Im just curious if anyone has any idea...

1  2018-09-25 by Yellowtag1

What do you believe is going on here, fundamentally? And I mean the whole existance/creation boogie that we have been doing since forever? Is it aliens, is it Jesus or Allah, or just dumb luck? It seems to me that it would make more since that there be nothing, but there isn't, there is this... To me it seems so strange that we only walk on the floor because it's atoms vibrate faster than ours. It's beautiful and entertaining, is that all it's supposed to be? Is it a beautifully polished turd?


Human species is an alien experiment. There are massive structures that we can’t explain from 2000, 3000 or more years ago. Only a alien intervention can explain them.

Antarctica is a no go destination for some mysterious reasons other than being very hostile to human beings. But we now have the technologies to go there and stay there. Why working hard to build something on the moon or Mars first when we have a massive landmass the size of US + Mexico in the South Pole?

Yeah i can see that. If humans made those things as we are then i would say we have greatly devolved.

I agree with this, that and/or Earth is a prison planet.

That is the darkest timeline I've seen hypothesized. Tell us more based on the prison planet assumption. Why do some humans get kidnapped and murdered as children and others get to be royals?

So, an alien Noah's Ark for humans only... Tell that to our loving mammalian brethren..

I like the theory of Noah's Arc was a DNA bank. It's not practical to house two of every animal on a boat. But you could easily do that with DNA. If you are one open to the idea that ancient tech could have possibly been more advanced than ours then this would certainly be plausible.

Human beings, just like ourselves, have existed for at least 150,000 years and quite possibly even as much as 250,000 years.

That's a lot of time for any number of civilizations to rise and fall including some that could have been continuous for far longer and that were far more advanced than we presently are or advanced in ways that were very different from the way our own civilization unfolded.

Just to add, the universe timeline is undefined. So you have planets like Earth that started way before us/ours and other planets like Earth that are just starting. So it makes sense to believe that there are aliens way more developed than us. Hence their interactions with us and their experiments on us.

So we are kinda like ants, but genetically mutated, by good and bad geneticists, for good and bad purposes or just their benefit regardless? In you opinion.

I don’t think they control us. They created us. We are aliens. We are not from Earth. We were brought here from somewhere else. But life is life: we are independent (like if you have a child, around 16/18 he/she is independent like it or not). They are looking at us at the best. I don’t know their motives. Could be survival, test of Earth as a planet, ...

Good stuff man. It's hard to wrap your mind around, asking questions and talking to other people opens ideas. That is what I'm interested in. Different points of view and understanding

More appropriately, you should consider Star Trek II : The Search For Spock a work of nonfiction (at least as far as the Genesis Device goes and notice it is shot to the dead planet from OUTER SPACE...)

We're giants, not ants. TPTB want us to believe we're powerless little fools. We are degraded and we are confused but we're still the best fruit the tree of life has to offer.

I definitely agree with you. There is a reason they want people on drugs and afraid.

Sorry had another question. Do tou think it's possible that our function to them could be occuring outide of our perception?

Yes. I am afraid to say almost nobody cares. We can’t explain 99% of our existence but nobody cares. So clearly we behave without perceiving anything that’s bigger than us.

The good thing is that our generation has a lot of science compared to, say, 500 years ago. I respect a lot scientists who show us the universe and so on. I am glad we know what universe means or looks like (sort of...).

I happen to believe that it is happening outside of our perceptions. We may very well be being stroked by invisible antenni as we speak and i can only perceive it as waves of emotion or another sense.

You're being stroked by invisible antennae?

Uh huh. Please go on.

How much CAN you care about answers you will never get?

I’m actually quite the opposite. I cant division nothingness and until anyone can kind of articulate what nothingness is to me ,I don’t really believe in it. Because even consciousness floating in a black void is still something or even no consciousness. There is still an empty void of space which to me is still something. I think this entire universe is just a playground. One of many. When you die you go back to source or what I like to call “spectator mode“. I like to use a lot of video game analogies to explain my understanding of the universe. I feel we just create any reality we want and then shoot through into a body and experience it. It just seems like forever because were in the simulation but really it’s just a blink of an eye. You just live an infinite amount of lives forever. Might be on another each dimension or whatever but you’re still doing something. Maybe a constant pattern of learning and forgetting is what keeps it all interesting. We’re souls with temporary amnesia. But sometimes a little bit of your past existence or something can break through. Kind of explains why some people can take severe blows to the head and then be a completely different person. Some get good at sculpting or art or are really smart at math out of nowhere. Really weird shit. I don’t know the answer to all of this but this is really really weird, whatever this is.

Thanks for adding to the discussion. I have often thought of the universe as a game room. And it does kind of feel that we do it because, what else would we do? Thanks again

As you say spectator mode, I always referred to it as the lobby. Where you await your next journey, fully aware of how the universe works, before you move onto the next life

I love the way you wrote this. Very well said. I get way too excited every time I come across a thread with really meaty comments you can chew on for awhile.

Do you think we create our reality as we go in life or do you think we decide on a general storyline during our character build?

I saw a movie tonight you might enjoy called Nines starring Ryan Reynolds. It's free to stream on Amazon Prime.

We’re souls with temporary amnesia.

Perhaps that's because we never fully share our mothers' blood supply while in the womb? The fertilized eggs of every other mammal fully embeds itself within the endometrium, but our don't. Probably because our hyperactive ovaries cranking out fresh eggs constantly don't really have time to recover in between cycles.

We've evolved in the light of the moon, but we belong in the sun. That's why the ancient Indian practices are undertaken with the goal of "removing your soul from the reincarnation cycle". The idea is to be reborn in paradise, which means anywhere but here - someplace with no moon. Then life would be perfect, as it should be, yet we have no idea what that really means.


Yeah for sure, its all a possibility

More like anunookie, am I right?

I’ve always thought we were just a splatter of cells that came together a long time ago in a very lucky way. Could have happened to any planet.

That is of course the theory that actually makes the most sense, and resides with the most humility... amongst the rest of the plethora of insane theories.


I believe God created the heavens and the Earth

The Human consciousness..Intelligent beings...the way everything on earth is perfectly intertwined

I think it is intelligent design, not random evolution

Not hating, just asking how do you define god? Because I don't believe in god in the sense of religion. I don't believe in any religion as they all have different gods and different amount of gods and what not. All of religion is bizarre to me in the way that people have been killing each other for thousands of years over whose version of god is right. That being said I could easily see us being an intelligently created design by a creator, committee, or "god". I also 100% don't believe in evolution. I believe all species have been designed to improve itself over time so "evolution" but not the idea that we all evolved from apes or from microscopic germs that advanced and advanced for millennia.

I have always thought of religions and god(s) as being like music. Some genres just resonates with us more powerfully than others.

I believe in the "many paths" philosophy of creation. We all come from the same source/creator and we respond to a wide variety of beliefs that bring us to said source.

No idea man, any speculation is merely that. Its eerie to think about, sometimes I feel very alone amongst friends, sometimes the void is enticing.

I used to feel this way too, but there is something about a singular source and all of us being of that same source that I find insanely conforting.

I will never have kids. This used to upset me, not just because expected to be a mom someday but because once I die, that's it. I leave no children in my wake. I will be quickly forgotten.

Then I stumbled into the consciousness sub and read some posts about singularity that not only clicked but made me feel really happy and safe. It doesn't matter that I will be quickly forgotten. It doesn't matter that my genes end right here with me. I am still and will always be a part of everything.

I see what you mean... but I don’t value comfort too much. Sure, it may be comforting to think that way but I think knowledge and an actual understanding of our situation is more important.... IMO. However, we clearly don’t know wtf we are here for... or what “here” even is. I don’t think its for us to know if i’m completely honest. We all share one common thing, this situation, and by being sympathetic to this deep seated incertainty a lot of problems could be solved.

In a sense we all are a singular entity. Our molecules are never really destroyed they just change into other things. The things we consume become something else when they leave us.

I will probably never have kids either, only because I don’t know what life even is. Who am I to bring a life into a world I do not understand. Being forgotten is meh.

I consider myself a Christian although a lot of Christians would not. I had a dream once or twice where I encountered God and got to ask him everything. He basically told me there are things the living are allowed to know and somethings I wouldn't be allowed to remember. I asked him to give me as much as I was allowed to bring back.

Long story short God created a companion being, he is what the Hindu people call Braman. Somehow Braman did something very minor that was a sin or a shame but was ultimately forgivable. Instead of owning up to it Braman fractured himself into a billion trillion million peices each peice blaming others for the sin.

This fracture was the big bang, the creation of the multiverse. The history of the world since then is God asking each peice of Braman to accept forgiveness and join him. It's very hard to do, both pride and shame alienate us from perfection.

The darkest parts of Braman became what we call demons, they move throughout the multiverse trying to drag us down like crabs in a bucket drag each other down.

It doesn't matter really, time is a bubble, it didn't exist before this, it won't exist after this. To God it has already ended. The souls that would accept forgiveness have already done so and joined God in Heaven, those who just refused forgiveness unconditionally are lost and gone. We only perceive time because we separated ourselves from eternity but over many lifetimes most of us will rejoin it.

I've shared this a few times. I've got some praise, some criticism, been called crazy a few times. I just know what I dreamed. Anyway, the day after this dream I had a friend send me a link to r/holofractal

Do you consider this dream conversation with God credible? (No judgement, genuinely curious)

Next time your talking ask god why that minor mistake or shame resulted in this existence. It makes very little sense that any being wanting company such as you describe would ultimately pain us in this way.

  • I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

The powers of evil and darkness fighting against the Light (God).

That's what we're witnessing.

Has been the case ever since the fall of man.

There is substantial evidence that this world derives energy from fear based emotions. The governmental hierarchies and constructed systems of enslavement and control are not in the best interest of either the human species or the planet, therefore they must be serving an intelligence that values only physical human existence but not life itself. What is allowed to occur and the excuses combined with selective reasoning makes it very likely that this planet is a matrix like energy extraction device for some kind of extraterrestrial or exradimensional lifeform.

Can you provide sources for this “substantial evidence”?

I think it's often enticing to get caught up in the metaphysics instead of deeply probing into the very real journey and the people we encounter in it. This constant search for a meaningful way to understand everything, some overarching worldview that perfectly ties together every mystery and answers every question.

I've spent a not-insignificant amount of time on that search for meaning, and I would say it's been worth it, all things considered, yet it can become an exercise in over-intellectualizing.

the struggle of evil against good (god) through the ages: Know Your Enemy - Full

see featured documentary 'The Matrix'

Humans demonstrate the fibonacci sequence like leaves sprouting from within a succulent.