I've noticed something about this whole "Kavanaugh" thing recently....on the media, this sub and with people I've talked to about it.

1  2018-09-27 by AIsuicide

I've noticed many people trying to elucidate on how disturbing it is regarding the precedent of what we're seeing in this situation.

Why is that? Well, I think it has something to do with the "trickle down into everyday life" effect we have been seeing from the colluding strategies of the left and the majority of MSM.

We've seen it happen with the calls for impeachment...we've seen it happen with the branding of all conservatives as "far right Nazi's"...we've seen it happen with the "russian bots and trolls"...

Well, the latest strategy by the left and the MSM is this:

The burden of proof rests on the shoulders of the accused.

In the coming days and weeks we are going to see stories about civilians trying to use this logic in real life situations.

You can count on it.

And I believe this gets to the root of why this is so disturbing.

We are witnessing a very insidious and coordinated type of programming that is resulting in "real life" effects within a very short time period.

Sometimes this whole thing reminds me of basic chemistry. You can have a number of ingredients that are completely benign and harmless within close proximity of each other...but when combined...well, it's a completely different story.

There's two ingredients right now that are within close proximity of each other that I want to discuss.

The "rising popularity of socialism" and the idea that the "burden of proof rests on the accused".

I suspect this is what's so disturbing to many on a fundamental level.

It's like watching somebody light a cigarette while pumping gas. Nothing may happen, but there's definitely a reason why most people know this is a really bad idea.

One last thing...regarding that whole "hate speech" subreddit banning shit.

I've seen users supply a few instances of how those subreddits caused people to take actions in real life..ie Charlottesville and Pizzagate shooter...

They don't have shit on the MSM and the radical left when it comes to causing real life effects.

You watch...soon enough we'll be seeing this "burden of proof" strategy playing itself out in different situations across the country.


Yeah the burden of proof thing is fun

When I assert that there's no credible evidence that white men walked on the moon, I'm asked for "proof" that they didn't

So I ask them for proof that I "didn't" walk on the moon. Their failure to provide proof is rock solid evidence that I walked on the moon

Then I say that remarkable claims require remarkable evidence

And their "logical" reply is that it's more remarkable to say that white men didn't walk on the moon, than to say white men did walk on the moon

It's a shame stupidity isn't more painful

Is there a particular reason you've chosen to highlight skin color?

Is white supremacy / white nationalism the reason you choose to believe white men walked on the moon?

Answering a question with a question.


Still wondering why you believe white men walked on the moon and black men didn't walk on the moon

Unless you can explain yourself better, I can't only assume it's because you are blinded by racism

Are there any black men to claim they have walked on the moon? That would seem to preclude belief that it happened, right?

So just because you choose to ignore any claims by any black man who ever claimed he walked on the moon, you decided that black men must not have ever walked on the moon?

Your undiagnosed and intreated racism has really caused you to be very biased

Hahaha....you are sooo wrong and poorly using logical fallacies to evidently drive some sort of agenda. You brought race into this conversation and seem to be the only one who wants to perpetuate it. Good luck, but you're not contributing to this thread at all in a wholesome manner.


Is there a logical reason that you believe that white men are the only ones who have ever been capable of walking on the moon?

Because from my perspective, it seems like a clear cut case of you simply wanting white men to be superior to other men and women

Certainly you don't simply believe white men walked on the moon based on obviously staged evidence

I never made a claim, and I haven't discussed my own personal beliefs here. I was simply looking for clarification.

To my knowledge, no one has made any credible claim that anyone other these twelve people has ever walked on the moon. Do you have credible evidence that suggests otherwise? Or are you just race-baiting and trolling?

Why is it so unfathomable to people that a privileged asshole committed sexual assault? Isn’t the very concept of Pizzagate centered upon the elite committing atrocities?

Quick question Donte...

Did you or do you find Pizzagate unfathomable?

If so, you're using an arbitrary line of reasoning.

Wasn't the "burden of proof" the main argument when it came to dismissing the credibility of Pizzagate?

You know what this has that Pizzagate never had? Someone claiming to be a victim.

And what does someone claiming to be a victim have to do?

That's right..provide proof.

And that's exactly how it's suppose to work.

Also, when taking into account the recent "why I stayed silent" narrative...you've now given the "pizzagater's" 36 fuckin years to come forward with their victims.

Good job

If someone comes forward with claims to be a victim of pizzagate, I will be very interested in hearing that.

People didn't demonize this guy 36 years ago for made up code words, however.

There are victims of pedogate, Australia and my ultra.

I was talking about Pizzagate, not the desperate rebranding and goal post shifting that occurred as the bullshit fell apart.

What fell apart was the lack of any investigation based on the compelling evidence reported. To date there has been NO investigation. No matter how many times you review disgusting depictions unsuitable for children at a children’s venue, no response. Apparently this lack of response from local authorities has been seen before in previous exposure of similar crimes in US, Australia, EU, Britain, Nordic countries, etc.

Yes, there have been instances where authorities failed to investigate actual horrific abuse. It does not logically follow that a lack of investigation means there is abuse.

You even mentioned UK and Australia. Pizzagate had to be renamed and expanded globally to find a victim. Art and performance which offends your delicate sensibilities is not proof of anything.

These are fbi identified symbols used by pedophiles. You can’t whitewash this away behind “delicate sensibilities.” Art is proof that an investigation should be done and if these were everyday ppl it would happen.

The only reason I bring up other countries is to establish how it has been dealt with in the past numerous times, with complicit authorities who ignore it.

However, the franklin scandal was in US, involved the White House and has recorded testimony —bonacci.

There was a sign similar to the FBI symbols down the street from CPP. Is that proof of something? Who was using these symbols that you can show me?

At least you're not claiming that the invented code words were identified by the FBI, a mistake that I've seen so many believers make.

There is no “proof” bec no one has taken the trouble to investigate these very suspicious findings.

You will have to refer to fbi sources to figure out how and where they identified the symbols.

So down the street also has pedo symbols? Yes, it appears several shops on that block were suspicious.

There are numerous pieces of this puzzle that fit precisely and extend in so many directions, bolstered by leaked emails and suspect connections. If you are interested, check VOAT, they have never stopped digging.

I've followed it from the beginning. There is nothing convincing. Just made up code words and people clutching pearls. 30 years ago the same people would have been going on about the demonic power of Dungeons and Dragons

I also followed from the beginning and those clutching pearls came out from humiliating defeat and made up “fake news” to try and cover it up. There have been investigator suspicious deaths and never ending new leads. I know more than I ever thought possible about how bad evil can be. And we aren’t done. Demonic power has made prime time and not everyone is brainwashed enough to forget about it. However, enjoy your nap.

Demonic power? Okay man you do you, we live on different planets.

Denying demonic power exists on this planet? How sheltered you must be.

It's just conservative virtue signaling. They don't care about sexual assault, they don't even care about pedo's. It's all just leverage to promote their political agenda. If they feel it helps their cause they'll push it. Period. Ever see them "outing" a conservative?

Of course not. Probably why they ignore Trumps past that involves people they’ve labeled as Pedos


Obama’s a pedo. So is Bush. It’s not political.

And Trump rapes 13 year olds.

As long as you don’t think none of them are doing it, I’m fine with you thinking he’s a part of it too.

I know elite pedophilia exists but I don't know who does what and where but nothing would shock me. Except for the case of Trump, we actually do know the when and where.

downvoted lmao. it goes like this:

Trump is bad. Yaaaay our hero! +1000

Obama is bad. OMG you partisan hack! The_donald 2.0!!!1!

Good luck finding men and women to serve as justices if this is the type of treatment that they will be endowed.

No on will ever want to become part of the justice department if they think this could happen to them.

What better reason to hand over the decisions of the courts to an AI? I think that is their long game in all this.

u just blew my mind. holy shit that is a pretty darn scary thought.

You're all full of shit. When Weinstein went down all the Kavanough supporters weren't calling for hard evidence then.

Face it, there's bias on both sides and in every instance no one knows what happens behind closed doors, so stop pretending like you do for political leverage.

You're over-generalising...

I've never weighed in on the Weinstein topic...not once.

Also important...did the alleged Weinstein victims file police reports? Did those reports lead to investigations by local law enforcement?

I don't know...never followed the case. But I would think those are relevant questions.

I was definitely generalizing. I'm talking about the majority of conservatives when it comes to sexual assault, not you in particular.

The way they go to bat for this guy is pathetic, especially since they'll run with any accusation made toward any non conservative with little to no actual proof.

I see it as they are trying to criminalize their political opposition.

I think the end game to to get rid of the opposition at any and all cost.

The reversal of burden of proof will come back to haunt them when they're on the other end of the stick.
