Just a list of some of the taxes you pay in America. Did I forget any?

1  2018-09-23 by NonThinkingPeeOn

Income tax, Property tax, Capital gains tax, Sales tax, Car tax(vehicle registration), Drive a car tax(drivers license), Vehicle insurance tax, Gasoline tax, Cross a bridge tax(Bridge tolls), Park on a street tax(parking meters), Cigarette tax, Liquor tax, Cannabis tax, Hunting tax(hunting license), Fishing tax(fishing license), Getting married tax(marriage license), Drink a soda tax (Sugary drinks tax), Travel out of country tax(passports), Fly on an airplane tax, Building anything tax(building permits, mandatory inspections, etc), Phone tax, Internet tax, Pet tax(animal license), Start a business tax(business license), And on....and on....and on

In summary you'll be forced to give no less than half of all your earnings away.

Keep being docile, obedient tax payers. Good goyim.


submission statement: people are forced to pay many taxes.

What is the conspiracy?

Government & society bad, unlimited freedom good: See Somalia for proof.

Carry a couple thousand on you, and the cops will tax you.

Ah, the good ole highway robbery tax.

i thought it was legal to carry under 10k. anything over you have to have “permission”. my uncle owns a construction company and rarely has less than that on him, granted its pretty easy to prove where it came from

in some countries, Lottery money is tax free

not in america.

you won a prize? Congratulations!!!!! You’re in the next higher tax bracket! Thank you for your sacrafi-, i mean congratulations comrade!

Off the top of my head, you missed the death (estate) tax and obamacare tax. Yes, you're free citizen go back to sleep.

a person can't even die without being taxed.

Yup, and it hurts the surviving family the most. Rinse and repeat. Pretty depressing ain't it? Sometimes I wonder if this is hell.

Sometimes I wonder if this is hell.

I don't wonder anymore.

We can't leave, we can't NOT play their game, the homeless are about the only ones with any brains. Suicide is the 7th leading cause of death in the US.

Fucking let that just fucking sink the fuck in.

The only tax that doesn't hurt the taxpayer at all. He's dead.

Seriously though, I'm all for taxing beyond a certain level. Otherwise the super wealthy accrue money and this power over a few generations and before you know it, we are back to feudalism.

The estate tax was created to end feudalism, abolishing it could bring it back.


Otherwise the super wealthy accrue money and thus power over a few generations and before you know it, we are back to feudalism.

The thing is, the rich found clever ways around it. They put it in trusts and non-profits. They've been doing this for years even with the estate tax. Taxes only hurt the rest of us just like most if not all taxes.

The estate tax only applies to amounts over $5,400,000. I don't think "the rest of us" are particularly hurt by that.


It's not just the US federal estate tax. It's all the taxes that come with the death and inheritances of an individuals "estate". Whether federal or state. Also, estate valuation of 5.4 million is not that much money. Two married lawyers or doctors could easily have an estate valued at that. Hell, even small businesses owners could. Then there is the trickle down effect of it.

For example: Small business owner with multiple business chains, dies and the family gets hit with a heavy tax. They have to pay the tax and in order to make it work, they have to close down one or two chains which makes their employees now unemployed.

Small business owner with multiple business chains, dies and the family gets hit with a heavy tax. They have to pay the tax and in order to make it work, they have to close down one or two chains which makes their employees now unemployed.

In otherwords they are a failing business or a part of the 1% and are lying about the reason to close down the other businesses.

It's one of those arguments that's similar to not raising minimum wage. If you as a business owner cannot handle paying people a living wage, or cannot handle expected taxes - you are not a successful business owner.


Back to /r/LateStageCapitalism for you.

Recognizing that capitalism leads to feudalism without checks is a pretty basic step pretty much everyone goes through in 6th or 7th grade when they learn about civics. Unbridled capitalism leads to the situation we're in now where .1% own a majority of the wealth and we're essentially serfs.

I get it, I actually love the idea of Libertarianism - the problem is like communism it does not work in real life. It can't. Humans are terrible at being people, libertarianism causes slavery and death, the same as communism.

Having reasonable taxes that the average person will never encounter in order to add one more step in preventing an entirely unequal system I think isn't too unreasonable.

Although we could simply skip that and have a tax grade like we did during America's Golden age. Top 5% pay 90% income taxes from all sources. Damn good republican plan that was, and I'm amazed it isn't coming up for debate anymore.

Recognizing that capitalism leads to feudalism without checks is a pretty basic step pretty much everyone goes through in 6th or 7th grade when they learn about civics.

Lol, what?

I get it, I actually love the idea of Libertarianism

Doubt it. I'm also not a Libertarian. Fuck the government :)

Humans are terrible at being people

You sound like a terrible human being if that is your world view. Last time I checked, a minority of people are actually criminals not a majority.

Having reasonable taxes that the average person will never encounter in order to add one more step in preventing an entirely unequal system I think isn't too unreasonable.

Taxation is theft. Don't try to sugar coat it.

All of that said. I'm well aware of your mentality. We simply should agree to disagree. I think we should separate or dare I say, secede. I don't consent to your bullshit.

If I can chime in, I’d love it if farm land could be exempt from the estate tax. We’re looking at losing a sizeable portion of our farm when my grandma passes. Farmers are land rich and cash poor (not really, we make enough to get by but the amount doesn’t reflect the value of our estates). And to say we should just be running our farm better to be able to afford it is laughable.

Hey look! Somebody that actually knows how things work.

Yea most people dont expect to get taxed when you die. thats like going to a black person and saying wat did you expect when the police shot you. wtf kind of response is that?

All this comment says is you have no idea what happens when running a business. 5m isnt that much money. its not even enough to not have to work again if you want to live decently. yanno why? BECAUSE FUCKING HALF OF IT GETS TAKEN AWAY

Do you fucking morons ever understand these regulations dont hurt the actual bad guy? corporations? they can afford the fines. they can afford lawyers for regulations. These are barriers of entry in business, created by the government.

I love seeing people on reddit who do the bare minimum, that tell everyone else they do too much and are rewarded too well for it.

Yea most people dont expect to get taxed when you die

Because most people won't be taxed when they day. The average person will never deal with the estate tax, especially since it was raised. Simply put the estate tax is over the average amount an American will be worth if all their assets and earnings over their entire lifetime were combined.

If you just work a 9-5 and you just buy one property, you will not hit an estate tax.

5m isnt that much money. its not even enough to not have to work again if you want to live decently.

5m just straight cash? Assuming taxes were already paid on that wealth accumulation that is more than enough for any American to live a lavish lifestyle from age 20 to age 80. That's 83k a year, that's more than you make. I can say that statistically as that's far above what the average American makes.

I love seeing people on reddit who do the bare minimum, that tell everyone else they do too much and are rewarded too well for it.

You inherently misunderstand criticism of capitalism.

It's not 'oh well you must not work hard enough if you're not successful hurr' it's usually 'oh hey those that did get successful while enjoying the things taxes buy like security, infrastructure, and a secure consumer base then outcompetes you forever if you try to be competition to them, as there is no effective way to limit their wealth and they do not pay back into the society that created them in any meaningful way.'

The Wealthy need to be taxed more, the majority of billionaires did nothing for their money except fight their way out of a vagina at one point. Familial wealth holding is inherently an oppressive system of the masses and is inevitable without other controls on wealth transfer or accumulation. To remove this is to say 'You know 1984? What if it was just privatized?' and be happy with your Victory Gin.

It would be cool if they didn’t have to because these taxes are bullshit. If I ever get that much money I’ll do the same god damn thing 100%.

Yup, and it hurts the surviving family the most

Oh those poor souls having to pay taxes on the amount above $11.18 million. How will they ever continue their millionaire lifestyles?

That's great, but I'm not personally in Canada, and as the stereotypical American I assumed everyone I talked to was American.

The point is, it doesn't necessarily effect those in which you wish it to. You work too much. Get some sleep.

I'm not sure how what you posted does anything but reinforce what I said.

"If your US assets exceed $60,000 and your worldwide estate does not exceed $11.2 million Because of the prorated unified credit provided under the tax treaty, you will not be subject to US estate tax if the value of your worldwide estate does not exceed $11.2 million. However, your estate will be required to file a US estate tax return to claim the treaty credits."

Legalese is a funny language. Kinda like click clack language in Africa.

So rather than explain what I'm missing you just write it off? Not much for discussion are you?

Why would I want to discuss with you? You called me a basement dweller and/or a 14 year old in another thread. You're not here for an honest discussion. You work too much. Get some sleep.

They can if their estate is less than $11.18 million.

It's a tax to encourage the extremely wealthy to not hoard their wealth in the family for generations and 99% of people outspoken about it well never even come close to paying it. It will benefit them by encouraging wealthy family's to donate to charity or invest back in the business and community's or idk... spend it. But no Mitt Romney calls it a Death tax and now it's a tax on people dying.

That in itself should make someone really question the system we live in haha

"In 2018, the exemption doubled to $11.18 million per taxpayer due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. As a result, only approximately 2,000 people (or 0.0006% of the population) in the US are currently liable for estate tax."


When was it created and what year is it now.

1103 and 2035. What's your point?

What's your point?

How much damage has been done by it? That's the point. Good that it ballooned up but it wasn't always that way.

You downplayed sales tax lol it covers literally everything you buy.

I find income tax and property tax to be the most egregious abuse.

They are both unconstitutional. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore to the people in charge.

Technically speaking income tax is constitutional because of the16th amendment. However, I don't see how that amendment could have possibly been ratified by the citizenry.

I'm hoping we will see a presidential candidate in our lifetimes who will call for amending the constitution in order to repeal the 16th amendment

It wasn't ratified by the citizenry. It was ratified by the representatives the citizenry elected because we are a republic not a democracy.

Congress polls worse than VD and still get reelected year in and year out.

Yes I know how representation works. They are supposed to represent the will of their constituents, a conduit of the people's wishes.

Just a list of some of the tax-like fees you pay when you buy something from a large conglomerate:

The campaign funding surcharge.

The "independent" electioneering surcharge.

The move-it-across-the-ocean expense.

The 270:1 upper management salary tax fee.

The billions per year advertising expense.

The cost of financing the debt created by the hedge fund takeover.

The bought-the-competition anti-competitive surcharge.

The TOS law department expense because they need large teams of expensive lawyers to make sure you sign away your rights.

For starters.

How bout vehicle resale? A hundred thousand dollar boat can be taxed three times across three owners.

Now consider that though you may only directly pay 8% on any given sale - pretty much every time the ingredients/parts changed hands - from the time it was raw resources - it was also taxed. And that tax - and all that tax is passed on to the consumer. Makes ya wonder what stuff would actually cost without it...

Normaly the costs for this tax is transfered in each step of production and sales. So the tax only aplies once for the consumer. Not sure if this is true in the US though.

Incorrect. Anytime I purchase something as long as it's not the final step in the sale process I don't have to pay taxes on the item. I do jewelry in the garage as a side hustle. When I buy stones or gold/silver I pay zero tax on it. I just provide my tax ID to the vendor. If I buy a new tool I have to pay a tax on it.

yea i was gonna say all these things are right, just add 6-7% to everything you ever spend your already taxed dollars on

I pay per capita tax in my city as well

Who is John Galt? I've stopped aspiring to wealth and instead work a remedial job and enjoy my free time at home. If none of us achieve our potential, the pyramid will collapse. Don't earn more for them to take. Stay on the bottom rung and do what you can.

I've stopped aspiring to anything. Hint, hint. Yes, the pyramid will collapse. The utlimate pyramid. The inversion.

Taxes are a necessity. A functional society needs them. It's what our government does with them, the waste and corruption, that needs to be changed.

yes, they are necessary. however, why not just one tax instead of an untold number of them?

sales tax alone could be sufficient to fund an efficient government system.

Sales tax is extremely regressive, why would you build a tax system to specifically target the people with the least while mostly leaving the richest untaxed?

Exactly. Taxes are not the problem. It's what is being done with those taxes. Taxes in other countries go to fund universal healthcare, education/higher education, investment in infrastructure and innovation. Go look at places like the Nordic nations, the highest taxed nations in the world, who while having much higher tax rates also rank far higher on global happiness/human development indexes than countries like USA.

They also rate much higher on the rankings of economic freedom than the US does, with much fewer business regulations, no minimum wage, very small % business payroll contribution to the government, etc).

Most politicians who hold up the Nordic nations as examples of what we should do for personal income taxation and welfare program spending have no intention of following what the Nordic nations do for economic freedom to drive their economies.

Wrong. That much power will Always attract bad actors. Always.

More like your kind of mentality is what needs to be changed.

TIL: A society could not function without being robbed from by the barrel of a gun. When a person does that it's a crime but when the government does it, it's a tax. lmfao.

Do you not enjoy any of the benefits of the taxes you pay?

Do you not enjoy any of the benefits of the taxes you pay?

Not here in calfornia, but I heard more taxes are on the way so we may turn a corner and see some of those benefits, and my children will see that tax utopia they will have established.

Hardly. The cons far outweigh the pros imo.

Not sure why people in this subreddit want to live in some Mad Max/Somalia dystopia.

Hum... I'm betting there is a balance between overarching tyrannical rule and Max Max dystopia.

They want to give it all to Israel.

You could tax us at 2-5% and cover any necessity. Today we're taxed over 30%, closer to 35% if I'm not mistaken. Dems want to drastically raise it, as usual.

I agree, taxes are a necessity. How we are taxed is disgusting. We are taxed by all of the above. Where does the money come from to pay taxes? You the consumer, who pays for products and services, government, etc. Who pays you to have a job. They pay you with already taxed money from which you get taxed. It’s a never ending loop of taxes. End income taxes. Increase sales tax on everything but essential items. You make more, you spend more, you pay more taxes. You make little, you spend little, you pay little to no taxes.

What about those who make tons of money and don't spend it? They could then just horde money and pay little to no taxes.

You can live in several modern societies that don't tax as much in total as the United States.

You've been trained to think that, because your entire life has been spent under the vampiric private central banking scheme. Why would you think any different? It's not like a less corrupted government could finance an economy directly, through agriculture, infrastructure, and other needs first, instead of handing it to private banks, to profit as much as they like, and control the entire economy of the nation/world.

That would be... crazy...

Agree. I live in Boston and when the MassPike broke even it was supposed to be removed. But they keep it to pay for the lawsuit from the Big Dig and to pay for other BS lawsuits


Now imagine if all loans were garnering interest for the state instead of making private banks richer. That's your taxes right there out of thin air.

We could have less taxes if we stopped blowing our money on stupid shit.

Some taxes are necessary. Some are immoral.

I feel income tax is immoral as taxing a human being's labor is nearly akin to communism. What a man earns by his sweat and blood should, obviously, be his to keep. 100%. The taxes will come later, when he spends his keep.

In Canada and U.S. , Income tax perception was introduced as temporary measures to help in the respective countries war efforts.

Once the wars passed and peace returned, Governments never felt the need to remove the initially "temporary" measures that were put in place to tax the people. Why kill the cash cow.

Some claim, that both sides were manipulated and financed by the same organisation . This view hints that the "pre-planned" wars provide an occasion that government can use tax the citizens. The citizens terrified by war violence and mass propaganda willingly accept being taxed for the noble cause of fighting evil and preventing a national war loss.

Well put. Ron Paul had the best tax ideas in my opinion. Its a shame we never got to see him in the oval office.

Taxes are a necessity. A functional society needs them.

I am sorry but I just don't believe this is true. There are too many incredibly smart and creative people in this world for this to be the only and best idea for how things can work. There has to be another way.

Here's some of the "stupid tax" people pay:

Car payment, phone finance and service payment, credit cardS paymentS, cigarettes, bars, take out food. Student loans if you have a useless degree.

I'm debt-free, pay $35 for phone service, and cook most of my meals. And my college degree paid for itself. My excessive disposable income lets me take nice vacations AND plan to retire early. And no, I didn't start on 3rd base; my parents were poor immigrants and I grew up in the inner city. And since I'm so familiar with Europe, I'm actually pretty happy with my taxes.

None of those things are compulsory as you clearly stated, so I fail to see any point at all to this rambling. Can I choose to stop supporting Israel as easily as I can choose a home cooked meal over take out?

Very broad definition of what a tax is. You forgot the doodoo paper tax.

tax is any form of mandatory contribution to government revenue. key words being mandatory. forced compliance. involuntary.

Absolutely no taxes are involuntary, you control exactly what you are taxed on in a democratic society. As practically all taxes are controlled exclusively by congress, you easily have the power to run and cut taxes.

Republicans have had a successful election promise of that for 80 years. People think they want it, why not be the one to actually do it?

Don't forget the ole double taxation... You're taxed when you earn it, and you're taxed when you spend it.

Yeah it’s crazy. I wonder... how many times does money have to change hands before it’s all been eaten down to basically nothing due to taxes.

Inheritance tax and isn't any prizes or winnings taxed nearly half?

I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or drink sugary drinks, and anyone who does is under literal mind control, as those things are designed to be addictive.

I also don't hunt, I don't fish, don't travel, my state supports common law marriages without need for a license, and I don't have a business or a pet, and I've never needed an animal license for pets in the past.

But also taxes paid my salary for four years and are currently paying my way through college, so thanks for that guys.

Income tax can be both federal and state (some states do not tax income) social security tax (which you may or may not get back, but can I not save for my retirement in my own way?) Medicare tax

And one coming down the pipeline is a carbon tax apparently.

I think representatives salaries should be no higher than the median income of their constituents (of course this would just lead to gerrymandering or some other form of gaming the system?

You aren't getting it back. You pay in 1k a month for 30 years to get back 1.5k a month for ten.

This is great and all, but do you have some sort of alternative or a solution?

Otherwise this post comes off a bit degenerate. We know we pay absurd taxes, that’s deserved of an insult? Because we live in a country that demands taxes?

How is that any individual citizens fault, it’s not like there’s an “opt-out” of taxes, instead of just highlighting a problem, I think more people should propose a solution.

I don’t have any for this topic, pay em or don’t idgaf.

I did the math once, for someone making 100k it was like 70%.

It’s almost as if you have to pay for services provided to you or something

Except the "service provider" didn't ask if I wanted any service.

No, those would be the fees and bills we pay for thinks like power, water, or roads.

The bulk of taxation is income, property and sales taxes which only loosely fund local services. Lots of graft and waste pilfer them down before I notice any benefits.

Taxation is theft!

In washington we get a b and o tax, a department of revenue tax for starting a business, l & i tax, workers comp,

Ferry tax. . . Parks tax to camp, tax to light a bonfire, timber tax to log, annual septic inspection tax,

Thats a 2 minute brainstorm

Someone has to pay the taxes and the richest keep cutting theirs and increasing yours.

Remember all those tariffs Trump has imposed on his, enemy nations.

You and I pay them. Tariffs are on the imported products and paid by the importing nation.

WalMart says it will increase prices on, and just in time for Christmas shopping season but no one has a pay increase and everything else has already increased. Housing, transportation, health care, gasoline and utilities, state and local taxes, groceries, all of the necessities.

daaaahhhh idk how the economy and tarrifs work agghh

You dont think this will hurt china? I own a small business, SPECIFICALLY importing china goods. I can get through these TEMPORAry tarrifs way easier than Obamas fucking 300 regulations and suck my cock taxes, that only hurt the small guy. Corps already have the lawyers and capital to fight. These regulations make it so nobody else can reach their level. you’re an idiot if you think the candidates that want to tax 80% are helping the people. Great idea, make it 99% harder to start a business.

Tariffs are needed to fill in the hole created by the tax cuts. I don't object to the corporate tax cut, they were avoiding their taxes anyway, but someone h as to fill in the gaps for the tax cuts to the wealthiest.

What Obama regulation hurt you, and what tax increase? I think the only tax increase were the ones that came with the ACA, a tax on tanning booths, and some medical devices.

The wage suppression and the increase in local and state taxes to compensate for the federal taxes are what is hurting your business.

Honestly a lot of taxes make sense to me. Things like hunting/fishing tax helps pay for forestry stuff, building taxes make sure the buildings are up to code and aren't going to collapse on people. It's just that I don't make a lot of money after paying electric, gas, water, rent, internet, food. These little taxes seem so shitty because everything that's privatized, like electricity and internet is so goddamn expensive. I wish I could just pay a $5 internet tax a paycheck instead of having to pay Comcast $100 a month.

I’d lump insurance in on this list. We pay in all our lives and may never have to use its benefits. And some insurance is now required by penalty of law.

And they do everything they can to not payout when its needed

yup. in a sane world, insurance is a luxury, not a necessity.

but in clown world, the insurance companies are bed with the government. now you must have insurance.

isn't it curious that car insurance companies advertise on TV? why is a compulsory service, required by law advertising alongside taco bell and coca cola ads?

In this thread , loads of people defending high taxes and government spending .

Classic r/conspiracy!


My thoughts exactly. It seems like everyone has an excuse for taxes. Taking something from somebody without their permission is theft. Plain and simple.

its ok, though. we have representation! I called up my representative last year about net neutrality and he explained to me that i was a moron and that businesses making money was far more important than providing consumer protections. government at work!

Pretty soon we might be blessed with the “up to no good” tax

Here's one tax that pisses me off ... the REPEATED TAX that is charged EVERY time a used vehicle is sold

When a new car, say $35,000 USD is sold, it's taxed at ~8% depending where you live

That guy sells it 2-3 years later for $20,000 and the new owner is taxed again

2-3 years later, it sells for $10k ... then 5k, then 2k a couple of times

By the time that vehicle hits the junkyard, it's taxed at least triple the original purchase price tax was there to cover



Confirmed OP is an idiot because taxes exist in every country. You played yourself. Knowledge without action is pointless. And posting on reddit in condescending tones isn’t action. Ggs

OP is an idiot because taxes exist in every country

high level discourse here, folks. thanks for that. very informative.

Knowledge without action is pointless

knowledge does not become pointless just because it is not being used. knowledge is applied when needed.

posting on reddit in condescending tones isn’t action

it's not an action? what is it then? posts like these are created to provoke discussion, and to awaken the intellect in those who have any.

No, you are wrong my friend. Post like yours don’t spark creative discussion on a topic. You just sound pretentious with your basic information. You haven’t provided anything new or challenged any systems. A better way to promote discussion would be to point to the origins of taxes in ancient Egypt and to try to uncover why they were invented, the proliferation of the idea, and what countries do it wrong and right in history and to today. Not just say “good luck paying taxes for everything slaves!” You just come off like a high schooler thinking he’s cool with some edgy information.

Toll Roads piss me off the most.

"land of the free" yeah right.

Didn't we have a tea party over this?

Yes you forgot water tax.

Hotel tax, luxury tax (for expensive jewelry), and the TAMPON TAX-=this one many Americans don't even know they if female, or their relatives pay if male.

Yup, and it hurts the surviving family the most. Rinse and repeat. Pretty depressing ain't it? Sometimes I wonder if this is hell.

I find income tax and property tax to be the most egregious abuse.

They are both unconstitutional. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore to the people in charge.

They can if their estate is less than $11.18 million.

That in itself should make someone really question the system we live in haha

Absolutely no taxes are involuntary, you control exactly what you are taxed on in a democratic society. As practically all taxes are controlled exclusively by congress, you easily have the power to run and cut taxes.

Republicans have had a successful election promise of that for 80 years. People think they want it, why not be the one to actually do it?

Now consider that though you may only directly pay 8% on any given sale - pretty much every time the ingredients/parts changed hands - from the time it was raw resources - it was also taxed. And that tax - and all that tax is passed on to the consumer. Makes ya wonder what stuff would actually cost without it...

yea i was gonna say all these things are right, just add 6-7% to everything you ever spend your already taxed dollars on

No, you are wrong my friend. Post like yours don’t spark creative discussion on a topic. You just sound pretentious with your basic information. You haven’t provided anything new or challenged any systems. A better way to promote discussion would be to point to the origins of taxes in ancient Egypt and to try to uncover why they were invented, the proliferation of the idea, and what countries do it wrong and right in history and to today. Not just say “good luck paying taxes for everything slaves!” You just come off like a high schooler thinking he’s cool with some edgy information.