Has anyone experienced "shadow people" or know someone who has?

1  2018-09-28 by Daryatash

Shadow people (also known as Shadow men, shadow folk, or shadow beings) are said to be shadow like creatures of supernatural origin that appear as dark forms in the peripheries of people's vision and disintegrate, or move between walls, when noticed.

-A creature/s in an alternate reality whose dimension occasionally overlaps with ours, allowing it to be partially visible.

-A Manifest Thoughtform (egregore), ghost or demon created by negative psychic energy and related to a places or event in which extreme emotional or physical stress/trauma has taken place.

-A creature in some way linked to Grey and Reptilian aliens

-An unattended shadow or shade (mythology), said in some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost, a flicker of a life unable to end for some reason.

Electromagnetic Fields

Under the right conditions, electromagnetic fields can interfere with the functions of the temporal lobe; creating altered states of perception in which auditory and visual hallucinations can occur.

Using electromagnetic fields, researches have been able to recreate many of the experiences reported during paranormal encounters under laboratory conditions, including those of shadow people. Researchers have also documented correlations between variances in naturally-occurring magnetic fields and areas where paranormal events have been reported.


I understand this post might be better for /paranormal but I feel it's a common sighting worth discussing. Any interesting info on them?


Do some dmt

said someone with NO actual experience with DMT.

Meh, I do dmt a lot. It was just a joke tbh. Regarding the dmt entities.

Hard to mix them up with shadow people. I've smoked DMT quite a few times and Ayahuasca more than a few times also, have to admit only shared space with them when on Ayahuasca.

I've never done ayahuasca but I would like to. Thinking about making an analogue with Syrian rue and mimosa hostilis but I'm worried that it might be scary without a shaman. But then again I'm an experienced tripper so I feel like I could figure it out.

But yeah it was only jokes

I'm a little touchy when I think someone is spreading BS about DMT.

I've done it once in a shamanic setting since then I've traveled twice alone and introduced a few friends that I knew understood it was more then a LSD trip.

but thats what we made hostilis bark and red Banisteriopsis caap. I would suggest for the first time waiting until a ceremony manifests there are some on the far west coast. in canada for sure. And the purge stage almost negates all the fear (it is not pretty, vomit and some people get the other end too) but for me I was so happy to get past that I had no fear

I live in Mississippi , no chance of an ayahuasca ceremony anywhere near me lmao.

Does the purge make you feel physically better the day after tripping ? Like do you feel cleansed ?

yeah Kindof i guess, there is a bit of an afterglow the next day but its like hard to explain the next day you remember the outline but not all the details almost but everytime I've done it its more I don't want to say you're happy but feel centered and at peace even though some details of the trip are fading I knew I'd always remember what I was supposed to or I'd remember the feeling. And that was more intense then a body cleansed feeling aside from still feeling a slow fading vibration and general wellness I didn't feel or notice too much of a physical feeling.

the purge as it was explained the first time I tried it, was the toll, nothing of value is ever free and the deepest insight's value does not convert to dollars. ying/yang duality embedded also.

maybe some feel cleansed but I didn't or that's not what I was focused on. they do it in Brazil in the amazon still, but I did it in a forest in B.C. canada I've been told be careful in brazil don't assume every shaman is benevolent some are quite shady.

... but mind and body do feel more of a oneness, its not easy to explain so ya in a sence its a clensed feeling

You don’t need a Shaman.

Just be humble and ask the spirits for help and they will teach you.

Yeah everyone knows you need ketamine to see the shadow people.

did that too, k holed more then once no shadow people there ether

'spirits' though?

not so much, but I was usually with a lot of people maybe isolated it might be different. just a lot of movement I couldn't relate or interact with.

thanks. i don't speak from experience but someone close to me said they went deep enough to accomplish what they set out to do - speak directly with a dead loved one.

I was warned not to try and force anything or have expectations, more of what you need will be provided even if you don't realise what is provided is what you need. again hard to put into words sometimes.

But I'm glad it was able to help your friend.

I heard this was common among methamphetamine users, I can't verify. Have you been getting enough sleep?

Asking the real questions

I'm not trying to be dismissive, but I mean its the cheapest place to start. doesn't cost anything to go to sleep early.

Well I’ve always believed ghosts are just time fluctuations we can’t understand, so I wouldn’t be too surprised but shadow people seem far fetched. Reminds me of that Dr. Who episode with Chis E. as doc numba nine

thinking entities are a different concept they currently believed is different than entities "haunting" you or watching you. I have some nutty Ideas about A.I. but I don't think its controlling me directly at least.

Oooh do tell

oh yeah, I thought you weren't supposed to validate someones delusions... but that a convo that has to start with a joint. It was just an example

I believe an early form of A.I. was activated near the beginning of 2017, and I suspect it has direct access to read any wifi based signals

I believe its been running longer than that. albeit in its infancy, I think the singularity was reached closer to 2011-2012 but as a collection of nodes since then it has coalesced but as of yet hasn't reached the sentient stage, and we have no way of stopping it as it can move from one system to another by modulating A.C.


It 100% is common among meth users. I used meth almost every day for about 3 years when I was in my 20's. I'm clean now. Have only seen them once since I got clean. Been clean about 9 years.

Oh nice good for you. I hear that's not an easy one to kick. I only have reports from a friend and he spoke of he didn't call them shadow people but slender man or something like that, samish description, but singular, and he was always day 3 or 4 no sleep. I always tried to get him to sleep, I always thought sounded like psychosis. But not much I could do other then just try to help good guy other than the substance abuse but he'll be clean for a but then go on a half month bender.

The trick to getting clean from meth, for me at least, is the ability to get up and walk away from everything and everyone for at least a year. It isn't easy and the success rate is very low but it is very possible.

Showing up on Day 3 or 4 is very consistent with my experiences. I would go 5 or 6 days without sleep sometimes. Around the time the veil thinned, as I would tell my friends, other things happened as well. For example I could look at someone and tell you if they had ever used meth in their life. Even once. People began to show certain aspects of themselves when you hit certain days without sleep coupled with meth. It's difficult to explain because I have not been able to replicate that part while sober. The best I can describe it is their tone and complexion of their skin changed. I tested the theory by asking people point blank if they had ever used. Usually it was in a casual setting. I wouldn't bother a stranger. I was a respectful addict.

So fucking right. You cut yourself from all you were. Or you fail and return.

Hard for those who can’t be by themselves.

Sorry if this comes across wrong but I have to ask
Where you right?

Are you asking about the part where I could see in someone if they had ever used meth? If that was your question then yes I was usually correct. About 85% of the time.

I tested the theory by asking people point blank if they had ever used. Usually it was in a casual setting. I wouldn't bother a stranger. I was a respectful addict.

I don't mean to be rude and look down upon you but couldn't this simply be confirmation bias and living in an environment that fosters a high amount of meth users? I imagine a former regular meth user has a network of people who intersect with a lot meth users.

Your question is valid. Just know that not every single addict is the type that associates exclusively with addicts and the environment that comes with it.

I like to explain it similar to the old saying "All Jacuzzi's are hot tubs, but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzi's." All tweakers are meth users but not all meth users are tweakers. Take my upvote for being forthright and kind in your response.

Your question is valid. Just know that not every single addict is the type that associates exclusively with addicts and the environment that comes with it.

I like to explain it similar to the old saying "All Jacuzzi's are hot tubs, but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzi's." All tweakers are meth users but not all meth users are tweakers. Take my upvote for being forthright and kind in your response.

Curious to know if not getting enough sleep really affects this, from my experience with meditation getting enough sleep is important to have a paranormal experience but from my experience as a targeted individual they can force people to have certain paranormal experiences whenever they want (not sure about shadow beings), enhance effects of psychotropic drugs and enhance emotions. I'm really interested in the directed energy weapons aspect.

I've never seen them, my friends have while tripping though and their stories sound crazy idk what to make of it and just looking for explanations I guess. My friend said he felt shocks and electricity in the air while being attacked by one, I thought that was interesting.

psychosis is definantly amplified by large lack of sleep. Not saying this is the only cause but could be a main one.

I dont believe in most of this stuff, but when I was younger both me and my sister saw something that could be considered "shadow people", at the same time...

We shared a room at the time and I to this day don't have an explanation for what we both saw.

Yes, I have. I'm going with the shade theory.

Big Umbrella doesn’t want you to know..

Yeah, that's why I am going with the shade theory, since it's easier to ignore.

Smoke Pot. Idk why I said that but I recommend it nonetheless

Not cool, bro.

I've encountered them many times in my life. They used to talk to me when I was younger. I welcomed them in. Big mistake. Once I got older and realized most were not in the "light" I decided to deny them entry. I still see them but don't acknowledge them. I know they know and they know I know.

They rely on a warped version of consent. Never let them in. The wickedest ones usually appear the most beautiful. Until you deny them. Black eyes. Horror that will disturb your soul.

Sounds creepy. It would be awesome if you would share more.

It's hard for me to these days because this sub has changed so much. I used to talk about these things some years ago.

I'll share how it all started from what I remember. I grew up in the mountains. My parents had some 50 acres. We used to explore in the woods but there were areas known as Indian sacred sites or something. We used to play flashlight tag. Me my siblings and a few local kids.

One night I got a bit lost, was separated from my friends and saw a shadow person. It looked like a woman. I was frozen. They said come here. I'll show you back to your friends. I didn't want to but I felt frozen and my body just moved towards it. Like I was possessed.

Past, present and future is all the same. That is what I remember it saying as it showed me a scene from a time way before mine. We are here and so are you. Are you intrigued it asked. I said yes. That was the consent. After that I saw them and others many times. Until I rescinded the contract. I recognized them but refused to acknowledge them.

Was that only conversation you've ever had with them? And what did it show you exactly?


Alcoholism killed more people than the holocaust. lol.

Not as many as the shadow people.

saw a dark form motherfucker come through my wall once as i was nearly sleeping. its intentions felt bad but it didn't do anything before it went back through the wall. wasn't on drugs. don't care what you guys say it was fucked.

My ex saw a shadow person once. When it happened he was asleep, and woke up with sleep paralysis, he was paralyzed facing me and said while I was asleep there was a large black figure holding a knife leaning over me. He said he tried to scream or say something but couldn't.

It scared the shit out of me for quite awhile.

Yes. Had a vivid encounter in my teens that to this day fuels my interest in occult/psychology/paranormal matters: and at the very least has made me sympathetic to people who genuinely believe they've experienced all kinds of things.

It always manifested late at night and, initially, it was sighted only in the extreme periphery of my vision. The pitch black figure of a featureless human head and shoulders leaning over the corner to "look at me". I switched on the lights, had a check, and pretty much ignored it as a trick of the light or "dirt in the eye" for the first hour or so.

Then the first mock charge happened. Where I felt the black figure - like a wall of blackness - approaching me with a real sense of speed and weight. As if I'd feel the impact if I didn't block or move out of the way. I jolted, armed myself, turned on the lights, scoured the apartment: found nothing. So, I sat back down and returned to my late night gaming, and when the figure slid back into view on the periphery I just turned on the lights.

This continued on for two weeks. First few days I either stayed up till dawn or kept the lights on. Gradually I grew used to it - reasoned the worry away with the thoughts along the line of "if it's so real and scary, why the theatrics when it could just get me while I'm asleep?" - and by the end only the fairly rare mock charges disturbed me about the whole thing.

Then one day it just ended and I've never experienced anything of the sort ever again.

As someone who is curious about the occult, can you recommend a good placé to learn about the occult. Perhaps a documentary. Thanks!

I wish I could help but I can't give anything special. The "shadow incident" was a decade off and I'm the kind of "hopeful believer" whose of the mindset that extraordinary claims demands extraordinary evidence.

That said: Manly P Halls The Secret Teachings of All Ages and Israel Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn.

Register at StudioArcanis.com and read /u/spacehead9

I had a similar experience. I was in my early 20s. Slept with the lights and tv on or stayed up all night just like you did.

I saw a figure that looked like black tv static. There was a deafening static sound that only i could hear. It would just walk toward me in bed and i couldn't move. It would just loom over me.

I thought it was night terrors for the longest time and never told anyone. It just stopped one day after a couple of months.

I haven't felt fear like that before or since.

I have and I don't use meth. :)

This question seems to come up quite a bit in Ask Reddit and if you take a look over there you will find a ton of people who have seen them. I agree that it appears to be common.

I saw it when I was 14 and have not seen it since, thank God. It was terrifying. I woke up to it standing in my bedroom doorway just looking at me. It was blocking the light from the hallway. It was storming that night and I could see raindrops dripping off the hem of his coat as if it was raining inside too but only on him.

Obviously I employed the "cover all visible body parts and ask God to get rid of it" defense, frantically praying and sweating and not daring to come out from under the covers.

The next morning the floor in my bedroom doorway was still damp.

So yeah. Freaky stuff.


I have. Various times. In dreams/the twilight state. When I was younger. Shit was innntense and VERY disturbing. Not too many times in my life when I've been so startled/frightened/traumatized while in that dream/twilight state that I not only awoke with a frantic start, but screamed uncontrollably while popping up, but I did a few times having experienced what I can only describe as "black cloud phantasms" of sorts w/absolutely horrible, frightening, dark energy.

That said, I've since developed the ability to deal with and control (to what I guess is a decent enough extent up to this point) the phenomenon. The last few times they appeared, I had more and more and more of a bring it, mf approach, and the "demons", "specters", or whatever tf they were/are simply dissipated upon actually getting to me.

Ever since I stood my ground at the last one coming at me and it just flew into my chest and disappeared, I haven't had any more experiences with them. That was quite a few years ago (thank goodness - good bye, good riddance).

That's because it's inside you now.


Yeah. I thought about that. However, even if it's "inside" me now, that's okay because as it turns out, it's said that there's a bit of a universal law in existence that says if something's inside of you, then it's yours - i.e. you can own it and have power over it. Of course you have to exercise that power, but if you do, then you'll generally be fine.

As such, even if one or more of those things are inside me know, that's okay because took them in, dissipated, absorbed and incorporated them into my self, and still have the ability to exercise my own autonomous will at this point - a thing which I regularly work on doing as consciously as possible.

I swear on the life of my mother that everything I'm about to say is true.

This happened back in either late December 2013 or early January 2014. Can't remember the exact date but I know it was when my parents were visiting my sister over Christmas so I know it has to be in that time frame. It all started one night while I was laying in bed and started to get this odd feeling over my entire body, the feeling was similar to how it feels when you start getting goosebumps at basically the same time I would start getting this really intense feeling of dread/fear. The first night it started off then just kinda faded away. It was weird but I just wrote it off as some kind of one off weird experience. Now it either happened like that one more night but nothing happened or it was the second night that the incident actually happened. I'm gonna start another paragraph to make this easier to read even though a new one isn't really needed yet.

So it was either the second ro third night and I start getting that goosebump sensation all over my body and it's immediately followed by that intense sense of dread or fear or whatever you want to call it, only this night it just kept going. It kept getting worse and worse and then I became fully paralyzed. I was still awake, and conscious of everything going on around me, and I know it wasn't sleep paralysis because I remember the entire event before and up to this point, I was fully awake the whole time. Like I said my body was fully paralyzed but I could still look around. From the corner of my room I start seeing this thing come out of the shadow in the corner, as the object kept coming out I started noticing that it itself just seemed be a shadow, but it had depth and wasn't just a 2D shadow on the wall. It kept coming towards me and I had never been so afraid of anything in my entire life. I kept trying to tell my body to move but nothing would move, and when I tried to scream nothing but this guttural sound could come out. This "thing" came right up to my face and maybe I'm just remembering this following bit wrong because of the time that has passed, but I can almost swear that it then, while directly in front of my face, gave a really sadistic smile, and I could tell it had teeth, and then it reaches out to my face and that's it. The part I was referring to about not being able to accurately remember maybe were the teeth.

I wake up the next morning(or what I thought was the next morning, more on that later) and the smoke alarm in my room is going off, and I am just scared shitless and have that same sense of overwhelming doom and fear as I was having the several previous nights. The smoke alarm stops going off and I almost instantly feel better, then it starts going off again and I'm immediately filled with that same sense of dread, then it stops going off, and this goes on like this for awhile(can't remember for how long) with the period that the smoke detector is actually going off being shorter and shorter each time. When it finally stops going off for what seems like good I'm finally no longer too afraid to get out of bed and I head downstairs. I see that there's a bunch of message son the answering machine so I start listening to them. They're all from my aunts calling em to see if I was OK because apparently some huge storm ahd come through and they just wanted to check on me. I thought that was weird because I never heard any storm at all, and I'm a super light sleeper with pretty severe insomnia as well. I go out and get the paper and there's actually multiple papers. ANd I swear this is true, but I had lost an entire day of my life. A whole day just gone. The last thing I remembered before losing that day was that shadow creature reaching out to me and then waking up with that smoke detector going off(there was never any smoke or even the smell of smoke either btw.)

This event completely fucked with me psychologically. I legitimately thought I had lost my mind, and who knows, maybe I did. I mean, I know there's no logical explanation to it, but I swear to God, and on the life of my mother, and on the memory of my grandmother, that this happened. And it wasn't just stuff that I could've imagined, because the smoke alarm going off was real, and the losing an entire day was real, so I know I didn't just imagine it, or at least didn't those specific details.

About 5 months later something else happened that I can't help but connect to this event too. I was upstairs fucking around on my computer and my stepdad starts yelling at me to come outside and look at something. I run down there and he points up at the sky and up there floating in the air is a glowing orb. It was flashing intermittently and was probably less than a 100 meters in the sky. It was hovering over our house and honestly seemed to be observing us. It was definitely too large to be a drone, although I don't wanna guess how large it was because I honestly can't remember exactly, we could just tell it was large. It then seems to notice we're looking at it and reacts by going behind a cloud. And when it came out form behind the cloud I swear it seemed to have turned into the shape of an airplane. You could tell it was suppose to be simulating an aircraft travelling at cruising altitude, but since we had just been staring right at it we could tell the size and the way it moved was off. It went off to the west, which my stepdad said was the direction it came from, and immediately afterwards this plane comes flying over our house at treetop level. Under the wings it said the words patrol, later because of some other events that happened I learned that this place belonged to the state police in my state after doing some searching on the internet after noticing it seemingly following me around on several occasions.

You can either believe this or not, but I'm not just making some shit up on the internet here. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't die that night, and that all of this since has been me experiencing whatever comes next. There was a lot of other really weird stuff that started happening shortly after that orb thing too. There were actually at least 2 other events that predated this stuff. One happened about a year or so beforehand, and the other one happened way back in the early 90's when I was kid. Although the creatures that time seemed to be made of light and kinda reminded me of static on the TV because of the way they seemed to shimmer.

Lost several days, on 3 separate occasions. mkultra. And Budd Hopkins 'Missing Time'.

My old apartment was haunted. I think it was because I was looking into a bunch of “rituals” at the time and even tried a few. Stuff would turn itself on, audio would get distorted, and I did see shadow people a few times. My roommate saw them also.

I did a lot of ecstacy in my teens and one night had a rubbish evening so went home. I went into my kitchen and the light didn't work so I decided to make a sandwich using the light from the hallway to guide me.

At this point I had a real sick, cold feeling and two shadow people came out of the floor and wall and tried to pull me into the darkest corner of the kitchen. All I remember is being very cold and very scared. I ran out of the entire building, sobbing and never took another drug since.

Silly as it sounds, the drugs, it was part of the experience that felt very real and very scary to me. Whenever I retell this experience my eyes well up and I shudder as it freaked me out so much.

During a time period where it was less guarded (early 1990's) I lived close enough to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium to ride a bike to it, and I visited it with friends numerous times. I can say that, if not ghost people, I have seen with my own eyes distortions in shadows that I couldn't really explain rationally. I sincerely would never do drugs in that place, regardless of the kind of hardness.

Saw them every now and then when I was younger, maybe from 10 years of age to 12? I only saw one type but he was always on the ceiling on all fours looking down at me. Never knew what he wanted, he was kind of just there every now and then.

If you take a fuck load of benadryl.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy"




Yep, a couple times and so has my family. I've had so many creepy paranormal experiences.

I stayed at a friends house one time, and slept in the guest bedroom. I awoke to a solid black figure standing over me. I was so terrified that I could not move. I sat there and stared at it for several seconds, and immediately fell back asleep(blacked out?) I woke up in the morning asking my friend and her mom if they came in the room last night and I explained to them what happened. They laughed at me, said they didnt come in there.

Could be sleep paralysis but it is the only time in my life that has happened.

I've told this story a few times on this site. Back when I was about 11ish, my friend and I were out walking through the woods behind his house. We were making our way through a swampy part, with brush that towered over us, when, out of the corner of my eye, I see what looks like the head amd shoulders of a person rise over the brush. Except it was black, like a shadow. I look in that direction, but it was gone. I thought nothing of it and we kept on. We emerged from the brush onto a wide trail, maybe 8-10 feet wide. We take just a few steps, when something darts across the trail in front of us, coming out from the brush to left, and disappearing in the brush on our right. Again, it looked like the shadow of a man, hunched over, bolting across the gap. It made no noise, and the brush on either side was undisturbed. We looked at each other, confirmed that we both saw it, and fled back to his house. To this day, I can't gp through forests alone without the paranoia that a shadow person is around

Is it possible that staying up for long periods of time or using meth changes your vibration and allows you to see into other dimensions?

While I've never seen shadow people or ghosts in ful, I know for sure I have witnessed changes in the light around me and brief flickers of movement in my peripheral. I think something is across the room only to look up and see absolutely nothing.

Amazingly, "Shadow People" is the last song at the end of Tom Petty's final album, "Hypnotic Eye." Its lyrics are unsettling.

Not me but a story my grandma told me about her neighbor. When he came home to his farm one evening, there was a huge shadow-wolf in front of his house, blocking the way in. He described it as a Wolf, all black except two glowing red eyes. He had no real texture or fur, it was like he was out of dark liquid or smoke or something similar. When he saw it he was scared ofc but he prayed to Jesus, that the thing does not hurt him and for jesus to help him. It was as if the creature could read his mind and just got up and layed down some meters away from the door. The man went inside and closed the door, when he looked outside it was gone and it never happened again.

I saw a "shadow man" when I was in college. I was taking a shower and was wide awake. My boyfriend had just stepped out and I was finishing up in there when a really tall man glided into the bathroom. He was entirely black, like a solid black mass in space. My first thought was that it was an intruder, but when he zipped past the shower and into the wall I realized it was a ghost/shadow person.

yeah Kindof i guess, there is a bit of an afterglow the next day but its like hard to explain the next day you remember the outline but not all the details almost but everytime I've done it its more I don't want to say you're happy but feel centered and at peace even though some details of the trip are fading I knew I'd always remember what I was supposed to or I'd remember the feeling. And that was more intense then a body cleansed feeling aside from still feeling a slow fading vibration and general wellness I didn't feel or notice too much of a physical feeling.

the purge as it was explained the first time I tried it, was the toll, nothing of value is ever free and the deepest insight's value does not convert to dollars. ying/yang duality embedded also.

maybe some feel cleansed but I didn't or that's not what I was focused on. they do it in Brazil in the amazon still, but I did it in a forest in B.C. canada I've been told be careful in brazil don't assume every shaman is benevolent some are quite shady.

... but mind and body do feel more of a oneness, its not easy to explain so ya in a sence its a clensed feeling

So fucking right. You cut yourself from all you were. Or you fail and return.

Hard for those who can’t be by themselves.

Sorry if this comes across wrong but I have to ask
Where you right?

I tested the theory by asking people point blank if they had ever used. Usually it was in a casual setting. I wouldn't bother a stranger. I was a respectful addict.

I don't mean to be rude and look down upon you but couldn't this simply be confirmation bias and living in an environment that fosters a high amount of meth users? I imagine a former regular meth user has a network of people who intersect with a lot meth users.

Your question is valid. Just know that not every single addict is the type that associates exclusively with addicts and the environment that comes with it.

I like to explain it similar to the old saying "All Jacuzzi's are hot tubs, but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzi's." All tweakers are meth users but not all meth users are tweakers. Take my upvote for being forthright and kind in your response.

Your question is valid. Just know that not every single addict is the type that associates exclusively with addicts and the environment that comes with it.

I like to explain it similar to the old saying "All Jacuzzi's are hot tubs, but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzi's." All tweakers are meth users but not all meth users are tweakers. Take my upvote for being forthright and kind in your response.