Remember when Dick Cheney shot that lawyer in the face on a "quail hunt" in 2006? In 2014, a mass grave was found about 37 miles from there.

1  2018-09-27 by wile_e_chicken

In 2006, Cheney shot a lawyer in the face on a "quail hunt" on Armstrong Ranch, Texas:

Back in 2014, a mass grave was found in Falfurrias, Texas:

They're about a 40 minute drive from each other:,+TX,+USA/Armstrong+Ranch,+100+W+Kleberg+Ave+%23+202,+Kingsville,+TX+78363,+USA/@27.387333,-98.1198539,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x86666b5867625235:0xce55a726bb99eed6!2m2!1d-98.1441714!2d27.2269872!1m5!1m1!1s0x866628aa59a6fba3:0x46f6b30c07481a2a!2m2!1d-97.8693041!2d27.5167387!3e0

Could just be a coincidence. Maybe.

In her book, Tranceformation of America, Cathy O'Brien details how he raped, tortured and hunted her when she was just 12 years old:

She explains how high level politicians play a hunting game called “A Most Dangerous Game” where they either hunt men or hunt little kids in a military enclosed wilderness. When they catch the kids, they rape them in the office. Here is what O’Brian confesses happened in her book “Tranceformation America”:

Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport." He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?

Blood and sweat became mixed with the dirt on my body and slid like mud down my legs and shoulder. I throbbed with exhaustion and pain as I stood unable to think to answer such a question. "Make up your mind," Cheney coaxed. Unable to speak, I remained silent. "You don't get a choice, anyway. I make up your mind for you. That's why you're here. For me to make you a mind, and make you mine/ mind. You lost your mind a long time ago. Now I'm going to give you one. Just like the Wizard (of Oz) gave Scarecrow a brain, the Yellow Brick Road led you here to me. You've 'come such a long, long way' for your brain, and I will give you one."

The blood reached my shoes and caught my attention. Had I been further along in my programming, I perhaps would never have noticed such a thing or had the capability to think to wipe it away. But so far, I had only been to MacDill and Disney World for government/ military programming. At last, when I could speak, I begged, "If you don't mind, can I please use your bathroom?"

Cheney's face turned red with rage. He was on me in an instant, slamming my back into the wall with one arm across my chest and his hand on my throat, choking me while applying pressure to the cartorid artery in my neck with his thumb. His eyes bulged and he spit as he growled, "If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you --Kill you --with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please." He flung me on the cot-type bed that as behind me. There he finished taking his rage out on me sexually.



His photo is all you need to look at. I would not have picked a more suitable visual for an actor if I were to film the scene described by Cathy OBrien!

What about Danny DeVito?

Danny DeVito. Perfect.

This week the gang plays a most dangerous game

Reminds me of the Escape room

They already did that one!

I thought Cheney's mistress shot the guy and he took the blame becuase shooting people was more acceptable to US voters than infidelity. At least it was pre porn star president. The hunting thing sounds familiar nicole kidman's dad used to do it in Kiama NSW i think.

Never heard that one. Link(s)?

Hey, possible. Or it could be a cover story. I lean towards the latter.

So the article for the mass grave seems to imply it is mostly undocumented immigrants making the journey. We know Cheney is a sick human being and war criminal, but I think we also need to address the crimes against humanity committed by our border control. They are practically free to murder these desperate people or sabotage their chances for survival.

Do you even know what coyotes do, Tibujon? What 125 degrees in the back of an unvented truck does to a group of people so desperate to leave their country behind? It costs a lot to hire a coyote. Sometimes you also pay with your life. Or worse, get trafficked. But I know some Border Control agents are sick fucks, too.

Agreed.... and the thing is, nobody will ever know! No ones going to be missing these people. No one knows who they are, and they have no family. And even if they did, what are the family going to do? Go to authorities and tell them “oh, by the way, we were smuggling our sister across the boarder illegally, but she never showed up”? I think not!

I believe the correct nomenclature is "illegal alien."

37 miles is quite a distance.. If it was 37 yards then I think we'd have something.

37 miles is quite a distance.. If it was 37 yards then I think we'd have something.

Waaaay too far for a Black Suburban to drive. /s

Come on, man, you're just making this look worse.

Well I mean, you could drive a Black Suburban over a hundred miles. What exactly is the approximate distance two points would have to be to each other to rationally assume that coinciding events are connected?

There is no exact distance, dufus, but within 50 is certainly suspect.

I hate Cheney as much as the next guy, but what exactly is suspicious about it? The entire state of Delaware is roughly 50 miles wide.

Even the article you linked mentioned that a funeral home was just burying the bodies of illegal immigrants that were found dead from trekking across the countryside.

Cheney is undoubtedly a war criminal, but spouting this dime novel or rejected screenplay garbage only makes the rest of us look even less credible when we have serious conspiracies to discuss.

Hey maybe they were illegal immigrants. Undocumented, nobody'll miss em. But acting like 50 miles is just way, way too far to transport a body is just dumb. You think they dragged them there?

Pretty sure the people here are saying that two unrelated things happening 50 miles apart doesn’t really seem to fit the parameters of a coincidence.

Hunting parties. Graves. Unrelated? Maybe. But I'd love to see perform those autopsies.

Rich old White guys going hunting? Immigrants dying less than an hour North from the border.

STOP THE PRESSES!!! You may be on to something!

The graves are explained in your own link. Sure, because obviously you are a trained medical examiner and skilled investigator.

7854 miles squared. That's how much area you get if you go from one point to 50 miles away in any direction. To be assumed to be accountable for anything that happens in there is just absurd. Sorry.

TIL the only logical place to dump bodies is in your backyard.

within 50 miles is certainly suspect

Okay, great - so we'll assume you are guilty of anything that happens within a 50 mile radius of anyplace you've been.

If I engage in human hunting parties and a mass grave turns up 40 minutes' drive from the ranch, feel free to knock on my door.

You really have no idea how guilty you're making him look right now. Amazing.

Uh, how am I making him look guilty again?

By offering up a contrived, disingenuous defense. And I thank you for it.

How does my “contrived, disingenuous defense” make Cheney look guilty?

I feel like I'm training AI here.

I just am wondering how anything I say could possibly make Cheney look guilty. The whole idea is absurd.

Wile E, bro c'mon. i'm a huge fan of your posts, but name-calling? don't stoop to an ad hominem attack. you're better than that.

"Dufus"? Gosh golly ahm sorry for usin sucha foul mouth. Hows about "Sillybuns"?

but within 50 miles is certainly suspect.

No it isn't, case closed.

You they'd bury the bodies in their backyard? 30-50 miles is perfect -- not too close to arouse suspicion when found, not too far to transport the body.

The problem is that the association is very specious at best. Essentially the only thing you've got connecting these two disparate things is the distance. It's far more likely that they're unrelated.

Hah we fucking nailed this. Time to dig deeper.

You could reason that separation between the grave and the "hunting ground" would be wise from a not-getting-caught standpoint. However, Dick Cheney DID shoot a guy in the face and that wasn't enough, so who knows. Maybe if the grave was on site that would have turned out differently.

You could reason that separation between the grave and the "hunting ground" would be wise from a not-getting-caught standpoint

You know what I'm always thinking when trying to hide my crimes? Why not increase the number and size of the crime scenes so they will be impossible to completely control. Logic would lead us to think they'd try to keep these things as small as possible to avoid detection.

Also reasonable haha.

TIL if you murder somebody you should bury them in your own backyard.

Do you even know how big Texas is? 37 miles in Texas is like 37 yards to the rest of the country. Really, come on now.

That's what I was thinking. There is a lot of Texas- and 37 miles is nothing is parts of it.

I lived in Texas for 6 years until March of this year, yeah I know how big it is. 37 miles is a lot bud.

Let me rephrase, if you travel at the speed limit of 75 mph it only takes 29.6 minutes. To travel the 37 miles. The nearest hospital to me is over an hour and a half.

Far enough to not be connected to a crime scene, yet close enough that you're not driving for over an hour with a dead body

Remember when absolute idiots bought the official 9-11 story and helped elect that monster and his Pedo running mate GW Bush to office for a second term? Remember that? I remember that. Obama was a fucking subhuman scumbag but Ameirica lost its soul the morning of 9-11-2001 and to honest a crime of such mass stupidity, falling for such obivious deception, probably ought never be forgiven. The sjw naxi twats today are just the same as the "America Fuck Yeah" cunts of the Bush/Cheney era. Thank god I 've always been an outsider and loyal only to truth. I've voted once in my 40 years, for Trump. Thank god again I don't carry the stain on my soul for pulling a lever for Bush/Cheney or Obama/Biden. You all voted for pedophiles. I wish you would have listened 18 years ago when some of us where screaming about it then. Of course there is a mass grave. Remember when Rumsfeld told Congress (on c-Span) that he felt DynCorp (and Haliburton) should maybe tone down its human trafficking???? Anyone?? Whose bones are in that grave do you suppose? Trump is your redemption, a grace most don't deserve, don't fuck this up.

If the Great Embarrassment is our redemption, we were damned long ago.

Yep, I was pretty bummed about GWB2 -- went out and got drunk as I recall. But let's not fool ourselves: The game would have remained the same. I even fell for "Hope and Change!" with Obama... the first time, at least. But the game stayed the same, just a different face, different flavor.

No, I don't remember Rumsfeld/Congress/DynCorp on CSpan. I was dead asleep SJW zombie myself back then. Is this what you're talking about? Because all I see is Rumsfeld dodging.

Ameirica lost its soul

falling for such obivious deception

America didn't lose its' soul. America showed its cowardice. People know there's to many holes in the official version, but to fully face what happened on 9/11 requires to many people to face the possibility of having to give up their comforts and conveniences. Acting on one's conscience is a risky endeavor. Protesting is risky. Speaking out is risky.

America chickened out after 9/11. Its easier for the majority to remain silent, turn away and stay "safe" in their homes rather than hold our government accountable.

Cowardice IS loss of soul

With you all the way until your last sentence.

This entire government is rigged. Business. Law. Education. Healthcare. Everything. And you honestly think trump just waltzed in to shake things up? Oh but every single president in recent history is bad, but trump happens to be good.

Hell to the no. He’s way too ridiculous, the dude is a socket in a mechanics set like every other one. He is no different.

Why do some people on here insist on thinking this is suddenly any different when we are so deeply lost in corruption now? How could a person possibly slip through? It’s impossible.

Ah the glorious dialectic! Thank you.

You'll just carry the stain of having voted for Trump. It is laughable that you think he's some sort of outsider who "broke" the system. He is the culmination of the corporate takeover of America, a president who finally is the human embodiment of the cutthroat corporate capitalism that will destroy America and the world with it for the sake of profit.

I will proudly wear the mark of voting for a president who is the human embodiment of work hard, be smart, be ambitious and you improve your chances of success but be a lazy self entitled twat you deserve nothing. He has brought the best of America together. Your America is a steep slope into commusmism. You likely supported Obama and now Hiliary. You are complicit with pedophila and human trafficking. Your ANTIFA supports NAMBLA. I've enjoyed watching Christine Ford get the intellectual gangbang she clearly deserves. That must sting for you to watch . Trump is not breaking the old system he is fucking up beyond repair.

Never supported Hillary and didn't mind Obama too much until I started to learn more about some of the bad stuff he did. Trump embodies NONE of those qualities and you're a god damned idiot for thinking so. He was born into wealth and has never worked a single hard day in his life. To think he has is pure ignorance and unless you realize that this conversation cannot and will not continue.

You are shill. An ANTIFA loving NAMBLA supporting patsy lurking this forum. Never before has a president been the target of such desperate and crazy attacks. The reason? He is the real deal. Your own neo-liberal crazies betray you. It must SUCK to be you...and its only going to get worse.

LOL, a shill? Naaah, not at all. I personally believe that America is run by a corporate oligarchy who began establishing control of the government decades ago, that our votes don't actually matter and both parties are just front organizations designed to give the appearance that we have a choice and that our vote matters. I don't support ANTIFA or NAMBLA and to suggest that is insane. F*ck Trump. I would gleefully watch him hung on live TV just to make you and all the ignorant Trump lovers sad.

Yes a Shill...and a shill who apperently new to terms like oligarchy and the right vs left paradox. So welcome to 20 years ago when that would have been relevant. You are not even a good shill. Does ANITFA and NAMBLA pay you in cash? Drugs? Access to food stamps? Trysts with underage boys? Are you in physical danger because NO one who isn't a babbling blue hair trans trending heifer would consider your words to have value? Will your handler torture you? Ill try and help you. Idk how but let's get somewhere safe.

Man you're a cheeky little c*nt, aren't you? About as much as I'd expect from a Trump supporter, your kind are chronically under-educated and reactionary. Like children. Or the mentally handicapped.

Uh huh. I see you are lumping children together with the mentally handicapped. Is that your branch of NAMBLA's target? Children with disabilities? Are you a victim? Its NOT ok what they did to you. Its called Stockholm syndrome. That is why you feel compelled to support your abusers. Dude I am so sorry :(

lol, you're a real one-track-mind sort of person, if anyone abuses children it's you. No, I was calling YOU a child because that's clearly how far your intellect goes. You're stupid, narrow-minded and just plain old ignorant. Everything you believe is a lie and I am ashamed to have to consider you a fellow citizen. I'd sooner see you and all your kind put into labor camps for the good of the nation. Because if America was ever left in the hands of people like you then it would no longer be America.

All our kind forced into labor camps for the good of the nation? That is some serious Weather Underground Bill Ayers, terrorist and mentor of Obama, bullshit you are calling for right there. Yep I called it. You are a commie ANTIFA scumbag shill. See how easy it is to out you twats? When NAMBLA goes down I will make sure all the inmates on your cell bloc know what you are about.

Nah, I'm just aiming right for your trigger points. If you're so smart for supporting Trump then you should be able to see that, no? What's that, you didn't? What a surprise. Because you're a f**king idiot. Now go away, I'm done with you.

No you are just outting yourself as a commie ANTIFA and NAMBLA supporting shill. I ran you in a small circle and you tripped over yourself. I am sure your handler will dispose of you and your replacement will join you in a few days too.

Ugh, come up with something new, will you? Or give us your version number.

You're like the little faggot engine that could. You just keep going and going and going and going.....

Wow now slanderous hate speech and defamatory comments against gays. On any other sub Reddit your commie ANTIFA and NAMBLA loving mods would ban you in a second but here where free speech is recognized you can prove to every one what a hateful communist un-American nazi piece of shit you are. Well I can prove what a hateful communist un-American nazi piece of shit you just confirm it. What's it like being my fiddle and being played to singing the truth about who you really are?

I would never call a gay person a faggot. I call pretentious, loudmouthed cunts like you a faggot. Because that's what you are. Has nothing to do with gay people as far as I'm concerned and it won't no matter how much you scream about it. Now, stop being a faggot. Trump is a terrible president, he's not your savior and he has never had your interests at heart. Your vote has always been worthless and you've hitched your horse to an imaginary wagon. Get over it.

Right... You should tattoo hopes and dreams over your asshole because I've spent the last 30 minutes fucking all three into a gapping void space. I am officially bored with you. Latter commie.

lololol, oh NOW you're bored, uh huh. Whatever, guy. I'll save you a lawn chair for when I'm tailgating Trump's impeachment with my camper outside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We can share a beer while discussing the errors of your ways.

Same here

Oh he has and it's been quite juicy, you should check it out.

Well shit man share the juice!

Check out the full comments, it should be visible. I am anxiously awaiting his next block of insults. He's only capable of one kind of insult though, just keeps calling me a pedophile because I don't support Trump lol.

Its bizarre right? Just internet shenanigans? I can't believe an American believes this shit.

Well, at risk of sounding crazy, there's some credibility to the whole child trafficking suspicions that surround numerous political figures, Hollywood and people in positions of power throughout the world. It's thinking that Trump represents a break from that or that he's some savior that's the bizarre and insane part. He's an installed puppet just as Hillary Clinton would have been as far as I'm concerned and all this shit on TV about liberals vs conservatives being diametrically opposed is just a smokescreen to hide the fact America is run by a cabal of corporate executives who use the two-party system and their media empire to sow division among the people and give the impression we have freedom. So maybe I'm as crazy as this douchebag calling me a pedophile, but I don't run around calling people pedophiles because I don't agree with them. I wait for some evidence first.

It's called capitalism.

Not just capitalism, specifically cutthroat corporate capitalism.

It's the same beast.

LOL yea, he didn't even try to ease into it, just straight out the gate with the pedal to the floor. Pretty sure he's just a bot, though.

You beat me to it. I agree with your last few posts. Just because we didn't vote for Trump and fall for his bullshit doesn't mean we voted for Hillary either. We're actually looking for a real change, not the same bullshit with a new face. Ron Paul is my president.

It's pissing me off that all the Q subs got shut down and now we have to hear "trumps gonna save us" all day.

I try to be optimistic, it would be cool if Q was legit but I'm just not convinced. I know these things take time but every deadline comes and goes. I see Q's beliefs slowly merging with TPTB. Get the idiots hopeful with an antihero, then have the anti hero talk for you. They will listen.

I feel like all credibility was lost when he started talking about regime change in Iran. Like WTF? Now we're talking about military tribunals and Martial law? Jesus Christ. Years ago fellow Conspiracy theorists would fight these ideals because they would think about the future enough to realize these are bad ideas.

Instead they praise Alex Jones getting fucked out of his freedom of speech, not realizing that it sets a dangerous precedent and anyone who doesn't agree with the official narratives could be next.

Is this copypasta?

There is an interesting theory about that accidental shooting. There was also a prominent woman there who was a politician or some sorts, and the theory is she accidentally shot the dude, but Cheney took the blame because he was having an affair with her. Just thought I would throw that out there.

If I recall correctly there was also talk of him being extremely drunk.

Dave McGowan concluded at the time of the events (contemporaneously) that Cheney was shooting at a child, and mistook Whittington for a person of small stature.

McGowan Newsletters 78, 79, 80 (Three-part series)

McGowan would've been called a "paid shill" on this website. He would've torn "Qanon" a new asshole, and if you read McGowan now, you'll see the plot holes in "Qanon" just from the same old cast of characters like Giuliani and Bolton. And, by the way, Scalia's last days were also on a remote ranch in Texas ...

Not only died on a ranch in Texas but he was also "Quail hunting" according to his wiki page. Good stuff

Scalia was known to hunt quail, in Texas, with Cheney.

Scalia was a pedophile according to Satanic ritual abuse victim David Shurter.

I need to read tranceformation of america.

Me too. But thanks to your prompting, I just downloaded the Kindle version here:

Where does this come into play w Cheney, i missed something.

Cathy O'Brien implicated Cheney in human hunting parties. Cheney shot a lawyer in the face, less than 50 miles from a mass grave that was found several years later.

thank you i haven't listened to her just heard of her.

I don't know if anybody watches Wrecked on TBS, but this season they're stranded on a rich dude's island where he holds a "most dangerous game" with people.

I firmly believe this shit happens all the time.


I think the animes Future Diary and Psycho Pass had similar scenes.

Future Diary had the scene with the rich dude hunting people with his mechanical dogs. Psycho Pass had some rich psychopath who built an underground hunting arena, he even had a duck hunting uniform if memory serves correct.

Never heard of those but I'm interested. What platform can I catch those on?

Both are available on either Funimation's streaming website (for english spoken), or VRV, on Funimation's or Crunchyroll (japanese with english subtitles) channel

Appreciate the info!

Psycho Pass might be on Netflix still, not sure. You could probably find a website that has them as well.

They're both really good mind fucks, highly recommended.

Hey thanks!

Hard Target 1993 JCVD movie.

IDK if you've seen it. A guy/group sets this up for rich people to hunt homeless vets who get paid and agree to partake in New Orleans/The Bayou. Kind of seemed plausible enough to me even back then.

A mass grave was found with a 4300 square mile area around the spot where Cheney shot that lawyer.

We're supposed to think that means something?

You: A mass grave was found within the solar system. BIG DEAL.

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Whatever became of the autopsies and DNA results from the bodies fund in the mass grave? That would be the most important and telling pieces of evidence as to who those victims are, how they got there, and what if any connections they might have to each other and to people like Cheney.

The geographic relevance or significance of the mass grave location is probably more important than the distance to Cheney's human hunting estate.

Considering the rarity of mass grave discoveries in the US, finding one in such close proximity to Cheney's murder ranch is certainly reasonable grounds for suspicion considering his known violent history and passion for hunting the ultimate prey. The further they drive to dump the bodies, the higher the risk of getting caught with them. 35-40 miles seems like a pretty safe middle ground.

Good point on that last paragraph.

It's becoming pretty clear that these people that are having such a hard on for these pedo crimes have something going on with them. I hope they can deal with whatever trauma they experienced in their lives to make them view the world through such a crazy mirror.

18 hours. They waited 18 hours before getting that man [that Cheney supposedly shot while hunting] to a medical facility.

18 hours

Thank you for posting Cathy O'Brian. She has never been sued for libel regarding this book either....

It's easier just to ignore it. The book is absolute trash though. I have no doubt the stuff contained in the book is in the realm of possibilities, but it has some pretty outrageous claims that I don't think are factual. She definitely has been abused, but I'm still skeptical of most of what she says. George Bush had a reptilian holographic costume? Fuck outta here!!

Is it, though?

If they made a big lawsuit about it there would be people all over the world reading it. If they ignore it, it stays in obscurity on conspiracy message boards. That's my hot take at least.

Interesting post. My questions are who was working the case? What were the state of the bodies in? Any ID on the victims?

You’re all clinically retarded.

and CRAAZZZZZZyY!!!1!eleventy!1

Yes we know.

By offering up a contrived, disingenuous defense. And I thank you for it.

If I recall correctly there was also talk of him being extremely drunk.

Also reasonable haha.

Is it, though?

TIL if you murder somebody you should bury them in your own backyard.

I think the animes Future Diary and Psycho Pass had similar scenes.

Future Diary had the scene with the rich dude hunting people with his mechanical dogs. Psycho Pass had some rich psychopath who built an underground hunting arena, he even had a duck hunting uniform if memory serves correct.

Hard Target 1993 JCVD movie.

IDK if you've seen it. A guy/group sets this up for rich people to hunt homeless vets who get paid and agree to partake in New Orleans/The Bayou. Kind of seemed plausible enough to me even back then.