Mods remove founder and fail-safe of r/conspiracy for 'inactivity'

1  2018-09-22 by AI2222

u/illuminatedwax founded this sub 10 years ago and was removed by reddit admins last night, as per request of the other mods.

Would the mods care to explain what damage was being done by u/illuminatedwax, to warrant such a drastic move? What fueled you to campaign the site admins to remove him, considering his inactivity had zero effect on your ability to properly moderate this place?

And where has the stickied announcement gone, u/axolotl_peyotl?

One would think you would leave news like this up for at full day?

Ironically, it's been replaced by an unrelated post that reads like reddit damage control, by a mod who is already suspected of being tasked with damage control of no less than 112 (one hundred and twelve) different subreddits.

This has subreddit coup written all over it. Please convince the users here otherwise...


Sounds fishy. Reddit likes Total Control. Look ar r/greatawakening

Lol cant 😏

How can an inactive account act as a fail-safe?

by holding the power to remove other mods, should a coup take place.

The admins can do that.

But you've ignored the important detail - INACTIVE ACCOUNT. Please address that.

active when needed.

Can you give examples of the last 3 years where they've awoken and modded this sub when needed?

Because I don't know.

Don't you post at TMOR?

Do I?

active when needed. but you knew that also.

Except when all of us PM’ed him asking if he still had interest and not a single one of us got a reply.

All he had to do was make an appearance, or reply to one of us and he wouldn’t have been removed.

The question is though, why remove him in the first place? What is there to gain by removing a long-time mod and founder? Who's idea was it?

Having an inactive top mod is fucking stupid. Explain to me why and how it isn’t.

What’s to say someone nefarious doesn’t buy his account, nuke all mods, and then r/con is gone.

Reddit can restore the sub like they did with KIA

...what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? He could sell his account whether it was active or not. What kind of straw man argument is that? That is literally almost changing the subject entirely as a response to a question. WTF is even going on in your head to make a response like that. Honestly makes the whole thing seem worse.

Can you answer /u/rockran question?

I come across Rockran a lot. Don't waste your breath. Pretty sure it's a mod alt, bad troll, or he's full blownsies.


Sounds riveting.

Rule 10

I don't understand why mods are so interested in me, especially with dead comments with no votes. I was on the mod's side for like seven years, what's with your special interest?

I have no idea who you are, you just need to read sidebar rules.

All good. jcp just threatened me earlier, which is strange for me, he picked my single comment out of hundreds echoing the same sentiment and not a single other. Then I get your response on this, just seemed suss on my late to the party no views comment. Nothing personal. Soz and I wish you the best.

Yeah, becuase we REALLY trust the admins here.

You don't think the admins would step in and revert things if some mods went berserk?

Seems like ultimately a good move. Is it a change? Certainly. Is it radical? To an extent yes. But this basically just codifies a situation that already existed. And IW wasn't all "good" in that sense. His account could also have been used by bad actors to purge the entire mod crew (or portions of it) for bad reasons.

Rules of Reddit allow for mods to be removed after 30 days of inactivity. If illuminatedwax didn't respond to pending removal what makes you think he/she would be available in a time of need?

Yeah all a mod has to do is send a single message or take a single mod action to prevent this from happening.

It was a request

Needed for what? The guy never interfered with the sub, so why remove him?

Anybody else remember last year's mod coup?

Which coup? The one where two mods tried to restore the sub to it's former glory or the one that the admins implemented which resulted in the loss of three mods and the downward spiral of this sub into politics?


Also who downvotes that comment?

People who don't want the truth coming out and people who don't care about the truth because of "reasons". Fascinating, huh?

Very. If TuMoR was active you'd be -gajillion, but a mere - single digits? Odd.

TMOR has it out for me but they have no idea what to do with someone who knows and speaks the truth. Truly a whichbuttontopress.jpeg. lol.

You're a good one imo Hippy. Keep it up.

I try and lightning rod TuMoR so hard but they don't take my bait. Frustrating. I'm much older than the online demo, certainly the Reddit demo, and fear that disconnect is not allowing me to properly troll the trolls. Dang kids too slick for me shakes fist

But on the flip it's like playing poker with my sister's kids.

I appreciate you speaking your truth in this sensitive meta-thread.

Not many people can troll trolls and at the end of the day it's pretty pointless other than a good laugh. Nothing more. Don't even bother imo. Life lessons can be learned but you can also become the darkness in which you are fighting. Stay in the light Hippy :)

you can also become the darkness in which you are "fighting

So deep! Middle school must be tough for you.

I'm handicapable and I'm reporting this comment. How dare you.

Bad bot.

Now that's the truth. Know how to soul shield or Welcome to the Darkness.

People who know who tiberius actually is and find it a little fucked up they're allowed to continuously evade bans and suspensions while acting like he speaks for the rest of the community.

The first wasn't a coup. SC had every right to fire the junior mods.

Easy there cowboy. The new sheriffs in town do not like to stepping.

You're misinformed. The /r/conspiracy mod team operates by consensus - all the mods have one vote, and any mod decision can be overturned by a modteam majority.

The top mod position occupies a "primus inter pares" position, but it has now been established by precedent that their power is nominal. The removal of illuminatedwax and SC by the rest of the mod team shows that the top mod of /r/conspiracy cannot act against, or stand in the way of the majority.

So under no account is any mod entitled to unilaterally "pull rank" and demod another - there would have be virtual unanimity in the mod team to justify a demodding. SC tried to demod the rest of the team, and it backfired on him spectacularly.

As it happens, with AP now elevated as top mod, it's the first time in 5 years that we have an established, active and trusted user nominally heading the sub.

Well, I don't think SC or Fly agreed with you on that, given what happened, and I also think Sarah was entirely justified in firing y'all. At least Sarah wanted to get rid of bad actors on the mod team; you guys allow mods who are part of TMoR / ShareBlue. And consensus is an awful way to rule, just ends up in half ass compromises. This place was a lot better under SC than it is currently.

You've had your coup, now you're consolidating your power. You don't want the founder to come back, find out you've taken over his sub, and boot you. Fine, whatever, but at least be honest. IW wasn't in any way a problem, he was a threat to the new government's authority.

You're talking from a position of ignorance. SC was an absentee mod for a long time, just like wax.

Before your time, but if you do some research you will see that SC made a weird announcement some years ago that he was being "investigated by the FBI" and would be going quiet for a time. Then radio silence.

Fast-forward a couple of years and SC (or whoever was now controlling the SC account) re-emerged out of the blue and after a few weeks demodded the rest of the team without warning. Not surprisingly, the other mods decided this was bullshit and fought back, because /r/conspiracy mod team makes decisions by consensus.

In any case, nothing personal. I've never had cause to suspect you were one of the problem mods.

Because they could. That's the long and short of it.

Do you trust the mods here?

The one conspiracy we can't talk about is if any of the mods are shills.

Correct, sir.

Someone should make a post and see how long it takes to get nuked. We really do need to be talking about it.

"The one conspiracy we can't talk about (other than Q anon): Are the mods compromised, given what we now know about the deep state?"

I'll provide the title, but I'm not getting another ban on my main lol.

Of course they are.

If we were here talking about post(s) being removed then I would be very suspicious

The one he allowed to happen and required us to petition the admins to prevent the coup?

That one?

The one where Sarah_Connor used his / her privilege as senior mod to remove the mods he / she felt were untrustworthy. Then the rest of the mod team complained to the admins and took over the sub with the admins help.

The one where Sarah_Connor used his / her privilege as senior mod to remove the mods he / she felt were untrustworthy. Then the rest of the mod team complained to the admins and took over the sub with the admins help.

Yeah, lots of us were against the loyalty test/oath and erratic behavior.

I mean, I get why you did what you did, but imo Sarah_Connor had every right to punt the lot of ya.

Not after I called a vote of No Confidence, he lost, and retaliated against us.

And now he is no longer is in the game.

Yep, and now we're stuck with a sub where all the senior mods have been removed. Similar pattern to a lot of other subs.

At least we could trust Sarah and Fly to actually mod in favor of conspiracy theorists. Now this place is absolutely overrun with shills and from an outsiders perspective it doesn't really look like the mod team is willing to do anything to combat it.

Sarah was senior. Senior mods have the ability to remove junior mods. Sarah was also here for a long time before y'all, and we could be sure they weren't a shill.

Yep, and now we're stuck with a sub where all the senior mods have been removed. Similar pattern to a lot of other subs.

Such is life.

At least we could trust Sarah and Fly to actually mod in favor of conspiracy theorists.

Sounds like GWB and John McCain ran these accounts with the way their history has been whitewashed

Now this place is absolutely overrun with shills

How so? Rule 10, BTW.

and from an outsiders perspective

Do you consider yourself an outsider?

it doesn't really look like the mod team is willing to do anything to combat it.

Qell, we did crack down on a waste of space mod and made room for someone who may be willing to crack down. Would you answer the call?

Sarah was senior. Senior mods have the ability to remove junior mods.

Nobody is doubting their ability. Don't snopes me, bro.

Sarah was also here for a long time before y'all, and we could be sure they weren't a shill.

How? Do you even know anything about SC? Their life? Their problems? I do/did. I doubt you do, but keep telling yourself you're plugged in.

Yep. Could fix it though.

I'm not saying that Sarah and Fly were perfect, because they were not. I'm saying I trusted that they were genuine conspiracy theorists and not spooks / shills. That, to me, is a more important qualification than any other.

That is in no way rule 10. I'm speaking about shills in the abstract, not accusing any person of being a shill.

Me, a mod? No, I'm way too ornery and opinionated.


No, I don't, and I don't care. All I knew about SC were the conversations i had with them over the years.

Yes. I'm not on the mod team last I checked.

A bit. But the thing is, I don't care in the slightest about SC's personal life. I've never in my life claimed to be "plugged in".

How so? Rule 10, BTW.

Serious question, did it break rule 10 just by saying shills exist (in this sub) or by merely saying the word "shills"?

So apprentlly we can no longer mention the word shill? Without a rule infraction? ( or the not so subtle hint that an infraction could be made) Yeah that's some awesome modding right there on a "truth seeker" sub...

More tongue in cheek. Saying

they be shills here

Does not in fact solve or even attempt to address the problem (their existence).

It also doesn't solve anything by banning, or threatening to ban, anyone who even mentions the existence of shills. In fact, it makes it much worse because the shills know you've got their back, when it's forbidden to even suggest they're here.

So beat their arguments (they are never that good) instead.

The game? What game is this?

The one they think they're winning.

The game he lost.

And apparently ask dumb questions, get dumb answers.

Only, I didn't ask a dumb question, so that just leaves your answer as the dumb prize.

Answer or don't. Passive aggressive doublespeak is neither.

I do appreciate your consistent use of the civility rules.

Sometimes euphemisms are just that.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes is an idiom. Maybe an aphorism. Not a euphemism. If indeed you're using it as a euphemism we're back to my question. What harsh truth are you hiding by using a "euphemism?"

You're talking like a server on the back end of double.

While you are here would you care to explain why mods are shadow removing comments without explanation?

Some of is have begun notifying users of removed comments via PM.

Old habits die hard and I am the first to admit I still sometimed just still do it the old way.

Is there a specific incident that you have in mind?

I’m not bothered by the removal so much as the comment showing up while I’m logged in and the lack of explanation.

Even mods that I consistently disagreed with such as recoveringgrace would give an explanation.

Have you had a had a chance to look at the comment? Would like to know what rule I violated so I can avoid doing so again.

Might have just gotten tagged as such with the amount if the times 'shill' was used.

Seems fine when read in context.

Ahh makes sense. Thanks or looking at it.

And now he is no longer is in the game.

I'm sure you know more about the whole situation than me, but do you really think he is "out of the game"? Same goes for Flytape, DronePuppet, putin_loves_cats, and all of the other accounts who tried to influence this subreddit one way or another and were banned for it. Do you really think people who put that much time and effort into one subreddit are just going to go away quietly when they get banned? I seriously doubt it.

JamesColesPardon is Flytape.

April Fools.

I seriously doubt that.

Putin_loves_cats is still here. His alt is hilariously obvious too.

Which ones! The guy has about a hundred fucking alts!!!

Yes, I included him in the list because I am almost positive he is still here. I have a suspicion that DronePuppet might be responsible for that emoji guy with 60+ alt accounts as well.

Move to other platforms, its really that simple.

Why is this downvoted?

So sick of mods bs. Really. Probably an old alt someone left behind. Cohesive? Dafaq outta here

This is BS. IW hasn't been around much, but hen they popped in it was with good reason.

Can you give examples?

Preferably within the past 'few' years.

I have zero interest in digging over the history of this sub, but this is my second account and I've been on here for about nine years. Everyone iw came in after their departure, it was a breath of fresh air at a pivotal time.

There is no good argument for this action.

You could've just said no.

There is no good argument for keeping an an abandoned account. It's quite obvious that Mr. Candle was a squatter. They made and modded a shitload of subs and then just left Reddit.

This sub is ten years old, one of the oldest subs on reddit, maybe even in the top ten of first subs created. Who do you think created subs in the first place?

I agree This sub is semi-copted by reddit admins to some degree in my opinion. It is also probably a place where 'they', whoever, controllers, service to self people, like to learn about how truthers of all kinds think and communicate.

Lately it seems mods have taken a really light interpretation of the rules.

Prep for disbandment


All of Reddit is done. Get out.

They will just follow us wherever we go. We need a completely new implementation. I've heard of bitchute, which I believe is like a Blockchain based Reddit or something.

Pretty sure bitchute is a YouTube alternative.

Yes I think you're right. Oops!

What about a bitchute type message board?


Hardly... basically a rightwing echo chamber as much as reddit is for the left.

i think you're being downvoted by people who have never visited voat

Voat is ugly for a reason, they don’t want indoctrinated normies who squeal at the sight of bad words. Once you get past the initial disgust and learn to ignore/not be bothered by the use of the no-no words you’ll find there are very active, friendly, tight nit communities that are quite non-political.

I don't know, I've looked through more than once and most of what I could was shallow shitposting by people pleased that they're allowed to write bad words somewhere on the internet. I'd still have to come to reddit to participate in communities that interest me as basic subs like vegan & tv shows don't exist on voat.

Just one battle, but the vessel of disenfranchised Redditers will need to land somewhere, someday.

I’ve heard good things about Minds; quite a lot of ex-r/conspiracy redditors are hanging out there.

well if /r/darknetmarkets is any example, take it to TOR

It will always be a cat and mouse game.

No matter what encryption we use. No matter how decentalized.

They either turn people or burn them.

The Tower of Babel has highlighted from the beginning those who are powerful over others resent and hate the power of the people coming together as one, being able to communicate and collaborate together as a single entity, as a common humanity.

Saturn will always devour his young over fear of them overthrowing his rule.

Good to remember that it didn't go well for Saturn.

Take everything that isn’t bolted down and leave this mess to itself. We’re in a new age fellas.

Let's return to fark

Bad actors are going to go after Axo next. I hope you know that Axo. If you're reading this, tread carefully in what you say along with a few other of you. Dark times. Be strong!

The conspiracy goes all the way to the top, then to the bottom, and then right back to the top.

Sorry OP I think you are wrong here.

If it is true that inactive admins are given 30 days to take action on inactivity, then the founder of this sub was not there for “when needed”. That mod failed at being a mod so it is what it is.

Some of us are in a position where we are not able to freely browse reddit in our daily lives.

If that’s the case, you can’t be available “when needed” and shouldn’t be taking part in being a mod.

There's a 30 day grace period for requesting mod removal due to inactivity. If you can't figure out a way to use the website even once a month, you have no business being a moderator.

Some of us are in a position where we are not able to freely browse reddit in our daily lives.

Not once in 5 years? Nobody has heard from wax since 2013.

I think top mod should should at least be someone who doesnt push one sided post. They should just answer why moves are made by mods. I also find a few mods would probably be banned for some of there comments. One particular today was almost gloating about the power shift

This coup was predictable.

I liked having IW as an inactive head mod because no one truly held the power. Now its different but idk. Im just waiting and seeing now.

Im being told to always be wary of the admins and yet here we are.

This coup was predictable.

How is it a “coup” when all the other mods remove a single inactive mod? :p

It was predictable in the sense i saw the signs.

Again no problem with the mod team. I just dont agree with the decision

IlluminatedWax's most recent comment on this subreddit was on 2013-04-27. The comment before that was 2012-04-15.

I was one of a bunch of Mods on a sub WAY-BACK in the early 2000's (Yay for "E-Z Board") ... people suck when they suddenly come back to a website after years away, we had a mod "take" a website domain and generally split an entire community. It sucked.

I think that the mods should address this again and in more detail on why.

KIA had an incident earlier this year where their founder, who had also been inactive for a few years, attempted to shut down the sub because it was no longer 'his vision'. He had been compromised and the mods of KIA had to appeal to the admins to have him removed. Inactive founders are dangerous. If they're not active in the community, they could come back compromised.

Best advice would be to organize elsewhere on reddit or voat before things get too ugly here. People get scattered when the b hammer comes

It’s a travel day for me, been on R/con almost all, this is the first I’ve heard about this. Bad look current mods.

Be transparent and take the heat. You get paid to take that heat.

Who is paid?

Some or all the mods? Or are they all "volunteer?"

I'm not sure about the people that control the sites, but most random mods are indeed volunteers.

Mods are just users who have control of the subreddit. Reddit.

Don't be ridiculous. It is one of the most trafficked sites on the internet. Reddit does not rely only on outsourced mods to maintain that type of control. From a marketing perspective, they want to maintain that illusion, and the one that they are some small, good guy company. Also, mod positions that are held by users have been exposed as being up for sale in the past. Do you think multi-billion dollar companies don't have their hooks in here to manage PR through mods?

I'm sure there are compromised mods, thats what I alluded to by saying they aren't paid in a direct way. Regardless, I am just saying how the site "works". you can make any claims to about to what degree that system is compromised all you want. Not an argument I'm making.

You don't get paid to mod. I mean, Reddit Admins do, because they work for Reddit. Mods are anyone. You could be a mod. I've been a mod on several subs under other accounts.

Hmmmm... so some mods are modding dozens of sites, many highly trafficked, and all for free?

That doesn't quite add up.

Remember how some toxic personalities are allowed to run rampant for some reason?

Haven't there been some mods that have had to step down, or take a break?

I don't remember any stepping down, I know one was sitewide suspended by the admins and another receives a temporary suspension from them.

There was also a mod caught replying to themselves in mod mail, they played it off as if he was drunk enough to respond to himself and we haven't heard much about it since.

I wonder if the bans will be handed out like tic tacs soon.

Axolotl_peyotl is the biggest bellend that have ever graced this sub. Fuck him.

All the timers on the mod screen have reset to today/yesterday. Axo now the oldest mod at 23 hours.

Not sure the relevance, just an observation I thought worth sharing.

We went through the process for the admins to remove an inactive mod. After that was complete, they removed everyone, then added AP back to invite us all back. This was a total clusterfuck. There was no simple way to restore the original order of seniority. So we asked for their assistance again to restore the original order, minus wax.

Part of me wonders if they handled it this way to prompt posts and drama like this. Just another way to fracture the community and erode any trust we may have had with our users.

Is there something about removing the lead mod/founder that would make them have to do it that way? I hear about mods stepping down or being removed but hadn't considered that they're probably usually not the heads. just curious if you know or if the admins mentioned it

They didn't explain it to me, and another mod handled the request to assist us with restoring the order through PMs. There is the possibility there was a special consideration since he was the board owner. But if a top mod can remove themselves without breaking anything, and they can, then I see no obvious reason why they had to do it this way.

huh TY, it does seem a little odd in terms of how they went about it- I think someone said it was more or less a surprise also? But as for whether they wanted to mess with the sub, well who knows these days but without other info, I think general admin incompetency is also always a top suspect

It was a surprise to anyone not privy to modmail I suppose. But we started the process a few months ago. I have been a mod here for a couple years now, and a member of the community for like 6yrs, and I have literally never seen wax interact with the community.

We saw that acct as a kind of sword of damocles. If some malicious group got control of it, we wouldn't even be able to tell if it was the original user. And this is a pretty heavily trafficked and controversial space, it was worrisome to work under this unknown potential threat. You remember that reddit acct hack a month or so ago? That reinforced the idea that we needed to get out from under this. This isn't even considering if a rogue admin decided to take control of the account and use it to screw up our board. This decision wasn't made lightly, and it is the first time we as a team worked nearly unanimously together on anything. It was a great team building exercise.

My half joking pet theory was that user was an IC owned r/con firewall, to ensure that they could nuke the sub if we got ahold of anything really dangerous around here. I was curious to see if the admins would even permit us to remove him.

just curious if you know or if the admins mentioned it

The admin in contact with us wasn't supposed to happen like this. There was a mistake made, and it wasn't by the /r/conspiracy mod tema.

I'm a bit analog... an admin is a Reddit employee/rep and a mod is a sub-reddit manager, more or less?

So the mods of r/con had to interact with an admin of Reddit Corporate?

Thanks for the infos.

I'm a bit analog.


an admin is a Reddit employee/rep and a mod is a sub-reddit manager, more or less?

Yes! I often forget that not everyone knows this..."admins" are paid reddit employees and "moderators" are volunteer who aren't associated with reddit inc.

So the mods of r/con had to interact with an admin of Reddit Corporate?

This is correct.

The last time we needed help from the now-removed top mod, he wasn't active (and hasn't been for years), so we had to go directly to Reddit Corporate (which they don't like...they prefer the moderators to take care of their own subs).

Because having an inactive top moderator would require further admin involvement, we unanimously decided to have him removed.

Only the reddit admins can remove the top moderator in a sub.

Part of me wonders if they handled it this way to prompt posts and drama like this.

It certainly should have been avoidable.

Interesting how much shit I've gotten for an admin mistake...

Thank you.

The sub has completely been taken over by mods of other subreddits. Just look at the subs that the mods here also visit or moderate, and you'll see who is in charge now.

(Ironically, it's been replaced by an unrelated post that reads like reddit damage control, by a mod who is already suspected of being tasked with damage control of no less than 112 (one hundred and twelve) different subreddits.)

It's honestly unbelievable they let users mod this many communities. you know damn well they aren't "moderating" shit with that many subs to look over. They're just controlling the other mods/direction of the sub.

I was a bit horrified the other day to find out that other conspiracy subs shared moderators with the Q subs. I understand the overlap, but I don't feel a mod can claim to be impartial when they're in charge of controlling a sub that had rules against trump criticism or questioning.

not really that crazy to have crossover imo i never subscribed to the Q shit but it originated in this sub for reddit discussions before creating their own. Makes sense the community would ask /r/conspiracy mods to help mod their new community based on a conspiracy.

If you guys have not figured it out by now this sub and reddit have completely changed. Liberal mindset runs this place. Paid shills to push and control is all Reddit is now.


Nah, just people trying to politicize everything.

Not everything is the fault of the evil libs, and not everything is the fault of the evil cons.

But you will see people (like you) blaming the other side in litterally every post.

On one hand we have an upvote brigaded post from a fairly new user and on the other hand we have a missing mod/founder.

This sub was compromised years ago.

This entire sub went silent and had a bunch of mods randomly replaced after the election. It's 100% compromised.

What do you mean compromised? Like as in the content is controlled a specific way?

Astroturfed (before 55% upvote percentage was not the norm) and the content may be curated.

Before the election we could mention politics paired with conspiracy and it wouldn’t devolve to red vs blue in fighting immediately

That too.

Yeah no the fuck it wasn’t. This sub used to be full of aliens, ufos, 9/11, and deep state. No one ever gave a fuck about red vs blue. No smart “conspiracy theorist” would openly subscribe to an obvious fallacy such as us politics.

Generalization at its finest right here. Assumptions and conjucture on what a smart "conspiracy theorist" openly subscribes too doesnt scream deep level thinking. More like surface level opinion pushing.

Dont be like the rest of "them" bro.

I don’t care what you call it the truth is the truth. Democrats and republicans are place at the front to give you an illusion of control to distract you from the fact that they control everything. If you want to be a braindead idiot and believe in fake wrestling politics then go ahead. Eat it up. I know America loves their bullshit and lies fed right to them. But don’t pretend its not bullshit....because its bullshit.

I don't disagree with the facade you describe. I do disagree with generalization.

Those caps made me it more real my man. Totally feel your struggle now 👊.

Do you boo boo.

I do disagree with generalization.

So you disagree with taking a subject and simplifying it to get a point a cross? Oh thats nice I don’t care. If i did you would copy and paste every generalizing comment in your history and make you look like an idiot. But attacking a person based on ones flaws is a poor, low vibrational trate. Oooh look at this guy he plays fortnite! Im gonna call him out on that because i have nothing fascinating or compelling to add to the conversation whatsoever. Haha take that fortnite player! You don’t interest me in the slightest bit.

so if it’s all bullshit then why are you sucking off conservatism and shit talking the left? nice one bro.

Damn u got me.

Yes it was. I've been here every day since the Boston bombing. This sub has always had a libertarian/conservative leaning stance and leftists have perpetually brigaded it because of it's positions.

First it was conspiratard and not it's top minds. The brigaders subscribe and become everyday posters. They're always leftists wanting to shit on the constitution.

I wish real liberals would get their shitty people under control. I see the right calling out their shitty people all of the time, but lefties always stick with each other.

Are you sure, that the left doesn't have everything under control as they wish? The thought has piQued my interest of late.......

Though, it's probably just me, and an unhealthy Youtube addiction to Penn Universities Sumerology lectures...ha

Since u/spez steadily sucks the dick of the right/altright/etc, i dojbt the left has as much impact as folks think...on reddit at least. In reality, right and left are the same entity. Elitists that are richer than rich and dont give a fuck about a single one of us.

Do you differentiate your right and left hand as separate entities? Does your left and right brain have separate personalities? Because thats how you sound to me. If you take a step back the control is obvious. The left and right work together...literally in your face AND under the table...Also this sub was compromised way before the Boston bombing witchhunt.

Just want to day that your left and right brain actually do have different personalities.

There are liberals/leftists who hate the TMOR brigades, hate attacks on the first amendment, hate much of what the left has become.


lol what galaxy are you posting from mate?

I love you.

See.. its happening right now. Everything is getting broken down into a commentary that side rails everything.

Yep. Its really funny. They will always try to bait you by purposefully mistaking your opinion and calling you either left or right. If you take the bait you will then passionately express your views just so they can bait you some more. Its literally professional trolling.

My god you're right. They've gone pro.

9/11, and deep state.

politics and corruption.

aliens, ufos, is the BS the gatekeepers use to distract from the political corruption.

then theres SHES and Boston and all the other tard events, these are full bore MSM circuses to distract the hardcore and the millions.

aliens, ufos, is the BS the gatekeepers use to distract the easily distracted from the political corruption.

Is that why the fbi raided the sun spot observatory and blamed it on child porn? Yeah they really want to distract us with aliens and ufos /s

I assure you they don’t care what you are distracted by, as long as you are distracted. They want you as heavily consumed by the system as possible. You can do or believe anything you want just stay in the system and don’t cause too much trouble. They dont care what you believe or what you know, Because at the end of the day nobody is going to do anything about it. That being said aliens aren’t allowed to come here and interact with humans so they usually don’t. Thats all I’m going to say.

And then an outsider challenged the establishment...

"before trump, politics was nice" shut up moron

Hey that’s cool. You seem fun. I didn’t say that at all though. You’re essentially proving my fucking point moron.

Before the election there was a lot less accounts strictly promoting their agenda. A lot less YouTube level bullshit like this. No one cares about how you feel about trump or me.

It’s people picking a political hill to die on and arguing anonymously to muddy the discussions so literally nothing gets resolved.

I think a lot of the smarter people on here just decide to keep their opinions to themselves because they know it will be met with pedantic argumentative assholes like yourself.

bro you havent been arguing about politics for very long if you think this is all new shit. its new to you, not new to reddit or the rest of us

I’m talking about a giant influx of month old accounts with strong political views and zero ability to hold a discussion right around 2016. I didn’t say it was new. I am saying there was a noticeable shift in how discussions went. Censoring things on reddit has always existed but it’s more and more noticeable everyday.

Those people are still here astroturfing. The voting count on this sub specifically drastically changed around 2016. There wasn’t a lot of 50/50 bullshit. It was 70/30 with a discussion involved.

It’s like politicians realized the power of the internet extremely late in the game and now we are 2-3 years into each side imploding on itself because they didn’t realize we could view their browser history. Like we couldn’t watch videos of them holding different positions ten years ago. So many people are out here just wanting to be right but by the time they win the fight they forgot what they were even debating.

Ya the in fighting is bullshit as conspiracy buffs we should all damn well know that both Democrats and Republicans are out here having 🍕 parties with children

Nah dude we hired all these bots and shills to come in here and make us feel like we're crazy and maybe wrong about all that so we could disconnect from it. Praise them!

Which "side" is controlling it though? There's a certain t_d undertone in a lot of posts here but at the same time many anti conservative talking points make it to the front page. It's been super political since the election which explains the many downvotes. Bi-partisan issues still get a high upvote percentage.

The left.

Like every other sub on Reddit.

What indicates that this sub is controlled by leftists?

the entire site is leftist you dipshit, right wingers have no sprawling cabal of power and influence because right wingers dont have the goal of accumulating power like the lefties do. mean except for the GOP holding the majority in the Senate, house, and white house?

voted in by the people. right wingers dont control the media or the massive global corporations. lefties wield way more power than right wingers trying to protect their own people.

Doesn't matter who voted them in, the right holds a majority in 2 out of the 3 branches of our government, and with he potential confirmation of Kavanaugh, could hold a majority in all three.

And I forgot Fox News is totally not impactful in our national discourse and doesn't have the presidents ear and the Koch Brothers, Mercers, and DeVos/Prince families are having no say in our direction as a country.

lefties wield way more power than right wingers trying to protect their own people.

Could you elaborate on what makes you think that?

you cite right wing majority in our government as if right wingers are using that power to seize more power for themselves when they are doing the opposite by cutting regulations and lowering taxes. when leftist get a majority they start imposing new laws and raising taxes and setting up a rigged system for their corrupt buddies. and are you seriously triyng to cite fox news as "influential" when literally every since other station is left wing and you know it. doesnt it alarm you that right wingers only have one subreddit and one tv station in an ocean of lefties? your argument is completely disingenuous if you think you can ignore the existence of every media company in the world while pointing your finger at fox news.

I also cited multiple right wing billionaire families who do use their money to influence politics for the right.

when leftist get a majority they start imposing new laws and raising taxes and setting up a rigged system for their corrupt buddies

Could you give me an example of this happening? imposing new laws is pretty ambiguous, especially when talking about politicians.

and are you seriously triyng to cite fox news as "influential" when literally every other station is left wing and you know it.

Remind me again how many times Trump has called in to shows on CNN and MSNBC

doesnt it alarm you that right wingers only have one subreddit and one tv station in an ocean of lefties?

Thats just not true. Theres conservative, the donald, ask the donald, republicans, and by the looks of reddit search results, many others.

And as for television, I'm sure you're aware of the actions by Sinclair Broadcasting to buy up local markets all over the country.

Could you give me an example of this happening? imposing new laws is pretty ambiguous, especially when talking about politicians.

first examples that come to mind are Title 2 NN laws and the CFPB, both attempts by leftists to set up systems of government power for themselves and their cronies, that have little oversight and dont answer to the people or to congress.

Remind me again how many times Trump has called in to shows on CNN and MSNBC

both shows are openly left wing and hostile to the president, are you trying to distort that fact somehow because trump called in?

And as for television, I'm sure you're aware of the actions by Sinclair Broadcasting to buy up local markets all over the country.

and yet again you mention a small conservative network as if its a problem, ignoring the massive global left wing networks that you are totally fine with. you are comparing the underdog to the corporate masters, get real.

"small conservative network"

Sinclair Broadcast Group (SBG) is a publicly traded American telecommunications conglomerate that is controlled by the family of company founder Julian Sinclair Smith. Headquartered in Hunt Valley, Maryland, the company is the largest television station operator in the United States by number of stations, and largest by total coverage; owning or operating a total of 193 stations across the country in over 100 markets (covering 40% of American households), many of which are located in the South and Midwest.

you are an obvious shill. everything you reply with is comically opposite of the truth. stop gaslighting and get a life.

I think the scope of this needs to be narrowed as it is devolving into a bunch of generalized talking points. So, I'll put this forth and if anyone wants to argue it, please let me know why you disagree:

Reddit is a progressive site that is run by a progressive.

I believe that was the original point as to why some people think there's a conspiracy to drive an agenda in this sub. So if Reddit admins are taking some actions in this sub, it's likely driven by the left.

We can leave the other stuff out of this conversation yes?

I guess from my understanding of the actions in this sub (removing a mod), it doesnt seem to be reddit administration doing this, rather this subs other mods.

And I agree, Reddit is a progressive leaning site (not that they have an agenda, but that the majority of users skew that way) and I appreciate you not using charged terms such as leftists lefties, and a cabal to describe it.

I think in a capitalist society, people with money on either side will seek power and try to use this power to influence society. To say it is only one side and the other is free from it is disingenuous. (not saying you're doing this, only referencing my reason for trying to broaden the conversation after the other previous comment seemed to want to limit it)


Robert Murdoch isn't right wing? The Koch Brothers aren't right wing? The owner of chick fil a and hobby lobby aren't right wing? Fox news isn't right wing?

"right wing people exist, lets ignore that left wingers vastly outnumber them!" you fuckin nerd trying to compare tiny companies Hobby Lobby and Chick fil a to massive global corporations like Google and Nike that peddle their influence globally. when was the last time hobby lobby told someone how to vote? when has chik fil a spent millions on promoting activist causes? you are soundly proving my point

Robert Murdoch isn't right wing? The Koch Brothers aren't right wing?

you fuckin nerd trying to compare tiny companies Hobby Lobby and Chick fil a to massive global corporations like Google and Nike that peddle their influence globally.

And Murdoch and The Koch Brothers?....

take a look at a map of their influence bubble compared to their left wing counterparts. you continue to prove my point by pointing out the lone right wingers in an ocean of lefties

Their map of influence leads to the Senate, House, White House, and possibly the supreme court. Something most americans would consider, places of power.

are you implying the left wing groups dont? give me a fucking break.

I am not implying anything.

You said

right wingers have no sprawling cabal of power and influence because right wingers dont have the goal of accumulating power like the lefties do.

Ignoring the charged language, I am simply saying the right holds power in lots of facets of our government.

and is that comparable to the amount of power leftists hold? get real. republicans won a majority in a fair election, unless you think our congressional and presidential elections across multiple states are compromised. the way you are trying to imply republicans have some special advantage is absurd

So the right has power and influence in american politics? It's kind of hard to win all these majorities without the goal of accumulating power.

"the right" isnt a corporation, youre talking about the citizens

Politicians and money run our capitalist styled democracy. I am not saying the left has no one who does this, or has no aspirations of having influence. I am simply pushing back against your original comment and charged language which says the right doesn't have power and influence and doesn't seek power and it's only "the lefties".

Fox, and Robert Murdoch? Also Chick Fil A was in the news recently because its owner donates to activist causes. I'm proving your point by showing that right wingers do control media and global corporations? Because I included some right wingers whose corporations are only in America? You know there are left wing folks who own corporations who are only in america, does that mean that your statement was wrong? The right wing controls all branches of the united states government, and they control one of the largest and most influential news and media outlets in the country, not to mention that local news is dominated by the sinclair group which is massively right wing, and people like you still want to come around like you're some put upon minority. Also did you just try to insult me by calling me a nerd? For real? Are you an 80's bully?

you are clueless, you keep citing sinclair and murdoch and fox and chik fila a with complete ignorance that they hold a tiny amount of the market share and have far less influence than left wing groups do. also winning an election isnt a power grab, why do you keep citing the results of the election as if it doesnt represent the will of the people?

source on those companies not having a large part of market share? fox is literally the number one news station......

there are 6 big media companies, fox is 1 of them, without even checking, do you really think fox has a majority market share? have you seriously never thought about this before? you can look up the number of primetime viewers easily.

Thanks for the suggestion. I looked up those numbers, Fox has the most. So thank you for helping me to see that right wing media controls a disproportionate amount of of american media. news corp also owns the largest newspaper in america, which is also right wing organization and owns fox. So between the two they have more media control than any other media company. Crazy, no wonder they won the elections.

wew you took that bait easily, thanks for pasting in the top google result for "is fox the most watched news channel?". did you forget to add up the numbers of the other stations buddy? just CNN + MSNBC have more viewers than Fox, and if we go down the line adding up the rest of the left wing stations, that gap only gets wider and wider.

Ah yes, the ol conservative it is not enough that I must be in the majority, but my majority must be larger than all other pieces of the pie put together. GTFO with your bullshit.

they don't have a majority. they have (1,485,000) viewers, which is only a few hundred thousand more viewers than the next most viewed news show, MSNBC at (1,007,000), which is distinctly left leaning. next is CNN at (711,000), which is exactly what I said, and my source is the same website you used.

Winning an election is a successful power grab by the electoral process. Those people got voted in by broadcasting their message and ideology across the country via MEDIA and then they won. If the MEDIA is controlled by left wing groups as you claim then they are completely incompetent.

What is actually going on here is that right wing media has convinced their consumers (including yourself) that they are a plucky group of grassroots resistance who only by the grace of god have managed to win a small amount of power from these here baby killing libtards in recent years. When in reality this country has swung right and left in pretty equal measure historically and right now we are in a left wing social environment while being in a right wing economical environment. You partisanship is tiring, and your projection and delusion are depressing.

they are a plucky group of grassroots resistance who only by the grace of god have managed to win a small amount of power from these here baby killing libtards in recent years.

you just perfectly described the populist movements popping up around the world in the past few years, people are resisting the overwhelming leftist propaganda and standing up against globalization.

Oh man, they got you hook line and sinker.

Thr kochs support open borders democrats

Besides. 2 people doesnt make up for the vast number of leftists INCLUDING george soros

No reason to get angry with me buddy

go on and explain why you wouldn't think reddit is a left wing website then, is it the existence of a handful of right wing subs in an ocean of left wing subs? is it perhaps the frontpage being covered with obvious shill subreddits supporting leftist causes? (the_mueller, bluemidterm, fuckthealtright, etc etc etc). Maybe you haven't noticed that many many subreddits have had notable moderators replaced around the elections. help me out here buddy, show me some of your insight that makes you think this sub isnt controlled by leftists

I've never denied Reddit is mostly progressive.

Just like every other alt righter - all complaints and crybaby bullshit and not a single shred of proof that “reddit is controlled by leftists”.

Also, the right controls all 3 branches - how’s that for the “leftist power grab” you ignorant fuck?

See you in November when we put you in your place :*

winning an election isnt a power grab

LMAO, you're downvotes. Why a leftists so delusional?

The fact that you think you’re on a winning side is exactly the problem. They have you thinking your fellow human is a “cucklibtard who cant accept reality”. That’s just another redditor and when your little team comes off as condescending confrontational assholes it really dilutes your ability to convey any message at all.

Like your point is literally LOL FUCK THE LEFT. That’s why we have an orange cheeto as POTUS. A room full of people who just wanted to “win” but they have no idea what the fuck they are winning. That’s why we currently have an unqualified celebrity running shit right now.

The reality is if you aren’t part of old money or rich as fuck you are a pawn in someone else’s game. They are playing 99% of society like a fiddle. Arguing about shit like skin color and political party is petty and pointless yet most of the internet is made up of exactly this.

You’re just one of the easily manipulated pawns who can spend their entire lives thinking they are fighting for something when they are just arguing for the arguments sake. Leftist aren’t delusional. You thinking their is a right side and a wrong side with no middle ground is delusional .

well with the house, the senate, the supreme court, and the presidency, we kinda are on the winning side :)

If that’s how you feel in your little bubble that’s good for you. The rest of humanity isn’t as jealous as you think.

People who use extremely general terms like “leftists” typically have an over simplified understanding of the world.

The word "leftist" used to apply to people like Fidel Castro and the Sandinistas. Today, it means anyone who doesn't tow the Republican line. Snapples kept saying that the government is run by Republicans because the people voted for them. FYI, this is entirely false.

As everyone knows, DJT lost the vote by nearly three million, but he got into the WH.

Republicans lost the Senate by eight figures, but they control it.

Republicans were about tied in the House, but they hold a solid majority.

Finally, there's the Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch is there because Republicans judicially activated a new "rule" in 2016 to keep a president from getting any consideration for a nominee. Then, Mitch McConnell changed the Senate rules to get Neil Gorsuch in. As a result, Republicans held the SCOTUS majority for a 47th year straight.

Basically, the entire government is controlled by the minority party.

because right wingers dont have the goal of accumulating power like the lefties do

What's the punchline though?

Ooh, they got you.

You’ve been fooled by the divide and conquer tactic.

Crawl out of the hole.

what are you, one of those third party candidate dipshits?

What does your republican cheerleader outfit look like?

Removed. Rule 4.

Cmon now. I see the heavy influence of left on Reddit as well but that stems from the average user base not so much mod influence. I dont believe you have nearly as many consevartives on here as you do liberal keyboard warriors which plays a huge role on content over time.

Now to find the internal and external variables that push liberals to this outlet at such high groves would be interesting in camparision to the vairables present in conservatives lives.

You point out obvious truth, instant downvote brigade, point proven.

The Left is a large generalization.

yep, been here since pre-2012, the 2016 election changed everything and this place was a different spot overnight.

Reddit is now just another variant of InfoWars and AboveTopSecret.... chock full of disinformation and planted idiots, with the intent of trying to recapture the attention of those who have shunned the MSM. The 2016 election is when [they] finally decided it was worth the $$$ to take control of this place, and nothing has changed since.

Long time lurker.

I would be heavily surprised if the majority of mods (probably all) here are not on payrole for their reddit activity. This sub compared to 5 years ago is a complete joke.

So much stuff is posted which is more like news and the OP going look at this bad thing. Like all the US political crap, yes we know trump is a pudding and hilary eats babies, its not news. Its just the same information as other subs but trying to appear a bit radical and edgy to cater to the flocks of wannabes that are here.

Years back you would hear about weird and wonderful conspiracies on a daily basis from aliens to holofractal universes. You could have a civil discussion on any topic. You would occasionally have someone who appeared a legit insider and it would get everyone excited for days with some juicy info.

Now the insiders are on the admin and mod teams. They divide to control, derail, instigate above all never let a proper discussion occur without polarising and derailing.

Now its butthurts and bots and paid shills all screaming for attention.

I only come here to see what agenda the shills and mods are pushing as that in itself is interesting. That and a feeling of nostalgia of what this community once was.

If you imagine a subverive communist guerilla camp. Thats what this sub used to feel like. Today its fake and wrong. Like disney tried to turn it into a ride. Sure there are all the features you expect but its all plastic and fibreglass and the guards are all looking at you funny.

This is no longer a community. It is an exhibit and compared to years gone by, its fake trashy and rather boring.

This is 'their' territory, it was lost to the wrong side years back.

This sub compared to 5 years ago is a complete joke.

5 years ago: plenty of conspiracy content

Today: a mix of political posts, fear/outrage content and crap content deliberately submitted to make the sub look like a looney bin.

Perhaps many, like myself, now believe that politics is the real conspiracy. Leaders of both parties want to enslave us all thru socialism=communism=despotism

I agree that politics has become one big conspiracy. ButI’m not sure if you are aware of what those terms you are using mean. How are you being enslaved by socialism? Are you even living in a socialist country?

simple. When gov controls everything, they can take it away at anytime. For instance, look at china and their new social credit score.

What about when an authoritarian government owns everything?

The wealthy elite control everything. Including politicians. Politics doesnt control anything except the divide and conquer narrative.

Politicians write the laws we must live by.

PoliticiansLobbyists for the elite pay them to write the laws we must live by.


But it's not in the spirit of the sub's original missive.

I miss the days when this sub didn't constantly have """conspiracy posts""" linking to major news outlets like fox or cnn.

Remember when it was just like the offbeat love child of TIL and InTheNews?

this sub didn't constantly have """conspiracy posts""" linking to major news outlets like fox or cnn.

the MSM is always highlighted for comparison and demonstration purposes.

the MSM is where the lies and circus comes onto the stage.

Agreed, but now there's a large portion of "authentic users" who insist we should trust the mainstream media.

Trump is calling them out as liars and whores and this sub isn't cheering him on. The astroturfing is strong.

Agreed. Far less interesting with a controlled content.

Agree w that. They really know how to take something good and make it suck.

Also when an actual insider comes hereto post information; they're quickly banned for "trolling" and the whole thing is covered up.

As a long time lurker on this sub I could not agree with you more. Very well put.

It should also be added that there is a fake consensus using alts that permeates the sub. The names change and rotate, about every couple of months new "friends" are introduced, but they act as "friends" and make much hay out of "alternative scientific theories".

L Ron Hubbard would have been proud of the author of this scheme. It's gone on for a couple of years at least. They really like the weekends. I bet discord is a hoot.

Long time lurker.

Apparently not that long since you don't seem to understand how reddit works.

I would be heavily surprised if the majority of mods (probably all) here are not on payrole for their reddit activity. This sub compared to 5 years ago is a complete joke.

What actions would the mods be paid for exactly? The mod log is public, you can literally see everything posted here, removed or not. The biggest detractors to this sub are left leaning contingents that attack the mods for allowing "hate speech", e.g. anything they happen to disagree with.

So much stuff is posted which is more like news and the OP going look at this bad thing. Like all the US political crap, yes we know trump is a pudding and hilary eats babies, its not news. Its just the same information as other subs but trying to appear a bit radical and edgy to cater to the flocks of wannabes that are here.

How does this have anything to do with the mods?

Years back you would hear about weird and wonderful conspiracies on a daily basis from aliens to holofractal universes. You could have a civil discussion on any topic. You would occasionally have someone who appeared a legit insider and it would get everyone excited for days with some juicy info.

Be the change you want to be, feel free to submit something useful. No one is stopping you, or anyone else.

Now the insiders are on the admin and mod teams. They divide to control, derail, instigate above all never let a proper discussion occur without polarising and derailing.

Really? Can you quantify that somehow? If you look at the post histories for of the mods, /u/balthanos or /r/aleister, for instance. What about that post history screams "I'm on a payroll" exactly?

Now its butthurts and bots and paid shills all screaming for attention.

What should the mods do about that? Would you prefer they just remove the content that you don't want to see?

I only come here to see what agenda the shills and mods are pushing as that in itself is interesting. That and a feeling of nostalgia of what this community once was.

If you imagine a subverive communist guerilla camp. Thats what this sub used to feel like. Today its fake and wrong. Like disney tried to turn it into a ride. Sure there are all the features you expect but its all plastic and fibreglass and the guards are all looking at you funny.

This is no longer a community. It is an exhibit and compared to years gone by, its fake trashy and rather boring.

Then why waste your time?

This is 'their' territory, it was lost to the wrong side years back.

Who is "their"? Who are you? There is no "we" and there never has been and if you believed otherwise then you were just crafting a fairy tail from the other side of this narrative.

Here's your modlog - feel free to go through there and find all the great comments the mods are suppressing from you. Looks like bunch of spam and people calling each other names, but if you can find some evidence of anything you said I would love to see it. You're surely able to at least point to a single post or action to substantiate your accusations, yes?

Damn you’re working really hard. You must feel really passionate about this.

It’s low hanging fruit; easiest conspiracy to prove ever. Literally every post and action they make is public. Should be simple to find proof of the accusations, or you could just try to slide the topic towards me while ignoring the conversation at hand.

right there used to be aliens and cool shit 5 years ago, it's like nothing but politics and reddit conspiracies now.


It’s not just this sub however.

The influx of Facebookers and people with nothing to contribute has skyrocketed. Every technical sub I’m in features the same reasked (and already answered) questions multiple times per week. Every sub is exhausting and quality posts have gone to shit.

Ready to bail to another platform if a better option exists. That or private subs somehow.

If you are looking for alternatives, you should try saidit out, we tried a new site because we think the PR firms and the admins have too much of an advantage against us here. Still, I think we should keep up the fight in both places for as long as we can.

I came to r/conspiracy over 10 years ago

What site do you suppose we go to to get this more genuine experience you described now?


Fuck no

Do you have a better alternative?

No that’s the problem, which is why I was asking for alternatives to see if anyone knew any. Voat is clearly just as bad & next on the list imo

I haven't lurked as long but even in just the last two years the shift is immense.

Totally agree. In my early Reddit days I was subscribed to both here and to r/skeptic. I eventually unsubbed from the skeptic subreddit because their discussions were ironically, but maybe not surprisingly, super close-minded and it was a huge circle jerk. Here was not like that, people’s ideas were considered and discussed without vitriol and accusations of shilling if you didn’t agree with the hive mind.

Now, I’ve unsubscribed here countless times, but keep coming back just to see if maybe the community has finally shifted back away from the same kind of toxic environment that made me leave in the first place. It was even more apparent during the 2016 election where this whole subreddit felt like a t_d clone. There’s no real discussion anymore and it’s infested with propaganda pushers and shills and people accusing others of being shills whenever they question whatever the narrative of the day is.

Where to go now?

If you imagine a subverive communist guerilla camp. Thats what this sub used to feel like. Today its fake and wrong. Like disney tried to turn it into a ride. Sure there are all the features you expect but its all plastic and fibreglass and the guards are all looking at you funny.

Hooooly shit you completely nailed it. Thanks for the sad laugh.. sigh.

It’s r/politics2.0

What do you think, dumbass?

This is not true.

Flytape threw a hissy fit and resigned.

James Cole Pardon staged a coup with Flytape after the admins warned him and was given the boot.

People always try to say that there was this big mod shakeup, because all mods were removed as part of the coup and readded, so they look new and i's easy to sell. Its complete fiction however, only those two mods left, it was with ample cause and it's all a matter of public record.

Timing was suspiciously conspicuous.

Ok, but you're spreading lies. A bunch of mods weren't replaced, one mod resigned and one was removed by admins after a coup attempt.

And, it makes little sense to focusing on the timing as suspicious when the timing was dictated by the mods who were themselves ousted and stepped down. JCP and Flytape dictating the timing on this, them not being mods any more was the result of their moves and they timed them themselves.

Timing was suspiciously conspicuous.

Bah, go to r/Conspiracy


The historical revisionists didn't take long to get your post down to -4...

To voat everyone

To voat or not to voat, that is the question. Any thread of any popularity on voat ends up broken because their servers are third rate.

And every time I get on there's unprovoked, pointless and blatent racism on their default front page. So yay for that.

Imagine not being so easily offended. You'd feel like you could post anywhere.

Imagine expanding your consciousness past pointless speech and shit posting into the realm of actually solving some of these issues.

Step 1. Brexit.

Step 2. Elect Trump.

Step 3. Totally discredit mainstream media.

Step 4. White Ethno state?

Ain't got time to be offended, we busy.

"Not so easily offended"

Lol dude the people of r/GreatAwakening who went over there immediately started celebrating that they could openly use the term "n*gger" however they wanted.

It's just pedophiles and racists over there.

It's just pedophiles and racists over there

Almost like a honeypot that gathers reddit's "deplorables"...

I think people should start focusing again on their own websites instead of concentrating information into centralised platforms. It's seems like personal websites are dead these days because if Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit.

I agree, the issue I personally have is those sites are great for people to be able to get the word out, if you wouldn’t mind sending me some good sites you know of I would really appreciate it.

Personal websites are great, but where would the traffic come from?

Also no one want to advertise on a personal website.

What about decentralized and distributed networks that are accessible as a whole? ...wink ;)

Voat is full of racist assholes.

I'll pass.

It’s a small club though. Their /v/all has like... 200 karma posts in it.

Any major reddit migration would outnumber that fast.

Also: Grow some skin nancy.

I'd look at another website for now. People thunk things were gonna be different after Pao left, and they surely aren't going to change now. There is, Tildes (still in private beta), and Voat (I know, I know...). There was a post recently on NotABug about people trying to change Voats community called /v/QRV

For the curious: V_oat makes all moderation logs public by default and has upvote/downvote shown.

I don’t care if you don’t like the users, it is a superior platform in all ways but the servers.

This entire sub went silent temporarily and had a bunch of mods randomly replaced after the US 2016 election. It's 100% compromised.

None of this is even remptely true - unless you're referring to the demodding of all but SC and Flytape after we all voted SC off the island.

Yeah how convenient that was.

So just say some bullshit and sidestep the thread asking you to address what happened.

All of this was already addresses in the other thread. What else so you want?

You side stepped and bullshitted just about everything you were confronted with in that thread. Saying "Fam" in responses playing it off cool and calm, people see right through you

Whatever you say, fam.

Yup, I used to spend half my time on reddit here, now I don't bother visiting since it's obviously promoted content.

So you don't bother visiting anymore, but you can tell us how the sub has changed since 2016?

It's 100% compromised.

more like infested.

Seems I was wrong. On closer inspection, this sub is an Indian trying to take a shit on a crowded Delhi street. It just ain't happening.

It's payroll, not paid roll...

Reddit has to resort to admins (dictators) interfering in a totally biased and selective way, because the r/conspiracy mods have been too good, and thus are able to deflect the usual subversion process.

I bet almost every other large sub has inactive founders that aren't purged. This is selective enforcement. Admins seem to have a bias in their enforcement of vaguely worded rules.

There's a conspiracy sub on voat, worth a look

This place has been dead for years now.

Personally I think it’s hilarious. They’ve invested so much time and energy into co-opting this conspiracy sub, and now that they finally have control, all the users they sought to influence have stopped coming. All of their efforts to control the discourse are in vain, so like the angry children they are, they’ll shut it down out of spite.

In the end no one will care, just like the Digg exodus, real conversation will find a new home and the shills will be slow to follow.

It should be fun to watch reddit further devolve into a soulless fascist echo chamber.

Good riddance.

Truth. I used to love it here a few years ago when we can talk shit about Obama's drone strikes and possible false flags. If I wanted a sub to praise our president and hate on jews I'd subscribe to the_donald. Make r/conspiracy great again!

hate on jews

There it is again. The big LIE.

Oh, stop it. It's observably true here. The worst comments get moderated, but it's still possible to glean community attitudes to Jews. The two replies to this post, and their votes, are a recent example:

If you Ceddit the rest of that thread, you'll also be able to see the moderated comments calling for gassing etc.

It's a neat trick you're playing. You always use it.

I agree that the Israeli government is terrible, and a habitual human rights abuser, and I'll tell anyone who will listen. You seem to have me confused with a shill template you carry around with you.

Right there. Israel and Jews are not the same thing, however people on this sub seem to blame Jews for the Israel governments actions.

Lies. I see people go to great pains to say it's Netanyahu. It's apartheid. It's murder.

But you know that.

Right there. Israel and Jews are not the same thing, however people on this sub seem to blame Jews for the Israel governments actions.

Jewish people speak loudly, lie often, but never listen and are huge proponents of Israel and it's slaughtering.

There it is

"An abundance of sympathy for ME, but not for thee!" (Palestinians)

The truth is antisemitic!

You're literally being an antisemite. You're literally proving the above posters point that users are blaming every jew for everything the country Israel does. Would a venn-diagram help? Or are you going to go all nazi on me and start quoting the protocols of the elders of zion?

I don't care about feelings any more. I used to.

Hate does not come from nothing, does it? Jews around the world approve of Israel, almost entirely. I sound as if I am dealing in absolutes, so I will subtract from my criticism people like Sydney Blumenthal and professor Finkelstein. If you don't like my opinion or world view on what I think of Israelis or jewish people in general, I don't really care? How about that. I will not be shamed or silenced into approving of the scum that run our government, media, banking, military... so there you go.

There it is, the complete inability of you to deny any of it.

did you just spend two hours re-editing your reply or what

What does your link prove at all?

I already said it's indicative of community attitudes towards Jews. Again, Ceddit the whole thread for the nasty stuff. We have longstanding issues with this - it's not new.

So... it'll have to be errr... shall we say it together? it'd be fun?!



Mouse in your pocket?

If I wanted a sub to praise our president and hate on jews I'd subscribe to the_donald

TD kicks out anyone who whispers anything but sweet nothing about the occupation of Palestine.


Reddit is dead

Let's go back to Fark.

Holy shit, I'd completely forgotten about that place. I think I will go back on occasion.

Oh innnnnteresting. The person above entire changed their post.

It's a completely different hasbara post.

The_Donald does praise the president. The_Donald is NOT anti-Semitic. I do wonder why this sub allows anti-semitism. Sometimes there are genuine and informative posts and replies regarding Jews. Sometimes there is blatant anti-semitism.

Just a note—you can’t hate on Jews on TD. In fact, any post mildly critical of Israel gets deleted. I’m pretty pro-Palestine and definitely cannot post there.

worldnews has 1000x as many anti-israel and pro-palestine posts as TD. you should have seen TD when Trump declared support for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Amen holy shit I couldn't have worded it better.


50,000 card carrying commie slobs are staging a coup in this nation. They cannot be stopped.

Alll they want is your soul. If you've already given, you're safe.

Lmao what? Can I have some of what you're smoking?

How is an inactive account a "failsafe"? Sounds like it could work both ways. An inactive account can't participate and may very well be a hindrance for the process here.

I'm not sure why everyone is going to bat for a guy who hasn't been here in years. He clearly doesn't care anymore.

OP, what specific issue would this inactive account be a help to the community here? How can any account that doesn't participate help at all?

It would be great if OP could address this.

So what I am gathering from this is

One mod removed the guy who created this whole sub, removed all of the mods off the sub and then “re-added the mods” effectively making himself the top mod.

It sounds like he kicked out the creator and any sane mod, and kept the mods with the bad agenda.

I feel this sub will be gone soon, just like TGA.

The mod team and order are exactly the same as yesterday, minus the top inactive mod.

Your gathering skills are pathetic.

Thank you!

Begone with that truth nonsense ... and don't come back until you have your panties in a bunch over some inane bull shit! HA!

Tell the rest of your peeps that "Some random person/troll on reddit said they are ALL awesome, for all the thankless shit they endure in this sub!"

This is incorrect.

About three months ago, the /r/conspiracy mod team petitioned the admins to have the "top" mod in the sub removed.

This mod hadn't actually written a comment in /r/conspiracy for 5 years and was an inactive account.

The sudden "respect" and passion for wax is very disingenuous. He never has been an active member/participant of this community, and indeed the last time we needed his help he couldn't be reached and we had to go to the admins instead (they get annoyed by this).

After 3 months, our request was finally granted. However, the admin in charge of this made a mistake, and all the mods were removed and I was reinstated (I was the requestor).

Because having just one mod active in a 700+ sub is a bad idea even for 24 hours, the night this happened I added back the half a dozen or so mods that happened to be awake and active so they could help out.

Because the "order" of the mod team is important, and because it would be very difficult to invite back everyone the way it was before this mistake, we enlisted the help of the admins again.

They apologized for the error and inconvenience, and immediately restored the team in the proper order.

It sounds like he kicked out the creator and any sane mod, and kept the mods with the bad agenda.

This couldn't be further from the mark, and I hope I've made things clearer.

r/conspiracy, the new home of MSM media links with people defending MSM companies in the comments.


Lmao look how fucking different this place is on the weekend when the shills aren't on the clock.

It's so nice.

this place is globalist propaganda these days

Too many posts they didn't like??

He stickied it so it'd get downvoted instead of upvoted for attention, then after the initial wave of votes he unstickied so it'd be burried.

They keep claiming 'it makes no difference', well if it makes no difference why remove wax? It was like his memorial stone. Also, of course it makes a difference.

Some times i don’t know why i’m subbed to this place

Occasionally, a gem of a post will appear here. That's the only reason I'm here.

Omglob. Switch to controversial. Its brutal in the trenches.

So fucked up the freedom to communicate is slowly but surely being stripped away from us. Fuck you mods. Fuck you and your power hungry actions.

This place sucks


When a private company owns a discussion outlet be it tv station, newspaper or like here expect the worst. Reddit needs to be user operated and managed.

are there any alt conspiracy subreddits?

I'd look at another website for now. People thunk things were gonna be different after Pao left, and they surely aren't going to change now. There is, Tildes (creating on a former Reddit employee), and Voat (I know, I know...). There was a post recently on NotABug about people trying to change Voats community called /v/QRV

5 year lurker here...fucking love all of you. Take a step back and look at the world we live in. This problem is not exclusive to Con. This has become the new way of society- stitched lipped or be socially downvoted to oblivion. In this hyperpolitical world something as fun to talk about as the Mandela Effect turns into “why did you pick the BERNSTEIN Bears to use as something you thought was weird? Was it the color of their fucking fur” Speech that is offensive to even .01% of the population is now “hate” and you will grouped into the racist/bigot/vaginahathatingnazi club. After TGA went down I knew that Q crowd would fall back here. And ultimately this sub would be sunk as that sub was because of it (love ya patriots but I just can’t hop on your train even as a devout conspiracy theorist.) The double standard of acceptability and freedom of thought and speech is apparent when you compare to a sub like TMOR. Anything outside of the spoon fed narrative is now unacceptable, and unfortunately those closed minds in control can and will shut it all down. I guess we’ll all end up meeting somewhere else to discuss Parallel universes and Tesla at some point. Keep it real ladies and gents.

The crusade to marginalize r/conspiracy by 2 mods (1 mentioned already, the other one is a throw away account) is proceeding.

They mostly post political junk, try to steer conversations, and add rules that if we call them out of their shit, we get banned.

User of this sub should know you have been duped (and I have been trying to say so for a while, and I have been attacked, ridiculed, called a shill and a censor supporter.... When the facto f the matter is exactly the opposite.

r/conspiracy you have been under attack, and you have been duped. Wake up and demand change. Remove all political junk/shit/news/ridiculousness and bring back the real conspiracies.

(I fully expect to be "warned" or "banned", and also called a bunch of names. Bring it.)

I agree. We should ban political related shite as it’s all theatre anyway. Make a new sub for political conspiracies and maybe we’ll have this sub back. Honestly, the political stuff is all a distraction

The political stuff isn't a complete distraction. The lies our politicians make, the deals they cut with foriegn countries and shady companies, the unconstitutional laws they pass still have hold over aspects of our lives. It doesn't matter how red pilled you are, they still work together to steal and damage.

There just shouldn't be any talk of Trump trying to drain the swamp or Bernie bein the guy...both sides are bought out. The outliers of the political realm aren't even talked about.

They fear a consensus above all.

Especially about Israel.


Ducking losers

This is dystopian behaviour. Also check out the new stickied post. lol

It’s funny that this is the conspiracy sub where you should be able to discuss anything....... well uhm I guess only at there discretion. They will not allow free thinking here anymore. They are afraid someone may listen.

It is a strange sub. I have posted so many legit things in conspiracy that get zero traction like related to Vegas or other things.

IDK this sub def has weird censorship and bots going on.

Yeah the good content gets buried immediately. The same crap is churned over and over on the front page. We’re running out of good places for conspiracy related conversation fast. Hell, as much as ATS sucks it’s better than here now.

Who always gets plenty of exposure though?

Who whines when they don't?

It's all so hilarious.

I'm having less and less reasons to stay on Reddit. Nearly all the main subreddits have completely sold out and many of the smaller subreddits that I enjoyed have been deleted or censored. /r/the_donald is full of Zionist shills and even /r/conspiracy is showing signs of becoming compromised. Looks like it's time to finally make the full migration to Voat.

Even after Pao and the election, the smaller subs could keep my attention. That isn't even the case anymore. The organic content flow is what gave these websites their magic. And nothing has been done to preserve, or filter out the rubbish.

/r/the_donald is full of Zionist shills

What an ugly lie.

Welcome to the new digg.

I've noticed a "change" in this sub since the 2016 election... Maybe this has something to do with it

You think?

The mods stay relatively silent on issues like these because they don't have a need or have a will to respond. This in itself makes for a poor subreddit.

But.. we are naĂŻve to expect some randoms (mods) out there to provide servant based ethical moderation.



Government fuckers are making moves.


I mean, not that it really matters, but was he actually inactive?

Eventually this subreddit will be labelled alt-right and pro-nazi because it dares to expose the wrong doings of the democratic party and the deep state. Even with undenialable proof it will be considered Trump/Russia sponsored propaganda. Im starting to consider Reddit in the same category as Google, Twitter, Apple, Wapo, Huffpost & NYT.

Guys why dont we pull something like thanosdidnothing, and just create a new conspiracy with mods that actually about the sub and dont want just to control it.

Dude the mods posted a link to a website seeping with viruses last night on a sticky regarding the r/the_Donald rssuian Astro turfing drama.

Fuck this place.

No you all know how Qanon followers feel. Now they will be coming for you.

Why don't we just make a new sub if we feel it's compromised. We aren't forced to post only here.

Mods are gay reeeeeeee

Yeah sub is dead. This proves it. Unsub.

I came to r/conspiracy over 11 years ago as a refugee from digg, a site as many of you well know ended in disaster when traitor admins obtained positions of power solely to stop the conveyance of truth. reddit is about to meet that same fate and I believe it's seriously time to find a new home that's free of this needless BullShit.

This subs glory days a far behind us now. It's a shell of what it used to be...I'm completely disgusted with these new sniveling shit mods who ban perfectly good posts from long time contributing members...but stand back and purposefully allow these posts to be destroyed by outside brigading forces.

The mods use the rules to attack good subscribers...I wouldn't be surprised if they infiltrated their way in here from TMOR.

I've been visiting here less and less often...traitor mods have taken shits all over it. To all you mods who were a part of this..,FUCK YOU.

Yep, I'll be leaving soon. I have to admit, it feels good to go find a place with greener pastures and fresh air. Adios, amigos.

I have a question. Why does the moderation staff have a private subreddit in which they discuss things we as public users of conspiracy aren't privy to? It's called r/conspiracy_conclave. And it's stated goal is 'for the betterment of /r/conspiracy'.

Does that sound just a little nefarious to anyone?

Yeah the 'betterment'....holy that is nefarious as fuck.

Show me a time where mods here did something without a transparent post to explain themselves? I haven't seen it.

We are awaiting further explanation from the admins as to what occurred (the mistake was on their end). When we get all the info I'll make another post.

This post isn't about the admin 'mistake', it's about your campaign to become top mod here, comrade.

citation needed

I’m not sure how to fully put this down into words, because it seems that there has already been a divide between what is happening, and what is *really, actually * happening.

So, the only way I can put it down into words is through my anger at those who fail to see the reality around them, even if it were to be smashed straight into their own face...

To start, we have to discuss that oh-so-dangerous ‘conspiracy’ Q anon. It’s abhorrent that, despite everyone saying it is a larp or an elaborate theory based in fiction, Reddit has decided to wipe the entire site clean of it’s presence and, as it seems, interfere in orbiting subs like this one.

LARPS don’t get a site-wide snuffing.

LARPS don’t get the time of day on the news.

LARPS don’t get front row seat at presidential rallies.

LARPS don’t fuel an effort to gag entire subs by relation.

But Q has done each and every one.

People, we are at war. Most don’t even know it, as it’s not a bullets and bombs form of war. It’s an information war. “The resistance won’t be televised.” No, it won’t. The news is comp’d. They’re owned by the same clowns who are implicated in serious crimes, so it is of no doubt that the integrity of the main players in MSM (CNN, FOX, MSNBN, NBC, NYT, WP, AP, CBS, etc...) is nonexistent.

Secondly, and I try not to even mumble his name because it causes such a polarity shift in a conversation, but Trump isn’t who the media is portraying him to be. His actions, one among them being the Q operation, behind the scenes and almost never covered by the press (I wonder why...) are deadly and detrimental to those who seek to keep us stupid and complacent. His character assassination is completely by design, so as to discredit his work as President.

I could list the achievements, like jobs or economy numbers, but what is most important is his absolutely merciless approach to crimes against humanity and children. Thousands upon thousands of human trafficking arrests, crimes against children, etc....damn near pushing 50x the normal average amount of sealed court actions (like indictments!).

“Yeah, well...the proof is in the pudding. Where’s your proof?” Look around you. Entire sites are destroying whatever they can to crush the people’s voices. If Reddit’s censorship’s don’t wake you up to the reality around you, then I truly can’t help you.

Reddit, I’ve tried. I’ve tried posting actual evidences to people. I’ve posted injustices. No matter what, there will always be those who see Q or the reality around them as false and ‘hate Trump at ALL costs’ as their apparent goal in life. Mark my words: we may not make it out of this one, fellas. I can see a bleak, horrible future, and the fact that we are slipping into it so scarily easily fucking terrifies me. I can only hope that whatever forces are acting against the voices of We The People are going to go down before society as we know it collapses into another era of sheeple work-until-you-die life. Damn it people! Fight! Vote! Call everyone you know. Text them if you’re uncomfortable. Talk about Q. Spread what you can NOW before, like Reddit here, you are unable to elsewhere. It’s getting down to the wire, folks. Please do your part in texting your contact list. Something simple, like “This Q anon thing might just on to something.” Something to rally even the normies.


In the defense of the mods.. All it takes for this sub to go down is for one bad actor to purchase or crack wax's account information. With all the other subs getting snuffed out, I don't see the harm in taking some extra precautions. I'm sure if Wax cared enough to object he'd be right in here Reeeeing along with everybody else.

The mods here are garbage. I hope you are reading this. NO ONE LIKES YOU

Immediate distrust on all the mods who voted for that. handles please.


I guess this post on r/conspiracy got somebody's attention. It looks like this was the reason for removal of IW.

If the consensus of the mods is that due to inactivity, he had to be removed, and reddit admin agreed, we just have to deal with it.

All of Reddit is comprised . Don’t use it for anything of importance. After being involved in some of the subs that have been banned lately there is no doubt about it.

I haven't taken this sub seriously since it was invaded by the hillbots during the election. probably them in charge now

wtf I hate /r/conspiracy now

by holding the power to remove other mods, should a coup take place.

active when needed.

Yeah, becuase we REALLY trust the admins here.

I'm handicapable and I'm reporting this comment. How dare you.

Good to remember that it didn't go well for Saturn.

Truth. I used to love it here a few years ago when we can talk shit about Obama's drone strikes and possible false flags. If I wanted a sub to praise our president and hate on jews I'd subscribe to the_donald. Make r/conspiracy great again!

Bad bot.

Amen holy shit I couldn't have worded it better.

i think you're being downvoted by people who have never visited voat

Imagine expanding your consciousness past pointless speech and shit posting into the realm of actually solving some of these issues.

"Not so easily offended"

Lol dude the people of r/GreatAwakening who went over there immediately started celebrating that they could openly use the term "n*gger" however they wanted.

It's just pedophiles and racists over there.

Voat is ugly for a reason, they don’t want indoctrinated normies who squeal at the sight of bad words. Once you get past the initial disgust and learn to ignore/not be bothered by the use of the no-no words you’ll find there are very active, friendly, tight nit communities that are quite non-political.

Is there something about removing the lead mod/founder that would make them have to do it that way? I hear about mods stepping down or being removed but hadn't considered that they're probably usually not the heads. just curious if you know or if the admins mentioned it

Robert Murdoch isn't right wing? The Koch Brothers aren't right wing?

you fuckin nerd trying to compare tiny companies Hobby Lobby and Chick fil a to massive global corporations like Google and Nike that peddle their influence globally.

And Murdoch and The Koch Brothers?....

Fox, and Robert Murdoch? Also Chick Fil A was in the news recently because its owner donates to activist causes. I'm proving your point by showing that right wingers do control media and global corporations? Because I included some right wingers whose corporations are only in America? You know there are left wing folks who own corporations who are only in america, does that mean that your statement was wrong? The right wing controls all branches of the united states government, and they control one of the largest and most influential news and media outlets in the country, not to mention that local news is dominated by the sinclair group which is massively right wing, and people like you still want to come around like you're some put upon minority. Also did you just try to insult me by calling me a nerd? For real? Are you an 80's bully?

Part of me wonders if they handled it this way to prompt posts and drama like this.

It certainly should have been avoidable.

Interesting how much shit I've gotten for an admin mistake...

Just one battle, but the vessel of disenfranchised Redditers will need to land somewhere, someday.

Thank you.

You're literally being an antisemite. You're literally proving the above posters point that users are blaming every jew for everything the country Israel does. Would a venn-diagram help? Or are you going to go all nazi on me and start quoting the protocols of the elders of zion?

So you don't bother visiting anymore, but you can tell us how the sub has changed since 2016?