Elon Musk versus SEC

1  2018-09-29 by geekSatyr

Think what you may about Elon Musk however do you think that there are larger forces at play seeking to take him down. I say that because America has no high speed ground transportation like high-speed electric trains Etc. Elon Musk is developing the Hyper Loop. The technology for electric cars has been around for several decades no company has invested and pursued the development of electric motor vehicles like Tesla. America has stayed relatively static as have most other Automotive companies due to its relationship with fossil fuel companies. I know that he can be a complete ass hat at times however he is developing technology that will change so many ways current business practices are done. No one else has been able to get the backing and pursue the developments that he has been able to do. he's only been able to do this because he's another billionaire and I believe he personally just wants to do it. Just wondered what everybody else's thoughts about Elon Musk and Tesla are?


Elon Musk is a fake ass bitch with government funding, fuck him

Think what you may about Elon Musk

He is a conman robbing the tax paying citizens, assisted by elements within the government and the Military Industrial Complex, let me explain.

Elon Musk is a very smart man but Space X is a massively fraudulent company, along with NASA these two are quintessential American frauds based around the weaponized space industry.

I am not saying everything these two companies do is based on outright lies, I except they have made rockets to get in to Low Earth Orbit, but they grossly exaggerate through outright lies and wishful thinking things they do, which is all backed by PR and propaganda to funnel more money into them for other projects.

For instance, NASA has never sent any human beyond Low Earth Orbit, the Apollo program wasn't about humans traveling through space, it was about making rockerty, specifically ICBM's.

Space X on the other hand have no intention and never did, of going to Mars, what a load of bullshit that is, they know we can not have humans survive beyond LEO, likewise, the Fulcan 9 reverse rocket landing is also a cock and bull story that I know is all faked.

Ill end with saying I own a Tesla and they are great cars, but I think they are worth 2 or 3 times the list price new, they are making a loss on everyone they sell hoping technology and better production methods will bring the cost down over time, that is why they need Space X, to funnel money into it to keep it afloat and the government are happy with this because it is the first time ever America has been able to compete with the European car market and beat them.

Personally knowing many many SpaceX folks and having toured the factory, you are dead wrong. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. SpaceX has tons of actual hardware for BFR in the works, people and proven expertise. Actual launches and actual capability now to send things to a mars orbit. Grow up.

I have toured the factory too, as well as the museum that holds the LEM, that doesn't mean humans have walked on the moon.

The BFR is nothing more than an advanced ICBM, sold to the public as a fairytale humans going to Mars bullshit, just like the Apollo program, it is military in nature with great PR and propaganda.

So don't tell me to grow up when you as an adult are believing in actual fairytales and tall tales.

Advanced ICBM, you have to be kidding.... liquid fuel.... you show your ignorance on the topic.

Also seems to be a gatekeeper for electronic transactions, and electric cars. Still not even 1% of cars of people I know are electric...

Elon fucked up, plain and simple. The only person he has to blame for this fiasco is himself.

He only fucked up cuz he asked who owns the Media, which is like poking the NWO with a sharp stick. Also he threatens then oil industry and the auto industry status quo.

So now they are all colluding to take him out and it's sad. Hope he wins

I agree with what you said, but that tweet of his about going private was pretty fucking stupid, and could be considered manipulative even by his supporters.

He's allowed to stage things about his own company to the public. As long as he didn't buy or sell stock immediately after the Tweet, he should be fine

Lying to investors is actually a really big deal

Did he lie? Source?

The sec lawsuit...

Hes literally reached a settlement where he and Tessa each pay 20 mil and he has to step down as ceo

Step down as CEO from his own company, the Owners of the Journalists got him

The reporting said he agreed to step down as chairman of the board, it did not mention his role as CEO Chief Executive Officer.

In a way this may be a favor to Musk. Lets him cut back some without looking like he was fatigued.

Pulled out

What did he do?

He claimed he was considering taking tesla private and that finding was secured for 420 a share. This caused a massive stock rally. Of course it was all bullshit. I think he was squeezing the shorts. In any case the company is a financial shit show.

Fraud through a series of exaggerations about subject matter that can legally only be announced at scheduled investor calls/conferences.

I find it odd that the announcement by the sec correlates with the announcement of the success of the zinc air rechargeable battery. The sec might be covering for him.

i think that he is a coke addict and a human fraud.

Elon is on Qs map. Hes a whitehat working to help wake the masses. The world as you know it is about to change. Truth will not be suppressed, and the future will prove the past. I could go much deeper, but most cannot/will not swallow.

I couldn't give a shit about Tesla or Space X. I'm just here to talk about Neuralink.

Perhaps we're not allowed to see the dark side of the moon.

As big of a nutbag as he is, John McAfee has been very outspoken towards the SEC lately.. might be worth reading up on

One fraudulent organization taking down another fraud. It's mythology all around. Elon Musk is a fraud.

100% there are people after him, but they think that using the media and messing with his stock prices is going to stop him, it won't, it will only slow him down, and in the process of their shenanigans they are going to push him over the edge and when little Elon is no longer afraid of the big bad wolf, then he is going to explode (technologically), and then we will see the iron man version of Elon Musk. Keep poking him and see what happens.

He’s a threat to so, many industries I’m actually surprised it’s tsken this long to try and ruin him.

I actually can’t believe he hasn’t, died of a “heart attack”, or drowned while surfing or something.

Do you think that they hacked his twitter? Cause he’s the one who tweeted that stuff out.

I'm not going to claim to know the man Elon Musk and whether or not he is a fraud. One thing I do admire though is that his companies seem to be based on finding solutions to problems. Regardless of beliefs in climate change or not, figuring out ways to pollute less is a good thing.


If I had to guess from a conspiratorial point of view, I'd say they are trying to take down the face of electric cars to protect the other larger car companies and big oil. The powers that be might not like his rogue style.


Then again, this could all be part of the dog and pony show that we have been subject to since God knows when.

I'm just an average Joe, I don't have any more info than others and probably less information than alot about Elon Musk. That being said, I describe Elon Musk as literally the most important person on planet Earth.

It seems like everything he's done or is trying to achieve is for the greater good of all humanity. I couldn't imagine Elon knowingly committing fraud. I am open to the possibility that fraud was committed, but unless presented with hard evidence he knowingly committed fraud I choose to believe this is a hit job to attack his character, credibility, and everything he has worked to achieve.

That's my 2 cents.

Elon Musk for president of Earth

It sounds like you don't have a solid understanding of what happened.

The tweet itself is fraudulent. "Funding secured" is specific language with a concrete meaning. Releasing that kind of statement publically is not superfluous.

I think I do understand, my point is people are fallible including EM. All I'm saying is I don't believe he intentionally tried to defraud anyone. With all of the projects he is associated with and all the moving parts associated with each it would be very easy for me to believe that this was just a mistake or error in communication to EM about the status of the funding and maybe he just jumped the gun.

He also could also have very well intentionally defrauded public perception. I just don't (want) to believe it. But that's just my own personal opinion and bias speaking.

Okay, then I apologize for jumping the gun on you.

Honestly, I wouldn't put either one past Musk... making a dumb joke off the cuff, or committing fraud with the hopes that he'll have plausible deniability because he could call it a joke. Who knows...

Thanks dude. I'm open to each side, I just personally admire him, and it's a reality that with people we admire we tend to look past thier shortcomings and that could very well be the case here wuth me lol.

Yeah... I see him as a hope for humanity to escape the traps we're setting for ourselves. He is young and flawed, yet thinking so far ahead of so many others. I don't like everything about him, but I am rooting for him.

I agree 100%. I wouldn't be surprised if he "commits suicide" in the near future.

He said he tried to warn Obammer about AI an dh didn’t give a shit. That’s what concerns me