Alex Jones

1  2018-09-22 by Raven9nine9

"So just as we have laws protecting people because of their race or their sexual issues we need to then be able to say for your political ideals as well and you know it's all coming because the persecution of libertarians and conservatives and christians is massive and there will be political action against it and you guys attempted bullying and reign of terror against the American people is coming to an end. Just wait. Two weeks. Get ready for the executive orders and everything else."

"They don't want me to be able to face my accusers but every time they have these committee hearings I'm going to be here and I'm going to lead marches in Washington because I'm going to tell the truth because the mainstream media, it doesn't matter how you edit it or what you do everybody's going to end up getting the truth. It's not going to be stopped. We're going to have people going in legally and lawfully into sports stadiums, we're going to have people doing all sorts of stuff you're not going to stop the message you have just awakened the sleeping giant. The corporate dinosaur press and the kingpin Carlos Slim and Jeff Bazos and all these other mafia thugs and the Chi-Comms running it are about to find out the sleeping giant's awake."

"My family's been here since before 1776, freaking founded Texas and these traitorous globalists sit in here and tell me that I'm a Russian agent? They are the criminals. Listen. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Uranium one, all of it. It's coming out. Mueller delivering Uranium on the tarmac. Jerry Epstein covering up Lolita Express with video cameras on the airplanes to frame people. Muller, he's a monster. These people are monster criminals. Just like I said the Catholic Church is coming down for the pedophile stuff? You watch. Half this government is run off pedophilia and everyone knows it and the media can't cover it up any more so good luck."


Seek mental health treatment ya dumbass 😂😂😂

An alcoholic crackhead who used to make some good content before he sold out to Trump and Israel.

Family is CIA, Mossad probably kicked him better funding around 2006-2007.

Right, thats why he was banned off the internet. Makes total sense.

If Alex Jones was controlled opposition, losing influence and followers- then yes banning is a good ploy to return some of his lost audience, influence and national stage spotlight

Yep, it gives him lots of "street cred" with the conspiracy community.

AN’s family is CIA? Heard this, but never seen any proof and always come from someone with Trump Derangement Syndrome..

He has said it many times on infowars and in interviews.

It’s not really a big deal, it isn’t a secret.

I would say Jones does a 90%/10% schtick.

Just search YouTube- it’s an easy hit.

Lol never heard him say that once..

A) you don’t watch/listen to infowars

B) too lazy to do a simple YouTube search

Lol show me a video or sound byte where alex jones says his family was involved in the cia.. im not seeing it

Here are the 2 that pop up first-

1.28 Opie /Anthony (Cumia) Show 2013

And on infowars-

I stand corrected. Thank you

Yep, he's a total shill now.

Bill Clinton is a rapist.

That was a jolly good stunt- good times good times

Trump raped a 13 year old girl at Epsteins house.

That case got thrown out for being nonsense... Liberals like to fabricate accusations as a last ditch effort to sway confirmation hearings and elections.... Meanwhile podesta the molesta and uncle joe biden are perving out every chance they get.

Do you think there are only pedo's in the democratic party?

Nah- they are networked all over -

Rumors in the Trump base that GOP push VP Pence ran a ring as Gov-

Nah- they are networked all over -

That is what I think too and once they investigated this they found they are all implicated all the way to the top but the mistake they made was to leak information while they still believed only the Dems were implicated because if anyone believes the whole thing was about Catholic Priests and the Vatican, I sure don't. I think that story was released as a substitution because the real story implicated way too many people.

If I was going to become an evil villain who wanted to Global Dominance without the narcissism of being known as the mastermind but still reaping the full benefit.

I would compromise all in positions of power from politicians, other heads of state, business and finance, technology, top military, police heads, church leaders and media.

I would control the narrative at all levels from conspiracy, to centrist to hardcore. I would have the masses being given many mixed options as distractions.

Alex lost the bulk of his followers to Q Q affirmed the long rumored Mossad connection.

What you say makes no sense when Trump is a zionist who has been handing Israel anything they wanted.

Again within the vein of Q-

Israel is last.

Q- conspiracy purports global bad actors working in levels of unison. This means every nation, even allies are filled with enemies.

I used to believe Alex Jones was genuine but who is to really know any more. Every day I find myself leaning further towards the belief that no one in this country is genuine or has any respect for the truth or honesty and that none of them care about anything except increasing their own wealth.

I would like to believe in Trump and Jones and Qanon but to give them the benefit of the doubt would be to say they are all zionists who did not realize the zionists represent one of the most evil sections of the global elite and that Epstein was just a glimpse for all of us into the depths to which they will sink.

Clearly Alex does know that Epstein's purpose was to lure those with power and influence into a blackmail trap, baited by underage sex lolita girls. Such a destructive blackmail weapon as pedophile charges obviously ensures the compliance of anyone they managed to lure into it. The question is obviously, compliance with what? I would say, compliance with the zionist cause. So who has clearly been bending over backwards to offer their total compliance... Think about it people.

Okay I'm not a fan of Alex Jones but what exactly did he say in this video that wasn't correct? All the thing's he was ranting about in this video actually happened and are happening right now. Can we not at least agree on that? Sure he tries to sell you penis pills and screams about inter dimensional demons and whatever bull shit but this particular video he did say quite a few things that are quite relevant and I don't hear anyone else out there saying this shit?

I agree with pretty much everything Alex said in the video that is why I posted those transcripts.

Here are the 2 that pop up first-

1.28 Opie /Anthony (Cumia) Show 2013

And on infowars-