Has anyone else noticed that the average persons life in the West has become a constant stream of mindless entertainment?

1  2018-10-08 by Flexathon

Work your wage slave job, play your big boy games, use your iphone 17, watch your action movies, smoke your fun time drugs go sleepy rinse repeat. Distract yourself distract yourself distract yourself.

Weak, dumbed down, infantile nation.


Bread and Circuses

Shadows and dust.

The founding fathers had a dream that was America, Trump. This is not it...this is not it.

Any different anywhere else in the world?

Sooo, what's the conspiracy?

How the elite have transformed the general public into the pathetic joke they are.

It’s not just America homie, I’m in Australia and it’s the same(I think you meant westernised countries?). Unfortunately I have fallen into this pathetic degrading lifestyle and it’s the hardest thing to break.

No it's not. You can easily accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Somepeople, maybe you, simply prefer to knowlingly reside within their confort bubble.

I understand the concept, but easier said than done for most. I’m sure you understand that circumstances and environment can play a part in lifestyle.

Which are manipulated by subsequent governments - austerity, removal of local/social services. - immigration, who instantly receive benefits and housing vs those who've waited years (they say they are refugees, their economic migrants) who create ghettos, have no respect for our beliefs and laws. They come from countries where they now earn 20x as much for doing nothing. Then there's the drugs and alcohol. Division - setting one against the other whether religious political gender or otherwise. Have you never read Albert Like or Alinsky?

Pike not like (bad wordcheck)

I believe he's stating that a combination of forces within our lives are deliberately making the majority of people disenchanted and disconnected. Education is the start - denying critical thinking and questioning - TV, Sports, Hollywood all have their part to play keeping the populace distracted, while the MSM steer the narrative. Guess you didn't get that bit.

People have every opportunity though to break free of this conditioning, everyone here did. I think that’s what the other guy is getting at, you can choose to be docile, no one is forcing it on you.

If you've been conditioned since for instance you started watching TV at 2. Do you know how much subliminal po-n is in cartoons, YT it - how do you break out of it if you've been docilised for decades. I stopped watching TV and in a year, became interested in politics, Kennedy was a big one for me there's an amazing 5 hour video on the assassination - and I thought BS, then 9/11 happened and - no more MSM - research and find the truth

you literally lived in uneducated filth and poverty before modern era and "accomplishing whatever you set your mind to" was virtually impossible to do a combination of startified class systems and childhood malnutrition/disease making you semi-retarded

but fuck man hollywood.

Ok thanks will do

Lmao. You're typing from a smart phone. Throw it away and go get a job breaking rocks and digging ditches that makes you so tired you don't have the energy to bother with entertainment.

So instead of wasting my life with technology and entertainment, I should instead slave away earn peanuts and be so tired at the end of every day/week I don’t have anytime for leisure, hobbies and learning? What’s the difference exactly

You are incapable of discerning any meaningful difference between those two scenarios?

You’re not changing much with your scenario, you’re just going from one trap to another. The sophistication of the globalists agenda is fucking deep.

so in one scenario you literally have so much free time and money that you're complaining about it

in the other you're working yourself to death

you cannot tell the difference

its not the globalists keeping you down dude lmao

We will never walk away from our jobs or entrainment to rise up. Hook, line and sinker.

I believe the movie "Fight Club" commented on this. https://youtu.be/7cGrg2Gh4gg

Tyler wasn't supposed to be looked up to, it was Jack's depression finding an outlet in nihilism.

In the end of the book, what saved him was friendship and community.

Sounds sweet.😊

And the public allowed it all to happen. Who's really at fault here?

The abuse of billions of people bye a global elite.

Sounds like capitalism.

you left out the best part


Porn is absolutely degenerate. If you watch porn you must hate yourself.

Can confirm. Do hate myself.

I love u/C4p0tts but I hate myself for saying it. Damn watcher of porn.

Must be hard to get through life being this awkward

The 'tism is my super power.


Slavic autism.

What else is degenerate? I find that people who use that word (degenerate) are often into ethnic cleansing, or at least ethnostates (maybe forcible removal, maybe not)

Cigarettes and not making your bed.

oh jeez

I find that people who use that word (degenerate) are often into ethnic cleansing, or at least ethnostates (maybe forcible removal, maybe not)

Just whataboutism more next time. I gaurentee it will be more effective in this sub.

What about what

Look at the downvotes. We found the blind spot in the "woke" crowd. Unless it's all the r/politics rejects downvoting. They love degenerate porn.

You're absolutely right. These people aren't woke worth shit

Guess who makes the porn industry ? Hmm?

No doubt. The most popular porn sites on the net filled with victims of all manner of soul destroying crimes and people consuming it in heightened emotional states every day. Yeah no problem there at all. It's good! Don't be a downer!! Cocaine isn't addictive it just smells really good!

real girls are better but porn is cheaper

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.

So much gloom and doom, I wish I had some mushrooms

Is it cheaper than civilizational decay? Cheaper than the negative effects on both woman and man (not to mention child) a it becomes a more and more popular crutch? You're both "damned" if you spend and damned if you don't. I put damned in quotes, because in reality, providing is just part of being a man.

Sexual relationships with other people are far more damaging to - and consuming of - a person's life than porn will ever be.
And with sexual relationships, there is also the high risk of being lured down the path of breeding which literally destroys your life. In almost every way you're killed off and replaced with a new person - a broken slave to child rearing who just happens to have your body and some of your memories.

Yes that's very true, and important to mention. There's a right way, and a wrong way to pursue sex. We're being sold juvenile lies of "consequence free" sex, and hedonistic promiscuity.


Like that?

Pffft . As if you could condense it into just one social-media hashtag... It's becoming a part of almost everything. Sexual conduct of all sorts has sold as consequence free, when It isn't. 1, 2, 3, 4.

You really think idiots on 4chan and a comic that could frankly apply to any time period is some sort of source that proves sex is killing society?

Like seriously STDs and unwanted pregnancy are all things considered pretty low right now compared to the history of humankind. If anything people are more aware of consequences to sex than they’ve ever been.

You really think idiots on 4chan and a comic that could frankly apply to any time period is some sort of source that proves sex is killing society?

Implying that a screencap is my entire argument or evidence in support of it. Characterizations aren't an argument my friend. Some amount of sexual degeneracy has always existed on a continuum, and your historical relativism here hints I believe, at your intellectual dishonesty. Sexuality can, has, and does obviously destabilize. Sex also can bond, couples, and afford offspring with a stable relationship between the mother and father. The devil's in the details on just how much is too much. The ways it destabilizes this are by no means limited to what you just described. STDs and unwanted pregnancies are definitely not the only metrics by which to judge the harmful effects of hypersexualization. That's precisely a part of the myriad of lies that are being sold to men, women, and now young children.

Again you use 4chan and now a fringe sexist on YouTube to support your claims. Can you prove to me that those sexual and familial bonds no longer exist and no longer have importance? And if sexualization of that nature was really something that could tear down society then how have countries and societies existed for much longer than Greek society despite having legendary periods of sexual debauchery that massively out sex modern America (say Georgian England)?

Again you use 4chan and now a fringe sexist on YouTube to support your claims.

These Ideas aren't fringe, neither is a channel w/400k subscribers.

Can't tell if you're legit, because at this point you just sound like a bad-faith actor, concern trolling. You seem have no understanding what a source is, or when where it's utility comes into play. Characterizations, once again, aren't an argument. Appeal to bodies to that extent comes across as in keeping with the bad-faith concern troll shtick...

Can you prove to me that those sexual and familial bonds no longer exist and no longer have importance?

That's not the argument that was made. Rampant sexual degeneracy in a nation erodes the nuclear family, with the potential to severely damage that nation. It's the patriarchal societies, that enforced monogamy, which have lasted most stably across time. It's biologically proven that we're a monogamous species.

On polygamy:




"The anthropologically peculiar institutions of imposed monogamous marriage may be one of the foundations of Western civilisation, and may explain why democratic ideals and notions of human rights first emerged as a Western phenomenon."

On 'enforced monogamy':






The anthropological record indicates that approximately 85 per cent of human societies have permitted men to have more than one wife (polygynous marriage), and both empirical and evolutionary considerations suggest that large absolute differences in wealth should favour more polygynous marriages. Yet, monogamous marriage has spread across Europe, and more recently across the globe, even as absolute wealth differences have expanded. Here, we develop and explore the hypothesis that the norms and institutions that compose the modern package of monogamous marriage have been favoured by cultural evolution because of their group-beneficial effects—promoting success in inter-group competition. In suppressing intrasexual competition and reducing the size of the pool of unmarried men, ***normative monogamy reduces crime rates, including rape, murder, assault, robbery and fraud,*** as well as decreasing personal abuses. By assuaging the competition for younger brides, normative monogamy decreases (i) the spousal age gap, (ii) fertility, and (iii) ***gender inequality***. By shifting male efforts from seeking wives to paternal investment, normative monogamy ***increases savings, child investment and economic productivity.*** By increasing the relatedness within households, normative monogamy ***reduces intra-household conflict, leading to lower rates of child neglect, abuse, accidental death and homicide.*** These predictions are tested using converging lines of evidence from across the human sciences.

if sexualization of that nature was really something that could tear down society then how have countries and societies existed for much longer than Greek society despite having legendary periods of sexual debauchery that massively out sex modern America (say Georgian England)?

Whatever it was that happened then in England, they paid some kind of price I'm sure. Sadly though, thus far your manifest lack of ability to see any negative consequences beyond "STD's" and "unwanted pregnancy" place some serious doubts in my head that you'd even have been able to see them. I could dig and post much on the topic, but suffice it to say that anti-natal societies eventually die off.

Why even bother? It's obvious he has a crusade against sex and is sexist and will use psuedo science to back up any claims he makes. He, like many others incels, will blame women's rights and sexual promiscuity on the fall of civilization. Men have been doing it since the beginning of civilized society. It's the same reason why Eve is the one that eats the Apple in the Bible, men want to repress women so they can feel better about themselves.

More bad-faith engagement?

/u/ValiantAbyss "Tue Oct 9 15:38:55 2018 UTC"

Have you anything to say at all about the comment I made 10hrs before yours, on "Tue Oct 9 04:44:25 2018 UTC" , or is it that you're you ignoring it intentionally?

Perhaps you too can chime in /u/Chimetalhead92? Got anything to say?

blame women's rights and sexual promiscuity on the fall of civilization.

That's not my argument. I would suggest actually going through what was contained within what I'd linked. Men are just as much to blame as women. Women are only to blame in part. The nuclear family, made up of father, mother, and child, are the smallest viable human unit, and their protection has been an absolutely foundational bedstone of western civilization.

There are only so many viable interpretations on how to live in the world, and biological variables like hormones have a deterministic impact on how we can functionally/stabilly/optimally organize. Since time immemorial, males and females, have teamed-up to fend off difficult environments, both natural, and man-made.

Go ahead and think everyone past/present with ideas like mine are "involuntary celibates", but the eventual cognitive dissonance as you're forced to contend with reality will only do you damage. The masculine forces that built civilization, all thought the same way. It's because of militant ideological SJWs like you, that society has become too effeminate. Unlike you, traditionalists such as me are trying to make men men, and not effeminate cucks.

I've talked with enough ideologues similar to you two, to know what it is you want. The emasculation of the majority of men (save for a paradoxically, very select few), the masculinization of females, and the masculinization of the state.

Little do you know how negatively these radical feminist theories, and far-left ideologies end for the women themselves, not to mention children.

Its even worse when the person you’ve breed with is even more useless than you are. You love your kids but your life will be forever changed. You lose yourself to it completely and are mentally, physically drained of everything and it must be given to the child. Never mind if you’re sick, tired, depressed, or anything. You will have nothing any longer and even a moment of peace will be impossible to find.

I lay in bed after my child finally sleeps sometimes knowing within a few short hours I will be back at work at the behest of the corporation only to be at the behest of his mother and him when I leave here. There will never be focus again and ambition will be nearly impossible to manage. You will never find a moment. Even when you get away and they travel for 7 days it will be 7 days of you counting down to the lose of yourself again.

Just fucking watch porn.

Your parents sound wonderful.

which literally destroys your life. In almost every way, you're killed off and replaced with a new person

You get killed off either way. Might as well replicate your genes first.

Sexual relationships with other people are far more damaging to - and consuming of - a person's life than porn will ever be.

Especially seeing how in certain states the act of having sex is by default a criminal activity except for the grace of not being accused.

California's "Yes means yes" law means that a woman must answer in the affirmative to every step in the sexual encounter from initial touching to undressing to skin on skin contact to the act itself. That's not the way the sexual encounter works. You start demanding your date answer "Yes" to asking her permission for every step in the process and she's quickly going to lose the mood. But, that's academic because the only way the law can be enforced is to assume guilt since it's dependent upon the word of the accuser testifying that the sexual aggressor didn't ask for permission to unbutton the 5th shirt button after having asked for buttons 1 through 4. And because no guy is going to ask for an affirmative answer in a game of 20 questions the act of having sex is by default criminal except for the grace of your date not filing a police report.

It also demands that if alcohol is involved then the woman cannot consent to sex even if she's begging for it. Blowing as little as a 0.08 BAC renders your date, somehow, completely incapable of consenting even while she tears your cloths off begging you to have sex with her. Been there, taking the 5th.

I'm sad the red pill sub has been quarantined. People should really educate themselves on the dangers of the sexual marketplace.

Ask anyone that’s bad kids what the best thing to ever happen to them was and I’ll venture to say at least 90% of them will say their kids.

You have been downvoted a lot. You spoke the truth too directly. For most people, getting married, having kids, and settling down is the default path. For those who want it, great. For the rest, it is important to realize that a free (and full of freedom) alternative exists as well. /r/mgtow

No hookers in my town sadly

Uh well I was talking about dates and stuff but hookers too yeah

*that you know

It says video blocked on copyright grounds

I didn't know figured it was shadow banned, not straight up gone as I can see it.

Yeah it says it had content from SME, so I assume it had copyright music although I'm not too familiar with YouTube's copyright policies.

Now I need to watch this, what country is it not banned in? Gotta vpn it now.

What country is it not banned in? Now I gotta watch this.

I put it private now I don't wanna get in trouble.

ABC inc have deemed the content of that video unsuitable.


You're right. Our grandfathers had much cooler hobbies, like going to war or dying from their manufacturing jobs.

If you can't see the collapse, you might be in the wrong sub.

Men are girls, girls are boys, all are weak. Emotions, feelings, shattered by words.... Spells?

100 years ago if even a fraction of the shit happening today were to happen, there would be a revolt.

Man, woman, would be fighting for a better world, and by fighting I don't mean breaking down and having hysterical hissy fits....

We, society.... Humanity? Have become docile and weak.....

Refuse the absurd or embrace the decline.... It's up to us to hang the fuck up on this scam.

So what would you suggest be changed?

End war, end poverty, end the lies, end drugs(fact govern-mentus floods it's own walls with em), end human trafficking, abandon the concept of ownership and move into our actual roles as custodians apon this planet...

Here are the solutions, read these posts, print them by the thousand and spread them everywhere.




https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9ews06/know_that_everything_that_we_do_this_very_day/ ----

"Know that everything that we do this very day will either be lost to history completely, or studied for generations to come, and that the choice is up to us.

This is all a game, folks; and you are all the players that matter. History is being written while the masses sleep. History is written by the few, not the many. And history is written by the victors. If you aren't one of those with liberty, it is because you or your forbearers were on the losing side at some point, and that dynamic tension is yet to be resolved."

Oh, is that all?


You were basically asked: How do we create a better world? And you answered with: Let's create a better world.

Riveting stuff.

Well first people need to realise that their saviour is not coming from the billionaire class. It’s insane how many seem to understand the things wrong with the world or at least some of them, and yet fell for the Trump con and are becoming worse and worse because of it, more hateful and brainwashed than ever, giving up their own agency and understanding willingly to their oppressors while turning fiercely on their fellow man. It’s astonishing and very sad. The sooner people come together against the sociopathic self proclaimed leaders, the money men, the better chance we all have. No one is trying to bridge divides and everyone’s allowing themselves to be torn apart by so called ‘elites’ who are laughing all the way to the bank and along the short path to autocracy.

Well first people need to realise that their saviour is not coming from the billionaire class.

Even more than this people need to realize that there will not be a savior. Waiting for a savior is just an excuse for laziness. People need to be the savior themselves.

Give the guy a break. Jesus Christ.


He's clearly slow.

Lol none of this is going to happen and every "problem" you listed is only going to intensify in nature.

Wow, fantastic posts. Thanks for replying with these.

Much love to you and yours my friend :)

One day this world will be ours.

I highly suggest printing these posts by the thousands and littering them throughout the streets.

We just need people to start paying attention.

Every post by u/PieceOfChance is well worth a read too, so check him out, he's got loads of content, it's all uplifting too.

Thanks for the recommendation 👍

Looking forward to checking it out

Refuse the absurd or embrace the decline.... It's up to us to hang the fuck up on this scam.

The sockpuppets are embracing the decline, as evidenced by the fact that they brigade posts that oppose censorship, oligarchy, and the decimation of the American standard of living. Apparently, they believe that they will benefit once democracy has been completely subverted. I wonder why that is.

No one thinks they are part of subverting democracy, there are roughly two camps currently, both of which feel they’re standing up for democracy but both of which are, by virtue of fighting each other and supporting their own flavor of oligarch, hastening the collapse of democracy.

No one thinks they are part of subverting democracy, there are roughly two camps currently, both of which feel they’re standing up for democracy but both of which are, by virtue of fighting each other and supporting their own flavor of oligarch, hastening the collapse of democracy.

Except that I've seen non-partisan posts about campaign finance and the consolidation of media ownership blatantly brigaded. Who might want the MSM to be propaganda and the will of the people to be circumvented by legalized bribery?

Grow up, join the real world, and pull your head out of the sand. This rhetoric is exactly why people do drastic things, such as elect an orange buffoon.

The world has never been better than it is right now. Poverty has never been lower. Education rates are increasing. Death from violent crime is going down.

Look at the life expectancy of any country today, and then look at it from 100 years ago.

such as elect an orange buffoon

Politics is theater, misleaders are selected, not elected.

The world has never been better than it is right now. Poverty has never been lower. Education rates are increasing. Death from violent crime is going down

Half the population is starving and without clean water. Schools purpose is to turn you into an obedient useless eater. Death from violent crimes down? I would consider war a violemt crime against humanity, and just in the past 100 years they've figured out how to kill billions with the push of a button.

Look at the life expectancy of any country today, and then look at it from 100 years ago.

Look at any statistic that you feel indicates progress, and I almost guarantee you that it will have improved over the past 100 years

history shows royalty and nobility never had a problem living into their 80's - 90's, before vaccines too.

Point is, nothing has changed in the past 5000 years... Atleast.

Why don't we come together and fix all the problems, instead of just laying down and thanking the masters of puppets?

Because 99% of humans have low intelligence and need people to lead them.

This is what happens when you are too ignorant to actually look at history. Are things perfect no of course not but to even pretend things are as bad as they used to be is fucking childish. Yeah all that is talked about and shown in media are the bad things because that's what makes headlines. But even with the wars going on now it's nothing compared to the past. Look up the Mongols if you want to see some real war crimes.

Politics have always been theater that is nothing new.

And don't be a dope life expectancy was much lower because there were so many infant deaths back in the day not because most people died at 50. And of course the rich would live a bit long then like they do now they can afford the newest and best treatments and didn't have to worry about malnutrition. They didn't have to live in cramped dirty conditions in dense cities where sickness can easily be passed between people.

Why don't we come together to fix the problems? Because people need to worry about what affects them and their families. Starving kids in Africa is sad but I'm worried about feeding my own kids. People dying from disease over there doesn't matter to the people worried about wildfires over here.

Then of course there is the fact that people come from a shit load of different backgrounds and groups. Honestly the only way things can happen like you want is complete globalization.

100yrs ago so ~1920. Hate to tell ya but yes there were gay people and trannies running around back then. Roaring 20s, Berlin, Paris etc. etc.


Nowadays its a hobby of people's to defend the american oligarchys ability to underpay, overwork, and dodge taxes in the meantime. Back then youd actually get shot in the street and have dogs sicked on you for those issues!


But we're zombies now. So maybe it's not a binary question, here. Maybe it's not just industrial age hardships vs modern hypnosis. The future is unfolding in front of you moment by moment and you have some say in how it unfolds. Maybe you'd rather be zombified than live a hundred years ago, but I'd choose neither. - sent from my iPhone

Don't you think most people historically (including myself btw) have been unconscious "zombies"? To me what you're talking about sounds like some religious sort of enlightenment to "end our suffering" as human beings.

Zombies to biology, sure. But now we're zombies to corporate masters in a different way.

Funny. And I agree with you, but what does one do? I feel like it would take an exceptionally amount of fortitude to break apart from modern society essentially, which I don't possess unfortunately. Living in a self-imposed velvet-lined cage and unable to produce a plan for escape or the courage to enact it.

you can literally like write a book or make music or art or something if you actually had drive and ambition.

Who do you hang out with that you think we are all zombies? It's no one else's fault if you're not engaging with life right?

do you think everyone in greece was socrates or like medieval peasants were wild, bohemian free thinkers wtf.

no they were almost all drinking and fucking and trying to eek out what enjoyment they could from life before an inevitable, miserable end.

fun fact: a cool fun game that people in the middle ages liked to pass the time with was anchoring a pole in the mud, tying a live cat to it with robe, then trying to bash it to death with only their forehead. if only we didn't have netflix we could live like them and play cool games where we win if we don't lose an eye.

same thing today except we're lucky enough to have surfeit of choice in how to spend our time and live in democracies which while not perfect offer way more protection for the average joe than some feudal or imperial system

This game you described: not a fun fact, sir. But still passing it along to r/FunFacts, as that is messed up.

Is this the humble origins of tetherball?

Medieval people could be pretty godawful to cats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat-burning

I read about the game I described like a decade ago in college. It always stuck with me, but I can't remember the exact textbook. A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman, maybe?

I'd get a source for his "fact" first.

Best comment. Although our grandparents could freely hate other races, religions and homosexuality.


Damn this dystopian tolerance of others.

The only intellectually honest people spouting this view claim we need to return to our tribal condition before civilization and agriculture begun.

But that shit could be fixed with the right leaders and the right mindset. Our capitalist system too greatly rewards short term profits at the expense of the general health of the society, which means that any forward progress has to occur as a reaction to an unforeseen event or new technology

Half of all depression is mindset

It's hard to get people on board when there are no immediate incentives. The only problem is that most destructive issues don't create perceptible discomfort until they reach a tipping point, a frog in warming water. Except, the frog breeds, so the generations become complacent thinking their parents didn't jump out of the pot, so why should they.

Anarcho primitivism ftw

Gardening helps me. My fantasies involving going off the grid are increasing in frequency. Gardening calms me down. Creature comforts aren't so bad.

We’re still fighting wars and working shitty jobs

Hence the real reason for the distractions and divisiveness now. The Freemasons motto is Order From Chaos. The elite make loads of money from those wars. They don't want the sheep putting down their playstation controllers and stopping looking at porn. If the sheep did that they would take money from the elite and we can't have that. Look at who is really behind ISIS and Al-Qaeda and you start to see how it all works.



No draft at least

Because they fell for the propaganda and false flags hook line and sinker. Just watch war movies from 1930s-1960s...patriotic troops singing every hour.

You think people don't still die from war or stress from working 12 hrs a day?

Bread and games keep Rome tame. Its not the west its also out in asia. I'd argue its worse in other places.

Its a lot. Offering food water and safety is not insignificant. Can govt also offer spiritual fulfillment? some things must be left to the individual

Actually it is a great time to be alive, you can do all the things you mentioned above, or you do not. It is all up to you. A lot of Jobs offer everything you need to live, if you do not aim for a expensive luxury car or whatnot. Life is as bad as you make it for yourself. Plus a lot of entertainment is not mindless at all but highly thoughtful and/or pure works of art.

Art is for lily, limp-wristed lefties.

Woooaah. Look at my thoughtful art. Do you feel it maaaaaannn?

What do you do instead?

Make sarcastic comments on Reddit. :/

Awwwww 😔

Lmfao this Comment is art

Do you feel it man?

People would upvote them if they were funny

It's a callback to the opening theme of the Jimmy Dore show. Considering how bad the writing has been since summer began, I'm not surprised my material based off the show falls flat too. And how did 36 lefties not notice the reference?

I dunno. Hippy impressions ("maaaan") are pretty hack dont you think

Wrong, collectively human life is still hell for the many...

Poverty, war, human trafficking, and the slow poisoning of our bodys, minds and souls through big pharma, big agro, big oil, etc.

Free ranged slaves, many proud to wear the collar and the leash, not realizing they are being poisoned to all fuck everyday...

You may not care about the world, but that doesn't fix all the problems...

maybe in a shithole like russia or something, but in the US we have plenty of leisure time. The psychic/emotional pain comes from having less than the people around you. Which in comparison to having less then you need to live is not bad at all

I'm not sure where you live and I do not mean to suggest you live a "privileged" life; but, there are plenty of places in the US that look like a "shithole" country. I'm no communist, but to say that some people aren't struggling in America with poverty, pollution/unsafe infrastructure to deal with polution, little opportunity (this is mostly due to the range of education in America) is rather shortsighted, no?

That is NOT to say life here sucks, there's a lot of opportunity compared to worse off countries like those south of our border. You make a really excellent point about how comparing others to your situation will lead to psychological pain.

I guess the point is, a lot here is amazing, but we as a nation have to eventually address issues like big pharma over prescribing medication, big manufacturing/oil polluting our country, and the disparage in education opportunities across the country.

I'm not sure where you live and I do not mean to suggest you live a "privileged" life; but, there are plenty of places in the US that look like a "shithole" country. I'm no communist, but to say that some people aren't struggling in America with poverty, pollution/unsafe infrastructure to deal with polution, little opportunity (this is mostly due to the range of education in America) is rather shortsighted, no?

I wouldnt argue with that. Especially knowing that things HAVE been better and we have kinda regressed

Just a little perspective can really change how you feel about a situation. Could be better, could be worse. But at least you dont feel hopeless if you things can get better

And yet, people come to the US every year from shithole countries and are able to do well for themselves. Poverty is a choice here

Unless people live in a hood it's really easy to believe they only exist in big cities and that poverty isn't a real problem.

I'm embarrassed to say that until I moved to East St Paul I genuinely thought Minnesota didn't have a bad part of town.

I am so on board with what you wrote. What we're all doing right here is absolutely a privilege. People who can't feed themselves don't give a sh*t about the ennui of America. Their focus gets put on the bare necessities required to survive. No amount of positive thinking fills an empty stomach.

I think our pain comes more from what we lack in relationships than it does from what we lack in stuff.

For sure, unless you are lacking drinking water

Dude, Russia isn't a shithole, they have tons of money, there are more Mercedes and BMW's there than anywhere. Theres also more billionaires there than anywhere else in the world. Don't believe the MSM that much russia is bad and shit.

and they don't have ghettos like they do in America

Fucking what mate???? While Russia has some crazy rich people and cities. A ton of the population is poor as fuck, like they would love to live the back country roads life of a redneck trailer American. Many live in what could barely be called a shack, in small villages that still use sustenance farming to live.

More billionaires isnt a good thing lol

Maybe I should have said Russia isnt a shithole if youre a billionaire, but that goes for literally everywhere. If you are a normal person who isnt putins best friend, Russia is a shithole. State news might tell you otherwise, but we're all smarter than to listen to that

maybe in a shithole like russia or something

As someone who's been in Russia (Abaza , Novosibirsk and surrounding areas)

And as someone who's been in the USA (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and surround areas)

I will say this, I was pleasantly surprised by Russia Not perfect, specially not the lower income areas.

I was utterly shocked by the contrast between the rich and poor in the US. Like, where is the middle class?

I laugh when I hear this slow poisoning comment over and over again. So you'd rather have a life expectancy of age 40 instead of being "slow poisoned" till the age of 75? Life is what you make of it, and by every reasonable measure it is a hell of a lot better now than it was 100 years ago before the "elites" took over.

The "elites" have been ruling since our given set of lies agreed apon, so roughly 5000 years.

I laugh when I hear this slow poisoning comment over and over again. So you'd rather have a life expectancy of age 40 instead of being "slow poisoned" till the age of 75?

google "the house of farnese"

They were black nobility, and were responsible for the creation of the roman catholic military regiment, known as the jesuits.

Look at their lineage on wikipedia, and note the lifespan.

This 40 year lifespan without chemical cocktails you suggest, is fucking retarded, try harder.

Look at their lineage on wikipedia, and note the lifespan.

You realize that you are talking about the lifespans of the wealthiest individuals with access to the best medical care in the world, right?

Ofcourse, back when the best medical care wasn't vaccines, or other chemical soups.

Point is, today, we are poisoned as fuck yo.

So you'd rather have a life expectancy of age 40 instead of being "slow poisoned" till the age of 75?

This is a common misconception. Average lifespan was about 40 years because of high death rates for children, especially newborns. If you made it to adulthood, you'd have a pretty good shot at living to be an old man. (Which isn't to say that lifespans haven't gotten better overall as well, even among those who live into adulthood. It's just not as dramatic as is suggested.)

Ya, surprisingly something like 90% (made up figure) of anime is very deep and thoughtful. At least compared to its American counterparts which are used to dumb people down.

you forgot your /s

No I didn't. Anime is fucking dope. Anyone disagreeing or downvoting hasn't watched anime or only seen bad examples.

Most anime is as deep as a soap opera. A convoluted story doesn't make something deep. Neather do the same tired tropes.

I guess only purposely picking the good animes have skewed my % of good animes.

So you only watch anime other people say are good? Someone needs to think for themselves. /s

Seriously though most anime is fucking garbage i mean how many are there out now about a nerd getting pulled into an mmorpg? Or is just the same DBZ formula of fight baddy barely win, train hard, fight stronger baddy barely win, rinse repeat? Hell most main characters are the same kinda person just tweaked a bit.

Shit I love Naruto started watching it when the 12th episode dropped in Japan but deep? No not really. The tragic Itachi and Naruto story lines aren't deep but they pull on your heartstrings so you feel that they are deep.

Also don't forget about that huge segment of anime called hentai. The deepest thing about those are how far the tentacles get inside the slutty nuns they chased though the forest.

Hentai =/= anime. That's like calling any cartoon porn, 'corn'.

You must not have seen or heard of good animes then, I feel bad for you.

Death Note Basilisk Samurai Champloo Attack on Titan Akira One Piece Spirited Away (anything Miyazaki, really) Ghost In The Shell Ninja Scroll Guuren Laagen Yes, Naruto (Shippuden) - but was ruined by the creators for having so many filler episodes.

I don't think one of those fits into the same repeated trope category you're thinking of. Sword Art Online is basically the only one that fits that description, as far as I've seen in all of anime.

This is the attitude I try to keep. Most people lived as serfs and never left their villages. In the US even lower classes can afford a day at the beach or a day at the amusement park. We can access nearly any work of art or culture ever produced to. Life ain't that bad.

Museums are free, people. Free! To see some shit painted in the 18th century

well most museums aren't free all the time. Like first sunday of the month free. Rest of time cost money. At least where i am from. But nitpicking.

if you do not aim for a expensive luxury car or whatnot

That's a big "if" and very few people even see it. All those luxury items wouldn't sell if people didn't want them. Most people do not realise what is good or bad for them and will float through life like dust on the wind.

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. While there are endless opportunities, few people will ever navigate them with any sort of success, fewer still will live with any sort of transcendental virtue, and the result of that is people falling into self destructive ruts and being demonstrably more unhappy than they would have been if temptation and decadence had never been offered to them.

How will people know I'm so much better than them if I don't drive a Tesla and carry a Louis Vitton purse? /s

How should it be instead?

Mindful. I would like to see the return of publicly celebrated colonialism and imperialism. These shithole countries would 100% subjugate us if they had the means. It's ugly to think about if you were raised on Disney and Oscar Meyer, but it's the truth.

How would that fix anything? We need to be focused more on unification and growth as a species and leave all the nationalist bullshit in the past if we ever really want to move forward.

Glad you are here my friend, you have my upvote.

Less cognitive dissonance. More purpose. This is just a hypothesis. I don't think were meant for grazing.

Okay, well how about putting more effort towards exploring new places such as the depths of the oceans and space, and less effort on conquering places where humans already live?

How has colonialism and imperialism helped the human race in the past three thousand years?

Most every invention comes from war.

That right there is what keeps racism alive. The idea that they'd do to us what we did to them, if we give them equality.

Name a people capable of colonialism that haven't used it. I want to be talked out of this idea.

That right there is what keeps racism alive.

Im sure thats not an accident on his part, and Im sure hes doing his best to keep it alive

Lol, okay bud. But did you know throughout most of history you'd be FORCED to work at tasks you had no say in? And then, when you were done, you'd get to do a big heaping pile of NOTHING because you were: Poor as fuck, uneducated, with no opportunities to learn to even read and write, and sometimes forced to fight in some lordlings stupid war and die. At least now you have to be manipulated into doing "nothing" instead of forced.

If they did "nothing" they'd have killed themselves out of boredom and most of us wouldn't be here. (Screwing is actually one of the things they did.)

Obviously people did things. OP is describing how apparently trivial and inane the average Americans existence is, but my point is that if you look at the lives of ancient people's it is even MORE trivial and inane.

Meh. I don't know if it was more trivial and inane in the past. Guess it depends on the individual, though your point about education is what makes it possible for more of us to be less trivial and inane. :)

At least people are allowed to engage in almost whatever tasks/work/activities interest them and give their lives meaning, even if everything we do is meaningless in the grand scheme.

Since meaning and triviality are subjective, I’d say the freedom to choose what “objectively” meaningless bullshit we involve ourselves in is a step up from just living to survive whatever shit is graciously thrown at you eat day.

> unironically calling a job slavery

Dude... Go outside...

Yes, go out and see the ant farm....

Drones and suffering everywhere, tis beautiful existence we have allowed to happen eh.

If youre suffering, I mean really suffering, find some help. Other people wouldnt describe everyday life as suffering. Unless you live in a warzone or puerto rico post hurricane or something


Why is that wrong?

I have a great job w/ good benefits but it's pretty clear most people can't survive without a job that pays you money.

That doesn't make it slavery. You're at the job voluntarily.

Correct. The word is voluntary servitude and it is VERY different from slavery. Even “slave labor” is legally different from straight-up slavery.

To Other People: Jobs often suck horribly bad and make us question our decisions, direction, and value.... but don’t reduce the significance of suffering of actual slaves by comparing your entirely voluntary and relatively cushy gig with their entirely forced, unpaid, inhumane and deadly condition.

"Wage slavery" as a term alluding to a specific employer-employee arrangement has historically always been specifically different than the type of slavery you're talking about.

In fact, etymologically, 'wage slavery' as a term started being used during the days of southern chattel slavery by American writers in the early 1800s.

slave masters spent their own money on providing food and shelter for their slaves.

now your slave masters give you their money and make you provide your own food and shelter.

obviously there are differences between actual slavery and having a job but the concept is the same and that's the point that's going over your head

It’s not going over my head. My point only being that while there are issues with labor and wealth inequality in many first world countries, to call it “slavery” is clearly hyperbole meant to emotionally charge an issue and draw up correlations between two things which are very much not alike.

You can choose to not have a boss. You can choose to not accept a job that doesn’t pay you a fair wage. You can choose how to spend (or save) your wages. Of course, these choices are subject to varying external factors and come with their own consequences. And of course employers exploit people who feel they have no other options. But this is still more manipulation perpetuated by arbitrary and illusory social norms.

But these are complex issues that take more than a reddit comment to dissect and examine.

My point is that “slavery” is an intentionally inflammatory term that characterizes most people’s situations as worse than they truly are.

Furthermore, the illusion of freedom can go well beyond modern concepts of labor and government rule.

Can you CHOOSE not to eat and still survive? Can you CHOOSE to fly? Can you CHOOSE what sex organs you are born with? Can you CHOOSE whether to be sensitive to cold/hot temperatures? Can you choose what materials conduct electricity? What food tastes good to you? Can you CHOOSE to be joyful/sad/jealous/spiteful/etc?

We have very little choice in life. In fact, about the only true act of freedom in all of life is to choose to end it. Everything else you do is governed by rules of physics and biology and most of human history has been a futile attempt at constructing an illusion of choice that ultimately doesn’t exist.

So we’re “slaves” to our emotions, our minds, biology, employers, society, environment, and universe.

You’re living in a prison within a prison within a prison within a prison within a prison.

> now your slave masters give you their money and make you provide your own food and shelter.

Oh... you mean like the things that ACTUAL SLAVES risked (and gave) life and limb to be able to do? Work for a living to own their own property and provide their own food?

I understand there are philosophical and conceptual similarities between slavery and wage slavery, but the real-world implications are very different.

I'm certainly not the "things could be worse so shut up and swallow it" kind of person. There's certainly a lot broken about our system of labor, ownership, currency, etc. But those things can be broken and in need of overhaul/improvement/redesign without them needlessly being correlated with legit slavery.

Bullshit, Whats the alternative?

There are two: notes have the resources you need to live, which is obviously undesirable, or violently extract them from those who do produce them, which is immoral, and also much closer to slavery than voluntarily exchange.

If you people are so worried about slave relationships, then voluntary employment and production of resources should be seen as the only moral solution. Because it is.

It's not voluntary. If I don't work I will slowly starve and lose my house. I cannot live in the woods and grow my own food without prior purchasing land or any other legal means.

Also, you seem unaware of the usage of the term 'wage slavery' and how scholars and academics that use the term always differentiate it between the other type of slavery like being a black man in chains.


work or live on the streets

not much of a choice

Abraham Lincoln and the republican party had opposition to wage slavery on their platform. The idea of renting yourself for a wage and not selling your production thus losing the surplus of your labor is akin to slavery and the wage system evolved directly from it.

^ Imagine being this much of a bootlicker/cuck in 2018


what do i do instead, sit around waiting to die? or, what are you doing besides what you mentioned

gettin money smokin blunts and fuckin bitches niggggaahhh

I still can't not here Lamar from GTA V when i see it spelt like that.

Better get rid of the yee yee ass life nyiigahh

Your username rules

ily 2

Even I am jealous.

Technically she just smells like booze

its from Al Jolson ie black face, the character does a stage step when he says it.

its amusing point that out to in-denial white Americans. who conveniently forget stage blackface performers.

What are they in denial of?

*smokin blunts stretchin cunts

Realize that only our continued attention and submission to the current way of doing things perpetuates it, choosing something we prefer, then doing that.

Realizing there are no differences between us aside from those made up, coming together worldwide while ignoring our respective governments insistence on separation... coming together to do that would be awesome. I'm game :)

lay your big boy games, use your iphone 17, watch your action movies, smoke your fun time drugs, shove fast food into your face, go sleepy rinse repeat. Distract yourself distract yourself distract yourself

Once you realize it is being intentionally done to you, you need to get mad! We as a society should be really mad!!! You need to get out of the house and start doing things with actual other people. Road trips, day trips, actually do things, make things. Grow your own food, cook your own food, take a patch of earth and make it perfect, learn to play music, visit friends. Then start a path of personal freedom (financial, spiritual, health, intellectual, happiness). Set some goals, make it happen! You got this!

We intentionally do it to ourselves.

Producers are more deliberate than consumers.

Once you realize it is being intentionally done to you

You have free will. Vices can only be offered to you, nobody's forcing you to masturbate all day, so stfu


nobody's forcing you to masturbate all day

Bernard Holstein would like a word with you

You need to get out of the house and start doing things with actual other people.

You understand it's possible to do both, don't you? That you can go for hikes and take road trips and tend a garden and read (and write) books, and also to watch silly movies and play games and drink beer and talk about bullshit, right?

This idea that it's some either/or, black or white thing is absurd.

You can bring your phone on a hike too. And smoke some tainted round-up weed and jerk off to pr0n.

Really though, this is all just people trying to find something to be superior.

I've done all the things mentioned, and they don't actually change life. Growing my own food and hiking inbetween lucid dreaming didn't magically give me a feeling I somehow knew the "true" meaning to life.

You can also abuse and be trapped by the things they are saying we should do to be "free." I got way too addicted to lucid dreaming at one point. It made waking life boring as fuck and made me hate that I didn't control the world which just fed me negativity.

No, what? Why, I never! This place is for misanthropic sentiments, ascribing humanity as parasitic dark cavemen and cynical jabs at the "sheeples" and all those other dummies , whichever part of the demographic those belong to.

Get outta hea with your soapboax, hope-rally!


Start fresh today. Just give up.



Refuse the absurd or embrace the decline... Simply hang up on scam.


Learn to lucid dream, be out in nature, connect with people face to face, live a healthier more mindful life which doesnt resign your time and money away to corporations. Not sure why this is so heavily upvoted but I guess people really dont know why they are even here on this planet which sure fucking sucks. Been there not going back.

Yeah, I was discouraged by the upvotes on this too. As if we don't have better things to do!! Evolving our conscious for one. Becoming creators, whether that's art, poetry, a math theorem, what have you. Diving into some of the incredible spiritual literature available at our fingertips thanks to the internet. I always feel like there's waaaay too little time! (Reducing Reddit consumption has helped with that last point, although I try to use it in a more thoughtful way than the average user.)

And apathy, a lot of apathy.

Yep, it's a brave new world out there bud.

speak for yourself

Yeah I remember noticing that at a young age and thinking to myself "is this all there is to life?"

I can't get over the number of adults that have "gaming" as a hobby.

I’ve noticed that more and more actually. I stopped playing video games not long before graduating university. I realized it was such a huge waste of time, and spending a few hours a Day could be spent doing something better like investing in my own human capital. I watch Pluralsight now in my spare time to become a better developer. Games are an opiate to dull the mind, and give you a false sense of accomplishment.

I stopped playing video games around the same time. Now I play them with my kids fairly regularly, but it's an educational experience because I have structured it that way.

Most video games are mind poison, and even the best ones have addictive qualities. Many of them are straight-up murder simulators made by and for cowardly psychopaths.

I treat them like any other hobby - a nice way to pass the time with a different set of problems when I’ve got a spare few hours, kids are in bed and no work to do. I can’t really see how they can dull the mind?

I guess my point is that you can literally gain nothing by playing video games. If that’s what you want to do with your free time then that is your prerogative but I would rather do something that is mode stimulating, and could actually benefit my life in some way. Video games to me are a dead end, like I said, they give you this feeling of accomplishment without actually accomplishing anything and I think in that way they dull the mind.

Totally see your point - I play them to be “less stimulated” if that makes sense? They are totally dead end and completing one won’t make a difference to any aspect of my life (other than nostalgia/memories which can be positive?).

Yea don’t get me wrong I still play board games with friends every so often I just think the people that are playing them for 6 hours every day need to realize that that’s just going to keep them stuck where they are (much like I was when played that much) but I broke free of that. I think the most I would play is probably an hour, then I just get bored of doing the same thing. I would much rather have all that energy, of the mostly young males, he channeled into something better for their own lives.

Imagine if all the guys that play video games now instead picked up another hobby, how much creative energy could be unleashed onto the world.

Your problem if you play mainstream cashgrab corporate bullshit. Video games are like any other art. Dull and stupid or deep and meaningful.

Despite growing up with an Atari and the first nintendo...I never really got into "gaming." yeah, I did some goldeneye tournies in college, but really lost interest after that. Nowadays, I might fire up Rome Total War or some strategy-based game now and then, but I simply do now understand how grown adults can waste days at a time punching buttons.

im 34, video games have been in my life since single digit age. I still play video games now, but have a hard time relating to people my age who consider gaming a hobby. i can only play maybe an hour or two a few times a month before getting extremely bored

I've got into arguments in real life with people because I said it wasn't a hobby. Couldn't change their minds of course, I was just being a cunt.

They don’t even let you hit the quarterback anymore

Can we still smear the queer?

Damn I remember that game back when I was a young buck.

haha this is the best response

Literally neutered the game

Dont know how the game survives tbh, it IS very violent and humans HAVE gotten bigger and faster.

I think we should build androids to play it. Human bodies cant do it. Its very similar to ancient war, with two lines of full size humans colliding full speed

Hey everyone get a look at this fucking Mary ova hea

When people start breaking necks on the regular something will have to happen

you are talking about Rugby.

Eh, not really. There has been an offensive explosion so far this season. More points, more passing yards = more exciting game.

Bread and circuses. V2.13

Too soon, man.

You clearly didn't watch DeShawn Watson get eaten Alice by the cowboys D-lime last night.

They give us what we want, not what we need.

What is needed?

My initial thought is food, water, safety

There is more to life, but what you need is food water and safety

They'd love to take it away and gouge you for it though

I definitely could have worded it better. They don't give us anything. By, "what we need" I meant connections, truly meaningful connections. People, love, friendships, the tribal urges that we all have and find difficult to find any more. It might just be me, or how obviously insane I am at this point, but without that tribal connection we're nothing. I am nothing.

Youre right, but you are alive :)

But not much of a life without those things. Sounds like you read Junger's Tribe?

I haven't, but I will.

Youll love it and immediately understand it.

Thank you so much for telling me about it.

Pixar has the right of it.



You are what you become.

Yes I have noticed this. Also we are not even watching entertainment together anymore, each person has their own screen.

You've hit a great point.

Just today I've had a drink with an old friend whom I've kinda lost contact with.

15 minutes is all it took to get "in sync" again.

We used to go to movies, play games or watch them together on video. Well, it's been more than 10 years ago, we all have kids and jobs now, too.

But it's like now it's "every man for himself" time. Even in one own's household.

it's sad. I remember when in the evening the family all watched tv together, and talked and laughed about the show. Now most everyone is in their own space looking at their own screen watching whatever they want, alone.

Says the guy on reddit, the center of mindless entertainment.

There are just as many chances to learn things on reddit as there is mindless entertainment

Then why are you on r/conspiracy

There are just as many chances to learn things

Conspiracies are mostly false

Cool, thanks for the tip. You can go back to your videogames now.

Yeah at least I don’t treat what I’m doing an intellectual activity

I don't, but clearly you can't envision using reddit for anything except 'mindless entertainment'

Our politicians are celebrities

Our scientist are celebrities (musk, Neil, jobs)

Nothing is organic. Everything is controlled

Jobs is dead as fuck dude.

And Musk is not a scientist.

Jobs was also a psycho cunt.

You're just ruining my positive vibes and my chi bro. Fuck you i can cure cancer with fruit juice

Scientists are definitely not celebrities. Aint nobody reading their research papers on TMZ okay. Only a very small handful of "scientists" are in pop culture, so small that you can count the number on one hand. Musk, Neil, Bill, and Carl. All the other millions of scientists out there doing real science are unknown

As compared to what? What shithole country do you live in? What is so great and enjoyable in your life?

So what do we do?

thats exactly what everyone had been working towards for hundreds of years. Peace and the ability to do whatever you want with your mind and your imagination. The ability to express yourself however you please, sure there's consequences but there very visible consequences that can be avoided if your paying attention. people have wanted weed legal for ages, people have wanted fast food for ages, people have wanted to see the books they read come to life and people wanted to come back from there job and relax with there significant other. Life has never been calmer or easier for most people I'm poor as fuck and I still get to enjoy most these things so I'd say we're doing pretty good.

Exactly. These “problems” are a consequence of free-ish markets, capitalism, and human nature at work. People consume entertainment and fast food because they want to, not because of some insidious conspiracy to dumb us down. People work wage slave jobs because they want the money to consume things they like. No employer is hiring to trap you in wage slavery, they hire because they think hiring will make them more money. Again, this is all just markets and human nature at work.

I would say me personally work a Job in order to eat and survive not buy pointless shit. So there's not really a choice, work and survive or not work and die. Employers, corporations know this and most definitely take advantage of it in any way they can.

Just feels like there isn't a way out either.

Most of that is optional. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Thank you, PutinLikesPenis, very inspirational.

Just another gear in the machine... I make myself feel better by replacing movies with documentaries, the Internet and books. (in that order). I find that learning is really satisfying. Learn about anything you want. You don't need to be a pro in it.

But yeah, I hate this machine and dream of a universal basic income where I can choose to what I do for extra income. I think people would be more pleasant if they didn't have to worry about their next meal or a shelter. We need more robots though. Which we can definitely do if we let go of our jobs at the same time.

Perhaps, if a company decides to automate its factory the workers need to be put on a sort of pension fund the government takes care of. This fund gets funded by the companies who have a higher percentage of robots than men.

I dunno, I think robots are our only way out from all these meaningless jobs that just grind you away doing well, nothing.

If the title of this post caught your attention, you may be interested in the movie 'Idiocracy'

Iphone 17? holy shit this mans living in 3018

And "it's the best iPhone we ever made!", too.

Bread and circuses. Bread and circuses.

Entertainment is degeneracy.

I don't see a problem. Perhaps if one were introduced that lifestyle wouldn't be possible.

The Distracted Globe

Yep. Try and talk real history or philosophy and you are a "wingnut", a "crackpot," or "creepy."


There are still some folks who are wise to whats going on. I have found a few like-minded brethren in local taverns the old fashioned way

Did you start a militia

Nope. Just get drunk and wax philosophical on who is srewing us

Pretty much

Not on Reddit tho - u get banned


I don't know man? I know I spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying stuff that is not connected to a power outlet. Maybe you need to get outside?

Actually the entertainment seems less mindless then before. TV is better, and so are the video games.

I spent the weekend drinking downtown with friends, then participating in an obstacle race with a couple of friends and thousands of friendly strangers. Pretty decent life tbh

Wait, what should I have been doing

How about the "East"?

In the East you are a slave to the state and you can only do what the state does.

Life is what you make it. At least in the West I have a choice.

What? I'm from Eastern Europe and am definitely not a slave to the state. More like living in prolong state of anarchy and decay. I can do fuck all things I want, there's no censorship, but no sense of false security, neither.

We're all here former communist countries and pretty red pulled on communism. A bit of new generation that doesn't remember recent history is attracted to it, but that's just a small percentage.

Corruption rules, and not even wrapped in civilized package as in west. Just there, out in the open, for one to see and choose if one wants or rejects.

Basically freedom from all shackles of the so called civilized society, be it left or right.

Pretty much spot on. Wondering what the ultimate intent of this kind of life is.

Every civilization that has fallen has become consumed with entertainment prior.

All of those things sound really fun. Eating healthy is key to maintaining the optimal mindless entertainment. Maybe we could work less hours too, pretty please?

Definitely lost interest in winning virtual medals... Will try eating healthier, thanks for the tip.

Dear redditors:

Nobody is going to give your life meaning. It is your responsibility to create it.

Nihilism is an option, of course. So is hedonism.

These things are real, though. Glory, grace, honor, beauty, integrity, honesty, valor, bravery. They actually exist.

You can have these things, if you want. But you don't. You'd rather dick around on reddit and whine about how meaningless everything is, and how rich people are fucking you, and how the government is fucking you.

That's the point, man... bread and circuses... with a lil fluoride, and tons of sugar, sprinkled op top. We've become a docile, overweight nation that's doesn't even care about its own kids dying or.being molested.

As Carlin said, it's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it!

We may be too far gone... bring on the floods, I say!

Yea, I hate to say it but it's true that a great calamity may be the answer.

I agree with you, but please start thinking bigger, this problem is world wide.

Definitely bread and circus, oh, you suddenly care about others? Well you just ate this cute pig and cow you piece of shit, fall back in line. And we do, most docile people in history.

If we were all bored we'd have time to overthrow the regime in control of the world.

Entertainment is the key to enslaving the masses.

Ever notice that the Time Warner Cable logo is literally an eye being hypnotized?

Rome used gladiators, we use the NFL.

We're not yet adapted on a large evolutionary scale to live like this. Its why we're sick, fat and mentally unhealthy. Go outside...find the sun...and forget the phone while you're at it.

And don't forget to post pictures to facebook and Instagram.

I don't know man I don't really see it like that that much, all my friends go to their wage slave jobs then come home and spend time with their families, weekends consist of doing things like fairs and apple/pumpkin picking right now (new England), finish with sunday football and maybe mix in some internet during down time before bed or where ever else

Ya it's about the weapons of mass distraction...any shiny screen to keep the average person occupied till they have to repeat their pointless schedule...imo I think it's because we have structured a society to be based around "fake it till u make it" so much that people dont realize their lives are pointless cycles...all because if ur not working then something must be wrong...fake it till u make it...so much so that people cant even do basic jobs anymore because news flash NOBODY GIVES A FUCK...paycheck is a paycheck regardless of where it comes from...and most people just need money for basic shit

Once people have a smartphone, tv and media streaming services and a place to sleep every night, nobody fucking cares.

Pretty much. This is why it’s so easy to push socialism/communism, the youth is brain dead and has no desire to pursue anything worth while

Are you familiar with the NPC meme?

Get a fuckin hobby bro and don't attempt to speak for everyone else

Aw did I insult your meaningless existence?

Maybe OP has a great life and is merely generalizing people. I don't know why everyone assumes he's talking about himself

Y’all are just mad at yourselves for having a boring life. My life is awesome.

Life is definitely 90% monotony, 10% actual pleasure

Yeah but now we’re not hunting and constantly being aware for the sake of our own survival, we are constantly bored creatures

Entertainment is fine, provided we have taken care of our responsibilities. We know we haven't, so we chide others for having fun. Fix the loose ends first and we won't think fun is evil.

What I don't like is people who make entertainment their entire identity. I don't mean programmers writing code or drawing characters for a game. I mean shit like "gamers" and "geek" culture. I've liked games since a child but it was never an identity. And that to be a part of it you need to basically spend all your life gaming to keep up with it all. I think it's a good distraction from things going. But at least theres some good aspects like Hideo Kojima's warnings in MGS2.

Yeah it's like any distraction. If you occasionally do it for entertainment then whatever. If it becomes the center of your existence then you are fucking up.

What mgs2 warnings are you referencing ? It’s been years since I beat it.

I posted it in another comment but it was about creating context. It was ahead of its time by about 10 years.

You're saying being passionate about something is bad so you should just be a mindless zombie waiting for the next fad like everyone else?

I think you've misinterpreted what I've said. There's nothing wrong with being passionate about a hobby.

mines mainly consists of drinking tea, smoking roll ups and playing guitar. i couldn't be happier

When Rome burned, they had festivals and events.

Yup. Whatever.

They best things the powers that be did to seal our fate was turn us into consumers from creators. Now we just consume without creating much of anything ourselves.

Everything that's "cool" and "progressive" is individual or collective suicide. They want to build dependence and as you sleep they dig your grave.

In the US, the rise of TV and, later, the Internet to diaplace books as mainstream media has caused a fundamental shift in culture, centering it on emotional reactions rather than critical thought. The book Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman is dedicated to proving this in great detail. I've felt the effects myself: I've all but stopped reading for pleasure just because Reddit or Youtube is more immediately gratifying. I don't think there was some kind of coordinated action behind this - it can be explained just by technological progress and primal attraction to flashing lights - but it's definitely advantageous to the powers that be when there is virtually no relevant public discourse.

I always say this about slot machines at casinos; the flashing lights and noises is addicting like make people go into trance.

duuuuuuuuuuuuh. this has been going on for a decade at least.

Atleast two millenia*

We get out of the house. I’m sorry you’re some NEET. Go Reeeee somewhere else lmao.

Eh, life always been like that.

19th century guy: Works 12 hours in the factory, gets drunk, has sex with wife, repeats.

14th century guy: Works fields from dawn til dusk, gets drunk, goes to church occasionally, dies.

5th century guy: Works fields all day, maybe reads poetry, but probably gets drunk, has sex with wife, possible weirder stuff, this was ancient Rome

Point is, humans have always worked all day, smoked some shit, or gotten drunk, and not done much else. Its not that we've gotten more oblivious or dumber, but more that we noticed it. Also, during the mid-1900's we did a few more interesting things, but not much.

Plus, I would add that the average human is too monkey brained to really care about anything else. They have to be told what to care about

No way the average 5th century guy could read, poetry or otherwise.

Maybe not average, but a lot of Romans, between 10-20% were. Thats pretty high for back then, and Rome had a literary scene going on with some big authors and poems.

they also deliberately ingested lead in their food (lead salts sweeter ), and via their water pipes..

Thats pretty high for back then

That's kind of my point though. OP is saying that modern life isn't as good as it used to be (or certainly people in the comments are) but the highest civilisation of the day had literacy rates worse than modern day Niger. A lot has got better for people over that time.

Yep and I fucking love it

What else are you supposed to do? Either that or live in a hut hunting food all day long.

Functional IQ’s and physical strength is dropping in Western populations as Millenials devote their life to gaming.

It feels like we are being distracted.

Weak, dumbed down, infantile nation.

What nation is "the west"? We're talking about the WORLD WIDE WEB. Now everything is west. Japan has 24 year olds living with their parents and never leave their room. China has 4 year olds trying to commit suicide in streets while their parents video chat with their uber driver while they run over one of their passengers. Russians are hanging to take selfies from highrise cranes.

We were worried about WW3 but I think they perfected technology and all the money we were complaining about being siphoned by the 1% was used to fund a massive Darwin award program.


obligatory posting of MGS2 warning from Kojima. Video games are considered mindless entertainment, yet this is probably the most relevant thing I've ever seen to real life today.

Enjoy it while it lasts! For the majority of people in former times their lives consisted of work, eating and sleeping and let's not forget some sort of religious obligation. It was total drudgery with few pluses or distractions. Plus, the things you list are things you do, there are plenty of other things to do besides be a sheeple, but you have to figure that out yourself.

Speak for yourself. You can waste your time doing all that shit, or you can do any number of other things. It’s all up to you, no one is forcing you to do anything.

So learn a new hobby or skill instead and master yourself. Go travel the world on the cheap. It is not as hard as everyone makes it seem. People are just scared of the outside world when they sit in their house and read the news 24/7

Dont you dare have kids and spend time raising them cuz that'll take away from your FUN TIME

Lol “Fun time drugs”

Your face is mindless entertainment

Are you Just noticing this?

They want us stupid so we are easier to control. We have no access to real information. This is all by design.

Let’s be critical of ourselves for a moment.

Everyone here dribbles on about this, but what steps are you making not to be an obedient slave to the system rather than saying “I’m not a slave I can see what’s going on”

Look everyone is chasing something. Yeah society distracts people and drags down others but to think and talk as if ur fellow man are mindless robots isn’t good nor healthy. In fact the majority of people I’ve met that are conspiracy therorist have tended to be into the exact type of distractions and exscapism that they mock the sheeple for.

When has this not been the case for the majority of ppl in human history. The only difference is now we have easier access to entertainment. 1000 years ago the serfs would've just talked or sat down more(obviously they still had their forms of entertainment-singing, artwork, theater, etc). This condition is nothing new or unexpected

I choose to camp, hike, ski, and golf. Life’s what you make it.

Has anyone noticed OP is a terrible troll? Terrible as in you're not even good at it. Take your pathetic little mushroom thimble back to the_Donald scrub.

Just curious but what do you mean by distract yourself? What if your an engineer or some well paying job doing something you love everyday. We don’t have the same purpose we did 2000 years ago and mindless jobs need to get done by someone.

yes sir im bout to go sleepy right now, after I finish my crisp american beer

what should we do instead of entertaining ourselves? be fucking bored all the time??

I say we know too many people. You know about people all over the world who you will never meet. People will sell you things and you will never meet them. You probably wouldn't want to meet the people who sell to the most people. You'll spend hours watching people on youtube doing things, you'll never hang out with them. Do you even know every person in your neighborhood?

My family is like this. I unplugged from the matrix like 10 years ago. I still do mindless entertainment but I don't keep up on it anymore. It is hard to talk to family because everything is a reference to some tv show or movie I haven't seen. It's weird.

we got a visual and monetary connection to every salesman in the world. what do you expect

Hey you leave my Mary outta this

meanwhile your sitting here typing stupid shit on reddit. go live in the woods and get a job picking fruit on a farm for pennies or whatever the fuck you think made our ancestors awesome

''Weak, dumbed down, infantile nation.''

Never insult a whole nation dummy. What about the helio-physicists and nuclear scientists? I'm not quite sure you share the same table with them.

it's because this what the average person wants. you have all the possibilities out there. We live now in the time when the average person has the most freedom ever and what it does with it? tell me that instead of watching a movie how many ppl read a book ? you have the possibility with good education to be who the fu u want to be and you can do whatever you want in your time . Yes we are still limited by continent and country but I think we live in the time where the average person has the most freedom ever. you write your future now ... nobody controls you it's just a conspiracy about a conspiracy to unempower you. you are in charge it's not the government it's not the corporation it's you who just sits and does nothing. Do every day more .. quit wining be more and learn more this is how you get to the front.


The point is that a person shouldn’t have to work as many hours in a week to be able to live a some what normal life or have to spend some bullshit amount of money on an education. Half the information taught is bullshit, especially history. Then you say you become successful in what ever it is that you do, become rich and then what? You keep earning more money just to have more, to buy more. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the price of living is only constantly going up with policing and politics heavily on the rise too. Society is fucked up man, I’m so many ways and it seems to only be getting worse if you haven’t noticed or have you been too busy with work? Or being entertained? I hope I’ve explained this well, so please don’t just instantly go against what I say in a negative way. Ps. Don’t get me started on Hollywood and America in general.

I don't know anybody who's anything like the caricature described in the OP.

My days are filled with working out and talking to people, I am successful and my friends are successful and talented in many ways.

I didn't come from money, I had no help. I grew up on a council estate in an ex mining town in north east england and now I own 6 businesses and only work at one of them. I employ people, I help my community in many ways, I exploit rich people at one of my businesses and use their money to help the poorest people in the area I come from.

Of course, I am in it for myself to and I live well, but you can do that and give back at the same time.

If you don't like what you see or how you live, try to change it, or blame the system for your failings, whatever.

When people say life is what you make it! I've been unemployed for a few months now, on an up and down rollercoaster of unemployment ! I want to work jobs that not many people would ever consider doing (rope access technician, absailing) (sky dive instructor) etc etc yet no matter how hard I've tried to email, call, direct message companies, people in the industry. I get nothing.. I want to live a life where I'm not stuck with a huge amount of debt, I dont have the bank hovering over my assets and I sure as shit dont want people moping around telling me "I cant wait for Friday or the weekend" cause that is fucking depressing. Why look forward to 2 days of the week when I'd rather look forward to my whole week! Now that doesnt happen because the system is designed to turn people like me into people who dont give a fuck about other people, who are only in it to make enough money for themselves that they simply choose to not care about people who are struggling like myself with employment. I know people defiently have it worse of than I do but seriously the system makes me feel like I'm worthless that I'm going to amount to nothing because people wont change their attitudes towards other people BECAUSE of the system that is so perfectly designed. The world is one big company and we cant get to the top hence why when people say "it's your life do what you want to do" is completely bullshit. 1 you need money to start what you want to do 2 creative people will go no where, because soundcloud, youtube and all social media have squashed the passion in creatives 3. You simply need money, money is the root of all evil

Yes. I have reached a breaking point over it.


entertainment is the ultimate goal of the human race, for most people.

it always has been.

You got a better idea? We clawed our way to the middle of America so we could enjoy this, let us have our piece.

You need some help my dude. Before this it was hunting and gathering. Not much time for anything besides that. All I hear is “I have to survive on earth ugh.” So stop then?

Entertainment is an enjoyable way to pass the time in this meaningless existence. Without it we'd still be pointlessly tilling the land for our gods and kings like the 1300's.

I've been trying to get out of this daily grind because it feels like each passing day is going by quicker than the last.

Be more social, party with friends, cook a healthy meal (I stopped eating fast food and frozen shit because it felt bad mentally and physically), go to the zoo, create some art work, brew some mead or cider, learn a new skill, fix something around the house ...

I stare at a computer for 8 hrs a day and sit in traffic for 2 hrs. I feel brain dead by the time I get home so I've been trying to force myself to do more throughout the remainder of my day.

You're lucky. Some of us have to sit on a train for two hours each way.

It's a give and a take each way. I spend less time in traffic but you can do what ever you want on the train. I'd be playing pokemon for 2 hrs on my way home ... but I'd also rather just be home.

You can also listen to audiobooks and have conversations with people in your car. But you're still saving two hours time.

I disagree. Us humans always have and always will value entertainment. We're wired for it. And now more than ever in history is the general population aware of the tricks and bullshit we're subjected to. The biggest change you can make, and the largest impact on the powers that be that you can make will not be from a violent revolution, but simply by being a smarter, more environmentally and civilly ethical person.

Welcome to modern degeneration, pal. Give people bread and circuses and they won't care about children being raped and killed every day

OP is Steve Cutts confirmed

read Adorno, dumbass

Everybody’s happy nowadays

Art is for lily, limp-wristed lefties.

Woooaah. Look at my thoughtful art. Do you feel it maaaaaannn?

Mindful. I would like to see the return of publicly celebrated colonialism and imperialism. These shithole countries would 100% subjugate us if they had the means. It's ugly to think about if you were raised on Disney and Oscar Meyer, but it's the truth.

Wrong, collectively human life is still hell for the many...

Poverty, war, human trafficking, and the slow poisoning of our bodys, minds and souls through big pharma, big agro, big oil, etc.

Free ranged slaves, many proud to wear the collar and the leash, not realizing they are being poisoned to all fuck everyday...

You may not care about the world, but that doesn't fix all the problems...

End war, end poverty, end the lies, end drugs(fact govern-mentus floods it's own walls with em), end human trafficking, abandon the concept of ownership and move into our actual roles as custodians apon this planet...

Here are the solutions, read these posts, print them by the thousand and spread them everywhere.




https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9ews06/know_that_everything_that_we_do_this_very_day/ ----

"Know that everything that we do this very day will either be lost to history completely, or studied for generations to come, and that the choice is up to us.

This is all a game, folks; and you are all the players that matter. History is being written while the masses sleep. History is written by the few, not the many. And history is written by the victors. If you aren't one of those with liberty, it is because you or your forbearers were on the losing side at some point, and that dynamic tension is yet to be resolved."

Ya, surprisingly something like 90% (made up figure) of anime is very deep and thoughtful. At least compared to its American counterparts which are used to dumb people down.

Obviously people did things. OP is describing how apparently trivial and inane the average Americans existence is, but my point is that if you look at the lives of ancient people's it is even MORE trivial and inane.

The founding fathers had a dream that was America, Trump. This is not it...this is not it.

Then why are you on r/conspiracy

This is the attitude I try to keep. Most people lived as serfs and never left their villages. In the US even lower classes can afford a day at the beach or a day at the amusement park. We can access nearly any work of art or culture ever produced to. Life ain't that bad.

Cigarettes and not making your bed.

Totally see your point - I play them to be “less stimulated” if that makes sense? They are totally dead end and completing one won’t make a difference to any aspect of my life (other than nostalgia/memories which can be positive?).

Your problem if you play mainstream cashgrab corporate bullshit. Video games are like any other art. Dull and stupid or deep and meaningful.

I haven't, but I will.

Definitely lost interest in winning virtual medals... Will try eating healthier, thanks for the tip.

I find that people who use that word (degenerate) are often into ethnic cleansing, or at least ethnostates (maybe forcible removal, maybe not)

Just whataboutism more next time. I gaurentee it will be more effective in this sub.

Yeah it's like any distraction. If you occasionally do it for entertainment then whatever. If it becomes the center of your existence then you are fucking up.

if you do not aim for a expensive luxury car or whatnot

That's a big "if" and very few people even see it. All those luxury items wouldn't sell if people didn't want them. Most people do not realise what is good or bad for them and will float through life like dust on the wind.

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. While there are endless opportunities, few people will ever navigate them with any sort of success, fewer still will live with any sort of transcendental virtue, and the result of that is people falling into self destructive ruts and being demonstrably more unhappy than they would have been if temptation and decadence had never been offered to them.

What mgs2 warnings are you referencing ? It’s been years since I beat it.

You're saying being passionate about something is bad so you should just be a mindless zombie waiting for the next fad like everyone else?

You're lucky. Some of us have to sit on a train for two hours each way.