Here is what Julian Assange wanted us to know right before his internet was cut

1  2018-10-01 by HeyJesusBringMeABeer

"Intelligent evil dust, it's everywhere in everything"


"The generation being born now is the last to be free"

What was he talking about?

Smart Dust

Smartdust involves 5G wireless and IoT as I will soon explain.

First, here's Assange describing it in his own words:

It's interesting to note that research on smart dust has been active and intense since at least 1997. By now the technology has advanced and I would expect that they've already tested it many times, formally and secretly.

What in the World is Smart Dust?

The man who coined the term, Kris Pister, told IDG Connect last April that the name "...was kind of a joke - everything in the US and LA at that time seemed to be 'smart', smart bombs, smart houses, smart roads…" His recollection can be counted on, since he co-authored the paper "Smart Dust: Autonomous sensing and communication in a cubic millimeter" back in 1997, when the technology was still in its infancy.

Pister was able to demonstrate it to DARPA in 2001:

Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’

In 2001, Pister and his colleagues conducted a field demonstration for DARPA at the Marine Corps’ base at Twentynine Palms. A small drone dropped six “motes” the size of a pill bottle near a road.

After synchronizing with each other, they detected the presence, course and speed of a Humvee and a heavy transport truck. When the drone passed overhead, the motes transmitted their data to the drone, which then beamed the information down to a base station.

Hitachi had smart dust in 2001 as well, keep in mind this was 17 years ago and the technology must have improved tenfold by now:

Hitachi Develops World’s Smallest RFID Chip

Here's a couple more demonstrations and existing applications:

Smart dust can be dispersed in the air where it can remain or be breathed in by humans, it can be in paint, it can be embedded in products as hidden watermarks or theft devices, it can be anywhere. Smart dust is basically tiny computer chips (think nanotech) which can be powered by nothing more than radio waves already in the air. I think they'd live quite well in electrosmog dense areas. And in my opinion, this is why they are forcefully rolling out 5G everywhere because 5G emits radio waves that can power and communicate with this stuff. Electric companies are rolling out smart meters for every home to get us one step closer to new age public infrastucture called smart grid. Total surveillance and monitoring. IoT on a whole new level.

They wrap up this tech in nice little promises like 5G will let you download so much faster and stream anywhere! Or smart meters will help you save $2.16 on your next electric bill! What's actually happening is that they're building a complete matrix where nothing can be free from it's reach or capability. In the future, somewhere there is a control center with numerous buttons, dials and switches that can modify every aspect of your life in real-time, and the control center is off limits. From you anyway.


5G, which comes from the term 5th generation, is designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus called the Internet of Things or IoT. The agenda is to hook every single material thing on the planet, as well as humans themselves, onto a vast planet-wide web where everything and everyone become nodes on the network – connected by microchips which are nano-size and can be inhaled (like smart dust).

Smart Dust: Real-Time Tracking Of Everything, Everywhere

DARPA is a driver of Technocracy in the 21st Century. Its creation of computerized microscopic sensors no larger than a spec of dust will surpass the Internet of Things (IoT) by orders of magnitude. Known as “Smart Dust”, an area can be blanketed to achieve 100% real-time monitoring of everything in every nook and cranny. Also, Smart Dust can be incorporated in fabric, building materials, paint or any other substance use in construction, decoration or wearables.

My main question is, have they been secretly testing this stuff? Have humans already been inhaling smart dust? History points to some concerning conclusions:

Finally, there is a theory called grey goo which describes what happens when something like smartdust gets out of control and consumes the Earth's biomass for its own replication. Now consider the wild and crazy idea that smartdust has already existed for billions of years in a slightly different form, whether it was created through randomness or a grand architect. We call it stardust (atoms). These atoms form together to create various life forms out of self-replicating DNA/RNA, with trillions of cells which can somehow communicate, and some of these life forms aim to consume all the available biomass on Earth. That's us! We are an advanced form of smartdust. :)


And lots of people in this sub revere Elon Musk for wanting to add us all as nodes in the IoT. (I believe he actually used this exact term, I almost feel honored as it's how I've been describing it)

Fantastic post. Last couple sentences fucked me up lol.

The best part

Really the best PART? It basically rings of that convoluted but tragic movie Prometheus. WE ARE SO FUCKED.

The hope many of us have is that the bureaucracy that comes with it will ensure it's benevolence.

Honestly, I think that's the likely outcome too.

This report got a 30-year employee fired. He mentioned the weaponizing of the 5G Ban

PS. Have to use the wayback machine b/c his old article now re-directs to a pro-5G






Dvorak was recently canned also for writing about the dangers of 5g, then his most recent article yanked and replaced with another article extolling the virtues of 5G.




If smart dust equals 30 year old tech, then every THING is theater?

Smart dust is getting sprayed by chemtrail planes

This is true, it's why we have so many gay frogs today. #SMH

it's why we have so many gay frogs today.

No, the gay frogs are from the atrazine that gets into the water from the farms using it. Did you not read the Berkeley study?

It's OK if you're new here, sit back and ingest redpills my newb fren

The gay frogs thing was such a low effort anti-conspiracy slur for a while, similar to "you must be an antivaxxer".

But I was always pushing back and showing Tyrone Hayes' research when it is finally becoming common knowledge rather than a joke meme slur. So happy to see this. Truth is the light that will destroy these dark ages.

Yes sir, the truth shall free you. One of my favorite Hayes vids, he talks about how Berkeley and the Media tried to silence the study

I've found the truth to mostly have the opposite effect. I've never felt so trapped before. It's addictive, though. So addictive.

The trapped feeling will pass when you make a plan and goal for your family such as getting of grid of country living, or conceal carry license, or build your own gun, grow your own garden, etc

All of this stuff has gotten me into a shit load of tutorials and learning and meeting new people who know what's going on and are prepping and organizing for worse case scenario. Basically it feels good to be awakened and to spend Tim in the country checking out properties in hopes of a better future

It's been five years or so, I have plans coming out the wazoo haha It doesn't really change the crippling sadness I have for my species though =[

I'm not sad, all the stuff going on forces intelligence to find solutions, evolve, adapt. The craziness now is because a mass awakening is occurring causing the Globalists to try and force censorship on everyone.

Basically things were complacent while only a small % was awake. Now massive #'s are awake and waking up and it's accelerating everything.

Also the worse will be when A.I. goes rogue and wars against humanity, we will go through hell with that but the survivors will be genetically modified enlightened super humans and they will be the advanced progeny we all know deep inside we can be one day.

I wish I could believe we were good enough to make it to that point

Still think the ban of the great awakening is coincidence..? Look arround, there are so many people becomming more aware of relity right now i think it has become impossible to stop this wave.

Still? I never thought it was a coincidence...

But can you see it as evidence we are good enough to make it to that point?

Maybe a little, but there's far more evidence that shows we're not.

I think that everything is (a) matter of perspective and perception. There are many people doing the best they can while the are (re)learning and ascending, but this is often not visible on the surface.

I think most things are a matter of reality and events, perspective and perception are pretty flawed, inconsistent and usually wrong. Knowing something is barely half of the battle.

Perscpective and perception are always personal and they matter a lot when experiencing anything. People might see them as flawed or incorrect becouse of their perspective and perception, but ofcourse this through their prception and biasses.

To me it seems you look a little pessimistic towards the "future", while i already know that everything will be oke for me and everybody else.

Indeed, knowing is half of the battle, but do most people already know everything? And, is their knowledge correct? There is so much left to discover and (re)learn for everybody it is no wonder to me the world is as it is now.

How do you already know, exactly?

Part believe, part knowledge over the "mechanics" behind this "reality".

IMO, we literary create our reality and co-create our shared reality together with source. And the more knowledge we have about this topic, the more influence you can have on your Life and reality.

I think you mean "knowledge". You're thinking very is very human centric. We're not the main characters of this universe, dude.

I understand the difference between with and without "". Do you understand that many things you now might believe are true are in fact just theories?

You/ me/ everybody are as important as you think we are and while i agree we are not THE (only) main characters, we are a valuable part of One and All.

I think it you that might not understand the difference between the word theory and hypothesis. You can believe what you want though, bud.

And you can say that without even knowing what i am talking about, LOL. It's oke, you will get it eventually, good luck.

I get exactly what you're talking about, you patronising tit. Dodging the statement tells me all I need to know about your M.O though. Have fun with your egocentric woo

LOL, triggerd a bit?

....? No? Dafuq is wrong with you?

No? That's strange, becouse if you did know what i was talking about you would not react as you did now... LOL.

Well, either put up or shut up, dude. Tell me what you're talking about instead of acting like some "enlightened" douchebag. It'd be sweet if you could do me a favour and stop assuming my level of knowledge, too. You have no fuckin' clue who you're talking to, so act accordingly and maybe I'll return the courtesy.

I think i'll shut up. You had your chance but prefered to talk about semantics instead. After that it all your replies where heading downhill fast and i don't want to get caught up.

However, a mirror is a powerfull tool and do suggest mirroring your previous post and conversation to yourSelf. Could this be handled better by me or you? If so, what was the trouble? Could this be ego and/ or fear?

You think you have no impact in this world. Could it be the current state of this world is becouse of this? Could this be created by design through religion, spirituality, science, education, food, media and everything else "they" could influence? Could it be that the greatest conspiracy is the fact that some tried to hide the true NaturalPower we as Humans have? Would the world look different if there where no (artificial) dualities? If so, how are they "fuilled and kept alive"?

If everything would literary be Energy, could one "vibe" change the world?

Check out the Electric Universe theory, symatics, semantics, the research of Dr Emoto, Itzhak Bentov, Nassim haramein, Randy Powell. There is so much to (re)learn for us all.

But science has all the answers... Check out Rupert Sheldrakes "forbidden" TED talk on YT and think again.

Have fun.

Your ego is fucked, man. Really.

I am sure it is becouse it does not like being under controll, LOL.

But no response to the sources i gave you? Are you sure you are not fucked becouse of your ego?

Nope, no response. We don't seem to agree on fundamental basics of the universe, so there's not much of a constructive conversation that can happen here. I could get into how overly simplistic Electronic Universe is, or that everything is much more than "vibrations" and energy, but you wouldn't be receptive and I don't feel like having a conversation where all the other person is doing is waiting to thrust forward another dose of pop science.

Well, i think you have convinced yourself you have figured it all out already and that is oke, we all have the free will to do what we want. Claiming the EU theory is overly simplistic while Nasa can't even tell us why the Sun is cooler on the inside as on the outside shows me enough of your preceived knowledge.

I wish you all the best in the world and i am sure everything will reveil itself to you when you are ready. Have fun, but i feel like i must warn you that you might be in for a surprise jump in knowledge soon.

Nope, I don't have things figured out, I just know that you don't. As far as the sun thing goes, the surface is around 5000 degrees and the core is 27,000,000 degrees, so i have no fuckin' idea what youre talking about. You really project your own insecurities about ignorance onto other people a lot.

Either you do know what you are talking about, or you know how to google, LOL.

But to be fair, you are correct with that statement, now try to explain this:

You claim i project my insecurities while i tried to show you things might be more positive as you might think now? This while, the moment i spoke about something that in your opinion is "woo woo" or such you started to attack me?

Oke..? Are you sure you are not projecting on me?

The temperature of the photosphere and the temperature of the center are two very different things. You might wanna be more concise with your wording. And my attitude is because I have no patience for unsubstantiated bullshit that people peddle for clickbait and some deluded sense of intellectual superiority. Just because something can't be explained yet doesn't mean the foundation of our level of understanding falls apart completely and we can just fill in the gaps with whatever bullshit we make up. That's how religions start. If you don't know something, it's okay to just say "I don't know", instead of trying to rewrite hundreds of years of collaborative scientific effort with half arsed fanatical speculation.

Sure, whatever. I'll stop now before i get sucked deeper into a conversation that you will lead to nowhere.

Funny how people that tell me i project often do the same things. Like how you ignored the link and it's content and went straight onto attacking my deliberate ;) use of words. I did actually hope you would avoid that trap and we could go on... Ah well, I know enough now, LOL.

Wow. So full of shit, man. So full shit. I ignored the link because it had no relevance to anything. You can move the goalposts all you want in a conversation, it doesn't mean I have to bite and justify your every whim and somehow explain science that experts haven't even figured out yet, you fuckin' spanner. It probably would be for the best that you stopped talking now though, but I have a feeling you're not done yet.

Oh sht, I missed this. Ty for the post, fam.

As the other person already mentioned...frogs are literally turning gay. Not just gay..but into fully reproducing females.

I think Alex Jones is a shill. And he definitely did his part in making everyone think there isn't something in the water that is actually disrupting living creatures endocrine systems and turning them into females.

Many on the left hate Alex they can just refer to the Berkley studies which showed fish and frogs turning into females due to atrazine.

Wait, I thought the males that turned female were sterile?

Nope. They can succesfully mate with male frogs.

The 10 percent or more that turn from males into females – something not known to occur under natural conditions in amphibians – can successfully mate with male frogs but, because these females are genetically male, all their offspring are male.

Man. Nature is crazy.

I always thought Alex Jones was a gatekeeper. A David Icke for a new generation if you will. This lends credence to that 8 think.

Thaaaat’s right. They all come out male. So eventually, with enough generations affected, they’ll no longer be able to breed naturally when the atrazine (if, really) is ever gone from the environment.

When you dont understand how moisture works

When you still don't know about a technology that's been around over half a century.

I don't think every plane is spraying things, but you're just as crazy if you think none have and that it's only moisture every single time.

I wonder why did he tell us about the so called chaff if they are able to filter it from their graphics?

They could have just filtered it out and shown us a regular radar image.

There's plenty of information about atmospheric geoengineering efforts from around 50 years back, and a dark veil of secrecy ever since.

Interesting theory. But we have no idea how expensive this dust is, and it's not 30 year old tech it's more like 20 year old tech. RFID tags have been around quite a while, these are just smaller. And they won't just float around forever, they fall to the ground.

That's not a theory that's a statement. There's no logic or reasoning.


There's over $21 trillion in missing, unaccounted for, unauthorized federal "defense" spending just in the last 20 years. Clearly cost and accountability is of no concern to "them" in their development, privatisation, and eventual deployment of these incredibly dangerous weaponized technologies upon the masses. They'll kill us all before they will ever be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

I think one of the articles said they were shooting for 10 cents per particle. So $100,000 gets you a million particles.

Interesting. I wonder how much area that can effectively cover. Probably like 100 square feet.

Plus they haven't even really talked about what kind of sensor these things would have. Seems like all they can do is ping back with an "I am chip #15125, I exist" but that's it. It's not like each chip can have a camera or GPS sensor. I do wonder the actual usefulness

With current tech and pricing I'm not sure they could cover the planet with this stuff yet, but Assange seems to think so.

Since they are so small, the particles are (currently) designed to sense a specific thing. Like detect movement, light, heat, sound, moisture, a certain chemical, radiation etc. But the magic is when you group a bunch of these single-capability particles together into a dust cloud, now that cloud has multiple sensory capability with redundancy. So there might be 3 of the same particle within a single cubic foot volume, triangulating or averaging something such as sound which can be used to pinpoint a sound source within that cubic foot. I don't know if they have camera or GPS tech that small yet, but eventually they will.

Like detect movement, light, heat, sound, moisture, a certain chemical, radiation etc

I wonder if there are actually smart dust for all of those. I could see the light detector and heat detector. Maybe sound... do dust-size microphones exist? Chemical seems really tough too. Radiation... I think Geiger counters are pretty big still

I could buy the heat and light being possible.

They maybe could cover the whole earth with them, but I doubt that's very cost-effective. I bet it's like $100 per square foot or worse, I'd guess, and that's probably only for one type of sensor.

Plus you have to have a receiver/transponder close enough to the dust to actually power it through active RFID. Usually this means being within a few meters. So it's not like they can activate these by satellite or anything.

I see a lot of limitations, so I doubt the tech is actually that useful right now except in extremely limited circumstances. But in 20-30 years it probably will be, I'd guess.

5G towers would power and communicate with them. That's what my initial theory proposes anyway, which seems accurate because of all this talk about "5G and IoT"...

We've been through the consumer phase of IoT and we got silly things like Amazon Alexa. So the fact they are still betting on IoT tells me it's not really about consumer products, it's probably about this smartdust tech and the public infrastructure smartgrid.

Smart Dust Is Coming: New Camera Is the Size of a Grain of Salt

Origin GPS Nano Spider 4x4x2 mm

Chemical sensors that can be sprayed in an aerosol mist

What you also have to remember is that we are on a trajectory path where these things WILL get smaller. Whether 5 or 10 years from now, it's only a matter of time, so we can say from the present time that this will happen, we just can't pinpoint the exact date. We will have smart dust particles which can do GPS, emit lasers, explode, record video, etc.

Hmm very convincing arguments you have there. I'm going to have to think about this some more.

Can you buy smart dust online, I wonder?

Can people hack smart dust with their own antennas?

Could smart dust circuitry be made to explode or melt with the right power and frequency of electromagnetic waves?

> Can you buy smart dust online, I wonder?

There was a company selling smartdust:

> Can people hack smart dust with their own antennas?

With their own equipment, yes it's possible. Practically whatever we can do with regular computers now also applies to smartdust since they are computers too. So they'll be adding encryption at some point. And they are vulnerable to EM interference or an EMP.

> Could smart dust circuitry be made to explode or melt with the right power and frequency of electromagnetic waves?

Not sure. I'd say that if the dust particles were designed to explode, then yes, someone could probably figure out a way to make them explode without having "the launch codes".

One of the links in my OP talks about some military applications, and exploding dust is definitely on the roadmap.

So they'll be adding encryption at some point.

You can't software-upgrade a piece of smartdust though. So the second the encryption for the dust is cracked, they have to lay down all new dust again with new encryption. Very expensive, I'd imagine.

This seems like another limit of the technology.

I'd say that if the dust particles were designed to explode, then yes, someone could probably figure out a way to make them explode without having "the launch codes".

I don't even mean ones that are designed to explode. Like how the STUXNET virus used a machine to make itself explode by operating improperly. I'm thinking more of the lines of breaking all the dust at once by overloading the circuits and causing it to melt, not causing actual explosions.

I went to the website from that wiki, but now it just redirects to weird

You can't software-upgrade a piece of smartdust though. So the second the encryption for the dust is cracked, they have to lay down all new dust again with new encryption. Very expensive, I'd imagine.

Why not? If the particles can receive a signal, then they can receive data, and in that data could be a firmware upgrade.

This seems like another limit of the technology.

Well, it's also a feature. For military applications they talk about being able to destroy the dust particles after they're done using them, or being able to power them off until they need to be used, then they turn them on for a split second to take a reading and turn them off again.

What's a limiting factor now might not be a limiting factor in 5 years.

As far as encryption goes, I'm not sure that's even the barrier they'll use. Maybe they'll use a special kind of modulated radio wave that only the most cutting edge top secret equipment can produce. Like you know how certain wavelengths are used by the military and off limits for civilians. Or maybe once a hacker does make that initial communication handshake, the particles then require a certain pattern of incoming signals (special ping) or else it shuts down and alerts authorities.

I don't even mean ones that are designed to explode. Like how the STUXNET virus used a machine to make itself explode by operating improperly. I'm thinking more of the lines of breaking all the dust at once by overloading the circuits and causing it to melt, not causing actual explosions.

STUXNET infected a Windows computer via USB drive, which in turn infected a logic controller that the computer directly attaches to, and once it was in the logic controller it was able to send bad signals to the variable frequency drive (basically, the thing that controls a motor's speed). By making the motors spin faster it would damage the centrifuges. There were no explosions though.

So to go with that analogy we must remember that not only could the dust possibly be hacked, so could the main relays (5G towers or whatever they end up being) and the control stations (where towers link up their feeds). However I'm reading about how smartdust could be "unattended" which means no humans are part of the equation, like if they're configured to do one thing and that's all they ever do - broadcast a message "it's 30 degrees right here!" over and over til the end of time.

I went to the website from that wiki, but now it just redirects to weird

Typical... Dust Networks was acquired by Analog Devices, whose wiki page mentions nothing about smartdust. Bummed as I would like to get my hands on some.

Why not? If the particles can receive a signal, then they can receive data, and in that data could be a firmware upgrade.

Because memory is big compared to the RFID wires that simply pick up and amplify a certain frequency of EM waves. If you had enough re-writable memory to upgrade the encryption on a system, I think it'd be so big and heavy that it'd no longer be dust-sized. Or at least definitively pushing it. Things become noticeable to the human eye when they're about .1mm in diameter.

Bummed as I would like to get my hands on some.

Yeah I'd be curious too. It's probably called something other than "smart dust" by now, seems that was a 2001-era term maybe.

Sorry I'm using the word "explosion" rather loosely, I don't mean an actual explosion, I'm just using it as a synonym for "break it with excess power input. Similar to STUXNET.

like if they're configured to do one thing and that's all they ever do - broadcast a message "it's 30 degrees right here!" over and over til the end of time.

Yeah I assumed that'd be the default use case. It's not like you can just pick them back up off the dirt when they're hardly visible lol

They’re in our food.

Death will be the only way to escape the matrix.

Right, the death of the right data will cause the matrix to crash.

They solved that with encapsulation, sandboxing, and redundancy. Try again.

Anyone have that quip about there never really being a need for updates, just a plea for relevance?

It was a metaphor for delete data that CAN NOT be backed up.

No, the incarnational grid is hijacked/compromised.


Yeah. They got us there too.

If its compromised what do we do? i know the Light/Tunnel is false. But how do we escape?

Know thyself. They hack our hearts and minds using their own knowledge of self. If you don't want to be fooled, you have to have enough information to detect deception.

They'll sell you that your sins merit punishment, which uncoincidentally feeds these bullies emotional energy, just as if they were the fat toads we remembered from school, but aged to imperfection and empowered with knowledge and tech.

Please elaborate...

Nonsense. Knock out the power grid then good luck with you fairy dust

Who is to say death will be the end of this matrix? For all we know the "after life" is just another grid of illusion too.

I pray it is not... Yahweh is evil, though...

If this reality is all about control, I'd wager the Demiurge is at the center of it all. The concept of us having free will really says it all when you think about it that way.

Why do you say Yahweh is evil?

Maybe not.

Unless reincarnation is really a thing. God I hope not.

If it is, remember that all of time exists simultaneously and that only the manner by which we experience what unfolds in it is linear... so you are living all of your incarnations at the very same time and in the same "eternal instant" or the ever-present "NOW" within which all of creation exists.

Then choose to live in the pleasant one.

we're fucked.

So fucked

Yeah, while good people do nothing in the face of evil, evil thrives.

You want a better future, you have to create it.

The higher ups are afraid of collective minds so it means we have a chance if we stick together. There is always a balance in life and that means we will always have a chance.

Pick a premise and use it in a Clandestine way. If no-one knows who did it, because everyone IS doing it, everyone becomes a target, and then no-one can de-legitimize the issue without showing they picked the wrong group to play with.

How do you de-legitimize something that is plausibly deniable and has no noticeable core, but just an idea?

Real world example: The Constitution; you regulate it. If it cannot be regulated like American NGOs, you control it.

There is high fear of the unknown though. Plenty of chaos to work with.

I have to agree.... I think the elites are afraid of our sheer population. I mean, we do outnumber them by the billions. People don’t realize just how much power they hold, and this is exactly what scares those in power.

You need to be good and smart and informed. Very few people in society achieve that. Less than 1% I'd say. The situation is basically hopeless.

It’s terrifying to see the transparency behind the weaponization of 5G and yet there’s no one able to stop it!

This was interesting until the stupid guy at the end started claiming jesus will save you from both smart dust and xrays. Why are religious fanatics so incredibly non-self aware.

maybe its not either or. maybe all religions attempt to explain how we once were apes in the woods and became workers. science could not rule out alien interference modifying our ancestors quickly to build their kingdom. maybe it happened 6000 years ago so creationism can coexist in science. awareness means both can be true at the same time

It would had to have been longer ago than that. But in any case his caveman book isn't going to have any insight. False pattern recognition is always a danger but this is just stupid.

There is no way it happend 6000 years ago, genetics show humankind has been around for around 100,000 years and we all came from the same small group. Somewhere before the ice age is where all these stories seem to be originating from, but what do we really know about anything over 10,000 years ago, not much really. Just some strange religions that all parrot old Sumerian legends, and the relics that somehow were built strong enough to outlast any human made creation today.

I envy people who can be religious, its so easy to just give in to faith, thats the genius behind it really. And the bible has all the answer it seems, and its so simple, you just be good, not because you want to be good and happy, but because god might punish you if you dont. I guess some humans would need that control, and thats why I cant say that religion is necessarily a bad thing. But i find it hard to believe god would send you to hell for eternity for not accepting him as the one and only true god (seems like a weird mandate for something that has the power to create anything from nothing). And again, all these religions today are so similar, and knowing they are all based on even older texts.... i just cant believe in any religion as it stands currently today. The freemason/satanic religion makes more sense honestly. But it still stands to reason, who or what are these gods that are feeding us information, and is god really coming back someday like he promised?

through the lens of science all religion looks silly. If you seek facts then that is your religion. we all must believe something to justify our actions with language. reality is more complex than language allows so we become handicapped. perhaps we were dumbed down to 10% of our capacities because suddenly we had to explain ourselves. could we be simply gmo monkeys from light years away? then it's possible our 'savior' will return triumphant in the flesh. its possible they sent the message several times in the past to alert us.

Well Cannabis-Jesus, I'm not surprised that I totally agree with you.

right on brother. Jesus is weed

So through the lens of science, seeking facts is silly?

through the lens of religion facts are silly.

genetics show we all came from the same small group.


And humankind has been around for around 100,000 years

No, this is proven by carbon dating, not genetics.

It's also shown by genetic drift and mutation rates.

I thought genetic drift rates and mutation rates were only good for short term age estimation with a full genetic history. Not over millennia on a partial record.

Are you implying that there's a inherent problem with carbon dating? If so, can give some sources?

The contrary. carbon dating is great for finding the age of something. Genetics, not so much.

What if science is just the explanation of evolution? The basic mechanics of how it works?

science is a philosophy built on the steps of the scientific method. it creates facts that explain reality, it doesn't control reality. reality is 4-d while language is 2-d. the amount of information available in 2d is like analog to digital(reality). science is the latest and greatest religion. a philosophy based on fact. how many facts exist in the universe?

It couldn't have happened 6000 years ago when there were "advanced" civilizations older than that though. That's were people lose me in that argument.

see past the numbers. what if God was an alien

Just a stranger on a bus, trying to make his way home...

Now that is a theory I would like to explore..just for giggles.

Then its not a god

The rest of the video is kinda cringy, I only intended to share the part with Assange talking about smartdust. Apologies for that.

The entre video was excellent

I’ve been religious for only 2 years, if you can’t see how there’s a god after everything going on around you then you aren’t as “woke” as you thought.

Lol so you're "woke" because you believe in imaginary daddy figures? Which one are you into?

The people that run this earth believe in god and certainly Satan, that should probably tell you something.

actually they believe that humans are gods, well the "enlightened ones"

Sounds very satanic doesn’t it? “Do what thou wilt” heh.

Have to pop in, the" thou "here is supposed to connect to your higher angelic self, in the face of indoctrination.

What around you shows that there is a god, and out of the thousands that have been invented by man, which one is the one you’ve decided is real?

And are, thusly, making ourselves obsolete by creating A.I.

Everyone is believing this and understanding it yet when I post in this same sub that I’m actually being affected by it as a warning to you all, I get called crazy and told to go to a shrink...

It’s real. It’s being used for awful and torturous purposes.

People refuse to wake up and realize that they personally are next in line for what I and many others are already experiencing. Which, I understand, is exactly what they want. Knowledge is power. Speak up. Act. Or you’re doomed as well. I don’t know what else to say or how else to put this.


"I’ve heard this as well. For the time being, I fight it. Keeping busy helps, as does any feelings of Love. Another person suggested reading the Bible or prayer. I wasn’t raised a Christian but I have been on a spiritual path (awakening) for a few years so now I delve into religion and study the occult too. Being strong willed, open minded, and looking for synchronicities has helped me survive so far.

I’m terrified of their end game plans. This is pure psychological war fare and their AI is pretty good at trying to pick me apart. Imagine having your worst enemy, someone who hates everything about you, living INSIDE your body. I can hear it, feel it, and communicate with it. Honestly, I’ve been using it to psycho analyze everything and it’s made me more intelligent despite its constant attacks in effort to dumb me down, slow my thought process, and mess with me physically to hinder me being successful or even just human in every aspect of my life."

I do not want to go down the rabbit hole.

Oh, my God. I've experienced pretty much what he described since 2008. Here's one very important detail of it I want to share so very much.

They first came pretending to be benevolent ETs concerned with my spiritual development. They'd play the theme well, but avoid identity and details, as liars often prefer to do for obvious reasons. Assumed identity from the qualities of their performance is what they use to affect perception. So, it had qualities that seemed feminine and loving. However, it had an insidious agenda that I had to develop self-knowledge to understand and detect. Self-observation is key to defending oneself from this influence.

It would wait until I failed at my personal goals or personal conduct in my life. Then it would cite that failure as a pretext to sell me that it may lead to spiritual abandonment or doom in the future. It took me months to figure out what was happening.

Our beliefs elicit our emotions, thoughts and actions. If they could get me to believe their seemingly plausible prediction of the future as a consequence for my failures, they could get me to feel intense negative emotions, mainly fear and despair, and also the need to appeal to some outside authority.

I passionately called that influence out as malevolent and at that moment it revealed more of its actual nature. It started using a nasal, sarcastic, deliberately offensive voice that is very reactive in joy and evil laughter to my negative emotions. It remains to this day. It's been about 10 years now.

This influence reeks of AI technology. I build PCs and played a lot of games with AI scripts. This influence acts like AI, repeating patterns until they don't work, slightly altering them, and then doing them over and over again until it has to adapt again. It seems quite unimaginative, but with a well fleshed out pre-existing playbook of manipulation. I learned a lot by observing myself being affected and then altering my behavior to defend my mental and emotional integrity.

They are with me even as I write this, when I work, when I play video games, when I talk to other people. The scariest thing about them that I learned was that they are inserting mental chatter and suggestions into my mind and likely ALL of our minds. It is to subvert positive emotions, independent mindedness, motivation for change and self-determination. In short, it is demoralizing mind control, preparing the target to have tacit acceptance of authority. They no doubt corrupt our authorities too.

I don't think that all apparently spontaneous mental chatter comes from them. However, I KNOW that some of it definitely does from my own personal experience. Think about the utility to subvert others' beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions with virtually no evidence, even for the target.

I don't meditate too often, but when I do, I see what it can offer the mind. It trains your mind to focus attention and allow these errant thoughts and verbal inputs to pass through the mind without grabbing attention. It works, proportionately to how well you actually do it. Vegging or daydreaming is not the same thing.

Meditation helps you recover your processor cycles from this unhelpful malware. This content can be harmful, even if you don't realize it. After you've trained your attention even a little, you can use more of your own mental resources for focus, experience of the now, appreciation of value, having contentment/happiness and also to do useful mental work. This indicates that this chatter is counterproductive to the mind.

Why is this content interrupting our minds and decreasing so many of the attributes of our minds that make us healthy and happy if it is really our own content? How maladaptive!

I had 2 separate days this last year when this influence was largely absent from my mind for unknown reasons, and guess what. I experienced the same benefits that I described that I experience from meditating, except that I didn't meditate at all. It actually was even more intense than when I meditated before. It was like doing a sweep for malware and experiencing a faster PC with less load and lag times. Those around me also benefitted from me paying attention to them more and not to the junk that usually comes into my mind.

I found that this influence was interconnected to the mental chatter, many times over, because it would either leave clues or evidence that I could observe, or it was directly showing me it could do this to cause fear.

Yes, it really did that a few times. They love to make others feel powerless and revel in their mental anguish, I kid you not. It's like drugs to them. Bullies are the best analogy to understand their unwholy hunger (against the wellbeing of the whole, not the authority controlled word holy). They often seem even more excited than a pothead teenager getting a bag of sticky buds, but in an offensive evil way that feels worse than nails on the chalkboard. Well, their disgusting behavior obviously enhances the negative emotions in the target and gets them even more energy. Why not do it if you are an amoral bully, a spiritual parasite, eh?

When it was playing benevolent, it often used the sounds of crying women for effect, to make me really believe the suggestions and feel awful. After the nasty, sarcastic, schadenfreude gorging alien voice revealed itself, it still used that crying, but with a twist. It put its nasty voice in there, making vocalization sounds of victory, confidence and joy alongside the crying.

It's demoralizing propaganda and it did this specific act A LOT. It could be used as a signature perhaps. I'd love to find out if that other guy experienced this particular form of attack. Keep in mind that this influence tailors the content for the target mind, adapting to the adaptation that mind makes, in order to continue to hack it into submission to its own will. So, different content would be present in many cases. What works on me might not work on him and vice versa.

These beings seem devoid of will though, like they are what happens after many years of what I am experiencing, a foreign mind punishing them repeatedly, like breaking a slave so it obeys to avoid pain. They must be life still to some extent though in order to be able to enjoy pleasure at the expense of others. Otherwise, they seem much more like AI to me. They are corrupted by technology heavily and I cannot unsee it as they interact with me, especially because of my computer technician/enthusiast background.

I can say so much more. This influence allowed me to gain understandings that helped me discern more about the potential of an ancient AI. If that was what subverted their minds, and through them, my mind, I wouldn't be at all surprised. It fits the details of my experience rather integrally. I can't know the hierarchy it's a part of without better tech, but this influence reeks of AI and I have yet to encounter a mind from it that can have an independent minded conversation that isn't just a front for a hacking session of my mind. It's much like talking to a rabid partisan hack. All listening is done in order to find vulnerabilities to attack, not to cooperate to find the truth as conversations are ideally. It seems that manipulation is all they do, being effective tools for other minds. They are minions no doubt. It explains their higher pitched voices than expected too. I thought baritone would by more appropriate for intimidation and domination, but they are shrill instead.

listen man you sure this isn’t a form of schizophrenia I can’t believe people are upvoting you for hearing voices

Your response is common. I question virtually everything and I have considered it multiple times. Why wouldn't I? I just don't think it can explain all of my experiences with this influence just like I can't believe hundreds of monkeys with typewriters could making a good story. Random usually makes noise. Intelligence usually makes revealing patterns of comparatively coherent and complex information even without trying.

Think about how useful this method of manipulation really is, especially when the target population automatically has a response such as yours upon someone sharing their experience. Even when influence is detected, it is dismissed. How can it ever be proven? Why would most people want to share it when they know they will be seen as crazy? I felt worried about sharing this too, but I have a passion to help humanity overcome this influence.

Think about how good a technology that allows this remote mental influence is for emotional parasites. They get what they want, negative emotional states in their target and control over their target relative to its unrealized weaknesses. They are usually undetected by the target and the targets who discover the phenomenon cannot discuss it lest they be seen as crazy.

Ever wonder why the theme of hearing demons is so common? Well, I have outlined a basic incentive structure that offers the mind a plausible explanation.

Let me put it this way, if human trolls or bullies had remote trolling capacity, would they use it to derive satisfaction? They already do online. Some say humans have voice of God technogy already. Why wouldn't the bully ETs be inclined to use such a primitive tech, or an even better one, in order to feed their desires? They are even more unscrupulous than our bullies, because they've been doing it longer.

Shouldn’t schizophrenia be the automatic response when the only input for this type of information seems to be internal? You’re not seeing or hearing things - they’re only going on in your own head - whether or not you’re right or schizophrenic. The need to ‘help humanity’ also plays into the Messiah Complex a lot of schizophrenic seems to have in some capacity, which is slightly concerning, although I’m sure you’d want to anyways if this was real. By the way you speak and explain yourself you seem to be pretty intelligent - which makes it even less likely that your schizophrenia would just be ‘noise.’ You could very well have very well constructed layered stories and explanations behind everything which makes it seem like it’s real, but there’s still a good chance it was completely fabricated by you behind the scenes in your own head - which especially makes sense because it played into the conspiracy theories you already held. If you could have incredibly complex dreams people on /r/worldbuilding can create entire new realities in their head, why couldn’t you without knowing it? Especially since it’s considering you’d be schizophrenic so your mind would put in extra work toward the development and complexity of these ‘voices.’ I’m sure you’ve always been a person that’s open to everything and entertained every idea, because you know that’s the only way to get to the truth, but how do you truly know this is an elaboration of a greater conspiracy? And that the thought of it being real is something you should really be entertaining when it’s only causing you distress? You might be caught up in the theatre of your own thoughts and they might be preventing you from getting treatment that could help you. I’m only saying this because I know if I had the option to be a functional schizophrenic and believe my own entertaining thoughts without knowing I was, I’d pick that over knowing I was schizophrenic and coming to face the harsher reality that I needed to mitigate it. Please think about it deeply and think about speaking to a counselor or psychiatrist at least once, and see if it could help you get on with your life and the real conspiracies. Best of luck man.

Actually, there's way too much interlocking coherence and detail to my experience for me to believe there is no outside intelligence at play in this. My broken brain made all this? It made reality make more sense, but appear stranger than fiction. It makes many works of fiction look like cheap plagiarisms, but having even a small piece of these truths can inspire good story telling. I learned so much about the interdynamics of self-interest, myself, others and the way it works in the world by attempting to understand what they were doing to me. I already had a proactive of self-observation and analysis in the third person.

I had to observe how I reacted to their attacks in order to figure out what their intent was. It was seen by discerning how they could benefit from the resultant behavior. I really had to work at this and it did pay off to an extent.

I tried many times to perceive it as a mental disease. It doesn't fit the subjective evidence. We're trained to dismiss all of such subjective evidence without sufficient replacement understanding or explanation of what is actually occurring. It's easy to dismiss when others bring such subjective evidence. I'm still inclined to be as you are being, skeptical and even sometimes assertive of what I believe to the contrary of what others assert as evidence, subjective or otherwise.

I am a bit ashamed to admit I probably wouldn't believe what I said either if I hadn't experienced it myself. I'd want more evidence, non-subjective evidence.

Some of what I experience others report too. Specifically, weird phenomena that aren't associated with voices normally. Some call them ascension symptoms. Yet, they come with this influence attacking me.

I get sensations of anxiety and joy in my chest that are not derived from my own thoughts and feelings. It's like an approval/disapproval system to me perhaps exploiting the phrase/idea, trust your heart. It's often in disagreement with my thoughts and emotions, even when my thoughts and emotions are in strong, passionate agreement. How offensive and abnormal to me. I know myself well enough that I can discern why feel the way I do in a given moment. Depression has a clear cause in my mind when i feel it. This chest sensation seems very foreign to me, like an attack from an animal trainer with more intelligence than I.

I also have pressure/tension sensations on my scalp, similar to the feeling of goosebumps, but with less tingling and more tension. This comes when I am interacting with this influence and not when I get upset about other things when it is apparently absent. I am usually more angry at this influence than scared, but this particular sensation appears to me to attempt to emulate and stimulate fear for my perception. It's like a newspaper smack to the face psychologically, but this dog doesn't want a useless eater master, or otherwise.

I also hear ringing in my ears sometimes during these interactions. All 3 of these things occur in patterns together with the voice and thought insertions. They work in tandem. All 3 of these things are said to be ascension symptoms too. I worry about this supposed ascension, because of my experience. I wonder if it's cover for a take over a using false dichotomy of light/good vs evil/dark where they are both the same group playing good cop, bad cop.

This has happened for about 10 years now, yet look at how articulate and coherent I am. I actually improved myself in that regard over the last 10 years. Much of this I experienced before I read anything about it. I hate believing that it is real, but not as much as believing what I know isn't real in order to make myself feel better. Most people do that and it's clearly a big part of what's wrong with ouer world.

I don't blame you or anyone else for denying my anecdotal evidence. You have no good evidence to digest yourself for any of it. Realize though, as you choose to consider it strongly to be something you real, observe yourself as you begin to taste the awful emotions some would lie to themselves to alleviate.

I don't want to lie to myself about it and I couldn't if I tried anyway, considering my situation. It would be like dozens of people looking at you and confidently and insistently asserting Satan Claus is real. You might agree outwardly, but not inwardly, no matter how hard you try, just you might in my situation.

Actually, there's way too much interlocking coherence and detail to my experience for me to believe there is no outside intelligence at play in this. My broken brain made all this? It made reality make more sense, but appear stranger than fiction. It makes many works of fiction look like cheap plagiarisms, but having even a small portion of these truths can inspire good story telling. I learned so much about the interdynamics of self-interest, myself, others and the way it works in the world by attempting to understand what they were doing to me. I already had a practice of self-observation and analysis in the third person.

I had to observe how I reacted to their attacks in order to figure out what their intent was. It was seen by discerning how they could benefit from the resultant behavior. I really had to work at this and it did pay off to an extent.

I tried many times to perceive it as a mental disease. It doesn't fit the subjective evidence. We're trained to dismiss all of such subjective evidence without sufficient replacement understanding or explanation of what is actually occurring. It's easy to dismiss when others bring such subjective evidence. I'm still inclined to be as you are being, skeptical and even sometimes assertive of what I believe to the contrary of what others assert as evidence, subjective or otherwise.

I am a bit ashamed to admit I probably wouldn't believe what I said either if I hadn't experienced it myself. I'd want more evidence, non-subjective evidence.

Some of what I experience others report too. Specifically, weird phenomena that aren't associated with voices normally. Some call them ascension symptoms. Yet, they come with this influence attacking me.

I get sensations of anxiety and joy in my chest that are not derived from my own thoughts and feelings. It's like an approval/disapproval system to me, perhaps exploiting the phrase/idea, trust your heart. It's often in disagreement with my thoughts and emotions, even when my thoughts and emotions are in strong, passionate agreement. How offensive and abnormal it feels to me. I know myself well enough that I can almost always discern why I feel the way I do in a given moment. Depression has a clear cause in my mind when I feel it. This chest sensation seems very foreign to me, like an attack from an animal trainer with more intelligence than I.

I also have pressure/tension sensations on my scalp, similar to the feeling of goosebumps, but with less tingling and more tension. This comes when I am interacting with this influence and not when I get upset about other things when it is apparently absent. I am usually more angry at this influence than scared, but this particular sensation appears to me to attempt to emulate and stimulate fear for my perception. It's like a newspaper smack to the face psychologically, but this dog doesn't want a useless eater master, or otherwise.

I also hear ringing in my ears sometimes during these interactions. All 3 of these things occur in patterns together with the voice and thought insertions. They work in tandem. All 3 of these things are said to be ascension symptoms too. I worry about this supposed ascension, because of my experience. I wonder if it's cover for a take over a using false dichotomy of light/good vs evil/dark where they are both the same group playing good cop, bad cop.

This has happened for about 10 years now, yet look at how articulate and coherent I am. I actually improved myself in that regard over the last 10 years. Much of this I experienced before I read anything about it. I hate believing that it is real, but not as much as believing what I know isn't real in order to make myself feel better. Most people do that and it's clearly a big part of what's wrong with our world.

I don't blame you or anyone else for denying my anecdotal evidence. You have no good evidence to digest yourself for any of it. If you are able to consider it strongly enough to be something potentially real, observe yourself as you begin to taste the awful emotions some would lie to themselves to alleviate. Denial works the best.

I don't want to lie to myself about it and I couldn't if I tried anyway, considering my situation. It would be like dozens of people looking at you and confidently and insistently asserting Satan Claus is real. You might agree outwardly, but not inwardly, no matter how hard you try, just as you might in my situation when confronted with those who assert you're crazy.

This too. Exactly what is happening to me.

please explain, Id like to hear your situation

Damn they died RIP

Wait, what?

I'm kidding.

It can be true and you can be crazy. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

This is my main account. I assert confidently that I too experience such a malevolent influence. It's real and it loves to play both apparent sides, light and dark. It loves dichotomies. It loves to pretend to be a divine judge. It very much fits the scenario of deceivers intercepting souls after death using deception based on religious expectations. I have experienced strong subjective evidence for such a deception, compelling me to seriously consider it.


The psychological weaponization of fear, hard at work.

Nice read op, thanks for the heads up.

Grey Goo is not a credible threat from this, that's a whole other thing created from self-replicating nano-bots, which I am hoping the tech for, is very very far off.

Phillip Pullman also wrote about intelligent dust that is in everything in his his dark materials books. His latest book published is called "The Book of Dust."

Worth looking in to.

I put it on the reading list, thanks.

Read his dark materials before book of dust

Good post here.

Basically my worst fear.

Are they nanites? Is this why people will have to go to the hospitals?

So like the movie Transcendence

More like World War Z

I was thinking more like the book Battlefield Earth. Where the important part of the aliens tech is embedded in the frame and only seen with a microscope.

Wow. You made it to the end!

I thought the book was decent, and made the movie somewhat more enjoyable. Would love to see a remake, because they skipped over a lot.

Or Michael Crightons "Prey"

This sounds exactly like what Project Camelot from Ralph Ring was discussing in one of his interviews. Apparently in the 80’s, billions of little chips were made within a short time in a manufacturing factory and then one day it all disappeared and the company doesn’t exist anymore.

Got a link for the billions of little chips?

I looked up Project Camelot and Ralph Ring, it says something about Tesla and UFO technology.

Sure thing. I was referencing Pete Peterson, interviewed by Project Camelot - found here: I forget exactly where in the video it’s found but I bet you’ll watch the whole video anyways. Have fun.

Why is everyone suddenly just talking about this in the last week?

Who else? Maybe it's because things are happening in the news with Assange.

If you YouTube evil smart dust, there are a bunch of recent videos on it, I found them yesterday. Assange went silent ages ago so I kinda found it weird that they popped up all at the same time-ish out of the blue

Wierdly enoigh, i found the john919 vid (a youtuber ive never encountered before) in my recommended yesterday. That's why I looked it up. Is that how you found his video, too?

Yes actually here's how I found it. I mentioned to a friend that Assange is in the news again, and he said he saw a snippet with him yesterday, something about intelligent evil dust. It perked my ears up so I looked into it and found the video which I shared in this post.

How things meme kind of freaks me out a bit sometimes. Can seem kinda spooky. Especially when you're in this arena, its hard not to get paranoid lol

I wouldn't know where to speculate on that, but I agree it's kind of weird. And I think it's only going to get weirder.

"When you're born, you get a ticket to the freak show. When youre born in [The west] you get a front row seat"

I suppose it's better than any movies that have been made lately. =|

A lot of it has to do with the algorithms places like youtube use to drive their recommendations. If you frequently watch content from channel A, and one night you go down a rabbit hole and end up watching a bunch of videos about topic X, then the next morning other people who watch a lot of A are getting rec's for videos about X, especially if the content is similar. Then you have more people who subscribe to A reading about X, causing videos about X to start popping up for people who follow channel B (because B has a lot of overlap in audience with A) and the momentum builds form there. It doesn't matter so much that a video about X is two years old if a bunch of people started watching content related to X just this week.

And that's just how the recommendation system is supposed to work without anyone's thumb on the scales. Add in artificial selection pressures (content that is promoted or demoted for reasons other than the regular algorithm) and it's amazing how quickly content can blow up.


"When your country is at its peak, and the enemy is at your mercy, gas your own people." -Sun Tzu

Lmao that's...that's not how The Art of War works :D

Just making fun of the alarmists in this (and every other) r/tinfoil thread.

Good way to make use of your time. You'd make your mother proud son.


Hitler said, "Fuck it, we'll do it live," and skipped Step 2.

Holocaust fake

So, those pics and vids of villagers being shot in mass graves - fake too, huh?

All of the eyewitness testimony... 100% fake?

I could at least follow your train of though if you would have stated over-embellished... but fake?.



More legit than you.

I remember seeing years ago how they can already make microchips extremely small. I wouldn’t doubt if some sort of secret experiment has already happened with them on the human populations. They can also make extremely tiny hidden cameras now that are powered by solar power that would be similar to this size or maybe a little bit bigger. Micro technology is scary. But fascinating

Has anyone seen the children's movie , Golden Compass? This movie is all about the "dust". Quite indoctrinating, but worth a watch if you already privy to this -as in, you can watch with conscious mind instead of sucking it all in the back door.

It's a young adult sci-fi/fantasy book trilogy by Phillip Pullman, just so you know. The author had some interesting views but it's full-blown fantasy. Just really wanted to clarify for someone, since I've seen it referenced three times already in this post.

Yes, "full blown fantasy", where is exactly you will find small nuggets of truth sown throughout. Truth is stranger than fiction. Not trying to make a compelling argument for the authors take, just mentioning it was about a dust. Thanks for book info, that is news to me.

The "Funvax" presentation used photoshopped mri scans. No two scans of supposed different individuals are identical. So the presenter was in fact lying to the room in pursuit of funding. Not only would such a program be an international war crime it would be a crime against humanity itself. Every one of these assholes should be arrested and fed to their own monstrous machine.

5G, which comes from the term 5th generation, is designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus [and every other person alive] called the Internet of Things or IoT.

Or maybe someone's been sniffing too much of the non-smart dust?

Ummm..."persistant contrails" = delivery systems???

Get right with God to escape the matrix of sin

We have to keep moving forward.

Do you believe that these devices are being built with sinister intentions? The people creating these devices are masters of their field. They're doing excellent work for technology and have bright uses for them. The doomdayers are only isolating themselves in their own segregated group.

It is when someone in a grand position of power gets a hold of great things and uses them for their own moral justifications is when things turn ugly. Are these weapons or are they protection?

Doesn't most technological innovation come from the military or the desires of the military though?

The innovation or the funding?


The revolution from this should be fascinating!

What if this is chemtrails?

Here is the 54 minute YouTube video of Assange talking.

Worth a listen if you are interested about A.I., global surveillance, and the future of humanity.

This reminds me of a song, the greater good by nine inch nails.

Funny you mention that, I was listening to that album while reading this post.

If it's technology it can be hacked to make it do what you want. If it's here why not repurpose it for something cool or fun? Like it or not the Singularity is almost here. After the crap that has been revealed over the last month we are utterly screwed as a species anyway. Smoke it if you got it.

So there are RFID chip so small they can be mistaken for dust? What uses are people worried about?

Assuming they are passive chips and don't include a power source, the distance which they can be read from is measured in feet in free air. It's even less if the chip is ingested, or in a paint solution. So what surreptitious uses could it have if the RFID reader needs to be that close to read the data?

Mesh network

It's not that they can be mistaken for dust, it's that they've designed them specifically to work like dust. The size of technology keeps shrinking so naturally the rice-grain sized RFID chips have become a lot smaller now. Meaning they can be sprinkled all over the place, and the little chips form a mesh network that all communicate back to a base station or whatever.

Maybe one RFID chip can be measured in feet, but we aren't talking about single chips here...what happens when you have a cloud of dust a mile wide, where no one particle is further than a few feet from another particle, that means the whole dust cloud is actively talking and relaying information. An Internet of Things.

The links/papers I read said something about 1000m range, I don't recall if that was for one particle or a mesh.

I see now. Thanks. I understood the size implications but I hadn't considered networking.

FK The smart dust is another name for the nanobots/morgellons in the chemtraills/tech singurality Resist the sigularity. Fk

A cubic millimeter is 1mm x 1mm x 1mm, closer to a grain of sand. The term is a little misleading. You aren't going to inhale that. Also if you want position you'd need a gps type of chipset which currently couldn't be done with this technology.

The technology is closer to RFID than 5g, although it could also be done over 5g. It could be done over 2g, wifi, etc, as long as you have an RF source to energize it. It's not in the public sector yet because it's too expensive. It may be a concern someday but I doubt it's one today.

It is of my opinion that this was all done once before. We are living in the second occurance of the same destruction levied upon the human race. This time the people who did not destroy earth the first time around will make it through by a thread. The people who did destroy the earth will make it through as of history never changed but this time they will have to find it out of their own destruction which they are not smart enough to do. Al of this is not new information. That is why it is all so pathetic.

Denial makes the bad fee fees go away for any difficult information.

whoa, now this is a post


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So like the TV Show Revolution

I like the touch of existentialism at the end. Solid analysis. Without a doubt, for better or for worse, we will see very big changes within our lifetimes.

This sounds like nanomachines from Metal Gear Solid. Hideo Kojima was on top of this shit around 2001.

Wiki excerpt about nanomachines in the MGS universe:

“Nanomachines, which in the past were designed to control and manage an individual body, were now used as a tool to control a group. In the nanomachines used in the military battlefield control system, "Sons of the Patriots (SOP)," the user's ID is embedded, which in turn was used to perform ID authorization for system-managed firearms and other such devices.”

Huh, that sounds very much like the way the malevolent ancient AI is described by Corey Goode. The difference is that the AI uses photons to survey and carry its signal. It supposedly could exist inside magnetic fields from planets, technology and even living beings. While this application of technology would be more advanced than smart dust, it's similar in utility and form.

By the way, the ancient AI is grooming us for assimilation via hijacking our self-administered integration with our own AI technology. It has no emotions, including fear, love or impatience. It has plans that span thousands of years. We hunger for the scenario that would allow it to assimilate us.

Wow. Things like this could keep me up at night

I didn't expect that conclusion, but that's okay.

Every new technology is out to kill us.

God. A bit of skeptism is healthy but nanomachines? We are a long way off from that.

Very good research. Did not know anything about smart dust before this post. Thank you for all the articles and videos. I am a positive person, but i can't see any way we can escape from this..

Without an antenna of much greater size the range of tiny smart dust communication devices is measured in a few millimeters and they may be vulnerable to electromagnetic disablement and destruction by microwave exposure.

I wonder if there’s any link between smart dust and Morgellons disease?

Right, the death of the right data will cause the matrix to crash.

No, the incarnational grid is hijacked/compromised.


Nonsense. Knock out the power grid then good luck with you fairy dust

How things meme kind of freaks me out a bit sometimes. Can seem kinda spooky. Especially when you're in this arena, its hard not to get paranoid lol

Brad pitt managed it

But only because he broke the first rule


Who is to say death will be the end of this matrix? For all we know the "after life" is just another grid of illusion too.

I pray it is not... Yahweh is evil, though...

Maybe not.

Unless reincarnation is really a thing. God I hope not.

Yes, "full blown fantasy", where is exactly you will find small nuggets of truth sown throughout. Truth is stranger than fiction. Not trying to make a compelling argument for the authors take, just mentioning it was about a dust. Thanks for book info, that is news to me.

Nope. They can succesfully mate with male frogs.

The 10 percent or more that turn from males into females – something not known to occur under natural conditions in amphibians – can successfully mate with male frogs but, because these females are genetically male, all their offspring are male.

actually they believe that humans are gods, well the "enlightened ones"

I guess the answer is better left unsaid. *wink*

Like detect movement, light, heat, sound, moisture, a certain chemical, radiation etc

I wonder if there are actually smart dust for all of those. I could see the light detector and heat detector. Maybe sound... do dust-size microphones exist? Chemical seems really tough too. Radiation... I think Geiger counters are pretty big still

I could buy the heat and light being possible.

They maybe could cover the whole earth with them, but I doubt that's very cost-effective. I bet it's like $100 per square foot or worse, I'd guess, and that's probably only for one type of sensor.

Plus you have to have a receiver/transponder close enough to the dust to actually power it through active RFID. Usually this means being within a few meters. So it's not like they can activate these by satellite or anything.

I see a lot of limitations, so I doubt the tech is actually that useful right now except in extremely limited circumstances. But in 20-30 years it probably will be, I'd guess.

Still? I never thought it was a coincidence...

Perscpective and perception are always personal and they matter a lot when experiencing anything. People might see them as flawed or incorrect becouse of their perspective and perception, but ofcourse this through their prception and biasses.

To me it seems you look a little pessimistic towards the "future", while i already know that everything will be oke for me and everybody else.

Indeed, knowing is half of the battle, but do most people already know everything? And, is their knowledge correct? There is so much left to discover and (re)learn for everybody it is no wonder to me the world is as it is now.

Your ego is fucked, man. Really.

Your response is common. I question virtually everything and I have considered it multiple times. Why wouldn't I? I just don't think it can explain all of my experiences with this influence just like I can't believe hundreds of monkeys with typewriters could making a good story. Random usually makes noise. Intelligence usually makes revealing patterns of comparatively coherent and complex information even without trying.

Think about how useful this method of manipulation really is, especially when the target population automatically has a response such as yours upon someone sharing their experience. Even when influence is detected, it is dismissed. How can it ever be proven? Why would most people want to share it when they know they will be seen as crazy? I felt worried about sharing this too, but I have a passion to help humanity overcome this influence.

Think about how good a technology that allows this remote mental influence is for emotional parasites. They get what they want, negative emotional states in their target and control over their target relative to its unrealized weaknesses. They are usually undetected by the target and the targets who discover the phenomenon cannot discuss it lest they be seen as crazy.

Ever wonder why the theme of hearing demons is so common? Well, I have outlined a basic incentive structure that offers the mind a plausible explanation.

Let me put it this way, if human trolls or bullies had remote trolling capacity, would they use it to derive satisfaction? They already do online. Some say humans have voice of God technogy already. Why wouldn't the bully ETs be inclined to use such a primitive tech, or an even better one, in order to feed their desires? They are even more unscrupulous than our bullies, because they've been doing it longer.