Kill your ego

1  2018-10-08 by Dontquestionmyexista

I find myself getting more and more frustrated every day by the primitive discourse I am seeing EVERYWHERE, including this subreddit. Up, down, left, and right; people can't seem to bypass the levees holding their fixed and conceited viewpoints in order to at least consider what the opposing side has to say.

Nevermore does the rhetoric consist of actual debate and philosophy, but rather a complete aversion to at least polite scope of other forms of thought.

This makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible for a newcomer to form valid opinions without being unwittingly biased on nearly any matter.

It is crucial for us to constantly scrutinize our beliefs and observe objectively.

Be reminded of the sidebar: This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.


Says you

this turned into a longer post than I intended but I just think it's an important reminder for people. Take away from it what you want, or nothing at all, I just felt the need to speak my mind is all.

It's ok. I was only joking. Sorry if it offended. I do agree with you but I am pessimistic about it ever changing. People seem to like being on the opposite sides of entrenched positions. Duality seems to be a normal condition for the mind and political systems rely on that to fake the feeling of progression by instead just transitioning from one state to another, each undoing the work of the other.

No offense taken! I'm not the one who downvoted you. I agree, it is very easy to slip into one side or the other, but I think that has more to do with the way the system is designed to program us into thinking. We are taught that you must either be on the right or the left, when in reality neither is right all the time and the healthiest place to be is in the middle in order to maintain the ability to think critically.

The duality is inevitable, yes, but we must maintain balance between the sides if we want any type of real progression rather than the illusion that is created by transitioning back and forth. The mainstream networks' ways of thinking may never change, but that doesn't mean we have to play by their rules.

Fuck that, ego is good. You just have to know when it's lying to you.


I agree somewhat, but that's not always as easy as you make it sound. Don't let your ego take precedence is more what I meant by the title.

Actually, fuck THAT. There is a distinct difference between faith in yourself and pride, which is one of the 7 deadly sins. Being prideful results in rising, arrogant tensions that prioritize emotions over critical, logical thinking.

That's not necessarily true. There is a balance to everything. I take pride in my work, if someone does it better than me i am self-aware enough to be humble and recognize the desparity and try to learn/get better.

I don't think ego death is a good thing. There's nothing wrong with the self.

I wholeheartedly agree. Saying "kill your ego" was a bit over the top on my part. Managing the ego and not allowing it to barricade your mind is more along the lines of what I was going for.

There are too many special interests shilling for domination over your thoughts. Add to that a never ending onslaught of trolls and its not hard to see where you are coming from. Perhaps hanging around means I'm a bit masochistic, but we hope that messages of truth will still get through to those who need to hear them.

Well put, this sub seems like a beacon of light on reddit right now, even with the constant brigading. That's why it's so important to stay aware of where the information you're digesting is coming from.

I find that it helps the discussion if one of the users puts in a lot of effort to actually prove what they'e saying. If you show proof, the other parties have no other option besides accepting it or attempting to change the subject. I see stuff all the time that can be proven, but some users just post the claim and leave.

Another problem is a user posting a claim and leaving a weakness in it, or using a weaker version of an argument that can be exploited by somebody else. If you leave any kind of weakness in your argument, you're likely to see somebody respond only to that weakness as if they are debunking the entire idea. I'm sure I also leave myself open to this exploitation as well, but I know it can be avoided.

Example: "The government is spraying us like roaches with chemtrails."

This is not going to convince anybody who is not already convinced. However, you could have said "Due to declassified documents, it is a proven historical fact that the US and British governments experimented with chemical, biological, and entomological "chemtrails" on their own populations numerous times over many years. This happened in Britain, Canada, and the U.S. They used airplanes, ships off the coast, cars, and blowers on top of buildings to spray chemicals or bacteria onto the public." Proof:

Now if someone wants to take those facts and extrapolate from there, such as assuming this is still going on and that current chemtrail programs will be declassified in 40 years, that's not such a leap. If you just say "They're spraying us with mind control chemtrails, look at this picture I took of a contrail from my backyard" it's easy for people to dismiss as "crazy."

Anytime you talk about something against the deep state agenda, they come in here dick swinging and do nothing but ad hominem attacks. That’s the only way to shut someone down who is saying something you can’t refute with facts.

Marketing is ruining the internet. They can only exploit your ego. Politicians can only exploit your ego. It’s a dangerous combination.

This sub is a victim of government disinformation and there’s nothing they can do to fight the website rules. This whole thing is held hostage.

Only when people reach a deep sadness can they potentially slay their ego and come back a humble and understanding person. Unfortunately I don’t think the majority of people have cried in a long time, they are dead inside.

Get out of here with your new age +(/psychology+)/

A good mushroom trip does wonders on the ego.

I like all kinds of psychedelics for this purpose. LSD, DMT, or some mushrooms is great for this purpose


Psilocybin and LSD can't even touch DMT when it comes to ego death

If anyone is reading this and has never played around with hallucinogens, DMT is the only hallucinogen I've experienced that comes anywhere close to what people hype it up to be.

LSD is fantastic, don't get me wrong. Psilocybin is in it's own realm as well. But DMT will remind you violently and quickly that you are not shit but a speck of dust in this crazy existence.

DMT is the only hallucinogen I've experienced that comes anywhere close to what people hype it up to be.


A breakthrough is THE absolute peak of experience.

DMT is harder tp get at least for me.

Growing shrooms on the other hand is a very easy thing and easily hidable.

Just a pain in the ass i have to drive 2 days to get spores though

If only...dreams of someday obtaining DMT.

I know a mushroom grower thats trades for it so im pretty lucky. Just grow shrooms instead and eat a ton

I would be ok with that. Know where I can get a growers kit?

Depending on your state you can order spores to your home for "Educational research". I use rice and put the spores on top of it in a plastic container. Like a 5 gallon one.

Plenty of guides on duckduckgo. Currently at work so cant get too detailed

This just clicked... Kanye West has been talking about killing your ego and how he killed his own massive ego, not long after taking psychedelics...

Apologies for reposting myself but I said something in another thread that fits with your point (I think).

Even when you get past the obvious political biases that seem to be the major talking point now, people are just really bad at discussing anything. Whether it's stupidity or malice, a lot of users can't actually talk about anything properly.

I've been lurking here for years and only started posting recently. Although there has definitely been a downward trend recently due to the political stuff, it's long been the case that many 'conspiracy theorists' have their own agenda and post some awful stuff here.

For every one person who is interested in finding truth that has been hidden, I see 10 or more people who post info they know to be false for disingenuous reasons (and then are evasive about it) and 10 who post stuff they haven't actually read or simply do not understand.

On any day the front page is more chaff than wheat.

Submission statements are a start but I find it crazy when anyone posts something and then refuses or is unable to answer questions about the topic.

My attitude is that if the OP is not willing or prepared to talk on a subject then I discard it. I will come back to it if someone else makes an effort to inform but I don't have the time to chase every topic personally. People who can't engage in discussion after making a post either don't know enough about it or are hiding something and neither are worth my time.

Great points all around. There's definitely a lot of factors at play here, but one of them is there just seems to be an inability or unwillingness for people to dig below surface level on a lot of topics. They seem satisfied enough by buzz words and flashy titles to base their opinions on them and even worse, to spread those opinions elsewhere.

Not sure how or when exactly that this trend started, but it definitely has to do with how our attention spans have been affected by social media and "quick news."

Ooh, interesting. I think we're making slightly different points but they're both sides of the same coin.

I guess my point was about people who submit a post and then don't debate/discuss it or even evade questions. I typically find those posters to have an agenda to push (that's my conspiracy anyway).

I agree with you though, I do see people in comment threads who can't engage in debate. I'm actually a university lecturer myself and I do worry about the effect of reduced attention spans and what that will be doing to people, my students definitely seem affected. People want a "TL;DR" for everything without putting in any effort at all.

Yes, I agree that our ideas apply to both examples. Either they are simply careless with what they are posting, or they do have some sort of hidden agenda.

Aside from that, as a recent college grad I have firsthand experience in what you are saying about reduced attention spans in people my age. In school, there were always so many distractions readily available that it is extremely easy to slip into a passive state and follow your short term desires. I learned that it takes a concentrated effort on staying focused in lecture to avoid completely wasting my time. A lot of people never bother, unfortunately. And it will come back to bite them very quickly.

As an example, in the thread on the Russian helicopter crash we are told by OP and their source that the pilot was shot. I ask if the source had seen the crash site or otherwise had a mole in the security services who had leaked this info. I think this is an interesting question that opens up more of the story but my question is heavily downvoted.

Do people not want to know the truth? Or does my question make them uncomfortable because they cannot answer?

On the attention span thing. My pet peeve is phones in class. A student is struggling and asks for my help, I spend a few minutes with them going through their problem and explaining the solution. The second I walk away, rather than tackle the problem with the information I just gave them, they spend the next 3 minutes on their phone and by the time they turn back to the problem they've forgotten what I just said. Infuriating.

But how will my coworkers know which team I'm on politically? Any Republican/Democrat talk is basically WWE. A sideshow to distract us. Like how sexual assault allegations is the only thing worth talking about a Supreme Court nominee.

Got some acid, dying to try it. A little scared. Hope to learn a few things

There are a lot of LSD-impersonator drugs out there. Some of these are difficult to distinguish from LSD, and some can even fit on blotter paper. A much safer alternative is to use psychadelics that are nature-manufactured, such as psilocybin mushrooms.

I recommend consuming these substances with a person or group that you are very comfortable with, preferably with at least 1 person who is completely sober as a "trip-sitter." Make sure your environment is comfortable. Wait for a nice, sunny day and go to a secluded beach. Bring water and a little bit of food like fruits and have a relaxing picnic.

Disclaimer: Only take substances that are legal in your country. I do not advocate breaking laws. Have a safe trip!

Wise words. Took too many mushrooms last year, ended up doing something close to what you said with the werewolves, etc. Broke some laws, wound up arrested, and now I’m looking at a year or more in jail starting in 2019. Heed this man’s warnings if you’re trying mushrooms for the first time.

Yeah good advice I have a secluded beach in mind just have to find a time when a suitable (good conversation, smart, introspective) friend is down to baby sit

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination.

This place can be that at on good days.

The problem is site wide. It's just become waaaay too mainstream. Businesses want to advertise. People want to push agendas.

There's money involved and money always ruins things.

It's impossible. Learn to harness it. Ever stroke another's ego as a means to an end ?

Stroke you own.

No u

-my ego

Believing you know or have found the truth is not seeking the truth. Belief is the death of thought.

Once you have accepted a worldview based on the - obviously gamed by unimaginable numbers of individuals and organizations - realm of conspiracy theory that suits you, you're no longer thinking and have become a robot, ready to be programmed.

Keep an open mind and be wary of people tryin' to hack yer friggin' mind, man!

You know what the ultimate ego-inflation is?

The rabbit hole of narcissism?

Social Media.


or Fight the Technocrats.

Social media is where information war is waged, but keeping one's meatspace identity out of it is good for a number of reasons.

Good luck. You can troll my history to see how effective it is when breaking it down for people. People need to live in denial to avoid all the daily compromises they make just to survive. The world would halt if people woke up and realized everything they're doing is killing them slowly.

My ego adapts to any environment it comes across, changes like a chameleon, integrates stuff like the borg, i could take doses of ayahuasca and lsd that would make most people unable to move and have a coherent conversation with you while fixing something for dinner, though hunger will not be back for a while. The net result is a deep belief that this reality is a fraud.

at least consider what the opposing side has to say.

That's the problem right there. We see everything in "sides" due to the ever-increasing polarization of the toxic 2-party system in the U.S.


This exactly, people look at me funny when I tell them I don't pick sides. My life is not polarized.

As soon as you pick a side and believe you know the truth you have failed. Best you can do is lean one way or another based on the information you have at any given point.

If i needed to pick a side i would choose the side of Humanity, Love and One.

So, the left.

So, the left

So, the left

No, not the "left". If you still believe in artificial (politic) dualities you'll have to dig a little deeper to find mine perspective.

That's because the goal of the identity movement. Having micro segments with each having their own identity and rights. It's hard to have conversation when so many boundaries are placed all around you. It's impossible to not be called a racist, sexist, etc.

Today I saw a post about a trans missing class because of menstrual pains. The professor didn't excuse her because she can not have menstrual cycles being that she is a he with male body parts. The professor will most likely see some impact as a result. It is so bizarre that we have to live in a pretend world.

This one really gets to me:

Some people have lived in separate parts of the world for thousands of years


They have developed radically different ways of living and have totally different preferences and goals in life


You literal N*ZI

You responded to the wrong comment. The quotes you pasted are not mine.

You are changing yourself. Soon the frustration will disappear and you will realize you were never in control or could influence anything but yourself.

This doesn’t sound right, if we’re not in control of anything then who is? True power resides with the people, but only if the people realize it.

"Anything but yourself". Have you changed yourself? Applied the epitome of healthy and free behavior and habits?

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Personally, I don't think killing your ego is a good idea. Imo You just harness it for good.

Dropping the Democrat vs Republican way of thinking is a start.

I tend to view politics & politicians as gigolos/prostitutes for more power.

Very few politicians make it to powerful level if they are only altruistic because the vipers will take them down & it is extremely expensive to even get that far.

Kill your apathy.

Up vote for the title-was hoping to view a discussion on actually killing one's ego.

Well it is in a way. Consciously choosing to put pride aside to consider alternative viewpoints is a way of diminishing ones ego. If you want to kill your ego entirely, smoke dmt.

pride can be considered a sin for a reason

No-one displeases Sam Gold and lives.

Kill you Ego, smoke DMT

I would argue the opposite, the radical left seem to do nothing but dissect their opponents pathology and do nothing about it.

You know, it's easier to stop giving a fuck about shit that has zero effect on your life.

... Until it does have an effect and you are too late with giving a fuck.

It has no effect, it won't have any effect and people with negative views who set people apart are the people with the mental health issues. they perpetuate hate and self loathing in people who don't deserve their shit.

Define "it"... Can't say much about your reply when i don't know if you mean something specific with "it".

My opinion: Everything and everybody is connected all the time, so anything always influences All.

We may be connected, but we collectively are unaware of any connection. Ego, being the thing defined by Freud and Jung as well is what separates ourselves and our recognition of self from everything else. No ego and you wouldn't be able to sense a difference between yourself and anything around you whether animal, vegetable or mineral. All you would do is perceive. That is less than what a human is. Ego is therefore necessary. Other people's egos are meaningless.

"it" is ego in context to self and in context to the ego of others.

Still lost a bit. I agree that ego is an important part of what makes us us. And i do think we need to try to become as much aware of the ego and using it as the "tool" it should be. Ego should not blind perspective and can be keeped in check with knowledge, understanding, logic and reason.

But i don't think other peoples egos are meaningless, it is part of them and a reason behind everything they do. I think the best we can do is trying to recognise anybodies egos, try to see how they operate on the personal leven and act/ react accordingly with compassion, forgiveness and maybe some hints and tips to help if necceary.

I think it will be a lame world if everybody has killed their ego and it will be a mess if everybody only acts throught it. So, i think it is the best to meet and play in the rational and logical middle and see if we can come together and re-unite as Humanity there.

But i don't think other peoples egos are meaningless, it is part of them and a reason behind everything they do. I think the best we can do is trying to recognise anybodies egos, try to see how they operate on the personal leven and act/ react accordingly with compassion, forgiveness and maybe some hints and tips to help if necceary.

Navigating a social environment doesn't require the acknowledgment of people's points of view on themselves. It is simply down to you either like them or you don't and that could change.

Ergo, their ego is meaningless and doesn't, nor should it matter to anyone but themselves.

It does not require that knowledge on a shallow level of socializing, that i agree with. But in deeper realtionships/ friendships ego starts to play a role one way or the other and i think it is worth to find out what makes the relationships ticks before it might crash.

I can't see any ego as meaningless, we are all part of the "game", have an influence, a role to play and nobody can do that without their ego.

It may be a factor, but it isn't the reason a relationship flourishes or not. If a person has a huge self centered perspective, it's not likely anyone would "befriend" them in the first place without a job or money being involved.. People with an over-inflated sense of self are immediately recognized as idiotic and unless they have work or money on offer, not a lot of people with any wits about them would undertake to invest in a relationship. the more over inflated that sense of self worth, the less likely a person is to even know that in themselves.

Our own ego has meaning , other peoples less so, if at all. we make that call early on.

Ofcourse it is not the only reason nor "mechanic", but i think it more complicated as you wrote. I have seen many relationships go sour and i often could see the games some play before those games ruined the relationship. Most of the times ego, and sometimes a lack of acknowledgment to ego was one of the factors.

Then you have people that are narcistic or sociopaths. Many of such people do have relationships so having a huge ego does not always hinder people getting one. Keeping them is an different story but the power of ego (and fear) also plays a role here.

Ego is just a tool and i think we all need to learn how to work with it the best instead of fighting or hiding it.

Allah is the only way to release the who..

I try my best to be unbiased when encountering new situations or views on a subject.

This, by no means, implies that I won't think for myself and use critical thinking when exploring this new view. If you believe Golems walked this earth before humans, that's fine, but I'm going to form my own opinions with the evidence you've provided and do some research for myself.

Double tap on the ego daily.

If i needed to pick a side i would choose the side of Humanity, Love and One.

It has no effect, it won't have any effect and people with negative views who set people apart are the people with the mental health issues. they perpetuate hate and self loathing in people who don't deserve their shit.