Did the OP (u/DivestTrump) of the in-depth research related to Russian propaganda efforts on reddit delete his own post in an attempt to frame the admins, thus inducing a faux-Streisand effect to drive more attention to his submission?

1  2018-09-21 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

As some who have been following the subreddit today may have noticed, a post on /r/fuckthealtright explaining Russian propaganda efforts was deleted last evening.

The disappearance of that post caused a large degree of speculation around reddit today, in particular directed at the admins (as moderators of /r/fuckthealtright had been openly speculating/implying that the post had been removed by the reddit adminisators).

This in turn lead to a post on /r/subredditdrama which reached #1 on /r/all with over 40,000 upvotes in only a few short hours with the following title;

r/fuckthealtright mod made a detailed post of his research into Russian propaganda and T_D: It's highly upvoted and even guilded, but gets removed by admins, and the account is deleted. Users are confused, and call bullshit om the admin's reason for removal, and speculate why it why it was removed.

A similar post, placing blame on the reddit administrators, was also made to /r/conspiracy and is currently #1 on this very subreddit with the following title;

Post detailing Russian astroturfing on T_D removed by admins, post text hardcoded as spam

Both of the above titles play up the removal of the post by the admins with the intention of inducing a Streisand effect, which is exactly how this website should respond to an incident involving admin censorship.

However, it was then quite strange to see the original OP of the russian propaganda post leave the following comment in the SRD thread confirming the administrators of reddit did not remove the post in question, nor were any of his accounts banned or suspended;

Burning my last alt to defend an old internet friend, sodypop.

I deleted /u/DivestTrump. I also deleted two default mod accounts (I left a third in good hands), three century club accounts and a handful of others. All said, I think the reddit economy lost a couple million karma, a decade of gold and one disgruntled user (don't worry, they kept the money from the gold). Shortly, I will delete this account as well.

To clear up some conspiracies:

* The Russians didn't kill me. * The admins didn't kill me. * I have not been recruited nor abducted by a three letter agency. * /u/sodypop is 100% correct (and also a nice person). The admins neither removed my post nor had anything to do with my account deletion.

The admins put forth a genuine effort regarding the domains I alerted them to. They're just not very good at it if a dummy like me using publicly available data can find it before them. Furthermore, if a week isn't enough time to track whatever it is they're tracking, they're not doing something right. In their defense, this is likely due to their retention policy. More privacy for you means more privacy for Russian agents. I pissed off spez and other admins by releasing the info when I did. I asked when I could make it public and they said a couple days, so I waited a couple days. I think the confusion was I used my main account (now deleted) to alert them and discuss and they were blindsided that I was also /u/DivestTrump, so they may have expected something else when I said I wanted to take it public. I figured they could see my alts, but apparently, they never bothered to check. I feel releasing the info publicly was the right thing to do. The admins tend to release things framed in a way that is beneficial to them, so beating them to the punch was critical. Also, the midterms are coming and I wanted the information out in time for it to matter. Lastly, I do commend them on their responsiveness. I sent an email to spez, KeyserSosa and a member of the anti-evil team on a Friday evening and had a response in under an hour. No other site would do that. After that, things got ugly.

When I made my post, the admins were caught off guard. Spez gave me a brief 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed' response. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to do a thorough dive on the reports and I cut that short. Remember that the sites were on reddit for over a year. So, sorry spez, but I don't feel that bad. I'm one guy that barely knows python and you have dozens of full time software engineers.

As for why I deleted my accounts, I'm just done with this. The trolls win reddit. I'm not interested in spending my time getting doxxed, death threats, brigades, witch hunts and general reddit vitriol for no good reason. I report a death threat and get a response TWO WEEKS later? Fuck that noise. I find propaganda and get a passive aggressive post about me? Fuck that noise too.

Fuck The_Donald.

I'm out.

Permalink to comment, and archive of comment for posterity.

While it is most certainly understandable that someone in the position of the OP might delete the account used to post their research following threats and such, reddit provides the ability to delete one's account while also leaving up posts and comments which had been made by that account while it was active.

In that regard, I am inclined to suggest that OP (after protracted discussions with the admins, which he felt resulted in inadequate action on their part in relation to his research) deleted his own post, stayed intentionally silent (while also having his co-mods from /r/fuckthealtright speculate as to admin involvement in the deletion of the post), and then only clarified the reality of the situation after a Streisand had occurred (the post blaming the reddit admins for the deletion is still at #5 on /r/all at this very moment) in order to bring more attention to the post (knowing full well his co-mods from /r/fuckthealtright had made an archive of the material).

I am inclined to believe this was done to trick the reddit userbase into believing the post had been censored, in order to drive more attention to the research based on a false pretense.

While I can understand that those involved in such a tactic may have been doing so with noble intentions, countering nefarious propaganda by way of cognitive manipulation undermines the very integrity those individuals are seeking to instill as a moral maxim on this platform.

In that regard, I suppose if nefarious groups are looking for insights as to how to manipulate reddit they were just given quite the blueprint :(.

TL;DR- User deleted his own post, stayed conspicuously silent until after a Streisand had occurred, and the post incorrectly blaming the admins for the removal is now near the top of /r/all.


He posted on another alt why he deleted everything, didn’t he?

Yes, then deleted that account too. lol

What’s that got to do with this? Fuck T_D and all the stupid cunts in it. But what has some agenda by some PAC got to do with the fuckless cunts sharing Russian propaganda?

Reddit has been invaded by bots and paid sockpuppet brigades. This topic is a perfect example of a brigaded topic.

SPLC is one of the groups funding it. A lot of the astroturf is also funded by Soros and ShareBlue.

You’re a fucking retard.

Upvoted for accuracy

Please do not attack your fellow users by calling them "retarded". Consider this your only warning.

You're retarded

No the majority of Americans don’t approve of Trump. No ones paid because they don’t have to be.

And you know this how? Common sense or do you just believe it?

Not trying to start a argument, but you seem very authoritative in your answer. I was curious if you had information that "No ones paid because they don't have to be"?

Go out and talk to 100 people. Look at the most active posts on reddit. Look at a non bias news source like Reuters or the AP. Look at Gallup polls. It’s really not hard.

Go talk to atleast 100 people irl, done that. Maybe it's my southern area

Look at the most active posts on Reddit, before or after we developed niche political subs like resist and The_Donald? I believe that's an important area to look when it comes to Reddit traffic.

The US population has been bombarded with anti-Trump propaganda for two years. Those that are aware of it, see it.

The Russia hoax narrative has been pushed 24/7 to make the population receptive to what effectively is a silent coup.

The same tactics used by the CIA to overthrow foreign governments are being applied within the US.

By the FSB.

Yup. And they are brigading this thread too, of course. Hence the obvious votebotting.

The brigading in this thread is absolutely intense.

Do you realize that the Koch brothers have a net worth about 6 times the net worth of Soros? That the Waltons have a net worth about 12 times the net worth of Soros? That the siblings Erik Prince and Betsy Devos have a combined net worth equal to Soros? There are so many right-wing billionaires funding disinformation campaigns that completely overwhelm any thing else.

I quoted his explanation in the OP, insofar as he claimed he deleted his accounts due to threats (which is entirely understandable). However, one is able to delete their accounts without deleting the posts which were made on that account (the posts will still show up, but with [deleted] as the user).

My suggestion in this post is that the deletion of the post (not the account) was done intentionally to cause a faux-Streisand effect (even though the OP knew full well the admins had not removed his comment).

My bad, long day. That seems like it could be extremely plausible with the traction the post is gaining

Amazing that the usual suspects are trying to brigade this sticky and your comments.

They are salty as fuck.

Why are you being downvoted lol

That's confusing me as well. The only thing downvotes do is lower the exposure a post gets. Why do people not want what OP says to be seen?

The way upvotes/downvotes should be used in my opinion: downvote things that are not relevant, not things you don't like or disagree with. You should upvote things you think are wrong as the increase of exposure will also increase the number of responses. If the post/comment is wrong then the replies will explain why/how it is wrong. Downvotes just make it look like you are afraid of people seeing the information you vote down. This also increases the echo chambers we see everywhere on Reddit.

Obviously this way of thinking only applies to subreddits designed for discussion not like an art or music sub.

Just my two cents. I could have probably worded this better but I hope I got my point across clearly.

Apparently we both got some dv's for this too lol.

I downvote sometimes but I'm not one that dv's something I disagree with if its at least a conspiracy.

People dv'ing this are sad imo

Honestly I stopped caring about this uv/dv shit. It's completly futile to care about this when you want to engage on the regular in discussion. Also it's not like your gonna get to zero, just post to some easy karma sourcing subreddits every now and then and you're good

It's a SRD brigade.

Oh I've never been brigaded before. This is exciting.

Feels good man :)

Because there is a conscious effort to change the perception of this sub in order to make it appear as if they hypercensor material against the president. However, that isn't the case, the actual problem is how hyper-partisan the userbase has become since 2016.

It's being downvoted because they still blindly assume he is censoring them, even though he never did.

he also used a boosting service. 100k upvotes and only 700 comments. Fake as fuck

That's exactly what it looks like. Good post!

13 min old - 0 upvotes and at 33%

For pointing out that OP intentionally created drama in a political hit piece.

But wait, I though this was t_d 2.0?

For pointing out that OP intentionally created drama in a political hit piece.

No, for stickying their own thread to get increased attention. That's an abuse of mod powers.

For clarification, I did not sticky this thread (something you can verify in our public modlogs), it was stickyed after a vote of the mod team (as is required for all sticky threads).

Any user (or mod) is welcome to put a thread up for nomination when it comes to a sticky.

100% spot on OP. Manufactured outrage to draw attention to the substance of the post (which wasn't that strong or groundbreaking to begin with) I will leave an earlier rebuttal to the actual substance of this post:

The substance of the original post is somewhat true but the impact on anything on Reddit besides r/t_d is marginal. It is true Russian botnets and spambots run a few websites that just copy/paste articles from bigger, legitimate right wing websites but these websites have little traction and may get an article or 2 to the front page but thats it. Not really a groundbreaking earthshattering conspiracy, most of it is to garner ad revenue and that's pretty much it. Not to mention many websites from these "trollfarms" target left wing communities as well. I'ts not like r/t_d mods are getting paychecks from Putin like you make it out to be. Do you want to know why sometimes articles from those sites get upvoted? Because they are pro trump and the average user doesn't care about the background of the website they are reading it on. Your not uncovering watergate here OP relax.

Moreover we should not glance over the fact that there is rampant astroturfing in the flagship subreddits of r/politics r/worldnews and many other major subreddits from billionaire funded outfits like Correct The Record, Shareblue and Moveon.org Example. Lets also not ignore the fact that (problematic) subreddits admins dont like, like r/greatawkening get shut down the moment they gain any traction by paid trolls and shills who blanket the subreddit in threats and other rule breaking posts.

Why don't people like you do this much digging and research into something useful like how much the United States influences Israeli elections through media and financial outlets?

*Update: This move to ban r/t_d and other right wing subreddits is being empowered by the SPLC Details Here

who is brigading this sub and downvoting you? srd? notice they aren't saying anything- just downvoting heavy in this thread.

The TD sub is fake opposition. It's not run by russians, it's run by israelis in the US who came from the soviet union. It's the same group that runs the tard sub, the antispam subs and the organized the sinking of digg because of the grassroots ron paul campaign activity on there.

SPLC makes money by promoting the concept of hate groups. I've personally found fake hategroups promoted on their site. They didn't exist- they had a website full of images pulled from a kkk movie, that they were pretending was a hate rally that they held, and the SPLC publicized the shit out of it and probably got a lot of donations, which they promptly moved offshore. They used to be a honest group that protected the civil rights of african americans and underprivileged ethnic groups in the US, but potok brought in his adl-esque agenda and turned it into a profit center focused on calling people antisemites.

I'll also say that while i appreciate the kind of research that was done in the original post- it does't make sense that Mueller's number one putin-bot enemy would affiliate his agitprop troll with his linkedin account. That concept is too hilarious to take seriously. It's shenanigans.

Why would anyone respond to the driveling nonsense pouring out of yalls dumbass heads? Theres nothing here based in reality so how would someone even debate it?

INB4 this is deleted!

Not happening.

Was only joking

Heh sorry, has been a little bit of an intense day around these parts I suppose :).

on damage control? trying to sweep evidence under the rug?

Mostly brigading from hate subreddits and such sadly.

So some other subs posted links to this thread?

Thank you! Thank you for sticking up for the truth in spite of massive brigading.

this agrees with the mod's political bias and bigotry. why would this ever get deleted?

It was a stupid joke

Pretty much spot on in my opinion. The whole thing looked coordinated from the very beginning.

What a surprise that all those who support this post are also the_donald users.

Bye Felicia

Fucking retard

Removed. Rule 1

Removed. Rule 10

point proven

What a surprise that you jump to conclusions before doing any research.

I bet ya just read the headlines and figure you know what's up.

I can see your posting history. Did you know that?

No..I had no idea you could do that.

When's the last time I posted or commented there?

Why could people not post what he posted afterward?

Had been discussing this a bit in another thread, but in short;

There are two kind of spam filter removals; the first kind will only remove the post, but allow it to be approved by moderators -(as occurred yesterday when we were able to approve the post in question on /r/conspiracy)

A second kind of spam filter removal (which is used quite rarely in my experience) prevents the post from being approved by moderators (the post will simply go back into the spam filter).

It is possible yesterday the links within the post were only subject to the first filter, and then moved to the second stage filter after admins determined they posed a serious threat to reddit or its userbase.

Although I am the first one to criticize the admins, I can understand why they need to keep the details as to that system of filters hidden from those who are trying to abuse the reddit system (in particular hostile state actors and such).

I can understand why they need to keep the details as to that system of filters hidden from those who are trying to abuse the reddit system

And, those who are trying to spread awareness. Over the last ten plus year, there have been many instances of awareness campaigns being scrubbed/washed-out by someone with administration privileges.

When you do it it's an awareness campaign but when anyone else does it it's fucking propaganda. I hate the left so fucking much. So heavy on the double standards.

Are you trying to say that I pander to a political party?



The irony of that TMOR post being a brigade incitement.

I was wondering how the mods would find a way to disparage this user, interesting!

Not sure I follow you here, as we approved the original OP yesterday on this very subreddit- https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9hfn9j/the_donald_is_actively_promoting_russian/

The only reason this post was made today was the 40,000 upvote post on /r/subredditdrama which blamed the admins for a deletion the user themselves confirmed was the result of a deletion by that user- https://i.imgur.com/nIvVxUh.png

In that way, as I said in the op regarding the use of this kind of fake Streisand;

While I can understand that those involved in such a tactic may have been doing so with noble intentions, countering nefarious propaganda by way of cognitive manipulation undermines the very integrity those individuals are seeking to instill as a moral maxim on this platform.

The SRD post , I am pretty sure, was done after the deletion but before the admins made their statement.

The more reasonable possibility is that OP made their post, got death threats or sizzling threats,l ( as it usually happens when someone comes out strongly against T_D or T_D related subs), had enough and went fuck this shit and deleted everything. Mods saw the post disappear, asked each other if they had done it. Once everyone said it wasn't them, the next logical step was that someone else removes the post which would indicate the admins.

Post was made blaming the admins.

Admin made their statement but the blame post had already gained steam and was going on on its own.

The SRD post , I am pretty sure, was done after the deletion but before the admins made their statement.

Once everyone said it wasn't them, the next logical step was that someone else removes the post which would indicate the admins.

Actually the comment would have rendered to the mods as still visible if it were removed by the admins (it would be highlighted in red with a [removed] tag when viewing the submission from a mod account).

When a user deletes their own submission/comment it will render as [deleted] to mods and users alike.

I didn't know about the difference, thanks for that info.

On the other hand, it has already be proven that admins aren't above editing posts and manipulating DB to do something.

But I agree that if it showed deleted, the first reaction should have been op did it.

When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.

Seriously, his post showing evidence of Russian Trolls in T_D gets ignored, and then this pathetic hit piece gets stickied.

Here's your obvious conspiracy, everyone.

I'm not sure why you feel those two things are mutually exclusive?

Is it not possible that his original post had merit (hence why we approved it yesterday when it was submitted to /r/conspiracy) and that the user manipulated the deletion of the post in question to advance a Streisand on a false pretense?

Do you deny multiple threads were posted (with thousands of upvotes) blaming the admins for a removal which was the result of the user's own deletion?

1- https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/9hqzb5/rfuckthealtright_mod_made_a_detailed_post_of_his/

2- http://archive.is/AKiU8/

I don't feel that they are mutually exclusive. I feel that they point towards an agenda of distraction by silencing and defaming whistleblowers instead of discussing the merit of their accusations.

I can certainly see where you're coming from (although that is in no way my intention). As I said in the post, I take issue with the tactic of faking a Streisand as it undermines the integrity of the platform (even in the pursuit of noble ends) and is thus an affront to personal autonomy by way of cognitive manipulation.

In that way, if those posts which wrongly directed blame at the admins were removed I would have far less issue with this situation (as I do very much understand why the OP would want to withdraw from public view following threats or other attacks).

You lie. It was 100% your intention.

How is it a lie? You've got 68 upvotes, perhaps one of those individuals can explain why he is full of shit.

But /r/conspiracy users are constantly complaining of deleted posts by creating another post to point out they were deleted. This literally happens every day here. Why is it OK for r/conspiracy to do it, but not this guy?

Because it is about their friends, if it was about any center or left leaning sub they would be paddling that shit for days.

defaming whistleblowers instead of discussing the merit of their accusations.


haha its Assuredly.... this goes against his narrative and he's one of the most active mods. Plan is to to post this, sticky it and then once it gets downvoted for being partisan, he'll claim shill and forum sliding like him and a_p always do

Wow you sound soo soo angry that a subreddit follows it's own way of thinking and not the way you have been convinced to... buhu buhu

It's a stickied post my dude, that means the mods are telling you what to think.... Buhu Buhu?

lol its funny seeing shills like you not having enough bots to back you up.

this sub cant handle evidence or actual facts


dont worry, you are on the case! along with your friend shills and bots

Disparage? He started a conspiracy theory when he deleted his info and the community assumed it was for nefarious reasons.

We are reaching Boston Bombing levels of ignorance again on reddit.

Uh yeah, because people don't usually spend hours upon hours researching something, post it, and then delete it themselves.


Dude, he even said he burned the account in the SRD post that was linked.

That's what's confusing, why would he say that when everyone else believes he was banned?

Why would he tell the truth?

My point is it did look suspicious right?

Why would you post something you cared a lot about and then delete it?

Why would the guy who said he spent days and weeks tracking these sources tell the truth? Idk man.

Why would he say that he didn't delete it in the Slackchat mentioned in the comments or the link Axol posted?

Are you believing the guy or not? Because it really seems like it doesn't matter as long as r/conspiracy looks as authoritative as possible.

I think we are talking about two different times.

There is what reddit thought before the OP commented and what people think now.

Believe who? I'm not sure what to believe, but the post here on /r/conspiracy is not convincing.

The specific guy, DivestTrump.

I cannot tell if you believe him or not, and equally I do not know what to believe as well.

That's not him.

And here comes the downvote brigades from r/fuckthealtright and r/the_mueller

But look how much attention they need to try to affect the narrative... those that do the most are the fakes

And also SRD and Topmindsofreddit. This is a 4 horsemen brigade.

I mean, you're talking about the post so if it was an attempt at the Streisand effect then you're playing into it. If it wasn't an attempt then you're helping the post achieve the Streisand effect.

That's fair enough, but after a 40,000 upvote post with a false title blaming the admins in srd I don't think a post in this subreddit will add much to said Streisand.

An inside look at the Southern Poverty Law Center

Top Minds of SPLC has bot driven post to r/all, then deleted account and it backfired.

I find it interesting the user admitted he had a direct line to Admin.

How many times have mods attempted to report to the admin the unnamed browser plugin accessing an online database to target over 240,000 users of 100 subs for crowdsourced brigading, harassment, and vote manipulation?

No personal response or action from admin

40,000 upvote post with a false title blaming the admins

Who wrote that post? It was someone like you, making accusations, which is exactly what you have done here. You have both thrown your own opinions and beliefs on top of the factual and sourced post by u/divesttrump.

If I had to guess, I'd say you chose to muddy the waters because it is impossible for you to evaluate divesttrumps's research on it's own merits. You can not bear to even consider that your positions may be wrong or incomplete, so you distort facts to fit your narrative and use loose language without sources or proof.

Who wrote that post?

Divesttrump's co-mod on /r/fuckthealtright?

It does not matter "who" wrote it, the point is that they did the same thing as you, make unfounded claims and speculate based on their own beliefs.

divesttrump has personally said from their high profile alt accounts the admins did not delete their account or the thread. Indeed, divesttrump praised the admins and said they had responded to his research in one hour when he originally gave it to them. divesttrump said they deleted the post and all their account because of harassment and because they are tired of reddit for various reasons.

That may be a hard reason for you to understand. It's easy for me as I have seen the sheer number of crazy and foul comments that come from a high profile, front page post, and mine was no where near as controversial. I have also spent time researching a post only to have some people respond with ad hominem personal attacks, as opposed to challenging the data or position. It is very discouraging to see the worst of people.

divesttrump has personally said from their high profile alt accounts the admins did not delete their account or the thread. Indeed, divesttrump praised the admins and said they had responded to his research in one hour when he originally gave it to them. divesttrump said they deleted the post and all their account because of harassment and because they are tired of reddit for various reasons.

Right that wasn't the critique I laid out in the OP; the critique was that the OP stayed silent for 12 hours as a post with 40,000 upvotes (which falsely placed blame on the admins) was #1 on /r/all, and apparently only spoke up because sodypop was his friend).

I'm not sure why its so difficult for you to understand the potential for both viewpoints to be true; OP's research was most certainly legitimate and worthy of further attention (which is why we manually approved it on this subreddit 2 days ago) and I have no doubt that the user did receive threats (as many of us do on this website), but the disingenuous tactic of faking a Stresisand undermines the very core of that research (opposing cognitive manipulation).

> critique was that the OP stayed silent for 12 hours as a post with 40,000 upvotes

Last night I had dinner for an hour, watched Breaking Bad for a three hours, and then went to sleep for eight hours.

Didn't bother with reddit or my phone for all of that time.

That doesn't mean I had a nefarious purpose. That means my life doesn't revolve around the internet.

Well that would certainly make sense, had DivestTrump not lead their explanation comment with the line "only making this clarification comment to defend my old friend sodypop".

Of course everybody should lead their explanations with statements that absolve them from a conspiracy they probably know nothing about.

You are using omission as evidence.

I think it's pretty clear the user knew their co-mods from fuckthealtright had placed blame on the admins as a way to drive more attention to the deleted submission (as they were in the backroom slack channels and such due to being a default mod on other accounts).

It's really not that difficult to see what occurred here, but I can understand why some want to ignore the manipulation due to what they feel to be the importance of the research done by u/divesttrump.

In that regard, its more than okay to take that position but it would be far easier to engage in discussion if you'd be willing to say that outright.

Afaik you have zero evidence, just speculation?

No, the evidence is included in the post by way of multiple posts (including those made by /u/DivestTrump's co-mods at fuckthealtright) placing blame on the admins for a deletion they knew to be the result of user action (as those mods know full well how to check the mod log to confirm an admin removal vs a user deletion).

That behavior was further confirmed by way of the OP deleting their post rather than just their account, as reddit accounts can be deleted without removing the content of one's previous comments/submissions those comments/submissions would remain, but with [deleted] displayed as the user).

At its core, that research was quite important (and I know the OP had spent many months compiling their data and such) but engaging in that kind of manipulation (even if the OP felt they were acting in a "benevolent manner") undermines autonomy and, in turn, the very principle of the work in question (rightfully condemning nefarious propaganda on reddit).

Did you ask those mods why didn't they check the mod log?

They wouldn't have needed to check the mod log.

An admin removed submission will render as highlighted in red with a [removed] tag whereas a user deleted submission will render as [deleted] to users and mods alike.

They knew the user deleted the submission (the user was one of their co-mods as well) and directed blame at the admins anyway out of spite/to drive a Streisand.

Ok, did you ask them if they saw the admin removed tag?

A post with an admin removed tag would still render the text of the submission (which they would have seen), whereas a user deleted post will be replaced with a [deleted] place holder. It is impossible to mistake one for the other.

I don't need to ask if they were mistaken, but I know full well any mod would know the difference (as one can be suspended for reapproving an admin removed post and, thus, must know what those removals look like on the backend).

I guess what I'm asking is did you do any investigative work?

There is a chance the mods were confused or didn't realize it wasn't the admins.

Yes, my entire post is a compilation of the evidence which lead me to my conclusion by way of hermeneutical reconstruction.

Haha, ok.

The lynch pin of this whole theory is if the posters were confused about the admin ban or they purposefully ignored it?
Just message the poster's and ask. Yeah they could lie, but it's at least some effort to uncover the truth.

Did you read the comments from https://np.reddit.com/user/Senormits, sounds like he's a new user that didn't know?

I'm not sure how much admin activity /r/bubbleteaphotos has...

Not the users, the moderators of the subreddit where the post intially gained traction (fuckthealtright). The OP of the post was also a moderator of that subreddit.

Correct, but the comment which first introduced the potential of admin involvement was thus- https://np.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/9hlhsx/why_did_that_well_researched_post_about_t_d/e6cw46z/

The comment looks pretty innocent.

I'm chatting with the mods now. I don't think they even checked the mod log until today after I asked them about it.

You spun a nice tale though. It's a little all over and silly but I bet some people are convinced.

Next time try to be more clear about timelines and who knows who. It was hard to decipher which post or comment you think started the whole conspiracy and in what order things happened.

Well, I thought I had done a pretty decent job of giving an overview as to the situation but I most certainly appreciate the constructive critcism.

That said, you may want to ask the mods there (if you are in discussions with them) if they are able to tell the difference between a user deleted post (which shows up as [deleted] entirely) versus an admin removed post (which shows up in red highlight, but displays the text of the submission).


I did. You should ask too.

If your theory revolves around people, consider trying to ask people questions first.

Ironic you accuse people of guilt via omissions without even asking a question first.

You make so many assumptions about everything to spin your yarn. Firstly, the person got pissed off and closed their account, and maybe even, gasp, turned off the computer and went to bed for the night.

But why does it matter? What is your point to all of this? What does it matter who did what after the data was posted? Does that change the data or the fact the the data is important?

What is your opinion on the actual data. Is the data false? Do you even care if Russia is pushing a narrative?

Maybe you agree with the pro Trump narrative? Why are you unwilling to discuss the actual data, are you paid to discuss otherwise? Are you paid to sew doubt all over the internet? Your account comments suggest you are a social media engineer. Maybe you are on team Russia as well. Maybe I can spin some foolish conspiracies as well.

Why does it matter if the user intentionally facilitated a false-Streisand in order to drive more attention to a submission related to research pointing out the very real danger of cognitive manipulation on reddit? Really?

What is your opinion on the actual data. Is the data false? Do you even care if Russia is pushing a narrative?

As I said above, I think the research is quite important (which is why we approved the original post on this very subreddit 2 days ago), but the goal of that work is undermined by the subsequent fake-Stresisand (as that behavior is, itself, a nefarious form of propaganda).

Maybe you agree with the pro Trump narrative?

As a fervent Elizabeth Warren supporter I can assure you that is not the case, although it seems you're more interested in pushing your narrative than actually discussing the reality of my viewpoint/comment history.

Ok, so you think the Op planned all this? Like they planned to delete their account to cause drama? If true, maybe that just makes them a good marketer?

And if we all agree that OP trumpdivest orchestrated this plan to post the data and then delete his long held reddit account to give more exposure to the issue, then what? What should we do other than look at the data?

No, I think the research was done in earnest and with no intention to pull the stunt from yesterday (I believe the user was indeed only trying to ensure propaganda from malicious actors was removed from reddit).

What happened, imo, is that when DivestTrump did not get a response which they felt acceptable from the admins they choose to go out in a "blaze of glory" by way of sparking a fake-Streisand directed at the admins.

No, I think the research was done in earnest and with no intention to pull the stunt from yesterday (I believe the user was indeed only trying to ensure propaganda from malicious actors was removed from reddit).

Trumpdivest said after the fact through the alt that they were tired of spez and co dragging out the investigation and they wanted to, in my words not theirs, set a fire under their butts. The post itself though was amazingly well received by reddit users other than trolls and the like.

What happened, imo, is that when DivestTrump did not get a response which they felt acceptable from the admins they choose to go out in a "blaze of glory" by way of sparking a fake-Streisand directed at the admins.

I really have no idea what their intent is, and neither do you. Do you know what is your real intent with this post? I am quite curious about that. I would say we often barely know our own real intentions so to try and divine someone else's intent is like yelling at clouds. Also, it seems to me like everyone already hates spez and co so it's not like this would change reddit's opinion.

I really have no idea what their intent is, and neither do you. Do you know what is your real intent with this post? I am quite curious about that. I would say we often barely know our own real intentions so to try and divine someone else's intent is like yelling at clouds. Also, it seems to me like everyone already hates spez and co so it's not like this would change reddit's opinion.

Well sure, that's fair; however I don't think that rules out hermeneutical reconstruction (as to the intent of a given author) entirely.

Also its not so much about hating spez as it is using tactics of cognitive manipulation to drive attention ("light a fire under their butts" as you say).

There's an argument to be had, without question, as to the legitimacy of appropriating the tactics of propaganda for benevolent ends (I would call such a view "Beneovlent Bernaysism"); but veiling those tactics to advance one's work, without disclosing that behavior, seems to me to undermine autonomy in a way that is quite dangerous (in particular in the wrong hands).

What happened, imo, is that when DivestTrump did not get a response which they felt acceptable from the admins they choose to go out in a "blaze of glory" by way of sparking a fake-Streisand directed at the admins.

You know that the admins had the research some time, maybe weeks, before it was publicly posted? trumpdivest got tired of them dragging their feet and posted the data.

Both actions (releasing the data and inducing the Streisand) could well have been a shot across the bow at the admins.

That is a true statement. Anything is possible. :)

Or... The guy/gal may have just been pissed off, deleted his/her accounts... then the other mod thought up their own conspiracy theory, much like you did, and made the false accusation about the admin. Then poor OP trumpdivest had to come defend the very admins he/she dislikes with his last alt account he was trying to save to look at cute cat videos after the smoke clears.

As a fervent Elizabeth Warren supporter I can assure you that is not the case, although it seems you're more interested in pushing your narrative than actually discussing the reality of my viewpoint/comment history.

Also, just to add, that part at the bottom was satire to show you what a conspiracy theory looks like from a different perspective. I was not actually accusing you of being paid by Russia or a Trump supporter.

Yes, I understand; I was only pointing out why that is not helpful when I'm trying to engage with you in good faith as to my view of the events surrounding this incident.

I'm new here, and I wont lie I got the link from TMoR. So if that's ban worthy, so be it.

I just want to say I appreciate you having open dialogue in good faith, but doesn't you sticky-ing this fly in the face of that? A sort of "I'll have a good faith discussion but only on things I say are important".

You realize you've yet to submit any actual evidence and literally your entire argument has been pushing a narrative, right?

I would say I presented more than ample evidence for my conclusions, and that my perspective is (while certainly subject to the bias inherent in any viewpoint) is driven more by a desire to reconstruct an objective reality than anything else.

I suppose you can frame pursuing truth as a narrative, but I would be inclined to disagree with you on that suggestion.

Retype three pieces of evidence here, that you posted elsewhere in the thread.

Take your time.

OP's entire shtick is to cast doubt on the research done by DivestTrump under the most dubious of pretenses. Chock it up to yet another dogged attempt to knock down any talk of the Russian astroturfing effort on Reddit or in general. Seriously, the top mod Axototl spreads Russian propaganda willingly and intentionally and then bans people for calling it out.

So this is going to be the new conspiracy under our new supreme leader. Why hell is this crap sticky at the top ?

Because it's a viewpoint now allowed on reddit, then it belongs in r/conspiracy l

Why are you here if you just wanted to read what msnbc talking points? Just go to news/politics/word politics/ front page of reddit subs/ to read some bs one view opinion tunnel

I have no problem with this being in conspiracy .but why the hell is it sticky to top. So many top posts that well researched that dont get sticky . This is just a random opinion with no evidence

Or bringing balance to a narrow perspective.

Look at yourself, you go all out of your way to believe some random post online and to defend it even though the same opinion as yours is EVERYWHERE on reddit.

Here we try to help people think for themselves, not to convince them that everyone else is right.

Like said why sticky this but and not all the other alternative view post. Plenty of non popular reddit opinion post on here . Only reason i see is this is trying to defend/debunk a popular sub with some of the mods here

The one view is everywhere on reddit, on the front page of the internet... and it's based on nothing... and people now base their opinions and actions on nothing... it's lame as fukk but this is how some people think

And unless you try to bring an alternative viewpoint, maybe your cheering is unnecessary, because you only encourage a narrow perspective by following one way of thinking

You don't allow people to think for themselves when you force what threads rise to the top.

If one narrative is forced on everyone else, then you can try to in a smart way allow for other narratives to exist. r/conspiracy is to allow for free thinking, while other subreddits is to convince you of how to think.

If you allow several viewpoint to exist, it's easier to manoeuvre around what you are not being told but expected to accept.

/r/conspiracy is not for free thinking anymore.

This sub has been captured by mods with a political agenda.

I'm fairly certain mods of this sub will be caught up in reddit's Russian propaganda investigation.

This OP's poor attempt at discrediting a source is just another piece of evidence that this sub is compromised.

If everything is compromised than don't praise anything.

Always allow yourself to think. I never settle on one way of thinking other than allowing my mind to think freely.

You remain uncompromised that way, and this is very important.

Conspiracy is a lot of people, different ideaologies and lives.

However, users still try to purport a single minded hive of ultraconservatives have nested here

So tl;dr "It's OK when we do it"?

Don't include me in anything, I don't want to include you in anything or be included with you in anything.

Because it is topical to this week, and subs outside of here are freaking out about it.

Wtf am i reading?

What you aren't allowed to read... welcome to r/conspiracy

Attempts to discredit the Russian astroturfing effort on Reddit

Any word on the obvious Israeli propaganda efforts?

Israel did 911.

There's no reason for this post to be stickied other than a panicked attempt to discredit the messenger.

it is painfully obvious

I hope you can cope with the pain

To clear up some conspiracies:

  • The Russians didn't kill me. * The admins didn't kill me. * I have not been recruited nor abducted by a three letter agency. * /u/sodypop is 100% correct (and also a nice person). The admins neither removed my post nor had anything to do with my account deletion.

The messenger discredited himself

Wait, which part of that was meant to be discrediting?

This discussion and viewpoint would be brigaded to remain off of the front page of r/conspiracy, then maybe it should be stickied

OP isn't panicking. Some of the comments ITT are getting close tho.

OP is obviously panicking and so are you


There's been an organized attempt to use this sub to attack another sub for political purposes.

Definitely should be stickied.

Hah, the brigade on you and others is real.

These losers just keep on losing. It must be so bitter :D

How do you read it like that?

So the mods get to sticky their own posts discrediting a legitimate conspiracy? What the fuck is happening to this community the past few days?

People are tired of concern troll bs

Im acutally done with people never questioning threads like this because of political agendas.

Why do conspiracies always have to be left/right on conspiracy? The Russians don’t love Trump, they only want America to fight over shit like this.

Wake the fuck up all of you!

What do you know about Russia, have you even been there? Well then you know only what you have been told to know... maybe don't speak with other people opinions... you don't know how they got them.

I used to live to the boarder of Russia. My grandfather got killed by Russian soldiers. My girlfriend is Russian. Shut your damn mouth you indoctrinated internet damaged idiot.

My family was treated badly by the communist sovjets, I do not need to believe that Russians are bad people because of it.


Then everybody stood up and clapped, right?

Sorry english is my fourth language.

I was born in Finland, lived in Sweden as a young adult. Moved to Iceland and is now back in Sweden but might move back to Finland next year.

What’s your story and your ties to Russia

Completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but that's pretty cool man. Have you gotten to travel outside of Eastern/Western Europe?

Unrelated indeed. I lived a year in California working for a tech company. I have been too Asia a couple of times on vacation.

Prove it. Take a picture of a letter or something with all personal info blacked out that proves you live near Russia

You want me too prove I live in Sweden?


No that is Finland :)

Yeah, prove it. Take a picture of your ID card with all the personal info blacked out with a piece of paper with your username written on it.

I have no idea what this gives you but whatever


totally rekt. those tats? looks awesome

Clearly fake

Yeah yeah whatever makes you hard.

lol you know it's fake. Sucks being caught in a lie.

Saw this response coming a mile away.

Werent you just on here posting about Jimmy Seville? You've never met Jimmy Seville. Everything you know about him is what you've been told to know.

You should reread that post

Hi. I live in Russia as an American. Master's in Eurasian studies so perhaps I can provide some insight to your misguided assumptions. Survival is one of the main goals if any country, I think that basic tenet can be agreed upon any rational human. It's rational for a country to act in the best interest of themselves. What does Russia gain by choosing one side? They won't get compliant from us, so what do they get? More false promises and more of NATO eating into it's sphere of influence. Russia has learned that trusting the u.s. is detrimental and puts their survival at risk. By "sowing chaos" you can fight the u.s. by using their own weapons. They can weaken the u.s. without firing a single bullet or launching a single bomb. The only evidence the public has of Russian interference is the Russian group utilizing Facebook to create memes. Why would they create memes which supported Hillary, BLM, Democrats? Because it pissed the fuck out of the right. Now you have two strong blocs at each other's throats. Russia is accomplishing their goal. It's quite obvious when you remove the rhetoric and highlight the evidence, but there's been so much rhetoric and false or misleading information, nobody knows what is true and false. Russia has played us like a fiddle

Religious "leaders" have been trying to confuse people long before Russia ever existed...

What does have to do with our topic? You're lost, man. You have an agenda and no amount of info will change that.

I don't try to convince anyone of anything, but people seem to want me to simplify my way of thinking and "just blame this and that"... ok I never asked how to think or for someone to tell me if I am "lost" or not...

The discussion is for some reason about me or a country... I don't want to convince you of anything, please do me the same favour

You used a lot of words but didn't say anything. Good luck to you. Hope you find your way

Thank you! I respectfully hope you will also find your way.


Yes, always more to learn on a particular subject after a decade of research culminating in a master's degree on the said subject, while immersing myself within the country itself. But, always open to new information that could alter my opinion!

The Russians don’t love Trump, they only want America to fight over shit like this.

Pretty sure the majority of those “scary Russians” don’t give a fuck about US politics, let stand Reddit shit posts.

Past few days? This sub died a horrible death January 2017.

right after the 2016 election, when this sub was flooded by sockpuppet accounts and paid astroturf.

***When this subreddit sheepishly decided conspiracies dont matter when its someone you voted for doing it.

It died before that, pretty much with the whole Pao stuff in 2015.

Axol is the sole mod now, he's one of the most politically charged.

a russian shill would post this

2018: everyone is a russian shill

Not everyone. But OP obviously is one.

His research seems pretty dumb anyway. Wall of text guilt-by-association.

It was pretty dumb, totalled about 400 post to T_D over two years with about a tenth of them getting any traction.

So many of these people, who consider themselves intellectual, have the epistemology of religious fundamentalists.

They saw something that fits their narrative so never questioned it. It's all very sad and I hope it's not a reflection on greater society.

topshillsofreddit already brigading this thread. hit too close to home? was that one of their jobs? you bet it was

I love how they prove you right by confirming their existence with their brigade campaign. They really are idiots :)

TMOR must be brigading for a reason...

Seriously who the fuck makes death threats over a reddit post? I would really be interested in seeing these supposed threats. I have a hunch what is often reported as a death threat is probably not. I only ever see people claiming they were made and never posting the actual threats.

Case in point the OP states admins were "threatened with violence" then quotes "add it to the pile. Traitors do not end well.". That's not a threat of violence in my book. Maybe my bar for what constitutes a threat is different than most people. Just seems like useless hyperbole to me.

Oh please. I went into a gun politics sub once and was nice as could be and multiple people implied I'd be better off dead or raped.

links to these death threats pls.

I really love how everything has to be a big conspiracy and the mods are always in the wrong and people think Reddit isn't a privately owned corporation. Guys, there is no First Amendment bullshit going on here. They are a business and can do whatever the fuck they want and you don't have some magical Internet Rights to post and say anything you please. Stop pretending there is some kind of community ownership of this site. You are a guest here and can be removed at any time for any reason. There is no conspiracy, it's a business and business people don't want shitheads shitting up the place with piles of shit. Go to TOR social media sites or start some co-op site without administration if you don't like it. You don't need to be here and you don't have some legal right to be here and be idiots.

I'm starting to wonder if this thread is a honeypot

what do you mean?

Plenty of critical comments here. Expect plenty of bans.

That would be fantastic.


Because they love censorship when it means pro-Trump echo chambers.

Eh, I just prefer to have a conversation with someone that doesn't immediately call me a retard for asking additional questions on the subject.

Too much hate on this sub

Your theory has a notable problem. If the intent was to induce a Streisand effect why would the poster clarify the reality of the situation (with respect to absolving the admins) at all? What purpose does this serve? An anonymous use who has deleted all accounts obtains no benefit from making a post that undoes the ostensible Streisand effect.

The more likely explanation, in my judgement, is that the initial user deleted all accounts and comments as stated for the reasons stated. Others then wrongly speculated that this was admin action, resulting in the spreading of misinformation.

Others are rightly calling you out for stickying this post, considering that the conspiracy you endorse is problematic, and it seems to be an effort to discredit/detract/distract from the content of that other post (even if the content is not nearly as damning as many seem to think).

Also, it might be worth noting that there are some notably absurd pro-russia views in this sub (not to say that being pro-russia is absurd, but that the manner in which such views are expressed and defended is often very clearly divorced from reality) including frequent use of russian propaganda sources that - based on a quick google search - may have direct ties to the kremlin (russia-insider for one and the always popular zerohedge for another. Curiously, zerohedge and russia-insider have a direct relationship). Perhaps this makes the distraction effort more understandable...

I think the OP was friends with one of the admins and realized the harm that was being caused by staying silent for so long.

It took 12 hours for OP to clarify the situation, and by then (as is indicated in the above post) the submission blaming the admins for the removal were already well above 40,000 upvotes.

It is not altogether common in this sub for someone to have a claim challenged and then respond in a manner that fits the challenge, rather than angrily shutting down dialogue entirely. So I appreciate your response.

To clarify your view, then:

after protracted discussions with the admins, which he felt resulted in inadequate action on their part in relation to his research

  1. OP wanted to induce a streisand effect in order to raise awareness of his post and thereby put pressure on admins.

  2. OP succeeded. After successfully inducing a streisand effect, pressure was placed on the admins.

  3. (ad hoc) OP was friends with an admin and didn't want such pressure to be placed on the admins as it was harmful

In order to avoid outright contradiction in your account (between point 1 and 3), you will have to find some way to clarify what sort of pressure OP wanted, and what sort of pressure OP obtained. What "harm" was being caused by the pressure that was obtained, and how this deviated from the pressure OP wanted. What the nature of the "friendship" was such that OP would be so concerned about that harm. Only then would your ad hoc attempt to patch over the weakness in your initial post be adequate (not that conspiracies/accounts require absolute knowledge of all details, but that they require sufficient explanation to avoid apparent contradiction).

There's not a contradiction between point 1 and 3 though; the pressure on the admins wasn't what lead OP to make his statement, it was posts of this nature which were implicitly calling for the execution of the admins which induced his correction of the fake-Streisand being promoted by his co-mods at fuckthealtright-

see my previous post which I edited to reflect my own foolishness on the matter of friendship.

This sub has went right down the fucking shitter. The mods should be ashamed of what they’ve done here.

This sub is completely fucked

Since everyone else is having their say, I'd just like to publicly support the mods.

Every person has the right to criticize (Which the overwhelming majority are) yet the thread remains open, visible for anyone to come read, despite the accusations towards the mods and some more direct insults.

But I haven't read so much as one of these critiquing comments so far that tries to provide more information or evidence to proof the accusations, while accepting blindly what other now deleted posters said because they fit in with your conspiratorial mindset.

If you feel this strongly against this sub and the mods, I assure you there are plenty of other forums out there for you to ruin.

Why not discuss the contents of the post instead of starting baseless ad hominem attacks and sticky them?

Well firstly I would disagree that the perspective I voiced in this OP is baseless, as I very much do think the user (and perhaps some of his comods) intentionally framed the admins for the removal of a submission that was deleted by the user themselves.

Furthermore, are you suggesting we did not approve the original submission related to said research on this subredit 2 days ago?- https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9hfn9j/the_donald_is_actively_promoting_russian/

The post here was only approved after user intervention since it was removed by automod. Let's say that was a honest mistake.

I believe OP removed the original after getting death threats. Your theory is not incoherent but the way it is conducted deteriogates the reputation of this sub. The OP also removed it in the time of most traction stiffling it's exposure.

In the end even if this was a publicity stunt the implications of the information are more far reaching in terms of conspiracy theories and should be stickied instead.

Why does it matter if Russians use reddit? Because the TV is brainwashing the US population into thinking the Trump presidency is illegitimate. It all started when they asked Hillary about her corruption in wikileaks and she steered the discussion to Russia, put Trump on the defensive. What a cheap tactic. Hillary never faced the music. Why does she control MSM narratives? Soros?

Lol this post gets stickied attempting to discredit the messenger mere days after Totally-not-Russian mod Axototl takes power?


I upvoted you so more people can see your hyper-fixation with your Russian delusions, so they could also laugh :)

Does anyone else find it odd that the moderation staff here who usually cast shade on Reddit admins switch to fully supporting them when it aligns with a narrative they're pushing?

Do we have any idea if the originator of the research post was indeed the person who wrote the explanation for deleting the post and their account?

The original research was sound. Why has there been so much effort put into discrediting it?

Don't get me wrong, I am the first one to criticize the admins (and have done so many times over the years); but when someone creates a fake-Streisand to cast undue blame on the admins (in order to manipulate public perception) I am also willing to call out such behavior.

"I am the first one to criticize the admins... unless they agree with me!!"

Its more like: "I am the first to tell someone they are wrong... unless they are right"

Sorry if that upsets you because you disagree. I hope you get through it.

Awww mods you so funny. We know. WE know you cheeky little buggers.

A hatesub pushed stupid irrevelant crap in here trying to get more hate for their hatecause.

But they're not good at it and it fell apart.
The hatesub wants to pretend it was censorship on behalf of the consipracy mods and not just stupid stuff that fell apart.

It's scary to see how they would indoctrinate children.

look at other posts instead of DRVSGGEOTUS's reply. Its quite easy to tell that the majority thinks the opposite of DRVSGGEOTUS. This was just a failed shill post pushed by a politically motivated mod.

Pure COINTELPRO tactics.

This sticky has struck a nerve. The shareblu shills are incessant.

There are multiple brigades happening right now. They are throwing a huge tantrum because their bullshit got exposed.

Yeah and now they brought in the calvary to reinforce perception and point out who the real shills are. They'll never know we know!

You shitholes over at TMOR are making browsing the comments in this sub so much easier. Now I just look for the collapsed comments and find I agree with almost all of them. Thanks for saving me some time guys.


It's weird because there's always a pattern with those collapsed comments.

Here you go: https://i.imgur.com/m5Gq9Vh.jpg

A [deleted] post is deleted by the person that posted it.

A [removed] post is removed by mods or admins.

I had to test this out a couple of years ago after the mod team I'm on was accused of censorship, and held on to the screencaps.

Thank you very much, this is exactly what I was describing!

Add it to your OP if you want. Knowledge should be freely available.

its quite the leap of faith to think the heads of reddit won't flip a label for political means or money. but hey, i like rainbows and sunshine too.

its quite the leap of faith to think the heads of reddit won't flip a label for political means or money.

I think you meant to reply to a different comment.

Nothing I said here indicates otherwise.

That’s exactly what I thought.

Reading some of his links, he submitted some reddit domain links and he said “Although I have no proof, these are def Russian!!”

And half of the links submitted to these domains were like anti-corruption stuff, like Bayer Monsanto fuckery or the like, nothing about subverting USA or praising Trump. They basically wanted you to take their word for it without reading anything.

A friend of mine sent me the link because it was posted on sechuanseekers or something.

Thank you OP. Thank you for standing up for the truth in spite of the schill.s

divesttrump gets exposed for scummy behavior.

This sub:

b-b-but whatabout muh Russia...

If it wasn't clear before, it is clear now; this sub has been overrun by left wing subs.

Thank the Brigaders from r/fuckethealtright r/topmindsofreddit r/the_mueller and r/enoughtrumpspam

Look at the comment sections liek 50 commentshave -20 downvotes that agree with OP and dont buy the "muh russia, ban r/t_d" meme.

Of course this astrotufing is brought to you by SPLC, Shareblue and CTR. Buts its only ok when democrats astroturf and brigade.

This is a right-wing sub?

This sub was meant to be apolitical but looks like TMOR and FTAR are here brigading turning it into r/the_mueller2.0

In case you ever wondered why the Germans rounded up the Jews, here is your answer.

In case you ever wondered what could cause someone so much hatred towards the Jews, here is your answer.

In case you wondered if what happened in WW2 could happen again?

Here is your answer.


The pendulum is swinging back far towards the right in the U.S. and in Europe. The Jews and the deep state are scared of being exposed.


Soon it begins.




Example of a shill trying to falseflag post as a trump supporter. This is how they operate.


Obvious shills gonna obvious shill

Nothing changes fact you can find just as much Russian propaganda on other subreddits. It's just a trick for people to convince people to go with the corporations pro-censorship movement. I will personally stand against all censorship.

If this guy deleted his post to try to draw more attention then he just wants to push justification to censor T_D. Which will add fuel to the fire justifying right-wing people to play as the new 'Jews' on how the left is censoring them. Wait till there are violent posts justifying murder of people who are on T_D or gassing, oh wait there already are.

Leftists are enemies of the state

Another shitty post pushed from biased people with power. This sub has been crap for a while but I guess its finally time...

Mod bias in r/conspiracy? No way this is my shocked face :-|

The brigading on this thread by the guilty and their alts/friends is absolutely hilarious.

What is it like to lose this much? This is so absolutely pathetic, yet hilarious at the same time. Please keep the lols coming :D

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Nice catch!

Not happening.

who is brigading this sub and downvoting you? srd? notice they aren't saying anything- just downvoting heavy in this thread.

The TD sub is fake opposition. It's not run by russians, it's run by israelis in the US who came from the soviet union. It's the same group that runs the tard sub, the antispam subs and the organized the sinking of digg because of the grassroots ron paul campaign activity on there.

SPLC makes money by promoting the concept of hate groups. I've personally found fake hategroups promoted on their site. They didn't exist- they had a website full of images pulled from a kkk movie, that they were pretending was a hate rally that they held, and the SPLC publicized the shit out of it and probably got a lot of donations, which they promptly moved offshore. They used to be a honest group that protected the civil rights of african americans and underprivileged ethnic groups in the US, but potok brought in his adl-esque agenda and turned it into a profit center focused on calling people antisemites.

I'll also say that while i appreciate the kind of research that was done in the original post- it does't make sense that Mueller's number one putin-bot enemy would affiliate his agitprop troll with his linkedin account. That concept is too hilarious to take seriously. It's shenanigans.

The one view is everywhere on reddit, on the front page of the internet... and it's based on nothing... and people now base their opinions and actions on nothing... it's lame as fukk but this is how some people think

And unless you try to bring an alternative viewpoint, maybe your cheering is unnecessary, because you only encourage a narrow perspective by following one way of thinking

Who wrote that post?

Divesttrump's co-mod on /r/fuckthealtright?

A post with an admin removed tag would still render the text of the submission (which they would have seen), whereas a user deleted post will be replaced with a [deleted] place holder. It is impossible to mistake one for the other.

I don't need to ask if they were mistaken, but I know full well any mod would know the difference (as one can be suspended for reapproving an admin removed post and, thus, must know what those removals look like on the backend).

Uh yeah, because people don't usually spend hours upon hours researching something, post it, and then delete it themselves.


Feels good man :)

this agrees with the mod's political bias and bigotry. why would this ever get deleted?

Hah, the brigade on you and others is real.

These losers just keep on losing. It must be so bitter :D

Removed. Rule 1

Removed. Rule 10