Some Mexican professor piece of shit is trying to run for governor right now.

1  2018-10-08 by flying_panini_press

fom wikipedia):

"While Garcia's 2014 bid attracted independent and Republican support, his 2018 campaign is progressive.[4] Garcia's 2018 bid focuses on supporting Medicare For All,[9] raising income taxes to spend more on education initiatives,[10] and opposing a wall along Arizona's southern border with Mexico.[11] He also supports a “top-to-bottom” overhaul of ICE.[12] Garcia's candidacy for governor has been compared to the candidacies of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."

This is one example of how Mexico is engaged in demographic replacement and ethnic cleansing. A country sends settlers to a new land, and the longer the new population is there and the larger it grows, and as it grows, it gains formal, official power slowly but surely, until the new population is eventually totally in charge and making the law. At that point, the territory is de facto and de jure the property of the invading country, and they managed to accomplish that but avoid a formal invasion and war, which they would lose. Pretty clever maneuvering by Mexico.

So we Have a Mexican who wants to block any efforts to stop the flow of illegal migrants, and eradicate ICE.

We had a Mexico President candidate campaigning in CA in order top become the President of Mexico.


”Some Mexican professor...”

What are you talking about? Is he a US citizen?

He's a citizen like those anchor babies or a Citizen like those dual citizenship politicians who keep on demanding more aid for Israel.

You do see the distinction between migration and militant zionism, right?

How would the Jews say they were being treated in Israel if the Palestinians treated them the way the Jews are currently treating the Palestinians?

Rhetorical question. We all know that the Jews would be claiming that they're being holocausted at the hands of the Palestinians.

Are you implying that genocide neccesarily accompanies migration?

The UN is talking about replacement migration for Europe, and up to 300 million Africans being dumped on Europe without a Visa.

It's Camp of the Saints which should be a mandatory reading for school children the way "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is.

Holy fucking Gyges. It probably means nothing but diving into the subjects you mentions produced the story of Gyges, a king who gained power in the most hilarious way possible.

Since we're mandating reading lists, I'll suggest Herotodus' Histories, in which a proud king gloats about his sexy wife and forces him to watch them fuck. The wife finds out, blackmails/entices the bodyguard into regicide, and then taking the crown for himself.

Pride comes before the fall. The best security is humility.

If your ancestors had to take a ship to get to America, they are more immigrants than Mexicans or Canadians. But In the end of the day, this is all tribalism.

If your ancestors had to take a ship to get to America, they are more immigrants than Mexicans or Canadians.

You do realize most Canadians are of French and/or British descent who's ancestors came on a ship from the old world right? Then there are the Mexicans who descendants are of the Spanish Conquistadors who also came over on a boat.

Then there are hundreds of various Natives of North America who all have descendants from all around the world who either came over via boats or landmass bridges.

Thus why I said it’s Tribalism. This is an endless loop of an argument. Everything you wrote matters, and really doesn’t at all.

Your statement is false. Thus why I corrected you.

Thus idc



I’m feeling free right now

You are the problem here. These ppl populated these areas before they became USA.


This is a very good explanation of what happened.

You sound like a fucking klansmen. Fuck you

And how exactly did you earn your citizenship besides falling out of your mother's loose vagina? You're not better than anyone.

What does the fact it was "Mexican first" have to do with anything?

These inhabitants were there before any other immigrants. They have been Americans longer than any other settlers there.

Do you think that this automatically gives Mexicans rights to appropriate land in a sovereign nation? Just curious.

The question, Itself illustrates a lack of understanding of the situation historically. The very same was done to "Mexican" people in the southwest very recently. The problem is people are concerned with passive non violent genocide, when all that is taking place is a shifting of demographics that people can't take because they are concerned with something so shallow and worthless as the concept of race itself. Ideas are the impotant criteria. relevant historical evidence of identical things being done to the past population on the other side is not considered relevant, which is breathtaking in some sense. Sadly there's not much that can be done to reacclimate your mind to understanding the dilemma.

It's more than just a shift of demographics. People do not want to see their way of life/culture destroyed. You might noit like that, but that's what the dilemma is.

You're culture is under attack from elected officials, globalism, world-wide terrorism perpetrated under our false pretenses, the failed political structure circling your remaining savings like buzZards, waiting to devour what's left of our economy, dignity and what little happiness we have left. I work with these Mexicans everyday and many of them believe in the American ideal and ideas more so than I do. They come from nothing, I can't stand this notion that you are stating, every subsetcof population has done the same, denegrating and dehumanizing the Irish, the Italians, the Japanese, the Polish. It's pathetic how you can't see how you are a cog in the wheels of prepetual history and in a great sense I pray for a more compassionate and informed prospective for you. Peace be with you.

It was their land already. They did not “appropriate it. However, many immigrants did just “appropriate” it and that’s ok if you are a certain type of immigrant. Hypocrite.

I think your anger would be better directed at the OPs choice of a title. I'm not being a hypocrite when I believe the paople of the United States (all ethnicities) worked too hard to build this nation to willingly forfeit it.

Sorry yes this was directed at op. I agree.

They were here first. What the fuck gives you the right to claim this land belongs to you over them?

Such hostility. Accept that what's done is done.

Mexico is a country. The country of Mexico is the creation of people that are the descendants of indigenous people who bred with Spanish conquistadors...

Mexicans aren't original "inhabitants."

Also you can't be >Americans longer than any other settlers there< if America wasn't a country when they lived there.

They have been Americans since it became a America. Right from the beginning.

you can say that about mexico. Any place for that matter.

It was their land already. They did not “appropriate it. However, many immigrants did just “appropriate” it and that’s ok if you are a certain type of immigrant. Hypocrite.

True. And I do.

I say it, downvoted. you agree with what i said, you get the upvotes. not sure what people are triggered by. human history is fucked and just because some people 200 years ago conquered land where i currently live, doesn't mean i should give up my house to that ethnic group

No one is asking you too. Their house was there before you moved in. So, you cannot ask them to move out either.

I truly dislikes this.... And I am not talking about OP

How is he Mexican? He's an American of Spanish and indigenous descent.

OP doesn't know what Mexican means I guess.

The UN is talking about replacement migration for Europe, and up to 300 million Africans being dumped on Europe without a Visa.

It's Camp of the Saints which should be a mandatory reading for school children the way "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is.