My friend has been missing for weeks and sent me this on the first day back of school, what is it? (he isn’t at school)

1  2018-10-07 by Oikawa-Tooru

<smil> <head> <layout> <root-layout/> <region id="Text" top="70%" left="0%" height="30%" width="100%" fit="scroll"/> <region id="Image" top="0%" left="0%" height="70%" width="100%" fit="meet"/> </layout> </head> <body> <par dur="10s"> <ref src="CL.loc.vcf"/> </par> </body> </smil>

he also sent an itunes link to a song called “Young in all the wrong ways” - Catherine Britt

I tried calling him but someone else was on the opposite end.




You should find somebody who would know more about this.he could be sending you a location or something.

Id show the police

lol i don’t trust police but i think they’re the only option you’ve got really

its basic html programming.. doesnt really mean anything.. there's no content.. just coding tags.

where would he have gotten it from ?

you have no idea what you’re talking about

no. just no. as suggested in other comments, the “html programming” links to outside media. the format of the html could also provide insight into what program generated it.

it used to be called html when i developed websites years ago..

HTML is just one markup language, XML is another popular variety.

Just because it uses tags doesn't automatically make it html

The CL.loc.vcf is location information.

So when you get the text (that ".loc.vcf" file) all you have to do is tap on that map picture/text message and your phone will automatically open the Maps App for you and already input the address you want to go to.

from here:

It works on iphones so, maybe try sending it to someone with an iphone and click it to see the location


so what does that mean? Is he trying to send me his location ?

It looks like it.

Forward the message to an iPhone

Seems like your friend tried to send some kind of multimedia file. The content you displayed is a SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language). It says format for how you can exchange multimedia content between devices.

Based on the code, he sent what looks like a VCF (Variant Call Format) file. This is typical for when sending contact information about a person or business. But the content specifies an image was provided.

Overall, if your friend has been missing for weeks, I agree with the other comments here in that you should go to the police and have someone investigate this.

If you are in the US, and since this is past the 72 hour time requirement for a person missing, this would easily open up an investigation to find the person.

Lastly, keep us updated. Hope all goes well.

72hr time requirement is not real. You can report someone missing as soon as you have reason to suspect they are actually missing. Time is absolutely crucial in locating people if they are hurt or kidnapped. The time requirement will make no sense if you think about it.

First of all ask the family before going straight to the police. Secondly you don't have to wait 48 or even the suggested 72 hours to report a missing persons claim. If the person is really missing after asking around (friends or family) then report it. What actions have been taken so far?

Sounds like a phychotic break.

The proliferation of silly stories and made up situations is among the more entertaining aspects of this sub.

So, your friend is missing. No one else is looking for him? His parents, school, law enforcement are not involved? Sends you a cryptic message and you... upload a generic set of GUI layout directions and a silly story about calling and someone else....

People, this is a fifth grader trolling.

Any update on this?

Nothing, even the account the user used looks new theres no post history or anything. Hope we get some answers.

Well I decided to call him again but through my other friend’s phone and we heard the same guy. The guy didn’t seem to know english that well, constantly repeating “hello” so i wanna assume he changed mobile numbers. Only problem is he sent me the codes through that number. I also decided to call is mum but no one answered.

go to his house

It looks like it was attempting to send an MMS message.

Are you able to receive MMS messages with your phone plan?

Also it looks like everyone else is right, there was a location sent in the MMS.

Not entirely sure what that is but i’ve forwarded the message to another iphone and android. The location was clickable on the android device but led to a dead end.

MMS is amultimedia message like a picture or video.

What do you mean dead end?

go to his house