Hi! I'm God - AMA

1  2018-09-28 by Zummuzuz

So sorry I haven't been around for a while. Building universes everywhere can be very time consuming.

Anyhoo, I was drifting back into these parts when I noticed how messy the place was! I don't remember leaving all this space junk behind! And what happened to Mars?? Hehe, jokes. Of course I know.

I am here to answer any questions you may have. Going by the amount of messages left on my machine i assume this tiny rock is just jam packed full of problems.

I know what you're thinking and i would too - damage control!

I assure you that this isn't a heavenly PR stunt.




Vacuum or broom?

Definitely a broom. Have you ever hoovered up headphones before?

finally! We've been waiting for ages to end the debate:

Can you..or can you not...create a rock that not even you could lift?

There is a cheap rumour floating around that somehow i am a separate entity when in fact i am the rock!

SS: I've been away for a while so i guess it's time to face the music...

I hear you are all knowing , all powerful and everywhere...etc So how does it feel watching the rape , torture and constant abuse worldwide of innocent children and babies , and doing nothing ?

Does an eternity of punishment fairly equate a lifetime of sin?

Well, it had to come.


The negative forces in your universe do not care about rationale. They stop at nothing to take you energy.


Now, i release a burden i have carried for a long time: I am responsible for everything. How could i know if something was good or bad without a comparison.


So i built your universe on positive and negative values. A continuous wave of both values shooting everywhere and ultimately consuming hosts.


My redemption was to give you autonomy to choose your fate that will determine what kind of energy you will release upon physically passing.


The ultimate and non-emotional answer is yes.

Who created you? And who created that? And so on..

I came to be in a similar way to you. One day i just started being.

But how? I was made when 2 people had sex. Who had sex to make you start being

What came first? The chicken, or the egg?


Fuck i thing you truly are god, every dumbass thinks it was the chiken.

Can you really see me when I fap?

Yes. And yes, impressive too!

Is 42 the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?

unfortunately, no.

is weed a gift from the heavens above?

For sure.

oh thank god

no need.

are you octavia spencer or morgan freeman?



Do you hate me for living my life differently to the current understanding of your values? If so, why didn't you make your expectations clearer?

No, i am very indifferent. I have no expectations.

Good to finally get this in writing :)

You're welcome.



I think im the re-encarnation of Alexander the great, whats your opinion?

Ultimately i do not care what you think you are - your energy is all that matters.

Why dont you just kill us all and force us to see the truth? And send a new wave of intelligent thing to earth?