Homosexual Republicans
1 2018-09-21 by 129321
The republican party for years has been a hotbed of utter and complete degeneracy, this has been highlighted by several scandals that sadly have seen little to no media attention.
- 1989, homosexuals callboys take a late night tour of the white house, an influential Washington D.C socialite, international businessman and republican lobbyist named Craig J Spence is linked to this, he was found dead in his hotel room, previous to his death he mentioned he might suddenly disappear, and said upon his death it would likely be disgusied as a suicide
" During a lengthy interview at a Manhattan apartment a few months before his death, Spence alluded to more intricate involvements. "All this stuff you've uncovered (involving call boys, bribery and the White House tours), to be honest with you, is insignificant compared to other things I've done. But I'm not going to tell you those things, and somehow the world will carry on. "
- 1989 - 1998, Larry King Jr, a nationally active republican lobbyist is accused along with several other influential republicans of pedophilia, the claims are based around Boystown, a center for delinquent youth, allegations of widespread abuse including rape, murder, and kidnapping suddenly occur, around the same time, mass hysteria around satanic child rape shocked the nation, and many people discredited the survivors, one accuser received one of the longest sentences of perjury in the USA, it was over 20 years, Larry King Jr settled out of court for several million dollars even though he was acquitted of almost all charges, a documentary on these events was forced off TV, even though it was scheduled for show weeks prior.
- 2004 - 2006, James Dale Guckert, a 200$ an hour homosexual prostitute who advertised on domains such as hotmilitarystud.com, and Militaryescorts4m.com received a White House press pass, although he had at the time little to no media affiliation, he received the pass easily and quickly, he had no articles published. These passes are not easy to receive. A FISA request uncovered a U.S Secret Service log showing Guckert on several occasions had spent nights at the white house, he would stay there days on end.
1 fuckeverywhoreson 2018-09-21
Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.
1 Marcuskb91 2018-09-21
Any more info on Guckert you could share? First I've seen this name, I think.
1 129321 2018-09-21
1 Marcuskb91 2018-09-21
Thank you.
1 sackajahweeda 2018-09-21
AKA Jeff Gannon...Many have speculated that he is Johnny Gosch the kid that was kidnapped when he was like 11 or something. He has flimsily denied this...
1 frisbee_coach 2018-09-21
It's almost as if both sides of Congress are filled with degenerate psychopaths.
1 Pseudobeau 2018-09-21
Yeah... [both sides.](http://stuffthatspins.com/2016/04/28/who-has-more-sex-offenders-republicans-or-democrats/) (Rolling my eyes)
1 RMFN 2018-09-21
It's a means of control.
1 129321 2018-09-21
this post is being rampantly downvoted, i am sorry the truth offends you : )
1 Restlessredhead 2018-09-21
I don’t think the TRUTH offends anyone. I think more than most we here seek the truth. But I for one certainly do not like it when someone skews the truth to make one group look more corrupt than another, or one group of people look evil. 1. Homosexuals aren’t all evil, nor do they all participate in evil. 2. Not all republicans are evil or participate in evil. 3. Some do. 4. Some democrats, liberals and progressives also participate in this behavior. Both homosexual and heterosexual. 5. No one has a lock on evil.
This post equates Republicans with moral certitude that’s not guaranteed and proposes that being gay is someone degenerate. Neither is true.
Evil is evil. And it knows no party, belief, or sexual orientation. That’s all.
1 129321 2018-09-21
being gay is not degenerate, what is degenerate is raping children, having sexual relations in the white house, and knowing of child prostitution and choosing to willfully ignore it, it is pretty clear dozens, maybe hundreds of republicans knew of lawerence e kings activities, as well as the prostitution ring that took place under three presidencies (both republican)
Bill Clinton's sexual acts in the white house drew enormous criticism from congress, and national media attention, which eventually led to his impeachment, neither Reagen, Bush Sr, or Bush ever faced backlash for having homosexual prostitutes in the white house on numerous occasions.
1 Restlessredhead 2018-09-21
I believe raping children or knowing it’s happening and not doing something about it is evil. But there is also heterosexual child rape happening. You’ve chosen to lock onto one facet of evil, where the evil is way more widespread then you first alluded to in your original post. Girls are being victimized as well. My point is that this is a pedophilia issue, not a homosexual issue. So let’s tell it like it is.
1 129321 2018-09-21
The truth is in the majority of these situations it is young boys that are being exploited, rarely girls. I seek only to provide the truth, never have I said that homosexuality is inherently wrong.
1 Restlessredhead 2018-09-21
1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys. Your stats are off. http://victimsofcrime.org/media/reporting-on-child-sexual-abuse/child-sexual-abuse-statistics
1 129321 2018-09-21
no, i am speaking of child abuse by government employees, not as a whole.
1 Bleda412 2018-09-21
I have seen stats that show it is 1/6 for men and women. Most people don't try to account for how rarely males speak up.
1 Restlessredhead 2018-09-21
Also, I don’t believe for a minute without proof Reagan knew about this. We know it’s bushes MO, we’ve never heard of Reagan being involved in such evil or filth. The bushes is where I would place the blame.
1 magaween 2018-09-21
How is this a conspiracy? Gays are everywhere. We're watching you always. There's your conspiracy.
1 129321 2018-09-21
conspiracy =
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
group = republican party
unlawful or harmful
raping children, sex in the white house
1 magaween 2018-09-21
You're confusing "homosexual" with "pedophile." Read a book my dude.
1 129321 2018-09-21
reread my post, and reply back.
" - 1989 - 1998, Larry King Jr, a nationally active republican lobbyist is accused along with several other influential republicans of pedophilia, the claims are based around Boystown, a center for delinquent youth, allegations of widespread abuse including rape, murder, and kidnapping suddenly occur, around the same time, mass hysteria around satanic child rape shocked the nation, and many people discredited the survivors, one accuser received one of the longest sentences of perjury in the USA, it was over 20 years, Larry King Jr settled out of court for several million dollars even though he was acquitted of almost all charges, a documentary on these events was forced off TV, even though it was scheduled for show weeks prior. "
1 magaween 2018-09-21
Again, pedophiles are different from homosexuals.
1 129321 2018-09-21
my friend i never once said that they are on in the same.
please, keep ignoring my evidence that shows influential republicans have been explicity linked to the rape of children.
"In 1972 he headed a national political organization, Black Democrats for George McGovern. But he gained greater prominence after he had switched parties a while later, serving for a time as vice chairman of the National Black Republican Council, an official affiliate of the Republican Party, and becoming a familiar figure on the Republican social scene.
Mr. King has maintained a $5,000-a-month residence off Embassy Row in Washington and has also entertained generously at Republican National Conventions. "
Feb 24, 1999 Bonacci Gets $1 Million in King Lawsuit; [Sunrise Edition] ROBERT DORR. Omaha World - Herald. Omaha, Neb. pg. 17
Full Text (463 words) (Copyright 1999 Omaha World-Herald Company) This report includes material from the Associated Press.
A federal judge has awarded $1 million to Paul A. Bonacci, 31, of Omaha, who claimed that Franklin Community Federal Credit Union manager Lawrence E. King Jr. forced him into a child-prostitution ring in the 1980s.
Senior U.S. District Judge Warren Urbom of Lincoln entered the judgment Monday against King, although Urbom did not rule that King committed the abuse.
Urbom indicated that King's failure to respond to Bonacci's lawsuit left him no choice but to find King liable for the harm that Bonacci alleged.
"The defendant King's default has made those allegations true as to him," Urbom said.
King began serving a 15-year federal sentence in 1991 for stealing and misusing the Omaha credit union's funds. He is in federal prison in Colorado and has never responded to Bonacci's allegations in the lawsuit. The north Omaha credit union failed in 1988."
1 LostLarry 2018-09-21
It’s called the cabal. They employ both sides to control the population. That way either way they win.
Look into who trump has for support. Almost all military. They serve the Constitution not a political party.... how our govt should be.
1 Wvblazin 2018-09-21
Are you karma farming?
1 129321 2018-09-21
no, there's many easier ways to get it lol, i just like discussion.