I was sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh

1  2018-09-27 by ElephantitisDick

in early 1980-something...somewhere... I don't remember? But it happened..I swear



you too? he sexually assaulted you. That monster

I think so. Cannot remember where, when or why but I think so. None of that matters though. #IStandWithYou. #YourBrave. #WeAreBrave. #ThisNeedsToEnd. #HashTag.

It doesn't matter, what matters is the truth. #BelieveSurvivors

My rapist once told me that one persons refusal was another persons kink.


Gosh damn. Anyone else?

MeToo! 🙂


Can I join the circlejerk?

Found the sexist misogynist!

Found the guy that thinks Christians persecuted Pythagoras.

Oh I thought we were supposed to make irrelevant comments?

Found the guy that thinks Christians persecuted Pythagoras.

When did I ever say that?

At least mine is true.


It was only a day ago. Anyone can check yours or my history for "Pythagoras".

Now, back to this thread - Why are you mocking potential victims of sexual assault?

It was only a day ago. Anyone can check yours or my history for "Pythagoras".

I remember the conversation just not what you are saying. Link me to where I said Pythagoras was persecuted by Christians. Thanks!

Now, back to this thread - Why are you mocking potential victims of sexual assault?

Answer my inquiry first :)

huh? are you okay?

you mean the rape train?

You mean the 'Lets mock anyone that claims rape regardless of validity to make ourselves feel better' train.

This thread is bad and you should feel worse.

Yeah, dont feel bad. 36 years and brining your accusation to a politician that sits on it til an opportune moment? Nope. I feel bad for anyone that eats this bullshit up.

Just recently in Aus there was the royal comission into child rape. Many of the crimes occurred decades upon decades ago.

I guess you think potential sex abuse victims should be ignored if they claim their crimes occurred more than 5 years ago?

Guess you had a change of mind after realizing you're on the side of rapists and pedophiles?

no, i just kinda remembered how this website isn't super anonymous and i don't think it's worth any risk for me

Why do you care about anonymity? You said "I would say this at a family a party..."

So I guess you DO care? ElephantitisDick.

Yeah, i dont care about saying it to my family. I do care about safety.


Another one? Shit, this guy got around. I believe you. You're gunna be okay.

September 27, 2018


Dear Senate Judiciary Committee:

I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court. As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me 40 years ago.

Judge Kavanaugh forced gay sex.

This occurred at Hawaii.

There are several witnesses to this event and they are all ready to come forward.

I believe we need a thorough FBI investigation to get to the bottom of this, and believe the senate vote should be postponed till this happens.

I have retained the services of Creepy Porn Lawyer LLC to assist me during the process. I am available to speak to the senate further if you wish to discuss this event.

In confidence,

Barak Obama

I believe you. 🙂

Do you also have secret clearance?

They should test him for elephantitis then

The conspiracy here is the fact you are all men and have no idea about sexual assault and the impact it has on victims. The way you belittle a movement to improve the safety of all in our community including your family members is appalling. Do you have the courage to show what you have posted to the female members of your family. I think not.

hella bigoted that you would assume genders like that

oh please, save the virtue signaling for the next girl you try to impress.

you are missing the WHOLE point of this issue. You don't think the timing and circumstances of this particular case are questionable?

/r/DonnaGail is a women. You sound bigoted and hateful. I'm personally a non binary fluid likkud stasi zeppelin.

Yes, I'm a 50 year old woman. I know women lie and can be ruthless.

I know women lie and can be ruthless.

That's a main reason why I left one of my girlfriends moons ago. Bitch was crazy and never knew what she'd do. The law always seems to favor women. My bro was physically and mentally abused by his ex-wife and never laid a single hand on her. Society laughed at him. Fuck the world.

Sorry you've had some bad experiences. Not all of us are crazy. There are some wonderful women out there! But unfortunately, there are some bad ones.

I'm a 50 year old woman. Women lie. We are ruthless.

https://imgur.com/gallery/0hA07wE Totally agree... Shits getting outta hand.. all though all of the accusers stories have multiple holes in them, its not about quality. Its about quantity! The fact all of the ladies have direct ties to liberals and far left movements means nothing either. They should all be believed just cuz...i salute you for such a brave post!

I would say this at a family a party...

Making fun of sexual assault victims. Stay classy.

Well then, like his other accusers you should ask the FBI to investigate you and ask the Senate Judiciary Committee to be able to testify under penalty of perjury about your experiences.

And the 4 other people in the comments?

They can come forward and do the same. Y'all enjoy the death threats!


Why did you delete this thread and your opening statement:

in early 1980-something...somewhere... I don't remember? But it happened..I swear

because this website isn't that anonymous

Is it a typical Christian thing to make fun of sexual assault victims?

She's not a victim right now. She's an accuser. Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty.

So it's fine to make fun of her and her statements? What if she really is a victim?

you too? he sexually assaulted you. That monster

It was only a day ago. Anyone can check yours or my history for "Pythagoras".

I remember the conversation just not what you are saying. Link me to where I said Pythagoras was persecuted by Christians. Thanks!

Now, back to this thread - Why are you mocking potential victims of sexual assault?

Answer my inquiry first :)