They’re milking the shit out of the latest WWE political spectacle, Kavanaugh story. It’s perfect, as it creates divide between the sexes, but also in terms of left/right. It’s dominated the news cycle for weeks. Meanwhile, 9-10,500 children are sold in the US each year, often to elite clientele.

1  2018-09-29 by special_feech

Child sex trafficking is a global “industry”, and there is essentially an epidemic of children being trafficked in the US.

Yet the social engineers continue to have meaningless and ultimately inconsequential stories and topics dominate the media landscape.

The Kavanaugh story might as well be a fucking pay-per-view event the way it’s portrayed in the news cycle as this “battle” between the two sides.

Think about this for a minute; of all the crazy things happening in the world right now, all the drone strikes, the Federal reserve manipulating the economy, the intelligence agencies shipping in drugs, the divide and conquer agenda trucking along, and the global child sex trafficking trade, the Kavanaugh story is the most unimportant and inconsequential shit I can imagine to have dominate the news cycle right now.

The whole point of this is two drive a wedge between the sexes and the political parties using a rape scandal as the “bait” forcing you to take a side. There’s a constant cycle of these little divisive stories on 24/7/365.

Bottom line, we have bigger fish to try in this country than these annoying little left vs right shit-show distractions.


so is it closer to 9 or 10,500

I hope you’re joking.

Seriously though; do you mean '9K', or just "9"?

What do you honestly think dude?

I'm not paid to think: Only act, and react!

You’re pathetic.

Maybe people can care about different things at the same time?

I think the point is that the media is only covering it to help sow the seeds of division and as a distraction as well.

Most people have a very short attention span and only run off emotion. Remember Puerto Rico? Nobody cares anymore. They even released the bombshell pic of all the water on the air strip left behind and nobody gives a shit.

,and it's going to take a balanced SC to enable justice. Do catch up

Theres no balance on the SC when they're all corrupt agenda pushing fucks that have no respect for individual liberty. Where'd your Bill of Rights go? At best these days, you dont have to quarter troops in your home. Do catch up.

Gosh, all politicians and judges are bought and paid for, why can't you see Kav will tip the balance e enabling those guilty of treason to be tried by military tribunals. Did you not see grahams questioning of kav, both of them? Do catch up

So why choose another elite to do nothing about this in the justice system?

I don’t think I suggested that

So it is an important process? The President separated like 1500 children from their parents for a misdemeanor crime. Where is your outrage for that?

What makes you think I’m not outraged about that? He’s clearly a garbage world leader.

But you are trying to say this is a spectacle and it doesn't matter because there other worse things in the world. People are fighting the good fight against Judge Rapey McBeer so people can start fight real problems like the one you brought to life and not have asshole judges be installed to the follow the president's criminal wishes and just give decisions that allow infinite money into politics.

Do you think there is a lot of substance to the subjects that the mainstream media covers incessantly in the news cycle? I mean, couldn’t these simply be spectacles distracting the public from something else?

Well the country has been turned into one big conspiracy theory. The actual stuff that is going on is much crazier. The media has to tread carefully to not sound like the t_d for democrats. I imagine this was part of the plan. "Let's do things that are so outrageous that it will take so long to prove that when they do start reporting on it, it will sound like a crazy smear campaign and by then we would have taken over the most powerful offices in the land". Truth is the only thing to fight this evil.

Sometimes people like to talk about the issue at hand...

If I'm raising money for cancer research it doesn't mean I'm insensitive to people with other diseases.

(Good point). Meanwhile, (Agenda).

Ya know I care more about that last sentence than I do about this whole televised rape thing. We have fish to fry. I love fish. I dont care about these politicians lol

Conclusion : Buy pop-corn

Some supporting documentation (read and heed the warning):

Do you think there is a lot of substance to the subjects that the mainstream media covers incessantly in the news cycle? I mean, couldn’t these simply be spectacles distracting the public from something else?

Seriously though; do you mean '9K', or just "9"?

Well, make a suggestion.