Not going to be surprised one bit if we find out that Dr. Ford works with Google's Jigsaw Project.

1  2018-09-27 by AIsuicide

After the slip about the Google interns, I gotta wonder.

Is Blasey-Ford involved with some next level AI driven MK-Ultra mind control experiment?

Cause she looks like she's been MK-Ultraed herself...I'm not even joking. There's as least two people in that head...and I'm watching them take turns answering questions.


I think you might have hit the nail on the head...

3 mins, 0 points, 17%

And I agree with you on signs she's fucked in the head, she did mention she has a therapist so there's that

Well, I have a therapist. My dad has one, my colleague has one... Everybody should, at some point in their life, if not multiple points, have a therapist.

MK Ultra is to therapy what a race car is to running errands (not my best analogy).

not my best analogy

You can use a race car to run errands, but I hope your therapist is nor using trauma based mind control techniques.

Using? No. I'd imagine the vast majority of therapists would be drastically unprepared for trauma based mind control victims. At least at the level we discuss on this sub.

That's like a car mechanic being asked to fix a nuclear reactor (analogies getting better!).

I'd imagine the vast majority of therapists would be drastically unprepared for trauma based mind control victims.

I’m glad you are not an expert in this field because that is very wrong.

Cognitive behavioral psychologist spend years learning approaches for dealing with all abnormal psychology disorders, including dissociative identity disorder. DID is the result of MK ultra programming.

DID is normally result of severe, repeated, inescapable childhood trauma. I though most of the MK ultra stories that came out were about adults? What am I missing?

I thought most of the MK ultra stories that came out were about adults?

Because the majority of survivors coming out were adults? The child's mind is the most malleable and by far the easiest to program. MKUltra was merely the research program into refining the centuries-old practice of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

DID is normally result of severe, repeated, inescapable childhood trauma.

severe, repeated, inescapable childhood trauma.

AKA Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Also, I want to add DID is one of the hardest psychological disorders to diagnose. It is nearly impossible for a psychologist to make an assessment without drawing out the alters. The difference between a MKUltra programmed DID and an unrelated, completely organic, DID case is how the alter/s is called out. MKUltra and SRA victims are programed with phrases and words to cause the alter/s to take control, while an organic DID case can have there alter/s get triggered by nearly anything. A memory association, general anxiety, loud noises, bright lights, etc., can all be triggers.

I'm diagnosed, so I appreciate that you know how hard that is :)

"Organic DID"... that's a phrase I didn't expect. I get what you mean about intentionally programmed, though. I'd just though that particular bit of science was done to only adults. TIL.

"Organic DID"... that's a phrase I didn't expect.

Honestly, I didn't have a better name for it and in hindsight, wasn't the best choice of words. The distinction is if the trauma was used to split your ego, or if your ego split due to trauma. There is a huge distinction between an alter that is specifically programmed vs. an alter created by your own mind, with its own triggers.

I'm sorry to hear that and wish you the best of luck.


How do you feel about the theory of structural dissociation? That the ego states never integrated during childood development (due to trauma)? Vs the split situation.

Or tulpas?

Psychologist =/= therapist.

Psychologist = doctor

I put my ex thru MFT school.

Do you have any places where I could get some CEUs in trauma-based mind control therapy?

Oh for sure, not deriding therapists in general here, 99% of them just want to help people

Oh I get you now. I misunderstood. She having a therapist being sorta "code" for "having or had her mind broken for control purposes."

from my understanding, people who have gone through trauma based mind control have "commands" (don't really know how to call it) where they will fall back in trance and what not and through neurolinguistics (that's where the specialized psych would come in play) can "reprogram" certain parts of the mind, memory and what not

what this women feels to me is that she has a false memory about Kavanaugh, but what she's describing (although with very, very few details) might very well have happened, and it may have been very traumatic

My lady watched the hearings and I overheard Dr. Ford was from a suburb of Washington DC and attended an elite prep school. Who are her parents? That region is MIC and CIA and those people use trauma on their own kids.

That said, if she did indeed speak to this event to multiple people prior to this summer, then something happened.

False memory is an invention of the MK Ultra practitioners, stemming from the McMartin scenario.

I meant false memory not as "it's a false memory you imagined the abuse" but as a fake memory inserted into an existing memory

and yes her background would be interesting

In all of this, she might be a victim too but in another way :/

hopefully we get to wrap this up fast

Totes on the "inserted", this is where the background info would be handy.

Kids of MIC are sketch (IMHO, by definition).

Sounds like inception!

Mitchell asked her to mark on a map where Ford's house was and there was some odd stalling/not understanding the question that went on. Ford then said how about the address? And it appeared her lawyers may have had to help her find where she lived. But then she said a street name, or a subdivision or something and said, oh yeah it is right by the Naval Research something-or-other that I can't quite remember now. She was almost talking to herself, it definitely stood out and I would like to see that part again.

Sorry if this is hard to follow but if I could find a clip or transcript it would make more sense. Can't find a whole transcript yet, only the opening.

She is super dramatic when someone asks a question that is not a softball or easy to answer - like a trick question. She lives in a state where people who wear MAGA hats get attacked. Yet this lady is afraid of being attacked? yeah right

I hope that you or no one in your family ever gets sexually assaulted and you are forced to relive it on national television.

I hope that you or someone in your family are falsely accused of sexual assault and are forced to live it on national television.

Why on earth would you hope that that happens to someone?

because that is what is happening to kavanaugh

Because you side with the victim without looking at the evidence. Yes Ford had a bad experience. However she is a political activist out to get Kavanaugh and her planning of this started when Romney was possibly going to win. She has 0 evidence. Her crying was fake her trauma 35 years later is absurd.

I'm not siding with anyone. What I am doing is recognizing the difficulty in reliving a sexual assault in front of the entire nation while people like you attack her.

Attack her? I'm pointing out the truth. If telling the truth is an attack then you have a problem. The only person attacked is Kavanaugh. They have already done the statistics on the media coverage but you wouldn't know if you tune into tabloid news.

she is a political activist out to get Kavanaugh and her planning of this started when Romney was possibly going to win. She has 0 evidence.

If that's not an attack I'd love to see what you consider a compliment.

They are facts. Sorry if facts are too harsh.

Because I'm human...and I think you're a lying, manipulative, partisan driven person that deserves to be put through what he and his family are being put through if you think this circus resembles anything close to the process of confirming a supreme Court justice.

lying, manipulative, partisan driven person

Cute projection kiddo

I have and would gladly take half a million and more to share it on national television.

Yeah, that little detail was interesting for sure. Something seems very off with her.

That Jigsaw shit is creepy. I would not doubt one bit if she was involved in such things.

Cia from what I've seen so far.

She worked dod irs..

We may speculate about secret "projects" but a few things are out in the open:

  1. Brett Kavanaugh was part of the Kenneth Starr investigation of Bill Clinton and actually wrote the sexually explicit questions.

  2. Brett Kavanaugh, along with John Roberts, Jr., was part of the legal team that helped to stop the Florida vote count in 2000 so that the Supreme Court would install George W. Bush into the White House.

  3. Brett Kavanaugh was part of the GWB administration, closely involved with justifying torture (as was DJT appointee Gina Haspel), illegal spying and secret legal justifications, indefinite detention, and who knows what else since establishment Republicans blocked revealing the documents.

  4. Brett Kavanaugh used hacked Democratic emails to cheat on arguing for judicial nominations, and lied under oath repeatedly about it.

4 and 5 are blatantly misleading if not outright false.

Summary denials aside:

  1. Here is a non-partisan source on this one. It covers both the hacking and the lying aspects mentioned above.

  2. This one is common knowledge and even Brett Kavanaugh does not dispute it. It's his own words. The only implication is that he would protect Donald Trump. That follows necessarily: If BK would protect presidential powers, he would protect the person who has those powers.

I just want to point out that calling Common Dreams non-partisan is a serious stretch.

calling Common Dreams non-partisan is a serious stretch.

A stretch? That is the biggest joke in this thread. LMFAO

You should go make a post about it.

Good idea. I posted something yesterday and it wound up at zero last time I checked. :)

awww you poor thing

Cause it's bullshit

Your upvotes seem to eclipse everyone else today so maybe now is your time to shine!

Apparently, he doesn't get enough karma in his 44 submissions to /r/politics and /r/EnoughTrumpSpam. Might be just trying to diversify.

This whole thing is political theater, nothing more. None of this has any real meaning or affect on anyone's lives. Every problem could be solved tomorrow if everyone worked together, but you don't need to keep paying money towards solving a problem that has already been solved, do you?

How can people not see this.


This woman has been through something just don't think it was a Kavanaugh assault. She seemed nervous she was going to upset her lawyers. I know people look to their lawyers for advice but this was different imo. The male lawyer was visible annoyed with her at times.

When she was excused, a man behind her patted her on the head. That was peculiar.

Whew the more obvious partisan republicans attack Ford the more I believe her.

Gotta admit, a chill ran down my spine when you said that. Thought I was the only one who was "crazy" enough to consider that angle.

Using? No. I'd imagine the vast majority of therapists would be drastically unprepared for trauma based mind control victims. At least at the level we discuss on this sub.

That's like a car mechanic being asked to fix a nuclear reactor (analogies getting better!).

Do you have any places where I could get some CEUs in trauma-based mind control therapy?

I hope that you or someone in your family are falsely accused of sexual assault and are forced to live it on national television.

because that is what is happening to kavanaugh

I have and would gladly take half a million and more to share it on national television.

Because you side with the victim without looking at the evidence. Yes Ford had a bad experience. However she is a political activist out to get Kavanaugh and her planning of this started when Romney was possibly going to win. She has 0 evidence. Her crying was fake her trauma 35 years later is absurd.

Because I'm human...and I think you're a lying, manipulative, partisan driven person that deserves to be put through what he and his family are being put through if you think this circus resembles anything close to the process of confirming a supreme Court justice.

calling Common Dreams non-partisan is a serious stretch.

A stretch? That is the biggest joke in this thread. LMFAO