Can we have a logical discussion about q for a moment?

1  2018-10-08 by ntschaef

First off: I want to be fair. I think Q is probably a kid playing a sick joke. I've yet to see any evidence that realized happenings that result from his vague posts that pass as predictions are any more than seeing animals in clouds.

But I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Let's say he's real. Let's say the deep state is this massively powerful group that uses the intelligence agencies to play the government like pawns. Let's say Trump is trying to take them down. Let's play this out.

Q would not have the resources to keep getting info and stay hidden. An organization that size would identify him after the first few posts. After removing him as a threat, they would utilize the network he's created to their advantage. So logically, Q is the deep state.

As for Trump, if they didn't see him coming and he got lucky enough to see them for what they are, he would only be aware of their superficial existence. As soon as they saw what he was doing they would infiltrate his inner circle (easy to do when hiring new staff) and lead him to their agenda. As smart as Trump is in this scenario, he's new to the field and is at a disadvantage culturally. He would have no chance to make a dent before working for them unwittingly.

So if the deep state is real, then we cannot trust Q or Trump to work against them. In fact listening to them is playing into the deep states hand.


Sounds like something the deep state would say.

Or is it? The rabbit hole goes deep.

Edit: misread your post.

I don't know about all that. I just don't want people to buy into any false bill of goods (be it the party system or a lunatic online trying to make a name for himself.

We'll know for sure if he/they are totally full of shit if not a single arrest is made before the 2020 election, and Q starts saying that we need to re-elect Trump to make the arrests happen. Then the same people who voted for Trump to "Lock her up", who have somehow completely forgot about her and the fact that she was not locked up, will then vote for Trump because they hope he locks the rest of them up. It's sad really, that these people who have so much hope and faith are used like this.

Just a though (playing devil's advocate): Muller has already made progress with cleaning up people that are in league with Russia. While true that Trump has not been pulled into this (which is possibly by design) does this work for or against your evaluation of Q?


In practice, what does that mean?

Usually a chant has a practical action behind it.

Be careful who you sell your soul to. It may not be the angel you think.

Here's a logical question- If there was someone as rarified as Q, what are the chances such a person would be swimming in the sewage of the chans dispensing world altering information?

Let me answer that for you: zero.

Lol. Not very good at chess are you? That's the best way to recruit those that want to "fight back" and direct them to their enemies. Your playing a dangerous game in following. You should think for yourself.

Wasn't this supposed to be a logical discussion?

That didn't last long.

Yeah .. logical "discussions" don't start with a person asking a valid question then answering it as if it has a forgone conclusion. You don't have these conversations much do you?

only normies and shills like you under-estimate the power of the chans -- one of the only true anonymous, unfiltered places in the world to dispel information -- the chans have broken so many huge things in the past. stay shleep if you want to clown.

Isn’t that every conspiracy though? A lack of evidence or something that has some solid roots but our imaginations and our minds make it something it’s not? All I know is, we’re all slaves to a system. We’re working to pay rent or mortgage and die and not really find much meaning in our lives. And with that said, it makes it hard for me to believe that a group of powerful people aren’t constantly focused on keeping their power and keeping us in this “slave state.” At the same time though, we still got lives that we have to live and they aren’t going to drastically change any time soon, so I guess don’t forget to smile and have a good time peeps, it’s a short life.

I don't really buy into conspiracy theories unless it has some basis in fact. It is fine to daydream, but if that's what we are identifying as conspiracy theories now, it will soon be a dead practice.

As for the slave to the system stuff. This has been reality for generations. It's called adulthood and having responsibility. Unless you can find a difference between the two (which I would like to hear), the people that make this argument will forever be kids that don't want to grow up. Responsibility sucks... but that's part of life.

Why do whistle blowers leak information via various "unconventional" means rather than going through the "proper" channels? There is your answer on the question.

What are the “proper channels”?


Yeah, but misinformation could do the same thing right?

Maybe coz corruption goes all the way up the chain?

It's all a bit too convoluted by now, too big and too weird, too far reaching, and not enough lulz in it for Q to be "just a kid in mom's basement".
This is way out of bounds of the attention span of an average 15 years old.

There was a rumor a couple of month ago, that it started as a social experiment of a group of sociology/politology students. That would be more fitting in terms of scale.
But then we would have reached far beyond the way the Stanford Prison Experiment or the Third Wave went awry. Any responsible supervisor would have terminated that as an social experiment long ago.

That leaves malicious intent.
The size of the operation and the target would point to state actors. But any organised attack on that level against the government would have been met with equal force.
I'm not really a fan of either existing three-letter-agency, but I do grant them enough competence to be able to counter that kind of attack easily if coming from outside...

So - for me - this leaves only one plausible explanation:
Q is real.

There is admittedly a lot of misinformation coming out of there, Q himself stated that the 'enemy' reads the same channel.
But I cannot find a single good scenario where this is all a LARP.


If Q is real why have all the predictions have turned out to be duds?

A good question. I don't know.
What we do know is, that there is a) a lot of intentional disinfo coming and b) there were no concrete predictions so far.

No post so far went like "at day X there will be Y happening". Should I have missed some, please quote!
That makes it very hard to verify.
It's all very vague, hard to shape into concrete facts.
The "predictions" regarding Strzok's et al turned out fine so far - to take one sampling.

The hints coming out add up to what seems true. The accusations, while partially hard to swallow, are consistent and in line with what could be.

Remember, the main theme of Q's posts is "Research for yourself. Think for yourself. Trust yourself."

Actually, there have been plenty of specific predictions.

All those have failed so far.

Can you quote on Q post that you believe was something only an insider could have know at the time it was made?

Mostly good points, leaving out a few predictions still to come.

But as Mike Rothschild (author of that article) points out:
"[Q] mostly stopped making specific predictions about events to come, shifting to vague statements about world events, terror attacks, and political intrigue."

Problem is, that the intentionally misleading clues given for the opposition are still there.

The few "proofs" that are noteworthy are nothing really tangible.
The signature was pretty good.
- a picture of a signature, that the anons were not able to find in public, later turned up in an official video.
The requested Q Typo in Trumps tweet was nice.
- anons requested a Trump tweet with a q typo somewhere. Trump delivered.

Most of them could be weird coincidences, quite a lot actually.

At the very least, it points to Trump's media team being involved

Can you please specify what you mean and provide some sources?

a collection is at
but I assume you want better...
and the /r/QProofs board was closed for "some reason"...

Again, a "real proof" is still out. So far anything delivered can be attributed to chance.
Sceptics will continue to point at pure chance, believers take it as concrete evidence.

e.g. the anon requesting that POTUS should somehow use the phrase "tip top" in a specific speech.
- POTUS used "we keep it in tiptop shape. We call it sometimes tippy-top shape."
but in a different speech, and not for the first time

The posted signature later appeared in an official WH video (I can't find the video, and I would still have to proof that no other known signature matches the one posted.)

As for the typo...

the main theme of Q's posts is "Research for yourself. Think for yourself. Trust yourself."

The other main theme is "Trust the plan" and "wwg1wga" which both completely contradict "Think for yourself."

I agree with you that Q is not a LARP. That doesn't mean Q is "legit."

Q is a Deep State MILINT psychological operation. Yes, Pentagon is Deep State. Q's absurd claim that U.S. Military Intelligence is "the only part of government not corrupt" seems to overlook MILINT connections to 9/11-Anthrax. Which tells us everything we need to know about Q: Q wants to overthrow SOME Deep State but not the Pentagon.

It's all a bit too convoluted by now, too big and too weird, too far reaching, and not enough lulz in it for Q to be "just a kid in mom's basement". This is way out of bounds of the attention span of an average 15 years old.

Who says this is the only option? Could be an adult. Could be a group of people.

So you don't believe it's a LARP, fine. We'll disagree but right now I'll go with you. If Q is real and on the inside, you don't think he would have been found out by this powerful group that literally is in contrast of everything? This leads me to one conclusion: if Q is real, the account is now a deep state misinformation tool and shouldn't be trusted. It may have been legit early on, but there is no chance that is still the case.

Well, IF we give benifit of the doubt, then the story goes, that the plan was long in the making, and thus key positions needed to be secured before starting. Thus acting from a defended position, rather than being easily attackable.
And Q never said "Trust me!". It was always "Do your own research, trust the facts." and "Trust Sessions"...
But yes, this is all hard to believe. But then again, that's why it's discussed in conspiracy circles :)

Agreed, and I'm trying to give this poster a way out. So let's push on with this:

So Trump, Q, et al. are members of a group that have the capability to identify, infiltrate, and undermine an ongoing intelligence operation meant to (and this is where I'm unclear) rule the government with secret authoritarian leadership (?). In order to help with their agenda, they post messages that are really unhelpful except to show (those able to decipher the message) that the deep state is real and they are working against them.

This seems like it would give away their playbook since the people can't do anything to stop this massive organization. The only real reprocussions that these actions would bring about is to ask to be targeted by this powerful omnipotent organization. He doesn't even have an identity to keep him safe against becoming a martyr.

Alternatively, it would make massive sense to do this if you were not afraid, because no one is coming after you because you work for them.

Q foments & fosters a demographic who will support the post-Trump/post-Pence military coup, in the guise of a "counter-coup."

This is another reason I take issue with him. As a rule, anyone who condemns a specific side while dictating baseless "facts" are dangerous and should be ignored.

But I'm trying to understand (on his terms) why he should be trusted. I've yet to see any.

Q sounds like an "optimism cult". You can see this sort of thinking on various semi-religious youtube channels, where something in the real world is interpreted as "the good guys winning the spirit war". This comes in a few types, and kinda flies under the radar because it almost never has any bad side effects- you don't have to kill yourself or donate for the good guys to win. Back when GA was a board, you could kinda see some overlap in the tone of the posts with that sort of thing.

The mode of interaction that Q has is extremely entertaining- you are supposed to discuss and theorize. The most logical explanation is that "Q" is some set of Trump supporting folks probably believe something like what they relay is kinda going on, and want people involved (and more mundanely, may get some small compensation for clicks or whatnot), and believe that this participatory roleplay is helpful to Trump's cause.

I think this is the most likely, because the other commonly brought up possibilities don't quite add up to me. The idea that Q is fully legit seems off because a legit Q means that there's some shadow war going on, where one side has a color commentator and is providing intel that the other side may be able to use. It's also odd because it doesn't actually help the Q-believers- if Q is real, and they believe Q, they don't get anything different than they would get if they didn't believe in Q- well, except that they get to be smug to other Trump supporters.

Conversely, the idea that Q is some hostile intel agency or conspiracy seems unlikely, because it doesn't really help their cause either. Except for providing a (honestly very small) amount of red meat for the media to process and provide to their supporters (at least the ones looking for corroboration for their belief that Trump supporters are nuts), the Q believers don't really help some Trump opposition.

I would be more likely to believe Q was deliberate disinfo from some organized group if we saw something like:
- A bunch of Q supporters generating highly visible negative publicity at a politically sensitive time, such as before the 2020 election.
- A handful of Q supporters engaged in terrorism.
- A call to violent action from Q.

Meanwhile, like everyone else, I would find Q much more believable if any of these gigantic claims ever had any corroboration with reality.

Anyway, I think it's just some Trump supporters who like the attention and figure they are helping the cause by running it. They may also believe that they are telling the truth.

Meanwhile, like everyone else, I would find Q much more believable if any of these gigantic claims ever had any corroboration with reality.

This should never be understated. Any movement must have some basis in reality. The fact that this is a movement without one is concerning on a much deeper level.

How can we deny that Q I'd a trump insider though? He's made so many accurate leaks that only an insider would know.

I think Q is a military insider. Whether or not they're truly on our side or just looking to manipulate us is what I think we need to be debating

If someone is giving out tons of vague information, some of it will hit the mark- especially if these are educated guesses. This is the nature of cold reading. There's no reason for the hit rate on these predictions to be so crazily low.

It's not impossible that at least some of the people who post as Q have some government or military job, but I wouldn't really say it as likely.

I guess that's fair but hasn't there been some undeniable proof like pics in the Oval Office and pics of the rooms that Trump/Kim were staying at or something? It's been a long time since I followed this stuff though, think I'll check out voat to catch up.

If this is a larp it's going to be larp of the century!

Nope, There aren't any pics of that. There was one pic posted by q inside Air force 1 but that was quickly found to be a photoshop and q responded by saying he was just having fun trolling.

I don't believe Q is legit. Assuming it were real, what would be the point? If it were real proof of a grand conspiracy, why hide it in thousands of obtuse posts rather than some kind of information dump? What has Q produced? Alt-right and extremist christian support for trump has been galvanised. If this shadow war is really going on in the background, these posts aren't doing shit. How does this operation benefit from informing followers in very vague terms? The followers aren't doing anything to help. So why involve them? There's an intelligence war raging between the military and Satanist elites, but letting a few thousand chan users know is important? It just makes so little sense to me.

That was what I have been asking for a while now.
What's the end goal behind this?

Let's for a moment assume this is real and try to find a motive.

Then the answer seems to be the creation of a back channel.

IF this is all true, then at some point a major wave of arrests will happen. Of people in all sorts of high positions.
When this happens, an unprepared public would revolt, and resistance led by the media facts would follow the military coup narrative.
For this it is vitally important to have support with at least some part of the population. People who can say "Yes, we know, this is correct and not a power grab of an insane dictatorship, but the logical conclusion of cleaning up deep seated corruption and burning the filth out of the government. And here's why:!"
This of course needs to be followed up by facts that hold up in court, but without that kind of ground support, no facts whatsoever will help.

At least, that's my take on it.

Was totally willing to believe the tiny possibility it could be genuine, until it began making vague suggestions towards violence. At that point I totally disavowed it as a probable psy op.

Must have missed these.

One of his latest posts said the Judge K getting into the SC was the last chance they’d had for non violent means for saving the world. Still up on 8chan right now under patriotsfight, where he posts.

Ah, yes.
But that was no open call to, more like a "all going to peacful plan" post...

But still, granted, pretty ominous statement...

He has also written several times “these people won’t be able to walk in the streets safely” which is just a hairs breadth away from outright calling for mob violence.

Honestly, it's the same rhetoric protesters are using to justify attacking and screaming at republicans at diners and restaurants.

Don't let them be comfortable, don't let them be safe, make sure they are constantly aware of their sins.

Remember when that random hollywood lady had the decapitated head of the president? Was that art or inciting violence even if subliminally putting in your head? I mean it seems to be on both sides. But at least one side is not providing vivid imagry.

So where does Q reside now? strictly 8chan or does he have a presence on 4chan again?

All 8chan. On a board only he can post on.

Ah, is there any indication that it is the same guy?

Or can anyone take the mantle of Q, especially since the tripcode was busted?

I’ve actually done some software analysis on the writings - it also suggests that Q has had several different authors. But even folks in the Q community think there’s more than one Q posting. In fact, Q himself has said this.

I think the idea of "what's Qs motive" would be to "help others wake up to the truth". If he is real he just wants to make sure people know who to trust. That said, if there is an evil organization trying to (I'm still not clear on this) rule the state in as a secret authoritarian system (?) then this would already be stopped.

Good post. Thanks for the thought out response.

> Alt-right and extremist christian support for trump has been galvanised.


According to Q this is the dem media's portrayal of it is reliant on the confirmation bias they have created from it. The reality is that all sorts of people follow Q.


Imagine if anyone we're to go on national TV or some sort of public avenue and say all of this. How would the public react to it? They would automatically reject that person as a "conspiracy theorist" and insane.


Where we go one we go all. You created this reality for yourself we are the underlying universe all experiencing itself from every perspective. You are the chess board moving around the pieces but from your perspective you see yourself as a pawn. Of course it is all an illusion of separation, but without that illusion there would be no game of chess only an chess board with pieces on it. How can you understand unity without also understanding separation?


All movement's start small and in places easily criticized by others. It takes a small gathering to grow into a real movement. Like a white blood cell fighting off a disease inside of you there is a war going on externally over you.


"The full truth would put the average person in a mental asylum" -Q


The truth is right in front of you in much of what you call "fiction" exists deeper meaning for those who are looking for it.

As a rule I believe that currupting is like the truth: non-partisian. If anyone tries to put one side against the other based on anything but hard facts, they are selling a false bill of goods. Be careful who you follow.

"This is not a R vs D battle" Q

That's a bit hard to swallow. He claims Trump is on his side, yet Trump has been devicively republican. This is not pulling people together for a common cause but playing a simple psyops ploy:

we are sane. We say sane things. But look how they hate us. We have done nothing to them. They are evil. But we are sane. We should all be on the same team, but they won't cooperate because they are evil. Don't listen to them because they are wrong. But there is no reason they shouldn't join us. But they won't, because they are evil.

Sorry... I just can't get on board with that.

Well it's a direct quote so idk what to tell you...

FYI supporting Trump does not imply demonization or separation from those who do not. You are projecting that onto him. Where we go one we go all. That is the key of the message.

I don't follow Q, but Trump makes it clear: protestors against him should be assaulted (don't worry... He will pay the legal bills). And republicans should not be answerable to the law. And we should shit talk our opponents. And befriend dictators while we fight with allies. Oh.. an let's also make clear that we don't want to consider helping the environment.

But that's just Trump... The one that Q says to follow. Quote or not, it's BS.

He hasn't done any of that but okay.

protesters should be assaulted -

republicans above the law - (Collins and Hunter)

Shit talk opponents - really? there are so many, but this is a good representation

trump with dictators - (if you doubt this one, there are a plethora more... just look it up).

fights with allies - Literal trade wars.

Yeah... he's done all that. and no... that's not just par for the course. This is Trump specific.

Q is an intentional wild goose chase meant to prevent internet activists and conspiracy researchers from focusing on real, glaring problems surrounding the kleptocrats that have taken control of the government and much of society. Q is the HIV to the internet’s immune system, a vague and tantalizing attention trap deflecting from the theft and corruption happening right before our eyes. Without Q, the Chans would be digging into the sociopathic Trump/Republicans/Corporatists/Religious Conmen that have banded together to brainwash and control people with fear and disinformation masquerading as news. Instead of pulling together and combatting this monstrosity, the valuable attention of people on the internet has been spent chasing a laser pointer around the room.

The saddest part is the power of anonymity that made the Chans so formidable has proven to be their weakness; when organized conmen infiltrate a crowd, they can pull the group where they please, anyone not in on it will see it as organic and follow along.

This has been going on for years, the anonymous that gathered to protest racist mods on Habbo Hotel is not the same anonymous that posts racist memes; the racist memes may have been from actual racist groups looking to recruit, or they might have been cointelpro looking to discredit and sabotage anonymous as a force. Q is the perfection of this game, a judo flip by the organized sociopaths against what they correctly viewed as a threatening grassroots opposition to their bullshit.

Seems reasonable enough, but as I said... I'm a bit biased.

It's just Edward Snowden.. Told he needed to come up with something new or he's off the payroll.

I'm confused. Whose payroll?

Probably the NSA's. I personally don't think he's legit.

Well I don't either but I'm trying to understand his followers.

But Snowden opened the floodgates on the NSA. Why would they have wanted their secrets (which would have potentially lasted generations - and likely still are) exposed?

Their secrets weren't exposed. That's how a limited hangout works.

A limited hangout only works when there are concerns before the "exposure" as a way of mitigating damage. There was no concern before Snowden therefore the "exposure" would have only taken away a layer of protection they used to have... thus the word: exposed.

A rare double-false answer.

False that Limited Hangouts are never pre-emptive. False that nobody was concerned about surveillance, warrantless wiretapping or NSA overreach.

Also false that Snowden has any full knowledge of the totality of compartmentalized programs. Snowden can be used as a Limited Hangout whether or not he's aware of it or witting.

It is fair to say that Snowden may have been a pawn. But (I believe) unfair to state that a limited hangout is not used ONLY to save face and that the NSA had reason to fear exposure more than normal.

After MKUltra there have always been concerns about the overreach of the NCI/CIA/others, but its been just that... concerns. Even after the patriot act there were only guesses at what was going on. It wasn't until Snowden (years into it) that people (or even Congress) were fully aware of what was going on. Why release that? Why show your hand? Even if they didn't show it all and Snowden was a pawn, it only opens an investigation that will force people to be aware of the degree of surveillance taking place. This would be the opposite of what a Limited Hangout is intended to do.

I may not convince you that Snowden helped the public out on this one, but to convince me your going to do a bit more than claim it was a Limited Hangout and let that stand on it's own.

This reads like damage control. Not only is it very weak to say that there weren't alarms going off since 2005's NYT NSA revelations, it's actually so weak that I can't rule out bad faith on your part. Which taints the rest of the conversation. I'm fine with calling it tainted.

Limited hangouts are "modified" all the time, and the terminology itself was revealed to the public on that basis.

I would be offended if you weren't suspicious of that. I feel the same about you: the only credible wistleblower to come out in recent memory and you are saying he's unreliable? But like you said if you don't consider good faith there is no point in these discussions.

As for the rest. Limited Hangouts do change... But they are always about controlling the information and managing what people already know, not about introducing new information that will lead to further inquiries.

I agree we may not have all the information. There are probably much "worse" surveillance operations in place that have yet to be considered, but we wouldn't be this far without the whistleblowers of the past, and to defame them (I think) is an insult to what they did and what will be done in the future.

Snowden introduced the idea that all our our meta data is being passively stored. If one is aware that this type of surveillance is ongoing- Do you modify/regulate behavior?

Many have to protect themselves from online theft and vanurability (which is frankly a good thing). Personally, I have not. I'm hypocritical in that respect. I still use cloud sourcing and I fully understand the government can read it. I use free social media with the knowledge that my opinions and leanings are captured and analyzed. I know these things (and help others understand them in part because of the awareness Snowden has brought to light.

At this point we are talking past each other. You have your view, and that's fine. I have mine (which I will continue to think is correct due to lack of evidence to the contrary). Either way thanks for the discussion. It was interesting. :)

I apologize. I thought you were the other guy I was talking to and we were making no progress. You had a solid question and i ended the discussion too soon. I only just now realized my mistake.

No worries. I figured we had a case of mistaken identity.

"What's the point of having a massive surveillance apparatus if noone knows about it." Someone once said.

Snowden is an "agent of change" operation IMO.

I don't mean to insult you, but the person that said that is an idiot. Have you ever played Stratigo? What about poker? Clue? All of these games teach a valid life lesson: if you have more information you have a better chance of winning.

Post 9/11 there was a huge push for safety. So much so that people willingly gave up many rights. The fallout from this were the operations that Snowden she'd light on. They all probably started and (being optimistic) were used to ensure the US from terrorism. But the means we're too high of a price and they knew it... so they kept them hidden.

To think this doesn't make sense either means you can't conceive of a world with limited surveillance or you forgot what drives people: security.

the means we're too high of a price

Since when has the U.S restrained itself over "too high of a price"..

Arguably they're in the middle of deciding their absolute limit right now as to how they'll continue the Middle East campaign. But historically, Americany adventurism has been running circles around an upper limit, including the potential false-flag events that needed to kick off some of the conflicts..

Anyway, you'll need to get your head around the concept of feigning self-sabotage.. It doesn't always have the effect you expect. Especially not in America's case... It's being featured constantly as a method of reinforcing the idea of American vulnerability.

In this particular case with Snowden, I think it's fairly straightforward to anticipate the benefits of having an individual "LEAK" and be delivered hot by the world's media, to the public conscience, an infinite construction of walls which surround them.

You seem to think there would be resistance if this was outed.. Can you not perceive the obvious though, that Snowdens leaks, actually had the OPPOSITE effect?

People have accepted it. They accepted that the size and seriousness of the infrastructure, was proof of it's own justification.

It's an unconventional union between a psychological operation and a "promotional campaign" for private corporations.

[Morally the people of the US would think] the price is too high. Sorry I was unclear before.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

You're an optimist, I often am too. But in this case I'm a realist.

Question: Are you critical that the Mainstream media is compromised and doesn't serve the people?

Yes. All media has dropped the ball... but my critique is different than yours. I feel they - like every business - are in it for the money. Therefore they respond to their consumers (in this case their audience). Every one of them (Fox, CNN, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc, etc, etc) have compromised quality reporting for speedy and opinionated reports. I critique them, but I blame us. We caused them to be this way. There are exceptions though (PBS News, NPR, and others) that still do quality work.

Side note: everyone thinks their a realist.... otherwise they would adopt a view that isn't (in their eyes) delusional.

have compromised quality reporting for speedy and opinionated reports. I critique them, but I blame us.

Nope, not a realist... listing only U.S media..

You seem oblivious to the international media coordination around geopolitical and cultural engineering imperatives. Thus you're not going to see the logic in how narrative is developed, and how "sales figures", is only a superficial explanation for why Snowden the "dissenter", was given suspiciously uniform coverage.

Important that you realise, that we're far beyond the era of "something was leaked", "he's our enemy".... therefore it's credible. There are other incentives for "self-sabotage", but Americans are programmed to view national vulnerability as something being permanently avoided at all costs.. Hence, rhetoric such as "we were incompetent", or "it was a big mistake", appears to be a particularly effective method of diffusing curiosity.

Basically, you suffer from a failure of imagination as to why intelligence and governance agencies, would wish to self-expose an infinitely exaggerated description of the surveillance infrastructure enveloping the West..

Lol. You're humorous. If you don't want a genuine conversation just say so. There is no reason to move goalposts to make yourself feel good.

Thanks for the laugh. Have a good one.

(Ha... he thinks I consider anyone a realist... hahahaha)

Trying to make you think deeper about why you were delivered a hero on a silver platter.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Hero?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Who believes that regular people are heros?! And you think yourself a realist???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... Hoooooo.

Dude. Keep posting. This is great.

That's the sound of bumping up against your boundaries, so we're getting somewhere.

"Regular people" .. Are we not talking about Snowden.. Whatevs you're nonsensical. Sleep tight.

You too. Thanks for the laughs ;)

And for the record, yes. Snowden is a regular person.

Ah okay.. Just like you and me, an average Joe, "hired by an NSA contractor, Booze Allan Hamilton, after previous employment with Dell and the CIA". Yep.

The evidence for your malleability is an untapped resource.

Yeah. Works with the government as a contractor. I had a job like that already. It was the USCG for a while then DHS but it isn't that special... people have jobs.

He was smart, I'll give him that, but nothing spectacular, you've probably met his equal at least once a week if you interact regularly with others.

Did you hold him up to something more? Dude... get out of your own head.

Doubt it. Think you're underestimating his capacity for basic human foresight, a result of the "humanising" stories, talking about his girlfriend/apartment etc.. pfft

You need to attack the facade a bit.. I'm not going to walk you through it.. Not much adds up, and still hasn't released most of the "revelations".. Greenwald has done very well, Omidyar connections.. the anomalies need another look from you.

There are tonnes of reasons why your approach should be less triumphant.. Just appears like naivety is fueling your optimism.. and then a limited scope, having you assume the citizen consumer is to blame for media distortion of truth..

Oh we're just going to fundamentally disagree. You think I'm a simpleton and I think your a bit delusional. It's easy to find flaws in what people say instead of looking at the underlying message if you train yourself to, but that's intellectually dishonest (so I hope you can appreciate that it's very annoying talking to people like you).

The facts (in my perspective) are these:

People are not special. The government is generally trying to help you... They just suck at it and like all population there are bad eggs mixed in. There are no "superhumans" that can anticipate the state of the world (beyond the obvious).

Fact is the news is a business. Other countries are better because their POPULOUS is better. If you want to fight "fake news" then stop blanket calling it fake news and call out specific stories that are flawed.

Now let me anticipate your view: they have technology we don't. They have surveillance into our lives. The government has a secret organizations that employ only the most supreme minds and we can't understand their brilliance.

But consider that we live in a capitalistic society. Those with the means go to the money and (as much as we are taxed) they have very little allotted to personnel. It just isn't a "successful" theory. But if you want to believe it go for it.

I'm talking specifically about your trust in the Snowden story, and what leads you and others to accept similar agency concoctions.. Not generally labelling you a simpleton. Your labelling me as delusional is predicated on how you're told to view people who don't trust propaganda. I.e. saying more about you than me.

I used to work in the media with journalists, and covered terrorism related stories. I know how they function. They're either oblivious and disinterested, too arrogant to admit ignorance, aware and conscious of financial self-preservation, or aware their position is to follow company editorial directives (including press-release journalism, and word-for-word injection of news agency contributions exactly like that of supposed Rothschild-owned Reuters).

You're a pro ice-skater as you glide over history.

The Government isn't a single unit, especially in the U.S. Trillions missing in intelligence budgets, black budgets, JSOC, zero accountability etc.. The govt is generally trying to function for efficiency in supporting the public, but then there's agencies that aren't. They're pursuing geopolitical ends, socio/cultural engineering etc.. Things you're unaware of in other words.

I don't believe in "fake news". I think the "fake news" phenomenon is a psyop to inoculate against skepticism in a reverse psychology play.

"My views"

  • "they have tech we don't"... I don't think that. I don't support most of the ridiculous theories about Tech.

  • "they have surveillance in to our lives"... See this is what I'm talking about: you trust Snowden, but STILL consider full spectrum surveillance to not be a reality! - NO I don't believe in full surveillance. I think much of it is a PSYOP.

  • "secret organisations".. What, like intelligence agencies. Yes there are secret organisations, projects, agreements, collaborations, lobby groups, etc. Again, reality eludes you.

  • "can't understand their brilliance".. - No, but can't necessarily anticipate their objectives, strategies, methods of subversion and concealment.

This goes over your head I know. But don't research any of it.

I used to work with journalists and...

So they are normal: disillusioned and doing their job to pay bills and go home. Yeah that seems right. But as with everything, there are exceptions. People that are still passionate about what they do.

Pro ice skater

What's your point here? No one has the full picture. To think that this doesn't apply to you as well is hubris.

Then there are agencies that aren't...

Genuinely curious, how do you know? All funds within the government are accounted for when spending. How does funding for these to these agencies work? Do some of the "legit" parts of the government throw money in a black box makes "nefarious operations" and not care what happens?

fake news

Na... It's more simple than that. Trump just doesn't like bad press and news has a tendency to overstate facts. It's a "perfect storm" situation.

Your views

Good to know. Just don't expect me to believe them too. Here are some points where I take issue.

You can't have "full spectrum surveillance" without "full surveillance". This is a naive view where your imagination has gotten the better of you. They can't manipulate the resolve of the public. There are enough of us that are anti-whatever to dictate any real narritive with exception of limited moments of flux. But they don't need to. Our county has an inertia which can be used to get things done. Is this inertia pushed sometimes to align with political agenda? Sure. That's politics. But to shift it completely to serve a specific agenda is not possible. This is part of why Trump is not respected by all people, he is trying to go against the general inertia.

Secret agencies - of course they have secret agencies... That wasn't the point. The point is that these agencies should not be expected to be exceptional. Look at the government. This is what you should expect to see from the "secret agencies" as well. They aren't an exception to the rest... but just an extension.

My point is that you wether or not you can anticipate what they do, you can understand them. They are not a group of sociopaths or masterminds. Most are people who are low payed (compared to other professions) but believe in making a better world. As with any business, the leader is a little over normal intelligence trying to follow a preset agenda that has been passed down from their boss. They are NOT independent from the structure or they wouldn't get funding

This goes over your head

And this is what I was talking about earlier. Your not special. You don't have a window into a secret world because you are more enlightened. You want to believe this delusion? Fine. Everyone has their own fantasy, buy don't be such an ass to think that this is objectively truth if you can't back it up with facts. Neither of our stances are provable, but that doesn't mean we can't respectfully hear each other out even if we disagree.

Either way, this last insult has left a bitter taste in my mouth and this will be where I leave. Good luck with your continued search.

My quote - "The govt is generally trying to function for efficiency in supporting the public, but then there's agencies that aren't".

And you say: "How do you know?" ... How am I meant to relinquish my concern, when your stance is rigidly anti-skeptical around the subject at hand.. So much so that you've avoided the concepts and their precedents which have been laid bare and undeniable through multitudes of historical examples... You've got black sites, torture, massacres, counterinsurgency, unconventional warfare, drug smuggling, arms smuggling, coups, propaganda programs, the list goes on..

All funds within the government are accounted for when spending. How does funding for these to these agencies work? Do some of the "legit" parts of the government throw money in a black box makes "nefarious operations" and not care what happens?

This is ignorant of basic examples like Contra program, and undoubtedly more. What about missing Pentagon Trillions on 9/10/01...

The govt is compartmentalised. I'm not even American btw, but your govt is so transparently divided (to the outside world at least), in how it functions domestically and internationally, particularly highlighted by the ongoing military and clandestine aspects.

I don't care for Trump. Functionally, he's continuation of the program, and only dressed-up as change. He's a tool of divide which of course Americans would fall for.

"They are not a group of sociopaths or masterminds. Most are people who are low payed (compared to other professions) but believe in making a better world"..

You've combined the straw man, the utopian BS, and the absolving of responsibility.. :/

"Everyone has their own fantasy, buy don't be such an ass to think that this is objectively truth if you can't back it up with facts. Neither of our stances are provable, "..

Again, you just wouldn't know. I doubt you've spent five minutes on the issues we've spoken about, and if you had, your mind would repel the information and you'd seek the vocabulary to rationalise away what you found.

Not sure why you're here (in conspiracy), but all the best nonetheless.

Conspiracy are not delusions (regardless of what is actually posted here) the best conspiracies have a motive and plausible behind them, not just some home grown fiction that was dreamed up only because reality couldn't contradict it.

Good luck delving into the conspiracy of another country without (seemingly) understand the country itself.

I cannot compute what you're telling me here. I've said nothing fictional or delusional. Point out something you think I can't support.

... To expand, your country currently generates the highest profile conspiracies, because it is emburdened by geopolitical projects, ideologies, factions and lobbies, which influence the military, political and cultural institutions of that 'empire'.

Telling me to mind my own business, shows you're ignoring the effect that U.S has on the overall global context, and to the extent of how much this post 9/11 condition has spread to most other western countries.

All western countries now experience the same propaganda around geopolitics, practically all participate in the American wars, and are captured by same surveillance like Five Eyes, NSA, have U.S bases, black sites, and get pressured into buying enormous arms purchases, etc.

You just don't know enough.. Nothing wrong with it, but you must be relatively quite young to have such a narrow scope of how all this works together.

  1. the fiction is that these "secret organizations" are not for the best interest of the us and it's citizens and that they have no overnight.

  2. I didn't say to stop, only to have fun. Being a fiction writer is an entertaining past time you should enjoy. But being that it is promised on a different culture, it can only be so accurate. So again, have fun.

  3. "You don't know" is not something I would object to. The implicit "listen to me" doesn't follow though, which is why I find you confidence contradictory and you untrustworthy. Your coming off as a delusional person with no ability for self reflection. It doesn't help your case.

A limited hangout only works when there are concerns before the "exposure" as a way of mitigating damage. There was no concern before Snowden therefore the "exposure" would have only taken away a layer of protection they used to have... thus the word: exposed.

Put a name to “the bad guys/evil” that resonates with conspiracy theorists and far right groups to draw a crowd. Make people think they are part of something big and secret to keep them committed without proof. Once popularity rises bring god into it to get some of those christian extremists on your side. Make vague/unprovable big claims alongside small easily predictable claims with a “disinfo is necessary” disclaimer so everything the group wants to be true is gospel and anything that gets handily debunked was just a trick against the “enemy”. Like the signature photoshop or the pic on AF1 that was just an inverted picture of Obama’s AF1 from the internet—Accepted as true, proven fake, then accepted as trolling the evil guys. It’s cult-like.

As much as I'm tempted to argue this point, I think that it will only cause a defensive stance within the followers. I'm questioning that: IF IT'S TRUE will it hold up? I'm coming to the conclusion of "no", but I would like a believer to tell me why my evaluation is faulty (assuming that it is).

If true, then the military and trump administration is relying on the hacker known as 4chan to convince the general public that all of their favorite celebrities and politicians are evil satanist pedophile murderers who want to engulf the world in nuclear fire, with nothing but a mix of tangential associations, unsubstantiated claims, and appeals to religion. It wouldn’t hold up.

The thing about q is that it’s built on the assumption that every conspiracy theory about democrats is definitely true. Pg8, birth certificate, U1, scalia death conspiracy, seth rich, pretty much any and all anti-democrat conspiracy theories that exist are considered true to begin with. If you aren’t onboard, you’re against them. They are being told what they want to hear, or rather led towards a conclusion that they already believed to be true.

I think the idea is that q is the spokesman of the "rebellion" good to gather some followers but generally unneeded. Avoiding the emotional boost it gives to those that now "know the truth" my concern is that it is announcing their intent to their enemy, and that is the first rule in a secret war, stay hidden as long as possible.

Wtf is q

All I have to say is good for you for not knowing this. You are better off. Of course others that believe in the conspiracy will disagree.

All I have to say is good for you for not knowing this. You are better off. Of course others that believe in the conspiracy will disagree.

A self proclaimed Trump administration insider who's been leaking info since before trump was even elected.

Google 'book of q' and 'roseanne Qanon' to get mostly caught up if you like

For the sake of your sanity: run!

That rabbit hole is a maze you don't want to enter...

I agree with your logic, OP

your logic proposes one scenario, but what if q is many people within a resistance to the canal that is both on and off planet? what if this group possesses technology equal to and even greater than the cabal? What if trump is being used as a public asset to undermine the mainstream narrative while a “silent” war takes place?

My tolerance for the what if's only goes so far. If there was an off world "silent" war taking place, then I'll be happy ignoring it and raising my kids in peace.

you not only disagreed but you felt too exhausted to even consider some of my points (sorry to explore beyond your tolerance level). furthermore, you framed me as a fundamentalist! nice use of logical fallacies!

Its not about exhaustion but about topics to discuss. I did disagree. I also admitted that your theory goes beyond my tolerance. This is not an insult to you or a defence of my dismissal, but a admittance that you and I will simply have to disagree due to lack of information. The comparison to fundamentalists is accurate because of the following:

  • There is no way I will accept it base on the information provided.
  • There is no way to disprove it based on the information available.
  • I will not judge you for believing it, but I simply urge you to remain aware of how easily that belief may crumble.

I hope that you get some objective evidence you can show the world to convince people. Until then you have an uphill battle because (for most people) this is three levels deep of theories they have to blindly accept before it becomes plausible. Good luck.

Note: don't get so defensive. If people dismiss you, hear out why and let it go. You think you have the truth? Great. Others think they are right too and will dismiss you, but unless they can prove you wrong, it is their opinion against yours.

still framing to preserve your belief system? and gaslighting to boot! all coming from a false sense of superiority? well done, lad!

Of course I have a sense of superiority! We disagree! If I thought your points were better we wouldn't be disagreeing! Fact is I think your a troll, but I was trying to be respectful to your hypothesis. If you are going to take offence to being given the benefit of the doubt, so be it. This is my last post within this insanity.

you must try harder to be respectful, because you’re coming off more arrogant than you think.

At the end. Yes. I was not trying to hide that. In the beginning, I was fine (except for the fundamentalists analogy... That was a mistaken miscommunication I should have expanded on). The rest was on you. People will disagree with you, especially if your beliefs are on par with science fiction. Learn to deal with that.

back again and gaslighting once more, i see. And you thought I was the troll?

I’m not sure why you keep making assumptions and rely on logical fallacies to prove your points. is it not enough to believe what you believe without needing to create false scenarios and judgments? are you not open to new information and possible considerations beyond your known perceptions? and speaking of perceptions, are you utilizing your true potential or are you limiting yourself based on what you’ve experienced/understand thus far?

Assuming Q is a LARP, and let’s say conservatively has 50,000 reliable followers, and holds himself out as a conduit for communicating official Presidential policy, then the President is obligated to disavow.

Yet he hasn’t.

Any explanation?

He likes the 50000 followers. Even if it has been aquired under false pretenses.

If acquired under a false pretense, then why has the media failed to call him out.

It’s not like they are fans of Trump to begin with.

They have. Who will hold him accountable though? The Congress?

Show me where the media has asked Trump or his press secretary to disavow.

Look up CNN, MSNBC, or the multitude of youtube talking heads that have requested this. Fact is he just doesn't address falsehoods that help him. If he never confirms it then he's in the clear legally. There is no requirement for him to call out every wackjob that wants to speak for him. That would be impossible to enforce. The test is, has he confirmed it? If not then consider the following:

I declare that I'm a spokesman of the president on this one issue. He admits that he does not believe that q exists and he's using him to aquire votes from conspiracy theories.

You happy? He hasn't called me out so it must be true.

No one has asked Sarah Sanders at her daily briefing to disavow.

Show me.

don't need to. I'm the spokesman for the president on this. I have spoken. Get a news outlet to ask Sarah about me... she will confirm. If not you need to take my word.

Interesting answer.

From a q followers perspective, he said q (the person) is great people (but I'm sure they will see the answer as "your group consists of great people".

From a non-q follower he looks like an idiot that has no idea what he's talking about.

As always, this will only make the nation more divided. Sorry, but I'm honestly glad the is not well known. Regardless, thanks for sharing.

He hasn't just chosen not to disavow.

Search qanon Lionel on youtube.

Beware of Dog

Believe it or not. It's definitely a parallel narrative. And it's eliciting a reaction.

What's your point? That there is a community of followers? All the more reason for concern that this isn't disinformation.

My only point is that for better or worse Q pushes buttons with people.


Didn't see the Voat link anywhere in your thread so wanted to give a direct link to flesh out your concern of disinformation.

Ah. Thanks! it is much appreciated.

I have this disturbing feeling that what Q calls the "deepstate" is actually the last group of free people stopping them from having 100% control.

I have no doubt Q is the deepstate, telling enough truth to get a army of people behind them. But I dont like where they are steering people, it's almost as if Q is drawing out people with the network and abilities to fight back.

I wouldnt doubt at all that they are knocking out the last few pegs before they have total control. Only time will tell i guess.

As I've said, I honestly think the guys a troll, but I respect your concern. For what it's worth, I don't think there will ever be a threat to our livelyhood as long as we can think critically and support each other. But that may just be my nievity. :/ Either way, I hope it helps :)

My only thing with this is we need to have hope in somethings. Like me reading your post which i appreciate this angle you take. It seems there is actually no chance we will ever be saved from TPTB. If anyone gets in they will immediately be turned against or their path steered. If what you say is all true and logical, then I can logically conclude that we are all fucked and will be for all future because nobody can beat this threat od the deepstate. They win at every turn. Come on man, they are just humans that had ancestors that skirted the laws or crossed them to make a fortune and political dynasty. They aren't hyper AI aliens that never have human fuck ups or miscalculations. In my mind I do not know if Q is correct or not, it at least gives people hope and gives people things to look up. Many times it is things that I have read discussed here. So is that not the best out come for us. Essentially a machine or red pilling normies... Is that not what much of the discussion is on here. Spreading what we believe is the truer story or looking at all the facts. Its strange that conspiracy opposes Q theories so hard. Or its a concerted effort idk.

I can only tell you what works for me:

The people in control are people just like us. They are legitimately trying to do the right thing. The fact that we raise them up to higher standards and give them superhuman expectations is on us. The world is chaotic and the fact we have gotten this far is far from luck. As much as we disagree, as long as we can talk, we can discuss issues we will overcome any obstacle.

I do worry that gluttony, pride, and good complexes will hold us back (especially when those people get in power), but unless we are all stupid about it and buy into their fiction, these tides are temporary. We just need to treat others as people - not left, right, Muslim, Christian, black, or white - just people. It's that simple. The rest will follow.

As soon as you start the classification game, you start down a rabbit hole of misery. We need to finally implement the practice "treat others as you want to be treated" and support those that will lead humanity in this direction.

I completly agree with you. I neither have to take or leave becuase I already hold this opinon. But the only issue as far as ever progressing to the utopia of happiness and love(which may happen in the distant or near future) is that people like you and I and many others that think like this do not care for positions of power. We just look to make our own life and loves of others around us better. I cannot recall the philosopher off the top of my head but he stated that the best ruler of a nation is the person that does not want to be tje leaser as they would act like you and I. Just look at making the world a better place rather than personal gains.

Then I hope you can understand why I have a huge issue with Trump and Q. It may just be my bias, but I haven't seen anything coming from them that isn't self serving. I'm willing to listen if you think otherwise.

I can't speak for Q other than it is 100% red pilling people that would otherwise not look into conspiracy information.

As for Trump, I can say there is the biggest chance for denecularization of NK. Which by itself is massive and the past two 8 yr term presidents didnt get close.

The largest amount of Pedo and sexual harassment arrests I have ever seen. It is not like they just sprung up, they existed under the past presidencies but I havent seen shit before.

We do not hear about soldiers constantly dying in the middle east or random bombings as much anymore. Seems to have died down after the election.

The wall os being built. Wether that is negative or positive is up to the person but action is happening.

Lastly, if you have no stocks during this Trump presidency then you are sadly missing out. Some of the biggest growth I have ever seen my investments for a long time. Feelsgreatman.

Those are the things that come up in my experiences and personal life that I have noticed. I would like to hear your opinions as well though. I also do want to add that I did not vote Trump and was originally a Bernie supporter.

First and foremost, Bernie got screwed. Hillary should have bowed out for the good of the nation.

As for the rest we will have to agree to disagree on a lot of these. Here are my reasons:

Red pill: I don't know that this is good. Conspiracy theories tend to polarize people. A divided nation is harder to heal than an ignorant one. An ignorant divided nation is the worst of all. Just my opinion. I would rather have no Q than Q based on that.

NK. I have yet to see evidence that Trump wasn't played. Time will tell.

Sexual harasement: I'll give Trump credit for this, but I think it was in spite of him. This is the guy that literally said "grab them by the pussy" on the campaign trail. The accusation are a consequence of the fact that this shouldn't be acceptable. So good job Trump?

Soldiers dying: I should look up the stats for this. I would wager that the circus that surroundeds Trump is just overshadowing all other "actual" news.

Wall being built: I don't want it and Mexico isn't paying for it. We also already have one. And is there more than the 5(?) flawed prototypes?

Stocks are good. But this is not that good for the common man. All this means is that the stockholders are getting money. The workers by contrast are not. The middle class will shrink dramatically due to Trump. But again... time will tell.

Things I don't like: healthcare was abandoned (when it could have been fixed). He has no concept of global trade. The tax plan favors the upper class. And (I cannot stress this enough) the division and moral position he is pushing should give even the post pragmatic people heart burn.

I respect the civility of this discussion, but I can't get on board with any of those points as stated.

One of the secrets Snowden released were a set of PowerPoint presentations showcasing operation JTRIG. I recommend everyone take a look at them via the intercept. They detail how something like the Q phenomenon could be manufactured from within the nsa. Having throughly looked over these slides, it’s hard not to see the similarities. I keep an open mind about it though and reserve the right to change my mind based on new information.

I'll look into these. If you don't mind my asking, do they position Q as a leak or a misinformation source?

I’m not really sure what the intercepts take on Q is.

Ah. Still haven't looked into it. Guess I misunderstood what you meant by "the Q phenomenon".

Ah, Yes! I could have articulated it better as well. I say "Q phenomenon" as a way to personally define the movement or group.

Gotcha... that makes sense. Thank you!