Reminder that because the news cycle is dominated by Kavanaugh sexual assault, no attention is being payed to his neoconism

1  2018-09-29 by cloudsnacks

Kav has supported so many Bush era spying and detaining policies throughout his career. I probably don't need to tell you that.

The American people know nothing about his actual judicial opinions or theories, it's been drowned out.


He's a Bush Era, Jesuit taught, Anti-Constitutionalist, who was a member of a sex-cult fraternity catering to the 1%... A real r/conspiracy nightmare

BuT hE TrIgGeRs tHe LiBtArDs!!!1!!! So he must be a good guy.

They did the usual smoke and mirrors to distract and pass a shadow government stooge.

It's hilarious to me that people like Alex Jones are still under the allusion that trump is a "populist", or against the deep state.

Hes surrounded himself with neocons and bankers, deregulated the big banks, pushed for war with Iran, etc. Basically shilled for the deep state.

I genuinely like AJ, I don't think he's fake or a CIA asset or anything. I think he got excited that he might actually win with trump, and cant let it go.

Alex Jones has lost his fucking mind, dude. Just the other day infowars was calling for actual martial law. The irony is thick, but it’s always been a mistake to trust him. Even Bill Cooper warned against believing Alex Jones.


"Even" Bill Cooper? Bill's pretty credible. Alex Jones has always obviously only cared about emotionally manipulating weak minds for money.

I actually am midway through this new book called "Pale Horse Rider" Seems like a really well researched and credible biography on Bill Cooper. He comes off a bit more con man seeming than I wouldve liked to believe. Was abusive and lied. So I wouldnt say he is that credible. Though Behold a Pale Horse was monumental and prolific. Just interesting to try and see all the sides. Thuugh I wont be able to come to a tru opinion until I have finished the book.

his UFO belief turns me off.

He actually turned away from this belief not too long after he wrote the book. He decided that all these doscuments he published were disinformation that the government was trying to push and alien conspiracy, project blue beam etc. tho I wouldn’t be so quick to discount paranormal extraterrestrial type stuff but just my opinion

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

AJ is the conspiracy version of a televangelist. He will say or do anything that keeps the money flowing in.

Trump is so deep state, they would need a proctologist if he wanted out.

I think it's hilarious that you think it's hilarious - that guy is literally a snake oil salesman who uses fear to sale "strength" to other weak men. He doesn't believe a word that he says, it's just marketing. Even the late great Bill Cooper called him an alarmist and liar.

Stupid, weak people listen to the guy - but he's actually pretty smart - got paid!

What is a Jesuit .. I’m catholic so am I a Jesuit

Can you explain the Jesuit thing please?

He went to a catholic school growing up, the sect of catholicism was Jesuit.

Oh okay thanks but why does that make him worse?

This sub has a pretty distrustful stance on the current pope, and the Catholic Church in general due to the Sex abuse scandals. Pope Francis is a Jesuit.

Got ya. Thanks! I would have expected the previous popes to have taken more blame for the sex scandals. The current one seems to be bringing it to light more? But then again I'm clueless about that area of the news.

I'm sorry, but this a pathetic and biased opinion. Why didn't they just vote to confirm him like normal.

Why are some people so fucking horrible at thinking?

I think it's more about the anniversary of the Mandalay Bay shooting. They can briefly go over it, but this SCOTUS thing will dominate headlines.

Speaking of the Mandalay bay shooting, what's the chance that this Supreme Court Justice will hear the 911 victims VS Saudi Arabia lawsuit in the next few years?

Absolutely none.

If that's an issue for you then you should look into what Mueller was doing in 2001.

Ya he shilled WMDs I saw the video.

Are you trying to make a partisan point here?

Link to this video???

look it up dude, it's made the rounds enough to pass for common knowledge by now.

Shilled wmds? Nothing so specific. Just the appointment to his role, by whom and when. All very subtle yet important details.

No. I'm talking about Mueller being appointed FBI director by GW Bush in 2001 right before 9/11.

The guy was/is a part of the Bush inner circle. Think about that for a moment if you're in your early to mid 30s and older. If you're in your 20s you probably don't fully understand what that means.

Then consider those on the left cheering him on because it suits their agenda.

Dude is a corrupt, stonefaced fixer with an agenda that is not dispassionate or justice based but rather based on his expertise in certain environments, legal and auditing especially.

Bush inner circle stuff aside. Consider those who says 9/11 was an inside job.

If it was, Mueller would have a very important role steering the FBI as director away from anything damaging and delaying time sensitive evidence gathering and record keeping.

Hmmm 🤔

Lots of coincidences.

I would be more willing to believe this if the democrats were not so opposed to him. I see very little difference between the neocons and the democrats. Restore the Republic.

Why Democrats opposed to him : Womens issues, gay issues, basically social policy.

Why dems are not opposed to him: any of his neocon views

Why Democrats opposed to him : Womens issues

Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, all of Hollywood

gay issues, basically social policy.

Supreme court allowed gay marriage, not Obama. Obama wanted the issue, not to solve it. Identity politics to divide and conquer.

Why dems are not opposed to him: any of his neocon views

Continuation of Bush bombing policies of middle east. Drones, continuation of black sites, Guantanamo.

Yep. Dems = Neocons. Tell me more how those evil republicans need to be defeated so we can give more power to the democrats.

I think you're misunderstanding my point. I'm saying that these are the talking points dems use against Kav. I don't think that they actually care.

I think you are here to create churn regarding Kavanaugh.

I think you dont want to admit youre so pro-trump you can't see what a deepstate puppet he is.

See, we both have opinions of one another now.

I think your focus is to transition people from discussing "ABC" negative Kavanaugh talking points to discuss "XYZ" negative Kavanugh talking points.

The real question is if he is deepstate or not what the fuck are you two going to do about it. Nothing but wait and see what happens next. So why argue, just watch the world stage show where everybody is an actor. GOOD/BAD all perspective.


That's a good point.

I still care about my country. I care about my fellow citizens and man. I will fight for it.

Not saying you aren't but who you going to fight your fellow country men?

Fight for ideas.

I understand now more clearly, yes we have free speech and the market place for ideas should always be a battle ground. THOUGH much of our free speech is being curtailed because they are "private" entities and not subjugated to the constitution. But I beg to differ, we protected ourselves from government becaues those were the largest entitities at the time, had the founding fathers known corporations would become so large and control so much power they'd have protected us from them as well. BUt since they didn't that is our fight now.

When it comes to the police state and eroding our constitution both parties have the same goals for the same masters.

This is really important. As a foreigner, I’ve heard nothing in my own country about him bar this accusation.

It’s like don’t people care about his actual job and if he’s any good at it? Where is that information? Is it readily available?

Thanks. Appreciate the link.

neocon enabler.

Comrades you must understand. I think Brett is the most stand up guy to ever be nominated for the Supreme Court. Millions of women don't believe the accusations against him and call for the investigation of Christine Blasey Ford. Which we should totally do to every single woman who dares accuse men of sexual assaulting them. Right guys? Seriously. Liars.

Brett isn't so bad. Bush is a nice guy. Republicans are the chillest people fucking ever dude. I really don't appreciate the attack of an innocent Christian man trying to make America great again.

A+ B8 M8

No but seriously we should actually investigate women who make accusations against men. We all know they are devious... "people".

We all know it.

why wouldn't we do that? if you're willing to accuse someone of something that can ruin their life you need to be willing to put your money where your mouth is

The nature of the times we live in... any number of legitimate and deeply concerning reasons that Kavanaugh is a poor choice for the Supreme Court that ought to be rejected over that no one in either party wants to publicly state while making a huge fuss over something he has been accused of doing while still a minor in high school, no less, so the American public can be protected from the actual truth about his questionable opinions and interpretations of the law that do, in fact, have the most direct bearing on his suitability for the position.

You hit it right on the head.

Falling for all the zog tricks. Imo ford seems like nutcase but brett on other hand is a drunk bush guy.

They played a trick and substituted Trump with Ron Paul and this is the result.

I was really worried this sub would be too caught up on the hysteria of underaged drinking, this is the fourth thread I've seen over Kav's bush record.

Maybe there is hope for the citizens who are anti-war... eventually they'll represent us again. They're too drunk on petroleum.

The blue shirts chose to run out some bullshit sexual assault charges so instead of hearing we have a circus.

Better than a liberal judge.

its also setup to fail.

the cross talk of the woman saying gofundme money and the lawyer saying "no pro bono" , the senator openly but lowdown handing the lawyer that envelope he instantly popped it into his inside pocket.

This whole affair reminds a lot about Chomsky and having a lively debate in a narrow frame.