Hey, can I ask the people who believe the Mainstream Media: Why are you here?

1  2018-09-29 by MamaBare

Since when was rConspiracy a place where people came to defend the talking heads behind the desks? It doesn't matter the topic: Trump, Kavanaugh, the solar observatory, refugees, the environment, school shootings- they're not trying to fill you in on what's going on, they're trying to get viewers.

So let's take "Astroturfing shill" and "troll" and "useful idiot" off the table. People who believe the official story, why are you so accepting of the narrative handed to you by TPTB?

Is it just that they tell you what you already believe? Is it that they're brand names you recognize? Is Anderson too handsome to be a liar? What's going on?


I look at the mainstream media to see what agenda's they are pushing and then move on to a variety of other sources.

I was blown away when the explanation for the lockdown surrounding that solar observatory was "child porn" and then literally the next day Trump tweeted that he's delaying the release of some Russian documents.

How obvious of a distraction will people fall for?

solar observatory was "child porn" and then literally the next day Trump tweeted that he's delaying the release of some Russian documents.

I was blown away when the excuse for the observatory was "child porn" and the text Hillary Clinton held a secret meeting with Democrats

Secret meeting is news to me. Is that all we know?

We are in the middle of the most elobarate propaganda campaign since WW2.

Things are going to get much worse before they get much better.

Common sense has been shouted out of this sub.

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." -Noam Chomsky

Christ if that doesn't describe what's going on around us right now idk what else does.

The funny part to me is a large part of the people that commonly bring up the MSM lying will link any random blog that posts something they agree with and just talk about it like it's fact. They aren't critical thinkers, just affirmation bias partisans.

I think American media is a lost cause. Ever since they allowed large media ownership and put advertisers in the news rooms all we see is corporate propaganda.

If you want to see something interesting watch BBC UK or sky Europe. They actually talk about the news even though they answer to the same corporate overlords.

Is it because of EU laws or just better educated viewers?

bbc uk?? are you smoking crack??

its the worst of all.... run by jew for jews. always pro system. smfh

Keeping track of what the official news is important because if you don't know what they are trying to get you to believe how do you know what to question?

Are you asking your questions based only on conservative sites?

how do you know what to question?

Questioning the mainstream media is the opposite of what this post is about. I'm asking the people who ardently insist that the news media is being honest when they tell you the news.

Are you asking your questions based only on conservative sites?

It would seem that way since the mainstream media seems to only rain shit on conservatives, huh?

But no, Democrats and Republicans are all the same, it's just Dems seem to have much better PR.

If you can honestly say this regarding the MSM, youhave no idea what is being said.

it's just Dems seem to have much better PR.

Hey. Remember when Republicans stalled the shit out of Obama appointing a Justice on bullshit grounds?

Yeah. Dems are totes different.

Hey. Remember when Republicans called Obama "No-bama"? Glad we don't have to suffer through that idiocy on Drumpf's watch.

Hey. Remember when those corporations ran the government through puppet politicians? Glad that doesn't happen to my party.

You are confirming the point I made.

That they're basically the same team with different colored ties?

There is still a war going on for control of the Democrats, the liberals were driven out and underground in favor of the , good for business, suppress wages, lock em up, privatize education, globalize everything go NAFTA kind Democratic who took over the party in the late 80s and early 90s and who beat down Obama nearly as harshly as the Republicans.

There is a tiny possibility the Democratic Party will move back to, their labor friendly, good wages, voting rights, invest in public education, kind of group, but we won't know until after the Midterms.

There is still a war going on for control of the Republicans, the moderates were driven out and underground in favor of the , good for wall street, suppress wages, lock em up, privatize prisons, abandon all allies, blindly support Israel, war machine, anti immigrant kind Republican who took over the party in June 2015

The Republican party was grabbed immediately after the 2012 Romney loss, that is also why Trump became the candidate,

the Republican base had refused to vote for a polite oligarch (Romney), and they love the profane on. Meanwhile, the ideologue purists heading the Cabinets and the political operator Pence push through the documents for Trump to sign. o

the moderates were driven out

Republicans have been the party of oligarchy for a hundred years easy. Their 1920's policy is not very different from their policy today. Sure, during Ike or Nixon, they compromised for convenience to regain power, but once Ronald Reagan came in and Republicans took the Senate, the Hoover period returned: tax cuts and deregulation. It's been that way ever since.

On the favorite topic of war, it was William McKinley who began the overseas war agenda (beyond the Monroe doctrine), and interestingly enough, Teddy Roosevelt who went all-in with it.

Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican, though he managed some good things in spite of the Empire building.

So... You genuinely believe the Democrats are the good guys?

He's mirroring your previous comment. Both sides want your money via corporate donations. Both sides want to control you.

I think I posted that some very dirty folks took control of the Democratic Party. I think the Democratic voters are fine people.

I think Bernie Sanders was a fine Democratic candidate for President and I like some of the Democratic elected.


I just read a bunch of your comments. They seem fairly good, and well reasoned. You respond emotively and a bit snarkily sometimes, but generally... good comments... and yet you get downvoted a LOT.

It's shills. Trolls don't have enough patience to downvote in such numbers. Keep your head up and keep contributing :).

I understand what OP is saying. I see a lot , and I meant a lot of MSM defenders in the comments these days.

If you notice, I was accused of a conservative bias.

Apparently questioning the official story is a conservative thing to do.

Stay strong Friend. This shit is only going to get worse for the time being.

It’s these days seen as either far left or far right to question. ‘Moderates’ believe the news. Apparently.

If you talk to people, face to face, 99% of people are moderate and reasonable.

Weird how basically the entire internet would lead you to believe otherwise...

I guess I don't understand what you mean, defenders.

They do tell part of the truth with the propaganda.

Even Fox News tells the truth, once or twice a year.

I guess I don't understand what you mean, defenders.

Stick around long enough and you will. There are people all over the comments who only defend/believe what the MSM says, only use MSM as sources, and attack/ridicule anyone who questions it.

Propaganda does contain Truth between the lines, Truth it doesn't intend to tell, but there are those here who are real believers in the lies they peddle. And that's who OP's post is directed at.

I believe the mainstream media if the reporting is well done. Who is the alternative, infowars or 4chan? I’ll go with organizations that have rigorous training and sourcing.

Okay, so why are you here? This sub, I mean.

Generally conspiracy theorists regard the MSM with contempt.

Also, basically video proof, primary sources, that kind of thing.

Why do you seem to think everyone here is only around to talk about political conspiracies?

The front page?

Hahaha, how sad and fucking true this is.

Only political conspiracy worth talking about is how they are ALL fucking us. Soon as someone starts with one side is better than the other bullshit I know to just ignore them from then on.

I just really want to understand them. Like, what's going on in your head to think that either party is on our side?

everything is political

What media do you trust?

Absolutely none. Believe none of what you see and half of what you hear.

It's all figuring out the extent of how much effort they'd put into making the lie convincing.

So like a good example is weather. Week to week, weather reports are more or less reliable. But when it comes to getting people to tune into hurricane coverage, well we've seen all the fakers.

I'm going to politely call bull shit on this. You absolutely trust some media- you would have no knowledge of world affairs if you didn't.

Your only other option would be to literally be there to witness every world happeneing with your own eyes.

The bias is everywhere and no matter what, you're taking it in and believing some side of it.

Aggregation across multiple sources excluding anything on cable news of course.

Pretty much agree with ya. I try to take in as many opposing sides of something as I can before I really nail down an opinion. Obviously biases creep in, but it's important to try to fight that.

And then they all use AP


For better or worse I trust this guy more than most.

And I wish there was more out there like him, across the spectrum. There's plenty I disagree with from Corbett, but in general I see him coming from a genuine and accurate standpoint, which I respect.

What do you disagree with him about?

I don’t believe everything the media is saying. What I do though is that I’ll read the same articles from each side of the spectrum and determine the consistencies between the articles and formulate the truth from there.

I am here because I enjoy all conspiracies but there’s always an effort to make everything political and push a political agenda. We all know there’s an effort here to make our president a shining light, and there are some that just won’t let go of certain conspiracies that have been proven false.

But take some time and read some of the efforts that people research and you’ll see why I enjoy being here. I lurk a lot, and post on some stuff but yeah. You get where I am going.

No one source of media is the truth. You need to find a balance between all CREDIBLE sources. If you read fox, read the same article on MSNBC. If you watch a Ben shaprio video, watch a video from the young Turks on the same topic. Don’t rely on one source.

<What I do though is that I’ll read the same articles from each side of the spectrum and determine the consistencies between the articles and formulate the truth from there.


Any MSM is owned by the same company. There is going to be no truth on either side. Just shit talking the other side so a bunch of baboons can say "oh my side Is right!".

Yeh don't expect honest nor educated answers though.

Since ShareBlue/CNN/TMOR/SPLC decided to start brigading this sub because it is too popular for thae administrators to ban.

They can't all be shills...

Sadly, you are correct. Some are braindead sockpuppets that don't realize who is pulling their strings. Some are scripts run by shill organizations.

i expect an impending conspiracy or a reveal of a conspiracy. just lurking in case it breaks here first.

I believe a significant amount of what the MSM says! Let me explain.

  1. Any fact finding journalism should be verifiable by an interested reader. Reviewing a journalist’s sources, their data points etc. Ie, a journalist should highlight information that can be reviewed by the consumer, and the implications can be reached by any educated citizen.

  2. Journalists within the MSM are career professionals. I trust mechanics to fix my car better than I, I trust computer programmers to write my computer better than I. I trust professionals bc they’re literally the best. Not blindly trust, but generally trust.

  3. MSM has literally never been trustable. I wrote a very long piece on “fake news” during the founding era of America, you can review it in my post history if you like! (Id be flattered for anyone to review it!). Thomas Jefferson (may he rot in hell, fucking slaver and serial rapist) paid James Callender to write lies about political opponents (Jefferson was found out and lost his Secretary of State position over it). Hamilton paid editors to run pro-Federalist articles to sway public opinion. John Adams made it illegal to talk trash about the President (Alien and Sedition Acts anyone??). James Madison leaked Hamilton’s affair with Maria Reynolds for political gain, and when he did it (to James Callender) Callender added in outright lies about a corruption element to sell more papers. Our MSM has NEVER BEEN TRUSTABLE IN ITS ENTIRITY.

  4. The MSM wants to make fucking money. So does everyone. We must take this into account. Journalists are not magical people who can be held to a higher standard than anyone else. We don’t trust a mechanic if he overcharges us, we shop around. If we find a snake oil salesmen we don’t give them our business and we seek out a better product and a better business for our services. We must expect the MSM to be as interested in money as anyone else, vote with out wallets as we would any other service we consume.

The MSM has been a tool of politicians since before the Constitution was written. It was a critical aspect of the rise of the two party system. It has been used to promote class interests, and usually the monies classes.

Yet, they are not, to a man, part of the Cabal. They can’t all be reptilians, or child sacrificers, they cannot all be Trump syncophants or Killary lackeys. The majority of journalists are like us: they seek to find a job they have some interest in, some talent in, that they can procure themselves some financial security through. We must understand this and take what they say with a grain of salt.

The MSM can provide us with so much information. We should not write them off as all purely evil. We should not expect them to be so virtuous as to be completely trustable. We should not be disappointed when they fall to bias, push agendas without admitting it, or even bold face lie to us. We must expect to. Once we do that, we can parse the information they give us to glean important insights into the state of affairs of our nation and world.

You asked, that’s my answer.

you would have no knowledge of world affairs if you didn't.

If you don't watch the news you're uninformed, if you do watch the news you're misinformed.

Hey that Trump's a real Earth hater for not signing the Paris Accords right? Or maybe the US has reduced their carbon emissions more than the signatories? Do we cheer China for their solar farms or boo China for their increased emissions? And when exactly is it no longer "Obama's economy"?

It's all a swirling mass of what you want to believe. Why on this planet of Earth would anyone bother telling the truth?

They can't all be shills...