When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

1  2018-09-29 by You_are_Retards


Thanks Confucius

It's from George R. R. Martin.

Piss off

and that is literally the only reason reddit staff effectively shut down /r/911truth, more and more people are waking up to the bullshit

Reddit staff did 9/11?

I cannot confirm or deny.

Denial does not melt no steal beams!

Then according to the minority of the Senate judiciary committee, it must be absolutely true and denying it would be bigotry.

I'm just saying, nobody's ever seen Spez and Bin Laden in the same room together.

Search Soros with Reditt and 9/11.

/r/911truth wasn't shut down.

Learn to read full sentences, friend

It's a real cute quote, but it's bullshit. If I don't allow someone in my home to drop n bombs, I'm not afraid of that garbage, I just want nothing to do with it.

The internet isn't you're home. If you don't like it, just close your eyes you fucking retard?

That’s a word, not a lie?1

It's an example of censorship that isn't fear based.

All censorship is fear based

It is though, you censor hatespeech because you are afraid of what will happen if you don't.

You're afraid that people's minds will be corrupted beyond repair if they hear naughty words, so you hide them.

No, this is the same stupid bullshit of people claiming 'they're downvoting me so I must be on to something', which if true, my first post must have been really scary to all of you.

Down votes are pretty meaningless though, there's a difference between your fellow plebians disagreeing with you and multi-million dollar organizations disagreeing with you enough to get rid of you.

Odds are if a multi million dollar corporation is silencing you the only thing they fear is a loss of advertising or customer dollars.


And the ad revenue excuse is a sham anyways since it only started a few years ago when concern trolls started writing articles about how knife reviewers on YouTube could be training jihadis.

On the sheep award goes too....


You're right this is so over my head.

You seem to understand the quote, but not what it's referring to.

It’s a nice sounding quote from a fictional character from a fantasy novel. Just because it appears to be true doesn’t mean it always is. Did all the people banned from this sub get banned because the mods were afraid?

"...I don't allow someone in my home to drop n bombs..."

Can't say I blame you. Nuclear bombs can really fuck up a house.

Ask the old-timers from Hiroshima and Nagasaki if you doubt me.

Are you mad because you miss your tongue, or something?

Wow, you fuckers have no sense of humor at all.

you're only telling the world you fear what he might say

Unless you're ///////, then it's plausible that you may just be making some weird ritual-soup.

Huh? This related to spirit cooking?

If they can bring down Kavanuagh, Trump will be next, and then the Republic will be finished!

im no fan of either

Truer words have never been spoken. When you tell the truth, no one can argue with you because the truth cannot be destroyed. So what do liars and those that are deceived do? They try to destroy the person telling the truth. I experienced this in my childhood from my father who didn't like hearing me tell him exactly how his abuse was effecting me. He then proceeded to tell me I just had a victim mentality and wanted to blame him for my problems. I was like 10. I incurred all sorts of physical and psychological abuse because I refused to accept that his abuse was my fault. He was Trump and I was the news media trying to expose him while he screamed "Fake News" claiming I was the enemy of America.

Would the truth tellers beseiged by liars do different?

I NEVER try to straight up silence people. I really do not like the idea of doing that unless they are just doing nothing but trying to be obnoxious and start shit. If I have confidence that I have the truth on my side, why do I care what anyone else has to say? I don't and I never will.

This comment took a very racial turn....

Better rip his tongue out.

BRB fixing

*When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

Seems you picked up more from your dad than you care to admit.

No, I'll admit all of it. What are specifically speaking about and I'll tell you if you're right or not.

most conservatives are not racist. They simply hate the fact that illegal immigrants commit over 50% of violent crime and Muslim extremist which slip in and murder our own people.. you are deluded it you think all white conservatives are racist

"most conservatives are not racist. They simply hate the fact that illegal immigrants commit over 50% of violent crime"

I'd ask you to provide a cite for that fantastic figure, but I won't out of concern that you may be injured when your fantasy bubble pops.

"and Muslim extremist which slip in and murder our own people.. you are deluded it you think all white conservatives are racist"

^ Insincerity detected ^

Your not worth the time to look it up and if youd like to see an example of Muslim immigration leading to an increase in terrorism simply look at Europe

Hello, i am a european living in europe and what you think and say is total nonsense. Forget everything you "know" and try again, will ya? Thank you.

Terrorism has drastically increased since 2014 in Europe. Have you seen Sweden ? Id honestly like to know what part of Europe

You’re just wrong.


You know that the IRA and ETA are a thing, right?

They simply hate the fact that illegal immigrants commit over 50% of violent crime and Muslim extremist which slip in and murder our own people


You have ZERO evidence to back up what you just said. ZERO.


White terrorists are more of a problem in America than Muslims. FACT.


I actually don't like the illegal problem either but its only because of the social problems and disruptions to the job market.


Conservatives mask their racist concerns with understandable ones (usually) but yours just proves racism since it has no basis in reality.


You just don't want the racial dynamics to change. You're scared of not being a part of the dominant race in America because thats the only thing you cling to to tell yourself that you're good enough. That you matter. You have nothing else to be proud of about yourself so you and all the other Trump supporters desperately cling onto it and are excusing the most horrific things while you do. This is all a giant test and Trump supporters are failing miserably.

Literally no where did I mention trump or make a single racist comment. You deem me racist because it fits your narrative and attempts to discredit my words. When in fact I willingly live with people of color and hate Donald trump. Saying that conservatives are racist is such a broad and foolish statement.

White terrorism is problem yes, but there is no ideology or religion pushing this violence like radical islamic terrorism, it is simply we have a massive population with access to weapons and mental health/ societal issues.

By the same logic you could've easily said black terrorism is an issue due to black murder/ gang violence but no. You only see the color of one's skin. I think you may be the racist one here. The problem is domestic terrorism, but keep on dividing us by skin color and calling conservatives racist, buddy....

Islamic terrorism is so dangerous because it is a foreign ideology which seeks to strike fear into the hearts of all Americans and undermine our way of life. When ever has "white terrorism" knock down 3 fucking skyscrapers and blow a hole in the Pentagon ??? Why would we willing let this into our country ?

Yes my claim has no solid evidence (read it somewhere) and there is no definitive conclusion whether immigration in America is correlated with crime but it does not change the fact that our border needs to be secure. We have too many drugs and gang related violence that has threatened our

I never bring up "race facts" unless it is to show a racist how stupid it is by using their own arguments against them. You brought up blatantly obvious "alternative facts" based on race then want to call ME the racist because I pointed out you were wrong. Projection much? Never said all conservatives are racists. Awfully defensive there for some reason. Strike a nerve?


The ideology behind the white violence is racism and hatred against the world for not getting what they feel is owed to them. Its white narcissism and it's a collective issue. This is not even something I would be talking about if only to counter your foolishness of bringing race into this. Ever heard of the OK City bombing? You're taking one incident, one that OUR GOVERNMENT was involved in and using it to condemn an entire group of people?

Yes my claim has no solid evidence (read it somewhere) and there is no definitive conclusion whether immigration in America is correlated with crime but it does not change the fact that our border needs to be secure. We have too many drugs and gang related violence that has threatened our


This is just hilarious. You freely admit you are full of shit and then excuse spreading racist lies because of your fear of drugs and gangs? Who do you think helps bring in the drugs and supports the Cartels? WE DO.

lol you aren't even worth debating with you. YOU are the racist one. You clearly hate white people and will blame all your misfortunes upon them.

I never once mentioned race. Islam is not a race, you stupid fuck. It's a religion. A religion rooted in violence, unfortunately.

And guess what, illegal immigrants are a race either, you racist, brainwashed cuck.

I'm whiter than you are. You are projecting so hard and you are calling me names because you know I'm right. You tell me I'm not worth debating but then keep responding but you don't use anything to back up your claims except insults because that's all you have. Thanks for continually proving me right. Being white is all you have to cling on to. It's really quite pathetic.

When have I ever said I'm white ?

You are not worth debating with because no matter what I tell you, you will always be stuck in your beliefs and will be, sadly, the same bigoted fool at the end of the day.

Yes, I insulted you. However, I did offer you facts that you have seemingly refused to address.

You were the first person to bring racism into the equation here, pal. To me, the color of one's skin does not matter at all. If you break the laws of our country and enter illegally (no matter which country you come from), or you are a radical islamic terrorist who hates our way of life, then I do not like you. Simple. Nothing at all to do with race.

But hey, keep blaming white people for everything...

You know whats funny, if you actually look at what I originally wrote, I didn't bring up race or Trump in relation to anything in any way shape or form except my father. And related my father to narcissism. You made all those connections yourself and that is extremely telling about your subconscious mind.


Yes my claim has no solid evidence (read it somewhere) and there is no definitive conclusion whether immigration in America is correlated with crime


You claim you offered me facts but just clearly said its all bullshit?


And where am I blaming white people for everything? Please show me. Bet you can't. This is all your own inner guilt you're projecting onto me. Get help.

The percentage would be a lot higher if they weren't trying to avoid deportation. That bar graph on low immigrant crime rate is half assed. I also don't know where they got that 50 percent figure from either.

"They'd commit more crime if they didn't care so much about getting caught!"



You do realize they deport most legals and illegals because they can charge them with a crime right?

lol it's almost like it's a crime for them to be here in the first place. If you enter the country LEGALLY, then there are no problems, you are a citizen

No. You can be deported even if you have a green card.

That's why I said "citizens". If you have a green card, in the majority of cases, you will not be deported unless you have committed a crime or broke one of the stipulations the green card requires you to follow. If you aren't a fucking citizen, go commit crime in your own damn country

Ah my bad

Muslim extremist which slip in and murder our own people

Since 9/11, a majority of domestic terror in the US was carried out by Christian/white extremists. It's not a race issue. Not all white people are committing mass shootings, just like not all Muslim people are going to be committing similar violent crimes. Not all people left of center are antifa-communists. Not all people right of center are nazis.

Maybe instead of making it about race or party lines, make it about a country affected by violence. Make it about attacking extremism.

"Since 9/11, a majority of domestic terror in the US was carried out by Christian/white extremists."

Please provide data to back this up.

Islam is not a race. It's a religion, which is unfortunately rooted in violence. You are correct in saying not all Muslims are committing these crimes but there are a vast majority of extremist which want to commit harm to us. There are not white terrorist beheading Americans, enslaving and committing genocide here in America. White terrorist have never knocked down 3 skyscrapers and blown a hole in the Pentagon either. Like you can't even say that white Christian terrorism is the issue either. Half of these shooters are mentally insane. They arent following some ideology or religion. They don't seek to undermine and destroy our way of life. America's problem is that we have millions upon millions of firearms and millions of people, a select few which are fucked up in the head. And it's not just white people. If you'd like continue to sub divide people by race people of color also commit an unseemly amount of murders in this country. The problem isnt just white terrorism, its domestic terrorism

if you'd like to sub divide people by race

Literally the point of my comment was to say how we shouldn't do this. I didn't say white terrorists are the problem. I said we have an issue with violence that Americans need to face and attempt to fix.

Which I entirely agree with, but violence coming from outside our county and within are two very entirely different issues, which require different solutions.

I think its important to identify the outside sources which seek to harm us (radical islamic terrorism), but I agree with not subdividing Americans into categories.

That sucks, but one man's faults shouldn't be used to prejudge others.

When you've debated with as many Trump supporters as I have, then you can talk to me about me "prejudging" them. They're all delusional. As soon as you start throwing facts at them, they throw up every psychological defense mechanism in the book to the point of straight up denying reality. It never fails. I get them to quit the conversation because I don't let them get away with anything. I know all of their tactics.

He then proceeded to tell me I just had a victim mentality and wanted to blame him for my problems. I was like 10. He was doing what ALL narcissists do, projecting all of his own negative feelings and actions that were really about him.

Sounds like you're both exactly like each other.

Plot twist! You and your dad are the same person.

Projection is subconscious and only applies when you're wrong. I'm well aware when I'm attributing my own qualities onto someone else which is why I can spot them in other people. I am aware of my flaws and I know myself. Trump supporters can't admit flaws, mistakes or take responsibility for anything. They can't see the ugliness in themselves so they can't see it in Trump. I know I have ugliness and I won't deny it either.

Trump supporters can't admit flaws, mistakes or take responsibility for anything. They can't see the ugliness in themselves so they can't see it in Trump. I know I have ugliness and I won't deny it either.

This is your ugliness, bigot.

If the truth is ugly, then so be it. Speaking it doesn't make me ugly but since you're reacting like this, that's telling me the truth make YOU feel ugly. Looking in the mirror is tough being a Trump supporter huh?

I voted for Gary Johnson and my girlfriend voted for Jill Stein because we couldn't decide between the two... Nice try though.

Some part of you identifies with him and you just can't admit it. Otherwise you wouldn't have reacted so strongly by calling me names.

I reacted that way because if you take the "Trump Supporter" part of your statement out and replace it with any other group of people, then the result would clearly be a bigoted statement. You've lost all objective and therefore aren't a rational thinker. You're a bigot, at least as bad as those you would accuse.

Maybe if being a Trump supporter was a race...

You are projecting SO hard it's quite hilarious.

^ Thinks that racism is the only kind of bigotry.

I guess I shouldn't be bigoted towards the KKK or Nazis or ISIS or MS13 then huh?

Provide evidence that all Trump supporters have ties to or are on the level with any of those entities. Otherwise, you're worse then them.

Ask and you shall receive.






Love you narcissism tactics though. The black and white thinking. Making me prove my claims while ignoring the fact that you can't prove yours. I know the game you're playing and you don't even realize you're playing it. And I'm 3 steps ahead of you.

Ooh pictures! What a well crafted argument. /s

The fact that the KKK exists is not proof that all trump supporters are as bad as the KKK or Nazis. You are really bad at this...

I have a feeling of that a Photoshop of Trump in KKK garb is coming up next.

Don't see that user posting the pic of Hillary embracing David Duke though.

Not hypocritical at all.

There you Trump supporters go, absolving yourself of your guilt by telling yourself anyone against Trump is a hypocrite because they support Hilary or Obama. Well guess what? I don't. Fuck them all. Good luck using that argument now. What else do you got?

Yes, "guilt". I feel really guilty for not voting for him. What else do you got?

I don't care if you voted for him or not. You support him. You wouldn't be reacting this way if you didn't. I hear this all the time from people who claim they "didn't vote for him" or "I don't like him but I like his policies". It's code for "I'm too big of a pussy to stand for what I truly believe in so I'm going to pretend like I don't while defending him at the same time".

too big of a pussy to stand for what I truly believe in

No, THAT is actually you. That's why you make the fake KKK allegations.

Ok, who did you vote for? You don't say JACK 'bout yourself, but attack other people's thoughts and PERSON directly.

Don't see your big overwash of support for Hillary, just denouncing anything Trump related. It's PATHETIC.

At least I'm not making fake arguments.

Fake argument? He asked for evidence that they were tied to the KKK. I provided it. What's fake about it? Or is everything fake that you don't want to acknowledge?

He said provide evidence they have ties to them. Using their exact slogan is evidence. I gave what was asked.

Possibly the worst "evidence" I've ever seen.

Do you want some evidence that Trump is a huge pathological liar? Here, his own twitter proves it.



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That has nothing to do with the thread. Nice try though.

And? Was that too hard for you to look at?

No, but your attempts to define Trump as a person are sad.

The fact that you just decide to post whatever tells me your original claim was even phonier.

Post "whatever"? Your arguments are terrible. I just like throwing truth in people's faces who can't face reality.

Removed. Rule 10.

Removed for some racism.

They simply hate the fact that illegal immigrants commit an inordinant amount of violent crime and Muslim extremist which slip in and murder our own people..


My comment got banned for "some racism" but this one didn't get touched. I'm the whiter than snow.

What rule violation does youe quoted text purport to break?

Claiming certain ethnic groups commit more crime than they actually do. Where does mine break the rules?

Claiming certain ethnic groups commit more crime than they actually do isn't racist? Where does mine break the rules?


Still waiting for an answer. Bet you don't have one because my post didn't mention race in relation to anything except my father. Just tells me EXACTLY what you are. I love tricking people like you into exposing themselves.

Removed. Rule 5.

is this an albert einstein quote

I don't know

It’s actually a Bill, Murray quote.


Tyrion Lannister actually...

No. You're just a psycho if you tear out a man's tongue.


Makes you wonder about all those hate-speech/anti-semitism/holocaust-denial laws. . . .

I don't have a problem with the holocaust denial laws in Europe.

What?! Elaborate please?

I don't have a problem with the existence in Europe of laws which make illegal claims that deny the WWII holocaust of Jews.

Without getting into specifics, just the principle of determining historical truth with laws is a slippery slope.

That would be like having laws in place that prevent questions being asked about 9/11. Are you OK with that too?

determining historical truth with laws

No one is doing that. Truth is determined by evidence.

Right! So anyone that has doubts can be shown the evidence, why incarcerate them?

When you're trying to present 'evidence' that 1+1 is not 2 you're mad or lying.

Holocaust denial is not motivated by truth.

The dude is a shill. Come to Voat.co if you haven't already.

That explains why so many people get banned from here.

You are what your name reads.

@alex jones as much as I hate to say it

If he keeps his mouth shut and let people decide for themselves like he said in the valuetainment interview.

He's the same as any white supremacists. If they didn't talk so much crap more people would agree with them. It is only because they actively break rules that they are "silenced"

"boston bomber"


Terrorism has drastically increased since 2014 in Europe. Have you seen Sweden ? Id honestly like to know what part of Europe

That's why I said "citizens". If you have a green card, in the majority of cases, you will not be deported unless you have committed a crime or broke one of the stipulations the green card requires you to follow. If you aren't a fucking citizen, go commit crime in your own damn country

Maybe if being a Trump supporter was a race...

You are projecting SO hard it's quite hilarious.

I have a feeling of that a Photoshop of Trump in KKK garb is coming up next.

Don't see that user posting the pic of Hillary embracing David Duke though.

Not hypocritical at all.

He said provide evidence they have ties to them. Using their exact slogan is evidence. I gave what was asked.

When you're trying to present 'evidence' that 1+1 is not 2 you're mad or lying.

Holocaust denial is not motivated by truth.