Who made Theresa May's chain necklace? Is it symbolic of her being chained in submission to her elite puppet masters?

1  2018-10-06 by Vladie


Theresa May, by 2017 had worn the same Amanda Wakeley chain necklace (and matching bracelet) almost twice a month since becoming head of the British government. In 2018 she has continued to wear it repeatedly. Are her handlers trying to convey a message by having the Prime Minister of Britain consistently wear a thick chain around her neck and wrist?


Naturally, she wore her chains as she entered No 10 after being 'selected' to take over from David Cameron as Prime Minister who had just stepped down after losing the Brexit vote. Theresa was also a Remainer but it doesn't really matter, in or out of the EU, if the British status quo is still preserved we all still lose (don't trust hereditary establishment figures like ex-Rothschild banker Jacob Rees-Mogg).


Accept the chains of your UN Globalist Masters. New World Order Global Government is good for everyone, after all. Nationalism is EVIL! EVIL EVIL NAZIS! National Socialism, never again.


At the G7 with other puppets like Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau and confirmed Rothschild Rent Boy Emmanuel Macron (etc). A day prior to the G7 summit she was meeting with leader of the Zionist state of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, interesting timing.




Yeah, you better check your watches because time is running out for you lot! The people won't be hoodwinked forever!


Islam is submission to the chains of Allah (at a press conference with authoritarian Islamist President Erdagon of Turkey here, one of his quotes not from the press conference: “[Turkish migrants in Europe] Have five children, not three. You are Europe’s future.”)



Vote Labour/Conservative/Lib Dem (possibly more) to continue living in chains under Globalist tyranny.


Okay, it's just a piece of jewellery, there's no way items of clothing could ever be used in consciously symbolic ways is there? You lunatic! Stop being such a crazy conspiratard!

However, when you research the fashion designer, Amanda Wakeley OBE it becomes apparent that this an elite bloodline fashion house with connections not only to royalty but also to the City of London Corporation establishment. Her father is one of the 'Wakeley Baronets' (heredetary title awarded by the crown, the Wakeley's served them as part of the medical establishment) and a former chief inspector for the City of London Special Constabulary. The City of London Corporation is a corrupt separate entity from the rest of the UK and needs to be brought under the control of the British people, as far as I can tell the City of London Special Constabulary are a 'volunteer' group of City police (with the same powers as fully trained Police Officers) probably filled with Freemasons and people who want some undeserved authority. Her grandfather Sir Cecil Wakeley researched the 'Peneal Gland' and founded a Masonic Lodge.

The London Fashion Industry is deeply intertwined with the London establishment and effectively uses slave labour in foreign countries to produce their criminally overpriced "fashion". I believe the high fashion industry is also heavily involved in human trafficking of young people with promises of becoming supermodels but in reality are used as high-class prostitutes (often involving trauma-based mind control, as revealed by Supermodel Karen Mulder in the early 2000s).





Is Theresa consistently wearing this to show subservience to her masters?


Look at this sickening puppet dancing on the string of her elite puppet-masters, she brought back her favourite piece of slavery symbolic jewellery for the recent Conservative Party Conference. The whole dancing thing (originally in South Africa, look at her jewellery) was such an obvious manipulation of the press to 'humanise' this foul witch, it was beyond obvious.


There is no opportunity or future for the common man under the chains of Zio-Globalist controlled governments like Theresa May's. Only more catastrophic wars, mass migration and economic hardship.


Don't be fooled by the weedy looking guy who follows Theresa around all the time like a lapdog, that's her husband Philip May, pictured below at 'The Sun Military Awards'. This picture makes me sick because Philip's employers benefit from the Military Industrial Complex's thirst for war, chaos and bloodshed as Capital Group are involved in the arms trade (largest shareholder in BAE), so he indirectly benefits from bombing countries in the Middle East, inevitably leading to the needless deaths of British soldiers they are supposedly honouring here in this sham 'Awards Ceremony'.


I wonder if any of her other jewellery could be interpreted as symbolic? I'm not convinced she chooses these, she will have handlers deciding these things for her.

This one has black and white spheres, this symbolises duality, an important concept in Freemasonry and other elite occult groups.



What do you make of the spiral she wore for her first meeting with Donald Trump at the White House? Some pizzagate researcher types have suggested it's association with elite paedophile groups (of which there are many at the heart of the British Parliamentary establishment), but perhaps it's just symbolising the hypnotic nature of Donald Trump's Presidential run (he bamboozled a lot of people into thinking he wasn't actually another Zio-Globalist banker's puppet).

Cheers for anyone who got through my Saturday rant! Love you all!


Who don’t like a good rant. I’m with ur Saturday rant

Thanks! Have yourself a good rest of the weekend and keep fighting the good fight!

Thanks for the original content. Can't say I agree, can't say I don't like seeing this sort of thing, though.

Appreciate ya! Of course it could just be a coincidence and she just really likes the big ol' chain look. I may have gone too far in a few places but hopefully it gets some people's noggin joggin.

Duuuuuuuude, you went too far into the rabbit hole.

You can't go "too" far, you can only be shown how far the rabbit hole goes

We need to go deeper!

Great post and I agree it seems very symbolic and intentional.

Definitely eye-opening. To be honest, as an American never gave her much thought (we've just been fed that "brexit is bad" in our liberal media). I also agree that the jewelry choice is intentional. Thanks for this post and the images you put together.

Another brilliant analysis, almost up there with Pizzagate research to be honest.

Thanks mate! I had to check your profile to see if you were a r/politics type guy being ironic/sarcastic! I was pleased to see you weren't.

A+ post bruh would read again 👀

I need to detox from looking at her face! 👀

Lots of work here. Excellent post friendo

She looks like a ghoul.


I'm Stretch Armstrong, my dude!

Bet she has matching ball gag to go with it.

I know this could easily be a fashion piece, and obviously if you look at it from a non-conspiratorial view point that is how you would see it (how do majority would probably see it), but by God I wouldn't say that the theory you are giving us here is impossible. Far from it really. It's definitely not unlikely for any psychopaths that may be behind her to have a desire to flaunt her power over her. If this is actually the case and she is wearing that necklace because of that, it's sickening really....and it makes you wonder how deep the control rabbit hole even goes....if she is a puppet of that order (that they make her wear a necklace of their choice) then truly the same must apply for every leader of any major political, industrial, militaristic power on the scale of the UK....

Well said.

Theresa May dancing?


The Cringe! It's too great! It's blinding!

She looks like Elaine dancing. But without the rhythm and grace.



The only joy I get from the dancing is I think the introverted Theresa May absolutely hates doing it. I can just imagine the guy in her earpiece at the conference saying, "Why aren't you doing the dance like we said? Do the dance little monkey. Dance! Haha, you look so fucking stupid! KEEP GOING!"

Nobody voted for this witch. They slipped her into the leader position without even asking anyone.

Same as Gordo-the-fuckwit Brown. Looks like a tendency here..

I thought she was finished when Trump trashed the Brexit deal and said Boris would be a good PM hours before their hugely televised meeting. That was savage.