Suspend your disbelief for a moment and engage in this thought experiment

1  2018-10-08 by 2spicy4libs

Let’s say it’s all true , there is a small number of very powerful families and organizations that’s have been purposefully holding back civilization and subverting humanity around the globe for generations through the use of banking institutions and the control of government and information. Let’s say that someone outside of this group that wished to expose the conspiracy and bring it down rose to power and gained a following.

What would it look like if this happened ?

What steps would need to be taken ?

How could they convince the people that they were being fleeced?


SS: an exercise to get conspiracy theorists past the theory and to begin thinking about the solution

You just described the purpose of Q Anon. ----

"Know that everything that we do this very day will either be lost to history completely, or studied for generations to come, and that the choice is up to us.

This is all a game, folks; and you are all the players that matter. History is being written while the masses sleep. History is written by the few, not the many. And history is written by the victors. If you aren't one of those with liberty, it is because you or your forbearers were on the losing side at some point, and that dynamic tension is yet to be resolved."

The best way would be come out directly, completely and tell everything you know.

It guarantees a "wow" factor and it safeguards that the information will be made available no matter what.

If the enemy is all powerful but only manages to rule due to deception , you would be crazy to try and fight them in the shadows. Its unlikely that you are better than then, and it's unethical to endanger your knowledge in case you lost. Also, if they could counter a vast awakening they wouldn't be rulling from the shades, which is an extra reason why you should come out publically at once.

So they come out publicly , saying x y and z are evil and provides evidence . The media is controlled by the cabal and says “whoa whoa whoa that’s all a crazy conspiracy and Leader is clearly insane and the ‘evidence’ is fake” Most citizens believe the media.

How is that effective ?

All of the media? Globally? Not one country harboring dissent?

What of the various institutions outside of the media? The investigative/scientific organizations capable of going in-depth on the "truthful evidence" offered? Are they too controlled by the Great Enemy and therefore to be discounted as someone any leaker should turn to?

"Everyone is compromised. The only means to put an end to it is to rise up in an angry mass, citizens of the world, and go after Them!". Is that what some people are dancing around here?

Who will say that? The news anchorman? Yeah, he will, he is probably part of the cabal. The camera man, booman, and jurior director and light guy are not and the news cannot get out without them.

If the things you reveal are strong enough to affect them, they wont believe anchorman Bob because he told them "they are fake news, let's get in the air and tell the people about it".

And the same is true with all corrupt industries. The highups might be compromised, but they cannot force their underlings to do their job if they awake.

Even the media’s over-sampling fake polls show that the public only has a 10-20% confidence level/trust in the media.

But some information is so crazy it’s hard to believe, you have to have evidence to back it up and TPTB have a stranglehold on that evidence, both by the amount of people on their side strangling it, and by threatening murder of you and those you love if you don’t comply. It’s not as simple as being the town crier, cuz the town crier then gets shot and child porn sprinkled on their laptop. It’s not that easy

A credible whistle blower becomes un credible as soon as they blow they whistle.

Has happened hundreds of times

Sounds then like there's no point in bothering or hoping. Time to stop coming here, I guess. Wrap it up.

It's the Jews. The "holocaust" didn't happen the way we were taught, and it is the it's rich Jews that rule the Western world and are destroying all cultures but theirs. "The media" is one of the tools they own and wield to control the population. They have almost total control of the Ivy league colleges, and subversively influence most other US colleges.

The "holocaust" didn't happen..."

Important Reminder:

  • it has happened, and it looks like a bunch of buried youtube video's and scattered posts with adjacent links throughout the internet's most popular forums
  • Spreading of this knowledge as uncarzy sounding as you can

  • People already know; they, by majority don't give a shit

It'd be fast event relying on the massed distribution, as far and wide as technologically possible, of documents/videos/information of every kind detailing the various dealings and goings on of the organization in question. Not opinions. Not "Don't you think that's strange?" leading questions. Cold hard data of an incontrovertible nature.

There would be no "timed" drops and trickling-down of info. No riddles and specific pandering to niche audiences. No talking head videos high on rousing sentiment but low on specifics: any appearances would be to specifically state the entirety of the situation and doing so with the necessary evidence at hand. Any real organization would exploit the time-wasting theatrics to deal with the leaker quickly and permanently. The information would need become universal and fast.

People already believe or want to believe that they are being fleeced: the point of contention is largely a matter of "who is it that's doing the fleecing?". If actual and real world evidence of even absurd claims were to arise - comparable to, for example, the recent reveal of the cult that influenced the President of South Korea - there'd be a strong public reaction.

I think you underestimate how strong a force denial is

People do not want to entertain the idea that all they know is wrong and fake . People will deny rock solid evidence shown to them if it’s too painful to consider.

Perhaps it’s more effective to slowly condition the populous to the idea then a “shock and awe” trauma event

People can, have, and will adapt quickly to shocking circumstances. If the evidence is truly "rock solid" will stand on its own two legs for most, even if - yes - there will always be people bound by some personal reason to deny a fact at any cost. .

"Slowly conditioning the populous" is what you do when you want to create a pliant mob. You can do that without even bothering with evidence.

Good questions and hopefully a good discussion would result. As for me, I can't say much about what it would look like. I can safely say that it would not look like a narcisist president causing chaos every step of the way though.

Trump flipped hundreds of counties that voted for hussian twice, if thats not bringing people together i dont know what is. He has basically led a non violent revolution against the scourge of big government and appears to be winning.

at least half this country is virulently opposed to him. He demonizes anyone who dares to speak against him, including those in his own party and his own appointees. There are areas of this country where you cannot wear a red hat without being accosted. That is not bringing people together, that is driving them apart.

You dont think the media might have something to do with that? What would you do in his situation? The reason he has even lasted this long going toe to toe with the beast if because he fights back, and is absurdly popular with half the country, who he brought together in a way no politician could.

Obama brought more people together to vote for him in 2008 and 2012. Hell, the she-devil clinton herself brought more people together to vote for her in 2016.

Not if you count all of the illegal aliens and dead people voting, people voting twice, soros owned rigged voting machines, votes being switched or not counted, and election laws that are rigged to favor democrats. They tried every dirty trick in their arsenal and he still won. If she won the cabal would be high stepping towards the new world order endzone, him winning gave us one last chance to stop them.

You dont think the media might have something to do with that?

Trump relates plenty of his opinions directly through Twitter. These are in turn directly scorned by many. No third party required.

If the premise is true and the mass media is controlled by the oppressor how would one know what is true and what isn’t? Wouldn’t attempts to unite the country and citizenry be portrayed as divisive and controversial ?

There is not much that is more divisive than his twitter account, which he uses as a vehicle for attacking anyone who crosses him. That's not the media. That is his own unfiltered thoughts.

You never win by fighting them on their turf. You build something new and let them fade in to obsolescence.

Seize the means of decision making for the people. Digital democracy or death.

"You never win by fighting on their turf". This. It's the equivalent of throwing rocks at a tank.

It would look very similar to what are seeing with trump. If you feed the beast, it will protect you (clintons getting away with running a phony charity that acts as a front for a massive international white collar crime syndicate involved in trafficking little kids, barry soweto getting away with using phony opo research to illegally acquire fisa warrants to spy on his political opponent). If you vow to starve the beast, it will go after you, your family, your business, your reputation, it will make up horrible lies about you (russia hoax, thousands of fake media stories over the years, fake sex assault allegations). If you want to make the government bigger you can get away with anything, if you want to make the government smaller they will bring the wrath of god down upon you.


It would take a lot of fucking time and effort, a slow process so that the elite don’t catch on that you’re not on their sides, giving away as much info as possible and making as much progress to change as possible so as not to tip them off and not get murdered. That doesn’t mean they’re going to lose they might defeat the rebellion, or the shadow war might take 80 years to complete. But it’s happening whether you believe who’s on who’s team or who’s winning or not.

It would look like John F Kennedy giving this speech to try to warn everyone about what was coming if they didn’t wake up.

Then it would look like him being assassinated for it not long after. Listen to the desperation and the tone of his voice in that speech. It’s as if he is saying “please hear my words and take action” without coming out and actually saying it.

Holding back civilization? We were riding around on horses 100 years ago. Have some perspective. We have made an absurd amount of technological advancement. If anything the Elite families are pushing technology on tge populace and striving for their of infijite euphoria.

The first modern internal combustion engine was in use over 140 years ago. We are using old (albeit refined) tech

You are missing my point completely

We had electric cars in 1905. All rich people use to own it as a status symbol. Why did we stop it? Why are there so many nuclear power plants but hardly any solar power plants? Why are so many inventions/discoveries by people like tesla etc being discouraged and shut down? The list goes on.

Eh they also only support the industries they have a stranglehold over and kill all attempts at progress if it doesn’t fall within their realms. So I’m sure part of that is grounded in truth but the rest is just blissful thinking

How could that "person who rose to power" be anything but a useful idiot to this powerful group? If they can overthrow nations, start wars, control the monetary system, assassinate presidents and bring down sky scrapers, a narcissistic dip shit would be zero issue.

Perhaps by playing along and allowing themselves to be used until they’ve gotten into a position to expose the truth?

Whether true or not, there are masses who suspect it may be true. If true, whereas once this group encountered little intentional resistance to its agenda, it's now likely to face obstacles on almost every level put up by thousands of small acts of resistance on a daily basis. It might be defeated without the general public ever knowing it was real.

That person to be taken seriously by believers of the conspiracy would need to re-open the 9/11 investigation.

Once they got some momentum and a following... It would look similar to every smear piece you’ve ever heard. Racist, homophobic, rapist blah blah. All the -icts and -icsms labels would be used. Fake accusations of metoo type stuff.

Half the country would be convinced this new leader is the next Hitler. Media smears non stop, they’d prob even make up a fake FBI investigation to smear the person.

Does this sound familiar? Trump is a zionist shill but he did say in the campaign he’d re-open the 9/11 commision... then he got a call from Bibi and it never came up again.

It would have to be abrupt, would have to be stealthy, distributed to all with undivided attention. The person doing so would be a target and whoever did it will die a martyr. In order for actual disruption of their system it would take several well placed strikes with tactical certainty and likely a lot of collateral damage and casualties.

Don't worry though mother nature is going to do it soon enough, so the wicked ones get to watch everything they built destroyed and all they love die. Lucifer is telling them, Haha you were played... tricked you.

Ron Paul had a good start back in 2008 when he said we need to audit the fed and explain to the American taxpayer how they are kept in financial slavery

Then he went crazy and started talking about taking apart the entire government and putting 50 million people out of work