Lindsay Lohan attempts kidnapping of homeless child

1  2018-09-29 by neptunesunrise

Desperate last attempt?


Lindsay isn't high as fuck or anything....naaaaaa

At some point in the future, that muslim woman is going to find out she decked a former child star turned whatever she is now. Life is really weird.

I remember in the 90s at a country music awards show, Travis Tritt btfo'd billy ray cyrus on live television. BRC's song, achey breaky heart, was blasted nonstop on every radio station. It was shit song. Music industry pushed it hard.His daughter grew up to be a star as well. No surprise

That was a really weird time, and yeah, that song was just awful. Their fame is a mystery.

That's because America conflates fame with value.

Some know how the game is played so they invent their own fame, like Blake Lively.

More like we get tricked. If you've ever heard BRC sing live,he's absolutely awful. He can't sing a lick. Sounds nothing like the way he does on the radio. Music industry pushed him to fame. Hard to blame America. It was forced on us

Meryl Streep is a good example. Yes, she's a good actor, but people in h'wood speak of her as if she farts roses. Please. She's not a saint.

Oh, that Meryl Streep is such a phony!

Meryl Streep is scum, like a lot of Hwood Hags

I wrote her off in the last couple of years. Nauseating woman who has let fame get to her head.

Shit I say Billy Ray got him better with a “if you don’t like Achey Breaky Heart here’s a quarter, call someone who cares” lmao.

woman is a hero with a cape

Favorite parts by far:

"Don't fuck with Pakistan."

Also the sudden realization when punched in the face that she may not be as powerful as she thinks she is.

Yeah, she looks around like someone’s going to come running to her aid. That moment she realizes she’s all alone in this world is priceless. Hahahahahahahaha.

And seriously, wtf?!?

timestamp? I cant watch the tramp. It would be great to have a link, and I love lamp.

Or after being punched she lost her “accent” and reverted to the valley girl persona.

No joke, but seriously, what the actual fuck makes her sound like a 75 year old man now? How does that happen?


Copious amounts of cocaine, booze and cigarettes would be my guess.

Why did she even say that? Does she think Pakistanis are Arabs?

I was watching this video live as it went down.. my jaw was on the ground.. i was dying laughing at the comments though, "lindsay you ok sis" 😂😂😂😂 and her accent.. wtf was up with that it was like Gaelic.. oh what a time to be alive

"lindsay you ok sis"

That is anger inducing.


I'm sorry you had opportunity to watch live.

What happened after that?

she may have inadvertently invented a genre here - "drunk celeb charitable reality tv where there is a fundamental language gap".

That's a great genre!

I don't even like reality shows and I would watch the hell out of that

That UK Drunk History show almost worked.

If I lived in the UK, I would not need Tv. I would go out when the bars are closing and have a hard time in deciding which street fight I'm going to watch. If I'm smart, I'll put myself in an area where I'll watch several fights and stabbings happen over a one hour period.

So anyone else think those kids would have ended up as sex slaves or harvested for organs if she got them? Lindsay's handlers woulda swooped right in and taken them.

I dunno but it sure was creepy how her luring technique made her sound like a carnie or pedophile or crackhead. Offering what she thinks they want and all they have to do is "come with me".

At the 8:00 minute mark: "I wont leave until I take you."


what parent wouldn't sock someone in the face after that?

yes. we've discussed the methods in which children are smuggled. high on a street corner with their "mothers" in the cold waiting to be picked up.

anyone else it find it odd that lindsay lohand can speak multiple languages?

So many wtfness with this story. Moscow, the accents & speaking Arabic, the shout out to Palestine, the actual story of rescuing children.

I’m wondering what lead her to believe these children were being trafficked in the first place. Seems like she just walked up to a family and started her own manufactured drama. Was she doing this to get in the news? She has a new show out, a new nightclub, makeup line... any press is better than no press mentality?

About the accent, isn't odd that other former child stars like Britney Spears developed odd accents later in their lives as well as have mental breakdowns. It wouldn't have anything to do with the alleged Monarch program, would it?

Well with Britney I'm pretty sure her accent stuff was just her screwing around.

Yeah. What she did there isn't strange unless you're looking at it in the context of it being some sort of mind control thing.

No, it's strange no matter how you look at it. Even if she was trying to put on a "better face," so to speak, she could've asked to pause the interview. What happened to her was more reactive and less in control of herself.

Also, I never specifically looked at as mind control just that it's a possibility. Please don't put words into my mouth.

I don't think it was strange at all. No reason to pause the interview if she can hold back her emotions. It was just a quirky way to deal with it.

With celebrities you should always consider Occam's Razor. Do they have mental problems or are they just eccentric? Are they dumb/irresponsible or are they being manipulated by a nefarious entity?

If you don't want people to assume you look at it as mind control you shouldn't have brought Monarch in the first place.

She was going at it like a Predator

Its just a promotion for the new movie

OK hollywood, maybe I will go see that version

This is so ridiculous it feels staged, like it's some kind of Borat type mocumentary comedy.

What the hell was she planing to doing if she were to successfully get those kid, she can barley take care of her self?

But the innate desire to raise children is inside her, brewing strong, and she knows she is unfit for reproduction. She's so high, she found a child (with parent) and thinks she can pluck it as if it were fruit, from its family all laaa deee daaahhhh.

Oh my god she's become Peggy Hill.

timestamp? I cant watch the tramp. It would be great to have a link, and I love lamp.