r/911Truth has been quarantined because "it may contain a high degree of misinformation." Admins direct users to the 9/11 Commission website instead.

1  2018-09-28 by CelineHagbard

Earlier today admin u/landoflobsters announced they are revamping the quarantine function. Apparently, the admins have decided that 9/11 is one of those "things that are either verifiable or falsifiable and not seriously up for debate".

This is the message you get if you visit r/911Truth:

This community is quarantined

It may contain a high degree of misinformation. If you are seeking historic information about the September 11 attacks, please visit the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (https://www.9-11commission.gov/).

Are you certain you want to continue?

That's correct. The admins are directing you to the investigation which, quoting James Corbett quoting members of the Commission itself, "was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest, and a cover up from start to finish."

It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to mention the existence of WTC7, Able Danger, Ptech, Sibel Edmonds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same time that those events were actually happening. It was lied to by the Pentagon, the CIA, the Bush Administration and as for Bush and Cheney…well, no one knows what they told it because they testified in secret, off the record, not under oath and behind closed doors. It didn’t bother to look at who funded the attacks because that question is of “little practical significance“. Still, the 9/11 Commission did brilliantly, answering all of the questions the public had (except most of the victims’ family members’ questions) and pinned blame on all the people responsible (although no one so much as lost their job), determining the attacks were “a failure of imagination” because “I don’t think anyone could envision flying airplanes into buildings ” except the Pentagon and FEMA and NORAD and the NRO.

--source: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory and shownotes.

I won't tell you what to think about 9/11, and couldn't begin to speak for all conspiracy theorists on a topic with probably more theories than theorists, but if you haven't given it a serious look before, or haven't thought about it for a while, I do think you owe it to yourself to give the official narrative a thorough consideration. The official narrative has clear holes in it, and no one conspiracy theorist has to be exactly right for the government's story to be wrong.

The aftermath of 9/11 and the anthrax attacks crippled the civil liberties of Americans and people around the world through the USA PATRIOT ACT, and wasted trillions of taxpayer dollars, tens of thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, and millions displaced in the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, war crimes whose ramifications are still felt in that region and around the globe today.

What the admins have done in quarantining, in soft-censoring r/911Truth, and worse in promoting the official narrative as the sole source of truth is truly Orwellian. Reddit, Inc. is a private corporation, and arguably has no Constitutional mandate to provide a platform for free speech, yet it goes against the very principles which made this the 8th most visited website in the world. I think Aaron Swartz would truly be ashamed on this day.


While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

On mobile, it shows that the sub is "removed or set to private" currently

Interesting. You on the official client or 3rd party?


yep, on the reddit is fun app i just get "error: private subreddit" when i try to enter any of the quarantined subs

I just use the URL.

When I try to go there on mobile it says.

“Sorry, you don’t have access to this”.

I think you can only access quarantined subs on desktop mode.

You need to log in on desktop and say ok to the quarantine.

Really? That’s fucking shitty of them

I was wrong, access them on your account via desktop, then you should be able to see them on mobile.

Okay. Thanks for the info!!

Still shitty.

Mine too! Can’t even view it

in the years to come, thats exactly what will happen.

Any person under 25 that I’ve chatted to concerning 9-11 is convinced that it was a government conspiracy set up to start a war and erode our freedoms.

When Bush started using the word "freedoms" instead of "freedom" in 2001, I knew things really were going to get as bad as they seemed they would when watching those fucking buildings collapse in on themselves the first time.


The triple negative is killing me here. Do you mean to say that people under 25 all believe on the mainstream narrative or not?

I think he meant most people under 25 believe it to be a hoax

Kids today are indoctrinated in the official story in their textbooks.

Doesn’t mean they believe it though.

I know my son sure doesn't he's a 13 year old scientist and believes in actual physics.

Actual physics doesn’t really concern whether 9/11 was US government influenced or not.

That part is obvious. Nobody else had the power to drill for this event, during the actual event.

Exactly. And I thought the above comments was referring specifically whether kids these days believe the narratove or not

Its only to limit SEO and prevent newcomers. "stopping the virus from spreading" to paraphrase Reddit.

Yes! People do think like that. It's like seeing someone arrested. Many presume that smoke must mean fire.

We are learning so much from the Chinese every day. Heck, even the old Soviet Union turned out to have so many practical lessons on how run a country and the fundamental nature of truth. We're lucky we didn't wander into serious trouble the way we ignorantly meandered around asking all kinds of awkward "questions" back in the day. Luckily, that is now over, and most major news organizations have become so much more efficient and streamlined nowadays they don't even have departments for "investigative journalism" anymore. When you think about it, it was such a wasteful duplication of resources....the government was already giving us all the answers, asking questions independently could only confuse the issue.

Our next big election will be free of all the questions, debate and thinking that clouded our last election so badly.

Maybe the intention is more focused on generation z.. keep them out of the loop so eventually they think us, slightly older or much older folk are looney and lost the plot.

No theyre trying to stop new people from learning.

The average person becomes a conspiracy theorist because they question one thing. Or because they discover something like the goverbment reaply did conduct mind control experiments or the nsa was really spying on us. Things the government have admitted to being true.

After that they begin wondering what else is bullshit.

By blocking the ability for new people to obtain information they are preventing further erosion of their power base.

It doesnt take long for someone to get from mkultra / biowarfare testing on american cities to 911 is b.s. to both parties are the same and its all a big play and theyre manufacturing division to stay in power.

Thats why its blocked. We are lost causes. We are never going back. But they can prevent us from spreading


That's how it shows on the app.

You have to actually go to the sub on the desktop version, and if your email is verified it will allow you to "continue to sub" or whatever and then at that point you should have access on the app.

The "Quarantine" effectively bans the subreddits for app only users. Which is surely intentional.

Makes sense. Mobile is going to be the key demographic for advertisers anyway, as desktop users (of this site at least) tend to skew tech-savvy, and I'd imagine most of us use ad-blockers to begin with.

Well not only is mobile the key demographic for advertising but it’s also the most used tool for web browsing now so “why not make it hard for them” is what I’m thinking

The fucking irony here is the 911 truth sub devoted a significant amount and time archiving,presenting and discussing the official story. It is obviously an important factor in making people understand the implication of 911 facts

And now you know why it must be suppressed.

Thanks to the US, Israeli and Saudi governments partnering with al-Qaeda in Syria, Libya and Yemen people have started waking up to what the war on terror was always really about. Its not a war on Islamic terrorists. Its all about control...….over us....We The People. They have used it all along to restrict civil liberties, tear away constitutional rights and incite fear so that weakminded souls fold up and conform so that a select few elite can rule over all of us...…..and now they have switched the enemy from Islamic jihadists to Russia while censoring and monitoring free speech, all under the ruse of protecting us from being bullied. It has become obvious that Eisenhower and Smedley Butler were both correct. War is a racket and the MIC is the greatest threat to humanity.

Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria


It's a repetition of history, really.

Solomon's temple was funded through back channels by Arabia and built by the Masons.

Israel wants to build the Third Temple and reinstitute "sacrifice" in some form (open to interpretation). U.S. was (is?) the go-between, and more.

I really hope there are backup plans or something for the history commons complete 911 timeline. That is nothing but a massive resource page for virtually any article related to 911.

Just looking at any of it with an open mind will immediately make any sane person question everything

If you use Firefox, Fennec or Focus (FFF) you can either choose to get an adblocker or one comes built in on Android and iOS.

I'm using the desktop version, and it is no longer in my list of subscriptions!

BTW, I just posted there for the first time last week.

You have to already be subscribed or it won't load at all in the mobile app.

Go to browser, go to URL bar, input address, "enter", enjoy sub.

Good lord, is this site (Reddit) really that Orwellian? This is pretty gross. In might have to just to jettison this shit.

Meet George Jettison!

And his sf boy elRon Hubbard!

Uh yeah Reddit is part of the media mongers

Dat username tho

Yes, all of us formerly of the obliterated "Queue" - a- nahn subs can attest to the gross. Gotta get creative with spelling just to mention some ideas...

See Big Brother Inc for truth ...... worker/consumer/diseased cattle.

Discouraging but it was to be expected. Another crackdown has begun. What will remain?

Seems pathetic and in desperation. They spend so much time censoring and deriding ideas not because the are dangerous to the people, but because they are dangerous to TPTB. A few dead here and there because of random psychoticism is nothing compared to the psychoticism of the ruling class and their conspiracy theories. Ideas like 9/11 skepticism are what they fear most; the unraveling of the grand deceptions.

Well said CH.

Like there’s some interesting stuff/people here but that shit is like fuck you. Seriously. I feel real wrong using this shit right now.

If anyone's interested, I can compile in this comment a chart of your best documentaries, sites, or resources. Just reply here and I'll be up for the next few hours to update it.

Comment to save a seat.


Check out the art student spy ring. Way back then this was to me the most credible article that something was seriously being hidden from the public.

I don't have the links handy, but the Alaskan university modeling analysis on WT7 falling...

Just found this. Just came across wikispooks that contains information about this topic. From the moment I saw the towers go down in real time, I’ve believed they were demolished. No doubt whatsoever. Are you still active under the quarantine? New to REDDIT.

I'm not affiliated with r/911Truth, but yes, my understanding is that the subreddit is still active.

In the electronic age, ignorance is a choice. Reddit is a subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance Publications, a privately held Jewish-American media company owned by the descendants of S.I. Newhouse Sr., Donald Newhouse and S.I. Newhouse Jr. They have a financial, political, and Zionist interest in promoting and defending the US Government's official 9/11 conspiracy theory of "19 bad guys with box cutters".

They Thought They Were Free - But Then It Was Too Late



Thermite produces a blinding white light. The towers did not light up like sparklers on the Fourth of July! 😁 If they found chocolate chip cookie 🍪 crumbs in the dust would that be the cause of destruction? 😁

Let me introduce you to Dr. J. Douglas Beason



New weapons and how they may change war subject of talk Thursday at Museum

Light-wave energy in the same spectrum of energy found in home appliances may soon be used in a new generation of weapons. On Thursday, the Laboratory’s Associate Director for Threat Reduction, Douglas Beason, will talk about America’s new directed energy weapons in a talk at the Laboratory’s Bradbury Science Museum.

The talk is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., and is free and open to the public. After the talk, Beason is scheduled to sign copies of his new book, “The E-Bomb: How America’s New Directed Energy Weapons will Change the Way Future Wars will be Fought,” at the Otowi Station Bookstore next to the museum.

Beason, who was named Los Alamos’ Threat Reduction Directorate (ADTR) leader in January, is a leading expert in directed energy research. At the talk, he will describe the development of a new generation of weapons that discharge light-wave energy. The technology that supplies the same spectrum of energy found in microwave ovens or television remote control devices is a revolution in weaponry, perhaps more profound than the atomic bomb. Beason will discuss these new weapons and answer the questions that everyone is asking: What is directed energy? How do these new weapons work? How lethal are they?

According to Beason, the first directed energy weapons are being tested now and their deployment is being planned for today's battlefields.


The E-Bomb: How America's New Directed-Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will be Fought

In science fiction, futuristic soldiers are often shown wielding light emitting weapons – Flash Gordon’s ray gun, Captain Kirk’s phaser, and Darth Vader’s light saber. Today, this imagined future of science fiction is on the road to reality. After more than two decades of research, the United States is on the verge of deploying a new generation of weapons that discharge light-wave energy, the same spectrum of energy found in your microwave or in your TV remote control. They're called "directed-energy weapons" – lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams – and they signal a revolution in weaponry, perhaps, more profound than the atomic bomb.


Those who control the energy control the people. But those who control their perception control everything.

The oil industry (leaded gas), tobacco industry (lung cancer), and more recently the NFL (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), have all spent millions and millions of dollars marginalizing scientific findings and the scientists that find them by way of "public relations" which is another word for propaganda. Lead in the food chain, carcinogens in the air, and brain damaged football players are all good for you, right?

What Sound?

The mass of each WTC tower was around 500,000 tons or 1,102,311,310.9 pounds.


Garbage trucks weigh around 33,000 pounds empty.


The destruction of each tower would equal the sound of 33,403 empty garbage trucks raining down. (a little over one quarter of all U.S. garbage trucks in service) That didn't happen. The towers were turned into dust in mid air never hitting the ground. Figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Both the super-duper thermite gang 👥 and the super-duper nuclear gang 👥 are covering up the lack of high heat 🔥 when a careful observation of ALL the evidence concludes that the destruction was cold molecular disassociation produced by a type of directed energy. There is also the CGI/Remote controlled plane coverup gangs 👥 – when it was actually image projection of some kind. There are also gangs 👥 that coverup both lack of high heat and image projection technology.


What high heat?

High heat is part of the government's official conspiracy theory and is as relevant as "19 bad guys with box cutters". Using water and dirt to quench cold molecular disassociation is not evidence of high heat.

High heat? Why hasn't the steam cooked these workmen alive? Why are the pressurized hydraulic hoses on the heavy equipment still working and not bursting under high heat?


Why is wet dirt fuming?


Steam? If this were steam, these workers would have been cooked. If this were as hot as a grill, these people would become something that looked more like a grilled-cheese sandwich. The hoses to their torches would melt and ignite the fuel.


On September 27, 2001, the four yellow dump trucks are heading south on West Street, toward the WTC complex. Each of the dump trucks carries a uniform load of what appears to be dirt.





A fallacy is an error in reasoning. This differs from a factual error, which is simply being wrong about the facts. To be more specific, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support. Decredentializing a highly qualified expert like Dr. Wood by appealing to spite, ridicule, or willful ignorance does nothing to support a valid argument. Also, an opinion and an Internet connection does not qualify someone as an expert in forensic engineering and science, nor nuclear physics, nor structural engineering, nor materials engineering science, nor engineering mechanics (applied physics). The empirical research Dr. Wood performed is a way of gaining knowledge by means of direct and indirect observation or experience, not by performing experiments. Steven Jones [Journal Of Nine Eleven Studies or J.O.N.E.S.] and Greg Jenkins used to ridicule Dr. Wood by claiming that it would take more than five times the world's energy to destroy the WTC towers. Does that mean their thermite came from off planet or "outer space"? LOL What experiments would Dr. Wood perform? What are the experiments for, to prove the buildings are still there or if the buildings are gone? Why not just look? No assumptions needed with empirical evidence! A forensic scientific investigation involves the collection and analysis of ALL of the evidence. Even though A&E911truth appeals to authority and popularity, a controlled group is not synonymous with evidence.


Those who want to cover up the evidence of what happen often falsely claim that Dr. Wood is talking about a specific weapon and a specific location of it (e.g. laser beam from outer space, or "spacebeams"). This disinformation campaign was initiated by Steven Jones on 11/11/2006 in a presentation he gave at the University of California, Berkeley [available here at timestamp 1:53:47

https://archive.org/details/liftingthefog_2006_11_11_session2 ],

telling his audience that "Judy Woods (Dr. Wood) says it's a laser or maser from space" while showing how difficult it is to hold his hand like a beam from space. Not only does Dr. Wood NOT SAY THAT, she actually RULES THAT OUT. The mechanism of destruction of a laser beam would be from heat and produce a bright and blinding light. But we know the buildings were not cooked to death. The term Directed Energy is used because energy is directed to do something different then it normally does and it is directed to do this within a certain geographic zone. [As a mental example, think of directing the binding energy of matter to repel instead of attract. A solid object would turn to atomic-sized dust. Direct this to happen within the WTC complex and not across the street.]

At the end of Chapter 20 in Dr. Wood's book, she explains why playing "name the weapon" game is counterproductive. Name dropping trendy terms is not synonymous with understanding. The easiest example is HAARP. The full capabilities are classified. But people often name-drop the trendy term to APPEAR to know something. A tongue-in-cheek definition of HAARP stands for High Amplitude Advancement of Real Propaganda. They are just substituting "HAARP" for "Bin Laden."

In Dr. Wood's book, the closest she comes to "naming a weapon" is merely describing what it creates: magnetic-electrogravitic-nuclear reactions (page 365). But as soon as someone starts talking about a name, people will stop looking at the evidence which is another form of a cover up.

I’m done. Peace be with everyone!

C'mon, hang in there.

Boo. Grow up and stand your ground.

This is a situation where "standing your ground" is actually not fighting back.

The best way to hit reddit and tell them this is not okay is for them to lose users.

Less users mean less lucrative advertisement deals, which is surely why they are doing all this in the first place.

Except for the fact that they want to drive people out of this Sub

Woah shits getting real..

Why can't we vote for subreddits to be banned if deemed necessary?

Remember 4 chan and the Mountain Dew saga? 4 chan and the Pitbull saga? 4 chan and Taylor Swift saga? Mass voting to change outcomes for the worst. It does not help when botnets are cleary using Reddit for their own nefarious needs. If you thought your vote mattered for politics it does not matter here.

Great point!

Yeah even the whole comment-voting system is utterly broken.

I want visible up/downvote counts on comments back!!!

Exactly. The initial beauty of Reddit was the idea that it was a perfect democracy in which people upvoted/downvoted things they liked and didn't like. These "things" were anything from pictures to ideas.

That concept has been hijacked and an artificial consensus-building has been put in its place. The karma score of anything can no longer be trusted, as the site is so heavily astroturfed with bots everywhere. At least 4Chan was overt and did it for the lulz. Here, there are site users who still believe that upvotes/downvotes are arbiters of reality when it's just a bunch of corporate interests seeking to manufacture consent.

I actually used RES to mask my karma score, because I noticed it began having a subtle chilling effect on what I'd comment. And that's largely the point of the deep-pocketed institutions using artifice to control the site.

More censorship, this is what they want.

Has anyone been paying attention to the exponential surge going on recently?

-infowars de-platforming -Alternative Influence Network report -Now this ...

The takeover is coming. Download DTube, make preparations. Shit is getting real.

fuck i wasnt even thinking that they might come for this one. its too big to fail... right??? :(((

When the Nazi's came for the slopes, I dodn't speak up because I was not a slope.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I hate that this has become cliche now

The original quote is about comnunists, not socialists. The Reagan administration changed it so it fit better for the time. Manipulation at it's finest.

When Pastor Niemöller was put in a concentration camp we wrote the year 1937; when the concentration camp was opened we wrote the year 1933, and the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers.

Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians - "should I be my brother's keeper?"

Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. - I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it's right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn't it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? -- Only then did the church as such take note. Then we started talking, until our voices were again silenced in public. Can we say, we aren't guilty/responsible? The persecution of the Jews, the way we treated the occupied countries, or the things in Greece, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia or in Holland, that were written in the newspapers

I believe, we Confessing-Church-Christians have every reason to say: mea culpa, mea culpa! We can talk ourselves out of it with the excuse that it would have cost me my head if I had spoken out.


How anti-semitic! Why do the Jews have to be last? Oh wait...never mind...it is arranged alphabetically...Political groups come before Religious groups.

Why do the Jews have to be last?


They came in second to last.

Oh ok...much better then.. smirks

Just create a history that makes you happy?

People that don't want to work hard should not kill off the hard working people

Clearly you take issue with the whole Nazi "Arbeit Macht Frei" idea, but beyond that you stretched the original joking comment into some parallel dimension. Try not to overthink it. ;)

It might be a little too big to quarantine, Streisand effect and whatnot. Also I'm pretty sure this place is heavily astroturfed anyway. Valuable to leave standing as controlled opposition? dunno

They spent the last 20 years labeling Alex Jones as a conspiracy theorist and they still shut him down. This sub is free game

That was the nice thing about books. You could burn them i guess, but the info was still there, unchanged through the years. Enter the internet, where wikis get revised every day, domains get closed, topics are blocked from searches, yadda yadda.

Yep the thought police are busy

Well lets see if some rumors of Trump's Twitter is going to be comprised soon. Then they will blame it on a rogue employee. It's like they think that we can not make up our own mind when deciphering information. If it is misinformation, then it should be evident that it is and its concepts will fall flat on its face if wrong. Problems solved. False information speaks for itself.

wow... 9/11 truth conversing is off limits now?

Shit's getting real... Most in the know predicted this would eventually happen... I thought once so much time passed that it wouldn't happen, but now it's ramped the fuck up.

Scary times.


Hard to control the narrative these says. Censorship is all that is left. Soon you will be judged by your karma

Pizzagate was Reddit’s first shutdown. Let that sink in..

Username checks out

Well, when you're encouraging altreich nutjobs to go shoot up a pizza place, the only right thing to do is to stop helping the violently insane become more violently insane.

For those who don’t know and weren’t actually there, r/pizzagate was about exposing the pedophilia ring within Washington DC’s elite. Not encouraging violence, but stopping it.

All based off the real-time research on the personas involved in Julian Assange’s Wikileaks release of John Podesta’s (Hillary’s campaign manager) emails.

Just google “John Podesta art” and see for yourself.. All those brazen sickos had public Insta profiles w pictures of tortured children, and terrible things going on! r/pizzagate was all about archiving these sicko’s social media accounts and exposing the slimy swamp. Human trafficking is such an important global issue that goes largely ignored.

Better yet use DuckDuckGo to search “James Alefantis Comet Ping Pong kill room”, click “images” tab on your search engine and look for yourself. James Alefantis is related to Rothschilds and bff w Tony and John Podesta. Anyways Mainstream media isn’t reporting on this, and then there’s down-voting shills like you painting a false depiction of r/pizzagate. Anyone can see and verify for themselves. Y’all are just butt hurt that you’re about to run out of andrenochrome and power. DRAIN THE SWAMP

Reddit shadowbans comments like mine to prevent people from learning the horrible truth. Techopolys can only rely on censorship and shadowbans until they’re held accountable for anti-trust violations by We The People. All these Silicon Valley hags addicted to baby blood. DISGUSTING!

All the quarantined subreddits are quarantined for being “highly offensive” while the ONLY subreddit quarantined for “misinformation” is 911truth..... super shady

Does anyone know how to access quarantined subs on mobile? There isn’t even a wall on mobile, it just looks like the sub doesn’t even exist - which defeats this whole ‘quarantine’ bogus.

I believe they said it will not show up in searches.

It should work if you type in the actual URL. Correct me if I'm wrong. I prefer to use desktop mode in my browser rather than use a mobile app.

You have to actually go to the desktop version of reddit, go to the sub, hit continue (if your email address is verified) and the you should be able to access quarantined subs.

It effectively bans the subs for app users. And I'm sure that was the intention.

It isn't only a ban, it's for tracking as well since they require a verified email.

With that said, I think a lot of the subs which effectively got banned are deplorable to begin with but I find censorship equally as abhorrent

I've already started using Tildes instead of Reddit but for some reason, I keep coming back here out of habit. If they continue down this path, I'm eventually going to change my local DNS to redirect Reddit to which ever platform I choose to use, instead.

I don't think it's a coincidence that this happened right after Reddit hired that person with ties to the Atlantic Council...

Considering the AC also scored the contract to keep Facebook free from fake news, I believe your suspicions are correct.

Well her LinkedIn says she's been with Reddit for over a year, so not exactly a recent hire. It was just recently discovered.

Just enough time to implement her agenda. This stuff doesn’t happen quickly. It takes months of planning, approvals, and having the power and authority to push these changes through to users. I bet you Steve and Alexis don’t even know or understand what’s happening or fully grasp the agendas that are being pushed below them by employees pushing their own agendas.

I can assure you this doesn’t help investors, increase ROI, or even make the site more advertising friendly. Policing wrong think about 9-11 and linking the flawed 9-11 commission report is a joke Orwell himself wasn’t even clever enough to come up with.

Whoever had the bright idea of linking to university websites and government reports should be fired. They’re now telling users what is and is not true. This changes Reddit’s entire legal standing as a content aggregation platform and turns them into a publisher who is liable for the content on their website. This could open up some seriously liability and legal action against Reddit. It doesn’t suit anyone other than those with an agenda to silence voices they don’t like.

Actually they will love this shit.

This changes Reddit’s entire legal standing as a content aggregation platform and turns them into a publisher who is liable for the content on their website. This could open up some seriously liability and legal action against Reddit. It doesn’t suit anyone other than those with an agenda to silence voices they don’t like.

Damn, this is potentially a very good point.

you still have to get a judge to go along with it. is there any precedent for this? how do yall think the conservative supreme court would rule if this was placed before them? id say that maybe its good to have the conservative supreme court, but goddamnit if im not a pessimist. i just cant see us winning here.

its like theyre using china as the overt hammer hitting the ppl over the head and silencing them, and then here in the US and EU, we have this subtle shit where stuff just gets "quarantined," "de-monetized," or "blacklisted."

its like theyre beta testing different ways to play the system: which one sorts out dissenters more easily? the ones that really scare the power are those that will still fight back and try to access this information after they make it really difficult. be it in china with the great firewall, or here in the states where you have to go to some other site.

and ill bet that theyre not even doing it to see which works better, theyre doing it to see which is cheaper lol.

like, i believe in the internet and that the smartest people will find a way to access/spread the truth. but will that reach enough ears to change things the way the internet has done with 9/11 or the federal reserve? once this stuff really gets online, will we be able to fight back as mediumly as we have in the past?

i mean, have we even really changed anything about the way the world works? sure, more ppl are awake, but the rich still get richer. the poor still get poorer. ppl still pointlessly die so that some asshole can make another 10 million dollars. the most fucked up part is that most ppl even know about that now. we just havent changed it.

what if the wild west of the internet was our best shot at dethroning the powers that shouldnt be, and weve squandered it. lost to the psyops of porn and cat videos, the ppl in power turned the internet on our Id. They realized that only the truly smart would see through this, but there werent enough of them to really change anything.

i just hope that im extra emo today, and this isnt the coming of the end. /endrant

I doubt /r/conspiracy will be around much longer...

Or it will stick around as a controlled opposition forum to gather users info so they know better who to Target. That's my worry. Retroactive use of FB/Reddit posts from years ago to slander people presently. Best thing we can do is download videos, articles etc that are damaging to the state and put them on a cold storage Hard drive. I went through a drive yesterday and forgot I had some videos in a folder to keep just in case. My silent fight. All the documentaries above I will be downloading and storing.

Propornot 2 — Setting Up the Atlantic Council for Lawsuits


Hahaha ok , it's actually misinformation to point people to official commission.

I laugh about the absurdity of this reality.

They are going to flop the IPO because of this.

Explain further, dear.

They will eventually alienate (the rest of) their base and lose their "cool site" or "edgy site" reputation.

No. People will still post opinions here. The wrong opinions just won't be allowed.

Yeah it's not going to suddenly die or anything, but Reddit could easily lose the 15?-35 demographic just like facebook has.

So I'd guess you are 35 then.

Yeah it's not going to suddenly die or anything

Remember MySpace, YTMND and ebaumsworld?

My 85 year old grandmother tells me Facebook is great!

That's fine. They'd prefer less ease in sharing info across counter narrative groups

polkadotgirl, is that you?!

: ) ; )

Hi! It’s good to see you again.

This should be on TIL (today I learned) with the title "… that either social media and the msm are doing a great job of saving me from lies and deception by scrubbing years of collaboration and investigation or they are pissing on the truth.

"Ask Reditt" if the content you are erasing is harmless conspiracy speculation, why not just let it be?"

Is this archived?


Doesn't scrubbing mean erased? Because nothings erased.

Soft scrubbing may be a better term. Or neutering.

It seems like all of my comments, submissions etc have been erased from me in the r/GA space. Erased from all citizens? I don't know. Is it sitting in memory somewhere, I say yes. The more info/data they have and the less I have, the better off they are.

Apologies if my terminology is off. Ludite here.

My 3rd party so says 403 forbidden

/r/fullcommunism is gone now too.

I enjoyed that subreddit. It was a tongue in cheek but straight faced subreddit dedicated to Stalin and old era communism.

Are we really back to being afraid of communism?

The powers that be are scared of socialism. The neoliberal democrats in power aren't socialists and are only positioning themselves as now as being more left leaning on certain issues in order to ride Bernie Sanders' coattails (popularity) and win at all costs against Trump and the Republicans.

America actually needs a little socialism, the more the better.

Totally. Politics shouldn't be about blanket applying one ideology and hoping it'll fit everyone. It should be about balance and right application. Currently in a lot of western society there's too much capitalism and not enough socialism, and of what we do have neither are being applied in a way that benefits the majority.

Why would you want to give the state more power? Seems absurd coming from someone that studies conspiracies.

I don't. Personally I'm more of an anarchist. I don't believe we need central governing bodies anymore. But that's beside the point that you seem to have missed.

You said we need more socialism. Not sure how you define it, but I take that as a centrally planned economy with the means of production controlled by the state. I'm an anarchist too, but of the capitalist variety.

People need to apply whatever ideologies and philosophies to their own lives where relevant to make the most for everyone instead of relying on the state to do everything for us.


You're a conspiracy theorist that wants to give the state even more power, autonomy, and authority? That's just bizarre my dude. I don't comprehend it. We should be trying to dismantle the state. No man should have any authority over you.

I'm an anarchist. What socialism would look like and how it would be implemented isn't and has never been agreed on because beyond the false left Democrat label you actually have real leftwing labels like Anarchists, Marxists, Marxist-Leninists, Trotskyists, Socialists, Communists, Anarcho-Communists, Communalists, and more and they have those labels because they don't agree on how socialism and economic control should be implemented.

You are coming at this from an uneducated angle where you just parrot what you've heard about socialism instead of studying it for yourself and what different groups want what.

Most socialists today and those on the real left want no system that looks even remotely like the USSR.

economic control should be implemented

Markets and freedom are better than top down centralization of an economy. History is the proof. Read Milton Freidmon, Ludwig von Mises and Thomas Sowell. Markets are the biggest reason why we have a comparatively free society today. Socialism is a religion, it's blind faith in government. Western Europe, crazy about socialism at a fundamental level, is falling apart culturally because of how insanely Marxist socialism is on a economic and social level. It doesn't even function without a large free market sector (see the Scandanavia brand of socialism). Now let's look at the progress Latin and south America has made with their socialist societies... crickets.... people in Venezuela are eating crickets right now.

Parrot what we've heard about socialism? Why not just look at history and contemporary politics? Socialism in all its forms are guided by Marxist philosophy with a post modern spin on it. People who can't, won't or don't know to compete in markets (social, professional, sexual, etc) tend to be attracted to belief systems that promises to give them things they don't know how to achieve on their own merit. Financial success, sexual success, social status, etc. If you're handsome, skilled, athletic and running a business or contributing something useful to society, I would be surprised. Of course I could be wrong but it's just a hunch.

The problem is that those in charge seem to find it too opportune to socialize things that should be private (what I do on my time ain't nonya business), and privatize things that should be of social value (stuff like healthcare, education, utilities/public services).

There's a balance to be struck (either ideology or economic model running rampant causes problems and injustice), but few countries seem to know how to do it the right way.

Good reply. Thanks. I also believe in balance.

great idea you god damn fucking idiot. boot licking retard. i hate you so much. fuck you and everyone else that wants the state to tell me what the fuck to do.

It's a shame. Continuous revolution communism hasn't really been tried (probably because it's not humanly possible).

Was it dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content? What % of posts would you estimate met this description?

/r/conspiracy is next. Mark my words.

This all started with Trumps popularising the words 'fake news'.

Could be, but honestly I put money on it still being unbanned/unquarantined 4 months from now, and I'd probably even say 6 months. (Past that is too hard to tell.) Taking down smaller, more niche subs will go unnoticed by most, whereas going after r/con would raise some eyebrows even among those who look down their noses at us 90% of the time. It would likely Streisand effect them to an extent.

The other thing is that from the Atlantic Council/CFR types' perspective, this sub does still act as a containment chamber of sorts. In all my time as mod, I don't think I've ever seen us take down posts for purely content reasons, other than doxx. Most of the manipulation happens through vote manipulation and forum spy techniques.

But why this sub is so useful to "the establishment" writ large is it presents almost a caricature of how thoughtful conspiracy theorists think. Because we are committed to a fairly high degree of free speech content wise, and because votes can be manipulated, we can be easily painted from the outside as whatever the insult du jour is: Trumpers, flat-earthers, Russian trolls, lizard people believers.

The position and reputation of this sub allows Stockholm syndrome sufferers to easily dismiss an entire category of anti-establishment thought with mere ridicule, rather than having to confront the nuanced discussion I see here all the time. IMO, that's too good an asset to them to give up, especially when the very banning of this sub would act as a vindication of so many of our claims.

Did he popularise it though? Seemed to spring up in the days after the Podesta email leaks.


The Wall Street Journal used it first and Trump picked up soon after, if I recall correctly. Each for supposedly opposite ends.

Why do I get the feeling these "quarantines" are a test of how people react to popular not-so-left leaning subs getting zapped, culminating with them finally getting rid of The_Don?

This is crazy. I read 1984 in 1984 in high school. Didn't really think I'd live it.

Next Up: Handmaid's Tale

We are in a perfect Venn Diagram of 1984 and Brave New World. Just replace "Soma" with "Social Media".

Fuckin nailed it right here!

SOMA: Socially Omnipotent Media Aggregated

Handmaid's Tale

This is happening in Turkey right now.

One could argue we were already living it long ago

Confident people don’t have to unmask themselves like this. Our Rights come from a Power that greatly supersedes theirs. They prove us correct with every single act of oppression.

Ha. This is the message currently being displayed on /r/theredpill ;

It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. For information on positive masculinity, please see the resources available at Stony Brook University's Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities (https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/csmm/index.php).

I wish I could find it, but I clearly remember npr talking almost one sided about the trp thing a month or so ago. I'm shocked that both of these ideas could be censor able as they aren't violent or intolerable. It all seems like it should be part of free discourse to me.

I feel like this is almost worse than the reddit/youtube crackdown on firearms a few months back.

This is a lot worse. But it is good that it is happening quicker. When it happens slowly people become more tolerant of the intolerable. See Nazi Germany.

Can't even access it on mobile

Full list of all subs quarantined today;

r/watchpeopledie (433,335 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

r/CringeAnarchy (376,225 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

r/theredpill (292,612 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. For information on positive masculinity, please see the resources available at Stony Brook University's Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities (https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/csmm/index.php).

r/Ice_Poseidon (110,459 subscribers) [r/Ice_Poseidon2 not banned] {admin message} It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

r/FULLCOMMUNISM (60,642 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. For historical information on communism, please see the resources available at the Project on the Reconciliation of European Histories (https://eureconciliation.eu/institutions-promoting-awareness-and-remembrance-of-communist-crimes/).

r/Braincels (41,090 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. For information on positive masculinity, please see the resources available at Stony Brook University's Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities (https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/csmm/index.php).

r/911truth (14,886 subscribers) It may contain a high degree of misinformation. If you are seeking historic information about the September 11 attacks, please visit the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (https://www.9-11commission.gov/).

r/WhiteBeauty (6,636 subscribers) [r/WomanOfColor not quarantined] It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/hearpeopledie (6,218 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

r/SubOfPeace (5,988 subscribers) {admin message} It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/fragilejewishredditor (3,174 subscribers) [r/fragilewhiteredditor not quarantined] {admin message} It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/WhiteNationalism (2,344 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/White_Pride (1,873 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/AganistGayMarriage (1,560 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

r/GentilesUnited (1,284 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/ZOG (885 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, there is hope. Visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/AmericanJewishPower (639 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/CringeChaos (603 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

r/NorthwestFront (551 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/GoyimDefenceForce (507 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/BritishJewishPower (76 subscribers) It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. If you are seeking to leave a hate group and don't know how, visit Life After Hate (https://www.lifeafterhate.org/exitusa) for help.

r/mayo_town (12 subscribers)

So just one banned because it might contain misinformation? r/news has plenty of misinformation!

r/mayo_town (12 subscribers)

that is a funny one, subscribed!

Whats is it may I ask? I canny see it

I want to know as well.

Weird. I wonder if they are getting pressure from advertisers to do this.

The advertiser ruse is simply that, just a ruse. The advertisers are the corporations who in turn are in bed with the government, same as the social media giants. All in bed together. Its simply a corporatocracy that monitors and silences those that speak out against it and expose its nefarious connections. The Atlantic Council is the thought police on Facebook. David Brock and Media Matters do have the info on everyone who uses Facebook, Twitter and You Tube. They share this information and hide behind the ruse of corporations right to do as they please.

Looks like I have some subscribing to do...

Yeah a lot of them really aren't a loss...

Yeah a lot of them really aren't a loss...

To you it may not be a loss, but a few of those subs have over 200,000 subscribers who would most likely state with you. It's actually pretty simple, if these subs offend you, don't go to them. There's no reason to Shadow ban subs at all, unless you're specifically trying to deter people from perhaps thinking differently,.

But r/imgoingtohellforthis stands?

One of these things is not like the others

Holy fuck.

I just really hope this sub does not get an influx of antisemitic/racist/white power posts that would be used to take r/conspiracy down too.

Lord knows you actually stop racism by making them have to hide. I know a lot of people like to blame trump for increased racism in the US, but in reality, those people were always there. They were simply hidden. I’d rather it come out so it can be better dealt with. The ability to be vocal (whether good or bad) does create a transparency that at least makes things easier to address/understand.

Anyone notice- the AMA today with reddit CEO, a question was asked about the quarantine subs- and how one didn’t fit with the rest- and apparently that one was r/watchpeopledie according to the commenter -of which the ceo responded and I was amazed nobody questioned why 9/11truth was quarantined and didn’t fit into either category he said was the reason for the new quarantines.

I have but now he’s already gone.

What the. Is that why i didnt see any watchpeopledie posts on my frontpage today. Man im surprised this sub is still up.

I was there when the 911 plot was hatched

I recorded in my blog on facebook, 'secret of secrets: the mkultra cult'

St. Petersburg Florida, 1988

Did you participate in the hatching?

Inadvertently. That was scientology's doing, with DIA.

r/conspiracy is next

Can we agree on a new site(s) to jettison the escape ?

Reddit decay is accellerating.

no idea where to go...


I've got 5 invites. Who wants one?

Could I have one seems interesting and if we do need a place to escape to I’ll be one step ahead thanks to you

PM from me your default account. I'm not giving invites to burners/new accounts.


What is it about?


Sad that the powers that be are cracking down on freedom of information. Sobering precedent.

The end over here at plebbit has been a long time coming, it's only a matter of time before this sub gets the same treatment.

Unreal. I frequent r/911truth quite often and I see more disinfo on this sub than 911truth.

It really is quite a shame.

probably why they are keeping this around for now. Flooding a sub with disinfo works almost as well as censorship

I see more disinfo on this sub than 911truth.

All things considered, I think you're probably right. Partly a matter of how much broader the focus is here, how many more eyeballs there are for propagandists of every stripe, and how much of the 9/11 material has been gone over. This sub deals with a lot more breaking and developing stories as they happen, and the political incentives are much greater and more relevant here.

As long as it's pro republican disinformation reddit is fine with it. Just look at r/the_retard calling for murder, praising neo nazis and all the usual shit. Remember the republicans have the money, not you filthy little peasants.


 “He who controls the past controls the future.  
  He who controls the present controls the past.”  
 George Orwell, "1984"  

Sue them to prove it.


U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences.

If anyone's interesting in contacting reddit admins about this: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Freddit.com

  • Thomas H. Kean, Chairman of the 9/11 Commission: "FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue... We, to this day, don't know why NORAD told us what they told us... It was just so far from the truth."

  • 9/11 Commissioner Lee Hamilton: "We got started late; We had very short time. We did not have enough money. We had a lot of people strongly opposed to what we did. We had a lot of trouble getting access to documents and to people. So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail"

  • Bob Kerrey, the former senator and a member of the 9/11 Commission, told 60 Minutes recently. “In general, the 9/11 Commission did not get every single detail of the conspiracy. We didn’t. We didn’t have the time, we didn’t have the resources. We certainly didn’t pursue the entire...”

  • “At some level of the government, at some point in time… there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened… I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described… The tapes told a radically different story” ~ John Farmer, Senior Counsel to the 9-11 Commission

Excellent and pertinent quotes, by the people who would know a thing or two. Thanks, man!


I’ll just add to this, watch the Frontline documentary on FBI agent John O’ Neil for some further eye openers straight from mainstream sources.

Also, that Savant artist whose work was featured in the Smithsonian who put it all together ahead of time with actual graphs and diagrams. The FBI came and grabbed his shit real quick!

Both Kean's and Farmer's comments were related not to the attack, but to communication with the public and the Commission. They have nothing to do with a vast government-run conspiracy to commit the attacks, which is a conclusion that people reading your post may reach.

In Farmer's book, The Ground Truth, we get the full text of that quote from Farmer. There's a good review from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

The truth about what happened, Farmer says, is that as hijackers rammed jetliners into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania farm field, nobody at the operational level of government had a handle on what was happening.

Hijacked airliners were misidentified. Their locations were wildly misstated. The word from the leadership level — for example, Vice President Dick Cheney's green light to shoot down hijacked planes — never got put into effect at the cockpit level.

Even so, Farmer writes, the official accounts after 9/11 put a gloss of knowledge and competence onto such agencies as the Defense Department, which is supposed to guard the nation's airspace, and the Federal Aviation Administration, which is supposed to control the nation's airspace.

Farmer suspects not only bureaucratic butt-covering but also some unseemly backstage conniving to coordinate bureaucratic alibis.

As far as Kean goes, your linked article covers that same information, that NORAD and FAA overstated their capabilities and readiness and reaction to the attacks on the day of, and lied to the commission and the public about what their responses were.

Kerrey's comment is related to the Saudi funding of the attackers; again, not related to any American involvement.

Lee Hamilton's entire quote, which comes from an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Company, should not be taken to mean that he thinks the Commission was designed to fail, but instead that he thought that there were a lot of reasons why Hamilton and Kean, the co-chairs, would have failed. Hamilton believes that the conclusions the 9/11 Commission reached were the right ones, and he says as much in that interview.

This is one of the examples of the problems with the 9/11 conspiracy community. If they don't want to be accused of "misinformation", don't use quotes out of context. Don't use half truths. Don't ignore explanations and evidence that don't fit the conspiracy theory. Then build a coherent theory that stands up to scrutiny.

Most conspiracy theories fall flat when one takes entire swaths of information as they were intended, honestly.

mainstream news has a high degree of misinformation better quarantine that too

I mean it is called 911 "Truth"

I can see this being a misjudgment in naming the sub that would allow them to lock it down.

Why not just rename the sub?

That sub is over 10 years old. It's older than this sub. Quarantining it effectively hides over a decade of content and research from the users of this sub, and making a new sub would do nothing to stop that.

But furthermore, there's no misjudgment in the name. The 9/11 Truth movement, at least the more sober-minded individuals who comprise it, are not making the claim that we know the whole truth, but that we want to know the truth of what happened.

Don't believe. Know!

The best part is reddit thinks everything the government says is truth. Lmao have they even looked at declassified files saying the direct opposite and subversive activities they do and have done? I think conspiracy theories are needed to help the people, because government sure doesnt like telling the actual truth on things.

There will be a reckoning one day...the uprising will be just.

"verifiable or falsifiable and not really up for a debate"

Oh. You mean like gravity? This person doesn't even know what "theory" actually means.

A person can be smart. People are stupid.

and it begins...

Lol they want us to believe the 9/11 commission isn’t misinformation

But yet r/politics is the biggest misinformation site on this platform.

Now, Reddit is another community wherein participating in commercial society becomes increasingly more important relative to "civil society". Cognitive dissonance threatens consumer confidence. The inclusion of 9/11truth with the quarantine of sites that cater to curiosity about snuff and racist content alone merits objection. Guilt by association implied here indicates the extent to which powerful people are afraid of the credibility gap.

I just made a request to /r/apolloapp to allow viewing of quarantined subs, which should make it is easier for mobile users to access censored content. I used /r/911Truth as an example and was quickly told by a someone in the comments that that particular sub claims 9-11 is a hoax. I’m hoping they really meant “false flag” but didn’t want to correct them as that’s not the proper forum to have such discussions.

I haven't seen anything either way, but I think it might not be possible for a 3rd party app to allow that, at least automatically. There doesn't appear to be an API endpoint.

One thing they could do is if a user tries to view a quarantined sub is open a browser window and let the user agree to view it from the desktop site. My understanding is once you click through on desktop, you can view it on mobile.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

This is why I do all I can to teach today's young people about the official 9/11 conspiracy theory story being a despicable lie.

"Quarantine". They're directly saying that they're attempting to stop the information from this subreddit from spreading. Wow. So bold.

(Not that /r/911truth isn't an AE911Truth limited hangout disinfo subreddit, but still..)

I can't get access to it at all.

I'm not being allowed access to that sub Reddit at all, it says I don't have permission.

You probably have to log in to the desktop site, first, then you should be able to log in through mobile.

Has it been banned?




Nice write up CH. Well said and sourced.

Thank you for your time compiling all the sources in the biggest sham in history.

It is so sad just how out of touch those who quarantined that sub really are. On one hand the admins. are fighting to keep reddit free of hate speech and misinformation and on the other are censoring political beliefs which they don't agree with.

There is not one person who has informed themselves on 911 that truly believes in their soul that day wasn't pre-planned and executed for a re-set of our human rights.

In the time the TSA was implemented they have stopped zero terrorist attacks...

more of them have been arrested then they have stopped for nefarious reasons.

Its really pointless to go on as you can't change a zebras stripes.

Peace to you all.

Name checks out

What none of you wants to admit, is there are over 1 billion Muslims and over 50% of that 1 billion have no problem with hanging gays, and stoning to death women and young girls who are raped. And the other 50% openly endorse it. They would wipe out all history that is not Islamic, all books, all music, all art, all architecture, all poetry.


The 9/11 false flag was a necessary evil.

A few thousand dead, to get us into the middle east to fight the 1 billion person stone age child raping barbarian horde.

And you know it to be true.

In the dark places you hate to go, the scared recesses of your mind beyond the marxist "refugees welcome" signs, lies the dormant apex predator of man, fueled by an Islamo fascist system of law, government and religious ideology called Islam carrying a Kalashnikov and wearing a TNTP nail bomb suicide vest outside a little girls Ariana Grande slut concert.




The bitch is back in heat. And the towers needed to drop to kick some sense into the comfortable, beer drinking, football watching, McDonald's eating, Walmart consuming, porn jerking, tobacco chewing, American war machine.


Not all of us advanced. Many billions of humans never advanced forward with us when we pushed. Hell, a billion people in India are openly defecating, shitting in the streets and in the fields and rivers because they literally have a superstitious belief in a "toilet witch". A far cry from the Romans inventing plumbing and sewage systems 2,000 years ago.


Americans are the only fucking thing keeping this planet from wiping itself out, or being enslaved and raped into submission. And that should scare you, because we literally have to kill thousands of our own people to convince us to get up off our asses and save the world once again. Lord knows it might take a nuke on a major U.S. city for the next one to motivate us.


Maybe we can have a war on street shitting, and invade India and help those poor fuckers get some shit tickets.








A list of the years that the US of A hasn't been at war with some poor fuckers since 1776;-










32 years in 242 years of existence - God Bless America

"Some poor fucker"

Yeah because fighting and attempting to stop the the Communists from raping, torturing, robbing, enslaving, murdering and dumping into mass graves all non communists was such a horrible evil thing to do!


Those poor innocent National Socialist from Germany in WW2 just wanted to make friends with Europe!


Why did we interfere and stop the nice friendly Japanese from kidnapping Korean comfort women and raping Nanking?


You must be the biggest numale soy drinking cuck beta to ever live. Go prep a bull. Leftists like you are why capitalists invented the helicopter.







Every war a just war with good ole God on your side, God bless America.

God is on the side with the MOAB's.

You didn't know?

God was on the side of the Germans. God was on the side of soldiers of Jihad. God was on the side of the North Vietnamese. And, God was also on the side of the Americans, through every conflict.

God has also blessed on global manufacturing that aids war.

God loves war. And, the people love Zeus.

> from raping, torturing, robbing, enslaving, murdering and dumping into mass graves


this is what the PNAC imperialists are doing. They call spreading democracy.

This is pretty sick if you are serious.

It no longer shows up as one of my subreddits. Anyone else experiencing that?

who said it has to contain truth anyway .. when did reddit become the thought police

Ever since the communist China-aligned big tech companies declared that conspiracy theories are hate speech.

It “may” not too

911 videoes on YT are getting harder to find as well. Remember to keep copies of crucial videos on your own harddisk. For the sake of your children.

That's creepy as hell. State propaganda wants you thinking they never do anything wrong.

I can't find answers to these questions on that site, (appreciate if anyone can point me to them):

1) I'm not a materials expert, so how were people being blown ~100 feet out of the windows of the building, long after the initial plane explosion?

2) How come there was no investigation into the Saudi Arabian government? Specifically, how come the 9/11 Commission found no evidence of SA's involvement as an institution without any investigation into them directly despite several of their nationals obviously being involved, and then how was the victims' family's lawsuit bill against the SA government for an investigation then given such wide bipartisan support if there was no prior evidence to support the bill? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/09/27/senate-poised-to-vote-to-override-obamas-veto-of-911-bill/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5a0d19bda35d

Any links to official expert answers or even AMA's specifically on these questions anywhere would be greatly appreciated.

What group/religion would view the Truth as a sickness that would need to be quarantined for their own “health”? (I’m not thinking of the group/religion you probably think I’m thinking of.)

How long before we're quarantined here? No way we're making it through the next Presidential election. Or if we do, I'll be very disappointed in our ability to make people think.

You either comply with the official narrative or you're labelled as "crazy"

How come I can’t find another sub talking about this?

Funneling opinion. Censorship.

It's so great that Reddit has done this. It's a purifying exercise for the brain and intellect. Bravo!

WTF. Reddit has sold out completely.

Everyone is getting down voted.

Whoevers lips are being bent should wise up and spit it out at any consequence. Jail time would be a cakewalk compared to what might happen if there is a true conspiracy behind all of this.

If there is nothing to hide then carry on chasing your fishing hook with a dollar bill attached to it.

Probably for the best. I mean, the 9/11 Commission Report isn’t the most logical of reads, but it certainly makes more sense than most conspiracy theories on the subject.

I mean, the 9/11 Commission Report isn’t the most logical of reads, but it certainly makes more sense than most conspiracy theories on the subject.

Let's say you're right, that it is more logical than most conspiracy theories on the topic (leaving aside that the 9/11 Commission Report does describe a conspiracy theory). So what? That still leaves room for some alternative theories being more logical.

But even if we posit that the 9/11 Commission Report is more logical than all alternative theories, should Reddit really be putting itself in the position to make that determination for all of its users?

Does the possibility that some users could be misled outweigh the benefits of free inquiry? (I'm not making a point about legality or constitutionality — Reddit, Inc. has the right — but of social utility)

If ever there was a post that should be permanently stickied on this sub, this is it.

Remember this: the truth fears no investigation...

some of these foundations funding censorship are tax exempt?

should billionaires be able to influence society in this way at all, let alone through tax exemption?

I don't agree with this at all, but they are half right that the 9/11 truth movement is full of misinformation and has been coopted with idiots, useful idiots to the government who distract from the real 9/11 truth movement with their bullshit. I've never seen any of the 9/11 truthers on Alex Jones talk about the dancing Israelis, probably because Alex Jones is a CIA shill piece of shit.

Or watch my film series AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH

Post saved. Thanks.

ss: coopers key expose of the illuminti orders of the orient and west being one and the same controlling globalist communism today with focus on afghani sufi roshaniya and the jesuit templar orders

well isn't that special

This is crazy.

This is so fucking disgusting and wrong on so many levels, especially in the context of the destruction of free speech on Reddit as of late (except left wing liberal idealogies of course ).

Wow. Fuck reddit. That's a shame. What's even worse is that so many people are braindead zombies that this business model actually works.

I think it's almost becoming time to leave reddit behind. I can see the direction it's going.

I'd say that's their goal, or at least one of them. If all the 9/11 Truthers (or pick whatever theory you research), just leave, it becomes that much easier to manufacture consent on the platform.

Thursday cynical side of me bets many people reading these posts will move on and still continue to use this platform. People are way too jaded at this point to stop. News is so fleeting people will find something else to be outraged about and forget this ever happened.

Or I could be completely wrong. Maybe I should go back to 4chan.

r/911Truth was always a tmor trap.

You didn't actually think Reddit was anything more than that did you? This place went downhill when they killed alex and installed the Chinese women to get rid of all the people who they considered undesirable. then she quit, but they left all the bullshit she set up intact and in place and the other admins just acquiesced because for fucks sake it's just a website right?

Controlling the narrative is extremely important to the greedy fuckers. They buy governments and usurp any free speech sites and pretend that they are still extant.

More than what? Sure, it's practices are scum, but it's still the modern public square in many respects. If you're looking for unadulterated truth, reddit is not what I'd recommend, but if you're looking to spread the word about the very real conspiracies, reddit is still one of the largest communal gathering spots on the net.

well piss in my ass and call me sally

If you're not getting censored or shut down completely you're not accomplishing much.

The devil is in the timing of this action...


There is no way this is random. Some news must've gotten out and they squashed it as usually goes on reddit. The response is purely MO.

9/11 truth is lumped in with flat earth. I don't know what's going on. I think we've moved so far past that day that it's almost a mythological event in a lot of people's minds, young people, and people that don't think about it that much. But I remember the feel of society like it was yesterday. I remember the lies on television from 9/11 through the Iraq war.

Put it this way. I wasn't a conspiracy theorist untill 9/11 happened. I was twenty when it went down, and nothing about anything was adding up. Not about 9/11, and certainly about the Iraq war.

But I think we're too far removed from the event to ever get the truth, and consequently, I don't think the monsters that perpatrated this atrocity will ever see justice. Which means that we've lost.

Although the majority of the populace has "moved on", there is a lot of significant information that we have now that will remain. If we choose a paradigm of seeking out the truth as opposed to finding who was responsible, we can assimilate that into our way of life as honest and intelligent people. Then we haven't lost regardless of what we find.

9/11 is still killing people. First Repsonders and office workers are still dying from cancer and other horribly fucked up diseases, suffering incredibly painful, slow deaths that their loved ones can only watch in horror, directly due to 9/11.

Does anyone have any alternative sites to migrate to for truth? Reddit is done and the fact that this sub remains makes me think a lot of the stuff here is meant to be here as disinfo

Hot damn.

"The shitty irrelevant editorial page of the shameless partisan rag" of the Internet.

I don't think reddit is irrelevant. It's now what, the 8th biggest website worldwide according to alexa? Partisan maybe, but not irrelevant, and the people that use it tend to be more tech-savvy and influential than Facebook (on average).

Shameless? Yes. But we should not confuse that with irrelevance.

valid point, I meant "irrelevant" in its Orwellian practices (the campus socialists monthly newsletter editorial page being irrelevant... which is quickly where reddit is heading it seems)

I agree with you that some at Reddit are attempting to move 911truth out of the conversation, but it doesn't look like a partisan item more than it's about defense, finance, banking. It greenlit everyones' agenda.

It's a minor disagreement, but in this time of hyperpartisanship, the incorrectness of the official story is something everyone can get behind.

Misinformation = hatespeech

Fuck Reddit. Why are we here?

I don’t know if it’s been said yet, but when you do a google search for any sub, that sub is the first result on google. I searched for r/911truth and that sub has vanished from google search. The first result is a wiki page for the 911 truth movement. You can also see links of people talking about the 911truth sub being quarantined, but you can’t actually get access to the sub. The only way I’ve been able to get into that sub, is a direct link from this post.

I don’t know if it’s been said yet, but when you do a google search for any sub, that sub is the first result on google. I searched for r/911truth and that sub has vanished from google search. The first result is a wiki page for the 911 truth movement. You can also see links of people talking about the 911truth sub being quarantined, but you can’t actually get access to the sub. The only way I’ve been able to get into that sub, is a direct link from this post.

Same if you google reddit conspiracy.

This is creepy af, however in the long run it won't help them.

This 'quarantine' means, and will increasingly be understood to mean, that the bad think topics are legitimate.

They don't fear dissemination of wrong theories. Wrong theories aren't compelling and will usually be discounted by the person researching the topic for themselves.

What they fear is dissemination of the truth. The truth has a pesky quality of being much harder to not believe.

You will never see alien conspiracy theories 'quarantined'. You will never see conspiracy theories about demonic possession of the ruling elite 'quarantined'.

These sorts of theories are silly theories (although fun) that anyone who thinks about it will conclude are just that, silly.

What they want to shut down is the truth, or people closing in on the truth. What they want to shut down is anyone questioning the lies. Which in the case of 9/11 the official story certainly is, even though we may not know the truth of what did happen yet, we know the untruth of the official lie.

They don't fear conspiracy theories unless they are on on to something.

You know you are over the target when you are getting flak.

How does this stickied 6 day old post barely break 1k upvotes?

AE911Truth - Live Webinar WTC7 Part 1 - Oct 4th - 4pm ET (TODAY!)

9/11: An Architect’s Guide | Part 1 - World Trade Center 7

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is an AIA CES-approved provider of continuing education for architects.
In Part 1 of “9/11: An Architect’s Guide,” Richard Gage, AIA, provides an overview of the most important evidence regarding the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7), a 47-story high-rise that was not struck by an airplane.




Part of https://www.ae911truth.org/continuing-ed

Past videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/ae911truth/videos

I know things happen and what not but as professionals in an AIA capacity, which pretty much makes or brakes an aspiring architect, they should not have these difficulties in tech during their live feeds. Besides that I think they cover very well why the public story is not just filled with holes but also completely false and fabricated. Good stuff, sadly I can't get my architect credit because it isn't approved by some higher up in the organization. Oh well.

Nice to see the admins doing a good job for once

Jews did 9/11

What's that?

Yous sehs yous did 9/11s?

Errybody get this guy! He did 9/11s!

You can lead a horse to water, but it better not have fluoride in it.

The Reddit Admins are all-knowing and wise. They have carefully read everything ever written on 9/11 and are experts on what constitutes misinformation. Their determination is infallible and there was zero influence upon their investigation stemming from a need to impress paying advertisers. When these anonymous admins have spoken it is irrational to think any unapproved thoughts in conflict with the Admins.

All Glory and Praise to the omniscient Admins !


One argument that keeps showing in relation to censorship is that if the platform of communication is privately owned (Reddit, FB, YT, Twitter etc.) we can’t do anything.

Question: which alternatives are there really to privalely owned communication platforms where censorship is not an issue?

I used too say and think that 9/11 was not seriously debated and it was easily verifiable... Until I looked into it.

Boycott reddit, go to voat

Can we get a new sticky? What happened to. Documentary of the week or whatever?

C'mon, hang in there.

I believe they said it will not show up in searches.

It should work if you type in the actual URL. Correct me if I'm wrong. I prefer to use desktop mode in my browser rather than use a mobile app.

Explain further, dear.

Boo. Grow up and stand your ground.

You have to actually go to the desktop version of reddit, go to the sub, hit continue (if your email address is verified) and the you should be able to access quarantined subs.

It effectively bans the subs for app users. And I'm sure that was the intention.

Can we agree on a new site(s) to jettison the escape ?

Reddit decay is accellerating.

Fuckin nailed it right here!

God is on the side with the MOAB's.

valid point, I meant "irrelevant" in its Orwellian practices (the campus socialists monthly newsletter editorial page being irrelevant... which is quickly where reddit is heading it seems)

SOMA: Socially Omnipotent Media Aggregated

When Pastor Niemöller was put in a concentration camp we wrote the year 1937; when the concentration camp was opened we wrote the year 1933, and the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers.

Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians - "should I be my brother's keeper?"

Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. - I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it's right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn't it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? -- Only then did the church as such take note. Then we started talking, until our voices were again silenced in public. Can we say, we aren't guilty/responsible? The persecution of the Jews, the way we treated the occupied countries, or the things in Greece, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia or in Holland, that were written in the newspapers

I believe, we Confessing-Church-Christians have every reason to say: mea culpa, mea culpa! We can talk ourselves out of it with the excuse that it would have cost me my head if I had spoken out.