Get ready for like 5-7 links on the front page about the Kavanaugh verdict...More pointless WWE style political theatrics to drown out legitimate conspiratorial discussion on this forum and inject a political bias.

1  2018-10-04 by special_feech

Can we agree, subject like the Kavanaugh/Ford case are usually just divisive events the media chooses to cover, to generate good ratings as well as create political division and social tension?

Why would a sub like r/conspiracy give a shit about this? I can't think of anything more inconsequential than this goofy little political TV soap opera.

But, as always, those who influence (often paid to influence) the climate of discussion forums like this one, benefit from forcing these and other meaningless mainstream topics onto the front page, often in a series of 5-7 reposts of the same article.

I could give two shits what the "implications" of this story are. What party or side "wins", what will happen to Kavanaugh's political career as a result, none of it. The only reason this has been covered to such an extent, is to polarize the US population with another instance of sexual abuse, men vs women, left vs right in the political realm.

Talking about it only breathes life into it and distracts us all.


Shuddup and go plan a date to go see "Vice" starting Christian Bale.


Jeeze, you pick shitty ass date movies..

yet here you are, making a post about it

This is more of a warning, and a little bit of a "see, I told you so".

What are your thoughts on this whole thing?

I agree its divisive but who is on the supreme court does not seem inconsequential to me. The Supreme court makes some of the biggest decisions effecting how people get to live their lives.

That is very true. However, the narrative of “woman accusing another man of rape”, plastered all over the media for the past month, and the verdict that followed, is going to have a massive divisive social impact on the population.

Knowing the degree to which the establishment and their pawns have infiltrated the positions of political power, I can’t help but see this as a mere distraction and a meaningless spectacle.

She didn't say he raped her. Are you thinking of a different story?

I honestly think this time around the conspiracy is happening right in front of out eyes.

This vote is really important to so many people especially women and the LGBT community. Trump and his posse have made it clear that over turning Roe v Wade is on their agenda and they know Kav is the guy to help them do it. You’ve got sen. graham saying he doesnt care what happens with the FBI his mind is made up, you’ve got people at marches saying its worth having a sexual assaultist (not a word, i know) on the supreme court as long as it stops abortion. Essentially people are saying someones character doesnt matter and they’ll do whatever it takes to get what that want. And the public has become so tribal that they’ve stopped questioning the people in charge and just want to destroy the other team, no matter what.

Trump and his posse have made it clear that over turning Roe v Wade is on their agenda

You’re misinformed. Kav had no interest in overturning roe, nor has this ever been on the Trump agenda. Trump is not anti abortion or pro abortion, he’s anti abortion funding which isn’t protected in roe anyway! The left media trotted this out when trump got his second pick to see division and fear, completely unsupported by any substantive reason.

Kav wasn’t the most conservative pick on his short list, he’d have appointed Amy if he’d truly wanted to overturn Roe. Kav defended Obamacare, and has a more moderate record than Gorsuch.

, you’ve got people at marches saying its worth having a sexual assaultist (not a word, i know) on the supreme court as long as it stops abortion

Not a mainstream opinion, meanwhile senators and reporters have been saying, even if innocent, this stain on his reputation should keep him from SCOTUS. Even if innocent.

This vote is really important to so many people especially women and the LGBT community.

You talk strictly about abortion here, much less of a concern to the LGBT community than you realize I guess. Quit your fear mongering and get informed.

Heres a video of Trump saying he will appoint a supreme court justice that will overturn Roe v Wade

There are also videos of Trump saying he'll build a wall. Not gonna happen.

Where did he say that? He said it will be up to the states, which is good...what states are going to overturn it? You think states want to deal with even more orphaned kids?

Did you watch the whole video or just the first few seconds?

Yes, I watched the entire 1 minute long video. Hence my response.

Okay so you’re Just being deliberately obtuse. He clearly says it will be overturned im the supreme court and then it will be a matter for the states, meaning states can then decide to outlaw abortion.

Yeah it's supposed to be up to the states. Almost every issue is. Are you not aware of the massive over breach of power by the federal government or something?

So now you’re agreeing that Trump said he will be appointing pro life judges to overturn Roe v Wade?

No. He isn't appointing judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Its like you’re trying to make this exchange more difficult. The original issue was that Trump would be appointing pro life judges that would over turn Roe v Wade. Then in response to being told Trump never said that and I should get informed I provided a video of Trump saying just that. Now you keep trying to move the goal posts and change the conversation when its already over, i backed up what I said with evidence and now Im moving on.

You have changed your argument without even realizing it. Your last statement was that he is electing judges TO overturn it. Which means that's what he is electing judges for, that's the sole reason. And no, that's ridiculous. Do you not know what you're typing or something? You didn't even realize you changed your argument?

Trump and his posse have made it clear that over turning Roe v Wade is on their agenda and they know Kav is the guy to help them do it.

Absolute bullshit propaganda.

Essentially people are saying someones character doesnt matter and they’ll do whatever it takes to get what that want.

The irony here is outstanding. What's really happening is essentially you are saying that sometimes due process i.e. innocent until proven guilty doesn't matter and you believe your team you should do whatever they want to be in power.

Thats not at all what Im saying, i dont know how you got that from my comment

it's exactly what you are saying.

Essentially people are saying someones character doesnt matter and they’ll do whatever it takes to get what that want.

Bet i know who the same commenter supported in the '16 Dem primaries. The irony truly is outstanding.

It’s not a criminal trial. He has not shown to posses character of somebody that should be on the SCOTUS. The fact that he has commuted perjury so many times and is extremely partisan should be enough for him to not be a judge.

First of all when has he committed perjury? Second of all allegations do not destroy character unless they are confirmed to be true. Be honest extremely partisan only matters when it's the side you disagree with.

Just the being partisan alone should disqualify him. A judge is meant to be impartial and fair. They shouldn’t side with one side regardless of the evidence. I’m not saying we should assume that he is guilty of rape, I’m saying that it doesn’t matter if we do or don’t, we are the ones conducting an investigation and it isn’t a criminal trial, it’s a job interview. As far as perjury, a devils triangle is not a “quarters game”. He lied.

Just the being partisan alone should disqualify him

Being partisan is the equivalent of saying "he's on the other team" be honest.

I’m saying that it doesn’t matter if we do or dont

So any allegation is now an automatic judge of character. So if I call you a shill will no evidence then your character is permanent tared. Is that what you are saying?

As far as perjury, a devils triangle is not a “quarters game”. He lied.

For all we no he could have made up a game and called it that. We have no idea. Is innocent until proven guilty that hard to understand for you?

please provide the list of times he committed perjury.

Its a job interview not court. Why should we accept a possible sex crim as a kingjudge?

The same reason I shouldn't accept anything you say because you are a possible shill

Do you decide who is and isn't shills these days? I always thought you were all referring to like, paid fake web activists, but if it's just you... Wait, do you pay for the shills?

Your proving my point for me.

But the Senate call for 9-11 would be fun!

I'd be surprised if this political theatre isn't rehearsed and planned beforehand, and already agreed to by contesting parties.

The narratives always coincidentally lead to effective division channels, and end up saturating multiple layers of public discourse. They also appear to reprogram blunted and impressionable minds with predictable talking points and delusions of grandeur.

More controversial I know; ...Americans have been doing marvellously with self-critique over recent years, but this type of culture which can be attributed as uniquely American, which disproportionately elevates political theatre, needs to be addressed.

No other country has such a brainwashed Hollywoodised psychology which experiences such futile division so vividly, and then strives to export it everywhere else..

Conspiracy has become a headline flamewar. special_feech although I totally agree, you are tilting at windmills here.

This sub has become tottally driven by US political headlines and grandstanding. You'll proablyhave to find some other place to go in order to perruse other kinds of content outside of the screaming 24 headline news.


fuck off with the gatekeeping already. politics is conspiracy and you fucking people who keep trying to section it off or ban if from the sub are just as bad as the TMOR crowd.

just sounds like you picked the losing side

I agree, but we cant act like there arent conspiracies in the US government.... There has been a lot of talk about Kavanaugh of course but in a few days it will die down. IN a couple months nobody will even care about Kavanaugh, especially the liberals who think hes a full on rapist

Liberal, conservative, tomato, tomAHto..

Wwe isn't pointless. Keep your politics out of my wrestling. /s

This is more of a warning, and a little bit of a "see, I told you so".

What are your thoughts on this whole thing?