Supposedly impartial r/politics makes me "read only" claiming I am not a frequent poster when I challenge liberal views.

1  2018-10-08 by yopeee

I just messaged the mods but that sub is trash. It claims impartiality yet mutes me when I am a frequent poster. I am attacked and called names yet they are not banned... Reddit is another platform to rally bipartisan aggression.


I'm a frequent poster there, despite my 10 minute per comment limit. It's such bull shit, but I can't help myself. Someone needs to challenge that echo chamber.

Never heard of a "read only" status though.

10 minute per comment limit.

What? Does this mean your comment gets removed after 10 minutes?

No it means I can only post 1 comment every 10 minutes.

It's a bullshit tactic meant to control spammers and trolls... but really it's just to stifle unpopular opinions.

Lets take a look at what you posted?

Left on Climate change: "Look at the science morons! It's happening and science proves it"

Left on gender: "We have 106 different genders. Fuck what science says."

Left on free speech: "We deserve to be heard! Don't try to silence us"


Left on racism: "BLM! Cops are racist pigs and killed and harrassed black men for no reason"

Left on racism: "Whites are not welcome here anymore."

Left on due process: "You falsely accuse Clinton of having a part in the Benghazi incident. Listen to the facts"

Left on kavanaugh: "IDC IF THERE ARE NO FACTS! I know he is GUILTY!!!!"

Reaaaaaal impartial there bob. Surprised you didnt claim Liberals also eat the foreskins of aborted babies.

I never said I was impartial. The mods should be as such. They are supposed to be mediators not censor our content.

They are supposed to be mediators not censor our content.

I get your point but what the fuck do you expect to happen when you go in to a sub attacking every user?

Most of what you wrote is clearly some imaginary liberal monster you created to fight against.

Shit is more nuanced than what you posted dude and its clear you dont want a conversation you want to stand on your soapbox and got pissed when someone kicked you off the corner.

Get thicker skin

Lmfao it's not nuanced at all and I clearly made a point of nonsensical logic of left view points. Censorship should not exist whether it was a loaded statement or not.

Lmfao it's not nuanced at all and I clearly made a point of nonsensical logic of left view points.

You speak for the left? Interesting. Im pretty left leaning in a very left leaning state and I dont think Ive met anyone who believes all that... Its almost like you made it based off of a boogey man to scare people?

Do... do you hang out with people who act like the above lib monster you referenced?

I don't hang out with anyone with a thought process like that

So... where are you getting this information from?

You see where Im going with this, right? No one like this really exists and if they do they are such an insanely small minority that they do not represent "liberals" or the "left".

So how do you know so much about the mindset of people you dont even talk to or are friends with?

It's important to gear to the opinions of others. Doesn't mean I have to be friends with them.

Kind of missing the point here bud.

How do you come to the conclusions about "The Left" if you yourself never talk to or associate with "The Left"?

Satire is an effective form of criticism. Not surprised they censor it.

Any sub would do this.

GO into T_D or /r/conservative and shitpost about conservatives. Lets see if they believe in equal speech like /r/politics

If you're subtle you won't be banned.

Do you think OP was being "subtle"?

In a way yes.

I dont.

He doesn't have to be impartial. Why don't you show the comments in context? I've seen worse comments that get upvoted to the top with 4 golds that are way worse than any of OP's comments.

Sure but are you surprised that it got removed or salty that politics is a lefty sub?

Go into T_D and make some posts about republicans in a similar vein as above and see how impartial those mods are. Or go into /r/conservative and see how much they respect equal speech if you shitpost about repubs.

You just don't get it do you? Or maybe you do and are fine with it.

Here's how it should be: r/democrat - left views r/republican - right views r/politics - all views

I don't go into r/cars and expect motorcycle content and I certainly don't bitch about it.

Why do you think a subreddit has any obligation to be impartial? What the fuck is with right wingers and this mindset?

Reddit should be more impartial!

Banned from T_D for your opinion


T_D is not for liberal opinions.

r/esist is not for Trump supporters.

I got banned from subs I've never been to before just for posting anything in T_D.

You must be one of those people that play in the middle of the interstate trying to change peoples opinions.

T_D is not for liberal opinions.

I know, circlejerks only.

You must be one of those people that play in the middle of the interstate trying to change peoples opinions.

Is that a threat?

A threat. It's literally a description of the type of person you are.

Here's another one: mentally handicapped.

Come on bud Im playing around with you.

I dont play in highways and I dont condone people doing that.

But seriously have you ever met a person as liberal as you see on the news or on the very few news sites you visit?

yes, i have.

If it makes you feel better I was thinking about a conservative fella who pulled that card on me just the other day.

But seriously dont dodge, have you ever actually met one of these people or do you just see this on your news?

Do you believe in the fear mongering?

I'm convinced you are a bot. I directly answered your question and you told me to not dodge. lol

I directly answered your question and you told me to not dodge. lol

Where lol? You compared me to Stewart that was it.

So have you ever met one of these people in real life?

yes, i have.

Come on bud Im playing around with you.

The old Jon Stewart defense, just a prank bro. It sure seems like you were trying to make up a false threat allegation to get me in some sort of trouble.

I just copied and pasted the comment. Clean your glasses!

Ok LAWtalker, point out where i said obligation.

What the fuck is with idiots and reading comprehension?

Are you saying it's a right wing thing to want to be impartial?

Wait until you find about what /r/trees is about or /r/marijuanaenthusiasts...

Reddit is a private platform, I know this is hard to grok but I could make a sub called "UltraConservative" and it will be nothing but me drawing pics of boobs.

Does the sub name fit the content? No. Should someone force me to change the way I mod my sub?

Besides I agree with you they should remove both immature bashing if the left and the right not one or the other.

But am I surprised this happened? No. Is anyone? Also whats the conspiracy here? Liberal sub removes conservative troll? Im shocked....

Why do you keep calling r/politics a liberal sub? You have barely been on this site a year so to you it looks like it has always been liberal.

r/politics should be neutral. period. The problem isn't the users, they can comment what they like, it's the BIASED moderators and admins on this site that allow the one sided attacks to bloom.

Why do you keep calling r/politics a liberal sub?

Do you disagree?

You have barely been on this site a year so to you it looks like it has always been liberal.

Ive been here much longer than a year lol. The account Im currently on is a year old that is true.

r/politics should be neutral. period

I agree. But the reality is different, right?

it's the BIASED moderators and admins on this site that allow the one sided attacks to bloom.

So go find a neutral sub or make your own.

If r/politics didn't censor the quite often juvenile right wing opinions the sub would descend into memes and name calling. The ironic posting by individuals trying to get their entertainment from politics will be lost upon others.

Maybe you are just telling yourself that. At this point that's all the right can do on these subs, try to get quick talking points in before they are yelled at for being rapist, racist, etc....


Anecdotally speaking, all I ever get to see from conservative posters are pics implying that liberals are weak (physically/mentally), posts detailing how mad liberals are about Trump, or ironic Trump worship posts (strength and mind).

It's pretty weird to me. However, it is the Internet so my expectations are low.

Right on climate change: "It's a natural cycle, therefore taking any evasive action, even it it would lower pollution is stupid".

Right on gender: " dick or a slot, pick one"




I don't think anyone claims they are impartial.

The mods are completely arbitrary and openly censoring on most of Reddit.

As is their right.

Apparently. Very undemocratic.

Couldn't resist looking at your post history and found this comment:

People on the left want to talk about a conservative deep state but with STELLARWIND, Snowden, NSA Surveillance, project prism, Benghazi, Obama care failure, obama executive orders, Gaza strip, conflicts with Russia, China, Syria, Iran, North Korea, ISIS, Failure to remove troops as promised, DNC primary manipulation, Hillary Emails, Seth Rich..... Well my fingers are tired...

You realize that NSA surveillance ramped up under the RIGHT [BUSH]

PRISM began in 2007 in the wake of the passage of the Protect America Act [BUSH]

Obamacare = Romneycare which was RIGHT leaning policy.

Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 while [BUSH] was still president.

Ties with North Korea were completely severed by [BUSH]

Failure to remove troops that were sent in by [BUSH]

Why do we have so many issues abroad? Is it because the RIGHT backed BUSH and had an illegal war that the country is still trying to recover from?

You can have your lib tears, but the cognitive dissonance to critique leftist policy while championing right wing policy is entertaining in its own way.

Another poster successfully bullied into deleting his post.


Anecdotally speaking, all I ever get to see from conservative posters are pics implying that liberals are weak (physically/mentally), posts detailing how mad liberals are about Trump, or ironic Trump worship posts (strength and mind).

It's pretty weird to me. However, it is the Internet so my expectations are low.