Conspiracy theorists, what if Trump is actually a democratic plant?

1  2018-09-30 by b22299


Pretty sure they would of rather had Hillary

They are 2 types of liberals, Democrats and DemoncRats

The Democrats won.

Can’t you say that about both parties? You have the shitty Democrats/Republicans and then the shittier Democrats/Republicans.

Oh yes, I totally agree with you.

They're all shitty lol

I am pretty sure he was hired by Hillary to take a dive so she would be president, but He (and a group of powerful friends) betrayed her

No love for the truth.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!!!!

Then some of us are fucked and they will throw us into re-education camps.

Think it’ll be better than the public school education most of us received?

I'm not sure, but I think we should at least ask the Native Americans how well the re-education system worked for them!

I see no difference in either party except in name. The values that separated them have basically merged into the same shit, so has their morals and ethics. I think Trump used the republicans for a stepping stool. It assured him some financial backing as well as many other bennies going through the electorial process. Truth be known, I bet the rnc planned on him losing their primaries anyway. For many decades he has been toying with the idea of a run at the presidency, he just finally made his mind up to do it. I think he is his own "plant." I think he saw what path that America was going down and decided it wasnt a good one, he was correct. He made a decision to make things better for America and its legal citizensand every day he does.

They just run a bipartisan policy of increasing the power of the government, making people more and more dependent on their services and funneling the wealth into the hands of parasitic "elites". Sometimes, mostly when the economy is doing well, the democrats "win" and do it outright by increasing taxes and regulations, but if they squeeze people too much and the economy is taking downturn they let the republicans "win" so they stop the squeeze just for a while to let the economy take a breath - the sheep must be sheared, not peeled.

So no, I don't think that Trump is democratic plant, they are all in it from the start.

Preach brother. I regularly get attacked for being a conservative or a liberal all the time in this sub and I always tell them so support neither. Both parties are the same imo. The only reason we have two parties is so people get the illusion of freedom of choice. For a conspiracy sub I find it odd that people seem to believe there’s a good side and a bad one. There is no good or bad side it’s just government and they’re all on the same side.

The elite are manically laughing somewhere... "The biggest joke of all... Is that you were convinced you ever had a choice to begin with."

Source: Throughout all the smoke and mirrors: The war economy continues unabated

Presidents are selected, not elected.

Oh and happy cake day


What is this, January 2017? lol.

Nah, I think the democrats and republicans are allowed to fight, but on a good show for the people. But she is definitely a deep state plant. (You read that right.)

trump was (and probably still is) a lifelong new york democrat.. he is defending soros, etc

Not any second of my thoughts. Get over it, she lost, they lost. The elites wanted Hillary, the Democrats wanted Hillary, half of the Republican establishment wanted Hillary, 90% of the media wanted Hillary, K street wanted Hillary.

Self funded Trump wasn’t planned by anyone other the himself and the people.

trump was not even close to being self funded. He doesn’t have that type of liquidity. Not even close. He was fully supported by the Mercer family. Hard to believe that people think he could possibly have been self funded.

Hillary won the popular by over three million. At least in the tabulated, recorded results, whether they were manipulated or not. Meanwhile, Trump won the electoral.

The point was for Putin to make a laughingstock out of US democracy by not only pulling the strings to have a dumbass get into office, but for Trump to “win” by not winning at all, and demoralize the US citizenry. Putin got to show how the US actually isn’t a pure democracy.

Russia has done versions of this before, even having moles on more than one side, it’s just that no one who had ever gotten far enough to wind up as one of the final candidates has ever been as profound of an embarrassment.

Trump killed TPP and pulled the US out of the Paris Accords. Not something the Democrat establishment (or Neocons for that matter) agree with.