need a break, like I did, take it. Peace and love.

Pretty sad that after all this time people in this sub still see the world through a left/right prism. It's all BS false dichotomy global puppet theater man come on now.

I think there is a very valid discrepancy between people that the left/right dichotomy somewhat accurately represents. It's the difference between free love and tough love. I think as people get older and their idealism is tempered by reality they start to shift from one to the other. This is the difference between left/right, democrat/republican, progressive/conservative.

Do you mean that if you're right-leaning when young, by retirement you become left-leaning, and vice versa?

I intentionally left that up to interpretation. I think both occur regularly (but I could be wrong and it's mostly left to right or vice versa, I'm not gonna gather the stats). Experience and understanding (often) lead to a more centrist point of view, imo and in my life experiences.

The old phrase; if you’re a Republican under 30 you’re an asshole, if you’re a democrat past 30 you don’t understand economics..

What's the difference between a Bernice supporter and a socialist lol

This is the kind of comment that should get guilded around here, but I understand why we do not.

I come to this sub because I feel like its the only one where I can hear multiple takes on different topics and I get to hear about things I wouldnt normally hear about. And the government really did conduct secret mind control experiments on unwitting americans

This sub is fine as long as the ass hat autists from TMOR stay out.

Ass-hat Austists is now my new punk band's name, thank you

Great post! Upvoted for visibility. I feel the same way it’s definitely a mind game to get people to just say fuck it and leave. All these damn posts saying that it’s dying it’s like then post something about a fucking conspiracy then and stop whining! It’s clearly just constant complaining to try to drill it into our brains that the sub is dying when really it’s not.

Best comment on this thread.

This sub is compromised. Most of the submissions are now memes or simple bullshit. I don't know if it because of a brigade or an influx of newer, more simple minded users. Either way, it's not what it used to be. I've been here since the fall if Digg. It's changed.

If so, it’s working. This sub is dead.

I’ll leave Reddit permanently first. Nothing to do with this sub but this site as a whole is just propaganda and ads now. It’s pretty mind numbing. Maybe that’s why I keep coming back lol.

That's been the agenda as far back as I can remember.

I once thought that there might be actual news that could creep into this sub, but alas you can't even post here with a new account.

vote has become absolute cancer with ....

what's wrong with white-supremacy and hate-speech? Those are the cornerstones of our new american spirit.

If I am still here, it can't be 100% comprised. Lies again.

youre part of the problem though. You are literally making a post creating scandal.

both things are true - your post, as well as the fact this sub is compromised

I'm quite new to this Sub (and Reddit in general to be honest) but I love it here because there's such a sense of community in this Sub. It's us against them and we're not giving up or dancing to their tune.

I'm at a point in my life where I'm getting more and more disillusioned with various things in the world - posts here seem to be the only consistently real thing I see.

I've never posted here, or commented here but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who does. I'm beginning to come here more and more so I will start posting soon and see how it goes.

Thanks guys.

+100 OP. We gotta keep the pressure on them over here for as long as we can.

Hell yeah fuck the powers at be. I'll be here, questioning everything.

*all of Reddit is compromised.



I had this realization recently too. The only way we are going to revive this community is by being active and outnumbering the shills and people trying to divide us. Upvoted.

If there isn't a smellslikebullshit sub there should be so we can cross post suspect content there.

There needs to be a "r/conshillwatch" sub where we can do exactly as you said. Some placer where you can criticize the moderation here without being ban hammered.

oh shit son, I've just always assumed: if it's on the internet, it's compromised. No Fakebook here, buy ya I use gmail; of course it's monitored and sold. but sometimes convenience means it's useful to use the tools of the enemy. I mean, we all use dollars, right? and we know it makes the beast stronger

If it's still up, it's comped.

It’s either “this place is turning into /r/politics” or “this place is turning into /r/The_Donald”.

Both are scare tactics designed to shut this place down, one way or another.

But it's true, this place has been overrun by td since the election.