Anarchy means no rulers, not no rules.

1  2018-09-25 by RMFN

Equating anarchy with chaos is a deliberate trick by those who psychologically rely on the state for emotional support. Democracy causes a form of Stockholm syndrome in the host population. People are led to believe that they can vote the corruption away. That voting can cure any and all societal problem.

Anarchy means no rulers, not no rules. A society can exist without a sovereign but it cannot without societal norms, a system of morality, and a loose legal framework to protect contractual agreements and property rights.

Anarchy can exist with a system of "true community policing", and though a individual sovereignty of the citizenship or anarcho monarchism.

Stateists will have you believe that a centralized authority is necessary for a stable system. I dispute this. We must decentralize everything. A decentralized world is a free world. A decentralized world is an anarcho monarchist world.


Maybe there's some island for you?

I do actually live on an island. Lol. How did you know?

just psychic

Just out of curiosity, what do you think your comments are adding to this thread?


Ah. So nothing. Just trolling to derail discussion for fun or what?

You need a ruler

Whose "you"?

Good luck with that bud.

Good luck with what? A better understanding of political philosophy? I wish you luck on the same endeavor.

With convincing people that pointing out a flaw in your logic is a conspiracy, that anarchism is a viable means of maintaining a civilization, and that you can have rules without anyone creating them but everyone enforcing them. Maybe after everything collapses and you got a handful of people left.

Are you familiar with how colonial Pennsylvania functioned?

Of course he isn’t.

In the U.S. we have over 300 million people. Any structure is "government." Of course we need government. The question isn't government or no government; it's who does the government work for? Let's make it work for us. Legalize drugs, end the crazy foreign wars, stop letting aristocratic bosses pay their workers unlivable wages, etc.

How dense and homogenous was the population of colonial Pennsylvania?

It was actually surprisingly diverse seeing how they lived side by side and worked with several different native American tribes, the French, and other English colonies. It was probably the most diverse place on earth into New Orleans became a thing.

Would you still have to assign leadership roles to make sure the rules are kept in place?

Is a true leader a "ruler"? Someone who truly leads is a equal to those who follow.

The goose who breaks the wind at the pinnacle of the fleet is performing a needed duty. They are the peak, but they are no more important than the next in line to share the load.

Leadership is what our society is lacking.

Lacking leadership is the biggest issue we have. That I do know. What I meant is would we as a society need to appoint people at the bottom and appoint them to be the new leaders from different backgrounds.

Or instead of looking for someone to take the lead, we need to lead. We need to be the examples. Lead in our own lives. If we become sovereign we will set the example for individual leadership.

There will always be sheep. Let those who want to follow follow. Let those destined to lead lead.

Soooooo inspiring.

Glad you find value in my work.

Glad you admit it's your "work".

Lol yes my ideas are my work..

More like a gerbil running around an empty room.

Said the user who hasn't presented an argument.

I'll agree with ya on that. I try all the time so I stick out so others can see. Everything I am is due to the upbringing from my parents.

That's why they have worked so hard to incentivize the destruction of the family.

I'll agree on that also. Think about if one parent was still at home with the kids, we prob wouldnt have so many hooked on meds. What we would have is more people being brought up in away that would be more independent.

I somewhat agree with this. As more and more institutions are proving that they are corrupt, we need to rebuild these institutions so that everybody is constantly informed and in the know and everyone has a say. I’m sure at this point a lot of neighbors could’ve stepped in to help their other neighbors during disputes that would’ve been handled a lot better than some of these police officers that have shown up over the past few years. But it’s sad because people can’t even fathom a world without control. I’ve talked to many people and just try to pick their brains a little bit and they just can’t even conceive of a world where at least a group of people aren’t in charge. It’s crazy.

I'm glad someone gets it!

It's all so vague, though. What are you proposing, no police? We can't have no police, with so many violent and crazy people out there. How about we legalize drugs and prostitution and make the police actually work for us? That actually makes sense. Anarchism, i.e. no government, does not make sense.

True community policing does not require an army.

You mean if an armed soldier doesn't pull me over for not wearing a seat belt, or having a license plate light out, society won't fucking collapse?! /S

No, but your local city's budget might collapse. Also, refering to militarized police playing soldier as soldiers is insulting to real soldiers.

Also, refering to militarized police playing soldier as soldiers is insulting to real soldiers.

Is it? They both serve the same functional role of protecting the property and expanding the reach of the monied class.

Blockchain is the answer to full transparency in all institutions

Could you please expand on the concept of "anarcho-monarchism"? Sounds a little contradictory on its face.

A nation of kings.

That doesn't really give me much to go on. Based on that, I would have to say that anarcho-monarchism sounds like lipstick on a pig.


--a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

--absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

Well, disorder is within the main definition.

As for the second definition, can we exist without any form of government as individuals? I would say no, because we haven't evolved as individuals beyond the need to dominate, hoard, and act with greedy intentions. Without a government passing laws that will rule (rule of law), like dogs when no humans are around automatically establishing a hierarchy, alpha humans will immediately begin to dominate the weaker. It'll become tribal, and will look like the cland in The Walking Dead.

Until we evolve beyond the stronger wanting to dominate the weaker, and the people just taking because they can overpower, we need government and we need the rule of law.

Dominating , hoarding and acting greedy. That is what government does , stronger people using force on weaker people they own the rights to use force which is anti-freedom.

You really think if we got rid of our constitutional republic and the established rule of law tomorrow that we'd be better off?

I've never experienced my government dominating me, stealing from me, or inhibiting my freedom to pursue happiness. I don't commit crimes. I try to live as an evolved human being under the rule of law. I've been do what I wanted in this lifetime and consider myself extremely lucky to be born in the USA.

I was born into a country in which an amazing infrastructure was built by men and women and came before me. Into a country in which men fought and died to build. I was given a good free education. I was able to pursue my interests in artistic mediums and make money. No one ever stopped me. There was always a job somewhere if I need it.

Once, when I was in an accident in my 20's I used some government assistance until I healed and could get back to work.

It's a good country BECAUSE of the the constitution and the rule of law.

You get what you focus on, there is no other rule.

Alpha humans already dominate and are not subject to the rule of law. Those with power and money are not bound by the gov'ts "laws". I would think this is pretty self evident in todays info age.

Sure they are. If a rich powerful person gets caught in murder, racketeering, and theft, and then convicted, they'll go to jail. I do agree that rich people have an edge in the criminal justice system, but they're not immune to it.

I'm watching the news about a very rich and powerful man being sentenced to 3-10 years for drugging and raping women right now.

Here's a link are they going to jail?

Yup. Its right in the name. The prefix "an" means without, "archy" is from archon which is greek for ruler.

Also, anarcho-syndicalism raises some good points.

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Decentralize everything.

Thanks for the clarity and definition I find myself explaining this to people all the time. The brainwashing of the sheeple has/is very successful.

Glad you liked it!

Constitution is a framework for a controlled non-centralized form of limited government . People fought to protect those rights and we have shredded it my centralizing and enlarging government , but explain like I'm five how this force and control has not caused any harm in this world. Security traded for all your freedom. Bigger isn't better.

For anarchy to work without devolving into chaos, human beings could not be the self-serving sacks of shit that they actually are.

Anarchy is stockhold syndrome.


Who enforces the rules when the rulers are gone?

Are those enforcers in power now?

Are we the enforcers? How can we be trusted to make informed calls as a group when a mob mentality is very much a hinderance?

I would very much like someone to explain how this works.

Anarchy literally would just transfer overall power from the state to whoever has enough manpower/guns/resources. There's no functional difference between the state policing activity and "true community policing". Also lol at the idea of "anarco-monarchism"



You need a ruler

More like a gerbil running around an empty room.