Why does it feel like the Presidential Alert that was sent is foreshadowing something?

1  2018-10-03 by daddymarsh

I don't know what it is foreshadowing, but it feels more unsettling than comforting that we are now getting a Presidential Alert sent to everyone's phone in the U.S.


It's forshadowing a great unsettling.

Get comfy

Pretty much.

grabs popcorn & a few cold.....waters

No ice in those waters ;)

We can almost hear the reeeeing in the distance

Reee? Reee ree ree.

Gitmo is open for business

I was thinking the same thing.

Yeah I was feeling that way. or maybe its just Trump realizing he can do alerts now.

Q has been talking about the alert system for at least 6 months. It was always the plan.

p.s. don't downvote me I'm not a qultist just a researcher

Ew. Found the qtard.

Ewww found a person who thinks it's a larp

Q said it was a larp

Link or drop number.

1675 and the following comments

If Q said it was a larp Q got you fooled

Okay, let's flip this around Socratic Style.

What is Qs purpose? Why is he getting paid to post on 8chan?

What was Trumps call to action to fight demon pedophiles? It seemed like he enjoyed doing real estate.

If Q is a high ranking member of the trump admin, why is he posting exclusively on 8chan?

If Trump is in cahoots with Mueller, then why has Mueller arrested so many of his associates and taken their property?

If the deep state is truly in control of everything, why do they allow him to continue posting? If he is leaking national security secrets, why do they not just plug the leak?

If the deep state has the same access to same information as everyone else, is Q committing treason by giving them advance warning of Trumps ongoing pedophile operations?

What specific things Q has claimed have come to fruition? Why are there so many wildly different interpretations of his cryptic messages? Why does his writing style vary so heavily? Why is it that it's so incredibly difficult to get 2+ Qultists to agree about fairly bedrock aspects of the Q larp?

Why was a member of the department of energy selected to hunt down space pedophiles?

Is there verifiable evidence that did not originate from posts on an anonymous message board that suggest the existence of a "Q style character" or the ongoing war against interdimensional vampires?

What distinguishes Q from the many other LARPs that have come and gone on the chans?

Link those comments please.

Are you going to link me the comments or not?

I'm looking for them and can't find them. Are you going to answer the questions I posted?


I could not find any comments attached to that drop either. I find it strange how your comments was upvoted so much.

You asked somebody else those questions.

I dont have those answers. I don't blindly trust q. I just find it interesting how much flak it receives, all for a larp.

You're accusing people of shilling over 7 karma? Apparently you do believe it as you initially started this by calling me the guy that thinks it's a larp.

I think it is an unhealthy cult for anyone to be associated with, and allows Trumps terrible behavior to be excused as "it's all just part of the plan".

Unlike most cults, there's starting to be real world issues with this one as people are starting to act out in real life like the dude that obstructed traffic on the Hoover Dam. Do we wait until they start killing people? The cult has a bad habit of pointing out private citizens as demon child molesters when abortion doctors have been assassinated for less.

You're accusing people of shilling over 7 karma? 

No, just weird that you were upvoted like you were Correct when both of us looked into your claim and neither of us could verify it. I wonder if those who upvoted you looked into it as well?

Well it's more that no one ever has been able to verify that QAnon is anything more than a 400lb man in his grandmother's basement.

Extraordinary claims require, well any evidence.

At some point you'll also realize it was a sham, and I for one won't mock you for it.

"ALERT: Kavanaugh confirmed to SCOTUS




That is all."

Something is coming, that's for sure.

But which tyrants will it be blamed on? Russia? China? Iran? Syria?

Certainly not our wonderfully innocent democratic government of the people.

I'll take Iran for $500 Alex

The aliens

The weather

The weather

No our own gov has control of that one

Yes, that’s my joke ha.

um ok?

Anyone and everyone who refuses the US dollar

When you pay real close attention, this is the real answer. Ding ding!

It isn't a conspiracy though. I am a US citizen who relies on an imaginary currency staying afloat. We gotta overthrow the sovereign non-believers to maintain our mortgages. lol

Yep. Like Ghaddafi who was busy using gold to pay for housing, education and healthcare for his "subjects".


well if you knew the back story you wouldn't....

so it was made by Bush in 2006 and in 2012 Obama was supposed to test it but never did. Trump said sure, why not. This is why you are only seeing it now. In 2006 it was supposed to be tested once a year but Bush didn't want to scare people with the war in full swing and Obama didn't care. Now it should be a once a year test, but they have to figure out what day and time per year. Like 11/11 at 11:11am or something so everyone knows.

Get outta here with you logic!!! lol (thanks for posting! )

Thanks for the info, I had no clue. Would this be used for all national emergencies only, separate from amber alerts?

I had no idea about the backstory. That actually makes a ton of sense, thanks for posting

But this is r/conspiracy

We must assign a shadowy agenda!

Everything’s gotta be some negative doomsday, we can’t ever have positive conspiracies or happy endings to conspiracies

I'm sure there are people conspiring to make the planet better, too.

Proteine shakes make you fart and cause the global warming which leads to hurricane and tornadoes and thats why they established the alert system. It makes sense doesnt it? 😃

Where do the lizard Jews come in?

Protein shakes are #kosher! Spooooky

It's Donald Trump trolling America to divide us!

I'll tell ya what's going on. This goes with the Qanon theory which isn't even a theory anymore with how many times it's been proven to be real. Anyways.. Trump's twitter is going to be banned or suspended or so people think, and this will serve as a new form of communication for the President. Since the media can't get his message out properly (they just make him look bad and cut what he says and puts it out of context to make him look bad constantly 24/7 relentlessly) and so the only way the President has to get his own words out to the people of America is twitter. And the authoritarian left wants to/is going to ban him from his only platform.

Also if you follow the Q movement you'll know that many evil and corrupt people in government and other places of power (bankers, lawyers, CEOS, ect) who have all conspired against Trump and America to sell it out for their own agenda and personal gain and POWER. These people are soon to be going to jail and facing military tribinals. Trump declared us into a state of emergency in an executive order signed December 23rd 2017. We are still in this state of emergency. There is a war going on behind the scenes of massive proportion. Good vs evil. The battle for humanity. I believe this presidential alert system will be used to alert the people to what is going on and what's about to happen. FISA brings down the house. Fasten your seatbelts folks, it's about to get bumpy.

Is this satire?

100% truth


Truth hurts.

info link?

He doesn't need one. He's a stable genius. Even without a link does it not make sense? Real shit all up in here

i take all news/info/theories with a grain of salt. some however, i do believe. with so much deception and disinformation it’s best to take it all in.

You told the sheep? Damn you!

They will never believe it anyways. It is why they are sheep.

They will believe it eventually because this is what Q has been saying all along. Eventually anyone with a functioning brain will not be able to deny it. Our role is to help people stay calm & confident that everything is under control.

You are crazy.

shit like this is why Q is considered dangerous.

Thank you, Stable Genius, Its always good to have a reminder !! WWG1WGA !! #MAGA !! 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸

Ok here's the thing, there hasn't been a single thing Q has predicted. Nothing. Zero.

All. True. Regards fellow anon! +++. ++. +

I feel like this would be an episode of the xfiles!

I'll tell ya what's going on. This goes with the Qanon theory which isn't even a theory anymore with how many times it's been proven to be real


Anyways.. Trump's twitter is going to be banned or suspended or so people think


Since the media can't get his message out properly (they just make him look bad and cut what he says and puts it out of context to make him look bad constantly 24/7 relentlessly)

You know you can watch his full length speeches on Youtube right? They're all there. And they usually get shown live when they happen. I think the reason you think the media makes him look bad/stupid is because of what he's saying

and so the only way the President has to get his own words out to the people of America is twitter.


And the authoritarian left wants to/is going to ban him from his only platform

It's cute that you believe the President is gonna get banned from Twitter

These people are soon to be going to jail and facing military tribinals


Remember, we are in a war and have been since 2001.

The media doesn't talk about any of this.

My guess is the same people who were behind the attack 17 years ago are the same people who are trying to overthrow the government now.

Guess that's why we don't hear about any of this on the news.

They are complicit.

Enjoy your day!


RemindMe! 2 months "Trump's Twitter banned? military tribunals? presidential alert system?"

I thought he did...

Obama didn't care

Apathetic Deep State confirmed.

Dude! You'd made a terrible conspiracy theorist!

No, he makes a great one!

The essential aspect needed is absolutely not blind, religious belief of every notion proposed, it is the ability to apply critical thinking and research to seek the truth.

Debunking is crucially important, it sorts the wheat from the chafe and prevents time wasted on so much misinformation or stupidity that could be applied to actual questions.

People here generally are able to discern blatant misinfo or distractions like flat earth and other flimsy or retarded claims, and readily blame them on shills aimed at distraction (though, honestly, I think a greater majority are actually by young kids who are new to conspiracy and get too executed about everything that challenges the status quo.)

My user name isn’t just an attempt at a witty pun, Occams Razor is crucial, if something has an obvious and simple explanation, then unless presented with likewise credible and compelling reason to doubt it, then it is probably true.

That said, regardless of earnest reason to test the system, the ability of this system to be used maliciously is worth noting and examining.

I believe you but can you link to your source?

"The WEA, launched in 2012, can be traced back to the 2006 Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act passed by Congress to fund a new emergency alert system called for by President George W. Bush. The moves came after criticism of the federal government's handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. This week's alert marks the first time the system has been tested nationwide. "

If they did it at 11 11 people would flip out even more about that phenomenon

Everyone could make a wish at the same time. Too bad 11:11 would be for one specific time zone.

Mandela effect confirmed

Well yeah, that's what you do it at 9:11

Where's the source

CNN? No thanks...

We have a test alert every first Monday of the quarter at 3 o’clock.

So if anyone wants to attack they can just do it then.

I'm sure tumultuous tweeter trump and his ilk were just ecstatic. Betcha the next one says "lock her up."

Wouldn't it be great if the me too movement decided to revive the rape cases against Bill Clinton? But then that further lead us into the Linda Ives case. Trump demands she receive the unredacted FBI files confirming that Kevin Ives and Don Henry were murdered as a result of Bill Clinton's approved drug trafficking in Mena Arkansas. Single handedly take down both Bill and Hill for their corrupt bull shit that Democrats so easily overlook. "Lock THEM up"

Even if that is true about Trump's desire to release such a file, there would be a single reliable source like NY Times managed for hundreds of redacted documents and privileged knowledge from very recent investigations of the president himself.

Bill was humiliated in both NBC News and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert I'm recent months, in two incredibly awkward interviews that he was immediately and widely panned over, for his shortcomings in acceptably acknowledging his responsibility in a 1990 scandal. You must get different news in your part of the world.

I dgaf about him getting lit the fuck up on MSM programming. That doesn't do his injustices any gleen of Justice. If you think that is enough you need to look more into his history. Me too'ers need to come out against him the same way they held Cosby accountable for actions conducted 10-30+ years ago. If this movement was around when Clinton's allegations came up he would've been tried and arrested I would hope.

your comparing consensual sex among adults to that of an unconscious woman. you're unwilling to reason.

It wasn't consensual. Why tf are so many people using this as a defense? Why would Hillary have to threaten these women if it were that clean cut?

you weren't aware that Lewinsky had always acknowledged their contact was consensual? manipulating a workplace relationship in an abuse of power isn't a crime, but it doesn't imply non-consent, e.g. rape.

Smh see this is what I'm saying you people don't know the full context. The Lewinsky shit scandal is not where it stops. He was accused of rape by several different women and since you clearly don't know this and don't know what I am talking about here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOsVxl7DjX0

He needs to go down and so does his fucking wife. Linda Ives also deserves those unredacted documents. The Mena connection is too big to ignore but Dems and uneducated people overlook this despite Hollywood making two movies about the topic of the drug smuggling into Arkansas.

Watch the documentary the boys on the tracks. Unsolved mysteries even covered this case... People are willfully ignorant.

Then you're going with "you people?" I would try to reciprocate and maybe even acknowledge some incredible information if you would even bother to pretend you can personally relate on a basic human level.

How can I relate when you aren't even aware or willing to look into the knowledge I am privy to? I say you people because you seem like you are liberal leaning and defending the actions of a rapist, but then saying a republican alleged rapist should be held accountable. Do you not see your own hypocrisy?

I asked first. do you deflect all accountability, or only when it suits your ego?

No hold all politicians accountable regardless of what side of the aisle they are on. I'm pissed off about this topic because liberals are saying it was consensual. No it wasn't. For Lewinsky yes it was. For the others no it wasn't. This false progressivism and defending one person and not holding others accountable is appalling. Have you at least watched the video of the victims of Bill Clinton's accusers? I didn't deflect accountability. If Kavanuagh is found guilty then yes charge him or whatever. That's not my point.

Armistice day would be an interesting choice for sure

Obama didn't care Obamadidntcare Obamadintcare Obamacare

Holy shit guys. Look what just happened to.

At the exact moment Commonwealth countries have an annual moment of silence in remembrance of soldiers who died in battle? Yeah let's choose a different time...

it was just an example

Thank you this!

Thats already a minute of silence for remembrance day, the World War 1 Armistice.

it was just an example

11/11 at 11:11am would become the perfect time to launch an attack!

Yes! I hope it's right in the middle of the Rememberance Day Moment of Silence (assuming you have that in America).

They should do it every election day to remind people to vote. Serves two good purposes.

ill be surprised if trump doesnt abuse it, like using it for political propoganda

did you look into anything about it? the FEMA director and another person are the ones that send the messages out. There always has to be two people from FEMA to make the message. The president will craft the message and then the FEMA people will push the button on their side. It all happens at FEMA central command. It's not something the president can just 'use' as he sees fit.

im surprised!

If you got that info from mainstream media or wikipedia, why would you believe it?

Not to be a jerk, but the people who are saying this is a foreshadowing of something is just ridiculous. This was a pre-planned test thank you guys are getting a little too sketchy. There is not a government agent hiding behind every corner nor is this test that we just got actually something else

Bro, let the idiots be idiots

But why “Presidential Alert” and not something like federal emergency alert?

Because Trump is the CEO of this company. So he is the one to send these notifications.

mic drop

Typically impromptu presidential addresses are affiliated with War, Natural Disasters, and Civil Conflict. I think there is a dark undertone to this and frankly i hope to never see this message again.

This is a valid question. We know we can get government alerts in the form an amber alert or something in the case of emergency. I mean, at the very least this alert is interesting.

It's a never before tested system of communications directly from president to cell enabled citizens. Its important according to Q to test because they thought it might not be reliable due to deep state reasons.

Does the deep state control the regional emergency alerts we get or something..?

In Canada, these alerts are locked to "presidential" level... even the regional amber alerts. It's getting to the point that people are disregarding them completely or trying to turn them off because they're all coming through as if the sky is falling regardless of the alert.

A bit disconcerting. Glad I live out of cell service range!




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Forshadowing and pre-planned are not mutually exclusive scenarios.

I didn't know the backstory, but another person posted, which was interesting to know.

For the record, I don't believe this is actually foreshadowing something. That will probably be seen as BS considering where I posted, but I wasn't sure where else to put it. I do believe it's just a test and not a sign of things to come, but it was a thought that popped up and I figured others would be thinking the same.

There is not a government agent hiding behind every corner

found the government agent behind this corner of reddit :)

True... this system was a Bush Jr. system and Dubya was a straight shooter. /s

They are testing it for when the deep state civil war spills into the public. Faction 1 has control of social media so faction 2 (trump/military) will use the presidential alert system to make sure important information (to them) is pushed to the masses.

Fuck both factions, by the way. I'll just be here with my popcorn watching it go down.

New presidential alert:

"All popcorn has been banned"

I bet it'll be over currency. Government drops the fed and wants it's own backing, all nwo companies switch account balances to ripple, and we see what happens.

FACEBOOK ALERT: You have become a victim of something. Donald Trump may have said something unprofessional. You are now outraged.

**Immediately head to your local apple store for further directions and emotional reassurance. A clever picket will be given to each citizen as protection from police and military. **

It was very erie to be in a grocery store and see everyone in the store stop and look at the their phones at the exact same time. This will definitely be used ahead of a martial law type announcement after a major attack on the country, which will be blamed on Iran, and used as justification for invasion. You can see the preparations already being made in advance of this.



This was one of the weirdest parts of the Hawaii missile alert. Hundreds of people all hiking up the side of Mountainhead and we all stop and look at our phones.

People started crying, some started running back down. My group said "fuck it, might as well die with a nice view" and kept going to the top.

Man this is the way I want to run a job interview

Spot on. My exact thoughts on the matter. Be careful where you post stuff like this because this sub has turned into T_D lite.

Be careful where you post stuff like this

Why? Because someone might disagree? Oh noes.

Because Russian trolls invaded this sub in 2016 and they never left.

i’m really not buying this russia troll bit

You can see the preparations already being made in advance of this.

Not really. Mattis isn't really into that kind of shit. "Regime change" in the context of this admin is different than in the Bush Jr. neocon deep state-driven admin.

The test of a capability to send alerts in no way presages anything whatsoever, other than that alerts can be sent. And there can and should be many kinds of alerts that get sent- from terrorism, natural disasters, and other public-affecting situations that should be broadcast immediately for most effect. Alerts have always been part of society, and this is merely the progression of that capability into new technologies.

I was in a class of about 60 people. I was in the very back, so I saw everyone look down at the exact same moment. It was really odd.

Probably not too far off.

i don't think anything about it, doesn't tell you what for, so what good is it?

Predictive programming

I don’t think it’s foreshadowing but it is kind of foreboding if you think about it. Imagine being in a stadium and all of a sudden 100,000 people all look at their phones at the same time. It has a creepiness factor to it, but I guess it’s no different than a modern day air raid siren.

That's giving a lot of credit to these cell phone providers bumping up their service to where even a majority of the phones are getting service in a packed stadium. /s

You're joking but the presidential alert system is designed to interrupt all traffic except active calls in order to send the message. I believe it does actually interrupt active calls as well but the time period needed to send the alert is less than the interrupt time needed to drop a phone call.

They really want to make sure they can inform citizens of whatever things they want to.

Trump send me dank memes pls

I am sceptical of the government myself, but as long as this system isn't abused to send out propaganda or whatever it's a pretty good idea to be able to inform the population for example of an attack very quickly.

That's the purpose for it exactly. This is not Trump's new soapbox.

Afterall he still has a Twitter

Afterall he still has a Twitter

For now...

This is not Trump's new soapbox.

Just wait.

Calling it now: Trump will use it at some point to send a political message. Probably election night.

I highly doubt the president of the united states will use an emergency alert system to send out political messages. Just the same Obama could have texted the entire us population saying don't vote trump.


  • Rolls eyes -

I highly doubt the president of the united states will use an emergency alert system to send out political messages.

Oh boy. Knowing Trump, it's pretty much a sure bet he'll be using it as his own personal Twitter. I also expect to be surprised at how soon he does it.

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He only flew around on Air Force one from city to city doing that

Very true, i was around security of him around then and boy was the air traffic busy during election season. But hell every president uses air force one to their own uses.

Kind of like the maga rallies every week.

Correction: 4-5 rallies every week.


It's kind of impressive to be honest. Worked in 2016.

I agree. He sure does have a case of the sniffles though.

Lol are you one of those partisans who likes to go around implying he uses cocaine?

No I'm one of the ones that knows he has in the past and I don't care.

A reporter on NPR addressed this concern and said "the program is monitored so it's not abused"

Not everyone with a phone uses Twitter

Whats your point?

So ..are they anticipating some attacks?

Well yeah, muslims/terrorists still exist and will carry out the will of Allah again.

They are anticipating that the deep state will react negatively if high-level members are arrested.

When I received it, I was thinking it could be a line of defense against a deep state coup, now that they are resolved to fuck over Kavanaugh just to fuck him.

But Trump is deepstate?

What higher ups are getting arrested I missed this info

Its Q BS.


Theres been a lot of false flag talk lately and the way things are going politically, I'm genuinely unsure of where things'll go from here. Distrust would also benefit a lot of factions too, and it also true that after hawaii it seems reasonable to test things out in case of a real emergency.

Hawaii was the test to roll this out nationwide.

I doubt we'd need these alerts to be informed. With modern social media and nearly everyone in a remotely developed country having a cell phone, these alerts would only increase awareness by a marginal amount. Unless you're a total recluse, you're going to find out about a National level attack pretty quickly one way or another(tv,internet,friends/family, etc..)

It's no different than amber alerts.. It's just triggered from a different source. So yea as long as it's not abused its really not anything new.

Only problem is that when E911 is activated, they have access to your location, camera, and microphone as well. Makes me uncomfortable

Or to inform us that some prankster in Hawaii was just making a viral video with that missile alert.

I am making that up, but it's interesting to note there is still no confirmation about how/why it happened. The only and obvious answer has always been "on purpose for the lolz."

Yeah attacks are so common too.... /s

Oh no, I get that and don't see a problem in having a system like that. Used properly, it will be very helpful if situations arise that need broad notifications sent. I was just commenting on the fact that in all of my years of owning a smart phone, any sporting event I attended (large college program or any level higher), my smart phone will always turn into a shiny block of uselessness due to the concentration of devices trying to jump on the network in the small area.

A couple people around me didn’t get the message. I was surprised, my work phone and personal phone went off at the same time, 2 different carriers too. At least one of them have the same carrier as I do.

The EVV devices Ohio Medicade uses for home health workers started vibrating when the alert happened but no message appeared on the screen. These devices are supposedly old military cell phones that have a camera, microphone and gps. If that isn’t creepy idk what is.

My husband and I were on separate calls today and both of them dropped when the alert came through. Guess they were successful.

It drops active phone calls, my mom got bumped off a call when it came through

tell her I will ring her back.....bu dum tiss

Hey I got a question for you. Does this new alert give a shit about anyone with older models of phone?

I only ask because in Canada we have a mobile emergency alert just like this... but only new phones get the warning... we have a laughable list of 45 models that work.

The currently implemented supposed to work with practically any phone made or sold in the US since 2010 or so - but as the other replies show apparently a few phones are not quite compatible (or the system itself failed to properly enumerate all connected devices.)

I was on the phone when it came through and it didn’t end my phone call

I had one sent to my phone that doesn't have any service.

I was told that cell phones can also call 911 even without service. Not that I'd ever try it though...

this is true I was on a call when my phone started vibrating like hell

You're joking but the presidential alert system is designed to interrupt all traffic

Great for censorship.

I was on a call when I got it and it didn't interrupt. Just fyi

Go watch the first 5 minutes of the latest season of american horror story.

That's a terrible thing to make someone do.

Ok. Guess you won’t see how this national alert system thing was first shown on this show 4 weeks ago.

A season which is coincidently named “Apocalypse”.

It was more a joke about how this season has been terrible.

I agree... foreboding. I don't understand why we need a third alert. The first two: Amber and the other one which is supposed to be used for weather.... but was used in Hawaii when some "idiot" sent out the "missile scare" alert. What would the third one be for if the other two are for missing kids, weather and missile scares?

Is there a possibility that this decision to finally use this type of alert was made after the Hawaii missile scare?

I'm confuseded.

That makes a lot of sense actually, they create a third alert with higher priority than the weather alert, and it comes with higher security clearance so it cannot be accidentally pressed again.

If there was indeed a coup happening (i.e. Hillary, Obama, etc.), and MSM is CIA run for the most part, this might be a way for the President of the US to communicate directly with people. Perhaps it is related to the 50,000 plus sealed documents/indictments? I get the feeling we are going to find out before the mid terms, perhaps shortly there after...

but was used in Hawaii when some "idiot" sent out the "missile scare" alert.

Wasn't this debunked? I thought the lastest analysis/investigation was that it couldn't have been an accident?

I didn't hear that it was. Last I read, it was a mistake. But if there's an update, please share source. Thank you!!

“Don’t panic, remain calm and exit the stadium single file. That way, at least 25% of you make it! Toodles!”

See you at the Winchester!

How's that for a slice of fried gold?

Also avoid underground pathways at all cost(that's for the rich people).

Why freak out at that point? You're safer in your seat than you are heading out into a stampede of people.

Pick up that pint and drink away.

Don't forget the pints left by the people who panicked.

I'm a huge germophobe. Won't drink other people's drinks but to each their own

That's why you bring napkins to wipe the glass.

Similar though, where I live they test the tornado siren once a month. A long siren audible from everywhere in the city goes off and everyone can hear it.

Point being, there have always been, and needed to be, ways to alert a population all at once. The phones we have now are just a new and different means of sending these alerts, although yes, the connection is now capable of going both ways- instead of just alerting you there can be information gathered about you.

I was at the laundry mat when it happened, only about 10 people maybe. It was still really creepy. Then I get in the car and it came on the radio as well.

I was taking a shit when this happened (I was on my phone too) and it scared the living shit out of me. Lmao

Name checks out.


Using your air raid siren, when would the entire nation need warning?

Incoming ballistic missiles? Coronal mass ejection? Aliens? Invasion on multiple fronts?

The assassination of the POTUS? Just trying to think of what events warrant a nationwide alert.

Because you're predisposed to think there's a conspiracy in everything?

I'm not, I actually don't sub here, but it felt strange to get it (didn't know the backstory). But, we are in r/conspiracy, so yeah I'd say the vast majority of people who are here may believe there's a conspiracy in everything

Isn't the very point of this sub to theorize about conspiracies?

I didn't get it. Should I be worried or glad?

Maybe it means you are on the list

I would not doubt it. The question is which list?

The list of disposables

Well... the text was about you.

Makes sense...

It was about a surprise party that we're all throwing for DopandDiamonds

Shhhh guys you're gonna rain it.

I didn't get it either! My Galaxy S7 must be too old! :)

My S7 got one.

Your phone must be capable of receiving "Wireless Emergency Alerts". Older phones cannot. Mine is a 10-year-old BlackBerry and although I can text just fine (thanks, actual keyboard!) I cannot get any Amber alerts or any other kind of alerts, even from the Big Orange Meanie himself.

I consider that a feature :) If the world's going to asplode, I reckon I'll hear about it lol.

My phone receives amber alerts and is only a year old.


Does anyone know what was with the Facebook post that was removed on Monday?

I got my alert before my coworker [ we were working in low reception area ] he remarks " well if i ever see you running with no warning i know why "

You werent the only one unsettled.

Because you frequent a conspiracy board which means you’re naturally more paranoid and more convinced of an impending doom than the average person.

Let's go to r/greatawakening and ask them. Oh, wait...

Wow if only...

So some to Voat but keep your account here. Voat is so refreshing compared to reddit but it's nice to come back to reddit every once in a while

Voat is so refreshing compared to reddit

When your company gets stolen for being a based white male #FreePapaJohn #FreeElonMusk

When libfucks promote niƃƃer culture to their children

If the communists killed roughly 100,000,000 innocent people in the last century alone wouldn't it be a mistake for humanity to vote for democrats (many of which hold communist views)?

Faƃƃot round house kicks pro life woman!

Degenerate Abortionist Faƃƃot kicks pro life woman in the face! (Different upload)

Jew demands Kanye remove MAGA hat. Kanye refuses. "Y'all can't bully me."

Redditfags, quit it with this gay upvoat-whoring shit.

How to subvert goyim

In the top comment under: Entire broadband industry sues California to stop net neutrality law

Good. Still can't believe nobody seems to understand what net neutrality is (in the way king niƃƃer and his people used it) but blindly support it.

Yes, just so refreshing. So amazingly refreshing.

You're literally only choosing to see what offends you. There are hundreds and hundreds of subverses on Voat that are nothing like you just said. But hey, you wont bother with them because they wont offend you

No, I literally opened an incognito tab and visited the first two default pages.

That is what Voat wants me to see, that is what Voat advertises to all new visitors. That is the first impression of Voat that any person will ever receive.

I am sure some subverses are moderated, and I am sure there is some level of discourse possible - but you absolutely would not know it looking at the site. Even halfchan hides their shame better than Voat - and they've been an open FBI honeypot for ten years at this point.

Lol I wonder what it's like to have a mind as poisoned as yours.

Glad i'll never have to know.

If that's what you think of Voat then more power to you. Itll keep you far away

Regardless of what I personally think of Voat, that is what it is.

You do not grow a community of any size without moderation. Besides the 18 U.S.C. § 2251 violations on the site when you dig deeper, even the surface just screams, 'The only reason to visit this site is to be openly racist with other open racists.'

I'm not even being hyperbolic here, just absolute casual racism.

For this, specifically:

There are hundreds and hundreds of subverses on Voat that are nothing like you just said.

That was a dozen of the most popular, actively promoted posts from at least as many subverses. That is the best Voat has to offer, according to Voat and its community.

Racism is not banned because it's not against US law. Voat only bans Doxxing and CP because that's against US law. Besides, nobody is stopping anyone to create a new subverse and make rules to combat the racism.

You might want to look up the US code I referenced, if that's not banned, I doubt your other example is either.

My point, as well, is not covered by a 'well it's not technically illegal!' argument racists love to throw out. Everyone knows it's not. It's just not good view for your community if you have to say 'Well if you wade past all the racist and actually illegal bullshit, you can start your own subcommunity!' Which, on a site, again at first glance and at a reasonable first impression, is not simply accepting but actively promoting racism would not be a popular group.

I get what you mean. We will have to see what happens in the future with alt-tech. Currently Voat(which has much more 'hateful') content is more popular than something like Gab(which is less hateful).

Voat would be refreshing if it didn't have so many N words on the front page.

If you're so bothered by a word to which point you simply cant ignore it and just move past it, then the internet isn't for you

No. The internet has decided it doesn't want you. That's why you have to go to Voat.

Voat's down now.

dun dun dun dunnn

Except the blatant hate speech in every section there. But yeah. Refreshing. ಠ_ಠ

Free speech = all speech. The good and the bad. Hate speech has no actual definition. Hate speech is simply any words or series of words that somebody doesn't like. If "hate speech" is censored, who gets to define what hate speech is? Before you know it, anything spoken or typed that goes against the agenda of those in charges can be censored.


Sure stick up for racism. Super tough.

Ok, you're a shill. I regret even trying to engage in conversation. I hope what they're paying you is worth it.

Lol thanks for the laugh. Total shill. Shillary Clinton.

Yes, come to VOAT. Very refreshing.

Does anyone find it strange that they didn't just quarantine the sub like the rest? And not only did they delete it, they scrubbed the history of anyone who posted there. Seems awfully desperate for a 100% fiction.


Sounds like a great way to make Q people it actually is true.

Did they ban r/greatawakening ??


That’s extremely upsetting

Does anyone know where they migrated to? My guess is Voat, but I genuinely don’t know and am curious

I think here, Voat is a cesspool so they left after trying to go there


Do you know if this sub has a backup plan for when they shut r/conspiracy down? It’s not if but when

No I would assume then people would go to 4chan, 8chan, or voat.

I’ve been reading posts in r/conspiracy about moderators on 4chan shutting down threads w sleuths uncovering mass pedo groups. 4chan is compromised

Yes, and all the other Q subs.

What was it about?

Telling the painful truth. It just moved elsewhere and is doing fine.

Pretty much. Are we even "allowed" to post about Q? I know there are subs here that can post all they want showing it is "All for a larp", because that side doesn't incite violence. /s

Where'd it move to?

Yah, can you add me or send me a link.

maybe because you’re programmed to be suspicious to everything relating to the word “president”? lol it was being talked about people knew this was gonna happen

Replace the word president with government and youd be more right than wrong.

Obama also initiated the drones and targetting US citizens-doesn't mean its good-in fsct it sets a bad precedent that more authoritative leaders could exploit.

it foreshadows a world where this will just be a common occurrence... imagine if every time there was one of those "media hyped mass shootings" and instead of just being plastered to every T.V. screen , why not an alert sent to everyone phones, get them riled up a bit more... this goes for any event false flag or not... i don't think todays alert was preparing us for any single event, but rather getting everyone used to hearing that anxiety and heart racing tone and correlate it will depressing, bad things

if TPTB start using this presidential alert system to force information and events down the masses throats, they can very easily manipulate and control the what the masses think and believe... i honestly think we'll see this turn into some form of "inescapable" government propaganda/ "news"... if TPTB can alert you to any event going on instantly on your phone, then the fact that the MSM is dying isn't as much as a problem for them, as they can still instantly control people by invoking their emotions by presenting them with any given fucked up event, just now "inescapably" on their phone..."

Or it will just be the same thing as the TV and Radio emergency broadcast system that's been tested periodically forever....

Or it could be like those gas pump screens you can't turn off with state run "true" "news" streaming 24/7 into your pocket. That would be cool. Obviously they'd have to let you mute it but the visuals could be permanent, across part of your screen. I should work for the new world order. I've got ideas. So many ideas. The best ideas.

Because the message is meant to include "critical lifesaving information," it's designed to reach as many cell phones as possible, even those that aren't activated or don't have SIM cards.

How does that work? That seems odd to me that non-activate or non-SIM card carrying phones are still able to get alerts. Makes me wonder if those phones have other capabilities we aren't aware of..

Well, they can still connect to the network to call 911 so they aren't 100% disabled ever.

All the sim cards do is allow it access to a carriers network. The phone is still fully capable of doing everything it does.

This. Iirc SIM card is really only there to identify the phone with one number. The cellphone transmitter/receiver chipset is already on your phone (just like the WiFi chipset)


Hes going to use it to urge his supporters to shoot the nearest democrat when Mueller comes knocking on his door

Cause you're paranoid.

hopefully it has nothing to do with the observatories being shut down by the FBI.

Boom. This is the answer. Global weather about to get all up in our lives. Weaponized weather is coming

Been around for decades. HAARP etc

As long as it doesn't screw us like the machine in that episode of stargate i'm ok with it.

I think we are about to go to war with Syria, Iran, China, and Russia.

china and russia would fuck us up, resulting in our fail safe of “everyone is getting nuked, goodnight” they know not to fuck with america

Americans have been fighting in Syria for nearly 3 years. My old man was one of the first 12 men to go ...

I never got one...

Re: the NY lawsuit. Why would you NOT want the Government to tell you if a terrorist attack or something was happening? All it is is an alert.

It doesn't matter why. It's a matter of principle. No free man should be forced to receive and consume goverment information unwillingly.

The don't need a national alert for that. They're already implementing 5g.

To each his own I guess. I couldn’t care less if my phone goes off to make sure an alert works. Are this mad when they do EBS alerts on TV or test tornado sirens every month?

You're not being forced to do anything. If you dont like the way your wireless carrier does buissness feel free to build your own wireless network.

Things are starting to move fast


October surprise incoming?

I hope it’s just Kanye’s new album.

Did his new album drop? That’s great. Now he can dedicate more time to getting the 13th Amendment abolished. A win-win!

Yea...it's foreshadowing a hellworld where I get unwanted texts from donald trump directly to my phone at 3am.

That's pretty unlikely

The joke.


Oh God. And his texts will be as awesome as his tweets

Only the best words.

Shit! That’s when I usually get my texts from Bank of America! I hope I can get both!

They are going to put us in FEMA camps and we'll be on the red list

Because if you've come this far in discovering the truth then you realize that there are no such thing as coincidence.

Especially if you know what gematria is ..

Is that like numerology?

nah it's a slipknot song iirc

Ahh now it makes sense

Mind blown!!

I never got the alert

We didn't want you to.

Duuuuudeee! I felt the same way! chills

Considering two EOs and the fact government funding is being spent to rebuild 3 top prisons. One EO gives the President authority to put those charged with corruption and child trafficking to go through military tribunals instead. Based off a video I watched last night that summed up recent events and the over 50,000 sealed indictments I think Trump plans a coup because one EO mention the arrest of CEO and VPs of companies, Senators, Congressmen, NSA, FBI, CIA, etc. That any charged with child trafficking and corruption would go through military tribunals. My best bet we will see the arrest of a lot of people and we will be made aware via national emergency message that we just got.

Too good to be true

yeah we aren’t that lucky.. in another time line

If there was a legit coup like this that would be horrendous but also anazing that it was even possible. More amazing that the dumbass orange pulled it off without any leaks. I mean unless you want to say his idiot persona is just a fabrication, but like they say-the neurons that fire together wire together

I watch a lot of independent journalism not a fan of corporate ones. One person I seen who actually met Trump before said Trump puts on a 'show' when campaigning and his rallies, television, etc. Acts completely different in the background. His 'idiot' persona is just a act to distract people, which many have said before.

Trump isn't planning a coup, I would bet he was/is being supported by the military (notice 3 higher ups around him, Flynn being #4) to counter the coup by Hillary, Obama, etc. So, this is a counter coup and it started probably years ago. Consider reading up on QAnon, some great Youtube channels as Q has laid this out there with a large amount of proof. Some channels - Justinformed Talk, Praying Medic (great one), In Pursuit of Truth.

How did Hawaii send out their alert? Was it previously possible on a state by state level, wherein each governor had the ability to send out a warning to their state? If so, it just seems strange that the ability hadn’t already been available on a national level. If it isn’t something new, had heretofore existed, why now? Not of the opinion it necessarily means anything. I just find it strange. Perhaps trump just wanted to be the first to do something.

I mean, amber alert texts use the same method of delivery and they've been around quite awhile. this national broadcast text has been around since 2006 but hadn't been tested until now

I’m with Verizon, have an IPhone 7. Didn’t get the alert . Didn’t turn any settings off. Feel like I won’t know if there is a real alert! Anyone else have issues?

I didn't get the alert either, it seems not everyone did. I'm not sure if that's on purpose or a mistake, though.

I got it, the old lady didn't. Both on Verizon.

I didn’t get it. iPhone 7 with ATT

The only people who didn’t get the alert are women who already received his dick pic last week via traditional text message.

I also have Verizon but an iPhone 8. Never got the alert. My husband’s old iPhone 5 or 6, I can’t remember, that’s only hooked up to WiFi did get it.

That means you are the Chosen One my dude. Congrats.

I got mine on an Android at 11:25 am MT - service with Boost. There was no real message except "This is a presidential Alert. No action is required." It stayed on for about 5 minutes - I did not have my sound on, so I don't know if anything was said. No further messages that I can tell.

Because this is a conspiracy board. :)

What was the message? Has it been sent yet?

The message was: "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"

More Ovalrine please!

A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!

Mine arrived at 11:25am MT & said: "This is a Presidential Alert. No further action is needed." It stayed on for about 5 minutes & went off. No further messages.

I figured it was something like that. Thanks.

So I work at one of the major phone carriers on the west coast, and we are getting flooded with customers who have had all internet access cut off their phones until they had the network settings in the phone reset. Started immediately after presidential alert.

It begins...

did they receive the text? if not perhaps it was a mandatory update.

Every customer came in with the same story. "Got this presidential alert and my data stopped working". Everyone who came in with the problem got the alert.

Did get an update that the issue was nation wide and cross carrier, not everyone was affected but a large chunk of people were.

So this should be in the news....

I am not trying to be a smart ass, but I guess this is why testing is required.

This happened to me. My phone was basically an $800 paperweight for an hour after the alert.

This was the real test.

Jesus christ. Have you never gotten an amber alert on your phone? Or an extreme weather alert? I know this is a conspiracy sub, but damn.

Are you sure you wouldn't feel more comfortable in another sub? Because if this thread triggers you, you're going to have a bad time here.

Im not triggered, im just baffled by the retardation of this thread

You can turn those off. These alerts you unfortunately cannot.


You can turn those off. These alerts you unfortunately cannot.

You can with an android phone that is rooted, at least

bet you felt the same way for the Hawaiian missile launches, lol

All messages are coded that only conservatives pick up on, sorry libs.

It was literally in the works for months.

probably world war 3

Right? I've been waiting for this post, thank you.

"My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..."

Not gonna lie, I took the battery out of my phone at 1:15p. Who cares what it's for, but it would have been pretty awesome if everyone who had a cell in there pocket had their MKUltra conditioning activated. And now that I think about, that's a pretty decent movie premise.

basically the kingsman. exactly actually.

Did your kids get it? Someone said none of their kids at one school got the alert

Funny you should say that. One of my two boys did not get an alert on their phone.

My friend’s brother got it. His brother is in middle school though.

Probably foreshadowing aliens...

Woah the craziest thing just happened. So just like most of you I also got that text today with out even knowing that is was the controversial presidential text alert. Well, I just now randomly decided to watch the new season of American Horror Story, which is weird because there are lots of seasons I haven't seen. Anyway, the episode starts with everyone getting a text alert to let them know that ballistic missiles were in route and it was not a drill. The woman on the show quickly dismissed everyones panick by saying "this is fake, just like that time in hawaii." She then gets a call from her dad to tell her that it's real and that her wealthy family has a safe place for her to go. So yeah, anyway.... fucking creepy ass chain of events today lol Foreshadowing? Fuck man, IDK.

I'll tell ya what's going on. This goes with the Qanon theory which isn't even a theory anymore with how many times it's been proven to be real. Anyways.. Trump's twitter is going to be banned or suspended or so people think, and this will serve as a new form of communication for the President. Since the media can't get his message out properly (they just make him look bad and cut what he says and puts it out of context to make him look bad constantly 24/7 relentlessly) and so the only way the President has to get his own words out to the people of America is twitter. And the authoritarian left wants to/is going to ban him from his only platform.

Also if you follow the Q movement you'll know that many evil and corrupt people in government and other places of power (bankers, lawyers, CEOS, ect) who have all conspired against Trump and America to sell it out for their own agenda and personal gain and POWER. These people are soon to be going to jail and facing military tribinals. Trump declared us into a state of emergency in an executive order signed December 23rd 2017. We are still in this state of emergency. There is a war going on behind the scenes of massive proportion. Good vs evil. The battle for humanity. I believe this presidential alert system will be used to alert the people to what is going on and what's about to happen. FISA brings down the house. Fasten your seatbelts folks, it's about to get bumpy.

Lol, you write any novels? I'll gladly read them

She (or he)is just reiterating what Q has been saying for months. We need to be prepared for the DeepState to pull a False Flag or some form of terror. They are being taken down (arrested) & they are NOT going to like it.


Just read a couple articles tonight about possible Temporary Martial Law. No need to worry - it probably pretty far off. But they did suggest preparing for 2-3 days of water, food, medicine, pet care, etc.

I have been on the edge of my seat since "The Storm" comment he made during the meeting with military leaders. Hawaii missile crap put me on full alert, and now i see in the news that someone attempted mailing chemicals to Secretary of Defence James Mattis and other military leaders.

Yeap, it's being tested, since it will be how he will notify us when he enables martial law.

A really great reference to the reaction of a mass alert warning of imminent danger is in episode one of this seasons American Horror Story: Apocalypse. It was pretty disturbing to watch.

Because you’re a paranoid conspiracy theorist :-)

We see foreshadowing of ww3 in frooty loops cereal

"Hey, my son made a torrent file that has all the classified ET information. Here's the link, what ever you do don't download it because it would make a lot of people upset if you knew what's inside of it."

Maybe because it is meant to be used in foreshadowing stuff?

Lol. Totally unexpected.

Has anyone seen the ‘Apocalypse’ season of American Horror Story? Because that’s what I’ve been foreseeing all day.

Omg I just posted my comment and watched the first episode last night. I was fucking spooked because I had no idea the text was coming.

Never watched AHS

Can someone fill a brotha in?

The beginning of the first episode, (without any spoilers) there’s an attack initiated on a state in the US and a reference to modern-day Office and it is widespread via phone alert.

No. What is it?

So around the same time in Japan, there was an earthquake warning message. These have happened before so are not uncommon, but this time there was a fucking loud alarm with the message. And there was no earthquake- it was just a test. Any other countries get this type of test message?

Watched the first episode of American Horror Story: Apocalypse last night...if you’ve seen it too, you would know why I looked stunned earlier today and didn’t know it would go off at my work place.

I agree. Just want to add that my Dad (also my regional manager) and I were on a call today when it happened. He said "Oh shit there is the Presidential alert, are you getting it?" I never, got it, it never dropped our call even though he did. My wife also never got it and she was not on the phone. He has Verizon, my wife and I have boost mobile. Boost and my phone definitely have the capability for WEA as we both get amber alerts/weather alerts, but neither of us got this one.

Ill throw in that my wifes phone has no service at the moment, she was at work not on wifi and still got the message. And by service i mean activated service so no data plan on the phone.

My theory:

It was said that there would be a bill against Chinese senior official and freeze their assets in US and US allies. As you may know, most of their assets are black money and illegally transferred by money laundry. It could be hundreds of millions of USD. Do some research about "Hainan Cihang", you will understand what I am talking about.

US did similar things to Japanese assets in WW II.

But if they got cornered, they may start a war first. It would be WW III.

I didn't get it. What was it and what did it look like?

It's definitely foreshadowing as there is a shit storm brewing behind the scenes.

Heard it on the car radio and it felt pretty eerie.

Is that you alex?

No, it's Bill.

Okay DADDYMARSH - let's put down the bowl, take off the tin-foil hat and hide those false flags back in the basement with the lawn darts.

This is not foreshadowing anything.

Regardless of President / party - this 'alert' was bound to happen... and is a necessity for national security.

Trump is a real winner - but at least he's not a NWO / GLOBALIST like BUSH I and BUSH II.


The PATRIOT ACT was something to be scared about.


And just like the E-M-S which did *NOT go off during 9/11... I'm sure this PRESIDENTIAL ALERT will not go off - if an event (such as Yellowstone EXPLODING) occurs.

What does it mean that I didn’t get it?

Canadian here. What's a presidential alert?

It should be a federal alert but with the presidential powers continuing to grow from Bush to Obama to trump, we now are reaching ego levels never before seen. I'd like to personally address everyone with a phone.

Huh. What did the alert say?

Presidential alert. Like bitch its the federal alert system not the presidents personal line to us. He is just an employee.

I didn't get an alert today although it seemed everyone else in the library did. Weird

Same thing as the public broadcasting alert tests they run on radio and TV all the time, but more effective.

Lots didn't get the test or had issues... which is the EXACT reason for a test, to smooth those out and make sure the tech is effective.

I 100% agree. Gives me a really bad feeling.

Because when the Muller report puts the heat on Trump right after dems sweep the elections, a false flag attack will be necessary to scare the ever-loving-shit out of America to get the sheeple back in line.

because you are paranoid and think everyone is out to get you?

I didn't get a presidential alert. Did I just not see it or am I not alone?

I didn't either!

If it is foreshadowing anything, it is the possibility of a swift split between the CIA/FBI and DOD/SD.

If there was say a power grab between the POTUS and the CIA, POTUS would have to know that the Pentagon was in his camp. The emergency alert system is currently tied up between NSA, DOE, DOD, etc, and is primarily there to notify of potential threats. The Presidential alert gives Trump the ability to communicate to citizens directly in the event that the internet goes down, for example.


So...yeah, this could be foreshadowing something.

I feel the same . I have a feeling something bad will happen

I don't want to hear anything his teeny tiny twitter fingers bang out!

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I saw that presidential alert and I swiped it away like I would a message from the local library. idk lol. I have late fees often

If the president wants to speak to me he knows what coffee shop I hang at

Not everyone one got it. Maybe that was on purpose?

I broke my tablet a couple weeks ago and have been using a phone with no sim card to surf the Web. No sim card, and obviously no service on the phone and it still received the message. Kinda creepy

Cell phones can still reach 911 emergency services with a sim card or active plan. It's the whole driving force for the non profit group phones for the elderly. Free phones for emergency.

It is foreshadowing something; so is the opening scene in the new American Horror Story season.


Dick Cheney wasn't lying when he warned the next 9/11 would be "a nuclear one." That's why Bush II authorized the alert's creation.

Because it aligns with a dystopian authoritarian state where citizens are herded like drones by the whims of a megalomaniac d-bag.

Not that that’s where we are as a society or anything.

It is foreshadowing something; the inevitable civil unrest that will occur once Kavanaugh is confirmed on Saturday.

What bothers me is the shutdown / evac of that sunspot observatory, and now this.

I think some serious, serious shit is about to go down.


What do you think is going to happen?

Who knows. The fact that there's a sunspot and correlating seismic activity, the observatory shutdown, etc.

Just unsettling.

Q has mentioned that MSM is basically CIA. When the Shizz hits the fan they can't be trusted to let the people know what is really happening. We see this to different degrees daily. The Presidential Alert allows the President to go around the media if need be.

I got it on my tv as well as my phone.

Because you've never seen one before?

I personally think that it's so "we don't have another Hawaii", a.k.a. the government wants it to look like they actually didn't mean to broadcast that alert to Hawaii

have been feeling this way for a little while, wondered if it was just me, but its just a looming feeling something is gonna happen.

Because humans are pattern seeking animals and when there's no rational explanation for something, we make up one?

Things are escalating again with Russia and the West, plans are moving forward, be vigilant of deep state fuckery. I'm watching a Russian spokesman repeating that he wants to sit down and talk with the West, but sincere talking isn't on their agenda. Russia's got to play this smart to avoid the conflict the West want to engineer (specifically Zio-Globalist Deep State financial elite run governments, maybe Putin too). Hopefully it doesn't lead to Putin having to make 'a last appeal to reason' anyway. Is this trick going to work again?

Our lives are so empty that a test of the emergency broadcasting system is an issue with opposing sides.

I just don't understand why it's called a "presidential alert", and not simply an emergency alert or similar.

My guess is cause it's an emergency alert issued by the President

Why should we object to the Smart President's Announcement Means (SPAM)?

When you pay real close attention, this is the real answer. Ding ding!

The list of disposables

Protein shakes are #kosher! Spooooky

When I received it, I was thinking it could be a line of defense against a deep state coup, now that they are resolved to fuck over Kavanaugh just to fuck him.

I highly doubt the president of the united states will use an emergency alert system to send out political messages. Just the same Obama could have texted the entire us population saying don't vote trump.


info link?

are you broken, bot?

But Trump is deepstate?

What higher ups are getting arrested I missed this info


Presidential alert. Like bitch its the federal alert system not the presidents personal line to us. He is just an employee.