About the jews...

1  2018-10-08 by R3vo1ut1on

While yes it is highly likely that our world is controlled by a group of predominantly jewish elite, can we please stop being so anti semitic. You stand that the jewish elite is not just a minority in relation to the rest of the world, but to the jews themselves. If they were all english would you say “oh the english control our planet, even the ones in the exact same situation as us because they are english.” It really doesnt make sense to keep saying the jews control our world when “the jews” clearly dont. It just spreads unnecessary hate. Please can we take a step back. Thanks.


You are welcome to say the English (or the Americans, or Russians, or Catholics or Mormons, or left-handed people or dwarves) control the planet. You are not welcome to tell other people what they cannot say.

is that better?

You can criticise anything or anyone you want, except other members of the sub.

Hey there, can I jump in and ask a question about this? How broad is that rule exactly? Does it mean you just cant criticise the sub as a whole? Does it also mean if someone says something racist and I say hey thats racist, is that a rule violation?

People who come here just to criticise the sub or its users get banned.

Racist slurs are banned on the sub (Rule 1), and if you believe someone is being racist, report their comment and the mods will deal with it - don't go all vigilante or its likely your comments will be removed also.

Okay that clears it up a bit cheers :)

Happy Cake Day to you!

The short answer is yes, don't let the modspeak fool you.

Removed. Rule 10

Could you please send me a link to the rules?

Anti semitism is subjective. Kind of like a black guy saying you're just hating on me for robbing that store cause I'm black, nooooo you fucking broke the law so we will run you through the lgal system despite your race or nationality.

I think its more like a black guy robs the store so people say all black people rob stores.

I don't recall anyone around here with half a head on them pooling all jews together. This isn't /pol/.

People are very specific about the difference between zionism, and dual citizenship. Unless they're posting while I happen to be away from reddit.

People who know this are fine, but to the young theorist it seems just like blatant racism or for others they start taking it as the literal jews. All of them. Im just saying I think it may be in our best interest to change the way we discuss the jews.

You want to hear something racist? The real descendants of abraham are black, not those imposter middle eastern looking mother fuckers.

thass rite

Is there proof of this?

This is bullshit and you know it. If somebody uses any other term to criticize a subset of Jews, they are accused of using a dogwhistle.

It doesnt even have to be a subset of Jews, it can simply be a group that contains Jews. I have been accused of antisemitism, on numerous occasions, for criticing globalism, despite the fact that many globalists arent Jewish.

The term anti-Semitism has lost all meaning. It simply means that you've expressed an opinion that Jews find unpalatable.

Claiming anti-Semitism is an amazing card that flips a person from questioning something to on the defensive. It's intentionally disarming and distracting.

Exactly. The IDF is slaughtering unarmed civilians weekly but it receives no MSM coverage in the US because it would be "anti-semitic."

Your comment proves you’re a holocaust denier.

You're just saying that cause I'm black.

Acknowledging one’s skin color is racist. Stop being such a racist.


I agree! I'm an American Jew. I do not support the globalist Jews or the elite ones. I am just a Stay Home Mom. I'm not running or controlling the world. I'm just a regular person.

Im very sorry you have to put up with the anti jew stuff on this sub. Stay strong and we will fight the globalist together.

It's not too bad. Most users on here have common sense and don't lump all Jews together.

Please start speaking out against these Zionist devils in Israel. You are my American sister and I’m tired of these racist people calling you a self-hating Jew.

I think I get what you are saying. It is like the difference between the Jews who died in 9/11 and the Jews that killed them?

Then tell us what to say instead. Zionism is a political movement involving Jews and non-Jews, I think that's what you're after.

I don't think its anti anything to point at people who control major mechanisms that our world revolves around.

It could be the buddhists, I'd call them out too.

Is Judaism not a religion?

Are the locally born 'Jewish' population of Israel not actually Israeli by race and Jewish by religion?

Its amazing to me how we can criticise every religion without issue - yet to criticise the Jewish religion is anti-semetic and a hate crime.

Anyone care to pick apart my ignorance?

it is NOT anti-semitic to criticize a jew's ACTIONS, not for his race, religion, long beard or language, but for a crime he committed... there are prisons in Israel too, they are not ALL good people, far from it...

and the elite that controls the planet are the ZIONISTS, many of them are jews, but not all

the people who get put off by the truth are not worth our time, they're followers, they'll never turn into activists or do anything for the cause of humanity

I dont agree. People get turned off until they learn the truth. Which they cant do if they get all defensive about terms.

have you ever looked at why jews think people hate them vs why people actually hate them. if jews aren't gonna acknowledge any of their very obvious faults, I don't see anything happening. stop discriminating and treat jews equally.

It is better to call them Zionists. Zionist does not specifically mean any one religion or race even though we all know we mean they cannot use our free speech as a weapon against us if we use the word zionist.

Yes I agree.

is that better?

Okay that clears it up a bit cheers :)