I understand why people don't want to believe the official 9/11 story

1  2018-09-28 by Caz6000

Sitting with my partner tonight and a 9/11 conspiracy v fact doc was on I didnt say anything and wait for her to say something. Eventually she says how can people believe we were lied to about the official narrative so I gently bring up some facts about it to gauge her response and that's when I realised by what she said it's not that people don't think that the govt can do that it's that the reality is very scary for people who aren't aware of the real world. She said it was a scary thought and that it would be hard to face that we could be lied to like that. This may be a useless post but bare in mind the next time you are having a conversation with someone about conspiraces that some people can't begin to understand and don't push anything because the last thing we want is people questioning everything on the spot so slow the seeds and let them go at their own pace.


Well said. Plant the seeds- don't force them to take. People need time to adjust to these things and it's difficult to accept the reality of the evil in this world.

Some seeds need nurturing, others grow just fine in the wild. Know when to nurture, know when to leave it to the elements.

They will know when it happens to them. Otherwise, they never will.

Yes after the inferno that brought down buildings they miraculously found the culprits passports on the floor

this is what got me too.

This is what I mentioned and it did strike her as odd

Look If you wanna know what a red flag is... Give it an hour or two after a major incident and the media will already have passports and documents of the people involved. A natural disaster will take weeks or months until all those involved with be named.

I remember watching a news reporter in Europe talking about building 7 before it even fell.

How does this prove anything? It's not like they needed the passport to eventually identify the terrorists. Why bother planting a passport when there's airport video, flight records, etc. How is it not a coincidence?

It's so unbelievably unlikely. The black boxes, devices designed to be near indestructible, were not recovered. Yet, paper passports survived somehow. It's one lie too far.

But what does the charred passport imply? Why would the government plant a passport when it didn't have to? Unbelievably unlikely situations occur every day. Is there anything more here or is that enough for you?

It makes for a neat and tidy story.

It's pure coincidence. Even if the US did it, the passport implies nothing. Y'all are retarded.

I've woken up at lest 25 people I know personally within the last 3 years to various degrees.

The scariest thing for me is that we exist in a world where people who believe the false narrative, rule within it

wow. your last comment basically sums up the western world today.

Yep. It's easier though. Cognitive dissonance is a betch.

Is it that they believe it or that they like Skinner's puppies have concluded they just have to take it?

Very well said. I am never the first to talk about anything related to this sub. I can’t spend my energy trying to convince other ppl, when I can use it to learn more.

My girlfriend is the same way. I can't speak with her about "truthseeking" subjects or else she literally shuts me out and says it's scary. She refuses to see the truth because it's hard to face.

What makes it hard to face is that once the reality is accepted how can you, once in formed, do nothing about it?

It's not that people fear the truth...they fear the consequence of admitting the truth...that now you have to do something about it. That's what's really scary.

Cognitive dissonance

My boyfriend just tells me "wow I don't wanna talk about this anymore it's too much to handle" it honestly sucks.

Women and liberals are children. You can't really talk to them on equal terms as you would an adult.

I disagree this isn't a gender thing it's just the reality that most of the population in general just can't face the facts and we as truthers and conspiracy theorists should know that the best approach is to educate true rational communication

I'm a female so gender has nothing to do with it and my boyfriend can't even come to terms with simple facts disputing a false narrative.

All you need to do is show building 7 going down in the afternoon. Conspiracy confirmed, how could it be any other way . Building 7 is the gateway to the truth.

Yeah literally wtf?

Years ago I worked to convince my very rational father that the official story was wrong. After a LOT of back and forthing, he finally said “I just can’t believe it’s true (a conspiracy)”.

I said “I know. I get that. All I’m asking you to do is recognize that you don’t WANT to believe it, and that your desire has very little to do with the actual facts.”

We then agreed that he didn’t believe - not be ause he’d been exposed to overwhelming evidence - but because he didn’t want to believe it, and we agreed that believing what you want to doesn’t have very much to do with objective truth.

And we left it at that.

He then became more open, once he’d admitted that he’d chosen a belief based on his feelings rather than the evidence. I, OTOH, continues to say “I don’t know, but SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENED that’s different from the official story because that one doesn’t add up, and we need a new investigation, at the very least.

He now agrees with me. That’s a point we can converge upon.

Dude I had the same experience with my own father. What a fucken relief, took maybe two years.

The truth is hard to swallow and it only takes small seeds to plant strong thoughts. The truth isn't pretty, it makes most people uncomfortable no matter how much proof you have. Sadly that's the reality of everything. You kinda have to "spoon feed a baby" with truth. Know what I mean?

It makes you think how many cover stories we have through out history that we will never know the truth because it died with the conspirators.

This might sound completely stupid but at the moment one of these shows brought up Mohammad attas passport being found on the street my wife lost it.

She said she could believe a lot but did they really have to push their luck with the passport that came out of the giant fireball 80 stories up I the air?

Shouldnt your post be titled "I understand why people dont want to believe alternate theories about 9/11" Or "I Understand why people WANT to believe the official 9/11 story" It just seems like your title is the opposite of your actual post.

This is spot on. It’s the same reason most people believe humans landed on the moon.

Look up at the moon, and tell me you believe people flew 300,000 miles each way in a rocket ship 40 years ago, talked to us while there using radio, drove around on some go carts, and then launched themselves again and came all the way back to earth and did all that successfully on the first try.

But to say you don’t believe that would be to say you think your government propagated a massive massive lie to you, and that’s probably very very scary to acknowledge.

I openly talk about the fake moon landings just to see what people think

Most say they believe it happened

When I talk about the "big picture" versus the specific details it seems to go over better as to having them question their beliefs

Most believe it because they never really thought much about it and just accepted it as fact

You summarized what I say in those conversations well in your post

I just take the common sense approach ... "Do you really believe that we ... 6 times in a row with 1960's technology ..." and then ask them to think about it

First try is a weird way to put it. Ever watched a rocket launch before? I’m betting no. It’s a little sad that your small mind can’t comprehend that sometimes humans do some incredible things.

Been guilty of this mysef.. you get ppl that you can tell are aching to be red pilled so your natural inclination is to just thrust it all on them at once.. but it can be extremely well overwhelming. Best to just take it slow and go at their own pace. The important thing isn’t getting all the information out, it’s that they’re finally willing to seek it out in the first place

Yes I believe this is the main issue that keeps people from seeing it. The implications are horrifying.