“anti-vaccines vs pro-vaccines” ;am convinced this is an agenda in itself- as well as many other partisan views with coined terms pushed by the media

1  2018-10-03 by thoughtpixie

Not all cars are the same. If you don’t like a particular car or even a particular brand that makes cars, does that mean you’re anti-car? Does that mean you think cars are stupid or irrelevant to society? Are all cars the exact same level of safe in different circumstances?

Not all apples are the same. If you get sick from a rotten apple does that mean you hate all fruit or all apples for that matter?

I’ve always felt this kind of way about political parties. And would argue conspiracy involved with how we assign ourselves to one or the other from birth practically and cheer on that team for life- generally speaking. It encourages us to agree with whatever our “team” is up to or wants, encourages us to do less research on things against our team, our confirmation bias keeps us in this lane- because our identity is invested in it the same way your identity is invested into your childhood family’s favorite sports team.

I’m really weirded out how this is happening with vaccines. You’re either all in, for all vaccines and all their greatness or you’re all out and you’re crazy organica off the grid or something.

I especially feel this way because I think vaccines are great. I’m not anti-vaccine. But I’m definitely also not pro-any jab anyone wants to sell the world that cures a problem that may have not even been a big problem before billions of dollars could be made from said problem.

I think someone whose entirely against vaccines is probably an egotistical conspiracy theorist with reasons for a victim complex as well. But I think someone whose entirely for vaccines is a silly thing to be- as like anything- why would all vaccines for so many different reasons, by so many different companies- be all the same quality and level of goodness?

This to me seems like common sense.

The phrase anti-vaxxer seems to be used as a divider for proper discussion. The same way liberals and conservatives prefer to name call each other and feel better about themselves than actually discuss and understand each others views and intentions.

I was quite amazed at how much applause the hpv vaccine was getting on reddit for an article talking about Australia’s 50% decline in cervical cancer. The article itself very briefly states it’s because of the country’s Pap smear program introduced in 1991 allowing women free Pap smears- so issues were identified before they developed into cervical cancer. The article has images of teenagers getting the hpv vaccine and then carries on quoting the founder of the hpv vaccine and his predictions of cervical cancer being wiped out by 2026.

I didn’t find any comments applauding the Pap smear program. And the commentary generally revolved around “these stupid anti-vaxxers” like see!

The hpv vaccine was developed ten years ago. The teens getting this vaccine (of which I was one of them in the u.s about 7 years ago or so) have not reached an age where real conclusive evidence can be reported on its effect on a mass scale toward cervical cancer.

In the U.S, Gardasil for example is usually a vaccine someone has to pay out of pocket for, unless they have decent insurance. Either way, it makes a ton of profit.

My conspiracy with the whole thing, is how many news articles use the word “anti-vaxxer” and take the tone of medicine is medicine, you’re stupid to question it. And of course naturally, the majority will identify with being on the “smart” side of things, that vaccines are brilliant. (They are) but not all of them could possibly be perfect and I don’t see why it’s discouraged to question the necessity of certain ones particularly when a lot of profit is being made from this invented “necessity”. If you do question it, it’s not taken as a literal question, but a threat on society that you’re the reason for disease in the world.

What freaks me out the most about it, is noticing the pattern involved with divisive labels that seem to be an agenda on their own- irrelevant to vaccines even. The media encourages partisan views and that’s where the conspiracy lies.

“Dr. Dianne Harper, one of a select few specialists in OB/GYN (in the world) who helped design and carry out the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardasil approved. There are only 50 HPV experts in the world, and Dr. Harper is one of them, inarguably making her an expert on the subject.

Since Harper’s involvement in getting Gardasil approved, she has condemned the vaccine, stating that it is neither safe nor effective. She has mentioned that the tested length of the efficacy of the vaccines in preventing HPV infection is not long enough to prevent cervical cancer, which, as she states, can take decades to develop. She has also stated that vaccination will not decrease the number of cervical cancer cases, but a routine of regular pap smears will.

Of all the women who get an HPV infection, approximately 70 percent of those will clear that infection all by themselves in the first year. You don’t even have to detect it or treat it. Within two years, approximately 90 percent of those women will clear it all by themselves. By three years, you will have 10 percent of that original group of women left who still have an HPV infection, and 5 percent of this 10 percent will have progressed into a pre-cancerous lesion.”


^ this is from 2016, this media site references there sources very well - so you can look into those and decide for yourself


^ this is an article from 2014 but has a lot of interesting information to me regarding the u.s paying 6 million out to 26 deaths within 1 year proposed as correlated to Gardasil and also includes how the hpv vaccine fast tracked itself into licensure.


^ this lists a bunch of stories, judge yourself what seems credible or not- just thought it relevant in some regard.


^ im not a fan of dailymail but people generally respond well to it over other media sites and is just linked for the sake that you don’t have to be anti-vaccine to question a particular ones’ intentions.

TLDR; I think the media aggressively encourages partisan views as an agenda in itself. Am pretty convinced certain terms are coined to encourage people who identify with that term, particularly here; “pro vaccine or anti-vaxxer” to skim read and immediately assume the intention of whatever a particular agenda is from that article. I think this applies to “conservative” and “liberal”. It encourages people not to critically think or read things for themselves because psychologically they already agree with it based on the title- and don’t think twice about it. This conspiracy could be an exercise to soften the masses ability to think for themselves and actually read information properly leading to easier manipulation and guided decision making on a mass scale.


Ever since the Trump/Clinton "election" I have thrown out polarized perspectives such as left/right, atheist/christian, anti-vaxx/pro-vax and I am re-training myself to "think" as opposed to hopping aboard the critical theory train of destruction and opposition. It is a ploy and we cannot buy into it. Great observation OP.

Ah! I was trying to think of other examples of these kinds of terms- “Christian and atheist” is a great set.

My family has always been “healthnuts” and I surprised myself, when I was debating my parents about how not all genetically modified foods are bad and the term “no-gmo” has helped sell a ton of overpriced products in “healthy organic stores” etc with no real reason for the price inflation besides the “anti-gmo” label- when there’s a great example of a scientist genetically modifying rice to have more vitamin A in order to help a common disease amongst children in Africa who are vitamin A deficient.

My realization came with the christian/atheist thing. Atheists are very "devoted" and "faithful" and often hold strong "beliefs" like Christians do so why not focus on the similarities instead of the differences? Why is very important because they why leads us to the critical theory training that we have all had subtly behind us throughout all levels of education. Critical theory demands destruction of traditional power (white males) and "divisiveness" is one tactic used to achieve that end.

I myself am a skeptic of allopathic medicine but I am not trying to draw a line in the sand here between alternative medicine and the allopathic system, I am trying to build a bridge. The entire reason I am skeptical of vaccination is because of the doctors/medical authorities knee jerk reaction to well pointed and obvious questions that go unanswered due to the fact that the science of vaccination is certainly no where near "settled". If the scientists where like "um, we are not sure so we will look into it and get back to you", that would be a different reaction, but they are ragingly intolerant to vaccination skepticism which makes me think for myself...so the words "pro-vax" or "anti-vax" never come into use with me because they are polarizing terms used to divide us.

Xenophobia is another word that is bullshit. It is natural and healthy to be skeptical and worried about the other tribe stealing your food and your women. If you weren't worried about it the other tribe would take over your tribe and dominate your women and children so the word "xenophobia" is just another bullshit term designed to make whites feel guilty for having their shit together.

Orwell's doublespeak and newspeak is on full display and again, great observation OP.

I believe you've started to transcend the dichotomy of everything that's pushed on us every day. Yes, gmo can be good. Broccoli is the result of selective breeding (thanks r/TIL) and is quite good for you. Putting jellyfish DNA into my apples? Please don't.

yep if you subscribe then automatically you are inserting yourself into a group they already have control over

inserting yourself into a group they already have control over

absolutely...think for yourself and if you can't, get educated so you can...don't just join a group that is going to do the thinking for you!

Yes, how do we encourage this without sounding like we’re trying to recruit for our own “group”

I always think leading simply by example is best; or guiding without telling someone what to do - but it’s not an easy rulebook to follow

eading simply by example is best; or guiding without telling someone what to do

This is what I do. Lead by example and then some fearlessness in engaging with people when it comes toime to voice your opinion but without preaching or talking down to people.

But your own awareness is the most important and once you have that its all about how you manipulate (yes full on Machiavellian manipulation!) the people around you. In regards to vaccines I always bring up health freedom and the freedom to choose what medical procedure you or your children will go through or engage with. The fascists want to take that right away from you so it is very important that this "fight" be fought but not with the adverserial approach but looking for common ground...like freedom.


Totally agree- to me that’s what alerts me the most, when suddenly it’s not just about whether vaccines are effective or not, it’s how soon can we make sure everyone gets tons of them and is use to getting tons of them and make it not seem abnormal to demand they get them.

I’m not willing to give up the simple right of rejecting what someone else wants to put in my body if I decide I don’t want to put it in my body.

The idea being if you’re vaccinated and stoked on it, don’t force it on someone who decided against it, their life, body & decision.

People say oh well then your kids or you, whatever, could kill babies that are sick who can’t get the vaccines and die... well I’m sorry but such is nature & evolution.

Keep your babies away from kids if they’re sick.

Not worth giving up that freedom, regardless how you feel about vaccine necessity, effectiveness & ingredients.

This comment has made my day thoughtpixie and is absolutely reasonable and sane. Those who want to make vaccines (or any medicines) mandatory need to schooled.

It makes me feel insane how many people are passionately out to slam “anti-Vaxxers” and if you argue anything in support of the right not to put something inside you that you don’t want to, you’re suddenly someone who believes the earth is flat...or denies science...

Another psychological conditioned behaviour pressed in by dividing every issue into two sides, using coined terms for short cut partisan decision making.

Me too. Sometimes I feel like I am taking crazy pills and that is the importance of this fight for those who believe in health freedom, so that others who believe in freedom can know that there are many many people out there who agree with them and that the media's agenda does not defend freedom but pushes propaganda to encourage a type of modern fascism...for our own safety.

And you are absolutely right...it is a conditioned behaviour and that puts "media awareness" into the same priority as health freedom as the masses continue to believe what the MSM wants them to despite logic and reason.

Thanks for the support, it helps in not feeling too emotional about it. Freedom seems more and more to be an illusive concept people can’t grasp.

Meanwhile, people are super happy to debate the freedom of bearing arms but debating mandatory vaccines, no debate- just condescending mean comments and assuming you live in a tree.

people are super happy to debate the freedom of bearing arms but debating mandatory vaccines, no debate-

I use the "my body, my choice" argument with people as people also seem to think it is their god given right to abort babies at any stage of the pregnancy. Which they mostly do have the right to do...so if "my body, my choice" is an effective argument to abort unborn babies why can't it be used to argue health freedom concerning vaccines to protect babies from unwanted medical procedures?


“my body, my choice”

Rather than forcing people to do stuff and call them stupid and whatever else- the focus should be on better education and communication involved with something we want the majority to get behind.. if the information is communicated well enough with enough sound evidence and education- there shouldn’t be a need to force anything.

As it is now, people choosing not to get vaccinated for certain things really aren’t affecting the herd immunisation idea.


Great link. It is a lie in the media that anti-vaxxers have contributed to these outbreaks. And yes!... "Education, education, education."

That should be our mantra, and it is, except you have to add "governmental approved academic and corporate captured" to the word education and then education is ok for the general public.

Of course you have herd (sic) that herd immunity with vaccination is bunk...https://youtu.be/_KhofzZ-ke8

Suzanne Humphries is one of my favourite doctors. Her polio and vaccination you tube video is also extremely informative as it rejects the myth that smallpox and polio were "eliminated by the vaccine"...such a huge lie! https://youtu.be/Twch-T-n8Ns

Good post OP.

Am I a per-situation-based vaxer?

I am not a fan of "must vaccinate on schedule", like there is something wrong with a less-aggressive; spread-out inoculation.

My cat was given Rabies, leukemia and FVRCP boosters all in one day. He became very sick and required steroid therapy and hundreds of dollars to get better.

Since then, I have paced-out the boosters and have had no problems...

Kill me now

I never considered if pet anti-vax was a thing.

My problem with the topic is that it is basically one side that mocks people who say anything other than vaccines are 100% safe. Which, of course they're not. People post all the time about various vaccine damages, etc etc.

Consider that vaccinating your pet could be a vector by which to infect you.

I am a person that wants safe vaccines. Some of the current vaccines have questionable ingredients that I do not want to put into my body.

Of course, it’s same reason Trump can endorse candidates for office by saying “loves our vets, strong border, 2nd amendment” and instantly the candidate is a shoe-in for primaries. People are easily swayed by partisan stances.

How do we collectively fight this kind of bull shit?

I’d argue better education but we can’t seem to get that done- we gotta talk about guns, racism, & sexism instead. All of which topics would also benefit from better education that’s not revolved around regurgitation.

Move the issues from being polarizing and talk about compromise across party-lines assuming the 2 party system isn’t going anywhere. Similar to how local governments hold town-hall meetings, the will of the people needs to be heard and taken into consideration. The abolishment of PACs and lobbying would essentially take the money out of politics, ensuring that politicians work for our interests, rather than the interests of their constituents (where they earn the majority of campaign funds).

Flake made an interesting point the other day, staying plainly without hesitating that there is not way he could have delayed the FBI investigation if he was up for re-election. That says a lot about the state of politics in our country, and things need to change fast.

Yeah definitely. No “side” is innocent..

What I fear is the “will of the people” becoming more and more dissolved into people losing themselves and their ‘will’ and don’t really have something to fight for

" But I’m definitely also not pro-any jab anyone wants to sell the world that cures a problem that may have not even been a big problem before billions of dollars could be made from said problem. "

This. The CDC's own data show that most of the major diseases we get vaccinated for were already on the way out and mortality was near zero before the vaccines were introduced. Am I the only person on Reddit who remembers that chicken pox, measles and mumps were once considered a normal part of childhood? When those vaccines first came out, no one was getting them because the diseases were nothing to worry about. Doctors finally had to start scaring parents with how dangerous these diseases were to get them to vaccinate their kids.

I looked at my kids' vaccination records the other night. My daughter was born in 1988, my son in 1991. My daughter received 17 vaccinations total by the time she was in high school, and my son 21. And now I believe they're somewhere around 70 vaccinations by the time kids reach high school. That's a lot of vaccinations.

Are chicken pox the same thing as measles and mumps? Or similar?

I totally had chicken pox- so did my neighbor & best friend... around the same time because we were inseparable and the general perception was, you get chicken pox once. Once you’ve had it, you never get it again because your body developed immunities to it. You usually get it when you’re young and you’re stuck at home for a week or so.

Definitely wasn’t like oh shit my kid for the chicken pox! Oh no! Hospital, let’s go!

It was expected and even welcomed so you could be immune to it.

Exactly. Immune for life. Vaccines don't work that way. Measles and chicken pox are very similar in appearance but definitely different diseases. Mumps is very different. I've also read that being infected with these diseases and overcoming them without medical intervention provides other health benefits throughout your life.

Yeah, there’s also a lot of more recent evidence on how your gut is stronger and healthier, more diverse biome of bacteria- able to digest better, less likely to have IBS or leaky gut- when your a kid and you’ve been around in the dirt, maybe put some weird stuff in your mouth haha- of course there can always be the rare case where a kid gets fatally sick from putting something germy in their mouth but there’s also a good chance you’ll have a stronger immune system, and a better gut because of it. A better gut is great given how linked it is to our mind and it’s mood etc.

Of course it is, this makes you pick a side, and the moment you pick a side, it is you against them, you can ridicule them because they are dumb and you know better, thanks to your social media bubble, most of your peers feel the same way.

This eliminates open communication on the topic where both sides would learn something.

I'm pro-choice. :shrug:

Great thing to be as an individual

obviously this was created artificially by the media and PR campaigns. they did hire PR firms to destroy the reputation of anyone questioning vaccine safety.

check this:


they created the anti-vax narrative to discredit the victims and cover-up the massive damage that their unsafe vaccination program has done. just follow the money, as always.


I definitely believe they’d create an anti-vax narrative, the way articles talk about anti-vax and how the tone takes a certain form which I guess is transparent to me but maybe less to some others.. but I can’t deny vaccine technology objectively isn’t shady- but as you said the money is what always twists things into dishonest manipulative motives

I always got the impression that this topic was so heated and divided because the idea of vaccine injury is a very scary one. Often with ideas/concepts that induce fear, people get heated and shut down to hearing the possibility (never mind if it’s actually true).

This type divide and reaction often happens with 9-1-1 too. The very mention of an idea that 9-1-1 did not occur how the narrative says it did, many people get angry and shut down conversation. This is because even hearing about such a possibility incites deep fear and loss of possible safety.

Now back to vaccines, IF it were true vaccines did cause damage, that means people could be actively being harmed. That means you could have been hurt by it but we’re fortunate not to be. That means you might have put your own children at risk. That might mean that a child you know might not have ended up messed up if it were the vaccines that did it. Then on top of all of that, there is all sorts of additional foundational shattering issues IF vaccines can cause harm. That means the govt probably knows and gives no fucks about you or your family. That means big pharma does not care and their other products might not be good either. That means the medical system could be so vastly flawed that your health and sense of safety there is shattered.

Thing is, these type questions do come up in the subconscious when faced with theories/possibilities. If any topic itself has a lot of heavy repercussions hidden in the context of possibility, most people don’t want to hear about the theory/possibility as it makes them feel uneasy, angry or fearful though often people don’t fully understand why (because the subconscious processes a lot for us very quickly). Some even then swing hard in favor of the side that most protects their safety and will refuse to even listen for a second to a theory that states otherwise.

When usually listening to a theory or possibility on whatever topic (like what your boss is up to, Lizard People theory, Alien theories, theories on tech or economic development) usually has very little impact on someone’s emotional state (you aren’t going to see lots of people becoming irate when presented with such topics regardless of their possible truth), it’s just treated as a story, a curiosity, or if the person feels there is merit, they might file that info away as something to look into. But this does not happen with topics that insight real fear and shake foundational beliefs. Any major topic that becomes so reactionary on a widespread level, it’s almost always a result of underlying fears associated with that theory potentially being true (and again, it has nothing to do with the actual truth of said theory or lack there of, just the idea of the theory itself can be more than enough to cause such an intense adverse reaction).

This is my own personal theory on these type topics, vaccine safety debate being one of them. I’ve looked into this heavily over the years and did a thesis on it in college.

That being said, I absolutely think that on top of what I mentioned above, the media plays it up even further. It helps keep people fighting without ever being able to get deep on anything so they can at least understand each other.

Move the issues from being polarizing and talk about compromise across party-lines assuming the 2 party system isn’t going anywhere. Similar to how local governments hold town-hall meetings, the will of the people needs to be heard and taken into consideration. The abolishment of PACs and lobbying would essentially take the money out of politics, ensuring that politicians work for our interests, rather than the interests of their constituents (where they earn the majority of campaign funds).

Flake made an interesting point the other day, staying plainly without hesitating that there is not way he could have delayed the FBI investigation if he was up for re-election. That says a lot about the state of politics in our country, and things need to change fast.

eading simply by example is best; or guiding without telling someone what to do

This is what I do. Lead by example and then some fearlessness in engaging with people when it comes toime to voice your opinion but without preaching or talking down to people.

But your own awareness is the most important and once you have that its all about how you manipulate (yes full on Machiavellian manipulation!) the people around you. In regards to vaccines I always bring up health freedom and the freedom to choose what medical procedure you or your children will go through or engage with. The fascists want to take that right away from you so it is very important that this "fight" be fought but not with the adverserial approach but looking for common ground...like freedom.