Being a Conspiracy Theorist is Ego Death to Your Old Normie Bias Bubble

1  2018-10-08 by sequentialcircus

Do you remember how you were before you became one? I do. I believed what the adults said, what school taught, what books wrote, what TV reported, what others said was cool or not cool, what the hive mind crowd accepted or rejected.

To turn on all of that is basically ego death. You are no longer in line or of status quo. You stand against and question all of the above and it costs you friends, relatives, GF's, jobs, access to bureaucracy, to social circles and so on. The price to question it all can be everything, and people know this on a very deep subconscious level, so most don't dare become one and stay at the ignorance is bliss level of modality.

On the one hand, how sweet that ignorance is bliss? On the other hand, once you fall down the rabbit hole, the price is you can never go back like Neo with the redpill.

So people who visit this sub to drop narratives from the propagandized state of mind, think we are absolutely insane here (pot meet kettle) when actually the opposite is true. You have to keep in mind with newbies here's that it's a fragile razors edge they walk here; that same deeper part of them that wants to go down the rabbit hole, is also scared AF to lose the old narrative completely, I.E., it's the mark of empathy to use some lube before gently sliding in slowly with your long redpill


Yeah, you do get pretty ridiculed if you don't go by the script. It's actually quite depressing sometimes.

Welcome to adulthood.

Wait until you try acid and visit the dome. It shows you what is really happening and how unimportant people are who try and control everything.

Already have. It's transparent, but you can still see it's in place, with beings on the other side, sort of like a translucent plastic bubble wrap dome. You can just through it with yopo or bufo alvarius and then the fun really starts.

What r u talking about. Genuine question

Thanks ill check that out soon. This stuff interests me alot

What's the dome?

I'm pretty well versed in most psys but never come across the dome before?

How do you visit the dome? I’m very down the rabbit hole and understand this and have taken acid before but I don’t understand how to visit the dome unless you mean just a spiritual like experience

Its a spiritual hallucination. Similar to peyote.

uh how many tabs/ug?

Asking the wrong guy.

The doc said i have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). NO I DON'T.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

that's a thing?

You betcha..

Maybe that condition is born out of abuse and gaslighting. When people lie to you, you become defiant. Just a guess.

I think it's behavior, not a diagnosis, but the 'professionals' don't see it that way. Of course these are the same people who said multiple personality disorder doesn't exist.

Lovely post and I agree.

My awakening was on or around 2012. Wasn't necessarily intentional TBH. Heavy substance abuse, researching, and a desire to learn and a knowing something in the world is not right. That year is basically a black out period in my brain. I remember pieces before and after but, that year? Nope.

Lots happened though because I clearly transverse the self I was before to the person I am today. Which is complete opposites for the most part. Not sure if I literally died (NDE) or if I metaphysically died but, something in me did.

I've seen too much and can never "go back". For better or worse, it is what it is. I'll wear this mark to the grave and head back to the end of the line on this rollercoaster ride. Remembering how fun it was and what I missed that last time around. Until my soul gets bored, I suppose.

And then an actual, FULL ego death,including your 'conspiracy-woke' mind (more bs your ego accumulates), you realize it's all a simulation. It's one giant mind.

Eventually you'll realise engaging in "fear porn" (conspiracies) only fucks with YOU as it's your own reflective simulation you're running and you keep injecting it with distrust and fear.

When this clicks your entire existence will shift. Waayyyy beyond what most people call "woke".

Then it's all about the ever evolving upward spiral of merging Love and Wisdom

100% this. However trying to explain its all mind to someone so they can have that same epiphanous breakthrough mostly leads to blank stares. I remember first time I heard it's all mind, even after that it took years just sitting with this before it all went tumbling away


Ignorance is bliss to some extent for sure. When the switch happens in your mind and you suddenly view the whole world differently it often comes at a great cost. But the journey and realization is worth it in my opinion.

Don't overthink thinking.

Realizing aspects of the reality as opposed to The Narrative is a humbling beginning and a call to learning.

Never forget to mention there is the looming element of heartbreak that accompanies the unvarnished truth.

Sorrow will be your constant companion if you question The Narrative. You better know your facts 360 if you are going to open your mouth or you will look a fool.

Don't be the herald of a half baked message.

Mindfulness is hard work and a perpetual challenge.

Throwing in your lot with any one ideology or organization will truncate your ability to attempt objectivity in observation.

Certitude and cynicism are both potent poisons to be detected and avoided.

Ego death? You still sound pretty self important to me. You're just delving into fringe topics, no need to get a superiority complex. If someone is sacrificing their family, and friends for this stuff you should really reconsider those comments about their sanity.

If someone is sacrificing their family, and friends for this stuff you should really reconsider those comments about their sanity.

Next time you're around a bunch of your friends or family, ask them if they know about the dancing Israelis, what fluoride does to your pineal, atrazine frog study, or operation Mockingbird and let me know how that works out for you

I can, and nothing bad would happen.

My relationship with them isn't so poor that they'd get pissed off about something that frivolous. If you keep bringing up stuff that angers people you're going to have bad relations.

Now if it wasn't poor, but I was still going to go as far as to excommunicate them from my life over a disagreement over some gland, I don't think I'd be in a healthy state of mind.

Cool, it means you have open minded friends and family. Not everyone is blessed with that

You're intentionally avoiding my point. People shouldn't screw up their relationships over conspiracy theories. That's why they'd be viewed as crazy.

When you've gotten rid of all the people that disagree with you, you've put yourself in a different bias bubble.

That's not what I'm saying. I've lost friends and family members over discussions and friendly debates which they could not handle and from then on our kept a distance. Some people don't want their boss bubbles destroyed.

i dont like getting the label "conspiracy theorist" its a dirty word used by the media to make your thoughts invalid (apparently the CIA coined the term) I just refuse to take the governments & media as gospel, we're constantly being lied to

IRL I won't discuss my real thoughts unless I know A) they are open to it B) It won't hurt me or my family.

The sheep really hate us!