How to tell the real conspiracy theorists from the posers.

1  2018-09-28 by AIsuicide

If I thought Kavanaugh did all this shit...and I saw that he not only kept calendars of practically everything he did since he was 14...and then..."KEPT" all the calendars..

I would be thinking...fuck, that's some fuckin brilliant diabolical stuff....he's got alibis up the ying yang.

Haven't heard a peep from all you "conspiracy theorists". Because your minds don't work that way...plain and simple.

It's either that, or your all rookie newbs who have a long ways to go in understanding what humans are capable of.

Can't wait for the meme of his calender where he wrote "didn't sexually assault anyone today" on all the days of the calendar...and one day has a big X across it.





Hm, that word shares too many letters with my name for my liking.

I'm sorry, what was your point?

What’s the point of posting info without any links or proof but going on to insult other users? You’re lame.

Its your

you even can't troll good

Drunk douche trolling?


The Kavanaugh story is most definitely bait to keep people talking about something and you ate it up hook line and sinker my friend. I’m honestly more interested in what is really going on than some story about another corrupt politician. These kinds of stories are made to be edgy and a talking point for the masses. Politics are just a distraction imo

Disagree...I think I'm paying attention.

If things keep going the way they're won't be allowed to have an opinion soon enough.

I don't think I'm the one who needs to wake up.

you rely too much on your own inflated ego and imagined intelligence, try using another reference you can't demand respect from anyone if you have none to start with.

Beware they are working hard to redirect your attention/outrage towards futile and ephemeral issues.

This "Kavanaugh" story is nonsensical. So-called "judges" on the so-called "supreme court" are handpicked years in advance. They kill, retire and nominate who the hell they want.

On an unrelated note, how many judges on the SCOTUS are Jewish? I've been wondering.

Cheers mate. Turn off your TV.

If you can’t understand why two party politics and major media agencies are a trap then you are indeed still asleep man

What are you going to do now...slow walk me into socialism?

Who said anything about socialism?

You seem like a very confused individual that wants to think critically, but instead you’re stuck inside these scripted talking points that have been provided for you. You’re obviously missing the point here

Wow, I used to like your content. You sound a lot like someone else tonight.

I happen to think that many conspiracy users are above partisan, divisive political theatrics. My advice to you: Turn off the TV!

i dont care about politics.

Here’s what really happened in the Kavanaugh hearings:

Democrats lost the 2016 election again.

Feinstein was this year’s Hillary.

Feinstein and her fellow radical liberals, thought they had this thing in the bag. They could not lose this fight. They were certain that they were cruising for an easy win.

THEN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !

Trump struck again....

Err.... sorry....

Trump’s man struck and democrats took it up their ASSets again!

Feinstein .... Hillary.... LOSERS!

2016 all over again. This fight was about denying Trump a win for his SCOTUS nominee.

Well if we dig into your attic or basement I’m pretty sure we’d find a yearbook or two maybe a calendar certainly artifacts of your past

no probably just dust, unopened books and a dead cat

He used his calendars as sort of a journal. He kept them because why wouldn’t he if he was using them as such.

People who keep a diary or journal are just doing so to establish alibis ?

quite the ego peacock you got going you're fooling yourself if you don't realize your the only person in this circlejerk you got going.

Who cares who he fucked or if he was drunk as a teen? Who the fuck wasn't drunk at college age? She should have made a case back then. You Americans are ridiculous, this is all theater for the masses to keep you distracted. It was the same shit with Bill Clinton, so he fucked an intern, who the fuck cares? If the French president doesn't fuck at least 3 interns in the first 2 months in office then something is not right!

If he doesn't get in then someone else gets in who will also overturn Roe vs. Wade. Deep state will orchestrate whatever it wants at this point, this is all theater.

Eh, you don't get to be a Supreme Court nom without being dirty. Dirtier the better, actually. I don't believe for a second that Kavanaugh is clean as a whistle.

I just question why his dirt is being outed right now, and what faction wants him out. Is it a dog-and-pony show knowing he'll get confirmed, at which point it's a, "we have the actual videotapes if you don't vote our way"-deal?

I was wondering why he had that calendar. It was just weird to have a mundane calendar from a bajillion years ago when you’re his age. Your idea makes sense. Do you think he wrote the calendar now or did he keep the actual calendar from way back then in anticipation of something like this happening?

His father was a lawyer who saw many people screwed.