The amount of troll posts and smear articles about Kavanaugh's accusers is really staggering. The interesting thing is that the same narratives get pushed across various subs and sites . Looks like a coordinated effort.

1  2018-09-27 by hurodland

You can literally see the same bullshit stories popping up almost simultaneously on infowars, zerohedge, breitbart, 4chan, the_donald, /r/conservate and all those other right-wing subs.

They are also creeping in here.

Just my 2 cents on what's happening now. It's pretty obvious, really.


It's bizarre.

They mock the alleged victims of sex abuse whilst believing Pizzagate, which has no victims.

Pizza Gate has actual victims bro what are you on about.. These women are accusers they haven't been proven right in any sense so..

They do? At the same time? Weird.

It's almost as if they just hate women. Shocker. /s

Explain why you think conservatives hate women, I bet you can't.

I don't think I need to justify this with a full fledged response when I can simply present a case study: Roy Moore.

my belief that the vast majority of American conservatives are misogynists

Well there you go, no point in trying to argue against someone's beliefs. I'll present you with an alternative case study though: Bill Clinton, and Hillary's campaign to ruin the women in Bill's sex life. Four women over the past few decades have publicly accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or harassment. One woman accused Clinton of raping her.

It's not about misogyny, it's about Democrats controlling the message. The democratic President is accused of rape and the accuser is DESTROYED. To your point, Roy Moore is accused only of "sexual misconduct" and then suddenly ALL conservatives are violent misogynistic rapists.

My belief is that you live in an echo-chamber.

Nowhere did I imply that I didn't also believe that the Democrats were crooked as shit. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of conservatives, even if that majority is just 50.1%, are inarguably misogynist to one degree or another.

There is no evidence to support your claim and it is entirely subjective, as is "misogyny" in general. In reality, it's likely that you're only exposed to so many negative stories which you feel detail misogynistic conservatives because you watch and read sensationalized, mainstream, liberal-praising, conservative-bashing news. The fact that you would therefore assume that most conservatives are misogynistic can only be explained by your ignorance and willful close-mindedness.

I’m still trying to figure out why promoting pizzagate means you hate women.

Homie. I'm a communist. I fucking hate liberals. Also, I think the societal outlook embodied by American conservativism, by and large, is diametrically opposed to the progression of rights and equal standing for the sexes in society. This is based upon historical precedent as well as current rhetoric, such as a large portion of American conservatives wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade as well as the tendency of conservatives to want to reduce the social safety net, which disproportionately effects women given the amount of single mothers in our society below the poverty line, a number which is growing every day due to long-standing stagnant wages and other factors. I have other reasons, (and all of them based in material evidence/effect), but I don't feel like I should really have to go into them for someone who keeps insisting that I live in an echo chamber (I don't; try being a Marxist-Leninist in America and see how many people echo your sentiments. Also, we're in the fucking conspiracy subreddit, how do you gather that I only see the trite fictions on CNN/NBC/whatever other old bullshit? Also, just like, as an aside, I don't watch American news. At all. None of it is news. I get my news from a variety of foreign sources from across the board, including Al-Jazeera, BBC, Deutsche Welle, TeleSur, and CGTN, to name a few.) as well as someone who keeps insisting I'm ignorant of conservative philosophy even though I grew up under conservative policies in the state of Virginia and hell, I even lived my early adult life under em in Arizona, and found results to be largely the same - pretty shit if you're not a WASP. Conservative political philosophy is by its nature rooted in resisting change and/or reverting to past policies and guess what fam? In America, that means I get fewer rights and fewer privileges! Fewer than wealth having men do, even! For largely arbitrary and relativistic reasons! That's called misogyny. And spoiler; I'm not a fan of Liberalism either! Do I agree with conservatives on some things? Yeah, sure. I agree with em on second amendment issues. If they aren't neocons, I'm with em on non-interventionist foreign policy. Does that mean that the vast majority of their moral grounding and domestic policy isn't at least sorta misogynist, at least most of the time, in material effect? No, no it doesn't, because it is. Sucks, but it's true.

You know what's sad, too? I actually prefer it to American Liberalism, so inb4 that try hard bullshit m8.

Thanks for the reply, I'm sorry you think communism is a good idea, you must not be a history student, or an economics expert.

Conservative political philosophy is by its nature rooted in resisting change and/or reverting to past policies and guess what fam? In America, that means I get fewer rights and fewer privileges! Fewer than wealth having men do, even! For largely arbitrary and relativistic reasons!

That is not what conservative philosophy is. Conservative philosophy means you have a strict interpretation of the constitution, rather than a flexible one which is called "liberal". An example would be the powers reserved for the executive branch or anything regarding the 2nd amendment. A strict interpretation means you take it at its word and not try to assume meaning.
There is nothing in the constitution that gives more privileges to men over women and therefore a conservative, who would apply the constitution at its word, would not believe in giving more or less privilege to one sex over another.

I'm sure your pretentious attitude makes you a joy at parties m8

Of course they are, it's the underpinning of their whole ideology. A huge majority of them are racist too. It makes sense as the majority of everyone, including women, ironically, used to be racist/misogynist. Conservatives are by definition not progressive. They are hanging on to outmoded ideas.

I noticed a lot of people have started calling Avenantii a "creepy porn lawyer" too.

We wouldn't even know who was if Trump didn't stick his dick in a porn start. Boggles my mind.

It's hypocritical anyway.

If Avenatti is a creepy porn lawyer for representing Stormy Daniels, what does that make Trump who paid her to have bareback sex with her while his wife was pregnant and then paid her hush money?

These Trumpists really live in an alternative reality.

Creepy porn president 😳

He wasn't the president when that happened

Why does that matter?

That would make him a creepy porn private citizen at the time

complains about troll posts

Calls people trumpists

Pick one

I do notice the attacks on Avenatti.

Just have to laugh at it because what does make Trump? A disgusting old man who had sex with the porn star and then tried to pay her off (sloppily, thereby engaging in campaign finance violation in the process), and then bold face lied about it. What level of creepy is Trump​ ​when he's raped his first wife, was associated with a well known pedophile, and accused of raping a 13 years old at said pedophile's party?

They're brainwashed autistic people. Oh but I forgot brainwashing only exists when it's the CIA or the gays doing the brainwashing.

Trump denies this. She was blackmailing him.

Left vs Right is a soap opera for the masses.

Both sides are actors in the same soap opera left and right

Exactly. I love how no one cares that they are all part of the same team.

It must be collusion for sane level headed people to criticize a last ditch effort by the Democrat Party to manufacture a smear campaign with bullshit accusers being paid to tarnish an honest man's reputation

It's almost like the Democrats have nothing to gain by trying to prevent Kavanaugh from being appointed to the Supreme Court.

bullshit accusers being paid to tarnish an honest man's reputation

I'll be more than happy to review your evidence for this accusation.

Please provide it. Now's your chance to show the world that you have cracked the case.

So it looks like this third accuser Swetnick is connected to and has a history with Debra Katz, the attorney connected to Hillary Clinton which is representing the first accuser Ford.

Between 2015 - 2017 Swetnick had over $100,00 of unpaid taxes in arrears that were paid off. Where did the money come from?

Was Swetnick still hurting for money in 2018?

Public records reveal a handful of instances in which Ms. Swetnick filed complaints against others, or been the subject of them. Mr. Avenatti didn’t respond to a request for comment.

In 1993, she filed a criminal harassment complaint with state prosecutors in Maryland against a podiatrist and his wife, alleging repeated phone calls, according to court records, but the case was withdrawn two months after it was filed.

In 2001, Ms. Swetnick was the defendant in a domestic-violence case filed by Richard Venneccy in Miami-Dade County, Fla. The case was dismissed when both parties failed to appear in court in March of that year, according to court documents reviewed by the Journal.

Roughly a decade ago, Ms. Swetnick was involved in a dispute with her former employer, New York Life Insurance Co., over a sexual-harassment complaint she filed, according to people familiar with the matter. Representing her in the complaint was the firm run by Debra Katz, the lawyer currently representing Dr. Ford. The company ultimately reached a financial settlement with Ms. Swetnick, the people said.

A spokesman for New York Life confirmed that Ms. Swetnick worked there as an agent for less than two years, from 2006 to 2008. She didn’t list her work there on a résumé posted online.

A spokeswoman for Ms. Katz declined to comment.

Records show Ms. Swetnick also had recent run-ins with tax authorities. In 2015, **Maryland’s comptroller filed a lien against her in Anne Arundel County, a suburb of Baltimore and Washington, for more than $30,000 in unpaid taxes. The state demanded about the same amount in interest and penalties for a total bill of $62,821. The state released the lien in 2016.

In 2017, the Internal Revenue Service filed a lien on Ms. Swetnick’s Washington apartment for $40,303 in unpaid taxes, and released it in March, saying the tax bill had been paid.

bullshit accusers being paid to tarnish an honest man's reputation

Here's your statement again. Bolded because obviously you did not see it the first time.

Now again, please present your evidence for this accusation.

The dirty tricks playbook is the same. Money upfront, book deal or other quid pro quo later.

It's the same random accuser smear campaign that the Democrats ran against Trump in the Fall of 2016. At that time Gloria Aldred and her daughter Lisa Bloom were funnelling money to random Trump accusers.

Exclusive: Prominent lawyer sought donor cash for two Trump accusers By John Solomon and Alison Spann - 12/15/17 11:00 AM EST

A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential race, according to documents and interviews.

California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.

The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort.

Bloom, who has assisted dozens of women in prominent harassment cases and also defended film executive Harvey Weinstein earlier this year, represented four women considering making accusations against Trump last year. Two went public, and two declined.

In a statement to The Hill, Bloom acknowledged she engaged in discussions to secure donations for women who made or considered making accusations against Trump before last year’s election.

Ok so you do not actually have any evidence for your accusation.

Well, what a surprise.

Says the person claiming that level headed people calling bullshit on an obvious smear campaign against Kavanaugh are somehow colluding.

"level headed"


Prove he sexually assaulted anyone, ever. You prove that. He doesn't have to prove he didn't.

Proof is for mathematics. I don't have to prove anything.

Funny...I hadn't even read all your other fuckin gaslighting comments down here...

Had your number from the get go...

An HONEST man's reputation.

Trump is anything but.

Idk about Kavanaugh, but DJT is on record bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, so... maybe some of his accusers were telling the truth, eh?

The smear campaign playbook is the same.

I wasn't calling Trump a choir boy. he's not.

Kavanaugh though has an impeccable record and is respected within the Justice System. Democrats couldn't attack his professional record to disqualify him, so they've resorted to the dirty tricks playbook of paying random accusers to make sex assault claims based on hearsay that stir up controversy, but can't easily be refuted.

Intelligence agencies use this tactic of finding women to make claims on targets that aren't vulnerable by other means.

Jullian Assange is another example.

The Kavanaugh accusers will face no backlash because you can't prove it did or didn't happen. They lose nothing if they're not proven right. It's a win-win for them. The motive is clear.

This is what seems coordinated...when users like you come on this sub and attempt to use the "exact same strategy" talking points as the media...

Which is this...turning known law precedent on its head and demanding "the accused provide evidence of their innocence"...

I know I know I know...well this situation isn't a court of law...and yet as soon as its somehow is again...

Testimony is evidence. A lot of violent rapists and murderers were thrown in jail well before DNA was even discovered.

Who is Julie Swetnick? Listen, as Swetnick’s former family friend and neighbor “Thomas”, who called into The Kuhner show, explains his family’s close relationship with parents, Mrty and Elaine Swetinick. Thomas claims his sister was also in classes with Julie Swetnick in school. Thomas says his sister called him when the story broke and referred to her as a “Delusional whack job!”. He said “growing up we always knew that Julie not only had issues, but she had a full subscription of them”. He also claimed that her mother worried about her substance abuse.

Kavanaugh is another institutional elite approved political stooge.

But we shouldn't throw the entire judicial presumption of innocent doctrine out to appease some... he groped me in 1982 and I can't remember story.

Why is a college aged woman repeatedly attending known rape parties held by high school sophomores with access to qualudes? Why didn't she go to the police to help these dozens of women being raped? Why does she only know the names of men already known in the media (Kavanaugh, Judge) but no one else including the high schooler who raped her?

Oh great! Thanks for showing us how low the Trumpist go to smear those women.

Get bent. Kavanaugh went from choir boy to ass grabber to gang rapist faster than you can say Soros is your uncle.

Nobody's buying the left's bullshit on this one.

Who except for Trumpists ever considered him a choir boy?

Is the allegations are all fake why are Trumpists falling over themselves making up fake stories about the accusers?

Who except for Trumpists ever considered him a choir boy?

Over 60 high school contemporaries of Kavanaugh rebut new allegations

More than 60 individuals who say they knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school on Wednesday rebutted a fresh accusation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

The men and women wrote in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that an allegation that Kavanaugh was present at a high school party where there was a gang rape is "nonsense."

"We never witnessed any behavior that even approaches what is described in this allegation. It is reprehensible," they wrote in the letter, which was released by the White House.

And his college roommate has described him as a "notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became belligerent and aggressive when he was very drunk.”

Reasonable people who are fair judges of character.

Idk about any fake stories. Maybe that's what you call fighting back. You lunge, we parry. That's the game until you come up with something concrete.

Due process pal. Innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

Idk about any fake stories.

How about the claim that Avenatti's victim didn't exist and it was a 4chan prank. That got spammed up and down the internet for half a day.

Everytime I saw that it carried the caveat that it was an unsubstantiated possibility. Given that 4chan autists are responsible for millions of idiots still believing the OK sign is the signal to get into Hitler's bunker, it's no stretch to imagine they pulled another one. I think most of us took it with a grain of salt.

I hope you're just a shill, and not someone who actually believes the MSNBC dog and pony show. Most people have better instincts.

Everytime I saw that


dk about any fake stories.

You aren't even trying, are you?

If speculation is equivalent to fake stories, MSNBC's daily programming fits the category. As said above, I never saw the 4chan story presented as settled fact. Are you trying?

What else ya got?

You sure are though.

why are Trumpists Democrats falling over themselves making up fake stories about the accusers nominee?

One could ask

Kavanaugh's going to be dropped soon. That's why Trump​ ​went on that press conference to start the process of shifting the goal post. Avenatti has the goods again.

Your posting history seems pretty obvious too. Honey pot hey :)

Its almost like Reddit is a hub for propaganda....

So why are you adding to the bullshit spinfest?

There are no accusers. All stories have been refuted.

It's hypocritical anyway.

If Avenatti is a creepy porn lawyer for representing Stormy Daniels, what does that make Trump who paid her to have bareback sex with her while his wife was pregnant and then paid her hush money?

These Trumpists really live in an alternative reality.

Both sides are actors in the same soap opera left and right

I do notice the attacks on Avenatti.

Just have to laugh at it because what does make Trump? A disgusting old man who had sex with the porn star and then tried to pay her off (sloppily, thereby engaging in campaign finance violation in the process), and then bold face lied about it. What level of creepy is Trump​ ​when he's raped his first wife, was associated with a well known pedophile, and accused of raping a 13 years old at said pedophile's party?

Exactly. I love how no one cares that they are all part of the same team.

They're brainwashed autistic people. Oh but I forgot brainwashing only exists when it's the CIA or the gays doing the brainwashing.

Trump denies this. She was blackmailing him.