Everyone's opinions on the Kavanaugh shit show?

1  2018-10-08 by jdh7190

I think pieces of this were manufactured, but confused as to why do all of this (Ford accusations, investigation) in the first place.

I think the fact that he pretty much wants to rip up the constitution was enough to oppose him, but maybe this accusation and farce of an FBI investigation were done to distract most people from this - something that actually mattered.

What does everyone think?


I was thinking about the fact that Amy schumer was brought into was also a little distraction.

nah that's just amy trying to stay relevant until Netflix offers her another special

I had to remind an annoying cousin at Thanksgiving harping about this hystria that a bunch of white old Republican men that freed the slaves, gave them the right to vote, and decided on Roe vs. Wade. That's right! a majority Republican Court(7-2). The only Democrat appointed Judge voted against the case. She had nothing to say, as it turns out the old republican party had been the keepers of human rights tradition. The Media hysteria is pathetic.

Liberals gave people the right to vote, Conservatives voted against it every single time.

So you’re saying republicans thought the government should be a certain way and once it was achieved, stopping trying to change it?

Clead diversion from the real fact.

He will begin to, as directex by his daddy trump, rip away our rights and set permanent precedents that will have a negative impact for future generations.

Not a bright time for democracy.

She lied .. blantantly

Nope, he did.

It has always been about abortion from the very beginning. It was never about sexual assault victims or MeToo like the media portrayed it to be.

Every single person who was against him, is in favor of not only continuing the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of mostly African American's in this country, but has also demanded that we the tax payers fund this child sacrificing.

Pro-life conservatives now have a majority on the court, and will guaranteed revisit and repeal Roe v. Wade with one years time.

It was absolutely a monumental win for Trump and everyone who loves life and the most innocent and precious lives.

Lol precious lives??? A fetus is not precious life if you do not consider it precious because it has no fucking conscience. Do you really want all of these 17 year old girls giving birth just because it makes you feel better? They want abortion. Maybe you creeps should worry about what’s in your body, not someone else’s. Our tax money is spent on the craziest shit, so why are you people outraged when they spend some on abortion clinics? Rather have an extra two hundred missiles that will destroy countless lives OUTSIDE of our country? Abortions are awesome.

Our tax money is spent on the craziest shit, so why are you people outraged when they spend some on abortion clinics?

Just to be clear, this is complete and utter fiction. No taxpayer money is going to fund abortions.

I’m just going by their argument that tax payer money is funding abortions.

And that argument is based on a false premise. I'm not blaming you, I just don't want the facts getting lost here. Misinformation can spread like wildfire if unchecked.

Very true. Thanks for the insight. I was one of those lost in the misinformation thinking (and accepting) that tax payer money would fund abortions.

Sometimes getting an abortion has derailed a woman's life. What I find kind of funny is that pro-lifers (namingly Republicans and conservatives) are fighting to save the lives of children who are more than likely to become Democrats or atleaat lean to the left. If it were purely politics, they would be better off encouraging poor people and others to have an abortion. The Democrats sure as shit do.

is in favor of not only continuing the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of mostly African American's in this country

I'm not sure if reminding people that banning abortions would disproportionately hurt minority women is the best way to get them to your side.

It was absolutely a monumental win for Trump and everyone who loves life and the most innocent and precious lives.

As long as those lives don't have pre-existing conditions...

we got this leftist fear mongering up here in Canada a decade ago, turned out to be 100% fake news

repeal Roe v. Wade with one years time.

Not likely to happen. There's evidence that Roe vs. Wade actually made sure a crime boom didn't materialize in the early nineties, because children that were destined to be born into poverty never were born because of Roe vs. Wade. If you don't believe me, go check out the book 'Freakonomics' by Levitt and Dubner.

By making abortion illegal he will help create millions of new citizens for the government to spy on with warrantless searches.

More likely: he's going to make sure a lot of extra poor people get born. If even a slight fraction then turns to crime to not starve it will be a crime wave never seen before.

Whatever happened in the past, the Democrats used the situation to try to delay the confirmation or sway the vote. I'm not saying the Republicans wouldn't have done the same, but it really shows what scum we have in Washington.

As for what the truth is, I have no idea and I hate to say someone was lying when I don't know the full details or any of the people involved personally.

hey last week called, they want their story line back



Sadly I didn't know much about his views am not sure how i feel about him being on the highest court with his views. I wish the dems would've used his past because I believe more people would have gotten behind them . But all I saw was the shit show the dems put on and at this point anything Booker and that whole crew argued against I will be on the opposite side.

At least you admit you're brainwashed.

How am I brainwashed?

Occam's Razor = it's just politicians exploiting someone who had an opportunity to fuck someone over knowing half of the country at the least would believe them based on political bias alone. I am glad it failed, not because I believe he is innocent, but because people who fake allegations should be locked up for years to prevent people from ruining someone's LIFE, and should die in hell. Since he was canned from Harvard from this shit show, I bet if he lost the vote, his professional career would have been ended, period. That would potentially be worse than if he was a nobody and committed/been convicted of rape...

I don 't have a horse in the race politically not being American.

Either way I think it is bad. Either you have a rapist on the supreme court, or there was an organised atempt to ruin someone.

I can't really make a judgement on it. The truth is in short supply nowadays. News from nearly all sources has some sort of political spin on it.

I am starting to find the people that accept everything they read from their chosen news source as quite scary.

He wasn't accused of rape.

Conservatives already agree Kav was a piece of shit at 17, but they refuse to believe he's a piece of shit now.

That's why they are the party of brainwashed idiots.

I think pieces of this were manufactured, but confused as to why do all of this (Ford accusations, investigation) in the first place.

Political theatre. Regardless of who was right, it was never going to lead nowhere because there is no evidence either way. Ford can't prove Kavanaugh actually did it because of that, but Kavanaugh can't prove Ford was slandering him either.

I think the main hope of Kavanaugh's accusers was to delay the vote on his SC seat until after the midterms by demanding an extensive investigation. The whitehouse and the FBI didn't play ball though and foiled the bluff by investigating it quickly.

I think the fact that he pretty much wants to rip up the constitution was enough to oppose him, but maybe this accusation and farce of an FBI investigation were done to distract most people from this - something that actually mattered.

Yeah, this is definitely the case. He was highly involved in drafting the patriot act, which is a harsh way of extending government powers. The main issue, of course, is that both democrats and republicans actually benefit from extended government powers, so neither wanted to put the patriot act in the crosshairs here.

I believe Dr. Ford, however, I do at least allow the possibility that my belief is wrong. That being said, even if you don't believe Dr. Ford, Kavanaugh is still a liar and his views on torture, domestic surveillance, and executive power are things I had previously thought both right and left leaning members of this sub had reached a consensus in opposing. I guess not.

Only an idiot, or someone not paying attention, would believe Ford. She's not even a real Doctor.... she lied about that and everything else. She has handlers and is clearly not well.

Kavanaugh doesn't want to rip up the constitution. He's a constitutionalist, he seeks to preserve the constitution, and follow it.

If Trump says he's good, then he's good.

If democrats opposed K that much, he must be special!

Democrats fear K, not because he threatens RoeVWade, they fear him because Kavanaugh supports military tribunals.


“If Trump says he’s good, then he’s good”

That’s some great critical thinking you have there. Since when did r/conspiracy become such a pro government sub?

The critical thinking has already been done. You're just late to the party. The conclusion is Trump is a good guy and he's fighting evil globalists. Literally. We're not pro government. We're pro Trump. We're pro America. We're pro Sovereignty. We're pro fuck your feelings and let's get shit done.

Ah, pansy ass facists. Such cowards at heart.

Confused. What is fascist about standing up to child-traffickers and corrupt politicians?

Sadly, around 2016.

After the nation’s founding, corporations were, as they are today, the result of charters granted by the state. However, unlike today, they were limited in how long they were permitted to exist (typically 20 or 30 years), only permitted to deal in one commodity, not permitted to own shares in other corporations, and their property holdings were expressly limited to what they needed to accomplish their specific, corporate business goals.

Put another way, every single investment bank on Wall Street, as we know it today, would have been illegal in the days of our founding.

And here is the big one —in the early days of the nation, most states had rules on the books making any political contribution by a corporation a criminal offense.

Source (Read it. It's a good read.)

As for his views on domestic surveillance, just read the 4th Amendment.

Just because a Judge is a Republican doesn't make him an Original Constitutionalist. You're buying their PR. It just makes him a Republican.

I didn't read his judicial record. However, I know he's Republican and likes beer. I also know Republicans are winning Democrats from the perspective of getting things done. I also know Kavanaugh supports Military Tribunals. Do you still believe everything CNN tells you?

I also know Republicans are winning Democrats from the perspective of getting things done.

That's true, but getting things done for whom?

Good question. From my perspective, hispanic male with parents from Mexico....... and probably you will disagree with my opinion.... but I sincerely would answer you "Trump is getting things done for the American people."

Okay, How do you benefit from Kavanaugh's positions on torture, on domestic surveillance, on corporate power?

I didn't read Kavanaugh's judicial record.

I only know my bank account is happy. My family is happy. My employees are happy. NK is no longer launching missiles into the sky. No TPP. No NAFTA. etc.

Republicans aren't getting shit done but stealing money from Americans. How deluded are you?

Apparently not as deluded as you. I just hired more workers for my company and increased their wages. I've never made more money as I'm making in 2018. Another example, USMCA, is not stealing money from Americans, it's making money for Americans. Bringing jobs back. etc.

Do you still believe everything CNN tells you?

If at least one of them is lying about aspects of the accusations, why can’t it be both of them lying? It all feels staged, with the plan having been set in motion long ago.

Seemed way too biased to be in that position anyways.

sipping a beer for Brett, baby! Loved that justice won---the bitch Dr.Ford had no evidence and people were labeling Brett guilty without due process.

It's innocent until proven guilty in America, and that remained with Brett's confirmation. Love it!

It also prevented Democrats from pulling this same strategy for 2020's Trump run (they would've setup another "Dr.Ford" patsy to accuse Trump of sexual assault with the same shit circus).


The whole thing is political distraction meant to keep both camps in a state or aggression and/or victimization.

The whole thing is a farce. You mean to tell me there is no better man that Kavanaugh? On either camp? Our only option is to debate this tawdry affair until we are blue (lol, or red) in the face and the horses are all hides?

No. It is perpetual distraction and rest assured, whatever man is for authoritarianism will end up US Supreme Justice while we are still debating a soap opera script.

It's all a load of corruption and bollocks.

Our tax money is spent on the craziest shit, so why are you people outraged when they spend some on abortion clinics?

Just to be clear, this is complete and utter fiction. No taxpayer money is going to fund abortions.

Sometimes getting an abortion has derailed a woman's life. What I find kind of funny is that pro-lifers (namingly Republicans and conservatives) are fighting to save the lives of children who are more than likely to become Democrats or atleaat lean to the left. If it were purely politics, they would be better off encouraging poor people and others to have an abortion. The Democrats sure as shit do.