Are ghost hunters con men or does the conspiracy have merit?

1  2018-09-30 by mokillem

Hey guys, before we continue lets salute our fallen comradely reddit page r/911Truth .The truth is hated and here at conspiring conspirators we understand reddit is failing.

You cannot quarantine truth ~ every conspiracy theorist ever


Now that we have got that away we are excited to announce that we will be posting 2 videos a week instead of one consistently.That said recently we surfed youtube and we found a lot of people seem to support ghost busters. Infact a recent video by tech insiders supported ghosts , as always we investigated the truth:

PM me for sources, and as always what do you guys think?





Nice. Keep up the good work :)

People like you are sunshines and rainbows bundled up into one.


You keep up the good work :)

I don’t support the tv shows since they do have to fudge stuff to keep viewer interest high, but I did some “ghost hunting” at a local abandoned asylum and did catch evp’s and some physical experiences, I can try to upload if anyone’s interested

I’m interested

Very friggin interested, and how did you feel?

I’ll work on uploading after work, but I’ll tell you a shadow reached out from and brushed the right side of my face when I did a solo session and my face had a crazy burning sensation for a time after that. Most scared I’ve been lol

Where will you upload ? Could you PM me for a a quick talk?


Ghosts are real, ghost hunters are not.

Ghosts are real, ghost hunters are not.

Care to elaborate?

I'd say the phenomena of spirits is very real with plenty of credible and widely known cases throughout history.

One interesting thing to note is that the team researching the Skinwalker Ranch reported poltergeist and paranormal activity, often centered around a particular member of the team. I postulate that "ghosts," (hate this term, and would rather use entities) while rarely if ever leaving any physical evidence are related to the UFO phenomena and a misunderstood nature of reality. Funnily enough the one aspect of reality we don't understand is conciousness. This also happens to be where these paranormal phenomena manifest themselves.

One things for sure, if disembodied conciousness is provoking activity continuously near you, that's not a good sign. I believe that if alien disclosure were to actually hit it would reveal more about interdimensional/realit based knowledge rather than space knowledge.

Paranormal phenonema is real. From actual extradimensional entities to human paranormal activity (most times unbeknownst to all participants).

I just have to say that I love how awesome your comment replies are. Seem like a really nice person which can be hard to find on Reddit apparently. Ghosts are definitely real. I have no clue what they are exactly but they are real.

Cheers 🤠

Personal experience with ghosts? I have had every experiences but i can’t say 100% it was ghosts or goats.

That said I hate buisnesses based on scaring the shit out of home owners.Its Just exploitation and fear mongering tbh.

Ghosts are definitely real. I have no clue what they are exactly but they are real.

A bit contradictory.

Ok if you say so. I don’t know if they are actual spirits of the dead or if they are residual loops of time being played over and over. If you take the time to think about the statement, it’s actually not contradictory but thanks.

EVPS are very real. And that is essential to proving whether or not a property is haunted. I have recorded many EVPs just by recording my Sleep.

Dream recordings are also fascinating. Trying to find links to sleep talkers who have had conversations with EVPs. I remember reading one instance

I have been recording my sleep now for like 2 Years and I have had a couple instances of me Sleep Talking and having a EVP come in at the same time.

This one I believe is the clearest instance as you here me talk in my Sleep as I feel I’m giving directions to somewhere then you here a EVP Spirit Voice come through and say something like “Why thank you”.

Hahaha that's great thanks for sharing this clip

Unexplained paranormal phenomena is real, though I don't think they are usually spirits of deceased people causing it. Like most psychics, most ghost hunters, especially the ones on TV, are fake. What pisses me off about these ghost hunter and psychic shows is that they target actual deceased people and then go and shout and disrespect them and their surviving relatives. Talk about negative energy. It's not so much a conspiracy, but typical junk TV.

"Now that we have got that away"


The TV shows are garbage, but there are real mediums/empaths that are definitely legitimate

ghosts cant be real, just with the amount of people that have died, we'd have all seen at least one ourselves by now. So therefor i suggest ghost hunters are full of shit haha